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  • Tolosa, Bogale (2015)
    Vitamin D is one of the basic vitamins required by our body for maintaining stable health conditions and to have stronger bone structure. In countries where there is shortage of sunlight exposure (like in Northern European countries) the oral intake of vitamin D either from dietary source or from supplementing tablets is very essential. This study aimed to analyze stability of vitamin D2 originating from bio-enriched yeast in baking process and focused to investigate impact of such yeast on bread quality. Impact of mixing time (intensity), baking temperature-time combinations and effect of two different storage conditions were studied. The presence of vitamin D2 containing bio-enriched yeast as an ingredient didn't affect the quality of bread. Overall breads obtained from all designed protocols have shown low specific volume, fine and evenly distributed porosity on the crumb structure. Variation of mixing time or baking regime did not influence on the stability of vitamin D2. Furthermore, bread storage conditions, which were considered with in this study, didn’t affect the stability of vitamin D2. Vitamin D2 from bioenriched yeast has shown stability in wheat dough baking.
  • Alam, Syed Ashraful (2006)
    The study focuses on the potential roles of the brick making industries in Sudan in deforestation and greenhouse gas emission due to the consumption of biofuels. The results were based on the observation of 25 brick making industries from three administrative regions in Sudan namely, Khartoum, Kassala and Gezira. The methodological approach followed the procedures outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For predicting a serious deforestation scenario, it was also assumed that all of wood use for this particular purpose is from unsustainable sources. The study revealed that the total annual quantity of fuelwood consumed by the surveyed brick making industries (25) was 2,381 t dm. Accordingly, the observed total potential deforested wood was 10,624 m3, in which the total deforested round wood was 3,664 m3 and deforested branches was 6,961 m3. The study observed that a total of 2,990 t biomass fuels (fuelwood and dung cake) consumed annually by the surveyed brick making industries for brick burning. Consequently, estimated total annual emissions of greenhouse gases were 4,832 t CO2, 21 t CH4, 184 t CO, 0.15 t N20, 5 t NOX and 3.5 t NO while the total carbon released in the atmosphere was 1,318 t. Altogether, the total annual greenhouse gases emissions from biomass fuels burning was 5,046 t; of which 4,104 t from fuelwood and 943 t from dung cake burning. According to the results, due to the consumption of fuelwood in the brick making industries (3,450 units) of Sudan, the amount of wood lost from the total growing stock of wood in forests and trees in Sudan annually would be 1,466,000 m3 encompassing 505,000 m3 round wood and 961,000 m3 branches annually. By considering all categories of biofuels (fuelwood and dung cake), it was estimated that, the total emissions from all the brick making industries of Sudan would be 663,000 t CO2, 2,900 t CH4, 25,300 t CO, 20 t N2O, 720 t NOX and 470 t NO per annum, while the total carbon released in the atmosphere would be 181,000 t annually.
  • Córdova Castro, Raúl Clemente (2007)
    Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are seen as an important part of sustainable forest management practices principally for their undoubted role in poverty reduction when used as safety nets for the poor in rural livelihoods. The aim of this study was to analyse the perceptions, uses and importance of the different NTFPs for the people of Santa Rosa’s community through the evaluation and categorization of the different NTFPs components, such as species (plants and animals), utilized parts, products and categories of use. Data of 143 NTFPs (89 plants & 54 animal sp) were scientifically collected, registered, identified, categorized and analysed in order to have a wider understanding of their importance, perceptions and resource availability from the point of view of the community people. To measure qualitatively and quantitatively the importance of the different NTFPs a simple and participative method named by the researcher “simple selection & elimination” was applied. The results show a clear tendency of prioritization of plant and animal use as NTFPs. In both NTFP groups, community people prioritized the products with medicinal applications (medicinal plants and some animal parts are the first health care resources) followed by products used as food. Many of the plant species are cultivated in small scale, and the contribution of wild fruits is important. In the case of animal species, wild meat is in the majority of the cases the only protein source which balances the diet of the people. The availability of wild animals, specially rodents, is still good. The NTFPs with some commercial value are the least prioritized mainly due to the isolation of the community and the lack of a well established commercialization chain. Finally, it is important to remark the great role of NTFPs in sustaining the rural livelihoods of Santa Rosa’s people by contributing to medicinal, nutritional, cash income generation, construction, cultural and religious needs
  • Markkula, Anniina (2016)
    New products are being introduced to the markets constantly and a big portion of them fail within the first few years of launch (Sivadas & Dwyer 2000). Lack of market understanding is a commonly mentioned cause of new product failure (Baker & Hart 1999, 356). Dynamic launch strategies allow for changes to be made to the launch strategy based on market information at the time of the actual launch in attempt to improve the success of it. New technologies offer new ways of interacting with consumers and acquiring timely consumer and market information. This thesis looked at the perquisites that affect the usability of QR codes as a way to acquire consumer information during a dynamic new product launch. Cui et al. (2011) dynamic model of a new product launch was used as the basis of the theoretical framework of the study. An online survey was constructed with questions on factors affecting consumers’ willingness to use QR codes on a new product package and factors affecting their willingness to give personal information through a QR code. The survey yielded 104 responses that were statistically analyzed using IBM SPSS modeler. The findings of the study suggest that perceived ease of use of QR codes has an effect on consumer’s likelihood of scanning codes. In addition to ease of use there needs to be relevant incentives for consumers to be willing to scan QR codes and give personal information. Findings suggest that opportunity to receive a discount coupon, acquire more information about a product or an opportunity to give feedback about the product could work as incentives for scanning a QR code on a new product package. These were not however seen as strong incentives for giving personal information, indicating that stronger benefits are needed to motivate consumers. This study gives insight into the usability of QR codes, but the skewed demographic background of the respondents and limited findings related to incentives of giving personal information indicate that more research is needed on the topic.
  • Esfahani, Reza (2016)
    Wastewater produced by the mining industry can be very acidic and high in dissolved metals. If released to the environment, it initiates diverse issues some of which are increasing acidity and high heavy metal concentrations. Wastewater treatment is traditionally done by using manufactured chemicals which is neither environmentally nor economically sound. The use of industrial by-product geomaterials is a low-cost alternative wastewater treatment method as these materials are anyway produced in other industries. In wastewater treatment with geomaterials, the element removal mechanism is based on precipitation and surface adsorption which are highly pH dependent. In this study, acidic multimetal wastewater from Talvivaara was treated with three byproducts (steel slag, apatite mine tailings and Sachtofer PR) of Finnish industries. Waste water was incubated with geomaterials for 1, 7 and 21 days, then titrated to pH 7. Effect of geomaterials and time on waste water pH and base consumption required to increasing the pH, as well as on concentrations of iron, aluminum, nickel, zinc, manganese, sodium and sulfur were studied. Untreated wastewater pH decreased with time due to hydrolyses of metals. Oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron also seemed to contribute to acidification of wastewater. Thus the base consumption increased significantly with incubation time. Among the used solids, steel slag most efficiently increased pH and consequently decreased the consumed base. Steel slag also showed the best results in element removal. It removed all or significant amount of dissolved iron, aluminum, nickel, manganese and sulfur. Tailings and Sachtofer PR showed poor results regarding element concentration by releasing several elements to the solution.
  • Suurnäkki, Jessi (2019)
    Universal Internet has a major role in facilitating information search for consumers. What visitors do online, how their behaviour can be predicted and influenced are one of the most important questions that web site developers and marketing specialists try to figure out. A comprehensive understanding of online behaviour has become a necessity for the success of websites. As there are more and more websites offering similar products to consumers, it is significant to increase the usability of the website and make it easy to find. While some consumers go directly to websites, some use search engines to reach desired websites and others browse websites via referral links. The main research question for this thesis was to analyse what kind of insight Web Analytics reveals about the characteristics of website visitors. The aim for this case study was to highlight with different metrics, the amount of traffic the current marketing tactics have generated and to discuss possible improvements. The theoretical framework of the study was based on the key aspects of the consumer decision process, which focuses on the search of information and the comparison of alternatives before the actual purchase transaction. The study of online purchase behaviour and information search by Comegys et. al. (2006) was in central role of the theoretical framework. As understanding and analysing key metrics played a pivotal role in this research, Plaza (2009) views on the proposed importance of adopting key metrics were used as the basis for the main research question. A pharmaceutical company was the cooperative company of this thesis. The research of the thesis was based on a case study inspecting the web analytics data of the case company’s Finnish and Danish websites. The characteristics of web site visitors were investigated through Google Analytics and web site visitors’ actions on the sites depending on their traffic source were also examined. All the relevant data concerning of consumer behaviour and decision process was collected from the Google Analytics data. The case study of this thesis examined eleven different web metrics collected from two websites during a period of twelve months. With Google Analytics data, the number of visits on a web site and the source of traffic, including organic results from search engines, links from referral web pages or direct access by entering the URL into the web browser was analysed. All these three traffic sources were viewed as different kinds of consumer behaviour. The findings in this study showed that for the case company’s Finnish website, visits generated by search engines bring the most traffic among the selected traffic sources followed by direct traffic and referral traffic. As for Danish web site, the organic traffic remains the source of most traffic while referral visits are the second largest group leaving direct traffic to be the smallest group. The findings from the data show that as the theoretical literature proposed, return visitors did spend a longer time on the site and viewed more pages than new visitors. Both visitor groups - new and returning visitors - spent more time at the web site when they used direct traffic. Findings show that case company websites were highly comparable. Key findings relating to traffic sources and demographics showed only minor differences and can therefore be compared with full confidence.
  • Ahlholm, Juulia (2018)
    Since 2004 the Finnish Ayrshire Breeders' Society has offered a Canadian conformation classification system to its members via the cooperation with Ayrshire-Canada. The Canadian classification system differs from the Nordic system and has e.g. udder texture as a new trait describing udder softness and elasticity. The research objective was to estimate the genetic variation of udder texture and its correlation to production traits and somatic cell count and udder conformation traits in the Finnish Ayrshire cows. The data from the Finnish Ayrshire Breeders contained phenotypic records on the 1st lactation cows in 2011–2017. Finnish Animal Breeding Association (Faba osk) provided pedigree, herd, yield, insemination and calving information for the cows. The final data set for statistical analyses contained records on 3303 cows. The fixed effects of the traits were investigated by analysis of variance (R program lm). The variance and covariance components of the traits were analysed with Bayesian methodology resorting to the R program MCMCglmm. The heritabilities for the first lactation traits were 0,34 for milk yield, 0,26 for protein yield and 0,26 for fat yield and 0,10 for logarithmic somatic cell count (SCS). The heritability of udder conformation traits were from 0,13 for fore udder up to 0,47 for teat length. The heritability of udder texture was 0,15. The genetic correlation of udder texture with production traits were all negative: -0,36 – -0,34, and zero with SCS. The genetic correlations of udder texture with other udder conformations traits were positive with the highest being with mammary system (0,52), median suspensory (0,51) and udder depth (0,45). The data was representative and sufficiently large, as the heritabilities for production traits were similar to those found earlier and the accuracy of estimates was satisfactory. The longevity can be measured by the total number of lactations. The variation in this number was mainly explained by the milk yield and SCS of the first lactation records. Among the respective udder conformation traits, also the median suspensor and udder depth were significant. Because the udder texture is correlated with the latter ones, its contribution to the variation was not significant. Udder texture has a reasonable amount of genetic variation and is positively genetically correlated with other udder conformation traits, in particular with mammary system, median suspensory and udder depth. The use of the udder texture as an indicator trait for longevity would require a larger data volume. People who use the Finnish Ayrshire Breeder's AF-class-system should have all their cows assessed so the research and selection would have access to records covering a representative variation range.
  • Haapanen, Mariia Micaela (2021)
    Formation of methane as a biogas from acetate through methanogenesis could be very energy efficient and economically feasible. The acetate utilisation through aceticlastic pathway in methanogenic archaea Methanosarcina is well understood, yet the regulation of acetate utilisation is mainly unknown. The study focused on determination of the time frame of the initiation periods of protein syntheses via bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) and copper catalysed click chemistry in Methanosarcina acetivorans and Methanosarcina barkeri, during a long lag phase (around 25 days) after growth substrate was shifted from methanol to acetate. In two experiments the proteins translated after the substrate shift (newly synthetised proteins) were labelled with methionine surrogates via BONCAT and tagged with fluorescent dye and a biotin tag via click chemistry for further detections. To have more complete understanding of the substrate shift acetate concentrations were observed via nuclear magnetic resonance and cell density was monitored via optical density measurements. Only rough time frames of the initiation periods of protein syntheses in both organisms could be estimated from the gel detection of fluorescent tagged proteins. The results indicate that acetate consumption and de-novo protein translation occurs early after substrate switch. In conclusion, the overall utilisation of BONCAT in the labelling of newly synthetised proteins to provide information about the beginning of protein synthesis after substrate shift in Methanosarcina was successful. I was able to detect newly synthetised proteins in both experiments and estimate time windows for beginning of protein syntheses. The information of time windows helps further research to identify the proteins in substrate shift and understand the regulation of substrate shift in Methanosarcina.
  • Lehto, Anniina (2019)
    Peat is currently the most important raw material for growing media in horticulture. For a while now, alternative raw materials have been tested since there is a demand for more sustainable substrates for horticultural production. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of different Sphagnum L. biomass containing growing media on the vegetative and generative growth on Pelargonium L´Hér and Begonia L., and to determine how the different growing media affect the longevity of the plant in water deficit. There were two types of Sphagnum biomass used for the study and there were eight different compositions of Sphagnum based growing media in total. The growing media consisted of varying amounts of Sphagnum fibre and peat. Peat was amended with either 100%, 75%, 25% or 0% of Sphagnum fibre. 47 days from the beginning of the experiment some of the Begonias and Pelargoniums were transferred to a water deficit treatment in national plant phenotyping infrastructure (NaPPI) for non-destructive imaging. The results showed that the Pelargoniums cultivated in Sphagnum-based growing media had higher fresh and dry weights than the ones cultivated in 100% peat. With Begonia, there were no differences in fresh or dry weights of the plants between the treatments. The leaf areas were in trend with the fresh and dry weights. The higher the fresh and dry weights, the higher was the leaf area. There were no differences in the onset of flowering or the number of flowers in the plants between the different growing media for Pelargonium or Begonia. There were no notable morphological differences in the plants between the treatments either, which indicates that the Sphagnum fibre did not affect the ornamental value of Pelargonium and Begonia. In the water deficit treatment, there were no differences between the growing media in any of the values measured. The results indicate that the vegetative and generative growth of Pelargonium and Begonia on Sphagnum-based growing media was on acceptable level for production. Considering these results, Sphagnum biomass could be used in the growing media to replace peat, either partially or completely, for at least certain ornamentals.
  • Ching, Wan Lih Jr (2018)
    Bifidobacteria confer various health benefits to the host. Bifidobacterial growth can be promoted by caseinomacropeptide (CMP), which is the potential oligosaccharides-bearing portion of the κ-casein (κ-CN) in milk. This project was carried out to study the utilization of bovine glycosylated CMP by Bifidobacterium infantis ATCC 15697, B. bifidum ATCC 29521, and B. longum ATCC 15707 as well as to investigate the growth-promoting effect of CMP on these strains. Two types of media, namely the basal chemically-defined medium (bCDM) and the nutrient-rich medium known as de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS), were employed to achieve respective research objectives. The formula of the bCDM was developed by addition technique. It was found that L-cysteine, magnesium and manganese were needed by all the strains, and additionally, thiamin and nicotinic acid were essential for the growth of B. bifidum ATCC 29521. Since more than 70% of the glycosylated chains attached to a CMP are terminated with sialic acid residues, the cell counts and bound sialic acid contents in the media after incubation were analysed. Higher cell counts and lower bound sialic acid contents were found in the inoculated media supplemented with CMP as compared to unsupplemented group. Unexpectedly, slower microbial death, instead of growth, was observed in all inoculated bCDM+CMP in comparison to bCDM. It was also surprising to discover that B. bifidum ATCC 29521 and B. longum ATCC 15707 can utilize the glycosylated chains despite that no sialidase has ever been isolated from them. As a conclusion, B. infantis ATCC 15697 can cleave and utilize sialic acids, but not other glycans, that are attached to the glycosylated CMPs; while both B. bifidum ATCC 29521 and B. longum ATCC 15707 can cleave terminal sialic acid residues, followed by the utilization of the glycans attached to the glycosylated CMPs other than sialic acids. It was also found that bovine CMP can exert a similar growth-promoting effect on all three strains. From an industrial point of view, it is feasible to add the bovine CMP into the bifidobacterial growth medium to enhance their growth. Further study is warranted to characterize the sialidases present in B. bifidum ATCC 29521 and B. longum ATCC 15707.
  • Waldén, Maria (2021)
    Global environmental challenges have increased the demand for materials originating from renewable sources. Fungal cell biomass (FCB) is an enzyme industry byproduct, of which protein-polysaccharide composition could provide such material. The aim of this master’s thesis was to investigate functionality of FCB in two dispersions: emulsion and foam. Three fractions (FCB-W, FCB-N and FCB-E) were prepared and their solubility, zeta potential and particle size were studied to understand their behavior in dispersions. The hypothesis was that FCB fractions could form stable emulsions and foams, which was measured by emulsion stability and foam layer volume over time. Supporting the hypothesis, FCB fractions formed moderately stable emulsions. Especially FCB-N fraction showed potential to form stable O/W emulsion. Creaming and sedimentation were the main instabilities observed during storage, without coalescence. Contrary to the hypothesis, FCB fractions did not form stable foams, however FCB-W fraction produced better foam structure. Non-foaming could be advantageous during emulsification. Differences in dispersion stabilities could be explained by different protein-polysaccharide compositions of the fractions influencing their solubility, zeta potential and particle size, thus differentiating their interactions and functionality in dispersions. To conclude, FCB fractions have potential to provide more sustainable emulsifiers for industry. To optimize its functionality in emulsions, further research of the effect of particle size reduction or alkaline pH on emulsion stability is necessary, whereas deeper understanding of the role of proteins in foaming ability could reveal further possibilities for utilization of FCB.
  • Binte Mostafiz, Suraiya (2014)
    Plant production in soilless systems is attracting increased interest day by day. The major reason for these interest is the fact that soilless medium can help to eliminate soil-borne diseases and give an understanding of plant nutritional requirements. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the suitability of chemically and physically modified wood shavings as growing media for horticultural crop production. Five different wood shavings derived from Scots pine trees, namely untreated wood, heat treated wood, organic acid treated wood, Q-Treat, Q-Treat and organic acid treated wood, along with mixtures of peat and Q-Treat as 50/50 v/v (P50Q50), 25/75 (v/v) (P25Q75) and peat (control ) were used. In order to assess the characteristics of the growing media phytotoxicity, pH, water holding capacity, N immobilization, EC, water content of the substrates were analysed. Plant performances on the substrates was evaluated by observing the vegetative and generative growth of Hosta ‘Golden Tiara’ and strawberry ‘Elsanta’ plants. Q-Treat, organic acid treated wood and P50Q50 showed a high water holding capacity. No nitrogen immobilization was observed in Q-Treat. At the same time, EC and water content of the substrates were favourable for both Hosta ‘Golden Tiara’ and strawberry production. Hosta ‘Golden Tiara’ plants grew satisfactorily on all the substrates but the visual quality of the plants was unacceptable on untreated wood. For strawberry, vegetative growth was strong on peat and P50Q50. Least runners were formed on P25Q75 and all of the wood substrates. However, the yield from strawberries was highest on peat and P25Q75. The quality of strawberry fruits on wood substrates was equal to that on peat. In conclusion, based on the results obtained in this experiment, 50% of peat may be replaced by 50% Q-Treat in soilless cultivation for Hosta ‘Golden Tiara’ and 75% of peat may be replaced by Q-Treat in soilless strawberry production.
  • Mohammad, Imangholiloo (2017)
    Land use and land cover maps are vital sources of information for many uses. Recently, the use of high resolution and open access satellite images are being preferred for mapping large areas. Sentinel satellites exhibit such valuable traits. This study was designed to analyze the potential of Sentinel-1A SAR images for land use mapping in Pakistan. Machine learning methods were employed for image analysis. Random forest classifier algorithm performed significantly better than others in the training step. Thus, we took the model for tuning parameters. After several image processing steps, we classified the final image to 23 classes and achieved 42 % of an overall accuracy. The present study showed the potential advantages of using Sentinel-1 images in land use mapping besides highlighting some characteristics of Sentinel-1A images. This study also compares the results with an earlier study using Landsat-8 optical multispectral images over the same area. Similar to the prior study, overestimation in dominant classes and underestimation in rare classes were observed. The method and findings of this study could be beneficial for future studies in the use of Sentinel-1A images for land use/cover mapping over large areas.
  • Simula, Juhana (2020)
    Single Photon LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a novel and promising technology that can make laser scanning faster and cheaper. Compared to typical linear mode LiDARs (LML), SPL (Single Photon LiDAR) can be operated from higher altitude which means wider bandwidth on ground and a larger scanning area at once. Due to capability of SPL systems to create denser point clouds than current typical LML systems, the flight altitude can be higher in SPL which means quick remote sensing data collations abilities over large areas. Additionally, SPL can penetrate thin clouds and fog which gives airborne ALS better time frame as flight can be operated earlier in the morning than with LML. To the best of authors knowledge, this is pioneering research in Finland to analyse the applicability of SPL in Finnish forests and compare it with LML dataset. This thesis focuses on applying and comparing two LiDAR systems (SPL and LML) for extracting individual tree level (ITD) forest inventorying attributes and generating canopy height models in mature forests. Results were validated over 49 field measured plots, located in southern boreal forest. Additionally, the suitability of two crown segmentation methods (local maxima and watershed) were tested in both datasets. Watershed segmentation method yielded more accurate results for tree density and height estimation in both LML and SPL datasets. Tree density was underestimated by 4.7% (rRMSE: 32.3%) for all species. Comparing tree density estimation in different species, it was most accurate in deciduous plots (rRMSE: 17.0%, rBias: -9.5). Tree height estimation with SPL was highly correlated (R 2=0.93) with field-measured height and reliability accurate with underestimation of 3.4% (rRMSE of 7.0%). Comparing the tree height estimation in different species, it was most accurate between pine plots (rRMSE: 1.1%, rBias: 4.9%). In this research, SPL represented reliable and usable point cloud data for forest remote sensing and quality similar to LML. As expected, SPL had more deviation and higher bias compared to LML in tree density but yielded more accurate results for height estimations. Further studies with more accurate geolocated plots and individual tree maps are required. The hypothesis, the applicability of SPL data for forest inventorying and extracting tree density and tree height in mature forests, is valid.
  • Lindeberg, Jonas Erik Waldemar (2020)
    I Finland fungerade ett statligt skördeförsäkringsprogram mellan åren 1976-2015. Programmet täckte majoriteten av odlingsgrödorna och samtliga lantbrukare deltog kostnadsfritt i programmet. Det var dock mycket ineffektivt och hela 60% av de finländska gårdarna hade aldrig erhållit ersättning ur programmet. Orsaken var att hela gårdens skördeförluster på samtliga grödor måste vara under en låg nivå för att redogöra för en ersättning. Detta var sällan verkligheten på gårdarna. Reformen i EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik (CAP) år 2015 innebar bredare EU stöd för privata-statliga samarbeten på skördeförsäkringsmarknaden. Som en följd av detta avslutades det statliga programmet i Finland i syfte att ge rum för privata försäkringsbolag på marknaden. Denna övergång skedde dock aldrig och idag är det enbart ett stort försäkringsbolag som erbjuder skördeförsäkringar överhuvudtaget. Den totalt stagnerade marknaden för skördeförsäkringar Finland bör återupplivas, därav denna avhandling. Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka hur en indexskördeförsäkring baserat på väderfenomenen nederbördsmängd samt medeltemperatur, skulle fungera i Finland. De statistiska sambanden mellan ovannämnda variabler och skördenivåerna vårvete och korn granskades i syfte att undersöka ifall en tillräckligt stark korrelation förekommer mellan dem. En nederbördsförsäkring simulerades även med en lämplig kalkylmodell. Materialet för regressionsanalysen samt korrelationstesten bestod av lokala skördenivåer och nederbördsmängder insamlade av Sydvästra skördekontrollföreningen, som är en medlemsförening i Nylands Svenska Lantbrukssällskap. Data gällande medeltemperaturen samt övrig nederbördsmängd härstammar från Meteorologiska institutets arkiv. Det förekom en medelmåttigt stark korrelation (r 0.52) mellan vårvete och nederbördsmängd Mellan kornskörden och nederbördsmängden var korrelationen inte signifikant och med ett r 0.29 Medeltemperaturen var signifikant, medelmåttigt negativt korrelerad med både vårvete- och kornskördarna. Med vårvete var korrelationsvärdet r -0,496 och med korn -0,432. Den negativ korrelationen lär bero på det faktum att heta växtperioder även fört med sig perioder av torka vilket påverkat skördenivåerna negativt. Resultaten från regressionsanalysen gav en förklaringsgrad på 0.468 vilket innebär att 46.8% av variationen i vårveteskörden kan förklaras med nederbördsmängden och medeltemperaturen. Nederbördsmängden hade den största inverkan på skördenivån eftersom dess p värde var signifikant på en 1% signifikansnivå. Med en kalkylmodell simulerades en nederbördsindexförsäkring. Nederbördsdata från alla 15 NTM centraler i Finland undersöktes. Resultaten visar att det vore lönsamt för försäkringsbolagen eftersom utbetalningar inte sker varje år. Förekomsten av systemisk risk är dock närvarande och måste tas i beaktande i prissättningen. För försäkringstagaren vore det även lönsamt eftersom försäkringen ger utbetalningar i de fallen då torka påverkat skördenivåerna mycket negativt. Sammanfattningsvis kunde konstateras att eftersom en påvisad efterfråga för indexförsäkringar samt en korrelation mellan variablerna finns, skulle en sådan fungera. Det krävs mer forskning i vilka variabler som minimerar risken och korrelerar maximalt med skördenivåerna. Data på lokalnivå behövs granskas eftersom hela ladets medeltal nödvändigtvis inte korrelerar med enskilda gårdars.
  • Heikkilä, Meri (2018)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia haasteita yrityksen tulisi ottaa huomioon ERP-implementoinnissa ja miten näiden haasteiden huomioimisella voidaan vaikuttaa ERP-implementoinnin onnistumiseen. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi aikaisempia tieteellisiä tutkimuksia koskien ERP-projekteja. Tieteellisissä tutkimuksissa viitataan ERP-implementointien erittäin korkeaan epäonnistumisprosenttiin. ERP-implementointien korkea epäonnistumisprosentti kuvastaa tutkimuksen ajankohtaisuutta ja tärkeyttä. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään myös muutosjohtamista sekä liiketoiminnan uudelleensuunnittelua, jotka ovat keskeisessä roolissa ERP-projekteissa. Tämä tutkimus tehtiin laadullisena tutkimuksena ja haastattelut toteutettiin puolistrukturoidulla menetelmällä. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa nousee esille selkeästi se, että ERP-projektit osoittautuvat lopulta kuviteltua haasteellisemmiksi. Tutkimustuloksissa erityiseen asemaan nousivat implementointiin varatut liian niukat henkilöstöresurssit, ennalta suunnitellun aikataulun venyminen sekä muutoksen tuoman työkuorman epätasainen jakautuminen henkilöstön yksittäisille jäsenille. Erityisen suuria haasteita ERP-implementoinnille loivat projektipäällikön puuttuminen, henkilöstön ylikuormittuminen sekä liiketoimintaprosessien selkeiden kuvausten puuttuminen. Tutkimuksen tuloksien perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kaikki ERP-projektit olivat epäonnistuneita. Tulokset tukevat aikaisempia tutkimuksia, koska myös aikaisemmissa tutkimustuloksissa ERP-projektit on todettu usein epäonnistuneiksi.
  • Elovainio, Hanna (2013)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää pakkauksen eri elementtien merkitys kuluttajan ostopäätöksessä Arla Ingmanin uuden Yoggi Squeeze -pakkauskonseptin avulla. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää uuden tuotteen kohderyhmä. Tuotteen kohderyhmää etsittiin erilaisten elämäntyylien kautta. Elämäntyyliä puolestaan käsiteltiin Grunertin ym. (1993) kehittämän Food related lifestyle -mallin avulla. Muodostettujen elämäntyyliryhmien kautta tarkasteltiin kuluttajien käyttökokemuksia sekä ostokiinnostusta tutkimuksen kohteena olevaan tuotteeseen. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa käsiteltiin uuden tuotteen lanseerausta ja erityisesti pakkausta osana yrityksen lanseerauspäätöksiä. Tämän lisäksi käsiteltiin elintarvikkeiden valintaa sekä elämäntyyliin perustuvaa segmentointia. Lisäksi esiteltiin Food related lifestyle -mallin avulla tehtyjä aikaisempia tutkimuksia. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa osassa. Esitutkimuksena suoritettiin fokusryhmähaastatteluja, joiden kautta tutkimuksen kohdetta pyrittiin ymmärtämään paremmin. Esitutkimuksesta saadun tiedon pohjalta muodostettiin kyselylomake ja suoritettiin kyselytutkimus kahdessa ostopaikassa pääkaupunkiseudulla. Pakkausta käsiteltiin sen eri elementtien kautta, joita ovat pakkauksen koko, muoto, siinä käytettävät väri ja kuvat, pakkauksen tarjoama tieto, käytännöllisyys sekä pakkauksen materiaali ja ympäristöystävällisyys. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että vastaajat arvostavat pakkauksen helppoa avattavuutta, käytännöllisyyttä ja monipuolisia pakkauskokoja. Elämäntyylejä tarkasteltiin elämäntyyliulottuvuuksien kautta, joita ovat ostomotiivit, käyttötilanteet, tuotteen ominaisuudet, ostotavat sekä ruuan valmistaminen. Ryhmittelyanalyysin kautta vastaajista muodostettiin viisi elämäntyyliryhmää, joita olivat 'Konservatiiviset', 'Sitoutumattomat', 'Tunnolliset', 'Herkuttelijat' ja 'Tuoteuskolliset'. 'Konservatiiviset' arvostivat suunnitelmallisuutta ja säännöllisyyttä. 'Sitoutumattomat' eivät olleet oikeastaan kiinnostuneita elintarvikkeista lainkaan. 'Tunnolliset' puolestaan arvostivat tuotteen ravinnollista arvoa ja luonnonmukaisuutta. 'Herkuttelijat' arvostivat tuotteen helppoutta ja makua. 'Tuoteuskolliset' ostivat usein vain saman valmistajan tuotteita, mutta olivat kuitenkin myös kiinnostuneita uusista tuotteista. He olivat myös kaikista ryhmistä kiinnostuneimpia ostamaan tutkimuskohteena olevan Yoggi Squeeze -tuotteen.
  • Nikkilä, Ida (2017)
    The literature review of this master’s thesis dealt with polysaccharide based hydro- and aerogels and their preparation methods and characterization. TEMPO/laccase-catalyzed oxidation was also included in the literature review. The aim of the experimental part of this thesis was to prepare hydrogels by TEMPO/laccase-catalyzed oxidation and study how the oxidation changed the rheological and chemical characteristics of the polysaccharides. The hydrogels were also dried to produce hydrogels via lyophilization and their characteristics were determined. The degree of oxidation of the hydrogels was analyzed by the GC-MS method. The viscoelastic properties of the hydrogels were studied by oscillation measurements. The compressive modulus of the aerogels was determined by means of a compression test. The morphology of the aerogels was studied with the help of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The studied polysaccharides were arabinoxylan, glucomannan, galactomannan and xyloglucan. Due to the oxidation, a change in the viscoelastic behaviour could be seen between the native and oxidised polysaccharides. The rheological test revealed that the native polysaccharides were viscous liquids (G' > G'') and oxidized polysaccharides formed elastic hydrogels (G' > G''). The degree of oxidation of the hydrogels varied 3,3–11,7 %. The hydrogels were dried using two different freezing methods, unidirectional and conventional, and they were freeze-dried into aerogels without significant shrinkage. The density of the aerogels varied 0,017–0,030 g/mm3. The compressive modulus of the aerogels was 108‒1184 kPa depending on the polysaccharide. The SEM images revealed that unidirectional freezing resulted in pores that were parallelly oriented with the freezing direction. Unidirectionally frozen aerogels were stronger than conventionally frozen aerogels when the compression was oriented against the freezing direction. This was the first time that TEMPO/laccase catalyzed oxidation was used to prepare arabinoxylan and glucomannan hydro- and aerogels. The arabinoxylan and glucomannan aerogels were mechanically stronger than previously studied aerogels that have been prepared by enzymatic oxidation.
  • Kekäläinen, Sonja (2017)
    Elintarvikepakkauksen tehtävänä on suojata elintarviketta ja pidentää sen säilyvyyttä. Aktiivisessa elintarvikepakkauksessa pakkaus tai sen komponentit sekä elintarvike ovat vuorovaikutuksissa toistensa kanssa. Polysakkaridiaerogeelit ovat huokoisia ja kevyitä materiaaleja, joista ollaan kehittämässä uusia pakkausmateriaaleja. Polysakkaridiaerogeeleillä on kyky sitoa tai vapauttaa haluttuja yhdisteitä. Ne ovat vedellä tai vesipohjaisella liuoksella paisuneita geelejä ja ovat hydrofiilisiä eli vesihakuisia materiaaleja. Aerogeelit valmistetaan hydrogeeleistä poistamalla geelin nestemäinen osuus, esimerkiksi haihduttamalla vesi pois hydrogeelistä. Heksanaali on aldehydi, jota muodostuu rasvojen hapettumisen yhteydessä. Se on herkästi haihtuva yhdiste, jolla on havaittu olevan voimakkaita antimikrobisia ominaisuuksia patogeenisiä mikro-organismeja vastaan. Heksanaalin käyttömahdollisuuksia elintarvikepakkaussovelluksissa on tutkittu vihannesten ja hedelmien säilyvyyden parantajana. Sen sijaan heksanaalin ja muiden haihtuvien aldehydien tuotosta pakkausmateriaaleissa, saati niiden hyödyntämisestä aerogeeleissä ei ole vielä tutkimustietoa. Erittäin haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden käyttöä pakkausmateriaalissa rajoittaa haihtuvien yhdisteiden toiminta, joka on melko ohimenevää, ja se vaatisi jatkuvaa aineiden lisäämistä pakkaukseen. Aiheesta tehtyjen esikokeiden perusteella tutkimusaihetta voidaan kuitenkin pitää lupaavana. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää aerogeelimatriisi heksanaalin tuottamiseksi, jotta tulevaisuudessa menetelmää voitaisiin hyödyntää elintarvikepakkauksissa. Työn kokeellisessa osassa selvitettiin, voidaanko heksanaalia tuottaa polysakkaridiaerogeeleissä auringonkukkaöljystä, entsyymikatalysoidun hapettumisen avulla. Työssä selvitettiin myös valmistusaineiden ja substraattien komponenttisuhteet. Tässä työssä aerogeelit valmistettiin kuusen galaktoglukomannaanista (GGM) pakkaskuivauksen avulla. Heksanaalia muodostui, kun matriisissa oleva lipoksigenaasientsyymi katalysoi hapettumisreaktiota, jonka seurauksena heksanaalia muodostui ja vapautui. Heksanaalin vapautumista aerogeelimatriisista määritettiin kiinteäfaasimikrouuton ja kaasukromatografi-massaspektrometrin (SPME-GC-MS) avulla. Heksanaalin muodostumista ja vapautumista seurattiin säilytyskokeen avulla. GGM-aerogeelejä säilytettiin lämpötiloissa 4 ˚C, 10 ˚C ja 20 ˚C, ilman suhteellisen kosteuden ollessa <10 %, sekä ilman suhteellisissa kosteuksissa <10 %, 54 % ja 76 %, lämpötilan ollessa 20 ˚C. Toistokoe suoritettiin ilman suhteellisen kosteuden ollessa <10 % ja lämpötilassa 20 ˚C. Lipoksigenaasientsyymin määrä säilytyskokeen näytteissä oli 100 yksikköä öljygrammaa kohden ja lipaasientsyymin määrä oli 20 yksikköä öljygrammaa kohden. GGM-aerogeelien heksanaalin muodostumista ja vapautumista seurattiin yhteensä 14 vuorokauden ajan. Heksanaalia muodostui ja vapautui kaikissa tutkituissa olosuhteissa. Säilytyskokeen perusteella voidaan todeta, että ilman suhteellisilla kosteuksilla ei ole juurikaan vaikutusta heksanaalin muodostumiseen ja vapautumiseen, kun taas eri lämpötiloilla vaikutusta oli selkeästi havaittavissa. Lämpötila-säilytyskokeessa heksanaalia vapautui eniten lämpötilassa 20 ˚C. Sen sijaan matalimmissa lämpötiloissa, 4 ˚C ja 10 ˚C, heksanaalia vapautui hieman vähemmän. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että heksanaalia muodostui ja vapautui GGM-aerogeeleistä riittävä määrä pidentämään kasvisten säilyvyyttä 14 vuorokauden ajan. Tulevaisuudessa sovellusta voisi tutkia myös käytännössä sijoittamalla auringonkukkaöljyemulsiota sisältävää GGM-aerogeeliä kasvista sisältävään elintarvikepakkaukseen.
  • Heikkilä, Maria (2014)
    The aim of this master’s thesis was to find new and more effective production methods for quarg in Valio as consumption of quarg has increased significantly over the last years. The aim was to produce quarg without the separation of whey so that the raw-materials could be utilised better than with the current methods. The suitability of different milk protein concentrates for quarg production and the effect of different enzymes for the structure of quarg were also examined as was chemical and microbiological fermentation. The utilisation of milk was to be kept low, while the protein content of the quarg was to be maintained at a high level. The aim of the literature review was to become acquainted with the composition of milk, the chemistry of the fermentation of quarg, different production methods for quarg and the functions of different enzymes that modify the structure of milk proteins. The quargs were produced from protein concentrates A, B and C, and were fermented with a microbiological starter, gluconodeltalactone and lactic acid. Enzymes that modify the structure of proteins were added in some of the quargs. Additionally, the effect of rennet on the structure of quarg was examined. Both smooth and grainy quargs were produced in this study. Some of the samples were made in a production plant. The functionality of the quargs in baking was examined in the test kitchen in Valio. The sensory quality and consistency of the quargs were compared with the current Valio fat-free quargs. Acidic whey was not formed when the quargs were produced from protein concentrates, because the dry matter content of the concentrates was as high as the dry matter content in the quargs. The dry matter content of the quargs produced in this study was 15 % and protein content 9 %, on average. The quargs made of protein concentrates had to be homogenised in order to soften their grainy structure. Protein concentrate B was best suited for quarg production because of the mild aroma and the whitest appearance and firmest structure of the quargs. The aromatic quargs made of protein concentrate A and protein concentrate C had a strong off-flavour. The enzyme treatments had no effect on the protein content or the flavor of the quargs but they made the quargs considerably firmer. However, at the same time the graininess of the quargs increased. Microbiological fermentation was preferred over chemical fermentation in order to produce quargs with better sensory features. Without rennet the richness of the quargs decreased. The production of quarg was possible in the production plant. The dry matter content of the quargs was too low for baking applications.