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  • Suokari-Pärssinen, Mari (2018)
    The aim of the study was to investigate cornerstones of a communications strategy for a start-up specializing to wood-based packaging materials. These include packaging materials, which are produced in a sustainable way and decrease environmental load with their biodegradability. These cornerstones are basis for a globally profitable and competitive business. Literature review and qualitative interviews were used as a method. The circular economy business model enables a new way to operate and generate competitive advantage for a start-up. The plastics industry claims biodegradability of some forms; the communication challenge of the competitors is to prove these arguments false. Launching world-wide renewable wood-based packaging material to consumers and to packaging industry requires co-operation between all stakeholders. To be a true alternative to plastics, the product must be based on sustainability principles, recyclability and compostability. To avoid greenwashing, all communication must be based on reliable and verifiable information. The developed communications strategy addresses all the aforementioned challenges. The communications strategy focuses on younger generation consumers and rely on their ability to utilize social media in their communications. A circular economy start-up company must outperform plastics packaging manufacturers economically, environmentally and socially with sustainable packaging solutions. Nevertheless, based on this thesis, sustainability is a valid selling and communications argument. The interviews conducted by this thesis support this finding.
  • Shange, Bosaze Rufinga (2013)
    This research focused on sustainable community forest management and policy implications for the biosphere reserve of Luki in the DR- Congo. The purpose of this research was to find out opportunities and options to develop sustainable community forest management at the biosphere reserve of Luki. The research was conducted in the biosphere reserve of Luki located in the southwest of DR- Congo. The human activities threat the biosphere reserve of Luki to be under significant pressure of unsustainable management. The research revealed a number of options and opportunities to establish sustainable community forest management and policies needed to sustain forest ecosystem in the biosphere of Luki. The research uses a qualitative research methods, both primary and secondary data were collected during field work in 2010 through interviews and other various participatory methods. The interviewee includes different local forestry authorities and local community. The results of the research showed that, sustainable community forest management cannot be established in an environment where no effective policy instruments or law enforcement being in place. The results show that, due to political conditions in DR- Congo, the government has not been able to put certain measure to resolve tenure rights. This has remained a difficult issue and challenge that the government has not been able to find an immediate solution. The research recommends the need to develop a sustainable community forest management at the biosphere reserve of Luki. The government needs to clarify the forest code by clearly stating what government wants to do with its vast forest resources, especially in regard to the forest dependent people. A policy framework should be put in place as soon as possible in order for forest institutions to be able to function. The management strategy should be an inclusive process in order to promote equity and multiple use of forest resource at local community level.
  • Kaislasalmi, Emmi; Kaislasalmi, Emmi (2024)
    Laos is regarded as one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. Yet, like in many tropical countries, biodiversity in Laos has been decreasing at an alarming rate. Forest degradation and deforestation have led to many flora and fauna species becoming threatened or even extinct. Furthermore, they have also had detrimental impacts on ecosystem services, compromising human safety and well-being. This research aimed to investigate the floristic diversity and forest structure across different Lao forest categories and understand the socio-ecological implications on forests in Laos. The research was divided into three segments: a forest inventory, interviews with local people within two villages, and an interview with a local forest officer. The forest inventory was conducted in three different forest categories: conservation, protection, and production forests in Luang Prabang Province, using systematic plot sampling. The total sampling size was 1.2 hectares within 60 plots, 20 in each forest site, each plot measuring 200 m2. Furthermore, the interviews with the local people were conducted as focus group discussions in villages near the inventory sites, and the forest officer was interviewed in the city of Luang Prabang. These interviews aimed to understand how socioeconomic and other social factors influence the forests and conservation efforts. The study found significant differences between the forest categories. The conservation and protection forests shared similarities both structurally and in terms of species composition but were different from the production forest. Moreover, the woody and climber species richness were significantly lower in the production forest compared to the two other forest categories. The interviews revealed that the local people depend on access to forests and forest products, but the low-income households were particularly reliant on them. The study also found that even if the local people had positive attitudes towards forest conservation, the lack of alternative livelihood opportunities and insufficient funding are the primary barriers to effective conservation efforts. These findings highlight the need to address the diversity differences between the forest categories through adequate forest planning and management. However, this requires funding, which proved to be one of the critical factors in achieving more effective and sustainable forest management in Laos. The findings also underscore the urgency of addressing socio-economic factors in conservation planning. The study found that diversifying livelihood opportunities is crucial for forest sustainability and human well-being. Future conservation initiatives should enhance socio-economic aspects and the well-being of local people in addition to caring for the environmental aspects. This integrated approach ensures the sustainability of both natural ecosystems and local livelihoods, increasing the potential for sustainable and long-term positive outcomes.
  • Stewart, Erik (2016)
    Heterobasidion annosum s.l. is a devastating forest pathogen species complex which causes extensive damage to timber products in northern Europe. This study examined resistance of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in two field sites in Finland to annosum root rot (Heterobasidion parviporum) utilizing non-clonal stocks of P. abies. The northern field site in Rovaniemi does not have a historical presence of the pathogen, whereas the southern field site in Lapinjärvi has extensive historical presence of the pathogen. The goals of the study were to assess potential difference in susceptibility between the sites, as well as to examine the differences in susceptibility between tissue types and organs in the trees examined. The study inoculated treatment trees with H. parviporum, as well as mock inoculations without the pathogen for control trees. Six inoculations of one treatment type were placed into each of thirty randomly selected trees at both field sites. Three inoculations were done in the stem, and three in the roots, for a total of 360 inoculations. After being left in situ for three months, the trees were harvested, and resulting lesions in the phloem and xylem tissues in both the roots and stem were measured to determine the extent of visible lesion extensions from the inoculation point. Data collected from the experiment was analyzed in the context of three mixed effects models, with the assumption that larger lesions indicated lower resistance to the pathogen. The measurements considered as response variables for the models were the total length of the lesion, total width of the lesion, and total area of the lesion. Results indicated minor overall differences in the lesion sizes between site in the lesion width and lesion area models. Significant differences were found between tissue types in the lesion width, and lesion area models. Additionally, interactions between treatment and organ, as well as treatment and tissue were significant across all models. Several other interactions were significant across some, but not all models The results indicate that further research into the potential effects of historical or geographic isolation on the resistance of P. abies to H. parviporum should include strict genetic controls with crossing of genotypes across sites, and should also consider the differences due to abiotic factors which may influence resistance in field trials.
  • Chambers, Philip (2019)
    Forestry is a hazardous industry globally. Physical conditions, legal frameworks and cultural norms can vary from country to country leading to different approaches to site safety management. There are international, national and regional legislation and guidelines which outline normative approaches land managers can utilise to protect forestry machine operators and the public from accident or injury. In this study, the approaches the health and safety management in forestry operations are assessed in two countries within the European Union –Scotland (as part of the UK member state) and Finland. While both countries practice sustainable forest management, it is shown that this is carried out under different legal frameworks leading to differences in approach to site safety planning. Other factors are shown to have an effect including cultural factors and land ownership patterns.
  • Riihikoski, Roope (2018)
    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to research the usage of different mixed reality devices in sales and marketing. The technology is improving fast and has now abled the mixed reality devices to be more accurate and precise. They can now deliver the expectations that they have not been able to do in the past. Growing number of companies are using this technology in their sales and marketing activities. There are numerous studies made on mixed reality devices but not in the area of sales and marketing. This study wants to find out how MR technologies work in sales and marketing and in different phases. Methods: The study consists of two parts. Study one investigates three groups: customers, companies that want to use MR technologies in sales and marketing and developers who design and create programs to these MR technologies. The groups answered series of marketing and sales related questions after using VR device called HTC VIVE. The first study compares three groups, companies, developers and customers. The second study seeks the differences between developers that an- swered questions related to MR, VR and AR. After these two studies there is a part to find out the goals of using these devices on sales and marketing. Results: The results in the study 1 showed that VR technology works in marketing when customers attention is wanted. In sales, closing a deal and making more profitable co-operation with customers, VR was preferred. The customers were more pessimistic towards VR than companies and developers. In the study two The MR technology was dividing companies and developers the most. VR was the most preferred in both marketing and sales activities. Still overall image of all the groups was positive towards these devices in sales and market- ing. Factor analysis test demonstrated that the goals of the usage of MR devices where loaded in three factors. 1. At the end of the sales and marketing funnel 2. Beginning of the sales and marketing funnel. 3. Branding. Overall the test revealed that MR technology had a positive image among all groups when used in sales and marketing. VR was preferred the most in every sales and marketing activity. AR and MR had differences among developers and companies. Companies preferred MR over AR and developers had an opposite opinion.
  • Neuvonen, Tuomo (2014)
    Energiapuun käyttömäärät ovat kasvaneet viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana huomattavasti. Energiapuun hankinta voidaan hoitaa ainespuun hakkuun kanssa samanaikaisesti integroituna hakkuuna tai erillishakkuuna, jossa hankittu puu menee vain energiakäyttöön. Energiakäyttöön menevästä puusta osa korjataan pieniläpimittaisena kokopuuna, jossa puuta ei erikseen karsita ennen sen haketusta. Kokopuun korjuumenetelmiä on useita, joista tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kokopuun paalausta sekä kokopuun hankintaa korjurilla. Kokopuupaalain on metsätraktorin alustalle kiinnitetty paalainyksikkö, joka sitoo paalainyksikköön syötetyt puut tiiviiksi paaleiksi. Paalainpohjaisen logistiikkaketjun tehokkuuden lisäys perustuu kasvaneeseen metsä- ja kaukokuljetuksen tuottavuuteen ja sen myötä alentuneisiin kustannuksiin. Korjuri pohjautuu myös metsätraktoriin ja huomattavimpana muutoksena tähän on korjuriin asennettu hakkuulaite. Korjurin logistiikkaketjun tehokkuuden lisäys perustuu ketjun metsätoiminnoissa tarvittavaan yksinkertaiseen yhden koneen korjuuketjuun. Korjuri tuottaa kokopuuta irtonaisena. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kokopuupaalaimen ja korjurin toimintamallien eroja aikatutkimuksen avulla sekä vertailla koko logistiikkaketjujen kustannuksia toisiinsa. Tutkittu paalain oli Logman 811FC -alustakoneeseen pohjautuva Fixteri Oy:n valmistama Fixteri II -paalainyksikkö. Vertailukoneena oli Timberjack 810B -metsätraktoripohjainen korjuri. Molemmissa koneissa oli joukkokäsittelevä Nisula 280E+ -hakkuulaite. Paalien lähikuljetus hoidettiin Ponsse Wisent -metsätraktorilla. Koneiden tuottavuuksissa oli huomattavia eroja. Fixterin tuottavuus oli keskimäärin 33 % korjurin tuottavuutta alhaisempaa. Erityisesti Fixterin tuottavuuteen vaikutti sen paalainyksikön prosessoinnin aiheuttama odottamisaika, jolloin koneen kuljettaja ei voinut työskennellä normaalisti. Poistamalla kaiken odottamisen Fixterin tuottavuutta olisi mahdollista nostaa jopa 22 %. Metsäkuljetuksessa paaleja voitiin kuljettaa yhdessä lastissa 80–95 % irtonaista kokopuuta enemmän. Haketuksessa irtopuuaineksen usein vaatima tienvarsihaketus on noin kaksi kertaa terminaali- tai käyttöpaikkahaketusta kalliimpaa. Huolimatta paalien logistiikkaketjun tehokkuudesta ja hintaedusta, tässä tutkimuksessa saatujen tuottavuuksien perusteella ei paalauksen kilpailukyky ole vielä samalla tasolla korjurin kanssa. Mikäli Fixterin paalainyksikön odotusajat saadaan minimoitua, kasvaa Fixterin kilpailukyky huomattavasti. Myös laajemmat, useampia kohteita ja kuljettajia sisältävät vertailututkimukset voisivat tuottaa tarkempaa tietoa näiden menetelmien kustannuseroista. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään myös paalien kuivumista, mutta aikataulusta johtuen tästä ei saatu selviä tuloksia. Alustavat tulokset eivät kuitenkaan osoittaneet paaleille selvää etua kuivumisnopeudessa. Paalien kuivumista tulisikin selvittää tarkemmin pidemmällä aikavälillä.
  • Tukia, Nea (2021)
    The objective of the research was to compare collagen characteristics, general meat quality parameters and carcass characteristics of three different muscles from freely pasturing Mangalitza Red breed and highly bred domestic/commercial pig breed. Collagen content and collagen solubility was analyzed by hydrolyzing the three different muscle samples. Meat quality parameters were analyzed previously by Natural Resources Center (Luke). The pH of Mangalitza LD muscle varied from 5.41 to 5.64, SM muscle from 5.53 to 5.75 and IS muscle from 5.74 to 5.87, IS having higher pH than the two other muscles (P < 0.05). The pH of commercial pig LD muscle varied from 5.47 to 5.75, SM muscle from 5.52 to 5.77, and IS muscle from pH 5.96 to 6.51, IS having higher pH than the two other muscles (P < 0.05). Breed had effect on pH of muscle IS (P < 0.05), but no effect on muscles LD or SM (P > 0.05). The color of muscles of Mangalitza was darker than commercial pig’s in all the three muscles (P< 0.05). In Mangalitza, LD was lighter than SM and IS, but in commercial pigs, LD and SM were lighter than IS (P < 0.05) Collagen content of all three muscles of Mangalitza differed from each other (P < 0.05) and the collagen content of LD and SM were lower (P < 0.05) than of commercial pig’s collagen content. In commercial pig, collagen content of LD and SM muscles were lower than in IS muscle (P < 0.05). Collagen solubility of all three muscles of Mangalitza differed from each other (P < 0.05) and the collagen solubility of SM and IS were lower (P < 0.05) than of commercial pig’s collagen solubility. In commercial pig, collagen solubility of LD and SM muscles were lower than in IS muscle (P < 0.05). In contrast to collagen content, collagen solubility of LD muscles did not differ between the breeds (P > 0.05). The amount and solubility of collagen did not deviate from normal; it can be concluded that this study did not provide any new information other than the collagen content and solubility of Mangalitza Red breeds muscles of LD and SM.
  • Wan, Ziran (2018)
    The objective of this thesis was to compare the effects of thermal modification under saturated steam and flowing steam on the Scots Pine and the Silver Birch, respectively. One method used in this article complied with the basic principles of traditional ThermoWood process. Treatment temperatures were chosen to be 180℃ and 200℃which are widely used in this method. Super-heated steam and flow-through system were applied in this system. Another one followed the principles as Wood Treatment technology (WTT) developed in Denmark. For this treatment, lower temperatures of 125℃ and 145℃ were applied. The treatment was conducted in a closed system with saturated steam. According to my results, modification under 125℃ saturated steam was ineffective for both Scots Pine and Silver Birch. 200℃ flowing steam is most suitable for the Silver Birch modification. While for the Scots Pine, I would recommend 145℃ saturated steam modification, because under this condition, there is a moderate bending and impact strength reduction but effective anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) improvement. The effects of thermal modification are better on the Silver Birch than the Scots Pine. Modification equipment and chosen of modified specimens need to be considered carefully as they influence the wood properties a lot. In general, mass loss as an indicator value to compare different thermal modification methods is not directly recommended.
  • Petruneva, Ekaterina (2015)
    The present work was based on the analysis of glyphosate concentrations in six soil layers after continuous multiple applications of herbicide products and various sampling times during the study period of 2010?2012, and aimed to contribute to a better recognition of the glyphosate persistence in clay soil. Two tillage methods (conventional tillage and no-till) were carried out in two replicates on the experimental field located in Jokioinen, South-Western Finland. This experiment was important for the identification of glyphosate amounts in soil profile and for planning a better field management in the future on the larger scale. Results of the study demonstrated that glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA remained on the field a year after the spraying of the herbicide. Calculated reference degradation rate constants and half-lives were proved to be in a range with literature review. While the impact of tillage methods on the glyphosate retention in soil was not possible to assess by the present study due to the quite sparse nature of the data, the residuals of glyphosate and AMPA at deep layers were almost non-detectable. Study clearly showed that accumulation of glyphosate happens mostly in topsoil, and the leaching potential into deeper layers was quite limited.
  • Michel, Matthieu (2020)
    Hybrid wheat has been the focus of much research for its potential high yield, high protein content and better resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Nowadays, only CHA (Chemical Hybridizing Agent) method is used to induce male sterility at a commercial scale. However, this technique is hard to implement on a large production scale and other methods have been investigated for several years. CMS (Cytoplasmic Male Sterility) has been shown to be a promising way to develop hybrid wheat. However, one downside of the technique is the challenging breeding stage step and the associated conversion and restoration process. To fully express the potential gain in yield, the restoration of the cytoplasmic sterility must be complete for the F1 to be fully fertile. In this study, we investigated different methods to assess fertility restoration in nursery and compared the results with the trial notations. The collected data were also used to feed a genomic selection model to predict the behavior of untested hybrids. The results showed a high experimental error of the bagging method originated mostly from human manipulation. The visual scoring showed higher repeatability but was poorly correlated with trial score. A deeper study of the trial scoring revealed an interesting effect coming from the female and an expression of sterility for commercial lines and CHA hybrid checks. Good prediction accuracies were found for genomic selection on both methods, however deeper studies and cross prediction are needed. The multilocation trials remained the best option to score fertility restoration
  • Wang, Cong (2016)
    Recently, an unknown myopathy has been observed in some Finnish broiler Pectoralis major muscle for the past 3 years and similar breast muscle defect have been found in several other countries as well. Wooden Breast is the term to describe this abnormality due to its macroscopically visible hard, bulging and pale area in the caudal part of the fillet. This study aims to compare and measure some physical properties and chemical composition differences between Wooden Breast and Normal broiler breast muscle. 32 breast fillets of 38 days old Rose 508 broilers were sacrificed at the university experiment premises for evaluation. 20 breasts muscle were Wooden Breast affected, and the other 12 macroscopically Normal breast muscles served as Normal. In this experiment, measurement of sample physical properties (drip loss, cook loss, compression test, and Allo-Kramer shear force) and chemical composition (moisture, protein, and collagen content) were conducted. As for the results, Wooden Breast had lower protein content and higher moisture content (P<0.05) than Normal; Wooden Breast had higher drip and cooking losses (P<0.05) than Normal; Wooden and Normal breast muscles did not differ in the initial and the ultimate pH; Wooden Breasts had similar compression (24h) and shear force (cooked) results compared to Normal breast (P>0.05); No quantitative difference in total or soluble collagen were detected (P>0.05).
  • Kordelin, Toni Juha (2016)
    The importance of the computer and information technology has increased significantly with the introduction of the Internet. The technologies should not be reduced to selling and purchasing functions but should also be used as research and business intelligence tool, as well as information source. This study compares the performances of the Finnish and German sawmilling & paper industry by evaluating their public communication. The forest sector has been traditionally important for the economy of both countries and they belong to the global players. In conjunction with the performance analysis, a neural network tool is compiled, optimized and tested. It combines a study related categorization application and the Kohonen’s self-organizing map (SOM). The objective of the automated categorization is to lower manual work and to evaluate text contents more accurately – by taking also the possible future use into account. The research includes two interlinked approaches: web page and performance analysis. The web page analysis compares the design and content of the forest industry companies’ Internet sites. In addition, it is used to select and define the relevant enterprises for the performance analysis. 14 Finnish and 10 German sawmills, as well as 5 Finnish and 12 German paper and paperboard producers fulfilled the research requirements (data collection 2013). The performance analysis is implemented by a content analysis and SOM Tool. The word count data of the content analysis is sorted with a customised classification frame based on the Global Reporting Initiative Guideline and evaluated with the SOM. The SOM algorithms reduce multidimensional, large and complex data to lower dimensional maps which visualizes the distribution of the companies’ performance categories. The results indicate that the business cultures of the selected companies are similar. A closer examination reveals that the clustering by sector is more emphasized that by country. The more detailed determination of the SOM divides the paper sector further by their origin. Most obvious are the differences between sawmill and Finnish paper industry. The sawmill sector highlights especially product, service and macro-environment related aspects. Small German sawmills emphasized further tradition and history The paper sector stressed social responsibility, corporate structure, external activities and environmental issues. Inside the paper sector, the Finnish companies point out corporate strategy, development, organizational profile categories and economical performances. The German paper sector highlights in particular environmental issues and public relation. The web page analysis and related studies evaluate the corresponding categories similarly to the present research and thus support the results of the SOM approach.
  • Olander, Viktor Otto Julius (2022)
    Preserving viral nucleic acids is of outmost importance to capture the viral diversity in metagenomic studies. In my master’s thesis, I compare viromes of genus Culex mosquitos stored in two different virus storage media and empty tubes. The mosquitos were collected from Kalajärvi in Espoo, Finland in the summer of 2020 as larvae and were grown to adults in laboratory conditions. Eight pools of five female mosquitos each were stored in each of the two media as well as empty tubes and the samples were homogenized The homogenates were filtered, and the RNA was extracted from them with TRIzol reagent. RNA was then reverse-transcribed to cDNA and amplified with a whole transcriptome amplification kit. The PCR product was prepared with a library preparation kit for sequencing with Illumina Next Generation Sequencer. The resulting reads were processed with a bioinformatic pipeline for identifying viruses from metagenomic sequence data. The results show a clear difference in virus species distribution by storage media. We identified 34 virus species from at least 13 families. Samples stored in ∑-Virocult had the highest yield of viral reads (70.40% of all reads from the pools) as well as the widest variety of mosquito species (n=26). Samples stored in empty tubes had the second most mosquito species (n=10) but the lowest viral read yield (1.25%). RNAlater stored samples had the least virus species (n=7) but a higher viral read percentage than those stored in empty tubes (3.26%). The results indicate the importance of choice of storage media. Since ∑-Virocult had the highest amount of reads and the widest variety, it might be the most useful storage media for our purposes. However, some viruses were found in other samples but not in ∑-Virocult stored samples, indicating a need of different storages conditions for different viruses. It is also important to be consistent in the use of media as it may affect virome results. More work needs to be done to assess if these results are true for other mosquito species as well.
  • Österberg, Nico (2020)
    We study the compensation required to increase carbon sequestration in privately owned forests as a part of effective climate policy. We develop a theoretically correct understanding of compensating additional carbon sequestration in a voluntary stand-level carbon offset scheme by creating incentives for extending the rotation from the privately optimal length. We examine the cost of extending the length of the rotation to a socially desired level. The resulting costs and the increase in carbon sequestration determine the level of compensation required to make the private forest owner indifferent between joining the compensation scheme and resuming privately optimal forest management. A correctly defined subsidy scheme is required as forests are expected to play a major role in meeting national climate change mitigation targets, and so far, the existing schemes have failed to attract voluntary participants. The well-established univariate optimal rotation model (Faustmann 1894, Samuelson 1976) with a net carbon subsidy (van Kooten et al. 1995) is used to evaluate the compensation structure in the California Forest Offset Protocol and the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme, and to present a theoretically sound framework for subsidizing additional carbon sequestration in forests. An empirically more realistic size-structured forestry model with carbon storage (Assmuth et al. 2018) is used to verify the understanding of a correctly defined subsidy scheme when thinnings and multiple carbon pools are included. The results of the theoretical modelling are compared to practical applications in California Cap-and-Trade and the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. These practical applications have faced various problems and have been subject to numerous revisions, due to issues with baseline establishment, over-crediting, questionable additionality, and leakage. We show that if the compensation scheme follows the Californian structure, a significantly high compensation is required to create sufficient incentives for private forest owners to participate in the sequestration program. The exclusion of carbon stored in harvested wood products may have decreased voluntary participation of post-1989 forests in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. These schemes serve as an example for the rest of the world of constructing a carbon sequestration compensation scheme. Thus, it is paramount to evaluate the choices in policy design, by comparing the compensation structure to a theoretically sound way of incentivizing additional carbon sequestration.
  • D Samiraja Mudiyanselage Mahagedara, Shiromi Mangala Samiraja (2024)
    Weeds have been identified as a threat to arable crop production because crop-weed competition may result in considerable yield losses. Weeds and crops often possess similar characteristics, making weed control challenging. Chemical weed control may lead to environmental and health issues, as well as troubles in crop production. Nowadays the tendency is towards more sustainable agricultural practices to control weeds including mixed cropping systems. In earlier studies, mixed cropping systems were observed to reduce weed biomass, whereas weed diversity was affected by environmental and temporal factors. The present study was conducted at the Knehtilä organic farm in Hyvinkää to evaluate the competitive ability of mixed cropping systems against weeds. Crop stands were 50:50:50% and 33:33:33% oat, pea, and camelina mixtures, along with 100% oat, 100% pea, and 100% camelina stands. Plant sampling was conducted 24 Days after seeding (DAS), 38 DAS, 52 DAS, 66 DAS, and 97 DAS. Crops and weeds were separated and the number of plants in each species was counted. Weeds at the species level were identified. Dry biomass of crops and weeds was recorded at each sampling time. Weed species richness, Shannon-Weiner diversity index, species evenness, and species dominance were calculated. The most common weed species was Chenopodium album L., while the least common species was Cerastium fontanum Baumg. Crop stands accumulated in weed biomass until 52 DAS, followed by a gradual decline over sampling times. Weed biomass was lower in 50% and 33% mixes than sole crop stands in early growth stages. Significant differences in the Shannon-Weiner diversity index, species richness, evenness, and species dominance were found in crop stands at 24 DAS and 66 DAS. There was a positive correlation between weed evenness and crop biomass. The study proved that mixed crop stands (50% and 33% mixes) have effective weed control ability, indicating low weed biomasses compared to sole cropping systems. Weed diversity indices fluctuated at 24 DAS and 66 DAS, indicating that sampling time influences weed diversity. The positive correlation between weed evenness and crop biomass indicates the impact on species dominance and intraspecific competition. The study suggests that mixed cropping systems are effective at controlling weeds and highlights the importance of understanding temporal dynamics and weed-crop interactions in cropping systems to enhance crop yield. Future research should focus on understanding the fundamental mechanisms behind weed-crop interactions across cropping systems.
  • Hyvönen, Aliisa (2019)
    Infant undernutrition with associated diseases is a leading cause of under-five deaths globally, causing 45% of child deaths. A critical point for the nutritional status of the infant is the time when the first foods are introduced in addition to breastfeeding, i.e. complementary feeding. Based on prior research, complementary feeding practices are inadequate in East Africa, including Uganda. Particular concerns are the not timely introduction of complementary foods and low dietary diversity of children under two years. Complementary feeding is a complex set of behaviours. Good complementary feeding comprises, in addition to nutritious food itself, the feeding moment, technique and style. The promotion of good complementary feeding practices therefore demands multiple approaches. The aim of this study was to explore complementary feeding perceptions and practices in the context of the Health Belief Model (HBM) and to gain understanding on how to promote health behaviour change for better complementary feeding. The study was carried out in the rural area of Kirewa, Uganda. All together 9 focus group discussions (FGD) were held for caretakers of children under two: mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. A set of educational videos on infant care and feeding practices, the GloCal-videos, were used as a projective tool in the FGDs. In addition, one individual interview with the local health care worker was conducted. The data from the FGDs and the interview were analysed with a deductive content analysis method based on the HBM. The findings from this research demonstrate that complementary feeding practices among the study participants were suboptimal in relation to timing, dietary diversity, consistency and feeding frequency. The importance of complementary feeding as a health behaviour preventing malnutrition and stunting was not understood among these Kirewan caretakers. The findings from the HBM based analysis suggest messages about the susceptibility of children to detrimental consequences of poor feeding and their seriousness should be targeted to caretakers. Based on this study, the GloCal-videos may work as cues to action for better complementary feeding practices.
  • Liu, Mengxia (2016)
    Conifers are used for forest plantations and as landscape trees. Norway spruce is the main softwood species in Finland and can occasionally be observed in urban areas. However, root rots of conifer trees caused by Heterobasidion annosum leads to huge economic losses not only in Finland but also in other European countries. Due to the availability of complete genome sequence for both host and pathogen, in this study using Norway spruce and its root rot pathogen (Heterobasidion annosum) as an experimental model, the host-pathogen interaction was investigated. Conifer trees have established a variety of defense mechanisms to repel microbial infections, including constitutive barriers, accumulation of antimicrobial chemicals, activation of signaling pathways and induction of defense-related compounds resulted from an intra-organismic response including cell death. In the conifer pathosystem, cell death associated necrotic browning reactions promote tissue colonization by necrotrophic pathogens such as Heterobasidion annosum. By contrast, in crop plants, cell death associated hypersensitive response (HR) is known to inhibit invasive growth of biotrophic pathogens. However, not much is known about the chemical and molecular characteristics of necrotic cell death responses observed in different developmental stages of conifers from seedlings to mature trees. In addition, the term reaction zone is often used to describe responses of tree tissues bordering the heartwood to pathogenic infections, but nothing is known on whether there are any similarities between the necrosis response and reaction zone. To investigate this, Norway spruce at different developmental stages (seedlings, young trees and mature trees) were challenged with Heterobasidion parviporum. Six major indicators were assayed: necrosis lesions, cell death, pH, reaction zone, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and expressions of defense-related genes (Per1, Per2, LAC, JAZ1, OPR, and STS2). Increased transcript levels of the following genes Per1, Per2, LAC and JAZ1 were documented in seedlings but higher expression of Per2 and LAC was recorded in mature trees. Results revealed that all infected tissues were strongly necrotic or had increased lesion size. This is accompanied by increasing pH units up to 6.0 similar to levels documented in the reaction zone. Furthermore, ROS-generating peroxidase activity increased in infected tissues compared to the control. All these changes were found to be similar to observations in the reaction zone of woody trees. However, cell death was only measured in seedling roots and the method needs to be optimized for woody tissues. Further tests are therefore required for the clarification of relationship between necrotic cell death in seedling plants and reaction zone responses in mature woody tissues.
  • Zhen, Zeng (2014)
    Rhizobia are agriculturally important bacteria that possess the ability to fix nitrogen for their host legumes, an attribute ascribed to the presence of symbiosis-related genes usually clustered on plasmids called symbiotic plasmids (pSyms). Many pSyms have been proven self-transmissible, capable of transferring themselves to other bacteria through conjugation, thereby propagating their symbiotic features. Rhizobium galegae symbiovar (sv.) officinalis has a pSym, on which typical conjugation genes have been revealed. A Type IV secretion system (T4SS) functioning as a conjugation system has also been computationally predicted on a chromid, another replicon in R. galegae sv. officinalis. In addition, the transfer of the pSym of R. galegae sv. officinalis to a non-nodulating mutant strain of R. galegae sv. orientalis has been previously observed under laboratory conditions. Therefore, this thesis was aimed at investigating the self-transmissibility of the pSym of R. galegae sv. officinalis and the necessity of the T4SS’ presence for the pSym transfer. Two derivatives of the R. galegae sv. officinalis were generated with one strain cured of its pSym by using Tn5-mob-sacB transposon and the other strain excised the T4SS from the chromid by Cre-lox site specific recombination system. Conjugation were then performed between these two derivatives as well as between the wild-type strain and the plasmid-cured derivative, followed by the host plant nodulation tests. The tests showed no formation of a single nodule in either pair, which was unexpectedly inconsistent with the previous experimental observation. No solid explanations could be proposed at this stage. It might be due to the low transfer frequency resulted from complex associations with subtle environmental signal molecules or recipient cell recognition that presumably disabled the transmissibility of the pSym.
  • Österman, Janina (2009)
    Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 is a Gram-negative plant pathogen that causes bacterial speck disease on tomato. The virulence of this bacterium is based on the type III secretion system (T3SS). Similar systems are also used by many other plant and animal pathogens, as well as symbiotic bacteria. The T3SS enables the transfer of specific bacterial virulence proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm into the host cell. This secretion is mediated by a needle-like structure that penetrates the plant cell wall. Once inside the host cells, the effector proteins are capable of shutting down the host’s immune system. However, what happens at the plant cell membrane is not well understood. One of the first bacterial proteins that come into interaction with a host protein during P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 infection is the HrpZ1 protein that is believed to participate in a membrane interaction, facilitating the transfer of effector proteins. Previous research has shown that HrpZ1 binds to a peptide and using an antiserum raised against this peptide in immunoblotting tests of tomato proteins separated by SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focusing, the target tomato protein of HrpZ1 has been found to be small and acidic. However, this specific protein has not yet been fully characterized. This is why the goal of the work for this thesis was to identify and characterize the target protein of HrpZ1 in tomato. For this purpose, a lambda cDNA expression library from tomato leaves was constructed, followed by immunoscreening of the library with the abovementioned antiserum, and analysing candidate clones by sequencing. Even though a good cDNA library was obtained, the immunoscreenings did not yield satisfactory results. Thus, the pursuit of the HrpZ1 target protein needs to be continued.