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  • Leppänen, Maarit (2014)
    Valkoposkihanhet (Branta leucopsis) ovat suhteellisen tuore tulokas Suomen linnustoon. Kesällä hanhet poikasineen viihtyvät merenrantanurmilla. Suuret hanhiparvet kilpailevat nurmien käytöstä kaupunkilaisten kanssa ja aggressiivisesti poikasiaan puolustavat emot ja hanhien ulosteet koetaan nurmilla ongelmaksi. Koska valkoposkihanhi on rauhoitettu, on sen häätäminen hankalaa. Jotta ongelmaan voitaisiin tehokkaammin puuttua, on ymmärrettävä hanhien ruokailukäyttäytymistä, sekä vaikutusta nurmiin paremmin. Tutkimukset hanhien ruokailun vaikutuksesta nurmialueiden kuntoon ja kasvilajivalikoimaan kaupunkiympäristössä puuttuvat. Lisäksi hanhien käyttäytymistä koskevat tutkimukset urbaanissa ympäristössä ovat tähän saakka käsitelleet enimmäkseen hanhien karkottamiseen liittyviä seikkoja. Jotta hanhien ruokailua epätoivotuilla alueilla voitaisiin hallita, on tärkeää tietää miten hanhien ruokailu muuttaa kasvillisuutta, ja miten hanhet käyttäytyvät ruokaillessaan epätoivotuilla alueilla. Työssäni tutkin valkoposkihanhiemojen valppauteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Toisena työn osa-alueena käsiteltiin valkoposkihanhien laidunnuksen mahdollisia vaikutuksia rantanurmikoiden kuntoon sekä lajikoostumukseen. Aineisto kerättiin hanhien runsaasti laiduntamilta kohteilta Helsingissä ja Espoossa ja se analysoitiin soveltuvin menetelmin. Kasvillisuusruuduilta saatujen tulosten perusteella kokonaispeittävyys parani neljällä kohteella kuudesta. Nurmen laatu parani kolmella kohteella kuudesta ja nurmen peittävyys lisääntyi neljällä kohteella. Erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteena olivat hanhikkien (Potentilla sp.) sekä niittyhumalan (Prunella vulgaris) peittävyydet. Vuoden 2011 ruuduilla havaittiin hanhikkien peittävyyden eroavan merkitsevästi neljällä kohteella. Vuoden 2013 ruuduilla peittävyyden ero oli merkittävä vain yhdellä kohteella. Laidunnettujen ja laiduntamattomien kohteiden yleisimpiä kasvilajeja katsottaessa havaittiin, että laidunnetuilla alueilla esiintyi yleensä yksi tai muutama valtalaji, kun taas muiden lajien peittävyys jäi pienemmäksi. Laiduntamattomilla kohteilla lajien peittävyydet olivat tasaisempia, eikä selkeitä valtalajeja ollut niin helppo erottaa. Hanhien valppauden havaittiin vaihtelevan eri kohteiden välillä. Runsain valppaus havaittiin sellaisilla kohteilla, joissa ihmisten aheuttamia häiriöitä oli eniten. Hanhien keskimääräinen valppaus laski poikuekoon kasvaessa, kun taas selvää trendiä ikäluokan vaikutuksesta valppauteen ei havaittu. Emojen asema parvessa vaikutti niiden valppauteen, reunalle olevien emojen ollessa valppaampia kuin keskemmällä olevat. Myös poikueen etäisyys vesirajaan vaikutti emolintujen valppauteen, niin että kauempana olevat emot olivat valppaampia. Nurmen laadun ei havaittu vaikuttavan merkitsevästi poikasen ruokailuun käyttämään aikaan, mutta parhaimmilla nurmilla poikasen ruokailun aikana kulkema matka oli keskimäärin lyhyempi kuin heikompilaatuisilla nurmilla. Tulokset hanhien valppaudesta ja siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä sopivat melko hyvin yhteen kirjallisuuskatsauksesta saatujen tulosten kanssa. Hanhien laidunuksen vaikutuksesta nurmiin ja kasvillisuuteen tulokset eivät olleet aivan yhtä suoraviivaisia. On kuitenkin syytä ottaa huomioon, että kasvillisuuteen vaikuttavat monet muutkin tekijät kuin hanhet, mikä todennäköisesti osaltaan selittää tuloksia. Tutkimuksessa kuitenkin havaittiin muutoksia peittävyyksissä ja nurmien kunnossa, mikä antanee aihetta jatkotutkimuksiin aiheesta.
  • Nordman, Ida (2021)
    The breaking of albumen during the mechanical peeling process of cooked eggs causes food waste. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of housing system, storage temperature and age of hens on the albumen quality and gelation. In addition, the objective was to compare the properties of eggs collected from different quality batches of industrially cooked eggs. Uncooked eggs were collected from different batches before cooking, and the air cell size, albumen pH and dry matter content were measured. Haugh unit score describing the quality of egg was also measured. The same measurements were also made to eggs produced with two different housing systems, to eggs stored at 4°C and 14°C and to eggs from three different age groups of layers once a week during the total storage time of four weeks. The egg size was measured, and shape index, volume and surface area of eggs were calculated. Egg shell thickness was measured, and pore count was determined with stereomicroscope after dyeing the shells with methylene blue. The protein composition was examined with SDS-PAGE. A microwell plate analysis was tested in order to determine the S-ovalbumin content in albumen. Pieces of coagulated egg white were analysed with texture profile analysis and fracture study. The age of the hen had an impact on egg quality. Coagulated egg white samples made of eggs from old hens fractured more easily than samples made of eggs from young hens in all timepoints. The Haugh unit scores were lower in eggs from old hens and dry matter contents increased faster in eggs from young hens compared to the other age groups. Differences between production methods were also noted, and albumen from organic eggs fractured easier than albumen from barn eggs. Haugh unit scores and dry matter contents were lower and pH-values greater in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Lysotzyme contents based on SDS-PAGE were lower in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Shells were thinner and pore counts greater in organic eggs compared to barn eggs. Storage temperature had an impact on uncooked egg quality, and eggs stored at 14 °C had lower Haugh unit score and greater pH and dry matter content than eggs stored at 4°C. Textural properties of eggs stored at 14°C were better only in the first two timepoints. Eggs collected from low quality batches of industrially cooked eggs were laid by old layers and had albumen pH more basic and dry matter content and Haugh unit score lower than eggs collected from batches with good quality. Measuring these properties could be helpful when choosing the eggs for the cooking process, because great dry matter content had an positive impact on textural properties of cooked albumen, but the decrease in Haugh unit score over time possible had an negative impact on textural properties.
  • Päkkilä, Liisa-Maria (2016)
    The aim of this study was to investigate effect of faba bean on amino acid, glucose, NEFA, BHBA, acetate and insulin concentration in plasma. In addition, AV-difference, extraction, and uptake of nutrients by mammary gland was investigated. The primary purpose of this study was to examine suitability of faba bean as protein feed for dairy cows. Firstly, faba bean was compared to grain based control feed, which did not contain any protein supplement, and it was fed with restrictively fermented silage. Secondly, faba bean was compared to rapeseed meal and mixture of rapeseed meal and faba bean as isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets. Eight multiparous cows in the experiment were divided into two blocks and replicated 4 × 4 latin square design was used. Concentrates were fed at a rate of 14 kg/d and silage was fed ad libitum. Cows were approximately 100 days in milk in the beginning of the experiment. Rapeseed meal did not increase silage intake as much as expected according to results of earlier experiments. When rapeseed meal was replaced with faba bean, milk production, energy corrected milk production, protein production and fat production increased quadratically. When protein content of the concentrate increased, concentration of essential amino acids increased in plasma. When rapeseed meal was replaced with faba bean, concentration of non-essential amino acids increased linearly. Concentration of histidine in plasma was high on all treatments compared to results of earlier experiments. Concentration of methionine in plasma was at the same level as results of earlier experiments. Extraction of methionine was exceptionally high when rapeseed meal was fed, but uptake rate of methionine by mammary gland was bigger than output rate. Concentration of glucose in plasma was high compared to results of earlier experiments on every treatment. Relative and absolute uptake of glucose by mammary gland was especially high when mixed protein feed was fed. Supply of energy and amino acid profile corresponded well to cows needs with mixed protein feed.
  • Sipilä, Jenni (2019)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia rehun vähäisen valkuaispitoisuuden ja aminohappotäydennysten vaikutusta ravintoaineiden sulavuuteen ja valkuaisen hyväksikäyttöön siniketuilla loppukasvatusvaiheessa. Tavoitteena on sinikettujen valkuaisruokinnan optimointi, jotta rehukustannuksia ja ravinnepäästöjä saataisiin pienennettyä. Tutkimus toteutettiin Kannuksessa Luova Oy:n tutkimustilalla 21.-28.10.2016. Kokeeseen valittiin 20 urossinikettua, jotka jaettiin viiteen käsittelyryhmään. Käsittelyt olivat: kontrolli (valkuaista 24% metabolisesta energiasta (ME)), valkuainen 20% ME:stä, valkuainen 20% ME:stä + metioniini, valkuainen 16% ME:stä + metioniini sekä valkuainen 16% ME:stä + metioniini ja histidiini. Eläimet olivat kokeen ajan yksittäin metaboliahäkeissä, joissa niiltä saatiin kerättyä sonta ja virtsa. Ravintoaineiden näennäistä sulavuutta tutkittiin kokonaiskeruumenetelmällä. Välittömästi lopetuksen jälkeen ohutsuolen viimeisen kolmanneksen sisältö kerättiin ja näytteestä määritettiin aminohappojen näennäinen ohutsuolisulavuus. Valkuaisen hyväksikäyttöä tutkittiin typpitasemenetelmällä. Lopetusta edeltävänä päivänä eläimiltä otettiin verinäytteet, joista määritettiin plasman aminohapot ja urea. Ravintoaineiden sulavuudessa ei havaittu suurta vaihtelua valkuaisen vähentyessä, paitsi valkuaisen sulavuus heikkeni yhdeksän prosenttiyksikköä kontrollin ja alimman valkuaistason omaavan ryhmän välillä. Typen hyväksikäyttö parani valkuaisen vähentyessä. Virtsan mukana eritetyn typen määrä väheni valkuaispitoisuuden vähentyessä mutta typen pidättymisessä ei ollut eroja. Metioniinin, histidiinin, lysiinin ja kysteiinin sulavuudessa havaittiin eroja, mutta muiden aminohappojen sulavuuteen koekäsittelyt eivät vaikuttaneet. Aminohappotäydennykset paransivat kyseisten aminohappojen sulavuutta merkitsevästi. Plasman ureapitoisuudessa ei ollut eroja, mutta joidenkin aminohappojen osalta plasman pitoisuudet vähenivät valkuaisen vähentyessä. Valkuaisen vähentäminen ei vaikuttanut muiden ravintoaineiden kuin valkuaisen sulavuuden heikentymiseen. Valkuaismäärän väheneminen ei vaikuttanut typen pidättymiseen eli pienempikin valkuaisen määrä tyydytti siniketun valkuaistarpeen loppukasvatusvaiheessa.
  • Mansikkamäki, Neea (2024)
    Valmisruoka on kasvava trendi ruokamarkkinoilla ja yhä useampi ihminen kuluttaa valmisruokaa omassa arjessaan. Valmisruoan kasvavaan kulutukseen vaikuttavat erilaiset tekijät, kuten esimerkiksi kiireellisen elämäntyylin lisääntyminen, kotitalousrakenteiden muutokset, naisten osallistuminen työelämään sekä ihmisten mukavuuden halu eli esimerkiksi ajansäätäminen ruoanvalmistuksessa. Valmisruoan avulla voidaankin helpottaa ja nopeuttaa ruoanlaittoa, jolloin jää enemmän aikaa muille asioille. Vaikka valmisruoka kuuluukin tänä päivänä monen ihmisen elämään, aiheuttaa se edelleen joillakin kuluttajilla negatiivisia mielikuvia ja ajatuksia. Yleisesti valmisruoan ajatellaan olevan epäterveellistä niin sanottua einesruokaa, joka sisältää paljon kovia rasvoja ja suolaa. Nykyään markkinoilla on kuitenkin myös terveellisempiä valmisruokavaihtoehtoja. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miksi valmisruokaa kulutetaan ja ketkä sitä kuluttavat, millaiset tekijät vaikuttavat valmisruoan valintaan ja ostamiseen sekä tarkastellaan valmisruokamarkkinoilla sekä kuluttajakäyttäytymisessä tapahtuneita muutoksia. Tutkimus toteutettiin määrällisenä tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella, jota jaettiin sosiaalisessa mediassa sekä suoraan kohde henkilöille kahden viikon ajan keväällä 2024. Kyselyyn vastasi 195 Suomessa asuvaa yli 18-vuotiasta henkilöä. Kyselylomake sisälsi 23 kysymystä liittyen kuluttajien ajatuksiin ja asenteisiin valmisruoasta sekä valmisruoan valintaan, ostamiseen, kuluttamisen tilanteisiin ja kulutuksessa tapahtuneisiin muutoksiin. Kyselyyn vastanneet ryhmiteltiin kolmeen eri ryhmään, sen mukaan, kuinka usein he kuluttavat valmisruokaa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että valmisruokaa kulutetaan kiireeseen sekä arjen helpottamiseksi. Valmisruokaa näyttivät kuluttavan eniten 36–55-vuotiaat työelämässä olevat naiset, mutta valmisruoan kuluttajia löytyi kaikista ikäluokista, sukupuolista ja elämäntilanteista. Mitä useammin kuluttaja kulutti valmisruokaa, sitä vähemmän hän näytti kiinnittävän huomiota erilaisiin tekijöihin valmisruoan valinnan taustalla. Tuloksista selvisi, että valmisruokaa useasti kuluttavien kulutus on lisääntynyt viime vuosien aikana, kun taas harvemmin kuluttajilla kulutus on vähentynyt. Tulosten perusteella näyttäisi siltä, että valmisruoka on vaihtoehto kiireiseen arkeen ja kuluttajat suhtautuvat siihen pääosin myönteisesti.
  • Mäntynen, Mira (2023)
    Indoor gardening is continuously increasing among consumers. Consumers and greenhouse entrepreneurs are looking for ways to optimize growing conditions for their plants to produce high quality and good yield. So far, the effects of LED lights on the plant biomass production and on the composition of volatile aroma compounds have been investigated. However, the effects of different lights on the taste and odor of homegrown herbs is yet to be discovered. The aim of this study was to investigate how different light conditions would affect the composition of compounds that are mainly responsible for the specific flavor of selected model plants. The main goal was to investigate what type of volatile compounds could be obtained in plants grown under different light conditions. The second goal was to investigate how non-volatile saliva soluble compounds could be modified due to the different growing conditions. Coriander and dill were selected as model plants. Coriander is globally utilized herb while dill is one of the most used herbs in the Nordic countries. Due to their strong flavor, both of these herbs divide consumer opinions and therefore investigation of their flavor modification is important. Coriander and dill were grown in domestic smart gardens manufactured by Plantui Oy. Used light conditions included control, green and blue light. Control light composed of a combination of blue, green and red light. Light source was LED lights. The herbs were grown at +22 °C and at humidity of 56.5 %. Used nutrients were ready-made mixtures by Plantui Oy. The composition of artificial saliva was optimized with commercial coriander and dill for the investigation of flavor compounds. Coriander and dill samples were extracted with the developed artificial saliva after which the volatile compounds were analyzed by a combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and non-volatile compounds by a combination of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to investigate the composition of volatile compounds while partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to investigate the differences in the non-volatile compounds. Used light conditions altered the chemical composition of herb leaves. Also, light conditions had a visible effect on plant growth. For example, herbs grown in blue light germinated weakly and produced less biomass. The profile of volatile compounds in corianders grown under green and blue light differed from those grown under control light. For dill, the profiles differed only for the samples grown under blue light. Majority of the volatile compounds were components of the essential oils of herbs and compounds that enhance stress tolerance. When looking at saliva soluble non-volatile compounds, coriander grown under blue light was different from the one grown under control light while for dill a difference was observed both under blue and green light. Based on the results, special light recipes can be developed to modify the flavor of coriander and dill. Further research is still needed, especially on the effects of light conditions in plant cell signaling and thereby on the morphological changes in plants and as a consequence on their flavor compounds.
  • Salonen, Sonja (2020)
    Leafy vegetables are quickly perishable foods that are usually stored in bright lighting and transparent packaging. They contain a lot of bioactive components, which are easily destructed by lighting. Rocket (arugula) contains a lot of vitamin E, vitamin C and folate and there are not many studies about rocket. The aim of this study was to investigate how lighting affects the vitamins and quality of rocket during storage. In addition to lighting, the effect of different packaging materials, their light transmittances and their perforations to rocket’s sensory quality and tocopherols contests were studied. The hypothesis of the study was that when stored under lighting, the spoilage of samples is faster than when stored in dark and that perforated bags have the weakest preservation of sample quality and vitamins. Rocket samples were stored under three different lighting conditions which were continuous darkness, continuous fluorescent light (65 μmols-1m-2) and continuous LED light (125 μmols-1m2). The rocket was packaged in five different plastics (OP20, OP20-30-35, PET12-PE40, OPP20CP30, PET30-PE40) and there were perforated and non-perforated versions of them. A weeklong storage test was carried out in a chamber with constant conditions (5 °C, RH 40–50 %) and measurements were performed on days 1, 5 and 7. The tocopherol content of rocket was analyzed from lyophilized day 7 samples later by HPLC. The results of this study imply that lighting reduces the color and sensory quality of the packaged rocket, so the hypothesis was partly fulfilled. However, the spoilage was not significantly faster in the perforated materials. Lighting affected the gas composition of the bags through photosynthesis and respiration, as the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations remained unchanged, while in the dark the oxygen content decreased, and the carbon dioxide content increased. The quality of the rocket was best preserved in dark, as in LED and fluorescent light the samples lightened and yellowed faster and the structure of the samples deterioraetd. When stored in dark, non-perforated materials retained the alpha-tocopherol content of the rocket better than the perforated materials. Conversely, when stored in light, rocket packed in perforated materials had higher alpha-tocopherol contents than the those packed innon-perforated materials. The maximum differences in alpha-tocopherol contents between the rocket samples in different lighting conditions were 180 µg/g for the samples in non-perforated materials and 50 µg/g for the samples in perforated materials. The opaque materials (OPP20-CPP30 and PET30-PE40) retained the sensory quality of the rocket better than the transparent ones. There were no significant differences in alpha-tocopherol contents between the samples in different materials.
  • Mäkelä, Tii (2013)
    The aim of this research was to find out the effect of photoperiod and quantity of light on growth and flowering of arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus L.) cv. Mesma. The object was also to find out the effect of light on development of floral organs in apical buds of root suckers. Three 12 week long standard treatments were: LD (long day, 12 h HPS-light + 12 h incandescent light), SD (short day, 12 h HPS-light) and HPS (24 h HPS-light). Additionally, the effect of changing the light conditions was examined in four treatments: SD->LD (6 wk SD-treatment + 6 wk LD-treatment), SD->HPS (6 wk SD-treatment + 6 wk HPS-treatment), HPS->SD (6 wk HPS-treatment + 6 wk SD-treatment) and HPS->LD (6 wk HPS-treatment + 6 wk LD-treatment). In standard treatments the vegetative growth determined as the dry weight of the shoots was increased in HPS and decreased in SD. Elongation of shoot was enhanced by LD and development of new leaves was increased in LD and HPS. The number of flowers was highest in HPS and lowest in SD. The average dry weight of a flower and the number of flowers in relation to vegetative growth were increased in HPS. In SD growth and flowering were suppressed towards the end of the experiment. When plants were moved from SD to HPS or LD, growth and flowering were continued. Growth and flowering were clearly enhanced by continuous HPS light. Cessation of growth and flowering in SD suggests that the plants were becoming dormant. Growth and flowering continued when plants were moved from SD to LD or HPS, which indicates that plants were not fully dormant. The differences between treatments LD and SD were probably a consequence of dormancy induction in SD. Floral initiation in apical buds of root suckers occurred in all three standard treatments regardless of photoperiod or quantity of light.
  • Kurunsaari, Jani (2022)
    Amerikankarpalo (Vaccinium macrocarpon) on hapan punainen marja, joka on kotoisin Pohjois-Amerikasta. Karpalon suosio on lisääntynyt viime aikoina sen tutkittujen terveysvaikutusten johdosta. Karpalon terveysvaikutukset ovat herättäneet halun viljellä niitä myös Suomessa. Suomen kasvukausi on kuitenkin lyhyt, eivätkä karpalot ehdi kypsyä täällä riittävästi. Siksi karpalon tunneliviljelyä on ryhdytty kokeilemaan. Tästäkin huolimatta marjat saatetaan joutua keräämään raakoina. Valon tiedetään vaikuttavan etyleenin ja antosyaanien muodostumiseen, joten karpaloiden jälkikypsytys valojen alla pitäisi olla mahdollista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten valospektrit vaikuttavat eri kypsyysasteissa kerättyjen amerikankarpaloiden etyleenin, antosyaanien ja värin muodostukseen. Amerikankarpalolajikkeen Pilgrim- marjoja kerättiin kolmella eri kypsyysasteella vihreinä, valkoisina ja punertuvina. Käsittelyinä käytettiin sinistä, punaista ja laajaa (AP673L Valoya) valospektriä. Kontrollina toimi pimeys. Jokainen kypsyysaste sai 0 vrk:n, 7 vrk:n ja 14 vrk:n käsittelyn. Käsittelyiden jälkeen karpaloista mitattiin etyleenin muodostumisnopeus, kokonaisantosyaanipitoisuus ja väri. Valokäsittelyllä, kypsyysasteella ja näiden yhdysvaikutuksella oli merkitsevä vaikutus karpalon etyleenin, värin ja antosyaanien muodostumiseen sadonkorjuun jälkeen. Erityisesti sininen valo vaikutti merkittävästi värin muodostumiseen vihreinä kerätyillä karpaloilla. Käsittelyiden väliset erot tasaantuivat valkoisina kerätyissä karpaloissa. Punertuvina kerätyissä karpaloissa värin muodostumisessa ei ollut eroja käsittelyiden välillä. Kaikki valokäsittelyt kiihdyttivät etyleenin muodostumista vihreinä kerätyissä karpaloissa. Valkoisina kerätyissä etyleeniä muodostui enää sinisen valon alla. Punertuvina kerätyissä karpaloissa etyleenin muodostumisessa ei ollut eroja käsittelyiden välillä. Antosyaaneja muodostui vihreinä ja valkoisina kerätyissä karpaloissa eniten sinisen valon alla. Punertuvina kerätyissä antosyaaneja kertyi eniten laajan spektrin alla. Tutkimus osoitti, että raakoina kerättyjä karpaloita voidaan kypsyttää valon avulla. Tämä saattaisi mahdollistaa karpaloiden kypsyttämisen varastoinnin aikana. Sinisen valon vaikutuksesta karpalon viljelyssä kannattaisi tehdä jatkotutkimuksia.
  • Ojala, Birita (2021)
    The american cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is a woody perennial plant. Cranberry fruit has been studied for its many different health benefits due to the high level of human health-promoting compounds such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. The growing season is too short in Finland, and the fruits must be harvested before frost. Studies have shown that post-harvest lighting can affect the quality of fruits. Light treatment increases the anthocyanins content and red color in fruits. Lighting during storage might improve also shelf life. The aim was to find out how different light treatments affect different quality characteristics of fruits. In this thesis, the effect of three different light treatments on the accumulation of anthocyanins and phenols during 14 days following harvest in american cranberry fruits was investigated. The light treatment was APL (multispectrum), blue and red light. The control was dark treatment. In addition, the color of the fruits, the sugar content and titratable acids were measured. Light treatments increased anthocyanin content in all varieties compared to dark control. The most effective was APL treatment. The phenol content first (7 days) increased in all varieties, after which the increase continued only in Early Black and Howes varieties. There were statistically significant differences between the light treatments only for these varieties, but only 14 days after the treatments. The treatment did not have significant effect on sugar content or the titratable acids. The berries turned red in light treatments and the color intensity increased. The treatments differed significantly from the dark, but not with each other. The results of this thesis indicate that it would be possible to ripen cranberry fruits during storage. The berries could be harvested half ripe and ripened during storage using lights. There would also be a demand for domestic cranberries in the food industry, allowing imported cranberries to be replaced by a domestic alternative.
  • Sakki, Henri (2019)
    The aim of the thesis is to study how green bond offerings affect the stock price of a listed company. Green bonds are a relatively new form of securities. Their valuation effects, pricing and other effects on company success have been studied only little so far. A green bond differs from a conventional bond only in that the proceeds must be used for projects that contribute to environmental objectives. The thesis also analyses how different characteristics, such as bond credit rating, maturity type or year of issuance, or company industry, listing status and domicile affect the possible valuation effect of Green Bond issuance. This thesis has been commissioned by Indufor Oy. The data for the study were collected from the Bloomberg database with OP’s license and open online sources. Two samples were formed. The first consisted of the details of 219 corporate green bonds issued during 2014–2019. The second sample consisted of the details of 183 conventional bonds. The second sample was formed by identifying nearest neighbour matches for green bonds using the Mahalanobis distance to determine the closest match, based on bond and issuer characteristics. The study was conducted as a quantitative event study. Closing prices of the issuing companies’ shares were used to deter-mine regular returns using four different factor models. The difference between these regular and actual realized returns on the announcement date of the bonds (when a bond was first announced to the public) and ten days surrounding this date were interpreted as abnormal returns attributable to the announcement of the bond. These abnormal returns were tested for statistical significance. Contrary to previous research, the current study finds that announcing a green bond offering results in a statistically significant, negative stock price reaction. The average cumulative abnormal return during [-1,1] surrounding the announcement date is found to be -0.267%. A similar result is not found from the sample of conventional bonds. This leads to the assumption that the abnormal returns are attributable to the “greenness” of a green bond. The geographic location of issuers was found to impact the size of the stock price reaction. Green bonds issued by companies in developed countries were not found to result in significant stock price reaction. Green bonds issued by companies in developing countries on the other hand were found to result in a positive stock price reaction. During 2014–2016 stock prices were found to react more strongly to green bond announcements than during 2017–2019. During both periods, reactions were negative, however. Green bonds issued by financial companies resulted in statistically significant negative stock price reaction, while there were no statistically significant reactions to green bonds issued in other industries. Green bonds with poor credit ratings resulted in steeper negative price reactions than investment-grade green bonds, which was also statistically more significant. The results are surprising, since environmentally sustainable business has been connected to improved financial success in previous studies, and green bond issuance can be understood to signal commitment to environmentally sustainable performance. Based on the current study it is reasonable to conduct further studies on green bonds.
  • Syvänen, Silja (2020)
    Packaging is a part of an integrated food system, where actors are linked through value chains. This research aimed to identify collaboration amongst the primary external stakeholders of the fiber based packaging value chain of CH-Polymers Oy, and to understand the decision making regarding supplier and material selection. This research was conducted as a qualitative case study that explored the experiences of 6 companies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted as the main data collection method. The data collected from the interviews was analyzed using thematic analysis method. The findings showed that stakeholders were dependent on each other, shared mutual goals and understood the benefits and necessity of collaboration. Succeeding in packaging development was found to be the main purpose of collaboration. Even though collaboration functioned well with closest stakeholders, the lack of resources and time limited collaboration with other stakeholders. Lack of supplier and customer involvement in the early stages of packaging development were found to cause challenges and uncertainties. Also, product development projects were often started with former partners. The value chain criteria guided the development of new packaging and the decisions regarding material and supplier selection. However, quality, price and available processing equipment created limitations in adopting new technology. This study raised the importance of integrating the entire value chain during packaging development, and the importance of engaging the suppliers and customers early in the packaging development process. However, the significance of internal collaboration during packaging development should be highlighted and studied further especially regarding sustainable new product development.
  • Nacke, Jonas Roland (2021)
    Eucalyptus growing by smallholders for financial income has rapidly expanded in the district of Mecha, Amhara region, Ethiopia. Nevertheless, a lack of market knowledge on final consumer markets is limiting the income that smallholders receive for their eucalyptus poles. This study aims to uncover the barriers to market knowledge transfer hindering smallholders from receiving higher incomes for their products by analyzing the vertical coordination of actors in the value chain. The qualitative study was based on the Global Value Chain framework, which uses the theory of chain governance to explain the vertical coordination amongst actors. For the study, 18 semi-structured interviews (5 smallholders, 6 traders, 3 service providers, 2 experts, 2 regulators) were conducted with individuals and groups representing a total of 21 individuals. The interviews were transcribed and edited for theory-driven thematic analysis. The coordination between smallholders and traders falls closest to the market governance type meaning that transactions are based on price and product specification. The increased demand for high-quality eucalyptus poles in Bahir Dar reflected by high prices is not communicated through the chain to the producers. This lack of knowledge on the price variation for different pole qualities, together with unclear local pole classification system, leads to the possibility for traders to exploit smallholder tree growers to gain higher rent. Linking woodlot valuation to the market demand in Bahir Dar, increasing smallholders’ knowledge on the price variation for different qualities of poles, and improving the local pole classification system to include pole quality could enable tree growers in Mecha district to achieve higher financial benefits from their participation in the eucalyptus pole value chain.
  • Oljemark, Kaius (2019)
    Lack of scientific knowledge of how marine ecosystems relate to each other, how they are producing services and how to quantify ecosystem flows at adequate accuracy, have led to a situation where marine ecosystems are undervalued or even completely ignored in decision-making process. More research is needed from the value of marine ecosystem services in order to better integrate them into decision-making. Seafood production is essential part of the marine provisioning services and the aim of this study is to estimate the potential value of the European Union’s seafood production in the Northeast Atlantic (FAO fishing area 27). Fish stocks are currently managed too short-sightedly in EU and for that reason, EU is unable to take full advantage of the true potential of the stocks. This study provides quantitative analysis of the potential benefits of the rebuilt fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic for the EU. Growth potential of EU’s wild capture production in Northeast Atlantic were calculated by comparing current production and theoretical maximal production, where all fish stocks could provide Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) at the same time. Besides quantifying potential value of EU landings in Northeast Atlantic, this study also compares different rebuilding pathways to achieve collective MSY. According to the result of this study, EU fishing fleet would get €4.43 billion more annual profit if every stock in the Northeast Atlantic could produce MSY. In order fish stocks to produce MSY, the long-term effort level of EU fleet should be dropped by 38%. Total revenue of fishing is maximised when stocks are harvested to a level of Maximum Economic Yield (MEY), where annual profit would be €4.64 billion more than currently while long-term effort level should be dropped by 48%. In this study, several management strategies for rebuilding the Northeast Atlantic stocks were compared, and rebuilding time and net present value were calculated for each management strategy. The results address that it is preferable to decrease effort level as soon as possible to match the effort level of MSY or MEY. The sooner the optimum effort level is reached, the shorter is the rebuilding time and the higher is the net present value.
  • Manninen, Noora (2013)
    Liming agricultural fields with byproducts from steel industry is quite widespread, even though behavior of some heavy metals in soil is not well known. Especially chemistry of vanadium in soil is poorly understood and is very complicated due to it´s several oxidation states. Particularly soil pH and oxidation-reduction conditions are effecting to the occurrence of vanadium. It can be found in the environment mostly with oxidation states of +3, +4 and +5 with increasing solubility as the oxidation state increases. This study was made as a part of the doctoral thesis research of Inka Reijonen concerning bioavailability and toxicity of chromium and vanadium. Effects of soil organic matter content and pH on reactions of vanadyl (VO2+) were studied. The study beginned with systematic experiments that included incubation of air dried and sieved soil samples with vanadium(+4) added to the soil as VOSO4. Soil pH had been adjusted to three levels (acid soil, soil natural pH and alkaline soil) and vanadium was added as increasing concentrations. The effects of soil pH and organic matter content were examined with successive extractions. By using this method shares of different fractions of vanadium as a soluble compound and adsorbed to the surface of oxides, organic matter or mineral matter, could be studied. In addition, the same method was used to study the behavior of vanadium in field conditions where steel slag had been used for liming. The methods that were used seemed to fit for moderate concentrations of vanadium since some limitations occurred with higher concentrations. Vanadium was observed to retain mainly in organic matter in low soil pH and hence the movement into deeper soil layers was minor. Increase of pH increased the solubility of vanadium in the soil, which was assumed to be a result of oxidation of a vanadyl(+4) into a vanadate(+5). Liming a field with steel slag was observed to increase soil pH and increase the share of vanadium adsorbed to oxides and organic matter. The share of soluble vanadium in field conditions was very small compared to the total amount of vanadium in the soil. On the other hand, the share of soluble fraction was observed to increase in high vanadium concentrations as results of incubation experiments.
  • Hakala, Sonja (2015)
    Johdanto: Ruoka-allergiat yleistyvät länsimaissa ja syyksi epäillään mm. hygienian paranemista ja mikrobialtistusten vähenemistä. Ruoka-allergiat ovat yleisiä leikki-ikäisillä ja niistä toivutaan yleensä muutaman vuoden kuluessa. Kasvisten, hedelmien ja marjojen välttämistä on tutkittu vain vähän. Kalaa saatetaan välttää varmuuden vuoksi, sillä vielä 10 vuotta sitten kalaa pidettiin yleisesti allergisoivana ruokana. Suomalaislapset syövät kasviksia, hedelmiä, marjoja ja kalaa suosituksiin nähden niukasti ja välttämisruokavaliota noudattavat ruoka-allergiset saattavat olla matalan kulutuksen riskiryhmä. Koska vanhemmat ovat vastuussa leikki-ikäisen lapsen ruokavaliosta, tulisi heidän allergiatietämystään ja sen vaikutusta lasten ruoankäyttöön kartoittaa. Tavoite: Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, eroaako tavanomaista ruokavaliota ja allergiaruokavaliota noudattavien lasten ruokavalio kasvisten, hedelmien, marjojen ja kalan käyttökertojen tai valikoiman laajuuden osalta. Samalla kartoitetaan vanhempien ruoka-allergiatietämystä ja sen yhteyttä lasten kasvisten, hedelmien, marjojen ja kalan käyttöön. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Tutkielman aineisto on osa LILLA-tutkimusta (Leikki-ikäisten ravitsemuksen ja allergiaterveyden edistäminen), joka toteutettiin vuosina 2013 ja 2014 41:ssä päiväkodissa Helsingissä, Espoossa ja Vantaalla. Ruoankäyttötutkimukseen osallistui yhteensä 78 lasta vanhempineen. Lasten ikä vaihteli 11 kuukauden ja 6 vuoden välillä. Lapsista 35 noudatti allergiaruokavaliota päiväkodissa ja verrokkeina toimivat 43 lasta noudattivat tavanomaista ruokavaliota. Työssä hyödynnettiin 3 päivän ruokapäiväkirjoja, taustatietolomaketta sekä vanhempien ruoka-allergiatietämyslomaketta. Ruokapäiväkirjojen avulla laskettiin, kuinka monta kertaa lapset söivät kasviksia, hedelmiä marjoja ja kalaa tutkimusjakson aikana. Taustamuuttujien yhteyttä kasvisten, hedelmien, marjojen ja kalan kulutukseen tutkittiin Mann-Whitneyn ja Kruskall-Wallis’in mediaanitesteillä. Ruoka-allergiatietämyslomakkeesta laskettiin oikeiden vastausten lukumäärä kaikille väittämille (12 kpl) ja erikseen 3:lle kasviksiin ja hedelmiin liittyville väittämille. Logistisella regressioanalyysilla tutkittiin lasten kasvisten, hedelmien, marjojen ja kalan käyttöä selittäviä tekijöitä. Tulokset: Ruoka-allergiset söivät verrokkeja enemmän kypsennettyjä hedelmiä niin käyttökertoina (p 0.030) kuin valikoiman monipuolisuutena (p 0.020) tarkasteltuna. Kalan osalta eroja ei havaittu. Vanhempien ruoka-allergiatietämys erosi kolmen kasviksia ja hedelmiä koskevan väittämän osalta, siten, että verrokkien vanhemmilla oli keskimäärin enemmän oikeita vastauksia (p 0.003). Verrokkien vanhemmat vastasivat myös harvemmin ”En osaa sanoa” (p 0.010) kasviksiin ja hedelmiin liittyviin kysymyksiin. Regressiomallin perusteella vanhempien heikko ruoka-allergiatietämys oli yhteydessä lasten pienempään todennäköisyyteen kuulua tuoreiden kasvisten, hedelmien ja marjojen ylimpään käyttökolmannekseen (OR: 0.06 [CI: 0,07-0,49], p 0.009). Tuoreita kasviksia, hedelmiä ja marjoja monipuolisimmin käyttävien kolmannekseen kuuluminen oli myös vähemmän todennäköistä (OR: 0.12 [CI: 0.02-0.81] p 0.029). Johtopäätökset: Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ruoka-allergisten lasten ei voida sanoa olevan kasvisten, hedelmien, marjojen ja kalan riskiryhmä verrattuna tavanomaista ruokavaliota noudattaviin suomalaislapsiin. Aihetta olisi tosin syytä tutkia suuremmalla otoksella, jotta mahdolliset erot havaittaisiin paremmin. Vanhempien allergiatietämyksessä oli jonkin verran puutteita ja vanhempien parempi ruoka-allergiatietämys ennusti lasten runsaampaa tuoreiden kasvisten, hedelmien ja marjojen käyttöä ja valikoiman suurempaa monipuolisuutta. Koska vanhempien merkitys lapsen ruokavalion koostamisessa ja sen rakentumisessa on suuri, tulisi heidän tietämystään ruoka-allergian hoidosta lisätä.
  • Urpela, Salla (2019)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten vanhentumassa olevien elintarvikkeiden alennukset ja niiden eri muodot vaikuttavat kuluttajien ostopäätökseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat eri päivittäiskauppojen alennusmuodot, joita ovat sekä ilta-alennukset, että muina aikoina olevat eri alennusprosentteihin perustuvat alennukset. Tutkimus on rajattu alennuksiin, jotka koskevat vanhentumassa olevia elintarvikkeita. Vanhenemassa olevien elintarvikkeiden ruokahävikin ja hinnoittelun sekä alennusten vaikutusta ostopäätökseen on tutkittu jonkin verran etenkin viime aikoina. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla voidaan lisätä tietoa kuluttajien suhtautumisesta eri alennusmuotoihin ja ruokahävikkiin sekä alennusten vaikutuksesta kuluttajien myymälän valintaan. Tutkimuksen teoriassa käsitellään hinnoittelua, ostopäätökseen liittyvää teoriaa, kuluttajien myymälän valintaa ja ruokahävikkiä osana päivittäistavarakaupan vastuullisuutta. Tutkimus perustuu laadulliseen eli kvalitatiiviseen tutkimustraditioon ja se toteutettiin puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla. Aineisto kerättiin haastatteluiden avulla, koska tutkimuksen tavoitteena on laajentaa ymmärrystä kuluttajien kokemuksista elintarvikkeiden alennuksista. Haastatteluihin valittiin harkinnanvaraisella otannalla yhteensä kymmenen haastateltavaa. Haastattelut suoritettiin tammi-maaliskuun 2019 aikana. Haastateltavat kuluttajat pyrittiin valitsemaan niin, että eroja löytyi demografisten tekijöiden osalta (esim. ikä, sukupuoli, kotitalouden koko ja asuinpaikka). Aineiston keräämiseen liittyvät rajoitukset liittyivät etenkin haastateltavien löytämiseen. Aineisto analysoitiin litteroimalla haastattelut sekä teemoittelun ja sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että alennukset vaikuttavat suomalaisten kuluttajien ostopäätökseen riippuen etenkin alennusten suuruudesta ja elintarvikekategoriasta. Useimmat kuluttajat ovat kiinnostuneita elintarvikkeiden päiväysmerkintöistä ja niillä nähtiin olevan merkitystä ostopäätöstä tehdessä. Vanhentumassa olevien elintarvikkeiden ostopäätöstä tehdessä kuluttajat kiinnittävät huomiota päivämäärän lisäksi erityisesti tuotteen ulkonäköön laatua ja turvallisuutta arvioidessaan. Syyksi ostaa vanhentumassa olevia elintarvikkeita alennuksesta mainittiin elintarvikkeiden alempi hinta, mutta ostopäätöksen taustalla vaikutti myös ruokahävikin ehkäisy. Suurella osalla haastateltavista alennukset eivät juuri vaikuttaneet myymälän valintaan tai vierailuajankohtaan.
  • Antell, Saara (2015)
    In the past few decades, free time has increased considerably. And yet leisure has still an ever growing importance for Finnish consumers. Nonetheless, it is not an explicit matter. People experience leisure in different ways. The economic depression has brought forward the leisure practices of unemployed or temporarily laid-off and this is also the basis for my thesis. This thesis is a qualitative research using semi-structured theme-centered interviews to collect the data. Total of 10 consumers, who were or had been laid-off, were interviewed and this data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Temporarily laid-off consumers had three ways of reacting to their status. First group experienced a lot of stress and worry about coping and their future possibilities. Second group, on the other hand, thought of it as an extra holiday during which they could rest and pursue their hobbies. Thirdly, temporal lay-off was seen as a necessary evil: unenjoyable but nonetheless somewhat useful experience. Changes could be observed regarding leisure: daily routines disappeared or changed their importance and social relationships decreased whereas the time with the television increased. This passive leisure showed the importance of activities and being active as a way of coping. Hobbies were an important way to relax and forget. Many temporarily laid-off consumers had problems with their income. Some of them decreased their consumption and begun saving, reconsidering their consumption patterns. On the other hand some turned to impulsive consumption as a means to rebel. As a whole, the shorter the lay-off period, the less it affected consumption. Whichever the case, the changes in consumption during a temporal lay-off had an effect on the surrounding society as well. Leisure, consumption and the reaction to temporal lay-off are strongly linked. Good economical situation is followed by positive reactions and coping as well as active leisure. At the same time positive or negative attitude combined with consumption possibilities have a great effect on leisure activities.
  • Veuro, Sini (2007)
    This thesis studies the use of natural resources for leisure time activities. The method used is Material Input per Service Unit (MIPS method). Leisure time has an increasing effect on the material flows of households, and that way has a bigger pressure on the environment. The most popular way of spending spare time in Finland is to watch TV and to listen to music or radio. Regardless of these, this thesis takes a closer look at boating, playing a musical instrument and visiting a theatre and tries to quantify their material flows. MIPS calculations of this thesis are case-studies and do not tell the whole truth about the hobbies. The aim was to have an overview about the magnitude of the activities. In the boating calculations, inside the system boundaries there are the boat itself, transport of the boat, outboard motor, gasoline consumption of the outboard motor, travelling to and from the harbour, and the harbour infrastructure. Calculations of playing a music instrument consider the instrument itself, music school and its maintenance, and travelling to the school. In the case of theatre the included things are theatre house and its maintenance, decor and costumes of the plays, transport of the decor, and travelling of the audience. The results of this thesis suggest that the biggest material flow of boating comes from travelling to and from the harbour and from the harbour infrastructure. The gasoline consumption of the outboard motor also makes a difference. One hour of boating with a rowing boat consumes 1 kg of abiotic materials. Boating with an outboard motorboat consumes astonishing 113 kg of abiotic resources. Visiting a music lesson for one hour consumes 9 kg of abiotic resources when travelling there by bus. One hour in a theatre play consumes 17 kg of abiotic materials when travelling by bus. Transport has a significant role on the resource consumption of leisure time activities.
  • Rintala, Essi (2013)
    Diacetyl and acetoin are typical butter flavours, which are also present in other fermented dairy products such as sour milk. Diacetyl and acetoin are mainly produced from their precursor ?-acetolactate (ALA) by lactic acid bacteria as a product of their metabolism. In the literature review the formation of diacetyl and acetoin were examined along with the typical techniques to analyse diacetyl. The aim of the experimental work was to develop and validate a method for the determination of diacetyl and acetoin in sour milk by gas-chromatographic technique coupled with flame ionisation detector (GC-FID). In this study a suitable column and gas-chromatographic parameters to analyse diacetyl and acetoin were obtained and two sample preparation techniques were tested. In addition, the reactivity of diacetyl and acetoin and their interactions with the sample matrix were examined. Finally the method was validated. In the complete method, the proteins of the sample were precipitated with acetone and the sample was centrifuged. ALA along with protein-bound diacetyl and acetoin were extracted from the supernatant by solid-phase extraction (SPE), followed by the GC-FID-analysis of free diacetyl and acetoin in the SPE-permeate. GC-FID-analysis was performed using a polar ZB-FFAP-column, split-ratio 30:1 and inlet and detector temperatures 200 ?C and 250 ?C, respectively. Diacetyl and acetoin are reactive and easily evaporated, which complicated their analysis. ALA was mainly decomposed to acetoin in the hot injector. This finding resulted in extraction of ALA from the sample by SPE. In the sour milk matrix, diacetyl and acetoin were believed to appear in three different forms: free and strongly or weakly bound to proteins. The compounds were easily transformed from one form to another. Possibly, also cyclopentanone, the internal standard, was partly bound to the sample matrix. The reactivity of the compounds prevented the determination of total diacetyl and acetoin. Therefore, the method was suitable only for the determination of free diacetyl and acetoin, which, in fact, constitute the buttery aroma in sour milk. Sour milk contained more free acetoin than diacetyl. The method was found to be selective and sensitive for the determination of diacetyl and acetoin. However, the reactivity of the compounds impaired the repeatability of the results. Further research is needed to discover factors affecting the binding of diacetyl and acetoin to the sample matrix. Furthermore, different internal standards and solvents ought to be tested in place of cyclopentanone and acetoin.