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  • Jaeschke, Eric (2014)
    The pocosins of the North Carolina Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP) region play a vital role in controlling hydrologic patterns and determine wetland development and ecosystem structure and function. However, these low-lying, shallow water table forested watersheds have received little research attention due to the relative scarcity of long-term monitoring data, watershed delineation challenges and scarcity of unmanaged sites. Without holding anthropogenic activities constant, specific hydrological processes such as runoff generation, are difficult to describe because of drainage network influence on soil water storage. The principal goal of this study was to develop and test a water balance framework for investigating runoff characteristics and the active watershed area contributing to runoff of a managed pocosin watershed in the ACP. Using a water balance approach, the first objective was to calculate monthly and annual water balances with particular emphasis on deriving, mathematically, the area contributing to runoff. The second objective was to explore the concept of variable contributing area by converting discharge measured at the outlet to runoff using a watershed area. The watershed area needed to produce runoff values that result in closure of the water balance equation represents the variable runoff contributing area. The calculation was done for different temporal periods: monthly, seasonal, and annual and runoff contributing area values compared to the topographically defined watershed area. The results of the study indicated that water balance components were generally in good agreement and closure tended to occur at longer time scales, decreasing for shorter periods. Lack of system closure at shorter temporal scales suggested that the contributing area to runoff varied and differed from the topographically defined watershed area. Active contributing area clearly varies temporally but on average is estimated to be approximately 600 hectares. Regression predicted watershed size was smaller than expected which could have been due to the difference between measured and predicted streamflow. The extent at which the active contributing area fluctuates depends on the compounding uncertainty of water balance components.
  • Eklund, Eveliina (2016)
    Old historic gardens are at a risk of being ruined by lack of care and knowledge. Old gardens can transmit a lot of information about their history. They are significant monuments of cultural heritage. Gardens are living, evolving creations that will soon revert to woodland, if left without maintenance. At the same time the story told by the garden about it’s past disappears, when the features typical for different eras vanish. The interest towards gardening started to grow in Finland among the upper class from the 18th century forward and near the 20th century even common people got familiar with gardening culture, little by little. In mansions cultivation of food plants was important in the 18th century era of subsistence economy and utility. From the end of the 18th century also ornamental plantings gained popularity in mansion gardens. Mansions have had a big impact on the range and spread of garden plant species in Finland, and oldfashioned garden plant species, landraces and heritage cultivars can still be found in their gardens. Heritage plants are valuable for the cultural history and biodiversity point of view. Historic gardens can be significant living gene banks for threatened plant taxa. The purpose in this research was to assess the value of Wehmaa mansion garden based on it´s vegetation and garden history. The research material included the garden itself, old documents and oral information. The aim was to delineate the features that make the garden historically valuable and worth of conservation. Planning the care, restoration and conservation of a historic garden calls for a comprehensive assessment of its value and potential. In this research the present vegetation of Wehmaa garden was surveyed and the results of the inventory were utilized in the process of valuing the garden. Cultivation of food plants dominated the garden of Wehmaa mansion in the first half of the 20th century, while today only remnants of the utilitarian garden are left. Besides food plants, the mansion garden housed even ornamental plantings at least from around the mid 19th century. At present, the garden of Wehmaa has turned into a parklike garden that still holds old trees, bushes and perennial plants from old times. For example Rosa `Poppius`and a heritage variety of Viola cornuta L. have remained from the beginning of the 20th century till today. As the garden of Wehmaa mansion has also kept its integrity and authenticity rather well and contains features either typical or rare in an old country house garden, it can be considered as a valuable historic garden worth of preservation.
  • Rehn, Sophia (2019)
    Background: A few Finnish municipalities have chosen to offer the option of a vegan diet at day-care if the parents request it. The food offered at day-care plays an important part in a child’s nutrition and should be guided by official recommendations. As little evidence exists for the adequacy of a vegan diet for children in day-care more studies on the subject is needed. The food provided by the day-care should cover 2/3 of the daily energy requirements and the quantity of saturated fat, salt and sucrose should be limited. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to compare and analyse the nutritional adequacy of vegan and omnivore meals offered by the municipality of Helsinki. Additionally, to describe the dietary sources of intakes from both meals. Data and methods: This thesis is part of the MIRA Helsinki study, conducted by the University of Helsinki. The objective of the project is to study the impact of a vegan diet on the nutritional status of children in day-care in Helsinki. The data for this thesis was collected through food diaries. The children range in age from one to six years and are divided into two groups based on meals eaten at day-care, vegan meals (n=9) and omnivore meals (n=16). All statistical analyses were done with the SPSS program (version 25). Results: In most cases the dietary intake followed official recommendations. Of concern is that salt intake was high in both groups. The two diets provided similar amounts of energy, carbohydrates and sucrose at day-care. However, protein (p<0,001), fat (p=0,008) and fibre (p<0,001) intakes were significantly more favourable when eating vegan meals. The group eating vegan meals also had a higher intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat (p=0,007; p<0,001) as well as linolenic acid (p<0,001) and α-linolenic acid (p<0,001) in comparison to the omnivore group. Further, the omnivore group had higher intakes of cholesterol (p<0,001) and saturated fat (p=0,007). There was no dietary intake of EPA and DHA in the vegan meals. Intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol outside the day-care were higher than at day-care. The vegan meal group had significantly higher intakes of folate (p<0,001), iron (p<0,001) and zinc (p=0,001) while lower intakes of iodine (p=0,006) and calcium (p=0,01), were noted in comparison to the omnivore group. Although the intake of vitamin C does not significantly differ between the groups, the intake at day-care is low in both groups (vegan meals 38 %, and omnivore 21 % of total intake). In the diet of the children eating vegan meals at day-care, fortified plant-based milk played a central role as a source of many nutrients. Conclusions: Because of the small sample size no general conclusions can be drawn from these results, but it seems the vegan meals have many positive characteristics compared to the omnivore meals. The results may give an insight to nutritional differences between a vegan and an omnivore diet of under school age children in Helsinki. A more plant-based diet would be a sustainable choice for the future, but supplementation is recommended to guarantee sufficient intakes of critical nutrients. More studies are needed on the long-term effects of a vegan diet on young children and the characteristics of a vegan diet in Finland.
  • Gordillo Ruesta, Harold Augusto (2015)
    The current study examined the particular land use land cover change process that occurred in one segment of the Tambopata Natural Reserve Buffer Zone, in the Southeastern Peruvian Amazon region of Madre de Dios, during the period 2004-2011. During such period of time, the study area experimented significant land use transitions, mostly from tropical forest and farming areas towards illegal gold mining activities. Theory explained that such processes occur due to a particular combination of direct and underlying drivers. Therefore, the research objectives of the study, focused to undercover both drivers and their intricate interaction and dynamics that shaped the particular transitions in the study site. Theory also indicated that an integral land use cover change analysis is required to properly formulate sound and adequate measures and policies in order to effectively tackle further land use change leading to deforestation. The long term impact of such measures are transcendental in terms of climate change by avoiding considerable carbon emissions to the atmosphere. The chosen methodology was an integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches, which required primary and secondary data correspondingly. The collection of secondary data included land use change maps for each year of analysis and its corresponding land use change matrix, whereas the collection of primary data required extensive semi-structure interviews in the field. Additionally, the qualitative approach required in the inclusion of grey literature. The analysis of each set of data was initially conducted separately, which resulted in two different but complementary interpretations of the particular land use change in the study site. Both results were later integrated and examined altogether, which resulted into a complete and detailed analysis of the particular event in the study area. The final integration exposed the direct and underlying drivers of change. The integral results exposed a dynamic area that experimented rapid forest loss towards mostly illegal gold mining activities, together with a non-compensatory natural regeneration. In addition, important economic activities identified as forestry and farming concessions, experimented similar transitions. Integral results exposed the direct drivers of change, such as the development of illegal gold mining, the pavement of the Inter Oceanic Highway and new informal agricultural expansion. Similarly, the underlying causes of change were also identified as an intricate and complex combination of pre-established variables such as cultural, economic, demographic, social, political and institutional ones. It was acknowledged that a complex interaction of direct and hidden drivers created the particular deforestation process in the site. However, it was identified that new extraordinary variables remarkably accelerated the transition process towards illegal mining. Such variables were the astonishing international gold price, together with the Inter Oceanic Highway pavement and the relatively new but inefficient decentralization of the national forestry system. Such combination resulted into the remarkable land use conversion towards illegal mining, which caused rapid and pervasive deforestation. Finally, the government proved incompetent to deal with such event and its corresponding development by implementing actions that lacked a complete analysis of the direct and underlying causes, including the social and economic particularities of the area. This resulted into insufficient achievements and inefficient solutions.
  • Hares, Jukka-Pekka (2022)
    The archipelago is a unique urban green space and a popular place to visit in the city of Helsinki. Nevertheless, multiple factors, such as urban expansion, recreational and environmental values create pressure on the development of the Helsinki archipelago. Visitors form an important group of stakeholders considering the development and future of the area. This qualitative interview study examines what do the visitors value in the Helsinki archipelago and what value the islands’ biodiversity has for them. A value framework by Himes and Muraca (2018) was applied as a theoretical framework in this thesis. The values of visitors are divided into categories of instrumental, relational and intrinsic values. The data were collected via 20 semi-structured interviews at three different islands in Helsinki archipelago. The interviews were conducted in August 2021. The results are analyzed with thematic method and are supported with quantified data analysis by applying the co-occurrence analysis with Atlas.ti 9.0 software. For the visitors interviewed, the most frequently emphasized value of the Helsinki archipelago is related to nature. In general, the islands are seen as an accessible recreational day-trip destination, where nature provides an environment to relax and recover. Many visitors enjoy sharing the experience with family or friends – sometimes even with strangers. A contrast to the constructed urban environment is important for the urban residents. Bridges to, or excessive infrastructure on the islands are not desired. The main value of biodiversity in Helsinki archipelago emerges via new experiences that are different from elsewhere in the urban environment. Additionally, biodiversity facilitates an immersive nature experience that supports well-being. Biodiversity in the archipelago has also intrinsic value: The archipelago is a valuable place for the ecosystems and biota to flourish. For the visitors, the archipelago is a pristine natural environment worth maintaining as it is.
  • Wang, Hao (2008)
    Anabaena is a common member of the phytoplankton in lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the world. This is a filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial genus and is frequently present in the lakes of Finland. Anabaena sp. strain 90 was isolated from Lake Vesijärvi and produces microcystins, anabaenopeptilides and anabaenopeptins. A whole genome shotgun sequencing project was undertaken to obtain the complete genome of this organism in order to better understand the physiology and environmental impact of toxic cyanobacteria. This work describes the genome assembly and finishing, the genome structure, and the results of intensive computational analysis of the Anabaena sp. strain 90 genome. Altogether 119,316 sequence reads were generated from 3 genomic libraries with 2, 6 and 40 kb inserts from high throughput Sanger sequencing. The software package Phred/Phrap/Consed was used for whole genome assembly and finishing. A combinatorial PCR method was used to establish relationships between remaining contigs after thorough scaffolding and gap-filling. The final assembly results show that there is a single 4.3 Mb circular chromosome and 4 circular plasmids with sizes of 820, 80, 56 and 20 kb respectively. Together, these 4 plasmids comprise nearly one-fifth of the total genome. Genomic variations in the form of 79 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 3 sequence indels were identified from the assembly results. Sequence analysis revealed that 7.5 percent of the Anabaena sp. strain 90 genome consists of repetitive DNA elements. The genome sequence of Anabaena sp. strain 90 provides a more solid basis for further studies of bioactive compound production, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and akinete formation in cyanobacteria.
  • Salo, Katri (2022)
    Tausta: Matalan- ja keskitulotason maissa ruokavaliot voivat usein olla yksipuolisia ja aliravitsemus on myös yleistä alueella. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan villiruokien kulutus saattaa olla yhteydessä ihmisten ruokavalioihin ja niiden monipuolisuuteen etenkin maaseudulla. Useat tekijät voivat kuitenkin vaikuttaa ruuan kulutukseen tietystä lähteestä kuten sosiodemografiset tekijät. Tästä huolimatta maan käytön muutokset ja metsien häviäminen saattavat heikentää villiruokien saatavuutta ja siksi on tärkeää tutkia niiden roolia ruokavalioissa ja ruokavalioiden monipuolisuudessa. Erityisesti luonnoltaan monimuotoisessa Laosissa, jossa talouskasvu on ollut nopeaa ja kaupallinen maatalous on lisääntynyt, mutta aliravitsemus on edelleen kansanterveysongelma. Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli tutkia laosilaisten aikuisten luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien kulutuksen ja ruokavalion monipuolisuuden välisiä yhteyksiä Nambakin alueella Pohjois-Laosissa. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten erilaiset ruuan lähteet (oma tuotanto, ostettu tai luonnosta kerätty) eroavat kotitalouksien sosiodemografisten taustojen mukaan. Menetelmät: Aineisto oli kerätty vuonna 2019 kotitalouskyselyillä, jotka sisälsivät myös seitsemän päivän frekvenssityyppisen ruuankäyttökyselyn 90 kotitaloudelle kolmessa kylässä Laosin maaseudulla. Kotitalouden materiaaliseen varallisuuteen perustuva varallisuusindeksi luotiin pääkomponenttianalyysillä ja kotitalouden korkein koulutus valittiin edustamaan kotitalouden koulutusasemaa. Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien monipuolisuutta ja kotitalouksien (n=89) ja naisten ruokavalion monipuolisuuden pistemääriä (n=46) analysoitiin yleistetyillä lineaarisilla malleilla (kaksiarvoinen logistinen malli), jotka oli vakioitu kolmella varallisuusryhmällä ja kotitalouden koulutusasemalla. Lisäksi kotitalouden varallisuuden, koulutusaseman ja ruokien monipuolisuutta eri lähteistä (vastaajan oma tuotanto, ostettu tai luonnosta kerätty) välisiä yhteyksiä analysoitiin yleistetyillä lineaarisilla malleilla (lineaarinen malli). Tulokset: Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien kulutus oli yleistä ja 90 % vastaajista kulutti niitä ainakin kerran edellisten seitsemän päivän aikana. Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien suurempi monipuolisuus oli yhteydessä pienempään kotitalouden (OR=0.64, 95 % CI 0.47-0.89) ja naisten (OR=0.49, 95 % CI 0.28-0.84) ruokavalion monipuolisuuden pistemäärän todennäköisyyteen. Kotitalouden matalampi koulutusasema oli yhteydessä suurempaan luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien monipuolisuuteen verrattaessa korkeimpaan kotitalouden koulutusasemaan. Varallisuusryhmät eivät olleet yhteydessä erilaisiin kulutettujen ruokien lähteisiin. Päätelmät: Tulokset osoittavat, että villiruokien kulutuksen ja kotitalouksien ja naisten ruokavalioiden monipuolisuuden yhteys on monimutkainen ja siihen mahdollisesti vaikuttavat useat erilaiset tekijät. Aiheesta tarvitaan lisää tutkimustietoa validoiduilla ruuankäytön mittaamisen menetelmillä Laosista.
  • Veach, Victoria L. (2012)
    In 2009 and 2010 a study was conducted to determine if whole-tree harvest (WTH) would deplete the soil nutrients in Rubicon soil. The specific objectives of the study were: 1) Estimation of biomass and nutrient content of above- and below-ground tree components in mature jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands growing on a coarse-textured, low-productivity soil, 2) Determination of total C and N and exchangeable soil cations and other physical properties in mature jack pine stands, and 3) Comparison of the possible impacts of CH and WTH on subsequent soil nutrient pools. In total, four even aged jack pine stands on Rubicon soil were studied. Allometric equations were used to determine aboveground biomass and nutrients, and soil samples from each stand were analyzed for total C and N, exchangeable Ca, K, and Mg, pH, organic matter content, texture, and available water holding capacity. Results indicate that WTH will leave enough nutrients on-site for the next rotation of trees, but the potential for increased decomposition and leaching may still result in nutrient loss, especially in these coarse-textured soils with low mineral soil organic matter.
  • Majamäki, Renata (2022)
    Nitrous oxide (N₂O) is a powerful greenhouse gas, and its global warming potential is almost 300 times more compared to carbon dioxide. In the soil ecosystem, N₂O is mainly released into the atmosphere in the microbiological process, denitrification. Subarctic tundra soils are important sources of N₂O and due to global warming, N₂O can be released an increasing amount from these soils in the future. Snow cover and ice layers influence to production of greenhouse gases during winter. In this master’s thesis, active microbial communities and their functional genes were studied from subarctic tundra soils across the five different vegetation types in northern Finland in early April. Additionally, various environmental factors (pH, soil temperature, soil organic matter, soil water content, and snow depth) and gas fluxes of nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide were studied together with metatranscriptomic data. The study focuses on the genes involved in denitrification, as it is the main process of releasing N₂O. This study showed that microbial activity was notable already in early April and indicated that microorganisms stayed active in these subarctic soils in winter and can continue producing greenhouse gases throughout the year. Kilpisjärvi tundra soils are complex systems, and various environmental factors shaped the abundance and diversity of active denitrifiers, their functional genes, and the production of N₂O. Transcripts of genes involved in denitrification were active and N₂O fluxes ranged from -4 to 21 μg m-2 d-1. Overall production of N₂O from these tundra soils was small, yet evident, and the soils can be notable sources of N₂O in winter.
  • Piekkari, Nelli (2019)
    Wheat is the most common crop of the world and there are many plant pathogens that are causing diseases in wheat. In Finland leaf spot diseases cause crop losses every year and typical diseases are for example tan spot and stagonospora nodorum spot. It is possible to use different kind of forecasting models to estimate the risk of the plant disease epidemic and need for controlling. Forecasting models make possible to focus the controlling actions to the right place and time. The aim of this study was clear up how reliably the WisuEnnuste forecasting model can forecast amount of tan spot and stagonospora nodorum spot of wheat. It was estimated how good correlation there is between the risk value of the forecasting model and amount of the disease observed from wheat samples. In addition it was evaluated how well tan spot and stagonospora nodorum spot are recognized visually from the plant samples. The correlation between risk value and real amount of the disease was weak for both diseases. When cumulating risk values were divided into three different classes there were statistically significant differences between classes. It is possible to use boundary values between classes when it is defined what risk values cause warning about the disease. The amount of the data was too small to evaluate how individual factors affect to the risk value. The visual identifying of the diseases was difficult and there happened many mistakes.
  • Kartano, Linda (2015)
    Conflicts are concern for the coexistence of wolves (Canis lupus) and humans, and injuries and deaths of domestic animals (i.e. depredations) are a concrete part of the conflicts. Even though wildlife researchers have studied characteristics, risk factors, and prevention methods of depredation for decades, the diversity and complexity of depredation phenomenon has ensured that there is still a long way to go before the knowledge and management of depredations reach a satisfactory level. The thesis is consisted of three parts that have a broader theme in the description of the depredation phenomenon from slightly different perspectives and so to serve the purpose of increasing the capacity of understanding and managing the depredation. The first part of the thesis gives a literature-based introduction to the problem of depredation and the factors that are likely to contribute to the depredation risk in general. The aim of the first part was to provide a foundation for the second and third parts. The second part of the thesis focuses on the large-scale depredation characteristics by surveying depredation records of Europe and North America via a literature review and personal data requests. The aims of the second part were to generalize the depredation characteristics on the large scale, to compare depredation datasets between study areas, and to study the relationship between depredations and possible large-scale explanatory factors of depredation. The third part of the thesis represents a collective study of wolf attacks on bear-hunting dogs in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, US. The aim of the third part was to study the relationship between dog depredation rates and bear-hunting practices and to exemplify the benefits of the transregional research approach. The second part of the thesis represented depredation characteristics from 20 study areas in Europe and the US. Small- or medium-sized domestic animals dominated the depredation records. The percentages of depredated livestock stayed small. Sheep and goat depredations occurred more often than expected and bovine and equine depredations less than expected by the occurrence of the animals in the live population. The second part showed also that despite the large variability between the depredation datasets, the composition and number of depredations were geographically clustered. Europe was defined by extensive sheep and goat depredations whereas the US was defined by moderate bovine depredations. The results also showed that wolf abundance and domestic animal densities correlated significantly with the number of depredations and depredation rates (depredations/wolf) whereas the human population density and the forest and farmland coverages correlated less significantly with the depredation rates. The third part of the thesis showed that the depredation rates of bear-hunting dogs in Michigan and Wisconsin are partly influenced by the bear-hunting permits sold per wolf and hunter method. The greater dog depredation rates in Wisconsin compared to Michigan could be affected by the longer duration of bear-baiting and more concurrent timing of baiting with dog training in Wisconsin. The differences in the compensation schemes could also contribute to the differences in depredation rates between the states. In conclusion, the results of the second part indicated that some characteristics of depredation that have been previously identified on the more local scales are applicable also on the large scales. More research is needed to clarify the role of wolf abundance and domestic animal densities in determining the depredation likelihood on the large scales. The depredation records were highly variable in relation to the data collection procedures, and it would be important to set minimum standards for the depredation data. The depredation research and management should be improved also by increasing the transparency and availability of depredation records. The third part of the thesis showed how the differences in natural resources management between the states might have a significant role in defining depredation rates for hunting dogs. The study exemplifies well how the depredation research and management can benefit from the collection and distribution of depredation data across the administrative borders. As the depredation information hopefully increases in the future, the large-scale picture of the depredation characteristics across Europe and North America will also be further defined.
  • Ignatius, Heikki (2019)
    The structural changes concerning the forest industry sector will stimulate the incumbents in the sector to develop new product areas for the replacement of the old, declining core products. Wood-based biochemicals are considered as one of the major product areas able to compensate the decline in revenues caused by diminishing demand for graphic papers. There is already existing demand for biochemicals from the owners of major product brands who seek to replace fossil-based raw materials with more sustainable alternatives. New wood-based product areas respond to the changing operating environment of the sector but also require new types of business models and strategies as well as development of expertise from different fields. This work examines the systemic weaknesses and strengths of the development of the Finnish wood-based biochemical sector as well as the policy tools facilitating the development and diffusion of the sector. This study was carried out as a qualitative study where literature review was complemented with eight semi-structured expert interviews. The conceptual basis for analyzing the material were based on innovation theories, enabling the identification of the weaknesses and strengths of the system. The results revealed several drivers for the further progression of the system but specifically two internal functions of the system were identified which can be recognized to hinder the optimal development of the entire system. The development and diffusion of knowledge as well as the differing expectations and visions between system actors were identified as barriers to the further development of the system, necessitating more effective policy measures. As this study addressed specifically the systemic weaknesses and strengths, it would be important for the future studies to address more detailed policy measures in order to enhance the further promotion of the sector. This approach should also consider the relationship of the wood-based biochemicals as a part of the whole biochemical sector and its development.
  • Heikkinen, Katariina (2023)
    The amount of wooden multi-storey buildings has increased in Finland during the past years, but the volume remains low. The use of wood in the large building types has increased, because of ecological, environmental, architectural and pleasantness factors. Wood element production enables larger spans when building with wood. Because of the climate change, decreasing the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is important. Wood is a sustainable material due to its carbon storage capability and low-carbon emissions from the production. The aim of this research is to explore the criteria that impact financing decisions in multi-storey residential buildings. The research examines what the criteria for financing wooden multi-storey residential buildings are, how financiers assess risks and opportunities in wooden multi-storey constructions (WMC) and what is the role of the sustainability in WMC. The research was conducted by interviewing people in the field of financing and real estate investing. Interviews were held during autumn 2022 as online meetings. The interview results show that financiers especially focus on the financial criteria. This included profitability of the financing, ability of the construction company and risk analysis. Other criteria mentioned were location, sustainability factors, apartment pre-marketing and maintenance costs. Building material was not seen as a significant factor as it is decided by the construction company, and it is part of the risk analysis. According to the results, the building time is the riskiest time for the financier because of the low value of unfinished buildings. As risks, respondents find the construction company’s capability for the project and the lack of references, but also their realized lifecycle costs compared to concrete buildings. As opportunities good availability of material in Finland, development of the element building to lower the prices, ecological material, and carbon binding qualities were mentioned. Sustainability was seen as an important part of the financing decision; however, all respondents did not have it as a part of the current financial criteria. In addition to organization’s own sustainability goals, sustainability is guided from the outside as regulations. As an example, the EU taxonomy is already in use and is being implemented in the financing and building industry. Green financing was identified as one of the tools that guide sustainability and by adapting its criteria, construction companies may receive better loan conditions. As a conclusion, financiers are interested to finance wooden multi-storey buildings, but they require more long-term usage and cost experiences. As future research topics the thoughts and opinions of construction companies regarding the financing are suggested. In addition, what are the impacts of embedding the EU taxonomy into financiers’ and their customers’ actions.
  • Franzini, Florencia (2018)
    For the last 20 years, the state administration of Finland has supported the development of wooden multistory construction (WMC) into the residential housing market. While the number of WMC dwellings has increased, WMC is still not a normalized construction practice. Civil servants—who are responsible for complying with national strategies while being tasked to satisfy the needs of Finnish citizens—are legally entrusted to oversee and approve the planning of all zoning maps. This authority includes the power to compel builders to comply with material preferences through zoning regulations. Regardless of this gatekeeping authority, they rarely enact such regulations. This qualitative study examines the attitudes and perceptions of civil servants regarding WMC. It also examines the civil servants’ interpretation of other stakeholder opinions towards WMC. The aim was to set a precedent for current-day beliefs about WMC from the perspective of this authoritative group, given no such in-depth opinions currently exist in the literature. Semi-structured interviews were held between May 2017-January 2018. 11 civil -servants holding high-level administrative roles in city planning and development from six different municipalities were interviewed. Based on qualitative content analysis of the data, interviewed civil servants held a variety of attitudes towards WMC. Support for the implementation of WMC was due to benefits incurred by the positive qualities of the engineered wood products, which permit flexible construction technologies that directly enhance citizen lifestyles, while supporting local and national economies. Hindrances in the implementation of WMC were a result of an operating environment with poor information distribution, few WMC industry actors and limited government policy measures to support project implementation. These factors trigger high risk and high cost. Material limitations were rarely discussed, but may result in high cost or project risk. The stakeholders whose opinions were most frequently discussed included the municipalities the civil servants represented, municipality residents, and private developers. The opinions of other stakeholders (e.g. end users) were rarely mentioned. Developers are reluctant to take on WMC projects due to bottom-line mentality and perceived development risk. Residents’ opinions are equally colored with interest and skepticism. Municipality opinions were mostly in line with the perceptions shared by civil servants. All stakeholders were perceived to have greater interest in WMC if risk or prejudice were dispelled through positive, real-world experiences or exposure to WMC.
  • Wang, Min (2018)
    Norway spruce (Picea abies) and silver birch (Betula pendula) are widely spread in Europe. They are important raw materials for sawmill, pulp mill and paper industry. This industry utilizes merely 30-40% of the wood in the form of cellulose. Hemicelluloses, mainly galactoglucomannans (GGM) in spruce and glucuronoxylan (GX) in birch, comprise around 30% of the mass of wood. By far, this part has not been utilized as raw material but burnt as a source of energy. GGM and GX can be recovered from sawmills, paper making and pulping process, according to current knowledge, utilized as emulsion stabilizers. This study aims at evaluating the role of wood extractives present in hemicellulose isolates for emulsion stabilization. This study investigated the characterisation of wood extractives in isolated hemicelluloses and evaluated the role of wood extractives in stabilization of hemicelluloses emulsions during lipid oxidation. In the experimental section, eight different spruce galactoglucomannan (GGM) isolates and two birch glucuronoxylan (GX) isolates were characterized for their wood extractive composition and their antioxidant capacities were evaluated. The isolates were collected from thermomechanical pulping (TMP), by pressurized hot-water extraction (PHWE) or by mild alkali pressurized hot-water extraction (BLN). The isolates were either used as such (Con), after spray-drying (Spdr) or after ethanol precipitation (EtOH). The content and composition of phenolic residues and triterpenes in hemicellulose isolates were determined and their effect on the emulsion stability were investigated. In addition, radical scavenging activities and metal binding capacity were investigated to further understand the role of wood extractives against lipid oxidation in emulsions. Lipid oxidation in emulsions were investigated by monitoring the formation of primary and secondary oxidation products. For all of the studied GGM and GX, the content of phenolic residues ranged from 18 µg/g to 4 mg/g. The quantities of phenolic compounds in PHWE GGM and GX were higher than in TMP and BLNGGM and GX. Con GGM and GX exhibited higher amount of phenolic residues than the corresponding EtOH ones. Triterpenes were not detected which indicated their negligible contribution to emulsion stabilization. Con_TMP exhibited high iron binding capacity whereas the others exhibited average capacities. TMP GGM showed higher hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity compared to other GGM. The content of phenolic residues correlated with DPPH radical scavenging capacity for both GGM and GX: Radical scavenging capacity was greatest in samples having high number of phenolic residues. The average droplet size D[3,2] of emulsions stabilized by TMP GGM increased at a higher rate than that of stabilized by EtOH_GX. EtOH_GX was more stable due to its higher phenolic content and hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity compared to TMP GGM. Peroxide values and volatile oxidation products indicated that Con_TMP stabilized emulsion oxidized at a higher rate compared to EtOH_GX stabilized emulsion. This study showed the potential benefits to have coextracted wood extractives in hemicellulose isolates instead of removing them. Wood extractives clearly affect the stability of emulsions.
  • She, Ji (2014)
    This study scrutinizes the domestic fuel consumption pattern and relating issues using survey data for households in three Peasant Associations Wosha, Kela, and Basha in Wondo Genet, south-central Ethiopia. It is found that in this region, households are still heavily reliant on traditional biomass fuels, particularly woodfuels (fuelwood and charcoal). Fuelwood is the most common and important fuel type for the majority of households and there are normally three sources for it, namely self-collection from non-private forests, private plantation, and market fuelwood sellers. A multinomial probit model is employed for the empirical analysis and it indicates in Wondo Genet, the probability for households obtaining fuelwood from these three sources is 0.1825, 0.0867, and 0.7308 respectively. Purchasing fuelwood from markets has replaced self-collection as the primary fuelwood source for households. Household size, economic status, availability of crop residues and modern fuels, and location are the main factors affecting households’ choices. In addition, charcoal is the main fuel substitute/ supplement to fuelwood and is also widely used. Transition towards use of modern fuels is taking place slowly among wealthy households, largely restrained by limitations in people’s perception, infrastructure, fuel supply, etc. This implies that the role of government is of extreme importance in the process of energy transition and development of people’s livelihood.
  • Leinonen, Nea (2010)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella laadullisten tutkimuskeinojen avulla keskeisten tekijöiden etenkin palkitsemisen vaikutusta word-of-mouth -viestintään. Teoriakatsauksen perusteella tutkimusaluetta lähestyttiin tarkastelemalla viittä eri aihealuetta, suosittelijan sisäistä motivaatiota, kokemusta tuotteen tai palvelun ominaisuuksista, suhdetta yrityksen kanssa ja suosituksen vastaanottajan kanssa sekä palkitsemista ja suosittelukampanjaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa avattiin käsite word-of-mouth -viestintä ja suosittelumarkkinointi sekä selvitettiin word-of-mouth -viestintään vaikuttavia keskeisiä tekijöitä, jotta suosittelupäätökseen liittyviä tekijöitä olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon avulla. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa tutkimuksen casena oli Agronomiliitto ry:n suosittelukampanja. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin Helsingin yliopiston maatalous-metsätieteellisen tiedekunnan syksyn 2009 tutoreita koskien heille suunnattua jäsenhankintakampanjaa. Kampanjan tarkoituksena oli saada tutorit suosittelemaan Agronomiliiton jäsenyyttä uusille opiskelijoille. Parhaiten kampanjassa menestyneet tutorit palkittiin. Kahdeksasta haastateltavasta seitsemän oli Agronomiliiton jäseniä. Haastateltavista kolme palkittiin hyvästä menestyksestä kampanjassa. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua ja henkilökohtaista teemahaastattelua. Haastatteluissa pyrittiin ennen kaikkea selvittämään haastateltavien ajatuksia liittyen word-of-mouth -viestintään sekä suosittelusta palkitsemiseen. Tutkimus antaa suuntaa, että sisäisellä motivaatiotekijöillä on suuri merkitys suositteluviestinnän tapahtumiselle. Suosittelijan tulee tunnistaa suositeltavasta tuotteesta tai palvelusta koetut hyödyt. Suosittelua myös edesauttaa jos suosittelija omaa mielipidejohtajan ominaisuuksia. Palkitseminen toimii kannustimena suositella, mutta palkitsemisjärjestelmä tulee miettiä huolellisesti, jotta suosittelija ei koe suosittelun vähentävän omaa tai suositteluviestin uskottavuutta. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat molempien, suosittelijan ja suosittelun vastaanottajan palkitsemisen olevan paras palkitsemisjärjestelmä suosittelukampanjassa.
  • Seittenranta-Vekkeli, Sofia (2016)
    Patogeeninen Yersinia enterocolitica aiheuttaa yersinioosiksi kutsuttua suolistoinfektiota ja se voi aiheuttaa myös pitkäaikaisia jälkitauteja. Yersinia on kolmanneksi yleisin elintarvikevälitteinen bakteerizoonoosi Euroopassa kampylobakteerin ja salmonellan jälkeen. Suomessa yersiniatartuntoja raportoidaan vuosittain 500–700 ja esiintyvyys on Euroopan tasolla väkilukuun suhteutetuna korkea. Tartunnat ovat yleensä yksittäisiä, epidemioita esiintyy harvoin. Y. enterocolitica on gramnegatiivinen fakultatiivisesti anaerobi kokkoidi sauvabakteeri. Se on psykrotrofinen eli kykenee lisääntymään myös jääkaappilämpötilassa. Yersinian tärkeimpänä tartuntalähteenä pidetään yleisesti raakaa tai huonosti kypsennettyä sianlihaa, johon se päätyy taudinaiheuttajamikrobia kantavista oireettomista sioista teurastusprosessin aikana. Jopa kahdella kolmasosalla sioista patogeeninen Y. enterocolitica -bakteeri on saatu eristettyä teurastamolla otetuista nielurisanäytteistä. Bakteeria on havaittu erittyvän sian ulosteeseen noin joka kymmenellä sialla vaihtelevasti riippuen ainakin sian kasvuvaiheesta. Pääosa sioista eristetyistä patogeenisistä Y. enterocolitica kannoista kuuluu Suomessa biotyyppiin 4 ja serotyyppiin O:3. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin 38 eri tilalta yhteensä 394 sikaa, jotka jakautuivat 10 teuraskuljetukseen. Sioista kerättiin ulostenäytteet ennen kuljetusta tiloilla, välittömästi kuljetuksen jälkeen ja teurastamolla lepoajan jälkeen ennen teurastusta. Yhteensä kerättiin 1139 näytettä, joista 206 näytteestä eristettiin Y. enterocolitica 4/O:3 kanta. Kantojen genotyypit määritettiin MLVA (multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis) menetelmällä. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että eri tiloilta tulevien sikojen yersiniakannat eroavat toisistaan niiden MLVA-profiilien perusteella ja menetelmää on pidetty soveltuvana myös Yersinia enterocolitica epidemioiden tutkimiseen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin muutoksia yksittäisten sikojen yersinian erityksessä. Kuljetuksen jälkeen havaittiin yersinian tilastollisesti merkitsevä korkeampi esiintyvyys sian ulosteessa verrattuna tiloilla ja teurastamolla lepoajan jälkeen otettuihin näytteisiin. Samoin kuljetuksen jälkeen havaittiin enemmän erilaisia MLVA-profiileiltaan eroavia yersinia-kantoja, joita ei tavattu tiloilla otetuissa näytteissä. Teurastamolla lepoajan jälkeen havaittiin muutoksia yksittäisten sikojen erittämissä yersiniakannoissa ja myös täysin uusia kantoja, joita ei havaittu tiloilla eikä kuljetuksen jälkeen otetuissa näytteissä. Kokonaisuudessaan havaittiin yhteensä 64 ainakin yhden toistojakson erolla yhdessä lokuksessa toisistaan eroavaa MLVA-profiilia. Joidenkin muutosten havaittiin liittyvän samassa kuljetuksissa olleisiin toisten tilojen sikoihin. Tulosten perusteella yersinian tarttumista teuraskuljetusten aikana toisten saman kuljetuksen tilojen sioista toisiin voidaan pitää mahdollisena. Tartunta voi olla myös peräisin esimerkiksi yersinialla saastuneesta ympäristöstä kuljetusautossa tai teurastamon navetassa. Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu merkitystä kuljetuksen pituudella yersinian erittymisessä ulosteeseen. Lepoajan pituuden vaikutuksessa yersinian esiintymiseen ilmeni tarve tarkemmalle tutkimukselle. Menetelmän osalta on esitetty, että MLVA-profiililtaan yhden kopioluvun ero yhdessä tai tai kahdessa lokuksessa voidaan tulkita kantojen olevan samaa alkuperää. Jatkotutkimuksen tarve paitsi menetelmän tulkintarajojen kehittämiseksi myös havaintojen vahvistamiseksi ja selittämiseksi nousi esille.
  • Hakakorpi, Anna (2019)
    In early spring of 2014, a Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strain O:1 caused an outbreak via commercially distributed raw milk in Southern Finland. This was so far the most widespread raw milk outbreak detected in Finland. There are no earlier cases of Y. pseudotuberculosis infecting consumers via raw milk in Finland. Yersinia outbreaks caused by raw milk are also uncommon in other countries, and they are usually caused by Yersinia enterocolitica. Occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in milk is typically caused by fecal contamination during milking process. The contamination routes of Y. pseudotuberculosis in dairy farms have not been studied earlier. The goal of this study was to determine genotypes of the strains collected from the farm during the raw milk outbreak and in a follow-up study. Genotyping was conducted by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with two different restriction enzymes (SpeI and NotI). Based on genotyping results, some of the strains were selected to a 21-day cold growth assay in 3 °C. The growth parameters obtained during cold growth assay showed significant differences between strains from fecal or milk-related samples. PFGE genotyping revealed four different genotypes among the examined Y. pseudotuberculosis strains. Two of these strains were extracted only from fecal samples and the other two only from samples from packed milk, bulk tank milk or milk filter. The most prevalent genotype in milk-related samples (S1/N1) was identical to the epidemic strain genotyped by The Institute of Health and Welfare during the outbreak in 2014.The strains genotyped in this study were not uniform with strains collected and genotyped during previous Y. pseudotuberculosis outbreaks or follow-up studies. Strains extracted from cows’ feces were similar with a strain extracted from feces of an alpine ibex, whereas strains collected from milk-related samples formed their own, distinguishable genetic group. The observed differences in fecal and milk-related strains’ genotype and growth suggest their different origin. Yersiniae are known to be a part of normal flora in various small rodents and birds. In the dairy farm, which was the source of the raw milk outbreak, there had been several pest sightings of rats and wild birds during the initial epidemic investigation. The pest animals had had free access to cattle feed and other areas in the farm environment. Also the cows have most probably had some kind of role in the transmission of pathogens, as a Y. pseudotuberculosis strain, identical to patient samples, was prevalent in bulk tank milk and/or milk filters from April to November. The selection of the epidemic strain might have occurred in the milking system or bulk tank due to its cold tolerance properties. Due to partly insufficient sample material, the exact contamination routes of Y. pseudotuberculosis cannot be completely verified. The preservation of cold chain has been regarded as one of the cornerstones of food safety. However, it does not prevent the growth of psychrotropic bacteria, but rather offers them ideal growth environment. Although the Finnish regulation regarding production and microbial screening of raw milk has been defined in the beginning of 2018, it still focuses mainly on mesophilic pathogens. As the popularity of raw milk continues to grow, the microbial screening of this high-risk food should be extended to cover also the species that can thrive in cold storage conditions, such as yersiniae.
  • Kaski, Antti (2024)
    Lannoitekustannukset voivat vuositasolla kattaa jopa lähes puolet maatalousyrityksen tarvikekustannuksista. Lisäksi viimeisten vuosikymmenten ja etenkin 2020-luvun aikana markkinoilla on nähty nopeita ja rajuja muutoksia lannoitteiden hinnoissa. Maatalousyrittäjien onkin tarpeen sopeutua hintojen vaihteluihin ja pyrkiä minimoimaan niistä aiheutuvat haitat. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli ensiksi selvittää keinoja, joilla maatalousyrittäjät voivat suojautua hintavaihtelulta. Toiseksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko yhdistelmälannoitteiden hinnoittelussa ollut havaittavissa kausittaista vaihtelua, jota maatalousyrittäjät olisivat voineet hyödyntää lannoitteiden hankinnassa. Kolmanneksi tarkasteltiin eri ostostrategioiden vaikutusta lannoitekustannuksiin vuosina 2000–2023. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin Tilastokeskuksen julkaisemaa maatalouden tuotantovälineiden ostohintaindeksiä. Aineisto jaettiin segmentteihin siinä esiintyvien rakenteellisten katkosten perusteella. Tämän jälkeen aikasarjasta analysoitiin kausivaihtelun esiintymistä hyödyntäen autokorrelaatiofunktiota ja tilastollisia testejä. Kausivaihtelun havainnoinnin jälkeen verrattiin eri ostostrategioiden keskimääräisiä kustannuksia ja määritettiin näin historiallisesti kannattavin ostostrategia. Lopuksi tarkasteltiin eri ostostrategioiden välisten erojen tilastollista merkitsevyyttä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että yhdistelmälannoitteiden hinnoissa on esiintynyt kausittaista vaihtelua, jota maatalousyrittäjät ovat voineet hyödyntää suunnitellessaan lannoitteiden ostoajankohtia. Ostamalla kaikki vuoden tarvittavat yhdistelmälannoitteet heinäkuussa, on lannoitekustannuksissa säästänyt vuosittain keskimäärin noin 6,8 %. Hajauttamalla lannoiteostot ajallisesti kahteen ostokertaan, on maatalousyrittäjä voinut säästää kustannuksissa keskimäärin 0,6-5,3 %, mikäli puolet lannoitteista on ostettu lannoitevuoden ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä. Toisaalta eri ostostrategioiden välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Johtopäätöksinä todettiin, että vaikka eri ostostrategioiden väleillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja, maatalousyrittäjän on ollut kannattavinta ostaa lannoitteet heinäkuussa. Toisaalta maatalousyrittäjä on voinut ostaa yhdistelmälannoitteet kahdessa erässä, esimerkiksi heinäkuussa ja tammikuussa. Tällöin puolet lannoitteisiin käytettävästä pääomasta on voitu sijoittaa muualle puoleksi vuodeksi, ja lannoitekustannukset ovat silti olleet keskimääräistä alhaisemmat. Tutkimuksen tulokset eivät kuitenkaan ole suoraan hyödynnettävissä ostostrategian valitsemiseen, sillä menneisyydessä tapahtunut hintavaihtelu ei välttämättä toteudu tulevaisuudessa.