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Browsing by discipline "Livsmedelsteknologi"

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  • Toivola, Johanna Maria (2015)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the structure of ice cream, especially the effects of temperature, sugar composition and stabilizer-emulsifier concentration on the melt down, hardness and moulding properties of ice cream. The aim was to produce a soft and easily mouldable ice cream that suits the intended purpose. A sensory evaluation was conducted to the ice creams with desired structural properties. The literature review deals with ice cream ingredients, manufacturing process and factors affecting ice cream structure. For the experimental study, 16 ice creams with different compositions were made. The ice creams contained 12 or 6 % fat, different types of sugar compositions (A, B, C, D, E, F) and different concentrations of two types of stabilizer and emulsifier blends (A, B). Ice creams were stored at different temperatures. The hardness of ice cream was measured with a Texture Analyser, the melting rate was determined and the moulding properties were analysed with a moulding test. The two ice creams with desired structure were compared to a commercial ice cream in a sensory evaluation. The results of the hardness measurements revealed, that temperature and sugar composition affected hardness the most. Stabilizer and emulsifier concentration and type did not have an effect. The softest ice creams were those stored at higher temperatures and those made with sugar composition C, D, E and F. The slowest melting ice creams were the ones containing greater amounts of stabilizers and emulsifiers. The ice cream made with sugar composition D melted the fastest. For the moulding test, the softer ice creams were the easiest to mould. The ice cream made with sugar composition D was found to be too soft, almost runny, and the ones made with sugar composition A and B were found to be too hard. The ice creams made with sugar composition C, E and F were found pleasing. The batches containing a greater amount of stabilizer and emulsifier were found to be a bit gummy. In the sensory evaluation there were only one difference in sweetness found between the study ice creams and the commercial one. There were no differences found in creaminess and over all liking. From this can be concluded that the study ice creams are accepted by the consumers as well.
  • Greis, Maija (2016)
    Suomessa valtion ravitsemusneuvottelukunta suosittelee jodioidun ruokasuolan käyttöä teollisuudessa väestötasolla havaitun lievän jodin puutoksen takia. Epäily jodin vaikutuksesta elintarvikkeiden aistittavaan laatuun on nähty käytön esteenä. Tästä syystä tutkielmassa selvitetään jodioidun ruokasuolan vaikutuksia ruoan aistittavaan laatuun. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään aikaisempaan tutkimustietoon jodioidun ruokasuolan vaikutuksista elintarvikkeiden aistinvaraisiin ominaisuuksiin. Lisäksi tarkastellaan jodin pysyvyyttä elintarvikkeissa. Kokeellisen työn tutkimusmateriaalit olivat lauantaimakkara, leipä ja säilykekurkku. Materiaalien NaCl-pitoisuudet olivat 1,72 %, 1,20 % ja 1,70 %. Jodipitoisuudet jokaisessa materiaalissa olivat 0 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg ja 100 mg kilogrammassa ruokasuolaa. Jodi lisättiin elintarvikkeisiin valmistuksen yhteydessä kaliumjodidina (KI). Aistinvaraisissa arvioinneissa käytettiin poikkeama vertailunäytteestä -menetelmää, jossa koulutettu 12 henkilön raati arvioi materiaalien hajua, makua, suutuntumaa, ulkonäköä ja rakennetta. Raadin avulla luotiin tutkimuksessa käytettävä arviointisanasto. Arvioinneissa jokaista näytettä verrattiin jodioimattomaan näytteeseen. Arvioinneista tehtiin neljä toistoa. Tutkimusmateriaalien jodin hävikki määritettiin kemiallisten analyysien avulla Elintarviketurvallisuusvirastossa. Havaitut aistinvaraiset muutokset vertailunäytteeseen nähden olivat pieniä kaikissa jodipitoisuuksissa. Suositusten mukainen määrä jodia ruokasuolassa, 25 mg/kg, ei aiheuttanut tutkittaviin elintarvikkeisiin aistinvaraisia muutoksia. Suuremmat jodipitoisuudet aiheuttivat lauantaimakkarassa tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja leikkautuvuudessa ja värissä. Kuluttajan voi kuitenkin olla vaikeaa huomata jodin aiheuttamia muutoksia lauantaimakkarassa, koska erot vertailunäytteeseen olivat pieniä. Jodin hävikki vaihteli elintarvikkeen mukaan. Lauantaimakkarassa hävikki oli suurimmillaan 14 % ja leivässä 24 %. Säilykekurkuissa hävikki oli suurimmillaan 54 %. Tulosten perusteella jodioitua ruokasuolaa voidaan käyttää tutkitun tyyppisissä elintarvikkeissa ilman, että merkittäviä aistinvaraisia muutoksia syntyy. Tulokset tukevat aikaisemman kirjallisuuden havaintoja. Yhdistäen tutkielman tulokset kirjallisuuden tietoihin jodioidun ruokasuolan käytölle elintarviketeollisuudessa ei ole aistinvaraista estettä. Hävikin ja ruokasuolan vähentämistavoitteiden valossa voidaan jodipitoisuuden lisäystä ruokasuolassa suositella. Jodipitoisuuden korottaminen ruokasuolassa olisi tehokas tapa nostaa väestön jodin saantia ilman että ruokasuolan saanti nousee.
  • Jauhiainen, Aurora (2019)
    Iodine is an essential nutrient for humans and it is needed for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Approximately 1,5 billion people in the world are suffering from iodine deficiency. In Finland, mild iodine deficiency has occurred in adults according to national surveys. The recommendation of iodine intake is 150 µg/day for adults. According to the National FinDiet 2017 survey, iodine intake of men was at the recommended level, but women had mild iodine deficiency. The most important sources of iodine are cereal products and dairy products. Iodized table salt is the most important source of iodine as a single ingredient. Iodized salt is added to several foods, but iodine loss may occur. Loss of iodine can be caused by several factors, for example heat treatments, storage conditions and processing. The objective of this thesis was to investigate the use of iodized salt in Finnish food industry and find out the amount of iodine in food products that contain iodized salt. The stability of iodine was also studied. The iodine intake in Finnish population was estimated. The use of iodized salt in Finnish food industry was investigated mostly with Foodie-website and food manufacturers’ websites. Iodine concentrations from 112 food products in different food categories were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) at Finnish Food Authority. The iodine intake in 2012 and 2017, was estimated for different population groups. The consumption data of different food groups were from the National FinDiet 2012 and 2017 surveys. The iodine content of different foods were from analyzed food samples and Fineli-database. Two kinds of calculations were done: with and without iodized salt. There are many categories, where most of the manufacturers use iodized salt: breads, convenience foods, sauces, cold cuts and sausages. The amount and stability of iodine varied between different food products. Calculated and analyzed iodine content varied between different food products and food categories. There was big difference in iodine intake, depending on if calculations were done with or without iodized salt. For example, for 18–44 years old women in 2017, the iodine intake was 228 µg/day with iodized salt and 88 µg/day without iodized salt. The use of iodized salt in the Finnish food industry seems to be at a good level, but there are differences between categories. The amount and stability of iodine in food products varies a lot, but it was seen that there is still significant amount of iodine in processed food products. Iodized food products have a major effect on the iodine intake of Finnish population. There is still no concern about excessive iodine intake at the iodine concentration 25 mg/kg NaCl. Finnish food industry should continue using iodized salt, because it is an efficient way to prevent iodine deficiency in Finnish population.
  • Helminen, Pirjo (2014)
    Thesis literature review deals with composition of cow´s milk, yogurt manufacturing, composition and process attributes affecting textural properties of yogurt and measuring textural properties of yogurt. Plain, stirred yogurts (kg) were manufactured at Valio Riihimäki and Oulu Dairies. The aim of the research was to find out attributes that affect yogurt quality. First milk base composition was determined and, yogurt textural properties were determined (viscosity, graininess, syneresis) using different techniques. Finally yogurt statistical relationships or Pearson correlations and statistical significance between yogurt textural properties and milk base composition and manufacturing process were determined. Additional objective was to determine common specification limits to yogurt textural properties. Statistical analysis; pearson correlation coefficients, p-value and specification limits were carried out using MINITAB®16 statistical software. Good yogurt texture is viscous, free from grains and syneresis. This study showed that yogurt textural properties (viscosity, graininess and syneresis) were affected significantly by yogurt manufacturing plant. There were a lot of fluctuations in yogurt textural properties. Consequently yogurt viscosity fluctuated over 50%, graininess approx. 25% and syneresis approx. 30%. According to this study, yogurts standing a long time before packaging, were less viscose or watery compared to those with shorter standing time prior to packaging. Graininess and evaporating process were found to correlate positively. Yogurts were with more grains when manufacturing process`s evaporating temperature and evaporating rate (l/h) were higher. The higher milk base fat and dry matter content (%) were found to correlate lesser whey separation in yogurt. In addition the higher evaporating rate was in the yogurt manufacturing process, the lesser whey separation was observed. Results from this research are useful for developing dairy processes concerning yogurt manufacturing.
  • Veskimäe, Hele-Mai (2017)
    Jogurtin valmistuksessa ultrasuodatus (UF) on mahdollinen vaihtoehto maitojauhe- tai maitoproteiinilisäykselle. Tutkielman kirjallisuusosiossa perehdyttiin maidon ultrasuodatusprosessiin ja jogurtin proteiinipitoisuuden nostamisen eri vaihtoehtoihin. Kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään, voidaanko jogurtin proteiinipitoisuutta säädellä hallitusti hyödyntämällä valmistuksessa ultrasuodatettua maitoa. Kiinnostuksen kohteena oli se, että aiheuttaako maitoproteiinijauheen korvaaminen ultrasuodatetulla maidolla muutoksia jogurtin laadussa. Kokeellisen tutkimuksen aikana valmistettiin rasvattoman maidon ultrasuodatuksella saaduista retentaatista ja permeaatista rasvatonta ja 2 % rasvaa sisältäviä sekoitejogurtteja. Jogurtit valmistettiin eri proteiinipitoisuuksilla niin, että ne vastasivat konsentraatiokertoimia 0,9, 1,1, 1,2, 1,4 ja 1,6. Näiden lisäksi valmistettiin vertailutuote, jossa tarvittava maitoproteiinipitoisuus saavutettiin lisäämällä rasvatonta maitoproteiinijauheetta. Jogurttimaidot fermentoitiin kolmen kaupallisen hapatteen, A1, A2 ja A3, avulla. Näytteet valmistettiin kahtena tutkimussarjana. Ensimmäisessä sarjassa jogurtit valmistettiin kolmella eri proteiinipitoisuudella (konsentraatiokertoimilla 1,1, 1,2, 1,4) ja toisessa sarjaan lisättiin 0,9 sekä 1,6 konsentraatiokertoimet. Valmistetuista jogurteista mitattiin synereesi, pH-arvo ja konsistenssi vuorokauden, 1 viikon ja 2 viikon kylmäsäilytyksen (6 °C) aikana. Näytteitä seurattiin myös aistinvaraisesti ja toiseen tutkimusvaiheeseen sisältyi tuotteiden fermentointiaikainen pH-arvon seuranta. Maitoproteiinijauhelisäyksellä valmistettu ja samalla proteiinipitoisuudella ultrasuodatuksen jakeista valmistettu jogurtti eivät eronneet merkittävästi aistinvaraisessa arvostelussa. Jogurttimassojen laktoosipitoisuudessa ennen fermentointia esiintyi eroja niin, että maitojauhelisäyksellä valmistetussa jogurttimaidossa oli enemmän laktoosia kuin jakeista valmistetuissa jogurttimassoissa. Niin rasvattomien kuin 2 % rasvaa sisältävien jogurttinäytteiden kohdalla nopeiten fermentoitui kaikilla kolmella hapatteella maitojauhelisäyksellä valmistettu massa. Korkeammalla proteiinipitoisuudella olevat massat (konsentraatiokertoimilla 1,4 ja 1,6) saavuttivat tavoite pH-arvon 5 ja 5,5 tunnissa. Kylmävarastoinnin aikaisen heran erottumisen mittauksista havaittiin, että niin rasvattoman kuin 2 % rasvaa sisältävän jogurttimassan 4 (konsentraatiokerroin 1,4) heran erottuminen oli pienintä verrattuna muihin massoihin kaikilla kolmella hapatteella valmistetuissa jogurteissa. Sama massa erottui myös jogurttien konsistenssimittauksissa.
  • Alakotila, Anni (2019)
    The literature section of this Master's Thesis focuses on cheese making process from milk composition to cheese ripening. In addition, the thesis investigates the effect of lactose standardization on lactic acid fermentation, sensory characteristics of the cheese and what biochemical changes the standardization causes during cheese ripening. The aim of the experimental part was to investigate the effect of standardization of the lactose content of cheese milk and how it will affect the ripening and final quality of Swiss -type cheeses. The effect of lactose content of the cheese milk, protein fraction used, pre-ripening time and ripening temperature was studied using statistical design of experiments (DOE). 16 test batches were manufactured according to factorial screening design. Water, cream and protein fraction were used to standardize the lactose content of the cheese milk. In addition, two center point experiments were performed with third protein fraction. The fat and protein content, dry matter, moisture of non-fat substance, fat in dry mater, lactose, lactic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid and the level of volatile organic acids and titrated free amino acids of cheese were analyzed during manufacturing and ripening. The lactose and lactic acid content of the cheese milk can be lowered by standardization of the lactose concentration. If set too low however, it is no longer beneficial for the lactic and propionic acid fermentation processes or to the quality of the cheese, as flaws in the fermentation process will start to occur. With lower levels of lactose content, less lactic acid and more propionic acid will form in the cheese. Pre-ripening creates beneficial environment for propionic acids and that can prevent cracking of the cheese. Cheese that has been ripened for too long in temperatures too high will have flaws in the fermentation process. Moreover, the statistical centre point tests show that the standardization of the protein level in the cheese milk is best to be done by using protein fraction U. Fraction U gave best results on average in the sensory evaluation.
  • Thessler, Kari (2015)
    Tutkielmassa perehdyttiin kuumennuskäsittelyn vaikutukseen kauran ja ohran pelkistäviin yhdisteisiin. Lisäksi selvitettiin pelkistävien yhdisteiden toimintamekanismeja happiradikaalien muodostajana ja happiradikaalien toimintamekanismeja polysakkaridien pilkkojana. Kokeellisen työn tavoitteena oli verrata erilaisten kuumennuskäsittelyjen vaikutusta kauran ja ohran beetaglukaaniuutteiden pelkistävien yhdisteiden pitoisuuksiin ja selvittää oliko erilaisilla kuumennuskäsittelyillä tai pelkistävien yhdisteiden pitoisuudella vaikutusta beetaglukaaniuutteiden viskositeetin säilymiseen varastoinnin aikana. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kuumentamattomia ja 95 °C:ssa 70, 100 ja 130 minuuttia kuumennettua kauraa ja ohraa, joista tehtiin lisäksi jauhonäytteet, jotka pestiin etanolilla pelkistävien yhdisteiden poistamiseksi. Jauhoista tehtiin rinnakkaiset uutteet, joista toisia kuumennettiin 90 °C lämpötilassa 5 minuutin ajan ja toisia uutteita ei kuumennettu. 100 minuuttia kuumennetuista jyvistä tehdyillä uutteilla verrattiin myös uutteen kuumennuskäsittelyn keston vaikutusta viskositeetin säilymiseen, pidentämällä uutteen kuumennusta 5 minuutista 15 minuuttiin. 130 minuuttia kuumennetuista jyvistä tehdyistä uutteista tehtiin lisäksi näyte, jota kuumenettiin 130 °C sterilointilämpötilassa 10 minuutin ajan. Kaikki kuumennuskäsittelyt pienensivät pelkistävien yhdisteiden pitoisuuksia molemmilla viljoilla. Kuumennuskäsiteltyjen kaurajauhojen pelkistävien yhdisteiden pitoisuudet alenivat noin puoleen ja ohrajauhoissa noin kolmasosaan kuumentamattomaan, natiiviin jauhoon verrattuna. Natiivien jauhojen etanolipesu pienensi pelkistävien yhdisteiden pitoisuuksia kaurauutteissa 45 % ja ohrauutteissa 36 % verrattuna ei etanolipestyistä jauhoista tehtyihin uutteisiin. Ei-etanolipestyistä jauhoista tehtyjen uutteiden pelkistävien yhdisteiden pitoisuus oli molemmilla viljalajeilla sitä pienempi mitä kauemmin kuumennetuista jauhoista uutteet oli tehty. Kuumennuskäsittelyajan pidentäminen 70:stä 130:en minuuttiin pienensi kaurauutteiden pelkistävien yhdisteiden pitoisuutta tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Kaurauutteiden kuumennusajan pidentäminen nopeutti viskositeetin pienenemistä varastoinnin aikana. Sterilointilämpötila romahdutti viskositeetin 10 minuutissa. Paras uutteiden viskositeetin pysyvyys saavutettiin kauran- 130 minuutin ja ohranjyvien 100 minuutin kuumennusajalla, ja kun uutteet oli tehty etanolipestyistä jauhoista. Vaikka jauhojen etanolipesun ja kuumennuskäsittelyn osoitettiin vähentävän merkittävästi jauhojen pelkistäviä yhdisteitä, eivät ne olleet teknologisesti riittäviä toimenpiteitä ylläpitämään beetaglukaani-vesiseoksen viskositeettia stabiilina varastoinnin aikana.
  • Malm, Riikka (2017)
    Kahvi tulee suojata hapelta, valolta ja kosteudelta, sekä säilytettävä oikeanlaisessa lämpötilassa sen vanhenemisen estämiseksi. Pakkausmateriaalin tulee olla riittävän kestävää, jotta pakkaus ja tuote säilyvät vaurioitumattomina kuljetuksen ja käsittelyn aikana. Kahvin vakuumipakkausten vuotojen vuoksi kahvihävikkiä syntyy vuosittain merkittäviä määriä, valmistajalle aiheutuu taloudellisia tappioita ja kuluttajan laatukäsitys voi heiketä. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää syyt kahvipaahtimon tuotannossa ja logistiikkaketjussa syntyviin vakuumipakkausten vuotoihin ja kehittää korjaavia toimenpiteitä vuotojen syntymisen ehkäisemiseksi. Pakkausten vuotokohtia kartoitettiin kaupoista palautetuista pakkauksista, analysoitiin vuosina 2008–2016 kerättyä aineistoa, ja tutkittiin vuotojen yhteyttä pakkauskoneisiin ja laminaattiin. Vuotojen syntymissyitä etsittiin pakkauslinjojen eri kohdista otetuista näytteistä ja testattiin pakkausten kovuuden varmistavien kovankoettajien toimintaa. Lisäksi määritettiin eri pakkauskoneilla ja eri laminaatteihin pakatuista tuotteista saumanlujuus vetotestillä. Kahvipakkausten kuljetusta seurattiin valmistajalta keskusvarastolle ja sieltä kauppaan. Lisäksi havainnoitiin kahvipakkausten käsittelyä kaupoissa ja haastateltiin kauppojen kahvihyllyistä vastuussa olevia henkilöitä. Tässä työssä tutkittujen pakkausten pääasialliset vuotosyyt olivat saumavuodot (41 %), pistemäinen reikä takana sauman vieressä (18 %) ja viillot (14 %), vuosina 2008–2016 kerätyssä aineistossa sen sijaan viillot ja laminaattimurtumat. Merkittävä osa vuodoista syntyy tuotannossa ja usein vuoto onkin monen tekijän summa, johon vaikuttaa niin pakkauskone kuin laminaattikin. Pakkauslinjoilta otetuista näytteistä vuosi 0,3 %. Lähes puolet oli saumavuotoja ja loput erilaisia reikiä ja repeämiä. Saumanlujuusmäärityksissä havaittiin alasaumojen lujuuksien olevan koneesta riippuen 7–21 % alhaisemmat kuin yläsaumojen lujuuksien. Eri valmistajien laminaateissa oli keskimäärin 15 %:n ero yläsauman lujuuksissa. Kuljetuksessa pakkaukset vaurioituivat lastin virheellisestä kiinnitystavasta johtuen. Vuotoja saadaan vähennettyä esimerkiksi saumausta parantamalla, pakkauslinjojen repeämiä ja reikiä aiheuttavia tekijöitä poistamalla, oikeilla materiaalivalinnoilla, kovankoittajien toiminnan varmistamisella, siirtymällä perforoidun kutistekalvon käyttöön sekä ohjeistamalla kuljettajia lastin oikeaoppisesta kiinnityksestä.
  • Innanen, Laura (2015)
    The aim of the study was to optimize growth media and its composition for one Lactobacillus strain. The purposes of the optimized culture media for fermentation were to maximize cell count and amount of viable cells during processing. The raw materials for growth media had to be suitable for industrial use. The study was performed by Bioscreen and fermentation tests in different growth media. At first ability of the strain to grow was tested by Bioscreen C with different raw materials and their compositions. According to literature, six carbon, four nitrogen sources and three other raw material were chosen to Bioscreen tests. Bioscreen C measured turbidity (OD value) of cultivation. According to the results from Bioscreen tests, optimal raw materials were chosen to the fermentation tests. The optimal carbon sources were whey permeate powder and glucose, the optimal nitrogen sources casein peptone and yeast extract and other raw materials manganesulfate, magnesiumsulfate and yeast extract. The cultivations were made in a bioreactor (Biostat Q). The starter strains were concentrated and freeze-dried. Samples from cultivated, concentrated and freeze-dried starter strain were analyzed (cell counts, optical density, growth rate, base consumption and survival-%). Results were compared to those obtained using control medium that is known to support the growth of the Lactobacillus strain. Lactobacillus strain was able to grow in different growth media. In Bioscreen tests compositions of growth media have major effect on lactobacilli growth. Bioscreen experiments revealed that in most cases the Lactobacillus strain grew to higher OD values in the composed media compared to control medium. In Bioscreen tests the sugar based growth media required more added minerals and yeast extract than whey permeate based media. Yeast extract was found to promote Lactobacillus growth in Bioscreen tests. In fermentation tests cells grew on growth media equally as on control media. Suitable alternative options for growth media were found from tests for further studies. Further studies can research functionality of the raw materials in production scale and preservation of the cell concentration during storage.
  • Tauriainen, Rosa (2017)
    Ice cream is made of sweetened fat protein emulsion which is frozen and aerated. Same processing steps are used for producing fruit ice and sorbet that do not contain any dairy ingredients. The base mixture of fruit ice is made from water, sugar and additives. Client’s assignment for this study included a development of a new type ice cream family called Jääherkku, which was classified as a vegetable fruit ice. Vegetable ingredients differ greatly from the traditional ice cream dairy ingredients often in a form of liquid or powder. Vegetable matrix consists of soluble and insoluble fibres which sets challenges for dairy processing equipments. The objective of the study was to develop the main ingredients (vegetable purees) and produce vegetable fruit ice products with desirable composition and sensory attributes. Vegetable puree processing involved heating, grinding and cooling steps. Referring to literature the aim was to increase vegetable fruit ice sample’s total dry matter content with additional starch powders, fruit puree and whey powder. Processing steps included mixing, pasteurization, maturing, whipping and freezing. Total dry matter and pH were measured from the ice mixtures. Each sample batch was verbally analysed with sensory evaluation methods. Based on this study three different product propositions for vegetable fruit ice was achieved. The composition and structure of vegetable purees and vegetable fruit ice base mix were made to match the demands of dairy processing equipment. Vegetable fruit ice samples’ sensory quality suffered from added sugars removal. The addition of additional fruit puree and whey powder alleviated the structural problems. Starch powders were also added in order to increase total dry matter content but this did not work alone on the structural problems. Based on literature the soft and pleasant sensory quality of ice cream depends on the total amount of sugars in ice cream. Sugars in ice cream lower the freezing point of matrix and decrease temperature dependent ice content. Melting test results showed that the melting behaviour of samples were more durable compared to the reference sample which contained added sugars.
  • Niemi, Justiina (2020)
    Propionibacterium freudenreichii is a dairy propionic acid bacterium and it is used as adjunct culture in Swiss-type cheese manufacture. The bacterial strain is known for its GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status, and it is safe to use in food. Based on previous studies, P. freudenreichii requires anaerobic conditions to start bacterial growth. Bacterial viruses ‘bacteriophages’ uses two life cycles, lysogenic or lytic cycle. The life cycle of bacteriophages affects bacterial cell lysis or division. Researchers are interested in fortifying foods naturally with vitamin B12. P. freudenreichii is known for its ability to actively produce vitamin B12. This master's thesis aims were to study 1) The effect of oxygen contentration on Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii JS7 strain and 2) the effect of oxygen consentration on the prevalence of bacteriophage in P. freudenreichii JS7 strain. In this study, P. freudenreichii JS7 strain was grown at different oxygen concentrations. Bacterial growth was observed by cell density measurements and cell plating. In the preliminary experiment, the strain was grown 1) anaerobically 2) two stages which includes aerobic and anaerobic growth conditions and 3) aerobically. Based on the partial results of the preliminary experiment, the fermentation was performed in a bioreactor in an anaerobic growth condition. The cell plating results of the bioreactor experiment were used to study the effect of oxygen concentration on the presence of bacteriophage in a bacterial strain by using three primer pairs. The polymerase chain reaction was applied to study the presence of the bacteriophage genome as a plasmid, free, and prophage which means that phage genome is integrated into the bacterial chromosome. Based on the results of this study, the cell density of P. freudenreichii JS7 strain increases faster in anaerobic oxygen concentration comparing to aerobic and two staged oxygen concentrations. Based on the results of the bioreactor study, the bacterium can anaerobically form different size of colonies for the cell plating. The bacteriophage genome may be present as a plasmid, free and integrated into the bacterial chromosome. The results of the bacteriophage study might give signs that P. freudenreichii JS7 could be able to utilize the lysogenic life cycle in anaerobic growth condition.
  • Ervasti, Elisa (2017)
    Small colony variants are exceptional form from the wild type bacteria. Most specific feature for small colony variants is significantly smaller colony that can be 1/10 of the size of the original colony. Other features are slow growth and weakened pigmentation. Small colony variants are usually more resistant to antibiotics. Small colony variants have been discovered for many different species, from which S. aureus is the most investigated one. For Bacillus species small colony variants have been discovered for B. weihenstephanensis, B. licheniformis, B. cereus and B. subtilis -bacteria. B. weihenstephanensis is a spore forming and psychotropic bacteria that has been shown to grow in milk and dominate milks microbiota during long cold storage. B. weihenstephanensis bacteria have also been shown to resist nitrogen flushing that has been investigates to longen milks shelf-life. Purpose of this study was to compare the original strain of B. weihenstephanensis to its small colony variants that were discovered during flushing with nitrogen gas. In this study the original strains growth in different temperatures, utilization of carbohydrates and antibiotic resistance was compared to its small colony variants. In this study multiple strains of B. weihenstephanensis were analyzed, other were the original strains and others their small colony variant. Original strains were flushed in nitrogen gas in 15 °C temperature in milk, to see if small colonies would appear, but no stable small colonies appeared during the treatment. Nitrogen gas flushing inhibited the bacterial growth. Bacterial strains in this thesis grew well in 12, 30 and 37 °C temperature and some strains even grew in 43 °C temperature, but no great difference in bacterial growth between two growth media, UHT -milk and BHI -broth were detected. Differences in carbohydrate metabolism were identified with API 50 CH and microplate PM1 methods. According to ATB VET method there was a difference in antibiotic resistance between original strains and their small colony variants, but no difference was identified with microplate PM15. According to this master thesis there were differences between parental strain and its small colony variant in growth, carbohydrate metabolism and antibiotic resistance. As there phenotypic methods results were not compatible with each other, to confirm the discoveries repeats of these analyses are recommended in addition to genotypic methods.
  • Blankenstein, Hanna (2016)
    Tutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin kauraan ja härkäpapuun raaka-aineena. Lisäksi tutustuttiin intialaiseen riisistä ja mustasta linssistä fermentoinnin avulla valmistettuun idli-höyryleipään ja sen valmistusprosessiin. Tutkielman kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli selvittää soveltuvatko kotimaiset kaura ja härkäpapu idlin valmistusprosessiin. Idlin raaka-aineet korvattiin osittain tai kokonaan kauralla ja härkäpavulla. Lisäksi tutkittiin heräteviljelmän käyttöä taikinan ja valmiin höyryleivän ominaisuuksien kannalta. Osa taikinoista fermentoitiin idlin valmistusprosessin mukaan spontaanisti ja osaan lisättiin startteriksi leivinhiivaa tai viiliä. Taikinoiden viskositeetit mitattiin ennen fermentointia. Fermentoitumista mitattiin taikinan tilavuuden muutoksen, pH:n ja happoluvun avulla. Höyryleivistä määritettiin paistohäviö, korkeus ja sisuksen kovuus heti sekä seitsemän vuorokauden säilytyksen jälkeen. Valmiiden höyryleipien ravintosisältö ja välttämättömien aminohappojen koostumus laskettiin perustuen kirjallisuusarvoihin. Härkäpapu-riisi- ja härkäpapu-kaura -taikinat fermentoituivat spontaanisti. Härkäpapu-riisi -taikina fermentoitui härkäpapu-kaura -taikinaa tehokkaammin. Härkäpapupitoisuus nosti molempien taikinoiden happolukua fermentoinnissa. Taikinaan lisättävällä viilillä tai leivinhiivalla voitiin säädellä taikinan tilavuutta, ja sitä kautta vaikuttaa höyryleivän tilavuuteen, huokoisuuteen ja kovuuteen. Härkäpavusta ja riisistä oli mahdollista valmistaa rakenteeltaan hyvä höyryleipä. Härkäpapu ja kaura tuottivat ominaisuuksiltaan erilaisen, rakenteeltaan ei-huokoisen ja tiiviin höyryleivän. Kauraa sisältävät höyryleivät säilyivät pehmeämpänä kuin riisiä sisältävät. Raaka-aineiden suhdetta muuttamalla saatiin aikaan erilaisia höyryleivän rakenteita höyryleivän proteiinilaatua heikentämättä. Lähes kaikki höyryleivät ylittivät FAO:n asettamat vertailuarvot välttämättömien aminohappojen määrissä. Idli-prosessilla fermentoidut kaura ja härkäpapu soveltuvat höyryleivän lisäksi myös muiden ravintoarvoiltaan laadukkaiden ruokavalmisteiden pohjaksi.
  • Tikkanen, Marika (2016)
    The literature review studied the composition of oat grain, processing methods, and factors linked to baking quality of oat flours and flakes. The aim of the experimental part of the study was to examine the processing stages that modify water-binding capacity (WBC) and baking properties of oat flours. The effects of heat treatment temperature and duration as well as milling of whole grain oat flour on WBC were investigated. WBC was determined using a centrifugal method following a Box - Behnken design, where every variable had three levels: duration of the heat treatment (50, 60, 70 min), temperature of the heat treatment (95, 100, 105°C) and coarseness of the flour (fine, medium, coarse). In baking tests, the baking quality of two whole grain oat flours with different particle size distribution was compared in oat-wheat baking (50 % oat). Bread volume, firming and sensory quality were evaluated. Furthermore, the WBC of oat flakes produced by several manufacturers was compared. Coarseness of the oat flours had the strongest effect on WBC, which increased as the proportion of fine particles increased. Quick (small flake) oats bound more water than large flake oats. The duration and temperature of the heat treatments did not have significant effects on WBC, although it was at its highest when duration and temperature were at their maximum (70 min/105 °C). The specific volume of the breads containing coarse oat flours was highest. Firming of these breads was also slower, but there was no significant difference. Fine oat flours contained a large number of bran particles that are known to disturb gas bubbles in dough, allowing gas to escape. The consistency of the dough made with coarse oat flour stayed low due to its low WBC. In that case, there was a sufficient amount of water for wheat gluten to form a continuous gluten network, resulting in the highest specific volume in the bread. Results showed that milling had a great effect on WBC of whole grain oat flours. For bread-baking purposes, the optimum oat flour was coarsely milled.
  • Alasmaa, Terhi (2017)
    Food trends and the prevalence of gluten-free diet have increased the use of oats in pastry in recent years. However, wheat has not been replaced by oats alone, substitutes are often mixtures containing buckwheat and potato starch, among others. The flour used for sponge cakes is weak wheat flour. Next to flour, the main raw materials for sponge cake are egg and sugar. Eggs produce an aerated structure of the cakes. The purpose of this study was to use as much oat as possible in sponge cake without losing the characteristic structure of the product. In the preliminary experiments, it was found that it was possible to replace wheat flour fully by oat endosperm. When the oat flour contained bran, the characteristics of the sponge cake changed significantly. Other preliminary tests were per-formed with the use of full oat flours with different particle size. Endosperm oat and whole oat flours were selected for a maturing time test to examine the effect of flour disintegra-tion on the finished product. Texture- and moisture measurements were performed. Prod-ucts of the same oat flour were also manufactured in production scale. Texture- and hu-midity measurements, as well as the changes over time were captured. In addition, a con-sumer test and a descriptive analysis of the products were carried out by a trained taste panel. The study showed that wheat flour can be replaced by oat endosperm or full oat flour with a particle size of about 390 μm. The results of the preliminary investigation showed that it is possible to produce a sponge cake with full oat flour with almost the same characteristics as the product has when made with wheat flour, only the oat product was perceived a little dryer. The sensory profile on full oat flour sponge cakes showed more brittleness, the addition of bran made the biscuits even more brittle. Longer maturing time improved the properties of the product in every flour type tested. The best way to replace wheat flour by oat is using only oat endosperm.
  • Lepistö, Liisa (2015)
    The fast staling rate of different oat breads is a significant problem in the baking industry. The aim of this work was to examine whether native oat flours would form better bread crumb structure than heat-treated and flaked oat flours, and decrease the staling rate, including increase of firmness and crumbliness. The literature review considers oat composition and milling process (heat treatment), baking, oat baking and bread staling. In the experimental work, baking properties of native, heat treated and flaked oat flour (51 % of flour) with wheat flour (49 % of flour) were measured at the laboratory scale. Bread pieces with acceptable crumb structure were baked and staling features, according to bread firmness, crumbliness and sensory properties, were measured after storage. Different physical and chemical properties concerning staling were examined, including water-holding capacity, gelatinization, gelation, foaming and particle size of flours, molecule size of water-extracted proteins, and constitution of starch granules. Results showed that the staling rate, bread firmness, crumbliness and sensory properties, of native oat breads deteriorated more rapidly than those of heat-treated and flaked oat breads. The consistency of native oat dough decreased during mixing and the specific volume of native oat breads was the smallest. The moisture content of flaked oat breads was the highest, their firmness and crumbliness increased the least, and their sensory properties remained the best. Flaking increased the water-holding capacity of oat flours and viscosity of the water-extracts, but the good foaming properties of native oats were lost. Heat treatment and flaking increased the peak viscosity of oat flour after gelatinization. Heat treatment and especially flaking of oat improved the baking properties, such as dough handling and specific volume of bread, and reduced the staling rate of oat breads.
  • Lakkavaara, Eero (2020)
    The literature review focused on the chemical composition of oats, the functional properties of oat components and the foods manufactured from oat ingredients. The factors affecting the technological and the nutritional properties of oat β-glucan have been previously studied. However, the effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on oat β-glucan has not been widely examined. The aim was to study the effect of β-glucanase concentration, hydrolysis time and temperature on the hydrolysis rate of oat β-glucan. During the experimental work an Arena-method was developed to analyse the concentration of β-glucan. The required amount of experiments was determined using statistical CCF design of experiment. The total number of experiments was 36 and 96 analyses were conducted in the experimental work. The viscosity, the concentration of β-glucan and the concentration of dietary fibre were analysed from the hydrolysed suspensions. Based on the results, the effects of the process variables on the hydrolysis of β-glucan were evaluated. Hydrolysis of β-glucan was a relatively fast reaction with the β-glucanase used in the study. Hydrolysis temperature and the concentration of the enzyme had the most significant effects on the hydrolysis of β-glucan. Based on the viscosity curves, the molecular weight of oat β-glucan was significantly decreased. The hydrolysed β-glucan did not increase the viscosity and was not indicating shear-thinning behavior. However, most of the β-glucan hydrolysates were dietary fibre by definition.
  • Allén, Marja (2018)
    The addition of new oat-based ingredients: beta-glucan, protein and oil was investigated in a beverage product to increase the protein and unsaturated fat content of vegetable drink produced from oatmeal or oat flour. Due the low natural water-solubility of proteins and large molar mass of beta-glucan, these biopolymers do not emulsify oil-in-water emulsion sufficiently and there is a need to add a primary emulsifier. Spruce galactoglucomannan (GGM) has both emulsification and stabilization capacity. The stabilizing effect of GGM has been previously studied on a model of oil-in-water emulsion system. In the present study, the stabilizing properties of GGM was studied in a beverage model where oat protein and beta-glucan were added in an oat oil emulsion system. Heat treatment is an essential part of manufacturing commercial beverages and therefore the effect of pasteurization on GGM-stabilized emulsion was also studied. The literary survey explores the ingredients used in commercial beverages and studies of beverage manufacturing. The literary survey also presents the properties of GGM and other ingredients used in experimental part and the factors affecting emulsion stability. The product model was prepared in a two-stage process in which the GGM emulsified oat oil-in-water emulsion (O) and protein (P) and beta-glucan suspensions (B) were prepared separately and mixed together into beverage product models, OP and OPB. The droplet size was measured from the oat oil emulsion (O). Morphology was examined with an optical microscope from both the emulsions and the product models. The effect of the time on the stability of the product models was determined by measuring the separation of phases. The factors affecting stability were determined also with rheological viscosity measurements and turbidity measurements. The oat oil emulsions’ (O) morphology was homogenous and the average droplet size was small. In product models OP and OPB the homogeneity of emulsions was lost and large undissolved particles or particle clusters were visualized. The oil droplets were seen between the particles and around the particle clusters as small droplets packed in to the spaces between and on the surface of the particle clusters. The viscosity was the highest in the composition OPB and the effect of the time on the viscosity was the most notable. The pasteurization increased the viscosity in the composition OPB compared with the unpasteurized samples. The pasteurization generally increased the stability. There was no oil layer at the top of the beverage models OP and OPB which indicates that the morphology of the oil droplets did not break down during the evaluated shelf-life. The color of produced beverage emulsion resembled that of café au lait. Water separated during storage was easily mixed back with the beverage product model after shaking.
  • Kulin, Elisa (2020)
    In this thesis snack production and oats as a raw material for snacks were reviewed. Oat lipid oxidation and the shelf life of snack products made of oats was also considered. The aim of experimental studies was to find out if it is possible to puff baked snacks in the oven with high temperature without using yeast as a leavener. The test was conducted with two different baking temperatures and with and without added yeast. The shelf life of oat-based snacks with spice extract were also studied for 12 months by sensory evaluation. Lipid oxidation was also measured, and the product quality was determined by microbiological tests. Also, two consumer tests (number of panelists n = 30 and n = 118) were made with the snacks. Statistically there were no difference between two baking temperatures in doughs with yeast, but the higher temperature decreased the average error of snack samples heights. Yeast in the dough was significant. Sensory evaluation panel recognised the hidden, freshly baked reference sample from the actual samples at 6 months’ time. The results from the measurements of lipid oxidation on the effect of spice extract on snacks shelf life wasn’t clear and needs further investigation. The products microbiological quality stayed good the whole time monitored.
  • Nurmilaakso, Niina (2020)
    Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa käsiteltiin kauran makrokomponentteja, niiden rakenteita ja niiden ominaisuuksia viskositeetin muodostamisessa nesteessä. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosiossa perehdyttiin kasviperäisten nestemäisten elintarvikkeiden valmistusprosesseihin, reologiaan ja ilmiöihin, joita tapahtuu nestemäisissä elintarvikkeissa. Kokeellisen osuuden tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko viidestä kaurajauhosta valmistaa 8 % proteiinia ja 0,4 % β-glukaania sisältävä juoma. Kokeen tarkoituksena oli myös selvittää termostabiilin α-amylaasin ja kahden mallasentsyymiuutevalmisteen kykyä nesteyttää eli pienentää kaurajauhonäytteiden viskositeettia. Kaurajauhonäytteiden liisteröitymisen loppuviskositeetit selvitettiin RVA:lla AACC:n (1997) yleisen tärkkelyksen liisteröimismenetelmän 76-21.02 mukaan ilman entsyymilisäystä ja entsyymien kanssa. Kokeen perusteella näytteiksi valikoitui kaurajauhoista kolme yhdistelmää, jotka täyttivät proteiini- ja β-glukaanipitoisuuskriteerit. Jauhoyhdistelmänäytteille tehtiin myös vertailunäytteet, joihin lisättiin termostabiilia α-amylaasia ja näytteiden loppuviskositeetit selvitettiin RVA:lla. Lisäksi näytteiden faasien erottumista varastoinnin aikana seurattiin. Näytteistä valikoitui aistinvaraiseen arviointiin yksi jauhoyhdistelmä. Näyte, joka sisälsi α-amylaasia, valittiin sen alhaisimman loppuviskositeetin takia. Aistinvaraisen arvioinnin näytteet maustettiin mustikan makuiseksi. Vain yksi jauhonäyte nesteytyi proteiinipitoisuuden ollessa 8 %. Se oli nestemäinen myös ilman entsyymiä. Alhaisen viskositeettinsa takia juomaan voitiin lisätä β-glukaanikonsentraattia, jolloin juoman β-glukaanipitoisuudeksi saatiin 0,4 %. Termostabiili α-amylaasi oli huomattavasti tehokkaampi laskemaan liuoksen viskositeettia kuin mallasentsyymiuutevalmisteet. Juoman rakenne pysyi yhtenäisenä tärkkelyksen muodostaman verkkomaisen rakenteen takia, niissä näytteissä, joissa ei ollut käytetty α-amylaasia. Aistinvaraisessa arvioinnissa α-amylaasin käyttö vähensi aistittua eltaantuneisuutta ja jälkimaun voimakkuutta. Viskositeetin vähäisyydellä ja aistitulla pinnoittavuudella oli käänteisesti yhteyttä hiekkaisuudeksi kutsuttuun ominaisuuteen.