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  • Hujala, Teppo (2003)
    The use of remote sensing imagery as auxiliary data in forest inventory is based on the correlation between features extracted from the images and the ground truth. The bidirectional reflectance and radial displacement cause variation in image features located in different segments of the image but forest characteristics remaining the same. The variation has so far been diminished by different radiometric corrections. In this study the use of sun azimuth based converted image co-ordinates was examined to supplement auxiliary data extracted from digitised aerial photographs. The method was considered as an alternative for radiometric corrections. Additionally, the usefulness of multi-image interpretation of digitised aerial photographs in regression estimation of forest characteristics was studied. The state owned study area located in Leivonmäki, Central Finland and the study material consisted of five digitised and ortho-rectified colour-infrared (CIR) aerial photographs and field measurements of 388 plots, out of which 194 were relascope (Bitterlich) plots and 194 were concentric circular plots. Both the image data and the field measurements were from the year 1999. When examining the effect of the location of the image point on pixel values and texture features of Finnish forest plots in digitised CIR photographs the clearest differences were found between front-and back-lighted image halves. Inside the image half the differences between different blocks were clearly bigger on the front-lighted half than on the back-lighted half. The strength of the phenomenon varied by forest category. The differences between pixel values extracted from different image blocks were greatest in developed and mature stands and smallest in young stands. The differences between texture features were greatest in developing stands and smallest in young and mature stands. The logarithm of timber volume per hectare and the angular transformation of the proportion of broadleaved trees of the total volume were used as dependent variables in regression models. Five different converted image co-ordinates based trend surfaces were used in models in order to diminish the effect of the bidirectional reflectance. The reference model of total volume, in which the location of the image point had been ignored, resulted in RMSE of 1,268 calculated from test material. The best of the trend surfaces was the complete third order surface, which resulted in RMSE of 1,107. The reference model of the proportion of broadleaved trees resulted in RMSE of 0,4292 and the second order trend surface was the best, resulting in RMSE of 0,4270. The trend surface method is applicable, but it has to be applied by forest category and by variable. The usefulness of multi-image interpretation of digitised aerial photographs was studied by building comparable regression models using either the front-lighted image features, back-lighted image features or both. The two-image model turned out to be slightly better than the one-image models in total volume estimation. The best one-image model resulted in RMSE of 1,098 and the two-image model resulted in RMSE of 1,090. The homologous features did not improve the models of the proportion of broadleaved trees. The overall result gives motivation for further research of multi-image interpretation. The focus may be improving regression estimation and feature selection or examination of stratification used in two-phase sampling inventory techniques.
  • Piippanen, Helena (2020)
    Länsimainen elintarvikejärjestelmä kohtaa toiminnassaan nyt ja tulevaisuudessa monia haasteita, jotka liittyvät ruokaturvan toteuttamiseen kestävästi. Ruoan kysynnän on ennustettu kasvavan vuoteen 2050 mennessä niin, että elintarvikejärjestelmän tulisi pystyä tuottamaan nykyiseen verraten kaksinkertainen määrä ruokaa, jotta kaikille ihmisille riittäisi ravintoa. Tuotantomäärien lisääntyessä myös tuotantoketjun ympäristö- ja ilmastovaikutukset kasvavat, joten tehokkaampia ja ekologisempia tuotantotapoja on kehiteltävä. Viime vuosina hyönteisruoka on herättänyt kiinnostusta länsimaissa kuten myös Suomessa erinomaisen ravintosisältönsä ja tuotannon ympäristöystävällisyyden takia. Suomessa muutettiin uuselintarvikeasetuksen tulkintaa vuoden 2017 syksyllä niin, että hyönteisten myynti ja markkinointi elintarvikkeina mahdollistui ensimmäistä kertaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa hyönteisruokaa lähestyttiin innovaationa, koska se on Suomessa uutta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli esitellä sanomalehtimedian keskustelujen näkökulmia hyönteisruokainnovaatioon. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli myös selvittää, millaista kuvaa sanomalehtimedia tekstien kautta rakentaa hyönteisruoasta ja mitä merkityksiä muodostuu. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli vastata kysymyksiin siitä, miten hyönteisruokaan liittyvä keskustelu on kehittynyt vuosien 2017-2019 aikana ja millaisia diskursseja hyönteisruokaan liittyvän sanomalehtikeskustelun pohjalta rakentuu. Tutkimusaineistona oli Helsingin Sanomissa ja Maaseudun Tulevaisuudessa vuosina 2016-2019 ilmestyneet hyönteisruokaa koskevat artikkelit. Helsingin Sanomista aineisto koottiin sanomalehden omien internetsivujen hakukoneella käyttämällä hakusanoja hyönteisruo, hyönteisrav ja hyönteissyö. Maaseudun Tulevaisuudesta artikkelien haku tehtiin internetsivujen hakukoneella käyttämällä hakusanoja hyönteisruoka, hyönteisravinto ja hyönteissyönti. Analyysimenetelmänä aineiston käsittelyssä käytettiin diskurssianalyysia. Tutkimuksen tuloksiksi aineistosta nousi kuusi diskurssia: ravitsemus, kestävyys, maku, elinkeino, vientivaltti ja korkean hinnan diskurssi. Diskurssit jakautuivat tulosten yhteenvetona edelleen kahteen pääteemaan, joita ovat tulevaisuuden ruoka sekä raha ja talous. Tulevaisuuden ruoka -teeman ydin on siinä, että hyönteiset voisivat turvata ruoan riittävyyden tulevaisuudessa nykyisten ruoantuotantotapojen ollessa tehottomia ja kestämättömiä. Rahan ja talouden teemaan liittyvät keskeisesti hyönteisruokainnovaation taloudelliset mahdollisuudet sekä hyönteisruoan hinnan korkeus.
  • Liu, Che (2016)
    Snowmelt timing has been proven critical to the phenology in subarctic and alpine ecosystems. Nevertheless, its impacts on the phenology of dwarf-shrub-dominated vegetation on high-latitudinal Fennoscandian fells are not yet sufficiently studied. This project focusses on the divergences in phenological timings and reproductive success caused by naturally different snowmelt timings in this area. The study site was on fell Saana in northwest Finland. The data was collected from a site covering three snowmelt timings located in two aspects (fully factorial, 4 replicates) from 20th of May to 4th of September, 2015, totalling 108 days. The phenological events (e.g. leaf unfolding, anthesis, and leaf colouring) of 12 species of three growth forms (dwarf shrub, forb, and graminoid) were recorded. The statistical analyses show that different snowmelt timings result in significant differences in the time points (expressed in day of year, DOY) of peak flowering and shoot elongation, as well as the green-leaved durations (days); however, flowering duration is rather constant across snowmelt timings. Significant differences are also found in the reproductive success of several species. The results suggest that in subarctic-alpine vegetation, an earlier snowmelt timing 1) elongates the duration of vegetative growth, 2) advances the timing of peak flowering while the flowering duration remains unchanged, and 3) potentially impedes reproductive success in some species, but generally the pattern is heterogeneous. Thus, snowmelt timing is causing divergences among the phenological traits and potentially within the reproductive success of dwarf shrub species in this area. In the long term, these phenomena may impact the local biodiversity and biochemical cycles, which may be a long-term effect of the shifting snowmelt timing due to global change.
  • Klingenberg, Daniela (2011)
    The bacterial genus Stenotrophomonas comprises 12 species. They are widely found throughout the environment and particularly S. maltophilia, S. rhizophila and S. pavanii are closely associated with plants. Strains of the most common Stenotrophomonas species, S. maltophilia, promote plant growth and health, degrade natural and man-made pollutants and produce biomolecules of biotechnological and economical value. Many S. maltophilia –strains are also multidrug resistant and can act as opportunistic human pathogens. During an INCO-project (1998-2002) rhizobia were collected from root nodules of the tropical leguminous tree Calliandra calothyrsus Meisn. from several countries in Central America, Africa and New Caledonia. The strains were identified by the N2-group (Helsinki university) and some strains turned out to be members of the genus Stenotrophomonas. Several Stenotrophomonas strains induced white tumor- or nodule-like structures on Calliandra?s roots in plant experiments. The strains could, besides from root nodules, also be isolated from surface sterilized roots and stems. The purpose of my work was to investigate if the Stenotrophomonas strains i) belong to a new Stenotrophomonas species, ii) have the same origin, iii) if there are other differences than colony morphology between phase variations of the same strain, iv) have plant growth-promoting (PGP) activity or other advantageous effects on plants, and v) like rhizobia have ability to induce root nodule formation. The genetic diversity and clustering of the Stenotrophomonas strains were analyzed with AFLP fingerprinting to get indications about their geographical origin. Differences in enzymatic properties and ability to use different carbon and energy sources were tested between the two phases of each strain with commercial API tests for bacterial identification. The ability to infect root hairs and induce root nodule formation was investigated both using plant tests with the host plant Calliandra and PCR amplification of nodA and nodC genes for nodulation. The PGP activity of the strains was tested in vitro mainly with plate methods. The impact on growth, nitrogen content and nodulation in vivo was investigated through greenhouse experiments with the legumes Phaseolus vulgaris and Galega orientalis. Both the genetic and phenotypic diversity among the Stenotrophomonas strains was small, which proposes that they have the same origin. The strains brought about changes on the root hairs of Calliandra and they also increased the amount of root hairs. However, no root nodules were detected. The strains produced IAA, protease and lipase in vitro. They also showed plant a growth-promoting effect on G. orientalis, both alone and together with R. galegae HAMBI 540, and also activated nodulation among efficient rhizobia on P. vulgaris in greenhouse. It requires further research to get a better picture about the mechanisms behind the positive effects. The results in this thesis, however, confirm earlier studies concerning Stenotrophomonas positive impact on plants.
  • Pekonen, Assia (2023)
    During the last 50 years, agriculture in Finland has become more intensive, open semi-natural farmland habitats have disappeared and the number of animals and plants has been declining. Nectar plants are beneficial resources in agroecosystems. They support crop pollinators, and natural enemies of pests and other species dependent on nectar. Nectar plants can also be indicators of biodiversity. Nectar source plants in field margins provide nectar (and pollen) over the growing season. Various plants benefit from different margins, and their frequency and distribution can be connected with the landscape structure and latitude. This study examined the distribution of nectar plants in field margins of farmland in Southern Finland and determined what plant species provide nectar and at what time of the season. The objectives of the research were to describe the species composition of nectar plant communities in Southern Finland, and hence the biodiversity of plants, and to study the distribution of nectar source plants in the most common margin types. The data were obtained from the Luonto-Mytvas Project research programme “Significance of the Finnish agri-environment support scheme for biodiversity and landscape (Nature MYTVAS)” in 2000-2006. In order to find out what plants have good nectar (pollen) availability literature sources and bee calendars were used. The results shows that the majority of 50 most frequent plants species included in the analysis have value as nectar and pollen sources available for pollinators. There were four different functional groups (f) of plants in the research, depending on their nectar availabilities. The frequent plants in the field margins are available as nectar/pollen sources to pollinators, from April until September-October. There are only few species dependent on margin type in their occurrence. Frequencies of most of the species from all the four groups varied, however, between field-to-field and field-to-road margins.
  • Mäntysaari, Nora (2016)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida kuinka suuri osuus dobermannien välillä esiintyvästä eri käyttäytymisominaisuuksiin liittyvästä vaihtelusta on perinnöllistä sekä onko eri käyttäytymisominaisuuksien välillä perinnöllisiä yhteyksiä. Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin myös kyselytutkimuksen soveltuvuutta koirien käyttäytymisominaisuuksien periytymisen tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto kerättiin dobermannin omistajille suunnatun kyselytutkimuksen avulla. Aineisto sisälsi tiedot 153 dobermannista. Periytymisen analysointiin tarvittavat sukulaisuustiedot saatiin Suomen Kennelliitto ry:ltä rekisteröintidatana, joka sisälsi 14 404 dobermannin viralliset rekisterinumerot, isän ja emän rekisterinumerot, syntymäajan sekä tiedon koiran sukupuolesta. Fenotyyppiset käyttäytymismuuttujat analysoitiin useita kysymyksiä sisältävinä summamuuttujina. Periytymisasteet ja eri ominaisuuksien väliset geneettiset ja fenotyyppiset korrelaatiot arvioitiin AI-REML -menetelmällä käyttäen DMU-ohjelmaa. Tutkimus rajattiin kahdeksaan käyttäytymisominaisuuteen, joissa oli riittävän korkeat variaatiokertoimet periytymisen analysointia varten. Periytymisasteet olivat alhaisia ja keskivirheet olivat suuria. Tämän vuoksi periytymisasteista ei voida tehdä luotettavia johtopäätöksiä. Geneettisiä korrelaatioita yritettiin analysoida, mutta aineiston pienen koon vuoksi niiden estimointi ei ollut mahdollista. Fenotyyppisesti dobermannien aggressiivisuutta selittävät koiran sukupuoli sekä ympäristötekijöistä se, onko taloudessa yksi vai useampi koira. Dobermanneissa naaraat ilmentävät enemmän aggressiivisuutta kuin urokset. Useamman koiran taloudessa elävät ovat ainoita koiria aggressiivisempia, mitä voidaan selittää laumakäyttäytymisellä. Useissa roduissa urokset ovat naaraita aggressiivisempia. Tarvitaan lisätutkimusta, jotta voidaan selvittää, miksi dobermanneissa naaraat ovat uroksia aggressiivisempia. Tämä voisi liittyä emän suurempaan vaikutukseen käyttäytymismallien antajana koirien pentuaikana.
  • Girz, Andrei (2024)
    In agricultural soils, Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient in crop production, and its supply comes from various pools. Understanding the N pools in soil could help farmers make better decisions about N fertilisation, increase productivity, reduce costs, and decrease environmental impacts. N is a challenging element to track in soil due to its seven oxidation states that are large-ly cycled and intermediated by soil organisms between various organic, mineral, and gaseous forms. This thesis aims to find whether C farming practices accumulate N in soil through investi-gating the size of soil N pools and how they relate to each other through a literature survey and data from a four-year carbon (C) farming experiment. The thesis also investigates whether meas-uring the fast-cycling N pools and including them in fertilisation recommendation calculations results in financial savings from N fertiliser cuts. Twenty different Finnish farms were investigated, split between six C farming practices: subsoil-ing, undersown cover crops, ley farming, soil organic amendments, planned grazing, diverse grasses lay. Soil samples were collected at two different depths (0-17 and 17-30 cm) and ana-lysed for total N and C (Total N, Total C), mineral N, Illinois Soil N Test (ISNT N), autoclave citrate extractable protein N (ACE-Protein N), water extractable organic N and C (WSON and WSOC), and microbial activity derived N (PMN) from CO2 burst after rewetting of dry soil (Resp C).The analysis recovered on average 25% of total N, while 75% remained in the non-recovered pool. Clay%, C% and C:Clay explained the variation in Total N (r2=0.90), ISNT N (r2=0.90), pro-tein N (r2=0.93) and the non-recovered N (r2=0.83), but it did not for WSON (r2=0.50), PMN (r2=0.21) and inorganic N (r2=0.20). Four-year C farming management did not result in statisti-cally significant differences in the N pools, even though PMN and WSON were 19% and 11.6% higher in treatment than in control, respectively. The variation was high for both (SD=48 and 42), explaining the non-significance. Strong correlations (Spearman rho, ρ) were observed between Total N - ISNT N, Residual N, and WSON, indicating their predictive capability for total N, while protein N showed weaker correlations. PMN correlated strongly with bacterial respiration C (ρ = 0.94) and WSON (ρ = 0.75) and had a negative strong correlation with the WSOC:WSON ratio (ρ = -0.73). In conclusion, soil's non-recovered N fraction, likely associated with the mineral surfaces and undecomposed particulate organic matter (POM), is the largest portion of total N. Clay%, C% and C:Clay explains the variation in the slow-cycling N pools but not in the fast-cycling ones. The quality of soil organic matter (SOM) is better assessed using WSON, PMN, and the WSOC:WSON ratio. Utilising PMN as a predictor of N release from SOM results in lower N ferti-liser recommendations, leading to cost savings for farmers. This research shows that four years of C farming do not increase the N stock in soil. Further research is needed to determine if C farming practices in a long-term experiment would increase the soil N stocks, significantly affect soil N pool relationships and result in financial savings for farmers.
  • Kokkonen, Tuomas (2023)
    Gypsum treatment of fields has proven to be a promising method of agriculture water protection. The purpose of this study is to investigate the drivers and barriers of gypsum treatment adoption among innovator and early adopter farmers. Based on the literature review, the factors affecting adoption of gypsum treatment are divided to farm, farmer, practice, program and context characteristics. The quantitative data of this study was gathered as a part of the KIPSI project from farmers that have or had suitable arable fields for gypsum treatment in the Archipelago Sea catchment area in spring 2020. The research data is analyzed with statistical methods including exploratory factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis test, Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U test. The results show that what determines the applying gypsum treatment of fields are practice, program and context characteristics such as information about the long term effects of gypsum, peer references, gypsum treatment being cost-free to the farmer, practical elements of the program, gypsum treatment’s environmental benefits and improving environmental image of agriculture. Farmer’s attitudes towards gypsum treatment play a role as well. On the other hand, farm or farmer sociodemographic characteristics such as farmer age, education, fulltime farming, share of rented land or total field area of the farm do not affect to the adoption of gypsum treatment. Out of the farm characteristics, only cereal farming is emphasized among the farmers that applied or are likely to apply gypsum treatment in the future in comparison to the farmers that are unlikely to apply gypsum treatment in the future. Exploratory factor analysis revealed four motivation factors to apply gypsum treatment of fields: water protection, fertilization and gaining new experiences, land improvement and protection of local waters and cost-effectiveness and recommendation of acquaintances. Water protection motivated farmers have positive views and attitudes towards gypsum treatment and agriculture water protection. Strong fertilization and gaining new experiences motivation is associated with cereal farming and the strong land improvement and protection of local waters motivation with large total field area of farm and younger age. Exploratory factor analysis revealed five motivation factors to not apply gypsum treatment of fields: doubts about the method, need for peer experiences and information about the long-term effects of gypsum, practical reasons, urgency and a view that the state of the waters is not weak and unsuitability of fields. Farmers having strong doubts about the method motivation have cautious attitude towards gypsum. They have also large field area as like the strong practical reasons motivated, who are also often fulltime farmers. Strong need for peer experiences and information about the long-term effects of gypsum motivation is associated with cereal farming. As this study focused on gypsum treatment, further research could expand to studying the acceptance as well as drivers and barriers of applying other agricultural water protection measures, such as structural lime treatment of fields.
  • Ala-Harja, Venla (2020)
    The SAVE gypsum pilot project investigated the suitability of gypsum amendment as a new means of agricultural water protection in cooperation with local farmers. The participating farmers acted not only as testers of the method, but also as co-developers, whose expertise, observations and experience were used as part of the effort to produce a new cost-effective, widely accepted method of water protection from gypsum. The study investigated the factors that influenced the participation of farmers in the pilot project developing a new potential water protection method and, on the other hand, the factors that influenced their acceptance of gypsum amendment. The results tell about the acceptance of the method from the point of view of future users and about which factors in the method are relevant for farmers. The information helps in the evaluation, development, furthering and marketing of the method. The thesis was based on research related co-creation of innovations and acceptance of new agri-environmental methods. The material of the study was the answers of the farmers' surveys of the SAVE gypsum project. The surveys were conducted for three consecutive winters, beginning in December 2016 and ending in January 2019. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, logistic regression analysis and cross-tabulation (χ² test and McNemar test). According to the results, the main reasons for participating in the pilot were related to the improvement of the environmental reputation of the Finnish agricultural sector, curiosity about the effects of gypsum and the opportunity to promote water protection and related research. These factors, as well as the desire to strengthen Finnish agriculture, the sense of responsibility and the sense of community of farmers, also best predicted the acceptance of the method for reasons of participation. Positive factors in approving the method were the perception of local people's positive attitude towards the method, the experience of gypsum as an easy method for water protection, and the fact that the farmer was not concerned about the effects of gypsum on field condition and productivity or the surrounding environment.
  • Käld, Tobias (2013)
    In Finland thinning quality is assessed on a yearly basis by the Finnish Forest Centre. During recent years the results of these assessments have been a source of concern within the coastal region of operation. Metsäliitto, being one of the largest forest operators within the coastal region and Finland as a whole, is concerned by the high residual stand damage found. Metsäliitto perform follow-ups on the feedback received from the Finnish Forest Centre but also performs thinning quality assessments off their own. The thinning quality method used by the Finnish Forest Centre is time consuming and therefore poorly suitable for use by wood procurement companies. This led to the development of an alternative method by Metsäteho Oy. Metsäliitto was represented in the work group that developed this new method but has chosen to develop a method of its own. The purpose of this master thesis is to clarify whether the results from Metsäliittos thinning quality assessment method correlate in a sufficient manner with those of the method developed by the Forestry Development Centre TAPIO. Furthermore the thesis study how the results of two alternative methods correlate. Focus is placed on residual stand damage but also the possibility of a potential connection between TAPIOs placement of sample plots and residual stand damage results is studied. As Metsäliittos method includes a complete inventory of soil compaction it is studied how TAPIOs and Metsätehos results hold up against those of Metsäliittos method. A study of the correlation between results for forwarder track distance between Metsäliittos and Metsätehos methods is also conducted. The sites of this study were chosen based on the Finnish Forest Centres random sampling for thinning quality assessments performed during 2010 and 2011. From those thinning quality assessments the ones performed in the Swedish speaking parts of Ostrobotnia where thinning actions had been performed by Metsäliittos contractors were sieved and chosen to form the sample of this study. The fieldwork of this study was performed in July 2011. Thinning quality assessments according to Metsäliittos and Metsätehos models were performed on all sites. The results of the thinning quality assessments performed according to TAPIOs method were acquired from the Finnish Forest Centre. This study being a method comparison study where the true values of the objects are not known, methods of analysis based on hypothesis testing was not used. In order to create an overview of the trends in results for the different methods, as well as their correlation to each other, Bland&Altman diagrams were created (Altman & Bland 1983 and Bland & Altman 1999). The main results of this study show that Metsäliittos and TAPIOs results for residual stand damage do not differ in a statistically significant way. Metsäliittos and Metsätehos results on the other hand are not to be compared. Metsätehos and TAPIOs results are not either to be compared which has been stated by Poikela (2003b). TAPIOs and Metsätehos methods estimate the proportion of soil compaction in a sufficient manner compared to Metsäliittos method. Furthermore it was concluded that results for forwarder track distance correlate well between Metsäliittos and Metsätehos methods. Any connection between TAPIOs sample plot placement and results for residual stand damage could not be detected. The conclusions of this study are that Metsäliittos and TAPIOs results for residual stand damage, with reservation for the small sample size of this study, are comparable. Metsäliittos and Metsätehos results are not compatible from which we conclude that Metsäliittos method is not replaceable with the one developed by Metsäteho. Nor shall Metsätehos method be used as a complement to Metsäliittos as one will then acquire two incompatible data sets. Both Metsätehos and TAPIOs results for soil compaction are compatible with those of Metsäliittos method. This could be utilized in order to improve the time effectiveness of Metsäliittos method. For further method improvement Metsäliitto could adopt Metsätehos method for determination of forwarder track distance. As results from Metsäliittos and TAPIOs thinning quality assessments can be compared without a loss of reliability, Metsäliitto could compile the results from their own assessments and TAPIOs assessments in order to get a more statistically representative picture of the quality of their thinnings. This would result in even better future possibilities of monitoring and evaluating how well the company’s goals are met.
  • Hyvärinen, Heini (2010)
    Johdanto: Ikääntyessä iholla tapahtuva D-vitamiininmuodostus heikkenee ja lihakset ja luusto haurastuvat. Heikko lihaskunto on yhteydessä kaatumisriskiin, ja kaatuminen on yleisin syy vanhusten murtumiin. Monissa tutkimuksissa on osoitettu, että luustovaikutustensa lisäksi D-vitamiinilla on vaikutuksia luurankolihakseen. D-vitamiinihoidon on osoitettu vähentävän kaatumisia, mikä saattaa osin selittyä parantuneen tasapainon kautta. Joissakin tutkimuksissa on havaittu heikko tilastollinen yhteys Dvitamiinin ja kroonisen kivun välillä. D-vitamiinin puutokseen liitettyjä kipuja on esitetty luustoperäisiksi, mutta D-vitamiinin lihasvaikutukset huomioiden ne saattavat olla ainakin osin lihasperäisiä. Tavoitteet: Tämän poikkileikkaustutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia, onko seerumin 25-hydroksi-Dvitamiinipitoisuus (25OHD) yhteydessä lihastoimintoihin itsenäisesti kotona asuvilla reumatauteja sairastavilla yli 50-vuotiailla. Hypoteesina oli, että D-vitamiinin puutos on yhteydessä heikentyneisiin neuromuskulaarisiin lihastoimintoihin, joita tässä tutkimuksessa mitattiin tasapainon perusteella. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Tutkimukseen rekrytoitiin yli 50-vuotiaita, koska tässä kohderyhmässä lihastoimintojen heikentymisen ja D-vitamiinin puutoksen odotettiin olevan yleisiä. Tutkittavien tuli kuitenkin olla kohtalaisen hyväkuntoisia, jotta he jaksaisivat fyysiset testit ja tutkimuksen mahdollisesti aiheuttaman henkisen rasituksen. Siksi lihastoimintojen ongelmia kuvaamaan valittiin polymyalgia rheumaticaa sairastavia, itsenäisesti kotona asuvia ihmisiä. Tutkimukseen osallistui myös joitakin yli 50- vuotiaita fibromyalgiaa ja nivelreumaa sairastavia henkilöitä. Seerumin 25OHD-pitoisuus määritettiin EIA-menetelmällä (IDS, UK). D-vitamiinin yhteyttä tutkittiin tasapainoon (Rombergin vakio tasapainolevyllä) ja lihasvoimaan (puristusvoima molempien käsien parhaan tuloksen keskiarvona, jalkojen nopeusvoima hyppylevyllä), kipuun ja toimintakykyyn. Tilastomenetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia, t-testiä, lineaarista regressiota, logistista regressiota ja Pearsonin korrelaatiota. Tulokset: Tutkimukseen osallistui 47 henkilöä, joista viisi oli miehiä. Potilaat olivat 53-81 -vuotiaita (keski-ikä 70 v) ja hieman ylipainoisia (BMI 28). 25OHD oli keskimäärin 64 nmol/l. Ravitsemustila oli keskimäärin hyvä (MNA-pisteet 24). 25OHD oli alle 50 nmol/l 32 %:lla ja vastaavasti alle 75 nmol/l 74 %:lla tutkittavista. Potilaista 83 % käytti D-vitamiinivalmistetta. 25OHD korreloi positiivisesti ravitsemustilan (MNA) ja käänteisesti tasapainon ja kiputiheyden kanssa. 25OHD, ikä, sukupuoli ja MNA-pisteet selittivät 13,9 % (adjusted r2) huojunnan vaihtelusta ja 14,5 % (r2 Cox & Snell) kiputiheyden vaihtelusta. Ainoastaan 25OHD-pitoisuudella oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä itsenäinen selitysosuus huojuntaan (p = 0,024) ja kiputiheyteen (p = 0,045). Niillä, joilla 25OHD oli vähintään 75 nmol/l, oli 83 % pienempi riski kärsiä päivittäisestä kivusta kuin niillä, joilla 25OHD-pitoisuus oli alle 75 nmol/l. Lihasvoimalla, lihasmassalla ja kivun voimakkuudella ei havaittu yhteyttä D-vitamiinistatukseen. Johtopäätökset: Tässä tutkimuksessa reumatauteja sairastavien yli 50-vuotiaiden potilaiden matalat 25OHD-pitoisuudet olivat yhteydessä tasapainovaikeuksiin ja päivittäisiin kipuihin. Lihasmassa ja lihasvoima eivät olleet yhteydessä D-vitamiinistatukseen. Löydösten pohjalta olisi tulevaisuudessa tarpeen tutkia tarkemmin D-vitamiinikorvaushoidon vaikutuksia tasapainomittareihin ja kiputiheyteen.
  • Isomäki, Riina (2023)
    Maatalouden rakennemuutos ja liiketoimintaympäristön muuttuminen edellyttävät nykypäivän maatiloilta uudenlaisia kyvykkyyksiä. Miksi toiset tilat selviävät muutoksessa paremmin kuin toiset tilat? Strategiatutkimus lähestyy kysymystä käyttäen selittäjänä dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien teoriaa. Kyvykkyyksien avulla selvitetään, miten maatilayrittäjä aistii muutoksen liiketoimintaympäristössään ja miten hän tarttuu havaittuun muutokseen miettien tilansa jatkuvaa uudistamista. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin seitsemää yrittäjää, joiden päätuotantosuuntana oli emolehmät. Yrittäjät olivat päätoimisia yrittäjiä tai emolehmätuotanto oli eriytetty tilan muista toiminnoista, joten tuotannon kannattavuuden arvioiminen oli konkreettisempaa. Teemahaastatteluna toteutetut haastattelut tehtiin kyselylomakkeen pohjalta, joka oli muotoiltu Teecen (2007b) ajatusten perustalle dynaamisista kyvykkyyksistä. Miten tunnistetaan, tartutaan sekä otetaan muutos käytäntöön suomalaisilla emolehmätiloilla. Yrittäjän päätöksiin tutkimuksessa vaikuttivat tilan resurssit, strategia sekä yrittäjän oma arvomaailma tilan historiaan kytkettynä. Yrittäjät olivat kyllä avoimia uudelle, keräsivät tietoa toimintaympäristöstään sisä- ja ulkopuolelta mutta käytännön toteutuksen suhteen monella tilalla oli parannettavaa. Pitkän- ja lyhyen aikavälin suunnitelmia olisi hyvä tehdä myös paperille asti. Tavoitteena tutkielmassa ei ole tehdä yleistettäviä päätelmiä emolehmätuotannon johtamistavoista. Tulosten avulla voidaan havainnoida vain, miten pieni määrä emolehmätiloja tekee päätöksiä tuotantonsa suhteen. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksissa tulisikin perehtyä laajemmin dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien vaikutuksiin yleensä maatilojen johtamisessa.
  • Hosen, Zobayer (2024)
    Food waste is a global problem which has economic, environmental, and social impacts. More than 30% of food intended for human consumption is lost or wasted annually which amounts to a billion tons of food and $ 940 billion in economic losses every year. Traditional "best before" dates and "use by" dates cause confusion among the consumers. The static nature of traditional best before dates and use by dates and absence of any digital label cause enormous amount of food waste. Insufficient consumer knowledge about several types of labeling dates causes rejections of expired food products which are still safe for human consumption. The aim of this research is to understand how consumers would select and evaluate food products that are close to the best-before day and when the food is expired but the sensors would say it is still good. In this research, a survey is conducted to see if the dynamic best before label sensor creates any additional value to the consumers related to the expiry date. Choice-based conjoint (CBC) analysis is used to determine how consumers value the dynamic best before label. The result of the study shows that consumers are more likely to buy a product if dynamic label is used in the packaging. The results of initial research are quite promising, but future researchers can study further by increasing samples sizes to get more data and by calculating willingness to pay (WTP). Finnish food companies can also investigate further to see how the introduction of dynamic labelling system works in practice in Finland and contribute to fight against food waste.
  • Roininen, Kiia (2024)
    Wood construction has been increasing globally and engineered wood products (EWPs), such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), have had a major part in it. Increasing wood construction could help decrease the carbon footprint of the construction sector, since wood can be sustainably sourced and wood products store carbon. To use wood in construction in a more extensive way, its properties and behaviour as a construction material must be known. Wood has many properties of which moisture has a great impact on other properties, such as strength. Too high moisture can also cause problems, such as fungal growth, on its own. Therefore, it is important to monitor the moisture levels and understand the factors affecting them. In this study, the wood moisture content (MC) of CLT wall elements was monitored with resistance-based moisture meters from the manufacturing plant, through transportation and construction of a building at the Hyytiälä forestry station in Finland. There were sensors in five locations around the building and they all measured MC in three different depths inside the wall. The objective was to see how, where and when did the MC change within the CLT elements. The data was analysed with statistical tests and presented through various types of graphs. The results showed that variation within the data was large, approximately from 8% to 16%. On average the MC was at its highest near the surface of the CLT elements, after the protective canopy was removed. Two measuring locations on the opposite sides of the building had consistently higher MC than in the other measuring locations. The MC stayed below FSP (Fibre saturation point) throughout the monitoring period and, therefore, the risk for moisture induced damage is very low.
  • Nikinmaa, Laura (2017)
    The physiological effects of drought on trees has been studied excessively but many of them remain unclear. In this thesis I studied tree sugar dynamics under drying-wetting cycle as well as the role of soil hydraulic conductivity on how trees experience drought. I experimented with five Norway spruce seedlings in October and November 2016. The seedlings were in water after which they were put in to PEG solution of -0.5 MPa for 24 h and then transferred back to water. Sugar samples were taken from liquids, needles and roots once for every phase. Osmolality samples were taken from current year needles and water potential samples were taken from current year needles and roots every half an hour during day time. Continuous gas exchange measurements were done with Walz GFS-3000. There was no change in osmolality and no significant change in photosynthesis or transpiration rate. For sugar concentrations there was significant increase of non-structural carbohydrates in needles and significant decrease in roots. There was no change in sugar concentration in liquid. Overall impression was that trees did not suffer much from the PEG treatment. The results supported my hypothesis that changes in soil hydraulic conductivity are more important to effects of drought than changes in soil water potential.
  • Ojansivu, Tiina (2014)
    Natural disturbances are important for regeneration and biodiversity of forests. Restoration imitates natural disturbances in order to return ecosystems towards its natural state. Knowledge is lacking about the efficiency of restoration, as well as early tree successions. The objects of this study were to investigate the effects of fire and coarse woody debris (CWD) increment on early tree succession and tree species diversity along forest – gap gradient 10 years after restorative partial cuttings in southern Finland. Seedling densities and heights, microhabitat distributions and tree species diversity were compared between four restoration treatments; unburned treatments with 5 and 60 m3 CWD ha-1, and burned treatments with 5 and 60 m3 CWD ha-1. Total seedling densities were tested with two-way analysis of variance. Species diversity was analyzed by species richness and Shannon index, which were tested with two-way analysis of variance. In general, the burned treatments included higher seedling densities and higher seedlings. The different amounts of dead wood revealed differences in deciduous tree species. The density of birch was higher in the treatments with 60 m3 CWD ha-1 and the heights of birch and other deciduous tree species were higher in burned treatment with 60 m3 CWD ha-1. Pine and birch were abundant in the burned treatments. The densities of spruce were very high in the unburned treatment with 5 m3 CWD ha-1, but fairly low in the other treatments. The seedling densities and heights were the lowest in the forest. Seedling densities did not vary significantly between the edge and gap segment. Microhabitat distributions of the coniferous seedlings differed between the unburned and burned treatments, but no clear differences were observed between the low (5 m3 ha-1) and high amount (60 m3 ha-1) of CWD. Microhabitat distributions of seedlings between forest, edge and gap did not differ noticeably, except with spruce in the burned treatments between the edge and gap. Tree species diversity of regeneration was slightly higher in the burned than in the unburned treatments. Different amounts of CWD did not affect the tree species diversity. The tree species diversity was significantly lower in the forest than in the treatment area, but it did not differ between the edge and gap. The results indicate that early tree succession is likely to be more abundant after burning than without. Fire as a restoration tool can be suggested for the regeneration of pine and birch. Dead wood appears to be insignificant for early tree succession. The limited size of restoration areas does not impede the tree succession, since the densities and heights of seedlings were generally the highest near the forest edge. Fire might increase tree species diversity.
  • Maisila, Salla-Mari (2018)
    Biological diversity has been decreasing since industrial revolution, and the loss of biodiversity has become a com-mon topic in different groups from environmental organizations to consumers worldwide. Different goals for biodiver-sity conservation have been set both at the global and domestic level, but the continuous postponement of the tar-gets indicates that the government institutions establishing rules for protecting biodiversity are no longer sufficient, and new methods must be developed. One way how biodiversity can be protected is different ecological compensa-tion mechanisms. Ecological compensation is a process where project developers compensate for conservation efforts by creating ecologically equivalent profits or credits elsewhere. Globally, different ecological compensation mechanisms have been used for a long time as a part of nature conser-vation activities. In many countries, these activities are often based on legislation and regulations, such as in the US, Australia, and Germany. Additionally, every EU member state belongs to Natura 2000 network, where various com-pensation regulations have been implemented by the EU’s Habitat Directive. Voluntary-based compensation activi-ties on the other hand are newer way to protect nature and this study focuses on the use of these voluntary activities in Finland. One target group of potential users of ecological compensation mechanisms in Finland are companies that weaken or use different natural resources in their operations. Each company undertakes environmental responsibility in different ways, but ecological compensation as a way to conserve nature could be a powerful tool for companies to show their environmental responsibility. The aim of this study is to determine companies' perspectives on voluntary ecological compensation and analyze critical factors that affect companies’ willingness to participate in voluntary compensation projects in Finland. Three main objectives of this research include: 1) identifying the attractiveness of voluntary ecological compensation from private companies’ perspective 2) defining the most attractive compensation mechanisms and structures from the companies’ point of view and 3) further analysis of the risks and opportunities affect target companies that partici-pate in voluntary compensation projects. This study was conducted by using a qualitative research method. Re-search material was collected in the meetings with companies by using the participant observation mechanism. Study results highlighted, that the attractiveness of ecological compensation is based on multiple different factors that companies consider as important and which should be included in the compensation project. These factors are such as specific location of compensation area and certain ecosystem services in the compensation area. Most importantly, compensation must be related to companies’ operations at some level. Businesses do not get involved if the projects are not targeted to them, and especially if those are not approved by the relevant stakeholders.
  • Yrttiaho, Pihla (2013)
    The subject of the research was the expectations of Finnish consumers in electronic commerce, especially concentrating on electronic products. The goal was to find out which underlying characteristics arise when the valuations of online shopping are surveyed. These dimensions were also compared to the background variables. In addition the point of interest was on expectations on delivery, payment and customer service. The research was conducted with a questionnaire form using a convenience sample. The survey was conducted in the areas of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kotka and Turku. The aim was to reach different aged Finnish respondents, who were on the moment of the survey 16 years or older. The final sample consisted of 103 respondents. The data was analysed mainly with a Principle Component Analysis and further tests were made using the Analysis of Variance and t-tests. According to the Principle Component Analysis the characteristics of e-commerce in Finland were: privacy control, delivery, mobile-shopping, complete price, Finnish service language and design & navigation. These components followed mostly the original dimensions that were based on earlier research. However a new component of Finnish service language was found. Based on t-tests women valued privacy, mobile-shopping and design more than men. Differences according to the place of residence were examined in the same way. According to this research respondents living outside the capital area value Finnish service language in ecommerce more the residents of capital area. Approximately half of the respondents preferred to pay their purchases using online banking. The second most popular method was a credit card. Most of the respondents expect the package to arrive in 4 to 5 days from the ordering. Over half would pick up the parcel from the post office and approximately one fifth chose the home delivery. The traditional customer service mediums were the most preferred. Together over 90 percent of the respondents would contact the customer service by phone and by e-mail.
  • Huisman-Dellago, David (2020)
    Dairy farms account for a large portion of the greenhouse gas emissions in the planet. Since cow manure provides a good medium for anaerobic digestion, this study analyzes the economic feasibility of installing a biogas plant adjacent to a 200-cow farm in Finland. The farms in this study produce only cow manure and grass silage to feed the digester. This paper focuses in comparing different scenarios such as electricity production for farm needs and the production of biofuels such as compressed biomethane as an additional business activity. After designing the farm economic model and the biogas installation, we provide an economic analysis of each scenario. The first one shows that it is not feasible to run the biogas business model based only on electricity savings for the farm. The second one proves that additional revenue streams such as biofuel production can revitalize and strengthen the financial model of the plant. Then, the sensitivity and reliability of the model is discussed by providing reasons (i.e. Finnish electricity tariff system) for the outcome of the results. The model reinforces the idea that farms must base their biogas business model on alternative side-streams and do not rely on energy production only. For further research, it is recommended that real life farm business models are incorporated as input data and a proven plant and CHP engine energy balance is secured.
  • Huber, Josie-Lynn J (2024)
    This study investigates the economic implications of integrating catch crops into agricultural production systems in Finnish clay soils, focusing on their impact on farmer profitability and societal welfare over a 20-year horizon. Data from Salo et al. (2023) on soil organic carbon yield increase from catch crops is used to determine how catch crops influence private profits and social welfare. Accounting for externalities, yield effects, and additional costs associated with catch crop cultivation, the study assesses the economic profitability of catch crop adoption by examining whether the additional revenue covers the costs. The research also examines the social benefits from emission and nutrient loading reductions. Utilizing simulations conducted in Mathematica and grounded in theoretical frameworks using data from literature and statistics, the study aims to identify the mechanisms influencing private profits for individual farmers and the broader implications for social welfare. Economic instruments, including subsidies and taxes, are investigated to identify optimal policies that make catch crop farming economically viable for farmers and beneficial for society. The findings suggest that both farmers and society benefit from the adoption of catch crops within a 20-year period as the benefits are greater than the costs. Based on these results, policymakers could consider implementing targeted financial incentives to promote catch crop adoption among farmers with shorter time frames. This research contributes to understanding the economic and environmental aspects of sustainable agricultural practices, offering insights for policymakers and experts seeking to enhance agricultural sustainability and welfare outcomes.