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Browsing by discipline "Forest Ecology"

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  • Kreutz, Andreas (2013)
    This study examined the development of tree communities from mid- to late-successional stages in unmanaged Hylocomium-Myrtillus (HMT) forests in northern Finland using a chronosequence approach. More specifically, this thesis adressed the following study questions: (1) What is the spatial pattern of the overall tree community and does this overall pattern changes as the forest`s successional stage changes from mid- to late-successional? (2) What are the spatial patterns of small and large trees and how they differ from mid- to late-successional stages? (3) Is the occurrence of P. abies is related to Betula spp. in mid- to late-successional stages and does this potential relation changes as the forest`s successional stage changes from mid- to late-successional? (4) Does the tree population displays a mosaic of small patches of P. abies and Betula spp. trees over succession from mid- to late-successional stages? The study was carried out in the Värriö Strict Nature Reserve in north-eastern Finland in 2011. Living and dead trees were recorded within 3 transects (300 m long, 40 m wide) in 3 different stands representing differing midto late-succesional stages from 180 years to at least 350 years. The stands were classified according to their species composition in Betula spp. dominated, mixed P. abies-Betula spp. and P. abies dominated. Finally, spatial patterns were analysed using Ripley`s K-function. The spatial tree patterns were predominantly clustered and this pattern did not vary much over succession. Small trees were generally more clustered than larger trees and regular distributions did not occur. Saplings of both species were predominantly attracted to mature trees of the same species. This, and the repulsion between living mature P. abies and mature Betula spp. suggests clumps composed of only one species and thereby a mosaic of small patches of P. abies and Betula spp. in mid- to late-successional forest stages. At the same time, a successive dependency of P. abies on Betula spp can be rejected. The lack of regular distributions implies a minor importance of competition in governing the spatial pattering of HMT-forests. In conclusion, suitable regeneration microsites and vegetative regeneration strategies can be assumed to outrun competitive effects on spatial structure in the presence of a thick raw humus layer in HMT-forests. Despite evidence of facilitative effects due the observed intensive clumping, the facilitative effects of Betula spp. on P. abies reported by Doležal et al. (2006) could not be shown in this study. This study thus suggests that facilitation is merely restricted to inter-species tree-to-tree interactions. HMT-forests have barely been studied to date. Concrete scientific benefits by this study are found in its contribution to investigate the actual point process that generates the observed patterns by fitting appropriate point-process models to the observed pattern and evaluate their power. Ultimately, the results derived from this study could thereby contribute to formulate plausible hypotheses concerning the causes for spatial pattering in HMT-forests which could be tested in experimental studies.
  • Arnkil, Nora (2015)
    The boreal forest is one of the largest biomes in the world, maintaining natural disturbances such as forest fires and insect outbreaks, still occurring widely at their full scale, frequencies and patterns. However, the knowledge of natural forest dynamics, disturbance factors other than fire and post-disturbance development is still inadequate; this is partly due to the lack of accurate, repetitive measurements with adequate temporal resolution. The aim of this study was to examine the structural change and development of natural, Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. dominated forest stands following an insect outbreak of late-1970s to early 1980s. The focus was on annual tree basal area and species composition change at the stand level during the recent decades. The post-disturbance stand development was studied to see whether the stands were following the development model of steady state and quasi-equilibrium. Additionally, the size and age structure of the stands were studied. The objectives were achieved by using dendrochronological methods with tree-ring analyses, in which the forest characteristics were reconstructed at an annual resolution. The study was carried out in the province of Quebec in Eastern Canada, in the North Shore region (Côte-Nord) of St. Lawrence River. Nine sites of a size of 32 m x 32 m were chosen for data collection. The results showed that the tree species composition of the studied stands had clearly changed from the pre-episode to the current state: the composition of A.balsamea, Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP and Betula papyrifera Marsh. in 1975 had changed towards the abundance of A. balsamea, with notably less of P. mariana and B. papyrifera in 2013. Particularly B. papyrifera seems to disappearing from the studied stands. On average, the shape of the live tree diameter distribution for the whole study area was close to a reverse-J, whereas the dead tree diameter distribution resembled rotated sigmoid, with a plateau in the middle. The trees were of all age, mean age for live A. balsamea, P. mariana and B. papyrifera trees was 91 years (SD ± 32 years), 135 years (SD ± 48 years) and 180 years (SD ± 24 years), respectively. The examination of the development of total basal area showed apparent changes during the four decades from 1975 to 2013. The average stand development of total basal area for the whole study area was modest decline after a dramatic post-outbreak drop: the basal area was 33.8 m2 ha-1 (SD ± 4.5 m2 ha-1) in 1975 and 20.7 m2 ha-1 (SD ± 6.0 m2 ha-1) in 2013. Stands showed different types of development: for some of the stands basal area had dropped throughout the observation period, for some the total basal area had started to recover after a decline, and some stands had fairly stable development throughout the observation period. The development of basal area in the past fifteen years has been negative in over half of the studied stands; it seems that the stands are not following the expected post-disturbance development, where the biomass of the forest recovers to the pre-outbreak level and over it, at these time scales of 30-years of observation. Results suggest that the studied forest stands have reached a state where the basal area is yet to be recovered from the decline following the spruce budworm outbreak in the late-1970s to early 1980s. There is a new, on-going defoliation of spruce budworm – that already has heavily affected particularly A. balsamea – in the study area, and therefore the basal area of the forest stands might be expected to furthermore decline in the future.
  • Silva, Ximena (2011)
    The Scots pine bark beetle, Tomicus piniperda is a secondary colonizer of pine and other conifers. It is a native species from Europe and Asia that was recently introduced in North America. Although it is necessary to understand this insect's interactions with other organisms, few studies have focussed on its fungal associates. This study focused on the effect of latitude in the occurrence of fungi associated with T. piniperda. T. piniperda were collected from Pinus sylvestris in Northern (Rovaniemi) and Southern (Hyytiala) Finland. Both endo- and epi- mycota were isolated. The fungi were identified using a combination of morphological features and molecular data. The results revealed a great diversity of fungi species associated with T. piniperda, with a total of 3073 isolates representing 23 species. The most frequently isolated fungi in the bark beetles from Northern Finland were Beauvaria bassiana, Kuraishia sp. and Penicillium sp. whereas P. brevicompactum and Mortierella sp. were mostly observed in the South. Ophiostoma canum and O. minus were also observed. The number of isolates per insect in the north was 2.83 epi- and 2.38 for endo-mycota fungus. In the south, the number of isolates per insect was 4.1 for epi- and 3.5 for endo-mycota. Statistical analysis indicated that there was significant differences in fungal populations associated with the beetles in Southern and Northern Finland. There was however no significant difference between the epi- and endo-mycota fungal populations. The highest richness and diversity of the fungal species was observed in the South. However, the overall fungal diversity index analysis revealed that the mycobiota was undersampled.
  • Kurki, Kirsi (2011)
    Mires have a significant role in climate change mitigation due to their enormous carbon storage and due to the fluxes of greenhouse gases between ecosystem and the atmosphere. Global warming is predicted to affect mire vegetation indirectly through increased evapotranspiration leading to decreased water table levels down to 14–22 centimeters. Water level drawdown is likely to affect the vegetation composition and consequently the ecosystem functioning of mires. Previous studies covering the first years following water table level drawdown have shown that vascular plants benefit from a lower water table and hollow-specific Sphagnum species suffer. In addition to changes in plant abundances the diversity of plant communities decreases. The lawn and hollow communities of Sphagna and sedges are found to be the most sensitive plant groups BACI (before-after-control-impact) experimental approach was applied to study the responses of different functional mire plant groups to water level drawdown. There were 3 control plots and 3 treatment plots with moderate water level drawdown. In addition there were 3 plots drained for forestry 50 years ago as a reference. The plots were located in meso-, oligo- and ombrotrophic sites in Lakkasuo (Orivesi, Finland). The vegetation was surveyed and the water table (WT) was measured from permanent sampling points before ditching in 2000 and during the years 2001–2003 and 2009. The data was analyzed with multivariate methods such as TWINSPAN (PC-Ord), PRC and DCA (CANOCO). Overall results show that the control and treatment plots were similar before the treatment which is crucial in studies conducted with BACI- experimental design. The vegetation composition in the varied between the years also in the control plots following variation in weather conditions, i.e. growing season temperature and precipitation. The year 2003 stood out with lowest water table levels and with highest coverage of the evergreen vascular plants in all plots. By 2009 there was a dramatic decrease in sedge species cover. There seems to be more changes in bryophyte cover in mesotrophic sites than in ombrotrophic ones. The hummock-specific Sphagna seem to be resilient to WT drawdown. Especially lawn- and hollow-specific bryophytes responded to WT drawdown. Results show that all plant groups have a different short and long term response to water level drawdown. The first three years after ditching appeared to be a disturbance state. Only after that the vegetation started to adapt to the lowered water table conditions.
  • Anttila, Mari (2016)
    Suomessa metsäneuvonnan kenttä on monimuotoinen jakautuen usean eri metsäammattilaistahon välille. Metsäammattilaiset ovat kohdanneet työkentällään monia suuria muutoksia, kuten uudet lait ja metsänomistajien keskuudessa tapahtuneet muutokset. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää metsäammattilaisten universaaleja arvoja, asenteita eri metsänhoidollisiin menetelmiin ja mitä metsänhoidollisia toimenpiteitä he ovat tarjonneet metsänomistajille. Lisäksi selvitettiin, miten eri tahojen metsäammattilaisten näkemykset erotavat toisistaan. Tutkimuksessa sovellettiin sosiaalipsykologian teorioita: Schwartzin arvoteoriaa, Allportin asenneteoriaa ja Ajzenin suunnitellun käyttäytymisen mallia. Arvoja mitattiin Schwartzin mittarilla, jossa oli 23 arvo-osiota. Asenteita ja käytäntöjä mitattiin tätä tutkimustavarten kehitetyillä mittareilla. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena e-lomakkeella. Aineisto koottiin valtakunnan tasolla. Kyselyyn vastasi metsäammattilaisia seuraavilta tahoilta: metsäteollisuus, metsäpalveluyritykset, metsänhoitoyhdistykset ja yksityiset metsäpalveluyrittäjät. Otoksen koko oli noin 1410 ja vastauksia saatiin 418. Täten vastausprosentiksi saatiin noin 30. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin tilastollisia tunnuslukuja, t-testiä, faktorianalyysia, summamuuttujia ja varianssianalyysiä. Faktorianalyysilla saatiin tiivistettyä aineisto sekä asenteiden että käyttäytymisaikomuksen osalta viiteen faktoriin. Tärkeimmiksi arvoiksi nousivat hyväntahtoisuus, universalismi ja itseohjautuvuus – vain järjestys vaihteli joidenkin tahojen osalta. Asennoituminen eri menetelmiin oli pääosin neutraalia tai myönteistä. Myönteisintä asennoituminen oli puuntuotannollisia menetelmiä kohtaan. Puuntuotannollisia menetelmiä oli keskimäärin tarjottu eniten ja luonnonhoidollisia menetelmiä vähiten. Asioimistilanne metsäammattilaisen ja metsänomistajan välillä on hyvin monimutkainen ja -ulotteinen ilmiö. Arvot ja asenteet muuttuvat yhteiskunnan muuttuessa, joten jatkotutkimuksille on tarvetta tulevaisuudessakin.
  • Klingberg, Ninni (2012)
    Fungi are the major causal agents of several plant diseases. Fungicides are regularly used in forest tree nurseries to protect and eradicate fungal pathogens. However, the use of fungicides can create problems such as the alteration of natural fungal communities in the upper and lower part of the seedling, and fungicide resistance. These factors may lead to new disease problems in the nursery. Excessive use of fungicides is harmful to environment and might prevent the emergence of novel beneficial fungal species. Some foliar endo- and epimycota are known to suppress fungal diseases and protect the host from herbivoria and abiotic stress. The aim of this study was to investigate if routinely used fungicide (Tilt 250 EC propiconazole as an active ingredient) against Scleroderris canker (Gremmeniella abietina) has side-effects on the non-target foliar mycobiota as well as on the height growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings in a Finnish forest nursery. The experiment was conducted in a Finnish forest tree nursery during one growing period. Altogether 100 needles were sampled which resulted in a total of 186 fungal endophytic isolates, and 40 needles sampled resulted in a total of 86 epiphytic isolates. Endophytic isolates were further analysed and assigned to 37 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Phoma spp. were the most frequently isolated OTUs in both treatments. There were no statistically significant differences between mycota isolated from fungicide treated and control seedlings (except between epiphytes in September), however there were quantitative and qualitative differences which was mainly seen in the higher number of exclusive fungi in control seedlings. There were no statistically significant differences between the growth of fungicide treated and control seedlings but fungicide treated seedlings grew faster at the end of the growing season. These results suggests that fungicide treatment has side-effects on the non-target foliar mycobiota and the growth of Scots pine seedlings.
  • Sivonen, Tero (2014)
    Osprey Pandion haliaetus has been under a strict surveillance of the nature conservationists and a conservation icon since the early 70’s. At that time the accumulation of persistent environmental toxins and pollutants lowered the populations of many birds of prey to low levels, threatening the survival of entire species. Nowadays osprey is one of the successful models of endangered species protection. Because of its status osprey is very thoroughly studied raptor. Due to environmental toxins many birds of prey suffered from eggshell thinning and lost clutches till the end of 1970’s. Eggshell thinning has later stopped and is now reverting, but after the start of intense studying of the birds other threats have been observed to reduce reproductive success. Many earlier studies have suggested that extreme weather conditions may have an effect on the nesting success of diurnal birds of prey. In osprey´s case many researchers have examined the effects of different weather patterns to foraging success and food delivery, but a specific review over their effects on the nesting success hasn’t been conducted so far. In this study I focus on the effects of different weather factors and their contemporary nesting success. I study a nature conservation based supplementary feeding pond‘s effect to the local osprey population’s reproductive success, combined with the weather variables and the density of nesting pairs. Osprey is recorded to fly approximately 3–15 km on its foraging trips. At their longest these fishing trips can be over 40 km long one-way. The Osprey Center, working in Pohtiolampi at Kangasala (61° 26.876' N, 24° 7.705' E), in Southern Finland, feeds the local ospreys with living rainbow trout from an old fish farm pool. In theory, the birds nesting or living near the supplementary feeding pond benefit from this in a form of easy sustenance. The fish move near the water surface and are thus available all the time. Especially during bad weather conditions the pond is frequently visited by nesting ospreys. In this study I examine 1) does supplementary feeding have an effect on the nesting success of the local osprey population, 2) what is the role of weather factors affecting the breeding success and 3) does supplementary feeding have an effect on nesting density? I used 16 years of weather and breeding data (1997–2012) and evaluated the individual and combined weather variables and their possible effects on nesting success and brood production, comparing study and control area. I set my study area in a shape of a circle with 30 km radius. Pohtiolampi feeding pond was placed in the center of the study area, surrounded by a vast labyrinthine lake area. For the control area’s and study area's ecosystems to be as much alike as possible, I established the control area, also in a form of a circle and continuing the next 30 km, to start where the study area ended (see: Map 1.). I calculated the covariance and Akaike weights of different weather variables and annual nesting success with R (2.15.0) statistical calculation program. Collinearity was assessed with variance inflation factors (VIF). Generalized linear mixed models (GLM), to asses simultaneously the role of weather variables and the nesting success of both study and control area, were used. Finally the scenarios were arranged in significance order by their AICc values (Akaike information criterion adjusted for finite sample size). After the comparing analysis, I repeated the calculations also without the division to study and control area, gaining information about the effects of weather variables in general. I also calculated the proportional effects of different land use types to the nesting density of the local osprey population by using ArcGIS mapping tool and compared the results between study and control area. My results indicate that supplementary feeding does not influence the nesting success. Same annual average of young fledged the nests each year, regardless of the area. Weather variables, however, showed some effect on the nesting success when viewing the entire population. The assembled weather data shows examples of weaker nesting success in summers with prolonged storms, rainy weather or low average temperature. However, levels of significance, derived from the data, are still too low to be used as generalizations. Only three day long storms had a better AIC weight than the null model. I presume that the good fishing waters, wind shelter and shoreline forests are possible explanations to this trend. Most harmful weather to the osprey nestlings was a prolonged storm (? 7 m/s wind) and rainy summers. The nesting density of osprey was recorded to be significantly higher in the study area than in the control area, when viewing the total land acreage. Moreover, I recorded that the density in the study area grew up to almost four times the number of control area, when studying the acreage of potential nesting areas. When viewing the area of foraging waters the difference was reduced to 1.5 fold. I conclude that the local osprey population benefits from the supplementary feeding area by nesting more densely near the abundant food source and thus producing more young per km².
  • Kaarakka, Lilli (2013)
    Increased demand for forest-derived biomass has resulted in changes in harvest intensities in Finland. Conventional stem-only harvest (CH) has to some extent been replaced with whole-tree harvest (WTH). The latter involves a greater removal of nutrients from the forest ecosystem, as all the above ground biomass is exported from the site. This has raised concerns that WTH could result in large changes in the nutrient dynamics of a forest stand and could eventually lower its site productivity. Little empirical data exists to support this assumption as only a limited number of studies have been conducted on the topic. A majority of these discuss the short-term effects, thus the long-term consequences remain unknown. The objective of this study was to compare differences in soil properties after CH and WTH in a fertile Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst.) stand in Southern Finland. The site was clear-felled in August 2000 and spruce seedlings were planted in the following summer. Soil sampling in the form of systematic randomized sampling was carried out in May 2011. Changes in base saturation, cation exchange capacity, elemental pools (total and exchangeable) and acidity were studied in both organic and mineral horizons. The results indicate that WTH lowered effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation particularly in the humus layer. The pools of exchangeable Al and Fe were increased in the humus layer, whereas the amount of exchangeable Ca decreased in both layers. WTH also resulted in lower Ca/Al-ratios across the sampled layers. Treatment did not have a significant effect on pH, total pools of elements or on the C/N-ratio of the soil. The results suggest that although the stand possesses significant pools of nutrients at present, WTH, if continued, could have long-term effects on site productivity.
  • Nevalainen, Sara (2017)
    Coffee is one of the most important export crops of Laos. In recent years, the coffee farming communities have been under strain due to a decline in global coffee prices. The price volatility has resulted in livelihood insecurity and led to the coffee farmers adopting various adaptive strategies, including livelihood diversification and migration. In Laos, coffee is mostly grown in shade management systems incorporating several tree species. Shade coffee is typically considered an ecologically sustainable agricultural system, producing a wide array of ecosystem services. This socioeconomic case study was conducted in the Champasak Province, Southern Laos. The objective was to study the role of coffee agroforestry in the livelihoods of two local communities, Ban Nong Luang and Ban Phu Makko. A semi-structured household survey (n=80) was conducted in June 2014 and complemented with group interviews and participatory methods. All households cultivated coffee, though most of them had also several other means of livelihood. The coffee species included robusta, arabica and catimor, a fast-growing hybrid variety of arabica. The coffee plots owned by a single household averaged 4 hectares, and all respondents were smallholder farmers. The coffee gardens were also a source of a variety of ecosystem services and subsistence income, including firewood, food, fodder, and building materials. Most households cultivated 2-3 varieties of coffee combined with one or more shade tree species. Traditional management systems with robusta as the dominant species were gradually being replaced with C. Arabica var. catimor and Erythrina spp. During the course of the household survey, both villages were discovered having been subject to land concessions to foreign companies. 11 households in Phu Makko were interviewed on the land grab, and the responses showed the destructive impact of the land grab on individual households. Apart from land issues, the main challenges to the livelihoods continued to be the depressed coffee prices combined with the rising costs of inputs, particularly labor. Income diversification was a necessity for nearly all households. Main income sources included coffee-related wage work, livestock, and shop-keeping. The study also lists the main barriers to livelihood diversification as well as present recommendations, including the possibilities for coffee certification.
  • Oranen, Heidi (2013)
    Filamentous fungi vectored by Trypodendron lineatum were identified. The mycota of flying beetles was distinguished from that of hatching ones. The purpose was also to study to what extent T. lineatum is associated with specific fungal partners and opportunistic fungi. The hypotheses stated that: the proportions of beetles carrying epi- and endomycetes (positioned to outer surface and inner parts of insect, respectively) differ (1); proportions of beetles that get attached to fungal propagules vary between collection methods (pheromone traps and stumps) (2); the frequencies of fungal iso-lates differ between positions (3); the frequencies of isolates are unequal between collection meth-ods (4). The beetles were collected from two clear felled spruce dominated sites in Southern Finland with pheromone traps in spring and sawing pieces of stumps in summer. The experimental design of this study is unique in studying the effect of trapping time and method on the resulting assemblage of fungi. Identification of fungi rests on morphological characteristics and DNA-based methods. The sequences were compared against BLAST. The hypotheses were tested statistically using odds ratio (logistic regression) for proportions and ratio of averages (Poisson regression) for frequencies. Species richness and diversity for positions, trap types, sites and treatment methods were analyzed using Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index/Shannon Entropy Calculator and EstimateS. The proportion of beetles carrying epimycetes was greater than that of endomycetes (1). The proportions of vector beetles were not significantly affected by trap type (2). The frequencies of fungal isolates were higher among the epimycota (3). Trap types had no impact on the frequencies of isolated fungi (4). Species richness and diversity analyses supported the outcome of the tested hypotheses. Additionally, they indicated similarity between the mycota of the sites, whereas conclu-sions concerning the treatment methods could not be made. Seven genera (Penicillium sp., Cadophora sp., Cladosporium sp., Rhizosphaera sp., Sydowia sp., Absidia sp. and Mucor sp.) were discovered associated to the striped ambrosia beetle as new. Swarming beetles and those leaving stumps were observed to carry different assemblages of fungi. Origin of the Zygomycota was only traced to the beetles hatching from stumps in midsummer. 61.84 % of the isolates belonged to the Ascomycota, 10.53 % to the Zygomycota and 27.63 % remained unidentified. Best concentrated genera were Hypocrea, Ophiostoma and Sydowia.
  • Piha, Aura (2011)
    Fire is an important driver of the boreal forest ecosystem, and a useful tool for the restoration of degraded forests. However, we lack knowledge on the ecological processes initiated by prescribed fires, and whether they bring about the desired restoration effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of low-intensity experimental prescribed fires on four ecological processes in young commercial Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands eight years after the burning. The processes of interest were tree mortality, dead wood creation, regeneration and fire scar formation. These were inventoried in twelve study plots, which were 30 m x 30 m in size. The plots belonged to two different stand age classes: 30-35 years or 45 years old at the time of burning. The study was partly a follow-up of study plots researched by Sidoroff et al. (2007) one year after burning in 2003. Tree mortality increased from 183 stems ha-1 in 2003 to 259 stems ha-1 in 2010, corresponding to 15 % and 21 % of stem number respectively. Most mortality was experienced in the stands of the younger age class, in smaller diameter classes and among species other than Scots pine. By 2010, the average mortality of Scots pine per plot was 18%, but varied greatly ranging from 0% to 63% of stem number. Delayed mortality, i.e. mortality that occurred between 2 and 8 years after fire, seemed to become more important with increasing diameter. The input of dead wood also varied greatly between plots, from none to 72 m3 ha-1, averaging at 12 m3 ha-1. The amount of fire scarred trees per plot ranged from none to 20 %. Four out of twelve plots (43 %) did not have any fire scars. Scars were on average small: 95% of scars were less than 4 cm in width, and 75% less than 40 cm in length. Owing to the light nature of the fire, the remaining overstorey and thick organic layer, regeneration was poor overall. The abundance of pine and other seedlings indicated a viable seed source existed, but the seedlings failed to establish under dense canopy. The number of saplings ranged from 0 to 12 333 stems ha-1. The results of this study indicate that a low intensity fire does not necessarily initiate the ecological processes of tree mortality, dead wood creation and regeneration in the desired scale. Fire scars, which form the basis of fire dating in fire history studies, did not form in all cases.
  • Kerojoki, Otto (2013)
    Kaakkois-Aasiassa sijaitsee yli puolet maailman trooppisista soista, joiden kokonaispinta-ala on 0,44 milj. km-2. Viime vuosikymmeninä luonnontilaisten trooppisten suosademetsien muuttaminen muuhun käyttöön on kasvanut huomattavasti: Kaakkois-Aasian trooppisten soiden alkuperäisestä pinta-alasta noin 60 % on kuivatettu ja vain noin 10 % on enää luonnontilassa. Maankäyttömuutos Kaakkois-Aasian trooppisilla soilla on merkittävä kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen lähde ja on arvioitu että vuosittain kuivatetuilta soilta vapautuu 600 – 700 Mt hiilidioksidia turpeen hajoamisesta. Huolimatta maankäyttömuutosten laajuudesta trooppisia soita ja niillä tapahtuvia prosesseja on tutkittu varsin vähän verrattuna muiden ilmastovyöhykkeiden soihin. Kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen tutkimus on tähän asti pääasiallisesti ollut selvittää pistemäisillä mittauksilla maankäyttömuodon ja päästöjen välistä yhteyttä. Lukuun ottamatta vedenpinnan syvyyden ja kasvihuonekaasujen yhteyden tarkastelua, tutkimuksissa ei ole juuri paneuduttu muiden ympäristötekijöiden tai turpeen ominaisuuksien vaikutuksiin turpeen hajotusnopeuteen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää maankäyttömuutoksen aiheuttaman turpeen lämpötilan nousun vaikutusta turpeen hajotuksesta johtuviin hiilidioksidi-, metaani- ja typpioksiduulivoihin kuivatetuilla turvemailla. Maankäyttömuutosta simuloitiin kahdella eri maankäyttöhistorian omaavalla turvemaalla, maatalousmaalla sekä useasti palaneella avoturvemaalla, keinotekoisella varjostuksella, jonka avulla turpeeseen muodostui lämpötilaeroja. Lisäksi tutkittiin onko lannoituksella vaikutusta turpeen hajotuksen ja hajotuksen lämpötilavasteeseen, sillä ravinnelöyhät turvemaat vaativat lannoitusta satojen tuottamiseksi. Hiilidioksidivuo määritettiin kahdella menetelmällä: infrapunaspektrometrisellä sekä kaasukromatografisella menetelmällä. Metaani ja typpioksiduulivuot määritettiin kaasukromatografisesti. Turpeen lämpötilaa mitattiin useilta syvyyksiltä automaattisilla lämpötila-antureilla tunnin välein ja käsikäyttöisillä lämpömittareilla kaasumittausten yhteydestä. Lisäksi kaasumittausten yhteydessä mitattiin vedenpinnan taso sekä otettiin turvenäytteet josta määritettiin turpeen vesipitoisuus, pH ja tiheys. Lämpötilalla havaittiin olevan merkittävä vaikutus hiilidioksidivoihin maatalousmaalla, jossa turpeen pintalämpötilan 10 °C nousun havaittiin pitkän aikavälin hiilidioksidivoiden keskiarvoilla kaksinkertaistavan hajotuksen. Lannoitus lisäsi keskimääräisiä hiilidioksidipäästöjä maatalousmaalla noin 40 %:lla, mutta vähensi niitä palaneella avoturvemaalla. Lannoituksen havaittiin lisäävän lämpötilan vaikutusta hajotukseen huomattavasti maatalousmaalla; hiilidioksidivuot hajotuksesta kymmenkertaistuivat koealan lannoitetussa lohkossa turpeen lämpötilan kasvaessa 10 °C:lla. Palaneella turvemaalla hiilidioksidivuon lämpötilavastetta ei havaittu. Metaanilla ja typpioksiduulilla lämpötilavastetta ei havaittu, vaan vedenpinnan taso vaikutti olevan lämpötilaa huomattavasti merkittävämpi kaasuvoiden suuruutta säätelevä tekijä. Lannoitus lisäsi typpioksiduulipäästöjä merkittävästi maatalousmaalla, mutta ei palaneella avoturvemaalla. Lannoituksella ei ollut vaikutusta metaanipäästöjen suuruuteen. Erojen hajotuksesta johtuvien hiilidioksidipäästöjen lämpötilavasteessa koealojen välillä oletetaan johtuvan erilaisesta maankäyttöhistoriasta. Maatalousmaalla turvetta on lannoitettu pitkä aika kun palanutta avoturvemaata ei ole lannoitettu koskaan. Lannoitus on saattanut muuttaa maatalousmaan maaperän mikrobistoa niin, että se pystyy hajottamaan pitkälle hajonnutta, hyvin ligniinipitoista, turvetta tehokkaammin sekä hyödyntämään lisätyt mineraaliravinteet hajotustoiminnassa. Turpeesta mitatut ympäristötekijät (pH, tiheys, vesi- ja ravinnepitoisuus) eikä turpeen aiemmin mitattu kemiallinen koostumus selittänyt eroa lämpötilavasteessa koealojen välillä. Jos hiilidioksidin lämpötilavaste pitkällä aikavälillä on havaittua suuruusluokkaa, lämpötila saattaa olla merkittävä turpeen hajotukseen vaikuttava tekijä ainakin pitkään lannoitetuilla turvemailla. Lisätutkimusta hajottajaeliöstön mahdollisista eroista ja pidempi aikaisia mittauksia lämpötilan vaikutuksesta hajotukseen kuitenkin tarvitaan erilaisilta maankäyttömuodoilta ja kuivatussyvyyksiltä lämpötilavasteen selvittämiseksi tarkemmin.
  • Kivistö, Pihla (2017)
    Metsien ekologinen ja entistä kestävämpi käyttö on muuttuvan maailman myötä noussut tärkeään asemaan. Hoitamalla metsiä jatkuvasti peitteisenä, luontaisen häiriödynamiikan keinoin, pystytään ylläpitämään monimuotoisuutta sekä vastaamaan metsien monikäytön mahdollisuuksiin ja puuvarantojen kasvattamisen haasteisiin. Metsälain uudistamisen myötä metsänomistaja pystyy nykyisin hoitamaan metsäänsä entistä monimuotoisemmin keinoin. Yhtenä hakkuutapana jatkuvasti kasvatettavassa eri-ikäisrakenteisessa metsässä ovat pienaukkohakkuut. Metsälaissa määritelty pienaukkojen koko on maksimissaan 0,3 hehtaaria ilman uudistamisvelvoitetta. Metsään tehtävissä käsittelyissä, joissa syntyy reuna-alueita, on aina tuulituhoriski. Tuulituhot aiheuttavat Suomessa sekä Euroopan tasolla mittavia taloudellisia tappioita. Tutkimukseni pyrkii vastaamaan kysymykseen, kuinka paljon tuulenkaatoja on pienaukkojen ympärillä. Tutkimusalueet sijaitsivat Keski-Suomessa Isojärven ja Pohjois-Karjalassa Ruunaan alueilla, DISTDYN - häiriödynamiikkahankkeen tutkimusalueen metsiköissä. Pienaukkohakkuut tehtiin koealueille vuosina 2010, 2011 ja 2012. Hakkuissa säästettiin joko 50 % tai 90 % puuston tilavuudesta. Aukot hakattiin rakenteeltaan pehmeästi vaihettuviksi, niin sanotuiksi ”liehuvareunaisiksi” ja erimuotoisiksi. Puoleen aukoista tehtiin maanmuokkaus, ja osa aukkojen välialueista harvennettiin. Aineisto kerättiin kesällä 2015. Aineistoa varten mitattiin yhteensä 123 pienaukkoa 24 metsikössä. Pienaukkojen keskimääräinen koko oli 0,19 ha. Hakkuiden jälkeisistä tuulituhoista mitattiin joko kokonaan kaatunut tai osittain poikki mennyt runko. Mittaukset tehtiin pienaukkojen sisällä sekä 20 m reunasta sisään metsään. Tuulituhot jäivät koealoilla kaiken kaikkiaan melko vähäisiksi. Puita oli kaatunut 4-5 vuodessa, kuusikoissa yksi tukkipuu per yksi pienaukko ja männiköissä yksi tukkipuu per kolme pienaukkoa. Lisäksi 1-3 pientä puuta vaurioitui per yksi pienaukko. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että hakattavan aukon koolla oli merkitystä, kuten aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on osoitettu. Pienimmissä aukoissa tuhot olivat erittäin vähäisiä. Suurin tuulituhoriski oli aukoissa, joiden ympäristö oli voimakkaasti harvennettu, sekä tiheään metsään tehdyssä aukossa, jonka ympärillä olevat hontelot puut altistuivat tuulelle. Aineiston mallinnus olemassa olevilla tuulituhoennustemalleilla ei yrityksistä huolimatta onnistunut ja tuhojen määrän vertailu tällä aineistolla tasaikäiskasvatukseen osoittautui mahdottomaksi. Tutkimukseni tulos näyttää tukevan tuloksia, joissa pienaukkohakkuiden todetaan olevan sopiva hakkuumenetelmä, mikäli halutaan hillitä metsikössä esiintyviä tuulituhoja. Tutkimus vahvistaa käsitystä siitä, että pienaukkojen hakkaaminen metsän keskelle lisää tuulituhoriskiä vain lievästi.
  • Leppänen, Maarit (2014)
    Valkoposkihanhet (Branta leucopsis) ovat suhteellisen tuore tulokas Suomen linnustoon. Kesällä hanhet poikasineen viihtyvät merenrantanurmilla. Suuret hanhiparvet kilpailevat nurmien käytöstä kaupunkilaisten kanssa ja aggressiivisesti poikasiaan puolustavat emot ja hanhien ulosteet koetaan nurmilla ongelmaksi. Koska valkoposkihanhi on rauhoitettu, on sen häätäminen hankalaa. Jotta ongelmaan voitaisiin tehokkaammin puuttua, on ymmärrettävä hanhien ruokailukäyttäytymistä, sekä vaikutusta nurmiin paremmin. Tutkimukset hanhien ruokailun vaikutuksesta nurmialueiden kuntoon ja kasvilajivalikoimaan kaupunkiympäristössä puuttuvat. Lisäksi hanhien käyttäytymistä koskevat tutkimukset urbaanissa ympäristössä ovat tähän saakka käsitelleet enimmäkseen hanhien karkottamiseen liittyviä seikkoja. Jotta hanhien ruokailua epätoivotuilla alueilla voitaisiin hallita, on tärkeää tietää miten hanhien ruokailu muuttaa kasvillisuutta, ja miten hanhet käyttäytyvät ruokaillessaan epätoivotuilla alueilla. Työssäni tutkin valkoposkihanhiemojen valppauteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Toisena työn osa-alueena käsiteltiin valkoposkihanhien laidunnuksen mahdollisia vaikutuksia rantanurmikoiden kuntoon sekä lajikoostumukseen. Aineisto kerättiin hanhien runsaasti laiduntamilta kohteilta Helsingissä ja Espoossa ja se analysoitiin soveltuvin menetelmin. Kasvillisuusruuduilta saatujen tulosten perusteella kokonaispeittävyys parani neljällä kohteella kuudesta. Nurmen laatu parani kolmella kohteella kuudesta ja nurmen peittävyys lisääntyi neljällä kohteella. Erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteena olivat hanhikkien (Potentilla sp.) sekä niittyhumalan (Prunella vulgaris) peittävyydet. Vuoden 2011 ruuduilla havaittiin hanhikkien peittävyyden eroavan merkitsevästi neljällä kohteella. Vuoden 2013 ruuduilla peittävyyden ero oli merkittävä vain yhdellä kohteella. Laidunnettujen ja laiduntamattomien kohteiden yleisimpiä kasvilajeja katsottaessa havaittiin, että laidunnetuilla alueilla esiintyi yleensä yksi tai muutama valtalaji, kun taas muiden lajien peittävyys jäi pienemmäksi. Laiduntamattomilla kohteilla lajien peittävyydet olivat tasaisempia, eikä selkeitä valtalajeja ollut niin helppo erottaa. Hanhien valppauden havaittiin vaihtelevan eri kohteiden välillä. Runsain valppaus havaittiin sellaisilla kohteilla, joissa ihmisten aheuttamia häiriöitä oli eniten. Hanhien keskimääräinen valppaus laski poikuekoon kasvaessa, kun taas selvää trendiä ikäluokan vaikutuksesta valppauteen ei havaittu. Emojen asema parvessa vaikutti niiden valppauteen, reunalle olevien emojen ollessa valppaampia kuin keskemmällä olevat. Myös poikueen etäisyys vesirajaan vaikutti emolintujen valppauteen, niin että kauempana olevat emot olivat valppaampia. Nurmen laadun ei havaittu vaikuttavan merkitsevästi poikasen ruokailuun käyttämään aikaan, mutta parhaimmilla nurmilla poikasen ruokailun aikana kulkema matka oli keskimäärin lyhyempi kuin heikompilaatuisilla nurmilla. Tulokset hanhien valppaudesta ja siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä sopivat melko hyvin yhteen kirjallisuuskatsauksesta saatujen tulosten kanssa. Hanhien laidunuksen vaikutuksesta nurmiin ja kasvillisuuteen tulokset eivät olleet aivan yhtä suoraviivaisia. On kuitenkin syytä ottaa huomioon, että kasvillisuuteen vaikuttavat monet muutkin tekijät kuin hanhet, mikä todennäköisesti osaltaan selittää tuloksia. Tutkimuksessa kuitenkin havaittiin muutoksia peittävyyksissä ja nurmien kunnossa, mikä antanee aihetta jatkotutkimuksiin aiheesta.
  • Lehtokoski, Ilona (2014)
    Rapid changes in the environment due to human actions have highlighted the need to better understand the functioning of ecosystems and the underlying mechanisms. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (hereafter, BEF) research has mainly concentrated on studying the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning in experiments using grassland species. Moreover, the focus of these studies has been in determining how a single ecosystem process (e.g. productivity) is affected by the changes of biodiversity. Evaluating how the forest ecosystems’ successional gradient and species functional traits are related to each other still remains a major challenge for ecologists. The aim of this study was to find out the relations between different forest successional stages and plant species functional traits and if there were traits that were favoured along the successional gradient. This was investigated by using a direct plant species trait approach called the fourth-corner method. Also, the vertical vegetation structure of the successional stages was studied. The field measurements were conducted in 31 study sites in the southern boeal vegetation zone during summer 2011. The study sites were divided into three groups according to their successional stage and time since last management activities. Ten of the sites were young forests stands with normal management activities; eleven were mature stands that have had silvicultural activities (e.g. thinnings) within the last 25 years and the rest were also mature forest stands but without management activities since 1985. From these sites the understory vegetation was inventoried and general stand characteristics (e.g. mean height or the DBH of the living trees) were measured. Clear patterns of trait associations with the successional stages emerged from the analysis. The young stands were characterized with species that are shade intolerant, able to expand extensively also but also have abundant production of small seeds. These traits are typical for so-called pioneer species. Species traits associated with the mature, recently managed forests were chameaphytes with erect leafy stems and had a scarce seed production. For the mature nonrecently managed stands, a positive correlation was found for shade tolerant species. Species abundant in these stands had significantly longer seeds that were mainly dispersed by ants. Species occurring in these stands had also a semi-abundant seed production. The vertical vegetation structure showed, that the vegetation structure of both mature stands was similar and that the management activities could affect the natural successional trajectories. The results showed that the fourth-corner method could indeed give insight on which plant species functional traits are affected by environmental factors (such as forest succession or management activities). With this method it is possible for example to identify traits associated with valuable forest stands and practice forest management activities targeted in preserving the ecosystems’ key functions.
  • Alhainen, Mikko (2009)
    Tässä työssä tarkastellaan sorsasaaliin laji- ja sukupuolijakaumaa sekä ikäjakauman ja siiven kehittyneisyyden maantieteellistä ja ajallista vaihtelua metsästyskauden aikana. Lisäksi pohditaan tulosten riistanhoidollisia sovelluksia paikallisella ja muuttoreitin tasolla. Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos (RKTL) järjesti valtakunnallisen siipinäytekeräyksen vuosina 2005–2007. Vapaaehtoisten metsästäjien keräämässä siipinäyteaineistossa oli 6 106 vesilinnun siipeä, joista 5 579 kuului tutkielmassa tarkasteltaviin sisävesien sorsalintuihin: sinisorsa (Anas platyrhynchos), tavi (Anas crecca), haapana (Anas penelope), jouhisorsa (Anas acuta), lapasorsa (Anas clypeata), tukkasotka (Aythya fuligula), punasotka (Aythya ferina) ja telkkä (Bucephala clangula). Vesilintusaalista 86,7 % koostui sinisorsasta, tavista, haapanasta ja telkästä. Nuorten lintujen osuus saaliissa oli puolisukeltajasorsilla ja punasotkalla noin 80 %, telkällä ja lapasorsalla 90 % ja tukkasotkalla 70 %. Nuorten lintujen osuus saaliissa pieneni Lapista Lounais-Suomeen kaikilla lajeilla paitsi jouhisorsalla ja haapanalla. Jouhisorsalla nuorten lintujen osuus kasvoi etelää kohti, ja haapanalla se oli suurin maan keskiosissa. Sinisorsan sukupuolijakauma oli tasainen. Muilla puolisukeltajilla saaliissa oli hieman enemmän naaraita. Telkällä nuorten lintujen saalis oli naaras- ja vanhojen lintujen koiraspainotteinen. Siiveltään vajaakehittyneiden lintujen osuus saaliissa pieneni merkitsevästi Pohjois-Suomesta Etelä-Suomeen. Vanhoista naaraista oli vajaakehittyneitä tai sulkimattomia Pohjois-Suomessa lähes 70 %, ja Etelä-Suomessa vajaa 40 %. Nuorilla linnuilla vajaakehittyneiden osuus saaliissa laski tasaisesti pohjoisen yli 20 prosentista etelän alle viiteen prosenttiin. Vajaakehittyneiden lintujen osuus laski selvästi jahtikauden alusta lokakuun alkuun. Metsästyskauden alussa vanhoista naaraista lähes 60 % oli vajaakehittyneitä tai sulkimattomia, ja nuorista linnuista vajaakehittyneitä oli Pohjois-Suomessa yli 20 % ja Etelä-Suomessa noin 5 %. Suomessa metsästysverotus painottuu edelleen nuoriin lintuihin. Talvehtimisalueilla verotetaan enemmän tuottavaa kannanosaa. Vanhat, pesinnässään onnistuneet, sulkivat naaraat näyttäisivät olevan alttiita metsästykselle jahtikauden alussa, mikä vaikuttanee paikalliseen sorsakantaan. Vesilintujen metsästys tulisi mitoittaa vuotuisen tuoton mukaan sopeutuvan käytön periaatteen mukaisesti. Sorsakantoja tulisi hoitaa ja seurata koko niiden vuodenkierron aikana käyttämällä alueella.
  • Veach, Victoria L. (2012)
    In 2009 and 2010 a study was conducted to determine if whole-tree harvest (WTH) would deplete the soil nutrients in Rubicon soil. The specific objectives of the study were: 1) Estimation of biomass and nutrient content of above- and below-ground tree components in mature jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands growing on a coarse-textured, low-productivity soil, 2) Determination of total C and N and exchangeable soil cations and other physical properties in mature jack pine stands, and 3) Comparison of the possible impacts of CH and WTH on subsequent soil nutrient pools. In total, four even aged jack pine stands on Rubicon soil were studied. Allometric equations were used to determine aboveground biomass and nutrients, and soil samples from each stand were analyzed for total C and N, exchangeable Ca, K, and Mg, pH, organic matter content, texture, and available water holding capacity. Results indicate that WTH will leave enough nutrients on-site for the next rotation of trees, but the potential for increased decomposition and leaching may still result in nutrient loss, especially in these coarse-textured soils with low mineral soil organic matter.
  • Kartano, Linda (2015)
    Conflicts are concern for the coexistence of wolves (Canis lupus) and humans, and injuries and deaths of domestic animals (i.e. depredations) are a concrete part of the conflicts. Even though wildlife researchers have studied characteristics, risk factors, and prevention methods of depredation for decades, the diversity and complexity of depredation phenomenon has ensured that there is still a long way to go before the knowledge and management of depredations reach a satisfactory level. The thesis is consisted of three parts that have a broader theme in the description of the depredation phenomenon from slightly different perspectives and so to serve the purpose of increasing the capacity of understanding and managing the depredation. The first part of the thesis gives a literature-based introduction to the problem of depredation and the factors that are likely to contribute to the depredation risk in general. The aim of the first part was to provide a foundation for the second and third parts. The second part of the thesis focuses on the large-scale depredation characteristics by surveying depredation records of Europe and North America via a literature review and personal data requests. The aims of the second part were to generalize the depredation characteristics on the large scale, to compare depredation datasets between study areas, and to study the relationship between depredations and possible large-scale explanatory factors of depredation. The third part of the thesis represents a collective study of wolf attacks on bear-hunting dogs in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, US. The aim of the third part was to study the relationship between dog depredation rates and bear-hunting practices and to exemplify the benefits of the transregional research approach. The second part of the thesis represented depredation characteristics from 20 study areas in Europe and the US. Small- or medium-sized domestic animals dominated the depredation records. The percentages of depredated livestock stayed small. Sheep and goat depredations occurred more often than expected and bovine and equine depredations less than expected by the occurrence of the animals in the live population. The second part showed also that despite the large variability between the depredation datasets, the composition and number of depredations were geographically clustered. Europe was defined by extensive sheep and goat depredations whereas the US was defined by moderate bovine depredations. The results also showed that wolf abundance and domestic animal densities correlated significantly with the number of depredations and depredation rates (depredations/wolf) whereas the human population density and the forest and farmland coverages correlated less significantly with the depredation rates. The third part of the thesis showed that the depredation rates of bear-hunting dogs in Michigan and Wisconsin are partly influenced by the bear-hunting permits sold per wolf and hunter method. The greater dog depredation rates in Wisconsin compared to Michigan could be affected by the longer duration of bear-baiting and more concurrent timing of baiting with dog training in Wisconsin. The differences in the compensation schemes could also contribute to the differences in depredation rates between the states. In conclusion, the results of the second part indicated that some characteristics of depredation that have been previously identified on the more local scales are applicable also on the large scales. More research is needed to clarify the role of wolf abundance and domestic animal densities in determining the depredation likelihood on the large scales. The depredation records were highly variable in relation to the data collection procedures, and it would be important to set minimum standards for the depredation data. The depredation research and management should be improved also by increasing the transparency and availability of depredation records. The third part of the thesis showed how the differences in natural resources management between the states might have a significant role in defining depredation rates for hunting dogs. The study exemplifies well how the depredation research and management can benefit from the collection and distribution of depredation data across the administrative borders. As the depredation information hopefully increases in the future, the large-scale picture of the depredation characteristics across Europe and North America will also be further defined.
  • Nykänen, Antti (2014)
    Hirvieläinonnettomuudet ovat merkittävä riskitekijä Suomen tieliikenteessä. Hirvieläinonnettomuuksissa on 2000-luvulla kuollut vuosittain kesimäärin 6 ja loukkaantunut 218 ihmistä. Merkittävistä taloudellista ja yhteiskunnallisista kustannuksista huolimatta Suomessa on tehty vain vähän tutkimusta hirvikolareihin vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Maisematekijöiden vaikutusta hirvikolariskiin ei ole toistaiseksi tutkittu lainkaan. Jotta hirvikolareita pystyttäisiin ennaltaehkäisemään nykyistä tehokkaammin, tarvitaan aiempaa parempia ja tarkempia keinoja tunnistaa riskialteimmat tieosuudet ja jopa yksittäiset paikat, joissa kolarit ovat todennäköisimpiä. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää miten eri ympäristömuuttujat vaikuttavat hirvikolareiden tapahtumisen todennäköisyyteen. Lisäksi pohdittiin, voidaanko ympäristömuuttujien tunnistamisen perusteella kehittää kolareiden ennaltaehkäisymenetelmiä. Tutkimusta varten kerättiin suurriistavirka-apu -henkilöiltä 218 kolaripaikkaa Keski-Suomen, Pohjois- ja Etelä-Savon Riistakeskuksen aluetoimistojen alueilta. SRVA-henkilöt käyvät jokaisella kolaripaikalla. He ovat paikallisia metsästäjiä, joten heidän paikallistuntemuksensa on erinomainen ja kolaripaikat ovat tarkasti tiedossa. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin kolari- ja kontrollipaikkojen (ei kolaria) eroja kahdessa eri mittakaavassa, makro- ja mikrotasolla. Makrotason tarkastelussa ympäristöä tutkittiin 1 000 metriä halkaisijaltaan olevan ympyrän sisältä, mikrotasolla ympyrän halkaisija oli 200 metriä. Ympäristömuuttujien vaikutusta hirvikolarin tapahtumisen todennäköisyyteen selvitettiin logistisella regressioanalyysillä. Logistisesta regressiosta käytettiin muunnosta ”matched logistic regression -analysis”, jossa jokaiselle kolaripaikalle valitaan yksilöllinen kontrollipaikka. Hirvikolaririskiin vaikuttavien muuttujien merkitystä tutkittiin menetelmällä, jossa muuttujajoukosta valittiin kerrallaan yksi muuttuja, jonka vetosuhteen (OR) muutosta tulkittiin vakioimalla muita muuttujia. Makrotason tarkastelussa kolarit keskittyivät tien metsäisille osuuksille ja puulaji oli useimmiten kuusi tai koivu kuin mänty. Kolaripaikoilla oli enemmän varttunutta ja nuorta metsää kuin kontrollipaikoilla. Kolaripaikkojen maisema sisälsi vähemmän maataloutta, vesistöjä ja rakennettua aluetta kuin kontrollipaikkojen. Mikrotasolla tutkittiin metsänrakenteen lisäksi kolari- ja kontrollipaikkojen sijaintien välisiä eroja ja maastonmuotoja. Kolaripaikat sijaitsivat lähempänä metsänreunaa ja kauempana asutusta kuin kontrollipaikat. Kolaritpaikat olivat hieman keskimääräistä maastoa korkeammalla kuin kontrollipaikat. Kolaripaikoilla oli enemmän varttunutta tai nuorta kasvatusmetsää ja puulaji oli useammin kuusi tai koivu kuin mänty. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että kolaririski vaihtelee suuresti tien eri osuuksilla. Erityisesti metsän reunalla oli muista muuttujista riippumaton vaikutus kolaririskiin, joten ne ovat potentiaalisia ns. ”hot spotteja”. Jos riskialttiit paikat voitaisiin tunnistaa nykyistä tarkemmin, jopa 100–200 metrin tarkkuudella, hirvivaarasta varoittavia liikennemerkkejä voitaisiin kehittää, esimerkiksi lyhentämällä varoitusaluetta ja lisäämällä nopeusrajoituksia kohdennetusti. Tehokkain ja halvin keino vähentää hirvikolareita on alentaa kulkuneuvon nopeutta riskialteimmissa paikoissa.