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Browsing by discipline "Forest Ecology and Management"

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  • Keinänen, Sini (2018)
    Forests are important carbon pools for combating climate change. Forest disturbances, such as insect outbreaks, can temporarily change a forest and forest soil to a source of carbon. Tree mortality reduces forest carbon uptake and increases emissions from the decay of killed trees. Climate change is expected to impact the susceptibility of forests to disturbances. For example, the number of insects in forests is predicted to increase and therefore the impact of pests on forest ecosystems will also increase. This can weaken forests carbon sequestration. The purpose of this master's thesis was to study the effect of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) on the carbon in the surface layers (humus and the mineral layer of depth 0‒5 cm) of the soil. In this study, the aim was to study the effect of tree mortality and tree damage intensity caused by the spruce bark beetle on the forest topsoil carbon stock. In addition, changes in the carbon content and C / N ratio of soil surface layers were studied. The aim was also to study the effect of stand- and tree-wise characteristics on the carbon content of the topsoil. The field work was carried out in urban forest area, in Lahti,Southern Finland. In years 2012–2013 stand- and tree-wise characteristics were measured on 49 plots. The spruce bark beetle-induced symptoms and forest site classification were also estimated. Further, three soil samples were taken from each plot for carbon analysis from the humus layer and 0‒5 cm depth of mineral soil. Proportion of carbon (C %) and C/N ratio were analysed from the samples and the amount of carbon (kg C m-2) was determined. The amount of carbon in the experimental area was on average 0.6 kg C m-2 and varied between plots 0.1 and 1.5 kg C m-2. The amount of carbon varied statistically significantly between forest types. At a more herb-rich forest types (OMT/OMaT-groups= more rich forest types), the soil carbon content was significantly higher than in MT-type. Also, the C / N ratio and C % were both significantly higher in the humus layer than in the mineral soil. In this study, the dead spruce trees (%), dead spruces diameter (d1,3) or basal area of dead spruce trees did not increase the amount of carbon in the surface layers of the soil. Also, the tree damage intensity caused by the spruce bark beetle did not explain the amount of carbon (kg C m-2), proportion (C%) or the C / N ratio of the soil surface layers. However, there was a correlation between the stand- and tree-wise characteristics and the carbon content of the soil in more rich vegetation/forest site (OMT/OMaT): The proportion of spruces showed a relationship with C % and C/N-ratio, and basal area of spruces with carbon content of the soil (kg C m-2). This study did not find a relationship between spruce bark beetle and surface layers of soil carbon. This may be due to the fact, that the time frame of this study was too short to observe any changes. In addition, this study did not compare fully healthy vs. seriously damaged spruce forests, in which case the difference in soil carbon content would have been observed. Furthermore, this study did not quantify potential changes in litter layer carbon caused by the spruce bark beetle. The following studies may need to be done over a longer period of time, adding control plots to the study, and also the carbon contained in the litter layer. On the other hand, many environmental factors affect to natural processes simultaneously. Therefore, studying a single variable may not necessarily give a true picture of causality in nature.
  • Aarnio, Leena (2018)
    Birch wood discoloration called pith flecks is caused by a birch stem miner Phytobia betulae Kangas (Diptera: Agromyzidae), which is a very common species in Finland in both silver and downy birch (Betula pendula Erhr. and Betula pubescens Roth). There is a strong positive correlation between fast tree growth and abundance of P. betulae. Female flies lay their eggs into the young upper shoots of the birch, and the larvae start to move downwards in the stem in the newly differentiated xylem layer under the bark and phloem. The larvae form long vertical tunnels which the tree fills with brown parenchyma cells. In tangential cutting the tunnels look like brown stripes, but in cross-sectional cutting they are like small brown spots in the annual growth rings of the stem. The larval tunnels don’t affect the wood strength, but they cause an aesthetic disadvantage especially for veneer and furniture industry. So far the only reliable and accurate method for counting the larval tunnels has been to cut the trees, take experimental discs from breast height and count the tunnels by using stereomicroscope. The tree trials for forest tree breeding are extensive. To study the genetic susceptibility of birch to P. betulae a quicker and more feasible method would be needed for measuring the larval tunnels of P. betulae. The aim of this study was to investigate: 1) whether it is reliable to count the pith flecks by naked eye and how equivalent the different measuring methods are, and 2) if it would be possible to use an increment core for measuring pith flecks from a growing tree. Genetic susceptibility of silver birch families to P. betulae was studied from forest tree breeding field trials in which the larval tunnels were counted by naked eye. The research data was collected from the experimental field trials of Natural Resources Institute Finland in Parikkala and Punkaharju. Reliability of different measuring methods was studied in young trees by comparing the amount of larval tunnels counted by naked eye, from one sector of the disc and from an increment core to the amount of tunnels counted by using stereomicro-scope. The clones were ranked by their susceptibility to P. betulae from the lowest to the highest by using every method of the test. In aged trees with big diameters the larval tunnels were counted from one vertical slice and from one sector of the experimental disc. When studying the open-pollinated progeny of B. pendula with southern and central Finnish provenances the birch families were ranked by their susceptibility to P. betulae. In that data the larval tunnels were measured by naked eye. The order of the families was compared before taking the growth effect into account and after that, when the most and least susceptible families could be separated from the others. The results of the study revealed that the amount of the larval tunnels of P. betulae can be counted pretty reliably by naked eye and the counting can be done from one part of the experimental disc. Cutting the trees is still demanded, because the results of the increment cores were far too unreliable. In case of aged trees both counting the tunnels from one vertical slice and from one sector of the disc proved to be useful methods. When studying the birch families the results showed that fast tree growth alone does not increase the birch susceptibility to P. betulae, but there are also other factors affecting it. Heritabil-ity in the progeny trials on former agricultural land varied from 0.18 to 0.34. Measuring the pith flecks from large breeding data is too slow and laborious, and a quick method for counting the larval tunnels would be needed e.g. if a genetic marker would be searched for the trait in the future.
  • Salmi, Andreas (2017)
    Biological sprout control with Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers. ex Fr.) Pouzar was integrated to mechanized early cleaning. In this method, liquid with hyphae of C. purpureum was sprayed on the freshly cut stumps. C. Purpureum has been studied for biological sprout controlling since 1980’s. This species is a common basidiomycete saprophytic fungus found in Finland, and thus does not cause a biological risk. Early cleaning and pre-commercial cleaning of young forests have not experienced major innovations since the brush saw. Mechanizing of work has been thought to be a solution for increasing working costs. Chemical sprout control has been restricted to special targets, which addresses more interest on alternative biological methods. In this research, effectivity of biological stump treatment and factors affecting the results were investigated. Early cleaning was done in eight study sites during June–September 2014. Inside the sites, area was partly treated with mechanical cutting and by applying C. purpureum stump on freshly cut stumps, and partly with mechanical cutting only (a control treatment). 15 circular sample plots with a radius of one meter per treatment were founded in studied young forest stands (altogether 480). All stumps and saplings with a diameter over 5 mm were studied in 9-10/2015. The data includes altogether 2030 hardwood stumps. Stump mortality, number of living sprouts and the height of the sprouts were modelled for birch, rowan, aspen and willow. Results revealed that sprout control with C. Purpureum affected mortality, sprout number and height of birch sprouts. Mortality increased with time lag after treatment and with increasing stump diameter. The results showed that mortality level of 50 % was reached after two growing seasons. Sprout number increased with increasing stump basal area and decreased with time lag after treatment. Number of other saplings on the plot and soil moisture effected negatively on sprout number. Sprout height increased with increasing stump basal area and stump height. Number of other saplings and stumps on the plot affected birch sprout height negatively. Results of C. Purpureum stump treatment were weaker for other studied hardwood species (rowan, aspen, willow) and other factors affected more than biological sprout control. Effectiveness of sprout control in this study was weaker than in other studies presented recently. Time span of this study was considerably short and final results are seen some years after stump treatment. Another factor to consider is the spreading method used in this study. Stump treatment integrated to mechanized early cleaning of young conifer plantations need to be developed further so that this method would be profitable in practical silviculture.
  • Luukkonen, Olli (2018)
    Metsänomistajakunnan rakenteen muutos on vähentänyt metsänomistajien omatoimisuutta metsän-hoitotöihin. Samanaikaisesti työvoiman saatavuus työvoimavaltaisiin metsänhoitotöihin on vaikeutunut. Koneellista taimikonhoitoa on kehitetty korvaamaan miestyönä tehtävää taimikonhoitoa. Koneellisen taimikonhoidon osuus on tällä hetkellä noin 1 % kaikesta tehdystä taimikonhoidosta. Konekitkentää on kehitetty yhtenä vaihtoehtona taimikonhoidon, tarkemmin varhaisperkauksen koneellistamiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten eri kasvupaikkatekijät vaikuttavat kuusen vapaana kasvamiseen kitkennän jälkeen. Tarkastelua tehtiin puu-, koeala- ja metsikkötasolla kasvatettavan kuusen ja häiritsevän puuston pituussuhteen avulla. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää MOTTI-ohjelmiston avulla miten kuusen ja rauduskoivun välinen pituussuhde kehittyy kitkennästä ensiharvennusvaiheeseen. Aineisto kerättiin syksyn 2017 aikana maastomittauksin vuosina 2012–2014 konekitketyistä kuusen istutustaimikoista. Mitattuja kuvioita oli 66 ja laskennassa oli mukana 1152 koealaa. Aineiston analyysi tehtiin SPSS -ohjelmistolla. Koealatasolla mallinnettiin vapaana kasvavien kuusten suhteellista osuutta yleistetyllä lineaarisella sekamallilla. Kaikista kasvatettavista kuusista kasvoi vapaana 65,6 %. Pidempinä kitketyistä suurempi osa kasvoi vapaana. Kuivemmilla kasvupaikoilla ja karummilla kasvupaikoilla vapaana kasvavia kuusia oli suurempi osuus kosteampiin ja rehevämpiin kasvupaikkoihin verrattuna. Metsikkötasolla vapaana kasva-vien kuusten runkoluku oli yli 1000 kpl/ha 61 % kuvioista. Yli 1200 vapaana kasvavaa kuusta/ha oli 33 %:ssa kuvioista. MOTTI-simuloinnin perusteella OMT ja MT-kasvupaikoilla rauduskoivu ohittaa kuusen pituudessa ensiharvennukseen mennessä 80 %:ssa kohteista. Kuusia pidemmistä koivuista kuusta enintään metrin pidempiä oli 57 % ja yli 2 metriä pidempiä 11%. Mallinnuksessa tilastollisesti merkitseviksi tekijöiksi koealatasolla osoittautui kasvatettavan kuusen pituus kitkentähetkellä, kasvupaikan kosteus, kitkentäajankohdan ja mittaushetken välinen aika. Kannonnostolla, kasvupaikan metsätyypillä ja maalajilla ei ollut tilastollista merkitsevyyttä. Tulokset vapaana kasvavien kuusien osuudesta ja kuvioiden osuudesta, joilla on yli 1000 kpl/ha vapaana kasvavaa kuusta, tukevat aiempien tutkimusten tuloksia.
  • Katunpää, Valtteri (2015)
    Puun käyttö lisääntyy lähivuosina metsäteollisuuden isojen investointien ja uusiutuvan energian tavoitteiden seurauksena merkittävästi. Suurin osa lisääntyvästä puun käytöstä tulee kasvatushakkuilta, mistä suuri osa on nuorten metsien hakkuita eli ensiharvennuksia. Energiapuun ja kuitupuun käytön kasvun myötä metsänomis-tajan on tärkeä tietää millaisesta metsästä mitäkin puutavaralajia olisi järkevintä korjata. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mikä korjuumenetelmä tuottaa parhaan nettotuloksen harven-nushakkuusta metsänomistajalle leimikkosuunnitelman ennakkotietojen perusteella sen hetkisellä puutavara-lajien hinta-asetelmalla. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kolmea korjuumenetelmää: normaali ainespuun korjuu tavaralajimenetelmällä, energiapuun korjuu rankamenetelmällä ja aines- ja energiapuun yhdistetty korjuu eli niin kutsuttu integroitu korjuu, jossa puutavaralajit olivat tukki, pikkutukki ja energiaranka. Tutkimusta varten kerättiin hakkuun vertailuaineisto Varsinais-Suomesta, mikä sisälsi 8 leimikkoa, 22 koealaa, 2135 runkoa. Koealoilta mitattiin metsässä pinta-ala, ajouran pituus ja tehoajanmenekki. Puutavaralajikohtaiset kertymät mitattiin hakkuukoneella. Hakkuussa käytettiin yksinpuinmenetelmää. Metsäkuljetuksen tuottavuus ja kustan-nukset määritettiin laskennallisesti. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin lisäksi Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen ensiharvennus-ten korjuuoloja selittävää aineistoa, joka sisälsi 25 mitattua ensiharvennusleimikkoa. Hakkuun tehotuntituottavuus E0 oli ainespuun hakkuussa 9,9 m³/h, integroidussa hakkuussa 10,4 m³/h ja energiapuun hakkuussa 10,7 m³/h, kun poistuman käyttöosan keskitilavuus oli 80 dm³. Energiapuun hakkuu oli keskimäärin 8,5 % tehokkaampaa kuin ainespuun hakkuu, kun poistuman keskitilavuus oli 50‒100 dm³. Energiapuun hakkuu oli tehokkainta rungon koosta riippumatta ja ainespuun hakkuu kalleinta 135 dm³ asti, jolloin integroidun hakkuun tuottavuushyötyä ei enää ollut. Metsäkuljetuksen laskennallinen tuottavuus kes-kimääräisellä ensiharvennuksella, jossa kertymä oli 50 m³/ha, oli ainespuulla 6,1 m³/h, integroidulla 7,8 m³/h ja energiapuulla 9,3 m³/h. Kahden puutavaralajin lisäys energiapuun korjuusta integroituun korjuuseen nosti metsäkuljetuksen keskihintaa 15 % eli noin 7,5 % puutavaralajia kohti. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen aineiston perusteella energiarankaa kertyy energiapuun korjuussa keskimäärin 4,2 % enemmän kuin ainespuuta ainespuun korjuussa. Integroidussa korjuussa energiarankaa kertyy 10,2 % enemmän kuin kuitupuuta ainespuun korjuussa. Teoreettisesta tukkikertymästä hyödynnettiin hakkuun vertai-luaineistossa keskimäärin 64 %. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että energiarangan hakkuu yksinpuinmenetelmällä ei ole kannattavaa. Tutki-muksen perusteella harvennushakkuilta kannattaa aina erotella tukkipuu, mikäli puumarkkinatilanne ja kauko-kuljetuslogistiikka sen sallivat. Analyysin mukaan ainespuun korjuu on lähes poikkeuksetta kannattavin me-netelmä, kun energiarangan ja kuitupuun hankintahinnan ero on nykyisellään noin viidessä eurossa. Puun hintojen herkkyysanalyysin perusteella integroitu korjuu on kannattavinta metsänomistajalle, kun energia-rangan ja kuitupuun hintaero laskee alle 3,5 euron. Energiarangan korjuuta tulee tehostaa esimerkiksi joukko-käsittelyllä, jotta sen korjuu olisi kannattavampaa kuin integroitu korjuu ja ainespuun korjuu.
  • Lahtinen, Laura (2020)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Finland has one of the highest percentage of peatlands in the world, so peatlands have inevitably been taken into cultivation use. Agricultural peatlands however generate a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Thus, agricultural usage of peatlands is considered one of the most unfavorable uses of land for the climate. Peatlands have been drained in order to improve food services, which in turn negatively affects other ecosystem services. Some of the ecosystem services can be restored by rewetting the land. If rewetting is combined with paludiculture, the land’s production services will not be lost. The goal of this thesis was to compare the greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprints of two paludicultural products’ life cycles. The compared products were cattail insulation board and common reed seedbed. The intent was to produce comparable data on different options for the paludiculture of agricultural peatlands. The data obtained from the life cycle assessment of the products was compared to similar non-paladiculture products, rock wool insulation board and horticultural peat. The material was reviewed with the life cycle assessment method following the ISO 144040 standard, but the work was limited only on climatic effects. Based on the analysis, key sources of climatic effect in the product system were identified and means to reduce them were considered. The intent was to calculate the carbon footprint and to identify where in the life cycle the emissions were generated. After this, the portion of agricultural peatlands in in the life cycle’s environmental effects was estimated. The material for this thesis was collected from scientific literature and life cycle assessment databases (ecoinvent v.3). The material of peatlands and other parts of the process were collected from studies made around the world in the boreal and temperate zone. A model was assembled based on the material, which included all phases of the paludicultural product’s life cycle and their effects on the climate with regards to carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), The emissions in a paludicultural product’s life cycle are mostly generated during its cultivation and processing. The carbon footprint of both paludicultural products was most likely negative, so they slowed down climate change. Based on the study, the most benefit was achieved by moving the cultivation of barley from agricultural peatlands to mineral soil and replacing it with paludiculture. By using paludiculture, it’s possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of agricultural peatlands, but it won’t achieve carbon neutrality. The study had a significant amount of uncertainty, so further studies are recommended especially in Finland.
  • Karppinen, Samuli (2015)
    Kosteikon perustaminen tai kunnostaminen on ympäristöä muuttava hanke, jolla liki aina on sosiaalisia vaikutuksia alueelle. Muutokset ihmisten lähiympäristössä heijastuvat heidän elinoloihinsa, hyvinvointiin sekä viihtyvyyteen. Ympäristöä muuttavien hankkeiden suunnittelijoiden, toteuttajien ja esimerkiksi lähiympäristön asukkaiden näkemykset hankkeen hyödyistä ja haitoista voivat olla moni-naiset ja osin jopa hyvin erilaiset. Sosiaalisten vaikutusten arviointi on menetelmä tai toimintastrategia, jolla hankkeen vaikutuksia ihmisten elinoloihin, hyvinvointiin sekä viihtyvyyteen voidaan arvioida. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli pyrkiä tunnistamaan kosteikon perustamisen vaikutuksia toteuttajiin ja lähiympäristöön sekä lähiympäristön asukkaisiin. Tarkastelun kohteina ovat: 1) toteuttajien sekä lähialueen asukkaiden väliset suhteet, 2) intressit kosteikon rakentamiseen, 3) kosteikkojen perustamisen haasteet, 4) toteuttajien kokemukset ja odotukset kosteikon odotetuista ja havaituista vaikutuksista sekä 5) halukkuus perustaa kosteikoita ilman ulkopuolista rahoitusta. Tutkimusaineiston muodostivat kaksi Kotiseutu-kosteikko Life+ -hankkeen mallikohteiden toteuttajille suunnattua lomakekyselyä. Ensimmäinen kysely suoritettiin ennen kosteikkojen toteuttamista ja toinen toteuttamisen jälkeen. Tulkintaa tukemaan suoritettiin kosteikoilla kaivutöiden yhteydessä toteuttajien ja lähialueen ihmisten teemahaastatteluja ja lisäksi puhelinhaastatteluja. Idea kosteikon rakentamiseen kykeni lähtemään monesta erilaisesta suunnasta. Ratkaisevan aloitteen idean muodostumisesta itse toteuttamisen konkreettiseen valmisteluun olivat Life+ -kosteikkojen kohdalla ottaneet liki puolessa tapauksista maanomistajat. Heidän rinnallaan aktiivisina aloitteentekijöinä olivat metsästysseura tai -seurue, mutta yksittäisissä tapauksissa myös moni muu taho. Yleisimmin yhteistyöhön päätyivät aktiiviset metsästävät, kalastavat ja koiraharrastuksissa mukana olevat henkilöt, jotka jakoivat kiinnostuksen luonnon tarkkailuun ja hoitoon. Toteuttajat näkivät kosteikon vaikutukset lähiympäristöön ja sen ihmisiin positiivisina eikä negatiivisia arvioita ilmennyt. Heidän odotuksensa vaikutuksista olivat korkealla ja ne myös toteutuivat. Toteuttajat pitivät keskinäisiä suhteitansa kautta linjan hyvinä tai erittäin hyvinä. Yksimielisimmin toteuttajat näkivät kosteikon arvon luonnonhavainnoinnin mahdollistajana ja sekä vesilintujen määrän lisääjänä. He myös arvioivat, ettei kosteikon toteuttaminen synnyttänyt kateutta muissa alueen ihmisissä. Odottamattomia haasteita toteuttamisen aikana aiheuttivat useimmiten luonnonolosuhteet, ja selviytymisessä auttoi usein osaava kaivinkonekuski. Haasteina koettiin myös lupaviranomaisten hidas toiminta ja Life+ -hankkeen resurssien puute ja kosteikkosuunnittelijoiden lomat. Näistä selvittiin monissa tapauksissa odottamalla vain kärsivällisesti. Kynnyskysymyksenä kosteikkojen rakentamiselle pidettiin ulkoista rahoitusta. Toteuttajat pitivät Life+ -rahoitusta hyvin merkityksellisenä toteuttamiselle. Vaihtoehtona tälle he pitivät lähinnä maatalouden ei-tuotannollista tukea tai Leader-rahoitusta. Muita rahoituslähteitä ei joko oikein edes tunnettu tai nähty merkittävänä. Toteuttamista eteenpäin vieväksi ja toteuttamisen kannalta tärkeäksi vastaajat kuitenkin kokivat Life+ -hankkeen rahoituksen rinnalla sen tarjoaman suunnittelu- ja toteutusavun. Tulosten mukaan kosteikkojen rakentamiselle ei voida määritellä lähtökohtien ja toteuttajatahojen osalta yhtenäistä samaa muottia, jonka mukaan kaikki hankkeet etenisivät. Toteuttajien kokemukset ja odotukset kosteikkohankkeen eri vaiheissa olivat kautta linjan positiivisia ja nämä odotukset voidaan katsoa kytkeytyvän osittain motiiveiksi kosteikkojen perustamisen taustalle. Tulosten perusteella ei näytä olevan esteitä, miksi kosteikkojen rakentaminen ei jatkuisi tulevaisuudessakin. Hyvien tulosten taustalla täytyy muistaa kuitenkin Kotiseutukosteikko Life+ -hankkeen toimiva konsepti, joka mahdollisti sujuvan kosteikkojen toteuttamisen. Lisäksi mallikohteiksi oli valittu sellaisia kohteita, joiden lähtökohdat olivat hyvät. Toteuttajatahojen väliset suhteet sekä maastolliset piirteet olivat myös kunnossa.
  • Parkkinen, Hanna (2018)
    Reducing the use of plastic has become an important topic and at the same time the forest industry is looking for new opportunities for fiber use. Increased environmental awareness, together with environmental regulations and legislation, have forced manufacturers and industry to choose environmentally friendly solutions for products. Natural fiber reinforced composites have great potential because they are biodegradable, environmentally friendly, abundant and cost-effective when compared to synthetic reinforcements. Natural fibers also have favorable mechanical properties such as low density and good tensile strength and elastic modulus. The aim of this study is to examine the use of natural fibers in composites and how fiber properties affect the properties of natural fiber composites. In the experimental part of the research handsheets of birch and eucalyptus pulp were prepared. In addition, composites were prepared combining handsheets and two polymers. The differences between the birch and eucalyptus fibers were studied and also the effect of refining on the properties. In addition, the mechanical properties of sheets and composites were compared and also differences between polypropylene (PP) and polylactide (PLA). The mechanical properties tested were tensile strength, bending stiffness, elastic modulus and break elongation. In addition, the structure of composites and sheets were examined with optical microscopy. Composites made from polylactide had a better tensile strength and higher elastic modulus when comparing to polypropylene composites. Elongation and bending stiffness were improved with the polypropylene composites. On the sheets there is a clearly better elastic modulus than in the case of polypropylene. When the sheets and polypropylene are combined, the elastic modulus decreases when compared to the fibers. In addition, the elongation of the sheets was good, especially when comparing the polylactide composites. By refining the fibers, the mechanical properties of the sheets were improved. The refining of the fibers was generally seen to have the same effects on the composite results. The differences between birch and eucalyptus fibers are relatively small. With the birch fibers slightly better tensile strength and elongation are obtained but the eucalyptus sheets are stiffer. The results show that when combining fibers and plastic as a composite, many good mechanical properties are obtained in comparison with the properties of the sheets or the pure polymer.
  • Kara, Tapio (2020)
    Pohjois-boreaalisessa metsässä puun lahoaminen on hidas prosessi, joka vaikuttaa merkittävästi metsän rakenteeseen, dynamiikkaan ja kasvuolosuhteisiin. Hajotessaan lahopuu tuottaa vettä ja hiilidioksidia ja tarjoaa ravinteikkaan kasvupaikan kasveille, pieneliöille ja mikrobeille. Metsikön rakenteen muutoksen ja hiilen kierron ymmärtämiseksi tulee lahopuudynamiikkaa tutkia luonnontilaisessa metsässä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kuolleen pysty- ja maalahopuun lahoamisnopeutta luonnontilaisessa metsässä. Lahopuut luokiteltiin viiteen laholuokkaan niiden lahoamisasteen perusteella ja laskettiin puiden viipymäaika kussakin laholuokassa. Lahoamisnopeus määritettiin lahopuun siirtymisellä näiden luokkien välillä iän funktiona. Lisäksi laskettiin pystyyn kuolleiden puiden kaatumistodennäköisyys vertaamalla pystyssä olevien lahopuiden määrää kaikkiin lahopuihin ja suhteuttamalla se viipymän pituuteen. Tulosten esittelyä varten laholuokista muodostettiin kolme eriasteisesti lahonnutta luokkaa: Tuore lahopuu, keskinkertaisesti lahonnut ja merkittävästi lahonnut. Lahopuuaineistoa kerättiin kolmesta paikasta; Värriön ja Maltion luonnonpuistoista sekä Venäjän Kazkimista. Koealoja oli yhteensä 48 kappaletta. Koealoilta mitattiin kaikki rinnankorkeusläpimitaltaan yli 10 cm kuolleet puut. Pystypuista kairattiin lustonäyte, maapuista sahattiin kiekkonäyte, joista puiden kuolinvuodet ajoitettiin dendrokronologisin menetelmin. Yhteensä 519 rungosta saatiin määritettyä kuolemisesta kulunut aika. Puulajeina oli mänty (Pinus sylvestris), kuusi (Picea abies) ja koivu (Betula spp.). Lahoamisnopeutta tarkasteltiin luomalla graafinen kuvaaja ajan funktiona, jonka avulla voitiin ennustaa kuinka kauan mittaustilanteessa löydetty lahopuusto lahoaa. Männyn lahoaminen näyttäytyi merkittävästi hitaampana kuin kuusen ja koivun. Männyn pystylaho-puista lahosi 95 % totaalisesti tai siirtyi kolmanteen, merkittävästi lahonneeseen laholuokkaan 210 vuodessa, kuusella vastaava lahoaminen kesti 85 ja koivulla 105 vuotta. Männyn maapuiden vastaa-va 95 % osuus vei 140 vuotta, kuusella 85 ja koivulla 105 vuotta. Tulosten perusteella pohjoisboreaa-lisessa metsässä pystyynkuolleiden puiden vuosittainen kaatumistodennäköisyys on pieni, vaihdellen 0 - 3 % välillä. Hidas, jopa 200 vuotta kestävä lahoamisprosessi on merkittävä tekijä pohjoisboreaalisessa metsässä ja vaikuttaa pitkällä aikavälillä kokonaisvaltaisesti ympäristönsä rakenteeseen ja dynamiikkaan.
  • Siivonen, Juhani (2019)
    Spruce shoots are the young, light green, annual growth of branches that burst from buds during May - July. It is forbidden to gather spruce shoots without the permission of the land owner. The Finnish natural resource department studied, that one-time gathering of spruce shoots does not damage the growth and health of the tree, if the upper canopy is left untouched. Spruce shoots are known to contain a rich amount of C-vitamin and minerals. Spruce shoots were widely used as a folk medicine for several centuries to prevent symptoms of cold. Spruce shoots also have a unique taste, and during the last years there has been an increasing interest to use spruce shoots in food and drink applications in the restaurant and food industry. There is a large potential to gather spruce shoots from Finnish forests, and it might be a new potential source of income for the forest owners. Although, more study is required to investigate the demand as well as ways to use the spruce shoots. The objective of this study was to examine how common the use of spruce shoots is in the Helsinki area restaurants and how the restaurants use it. 22 restaurants were chosen for the study and a survey was done by e-form and interviews. Questions consisted about the ways of using spruce shoots, purchasing channels, future prospects, amounts of yearly use, and pricing. Another objective was to study the time consumed to gather the spruce shoots. Time consumption was compared by gathering different size of shoots during the growth period. Time consumption of the gathering was measured in two plots in the Ruotsinkylä research forest during summer 2017 and 2018. 18 Restaurants answered the survey and the conclusion was that spruce shoots are commonly used. 88 % of the restaurants used spruce shoots as an ingredient and all of the restaurants were interested in using spruce shoots in the future. There was variation between the demand with different restaurants. The average yearly use was 9 kg and most of the restaurants used spruce shoots in length of 15-30 mm. There was also a demand for the longer ( > 30 mm) spruce shoots but they prefer smaller (15-30 mm) spruce shoots, because with this length the taste and variability in the use is considered better. In field measurements, it was found that the length of the spruce shoots greatly affect to the time consumed while gathering. Smaller spruce shoots were gathered on average 820 g/h and longer spruce shoots 1440 g/h. Restaurants are interested in using spruce shoots and as an ingredient it has a wide variability of uses. Restaurants prefer smaller spruce shoots and there should be more study about the potential use of larger shoots, for example in the food industry. It is easy to gather spruce shoots but the challenges are a short and yearly changing growing period as well as insufficient knowledge about the preservation of spruce shoots.
  • Järvenpää, Jani (2016)
    Norway spruce (Picea abies) is nowadays generally planted on mounted sites in Finland. When compared to other cultivation methods, it has been noticed that mounding has significantly improved seedlings development and growth. However, inverting is still one of the mounding methods, which has been little examined nor height development models created in Finland. In this study the aim was to generate height development models for Norway spruce in 5-17-years old inverted sites. Two models were created both stand and tree levels. The effect of the model’s predictor variables to the height development was analyzed. Height model at stand level was also compared with the other Norway spruce height models in Finland. The study material consisted of 49 inverted Norway spruce plantations in southern Finland. Total number of sample plots were 853. With the sample plot data, available GIS-data (National Land Survey of Finland and Meteorological Institute) was also used to improve height models accuracy. GIS-data was utilized specially in the tree level model. Whole data was analyzed in SPSS-software where height models were fitted by using Generalized linear models -procedure. Both of the final height models included only significant height predictors. In the both models seedlings age, site type (Cajander 1949) and growing season’s precipitation sum were correlated positively with Norway spruce height. Broad-leaved trees height competition was also noticed to reduce height development in the both models. At the stand level model (RMSE 17 %) seedlings height development was also increased in coarse-grained soils. At the tree level model (RMSE 32,2 %) digital elevation model (DEM) derived topographic variables were correlated well with Norway spruce height. Hillside aspect decreased height development in Southwest, West and Northwest sides of the hill, where afternoon sun typically occur. Seedlings height was also poorer on topographic lowlands like lower slopes and depressions. In the tree level, height development was also decreased according to amount of competitive trees, frost damages, paludification and elevation. The inverting done a year preceding planting increased height development in the tree level model, when compared to the inverting done at the same year with planting. Model comparison at stand level demonstrate that seedlings height development was significantly better on inverted sites than on harrowed or scalpered sites. Interesting found was also that height development on inverted sites was almost identical to the mounted sites height development in the Motti-stand level simulator (Natural Resources Institute Finland). Stand level comparison indicated that Norway spruce growth and development is promising in the inverted sites and it stands comparison to the other mounding methods also. This study also proved that it is possible to utilize GIS-data (National Land Survey of Finland and Meteorological Institute) in trees height modeling.
  • Råberg, Santtu (2017)
    Tutkimus käsittelee kuusikuitupuun tuoretiheyden vaihtelua. Tuoretiheyden yksikkö on kg/m³. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka suurta vaihtelu on kahden eri vastaanottopisteen välillä. Lisäksi saadaan selville, voidaanko eri tehtailla mitattuja tietoja käyttää toisella maantieteellisellä alueella sijaitsevalla tehtaalla. Tutkimuksessa vertailtiin kahdelta eri tehtaalla mitattuja tuoretiheyksiä sekä metsäntutkimuslaitoksen alueellisia tuoretiheyslukuja. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 254 otantanipusta, jotka mitattiin Rauman paperitehtaalla 22.6.–30.12.2015. Otanta käsitti 3859,8 m³ kuusikuitupuuta, joka jakautui 254 nippuun. Otantanippujen keskimääräinen kiintotilavuus oli 15,5 m³. Pölkyt mitattiin mittasaksilla keskuskiintomittauksella. Pituus mitattiin 5 cm tasaavaa luokitusta käyttäen ja läpimitta 1 mm:n tarkkuudella. Vertailuaineistona käytettiin nipun saapumisajankohtana Jämsänkosken paperitehtaan vastaanotossa käytössä ollutta keskimääräistä tuoretiheyttä. Vertailussa oli mukana myös vuodesta 2012 alkaen kuukausittaisia tuoretiheyksien keskiarvoja. Aineistoista selvitettiin tuoretiheyksien vaihtelun aiheuttamien tilavuuserojen tilastollinen merkitsevyys t-testillä sekä tutkittiin erojen ja hajonnan suuruutta ja suuntaa. Lisäksi selvitettiin vuorokauden keskilämpötilan ja haihdunnan vaikutusta tuoretiheyteen. Tuoretiheyksien erojen todettiin olevan eri maantieteellisillä alueilla niin suuria, että paras keino päästä puunmittauslain asettamien raja-arvojen sisälle on käyttöpaikoittainen mittaus. Syyksi eroihin todettiin sää- ja varastointiolosuhteiden sekä puuvirtojen suuruuden vaihtelu. Eri tehtaille raakapuuta saapuu eri tahdissa, jolloin myös tuoretiheyden päivitystaajuus on erilainen.
  • Karimo, Jussi (2018)
    Kuusen puuosa jakautuu kosteaan pintapuuhun ja kuivaan sydänpuuhun. Kuusipölkkyä sorvatessa syntyy viilumatto, jonka alkupää on kosteaa pintapuuviilua ja loppupää kuivaa sydänpuuviilua. Viilut leikataan arkeiksi ja lajitellaan kosteusluokkiin, jotta eri kosteussuhteisia viiluja voidaan kuivata niille sopivalla ajonopeudella ja oikeassa lämpötilassa. Eräällä vaneritehtaalla on viilun valmistusprosessiin lisätty uusi vaihe, jossa märkiä viiluja esikuivataan ennen varsinaista kuivausta märkäpuristamalla. Tämän vaiheen tarkoituksena on tasata kosteuden hajontaa ja laskea viilujen kosteussuhdetta. Esikuivaus nopeuttaa viilun kuivaamiseen käytettävää aikaa ja vähentää varsinaisen kuivauksen energian kulutusta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kirjallisuuden perusteella selvittää, mitkä asiat kuusen rakenteessa vaikuttavat sorvattujen viilujen kosteusjakaumiin. Laboratoriokokeiden tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka märkäpuristusolosuhteiden hallinta ja kosteusluokkien sekoittaminen vaikuttavat esikuivauksen tulokseen. Tavoitteena oli minimoida märkäpuristuksen jälkeinen kosteuden hajonta ja poistaa viiluista mahdollisimman paljon vettä jo esikuivauksessa, jotta niiden kuivaaminen varsinaisessa kuivauksessa olisi tehokkaampaa. Tutkimusta varten näytteet otettiin vaneritehtaan prosessista ja kokeet tehtiin laboratoriossa. Esikuivaukseen käytettiin laboratoriokäyttöön tehtyä yksivälistä puristinta, jossa viilupinkkoja puristettiin 50 kappaleen erissä. Viilut punnittiin yksitellen ennen ja jälkeen esikuivauksen. Lisäksi kaikki viilut kuivattiin absoluuttisen kuiviksi ja punnittiin kuivina. Näin saatiin selville poistuneen veden määrä, kosteussuhde ennen esikuivausta sekä sen jälkeen ja kuiva-tuoretiheys. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan kosteusjakaumia viiluissa aiheuttaa sydän- ja pintapuun vaihtelu viiluissa. Kosteusjakaumiin vaikuttaa myös oksien korkeampi tiheys. Koska kuusen oksat ovat tiheämpiä kuin runkopuu, ne eivät sido itseensä yhtä paljon kosteutta kuin oksattomat kohdat. Laboratoriokokeissa havaittiin, että märkäpuristusolosuhteiden hallinta vaikuttaa esikuivauksen tulokseen. Myös kosteusluokkien sekoittamisella havaittiin olevan vaikutusta esikuivauksen tulokseen. Johtopäätöksien mukaan märkäpuristusolosuhteiden hallinnalla voidaan saavuttaa esikuivausprosessissa parempia kuivaustuloksia ja energiasäästöjä. Märkäpuristusolosuhteisiin voidaan vaikuttaa tehtaalla märkävaraston logistiikkaa muuttamalla ja tarvittaessa myös laitteistolisäinvestoinnein. Tutkimuksessa jo tehtyjen märkäpuristusolosuhdemuutoksien vaikutuksia viilun rakennemuutokseen esikuivauksen jälkeen olisi tarpeen tutkia viilun saannon parantamiseksi.
  • Kara, Tuomas (2015)
    Trees play an important ecological role also after their death. Earlier studies have introduced various methods of modelling coarse woody debris (CWD). However, CWD models that would consider different types of CWD, and their decay class dynamics are lacking from the Finnish commercial forests. The aim of this study was to predict the development of CWD for UPM-Kymmene owned FSC-certified forests in Finland. For that purpose, models for simulating CWD dynamics in Finnish commercial forests were developed for Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and hardwoods. Trees were classified to different decay classes based on their visual appearance and softness of the wood. The mean residence time of each decay class was used to develop transition matrix model for predicting the possibilities of transitions between different decay classes. In the generated model a tree can stay in the class m or move to classes m+1 or m+2 in a time frame of five years. In addition snags had a possibility to fall i.e. move to down woody debris pool. The results showed that within all the studied tree species, the half-life of snags was 15–20 years. Hardwood logs decomposed faster than softwoods: the half-life of softwood logs was 35–40 years and the half-life of hardwoods was about 25 years. In a hypothetical equilibrium state reached by a continuous CWD input, most snags were in early decay class, whereas most logs were in the advanced decay class. Volume and quality of future CWD in UPM-Kymmene owned FSC-certified forests was predicted, using their current CWD pool and future tree mortality predicted by the forest simulation system MELA. In these simulations, the volume of CWD increased in the future. At the end of the 50-year simulation period, the predicted volume of CWD was 5,9 m3 ha-1. Pinus sylvesris was the dominant CWD species and advanced decayed wood was dominant decay class. The simulation approach demonstrated here has much potential as a useful decision-making tool for CWD management in commercial forests. Incorporating these models into forest management planning could provide valuable information about the effects of management practices on CWD dynamics in commercial forests.
  • Niemi, Pietari (2018)
    Suomen metsätalous on jo pitkään ollut kestävällä tasolla, sillä metsien vuotuiset hakkuut ovat pienemmät kuin vuotuinen metsänkasvu. Tulevaisuudessa puun tarve kuitenkin tulee kasvamaan, mikä tulee lisäämään hakkuiden määrää. Hakkuiden määrän lisääntyessä hyvälaatuisen puun kysyntä kasvaa, jolloin Suomen metsätalouden yksi suurimmista ongelmista – metsänhoitorästit, nostaa päätään. Metsänhoitorästit ovat Suomessa yleisimpiä taimikoissa ja nuorissa kasvatusmetsissä, jolloin ne vaikuttavat pitkällä tähtäimellä hakattavan puun laatuun. Rästien määrä taimikoissa ja nuorissa kasvatusmetsissä on lähes kaksinkertaistunut viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana. Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö onkin käynnistänyt Kansallinen metsästrategia 2025 -hankkeen, jonka yhtenä tavoitteena on keksiä ratkaisu metsänhoitorästien vähentämiseksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää laserkeilatun metsävaratiedon hyödyntämisen vaikutuksia metsänhoidon toimenpiteiden toteutumiseen eri alueilla ja eri omistajaryhmissä. Aineistona käytettiin yhdeksän maakunnan alueelta vuosina 2009–2016 mitattuja Valtakunnan metsien inventointi (VMI) 11 ja 12 maastokoealoja, joista osa oli Suomen Metsäkeskuksen 2010–2012 laserkeilaamalla alueella ja osa ei. Laserkeilatun metsävaratiedon hyödyntämisen erojen tarkastelun avuksi luotiin neljä logistista regressiomallia mallintamaan taimikonhoito- ja ensiharvennusrästien syntymisen todennäköisyyttä: 1) eri alueilla, 2) eri omistajaryhmissä, sekä taimikonhoidon ja ensiharvennuksen toteutumisen todennäköisyyttä 3) eri omistajaryhmissä, ja 4) ilman erottelua omistajien suhteen. Tulosten perusteella laserkeilattu metsävaratieto laskee taimikonhoito ja ensiharvennusrästien syntymisen todennäköisyyttä alueellisesti taimikoissa keskimäärin 0,8 % ja nuorissa kasvatusmetsissä 1,2 %. Omistajaryhmien välillä laserkeilattu metsävaratieto laski taimikonhoito- ja ensiharvennusrästien syntymisen todennäköisyyttä molemmissa omistajaryhmissä. Yksityisomistuksessa olevissa taimikoissa keskimäärin 1,5 % ja muut-ryhmän omistamissa 1 %. Ensiharvennusrästien syntymisen todennäköisyyttä keilaus laski yksityismetsissä keskimäärin 2,4 % ja muut-ryhmän omistamissa metsissä 1,8 %. Taimikonhoitojen ja ensiharvennusten toteutumisen todennäköisyyteen laserkeilatulla metsävaratiedolla oli alentava vaikutus. Keilaus laski taimikonhoidon todennäköisyyttä yksityismailla 1,3 % ja muut-ryhmän omistamilla mailla 1,2 %. Ilman omistajaryhmien huomioimista keilatulla alueella oli 1,1 % pienempi todennäköisyys taimikonhoidolle. Vastaavat luvut ensiharvennukselle olivat yksityismailla 1,5 %, muut-ryhmän mailla 1,3 % ja ilman omistajaryhmiä 1,2 %. Vaikka tutkimuksen mukaan laserkeilattu metsävaratieto laski taimikonhoito- ja ensiharvennusrästien syntymisen todennäköisyyttä, niin johtopäätösten kanssa täytyy olla varovainen, sillä metsänhoidon aktiivisuuteen vaikuttaa myös muita tekijöitä kuten metsänomistajien tavoitteet, alueen metsänhoitoyhdistyksen toiminta ja puun hinta. Laserkeilatun metsävaratiedon laskevaa vaikutusta taimikonhoidon ja ensiharvennuksen toteutumisen todennäköisyyteen ei voida perustella tämän tutkimuksen aineiston avulla. Tutkimus osoitti, että laserkeilatulla metsävaratiedolla on mahdollisesti metsänhoitoa aktivoiva vaikutus, mutta aihe vaatii vielä lisätutkimuksia.
  • Kokkoniemi, Samuli (2012)
    Site index and site type are methods for describing a habitat’s highest annual production of tree (m3/ha/a). Site index is based on the growth of trees’ dominant height, and site type on the existence of plant communities in a habitat. This research examined whether site type can be estimated with site index derived by airborne laser scanning (ALS). ALS is a remote sensing method by which trees’ characteristics are predicted based on the height distribution and density values of laser pulses. Data were gathered from Syöte, Northern Ostrobothnia. Arbonaut Oy provided the ALS-data, and Metsähallitus provided age and habitat data of microstands. Site type, trees’ ages and dominant heights were also measured by field surveying. Experimental data from plots were generalized to microstand data. There were 208 experimental plots that were generalized to 39 microstands. Site indexes for experimental plots and microstands were calculated to index age 100 years with Vuokila and Väliaho’s (1980) growth models for dominant height and with Schumacher’s (1939) guide curve. Site indexes were converted to site types with Vuokila and Väliaho’s (1980) conversion diagram and then compared to site types of the field surveys. The accuracy of the site indexes was evaluated with an error matrix. Accuracy of age and dominant height was evaluated with a paired t-test. Variation of index aged dominant height inside a site type was examined with root mean square error (RMSE). The effect of the proportions of tree species on the site index was analyzed with a correlation coefficient. The percentage of properly classified site types was 57 % at best when using Schumacher’s (1939) guide curve and two site types (rich and poor). With Vuokila and Väliaho’s (1980) growth models for dominant height the best percentage of correctly classified site types was 46 %. The variation (RMSE) of index aged dominant height as an average in all site types was 3,2 m. The maximum variation of index aged dominant height in one site type was 6 m. This indicated that the dependency between site index and site type was poor with this data. The proportions of tree species did not have a significant effect on site index. Based on this study, predicting site types with ALS does not work. One problem is the absence of very rich site types. There are also many sources of error: SutiGIS’ (position knowledge system) age data, prescribed burning, possible fertilization of stands, and the problems of fitting site index and site type. Vuokila and Väliaho’s (1980) growth models for dominant height were made in the 1980s, so they do not acknowledge the increased growth of present-day trees. Site index cannot reliably predict the site type, but site index gives valuable extra information about the trees for example when evaluating the value of forest estates.
  • Lyytikäinen, Satulotta (2019)
    A diameter distribution describes the size distribution of a forest and is used, for example, in forest planning. Stand characteristics can also be produced without a diameter distribution, but the diameter distribution allows utilization of tree-level models in the calculation of stand level variables and improves the estimation accuracy. In this thesis estimation methods for diameter distribution prediction were compared and the suitability of the methods and materials evaluated by using error indices. The two comparative diameter distribution estimation methods used in this study were the k most similar neighbor method (k-MSN) and the prediction of diameter distribution using the theoretical distribution model: Weibull-distribution. Both study methods utilised laser scanning-, field plot- and harvester measurement data collected from mature Norway spruce dominant forests in Southern Finland. When the k-MSN method is applied, the measured diameter distribution and stand characteristics of the nearest neighbor were imputed to the target grid of the stand. Stand characteristics were used for the prediction of Weibull-distribution parameters. Weibull parameters were estimated by modelling and by parameter recovery. Field and harvester plots were used as a reference data for the k-MSN. The suitability of the Weibull distribution for the description of the diameter distribution was evaluated by estimating the diameter distribution directly on the harvester data of the corresponding region. Maximum likelihood estimation and prediction of the Weibull-distribution were applied. As a result of the suitability testing, the Weibull distribution is seen as suitable for describing the diameter distribution of a mature, even aged, stand. With the maximum likelihood method and parameter recovery, the produced diameter distribution corresponded appropriately with the measured diameter distribution. The results of the k-MSN show that the imputation of diameter distribution gave the most accurate prediction of diameter distribution. Harvester or field plots gave nearly as accurate results and are both suitable for diameter distribution prediction
  • Lehtisara, Leena (2017)
    The large area forest mapping is traditionally based on satellite images and laborious field plots. The newer lidar plot concept is the Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) and a small amount of field plots based plot-level attribute estimation, which is treated similar to the field plots in satellite based mapping. The target of the study was to evaluate the satellite-based, the ALS-based and their combination based forest mapping in the large area by comparing the accuracy of the forest attribute estimations per different amounts of plots. The study area of 3 128 000 hectares in southern Finland included 3630 field plots from the Metsäkeskus of Finland. The attribute estimates were computed from the Landsat 8 image and from the low-density lidar dataset to the field plot locations. The plot-level attribute estimates were calculated for the volume, height, basal area and biomass using k-NN-method (k=5). The accuracy of the mapping methods was evaluated by relative RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), which measured the differences between the estimated and the measured attributes of the validation plots. From the results it can be seen that the relative RMSEs of the attribute estimates from the Landsat-image based mapping on plot-level were at their best 47.6 % for the volume, similarly 26.2 % for the height, 34.6 % for the basal area and 47.7 % for the biomass. For the ALS-based mapping, they were 23.2 %, 9.8 %, 21.0% and 23.7 % respectively. By using 400 field plots to estimate attributes for 2900 lidar plots, and these lidar plots were used further for Landsat-based attribute estimations, these results were quite close to the accuracy of field plots-based Landsat attribute estimations. In addition a small sample of the lidar cover of the area was needed, in this case having less than 1 % area coverage. The lidar plots in Landsat-based mapping could be used for the biomass and carbon mappings in large area even if there are no roads available in the area and only a small amount of plots can be measured. Also, it is suitable for the areas where forest mapping has not started. It can be used also to follow up the changes in large forest areas, due the frequent updates of the satellite image measurements.
  • Hintsanen, Leena (2019)
    Small and medium-size gulls typically breed in colonies, which helps them to defend their breeding area more effectively than separately nesting gulls. Other bird species nest in association with aggressive colonial gulls to reduce nest predation. According to previous studies, especially Aythya duck species and Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) benefit from gull colonies. Seperately nesting Aythya ducks are more exposed to nest predation than individuals nesting with gulls. By understanding the relationship between gulls and waterfowls, conservation measures can be targeted more effectively. It is important since population trends of many waterfowl species have been declining since the 1990s. Previous studies on the interactions between gulls and ducks have been focusing on a single species and are mainly based on short-term monitoring data. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the impact of gull colonies on the choice of nesting sites of ducks, geese and swans (Anatidae) in islands at both family and species level using a 19 year long bird survey data. In addition, other possible factors affecting the breeding site selection of the waterfowl are identified. Those studied factors were chosen based on previous studies and on available information. The explanatory variables are the number of breeding small and big gulls, the presence of predator bird, crow (Corvus corone corvix), the area of the island and the distance to the nearest island or the mainland. Model selection was made with Akaike´s Information Criterion. The study data included bird surveys made in the archipelago of Helsinki during 1995–2013. Of the 149 monitored islands, islets or quarries in the study, 118 island bird calculations were used. All gull species were considered in the study. The waterfowl birds included mute swan (Cygnys olor), Canada goose (Branta canadensis), Barnacle goose (B. leucopsis), Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata) ja Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula), Common Eider, Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) and Common Merganser (M. merganser). The results indicate that at both family and species level the gull colonies have a positive effect on the selection of the breeding site of the waterfowl. Ecological models used in the study showed that the best predictors to explain nesting site selection were the number of small and big gulls, the presence of the crow and the area of the island. A similar model explained also the breeding of the Barnacle Goose and Common Eider. The best models for other species had more dispersion. With a large-sized mute swan the number of small colonial gulls were left out from the statistical model. Same was made with Common Goldeneye and Common Merganser because they nests exclusively in nest boxes or tree cavities. There was little uncertainty in the choice of models because the difference between Akaike –values were low. This study shows that the gull colonies have a positive influence on the selection of breeding site of the waterfowl. The results support the earlier observations of the aggregation of waterfowl breeding on the vicinity of gull colonies. The results can be applied to the management of waterfowl birds and in conservation biology.
  • Gyawali, Arun (2018)
    The balance between incoming precipitation (rainfall and snowfall) and outgoing evapotranspiration (ET), runoff and drainage to and from an ecosystem plus changes in soil moisture storage and the water equivalent of the snowpack is known as the water balance. A dominating feature of the water balance in the boreal zone is snowpack accumulation over winter and the spring snowmelt, both of which are affected by forest. In Finland, there are strong north-south gradients in the amount of precipitation, the proportion of rainfall and snowfall and temperature, and therefore latitudinal differences in the water balances components can be expected. Furthermore, the large canopy and deeper rooting of trees, together with the presence of a permanent ground vegetation cover, result in significant differences in interception, infiltration and water balance outputs of forests compared to other forms of land-use. Because of morphological and ecophysiological differences between the trees species, the water balance of Norway spruce and Scots pine dominated forests can be expected to differ. Determining the water balance of forest ecosystems across Finland would, therefore, help in assessing the hydrological ecosystem services provided by forests and form a basis for examining the effects of climate change and forest management on the water balance. This study aimed to compute the daily water balance of six Norway spruce, and three Scots pine dominated mature forest stands (plots) located throughout Finland over a 26-year study period (1990-2015). It was hypothesized that the various water balance components would systematically vary with latitude, a surrogate for climate, and differ between spruce and pine stands. The daily version of the water balance model “WATBAL” developed by Mike Starr (University of Helsinki, Dept. Forest sciences) was used for this study. The model requires daily meteorological data (precipitation, temperature, global radiation), stand parameters (canopy cover, rooting, crop coefficient), soil parameters (including infiltration coefficient, soil moisture contents at permanent wilting point, field capacity and saturation, and two soil moisture parameters for a plant available water content function). Six of the plots had soil developed in till and 3 plots had soil developed in sorted glaciofluvial deposits. Plot meteorological data for 1990-2015 was derived using spatially interpolated gridded data. If the daily air temperature was ≤0°C, any precipitation was assumed to be snowfall. The stand and soil parameters were derived from data collected from the 9 study plots by Luke (formerly Metla). The nine plots belong to the Finnish network of ICP-Forest level II plots that have been established throughout Europe. Pedotransfer functions (PTF) based on soil texture and organic matter contents were used to derive initial values for the soil hydraulic parameters. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) measured soil moisture data was available for 7 of the plots and, after carrying out careful quality control and rejection of outliers, used for calibration of modelled soil moisture and optimization of soil hydraulic parameters for those plots. Optimization was carried out using the non-linear Marquardt regression method. Goodness-of-fit for soil moisture was evaluated using correlation and R2 values from linear regression. After computing the daily water balance with the WATBAL model (using optimized soil hydraulic parameter values for the 7 plots and initial PTF values for the remaining 2 plots) the long-term mean annual and mean daily water balance components (with a 7-day moving average smoothing) were calculated. The water balances were computed for the humus layer plus 0-40 cm soil layer, which, based on literature, would have included most if not all of the roots. The dependence of the mean annual water balance components on latitude was evaluated using correlation analysis and linear regression, and the effect of tree species was tested for using the t-test on pairs of spruce-pine plots located close to each other. The raw TDR data was found to contain a considerable amount of gaps and erroneous (too high) values, often associated with the spring snowmelt. Optimization of the soil hydraulic parameters using the measured soil moisture contents calculated from the “cleaned” TDR data for the snow-free period resulted in a highly significant (p<0.001) Pearson correlation of +0.85 (R2 = 0.75) for the fit between measured and modelled soil moisture contents calculated across all 7 plots. The correlations for the individual plots were also highly significant. Based on the optimized WATBAL output, the fraction of plot mean annual precipitation as snowfall ranged from 20 to 29%. Corresponding ranges for ET, drainage and runoff were respectively 33 to 57%, 24 to 42%, and 18 to 25%. The mean annual water balance components were found to be significantly correlated to latitude, reflecting trends in precipitation and temperature. Evapotranspiration decreased with increasing latitude while maximum snow-on-ground, snowmelt and associated runoff increased with increasing latitude. Spruce mean annual ET was 9% higher than pine in one of the paired plot sets and 37% higher in the other set. For drainage, pine was 15% greater than spruce in one of the paired plot set and 74% higher in the other set of paired plots. There were no significant differences between spruce and pine plots for snowmelt and runoff. Variation around these trends were related to differences in soil hydraulic properties among the plots which, in turn, were related to differences in parent material and soil texture. The overall conclusion from this study was that the daily water balance of the forested plots could be realistically modelled using such a relatively simple water balance model as WATBAL. The importance of spatially representative and accurate soil moisture measurements for model calibration purposes was highlighted. While the importance of snowfall on the water balance increased northwards regardless of tree species, evapotranspiration was determined by both latitude and by species. Climate change can therefore be expected to have a significant impact on the water balance of Finnish forests resulting in environmentally important changes in leaching and runoff.