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Browsing by discipline "Metsäekonomia ja markkinointi"

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  • Malm, Nicki (2017)
    It has been suggested that substituting building materials such as steel or concrete with wooden alternatives would reduce the negative environmental impacts of buildings. In the field of construction, the urban planners form an important group of actors as land use plans have long-term consequences. Urban planners have been considered to hold power in planning procedures, and in Finland, it is possible to require a specific construction material in a land use plan. The aim of this study is to determine if the construction industry aims to influence on planning decisions in Finland, and in particular to study if these influencing attempts affect the views of the urban planners. The study is conducted as a quantitative analysis based on a questionnaire sent to Finnish urban planners in the spring of 2014. The sample consists of 102 responses from 26 municipalities in Finland. The results of the study suggest that the construction industry aims to influence on planning decisions in Finnish municipalities. Moreover, the statistical analysis proves that the influencing attempts, i.e. lobbying affects the views of Finnish urban planners. As the questions assessing the planners’ views concern multi-storey timber construction, ample generalizations of the results should be avoided. An interesting detail in the results is that the lobbying seems to affect the more experienced planners in particular, even though the experienced planners did not perceive lobbying attempts more often than the others. However, it has been reported that the planners in senior positions generally hold more power, and therefore they may be more lucrative targets for the lobbyists.
  • Heiniö, Matias (2020)
    Kuluttajien ostokäyttäytyminen sekä kulutuspäätökseen vaikuttavat tekijät ovat muuttuneet viimeisien vuosikymmenien aikana. Mainostajan tuotteista antamien väittämien merkitys kuluttajien ostopäätöksissä on vähentynyt. Suusta suuhun- viestinnän merkitys sekä vaikuttajamarkkinointi ovat nousseet merkittäviksi tekijöiksi kuluttajien ostopäätöksissä ja yhä kasvavissa määrin kuluttajat haluavat suosituksen tuotteesta kolmannelta osapuolelta, jolla ei ole tekemistä myyjäosapuolen kanssa. Kuluttajat arvostavat erityisesti vaikuttajia, jotka ovat samaistuttavia, luotettavia sekä asiantuntevia. Vaikuttajailmiö on levinnyt myös sijoitusmaailmaan, muun muassa tv-ohjelmien myötävaikuttamana. Lisäksi viime vuosina on ollut havaittavissa nouseva trendi, jossa vaikuttajat ja julkisuuden henkilöt ovat lähteneet mukaan yritystoimintaa. Tässä työssä perehdyttiin vaikuttajaomistajuuteen ja siihen liittyviin asenteisiin. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää laadullisen tutkimuksen menetelmin nuorten aikuisten piensijoittajien suhtautumista vaikuttajaomistajuuteen. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten nuoret aikuiset piensijoittajat ajattelevat vaikuttajaomistajuudesta ja vaikuttajaomisteisista yrityksistä sekä mitä ajatuksia ja ennakkoluuloja niihin liitetään. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin myös selvittämään, voisiko vaikuttajaomistajuus olla nuorten aikuisten piensijoittajan sijoituspäätöksentekoprosessiin vaikuttava tekijä. Vastauksia käsiteltiin Ohanian (1990) lähdeuskottavuusmallin mukaisesti. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina yksilöittäin ja haastatteluita toteutettiin kahdeksan kappaletta. Haastattelut litteroitiin ja analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että haastateltavat suhtautuvat avoimesti vaikuttajaomistajuuteen, mutta sen luotettavuus koetaan ongelmallisena. Haastateltavat kokevat vaikuttajaomistajuuden ensisijaisesti markkinoinnin keinona. Siirtymä vaikuttajamarkkinoinnista vaikuttajaomistajuuteen nähdään luonnollisena kehityksenä, jota ohjaa muun muassa paremmat ansaitsemismahdollisuudet. Vaikuttajaomistajuus nähdään pidempikestoisena, syvällisempänä ja sitoutuneempana. Luotettavaan, asiantuntevaan, sitoutuneeseen ja osakkeenomistajan sekä yrityksen tarpeita palvelevaan vaikuttajaomistajaan suhtaudutaan positiivisesti, mutta haastateltavat antavat sille vaihtelevasti painoarvoa omassa sijoituspäätöksessään. Huolimatta vaihtelevista vastauksista liittyen vaikuttajaomistajuuden vaikutuksesta sijoituspäätökseen, tarkasteltaessa vastauksia Ohanian lähdeuskottavuusmallin (1990) mukaisesti luotettavuus, asiantuntemus ja puoleensavetävyys ovat tekijöitä, joita vastaajat arvostivat vaikuttajaomistajassa, joten niiden havaittiin vaikuttavan positiivisesti nuoren aikuisen piensijoittajan sijoituspäätökseen. Tutkimustuloksien mukaan vaikuttajaomistajuudella on positiivinen vaikutus nuoren aikuisen piensijoittajan sijoituspäätökseen. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksena määrällinen tutkimus soveltuisi täydentämään tietoa vaikuttajaomistajuuden vaikutuksesta piensijoittajan sijoituspäätökseen ja arvioimaan vaikutusta.
  • Hasanen, Joni (2020)
    The idea of forest as an investment is still relatively new, even though forest ownership and wood trade have a long history in Finland. Things changed in the 21st century, when people started to treat forest more as an investment. The newer investment products, such as forest funds, have only strengthened the status of forests as an investment asset and increased public awareness. This master’s thesis examines the impressions of young investors concerning forest funds and other forest related investments. This study aims primarily to clarify how interesting investment product forest funds are from the point of view of young investors, and how the willingness to invest in forest funds could be influenced. This study also provides more information about the prejudices of young investors concerning the forest as a form of an investment. This research is mainly based on quantitative methods, and the data were gathered via questionnaire which was published on social media. The questionnaire consisted of questions related to the background of the participants, the factors that influence investment decisions, forest investing and forest funds. The sample for this survey consisted of 103 investors aged 18-30. The theoretical background of this study was based on the factors that were crucial for the investment decisions. These factors were relevant for this type of study, because it enabled a broader analysis of the behavior of young investors. Due to the nature of forest investments, the dimensions of value in investment context were also assessed. The results indicate that forest funds can be seen as a potential investment product for young investors. However, forest funds and their principals were previously unknown to many of the investors who participated this survey. Enhancing the knowledge of the forest funds and the transparency of their operations had a positive effect on young people’s willingness to invest in them. The emotional and economic values were emphasized in young people’s impressions as factors contributing to the attractiveness of forest investments. A better expression of these values in the marketing of forest funds could increase the interest among the young investors.
  • Mikkilä, Veera (2020)
    Aims. The aim of this study is to discover the factors influencing which employees’ experience of organizational commitment during changes in contact center work environment. Meyer and Allen’s three component model of organizational commitment is used as the theoretical frame. It interprets organizational commitment through three components: affective, normative, and continuous commitment. The research focuses on areas impacting affective commitment. Methods. The study was conducted as thematic interviews during the fall of 2019. Seven per-manent employees of the target organization attended the interviews. The material was spelled out, after which it was coded according to the themes. The method of the analysis is thematic design, in which the formation of themes proceeds to a more detailed examination. Results and Conclusions. The most prominent finding in the study was the employees’ experiences of the role and the support of the supervisor for commitment. Reflecting the theoretical frame, the results of this study comply with Meyer & Allen’s three-component theory. Based on the study, the affective commitment of the employees of the target organization can be seen as low, and the level of commitment can be explained by normative or continuance aspects of commitment.
  • Veijalainen, Viia (2020)
    The aim of this study was to determine whether investment strategies based on technical analysis can achieve higher than average returns when investing in small-capitalization stocks. Earlier studies have demonstrated that the small-cap stock market behaves inefficiently, which supports the use of technical analysis in investment strategies. The performance of strategies was measured by their returns and risk-adjusted returns. The study included a statistical significance analysis of average daily returns between technical analysis methods and buy-and-hold strategy. The research data comprise the daily statistics of seven small-cap stocks traded on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and the OMX Nordic Small Cap index, and the data are from 2010 to 2019. Technical analysis based on investment strategy methods included moving averages, the RSI and the MACD. These were used to formulate 13 sets of trading rules with different parameters. Moving average methods used in the study were the simple moving average and dual moving average with varying lengths. The benchmark for technical trading strategies was the passive buy and hold investment strategy. Transaction costs, taxes and dividends were outside the scope of this study. According to the results, it is not possible to confirm that investment strategies based on technical analysis methods are able to achieve higher than average returns when investing in small-cap stocks. All methods except one failed to outperform the benchmark buy and hold strategy. Moving average methods, especially the dual moving average, were proven to be more effective than other technical trading methods. On the other hand, the analysis of average daily returns of buy and sell days revealed that they differ from each other and from the benchmark strategy in a statistically significant way. This indicates that technical analysis is able to extract additional information on the stock market, which supports the assumption of market inefficiency.
  • Ylönen, Lyydia (2020)
    The Forest Academy for Decision-makers is a well-known concept. It is necessary to evaluate the concept occasionally as it was created already in 1995. The goal of the Forest Academy is to increase dialogue between forest sector and rest of society by providing a forum to arouse interest towards forest issues and the possibilities that the field can provide for society, create new networks and provide stimulations for forest professionals from other sectors. Interaction, high-class presentations and attractions and the unique course spirit are in the core of the concept. I have evaluated the impact and effectiveness of the Forest Academy forums in this quality study. I have studied weather the concept has been able to affect in decision making or has something been achieved in the forest sector or wider in the society by utilizing networks or substance from the courses. I have interviewed course participants in 2016. Additionally, I have analyzed the course themes and how those have been changed during the past 20 years. I have used the previous evaluation study of the Forest Academy forums for planning this study and it is also valuable to compare results between these studies. The Forest Academy has improved the understanding of the Finnish forest sector among decision-makers. The acceptability of the forest sector and forest utilization and the national consensus in forest issues have strengthened by the Forest Academy. It has offered a memorable four-day-course experience for over thousand decision-makers. The concept has worked effectively as it has created new networks, added knowledge of the forest sector, and introduced how pervasive the forest and natural resource sector is. The results support the future demand for this kind of forum. At the same time, it is important to reach appropriate, effective, and committed participants for the upcoming courses. However, the concept needs developing as society and operational environment has become more hectic and global, forest sector is nowadays part of the bioeconomy and the whole natural resources and bioeconomy field faces strong expectations how to tackle the climate change and maintain biodiversity. The Forest Academy would need to answer more and more complex and wider topics. It demands development of the concept structure, encourage for interdisciplinary collaboration with various interest groups, even more interactive working during the courses, and bolder visions of the future role of forests. However, the basic knowledge of the forest related issues cannot be neglect. Forest Academy would need to consider, how to coordinate continuous and more determined developing, which takes into account the different operational environment than 20 years ago. The Forest Academy should still regard that the two-way communication really works in practice.
  • Korhonen, Arto (2020)
    This study is aimed at discovering if Virtual reality (VR) has restorative effects on people and how it compares to real environment as a restorative environment. Theory frame used in this research is Attention restoration theory which is widely used in previous restorativeness studies. As the world is urbanizing rapidly, people spend less time in the nature than ever before. Previous researches have shown that nature has a restorative effect on people and it recovers aimed attention. This research tries to find a solution by using the VR environment as a substitute for real environments as a restorative place. Our hypothesis was; VR does have restorative effect and VR forest is perceived as restorative as physical forest. This VR experience study was executed as a quantitative study that was executed randomly picking students and staff of nearby corporations of university campus. Test subjects were exposed to the VR environment for a five-minute period. Information was gathered via questionnaires that were answered both before and after the VR experience. Both questionnaires measured the mood, vitality and restoration at the moment when answered. The data consisted of N=100. Addition to our own data, we had the data from similar research by Hauru et al (2012). With that it was possible to compare the VR environment to real environments. The results showed that the perceived restorativeness of VR was similar as the real forest environment, but the restorativeness was felt even stronger in the VR environment. People felt significantly better after the experience. From the research point-of-view VR could be used as a restoration in urban areas and for example during workdays/school days. It clearly showed its potential for future use. There is still a little concern about the results, as the participants visited the VR environment only once, the long-term effects are yet unknown. Due to that there is still need for future research regarding the long-term use of VR as a restorative environment.
  • Kollina, Nina (2017)
    Architects are one of the most significant construction project stakeholders. They are involved in the decision-making process, including the selection of construction materials. This means that architects can promote the application of new innovative engineered wood products (EWP) in the construction of buildings. Although EWPs are becoming more popular as a construction material, there is still extra capacity for their usage in the multi-storey construction as well. In 2017, Russian public authorities approved an important initiative to allow the construction of higher than three-storeyed wood buildings. Thus, it is interesting, whether Russian architects are ready for applying EWPs in their architectural design projects. In this study, a web-based questionnaire was used for assessing the perceptions and the level of awareness of EWPs among randomly chosen architects working mainly in Saint-Petersburg and Moscow (n=25). The data was analysed by employing the two-tailed Mann-Whitney U Test and SWOT and descriptive analysis. The results indicate that most of the respondents know EWPs rather well and apply them in their work. Most of the respondents stated that the use of EWPs in Russia has increased in the last five years. The attitude towards applying EWPs in construction is also positive. From the architects’ perspective, the most important characteristics of the materials are environmental friendliness and absence of harmful effects on health. Nevertheless, a lack of the educational programs about wood-based composite materials gives birth to the prejudice about the properties of such products and slows the progress of the development of the timber construction sector. Although this study shows a positive attitude towards EWPs, it is not enough for describing the whole situation in the Russian wood construction market, and it is reasonable to conduct further studies of attitudes not only among architects but also among other stakeholders of construction projects.
  • Mäenpää, Jani (2020)
    The purpose of the study is to research the principal-agent issues in institutional forest asset management industry. This study aims to broaden the understanding of principal-agent issues and show in what kind of forms they could take place in the institutional forest asset management industry. The concepts of institutional investing, forest asset management and theory behind principal-agent problems are presented. This study uses qualitative research methods, with data sourced from secondary sources. Globally, the institutional investors’ asset allocations to forestry have been small as a percentage share of the total assets under management. As forest management needs large resources, the outsourcing of forest asset management could be more cost efficient, if the investor would not be comfortable in investing substantial resources into in-house management capabilities. Outsourcing means long value chain of agents, information asymmetries and possibly conflicting incentive structures. Timber management organizations or TIMOs are usually the key link between institutional investors and timberland. The results would indicate that principal-agent issues could be present in the institutional forest asset management industry. This would partly be due to the highly specialized nature of forest as a natural asset class, which needs special skills that many general institutional investors do not have in-house. Solutions to principal-agent problems could be found from digital solutions that could improve the management of knowledge and reduce the information asymmetries. Further research would be needed to study whether the principal-agent issues are a problem or an opportunity for the institutional investors. In addition, the further research could study whether the institutional investors are already using digital solutions in reducing the information asymmetry risks in outsourced investment decisions. The limitations of this thesis are that results might not be easily generalized. Because previous research in principal-agent issues in forest investing is limited, this research aims to contribute to the academic literature research in the field by broadening the research done on the topic.
  • Konttinen, Katri (2019)
    The construction industry together with the use of buildings generates a significant amount of the European Union’s greenhouse gas emissions and uses vast amounts of energy, materials and water. Increasing wooden multistory construction (WMC) could be a way to enhance the sustainability of the construction sector, since studies have shown that the lifecycle carbon dioxide emissions and energy-use are smaller in wood-framed buildings than in corresponding buildings built with concrete. Several national and multinational authorities have set targets for increasing the share of wood in construction to decrease the environmental impact of the construction sector, but the share of WMC has increased rather slowly despite the political support. According to previous research, the reasons for the slow growth of the industry include for example path dependencies of the construction sector (i.e. that past events affect future decisions and events), attitudes and lack of knowledge. This thesis aims at increasing the knowledge of the profitability of WMC by finding out the perceptions of WMC experts on the current cost level in WMC, discovering factors that affect the profitability and market share of WMC and finding ways to enhance the profitability of WMC. This study is qualitative and was conducted using semi-structured theme interviews. Six professionals of the WMC industry were selected using purposive sampling and interviewed in 2017. The main criterion in the selection process was that the interviewees are in a decision-making, senior level position in their company and have prior experience about WMC. The results of this study indicate that WMC is currently more expensive than building with concrete. According to the results, the main causes for the higher costs are lack of knowledge, low number of actors, costs caused by planning and difficulties in tendering. However, WMC industry professionals believe that the profitability of WMC will increase in the future and that the market share of WMC will grow. Based on the results, the best ways to increase the profitability of WMC are learning from repeated projects, product development, utilizing industrial construction, cooperation with other companies and open dialogue with public administration. Furthermore, the professionals emphasized that wood should become a genuinely competitive construction material and that wooden construction’s competitive advantage should not be dependent on support from politicians, municipalities or city planning.
  • Rautio, Santeri (2018)
    Companies finance the equipment investments more often with financial products such as hire purchase and leasing. Simultaneously, the manufacturers as well as the retailers have implemented financial solutions under the own brand. The phenomenon is a market driver that affect the entire value chain. The purpose of the research was to conduct an in-depth review of the business by observing and understanding the motives, benefits and challenges behind private-label financial services. Moreover, the effects of the solutions on sales are assessed from the three key stakeholders’ perspective. The industrial focus is on the current market situation of agriculture and forestry machinery, which traditionally are pioneers in these solutions. Additionally, a country comparison is done on primary data level. The research method is qualitative, which is the most suitable approach for business-related topics with modest prior research. The source of the primary data was interviews with eight managers representing financiers, manufacturers and retailers within this business. A thematic analysis was utilized with five pre-selected themes that formed also the interview framework. According to the findings, the private-label financing has been successful for all involved stakeholders. From the vendor’s perspective, the private-label solutions are mainly used either to earn from the generated finance portfolio or as a manageable sales tool utilizing the brand value. For the financier, the services are rather profitable, since often, the manufacturers offer funds to lower the price of financing below competitors’ levels and additionally, the co-operation offers an exclusivity to the finance deals. In the future, these solutions seem to increase, because the financing is becoming a more important part of the sales. Along with the motives and benefits, the paper aimed to explore the co-operation and the effects on sales. The results indicate that the commitment of the partner is a focal part in the co-operation. The manufacturers and retailers are also demanding on the service level. For the financier, the risk-sharing, funds and exclusivity are key factors. The evidence given, the private-label financial solutions affect the direct sales and the sales work positively. Here, the standardized products and terms are important. Overall, the key stakeholders are in general rather satisfied with the solutions and all the respondents depicted interest to develop them further. However, a few challenges were extracted such as the unsophistication of the sales force, commitment of the partner and resources in terms of service and product level.
  • Väisänen, Janne (2019)
    Reducing global carbon dioxide emissions is one of the main targets in the fight against climate change. Forests are important carbon pools and the arid regions of the world hold a great carbon sequestration potential. Dryland afforestation could play a considerable part in climate change mitigation. The aim of this study is to understand plantation forestry and the costs of afforestation work in arid and semi-arid regions. The main objective of the study is to estimate the establishment costs of 5.000-hectare irrigated forest plantation in Morocco, planned by the Finnish energy company St1. The plantation establishment costs are consisted of labor factors, such as preparing and mapping the cultivated area, fencing, seedling production, tillage, planting and aftercare, and other maintenance operation. The irrigation cost consist of developing the irrigation system, operation and maintenance costs and the price of desalinated seawater used in the plantation. The research timeframe was set to be from 0 to 5 years, assuming that this period covers the major cost factors of the plantation establishment. According to the results, the total establishment cost of the St1’s 5.000-hectare forest plantation, planned in Morocco, is estimated to be approximately EUR39 million and the cost per hectare around EUR7800. The total cost of cultivation is estimated to be about EUR18 million and the total cost of irrigation in the first four years are around EUR21 million.
  • Mäkelä, Matias (2018)
    Availability of raw material is a key issue for the future of the wood pellet industry. Wood pellet production primarily uses dry by-products of the mechanical wood processing industry, but increasing demand forces to use even more wet sawdust of the sawmill industry. This study examined the procurement of wet sawdust as a raw material for four pellet mills. As a research method, a model based on linear optimization was created about the Finnish sawdust market. To form a market model, the research compiled a database of demand and supply of sawdust. The demand database was collected on 7 expert interviews, and the ability to pay of each actor was determined by reference fuel. The supply database was composed by gathering the industrial size sawmills in Finland. The production capacity of sawmills determined an estimate of the by-product sawdust. With this model, three different raw material procurement scenarios were created for the year 2021, based on the different production volumes of the sawmill industry, compared with the year 2017. In the base scenario, the utilization rate will remain at the 2017 level, the minimum scenario will decrease by 10% and in the maximum scenario will increase by 10%. In each scenario, raw material procurement of factories was examined at 50%, 75% and 100% of the maximum capacity of factories. In the first step of optimization, the profit margin of sawmills was maximized, by delivering items to the most profitable user. In the second step, the raw material costs of pellet mills were minimized by utilizing the results of the first stage optimization. The results show that the production volume of the sawmill industry has a significant impact on the raw material costs of pellet mills due to changes in supply. In the minimum scenario, the raw material costs of four factories were 10,1 to 10,4 percent higher, in the base scenario, 6,0 to 7,6 percent higher and in the maximum scenario, costs fell 0,7 to 0,8 percent compared with the year 2017. According to the results, the price of the sawdust may rise due to increased demand. Increasing raw material costs will affect the profitability of the pellet industry and the demand for the end-product negatively.
  • Pelto, Isa (2018)
    This thesis investigates the factors and variables of social innovations around different Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) in Spain. The general objective is to determine, if social innovations have improved the Spanish NWFP sector. It is not profitable to manage Spanish forestry as timber oriented. Due to this, many forest areas are left unmanaged, leading them to become shrublands, which is socially- ecologically and economically harmful. There seems to be a need for tools with the objective of making the forestry sector both socially and economically more appealing. Social innovations have the potential to facilitate the construction of forest management which considers the benefits of both complementary products and services, as well as the trade-offs between conflicting interests. The research methodology is qualitative, and it is a combination of inductive- and deductive approaches. Literature reviews were done on social innovations and Mediterranean NWFP sector. Six definitions were carefully selected and used as a base for determining if included case studies could be considered as social innovations. The eight case studies are collaborations within the Spanish NWFP sector, and the qualitative data was collected either through semi- structured interviews or tailor-made questionnaires,. The obtained data was analysed using the MAXQDA coding tool until the point of saturation. A social innovation in the field of NWFP in Spain was found to be social in both its means and ends, and to have long durability and internal acceptance within the society. All case studies were defined as social innovations. Initial contexts of the case studies were shown to affect the objectives, activities and outcomes of the case studies. The results showed, that net outcomes for all case studies were strongly positive. The case studies reported positive social- environmental and economic outcomes, and 66% of all reported positive results were economic. Based on the results, social innovations in the field of NWFP in Spain have positive economic effects, even if economic improvement is not the primary driver for the formation of the collaboration.
  • Paavola, Niko (2019)
    Employment dynamics within the Finnish forest industry are bound to go through change resulting from external forces such as digitalization, globalization and an aging workforce. This places pressure on the industry to attract capable talent while organizations will need to hire and train new employees for future organizational success. Organizational socialization is an integral link between the newcomer and the organization during the first months which influences integration and success of new employees. Onboarding which is often related to organizational socialization has been under researched in academic literature while practitioner literature offers some direction. This qualitative case study considers the impact of sales management principles of sales strategy, customer relationship management and sales technology on organizational socialization to discover which elements should be included in the onboarding process from a sales department perspective in a business-to-business organization. A research-based model of onboarding was utilized as a basis for this study. Thirteen semi-structured interviews were conducted within the case organization. This thesis indicates that there are three distinct factors that influence successful organizational socialization which should be considered when developing onboarding programs. First, previous industry and competitive environment knowledge accelerate organizational socialization. Second, there are numerous internal organizational factors that influence onboarding. Finally, sales strategy, customer relationship management and sales technologies should not be neglected when developing onboarding programs. The impact of sales management principles on newcomer self-efficacy, role clarity, social integration and knowledge of culture is complex and requires attention when developing onboarding programs that socialize new employees. In conclusion, this thesis provides much needed research and insight on the potential methods to develop and achieve onboarding outcomes. When socializing new employees, increased support is needed for those who do not have previous industry experience and increased structure assists in clarity. The onboarding program should have a longer scope than anticipated which clarifies targets to the newcomer. Sales technologies assist in information gathering as well as customer management but adoption stems from user-friendliness, organizational promotion and willingness to learn. Finally, sales mentors are valued and should be utilized during socialization of new employees.
  • Rantonen, Kalle (2017)
    Supplier relationship management is a multiyear strategic supply chain management practice and a planning tool, which aims to value creation by managing the sourcing operations in a systematic way. Typically, a company can create value from an SRM by utilizing its systematic processes for collaboration or supplier development schemes with key / strategic suppliers. However, an SRM does not exclude the usage of competitive sourcing methods for value claiming from commodity supplier relationships, for example. An SRM program can also create value by organizing the supply chain processes in a more functioning way leading to an improved operational excellence and elimination of unnecessary processes. Therefore, most of the typical SRM benefits can be considered non-financial, which will result in monetary value in time. By comparing existing statistics which kind of benefits companies have gain or seek by implementing the SRM program it seems that the cost reduction, risk management and operational improvements are the top three benefits. This research aimed for the researching and creation of an SRM model for Ahlstrom (currently Ahlstrom-Munksjö) as a recommendation how to go forward with the implementation of the SRM program. The suggested SRM model contains seven sections or themes of an SRM (Value proposition and measurement, Supplier segmentation, SRM Governance structure, Supplier performance management, Supplier development, SRM IT Systems and Supplier collaboration). The sections / themes worked as a basis for research questions in this research. The research questions were studied via theoretical and semi-structured interview analysis. In addition, some of the hypotheses were also investigated empirically as case studies resulting in empirical findings regarding the functional method for supplier segmentation, “Case: KPI Reporting tool” and risk management value analysis. “Case: KPI Reporting tool” can be seen as a good example of how technology (SAP) can create value for SRM / supply chain management processes. Based on the findings of this research, this thesis concludes that a company can create value from its supply base by identifying its strategic and core suppliers, developing appropriate actions per segment or supplier and organizing the SRM program systematically by the SRM section. An SRM is a continuous development program, which means that processes by the SRM section should be revised, reflected and analyzed as the SRM program matures.
  • Sauru, Miska (2018)
    Sustainable living, housing, and urbanization are essential themes in Finland and globally. The aim of this study is to determine what is sustainable living in Finland at present and what will it look like towards 2030. The sustainable living concept is evaluated from the perspective of the usage of wood and forest resources in housing in Finland at present and towards 2030 by employing Living Lab approach in data gathering. Living Lab methodology is a relatively new way to collect data and it has not been utilized earlier in the context of wood building and lifestyles. Due to that, the second object of the study is to examine how the Living Lab method works as a data collection instrument and what are the strengths and weaknesses of this method. As a methodological approach of this study, qualitative focus groups discussions were implemented and the data gathering was made two times on sequential years. First time in November-December 2015 and the second time in November-December 2016. According to the results, at present, there are conflicting characteristics in implementing human centered, social centered and nature centered values in life, which towards 2030 may be less controversial as a result of new solutions in infrastructures and wood-based innovations. Fulfillment of sustainable living concept may provide new avenues for innovations and improve quality of life. One interesting detail in the results is that in the discussions concerning sustainable living 2030, rural living gained almost no attention. However, the results of the research show that most important themes of sustainable living in Finland towards 2030 were sustainable construction, renewable energy, urban planning, food cultivation, education, and transportation.
  • Hatakka, Tapio (2020)
    In the last few decades urbanisation has increased in Finland. Due to need for additional housing, it is necessary to compact current residential areas or develop existing green spaces into residential areas. Compact residential areas reduce water-permeable land cover and therefore increase stormwater runoff. Wetlands are increasingly being used for urban stormwater treatment as they are natural stormwater filtration systems. To assess utility of wetlands and streams it is important to identify their ecosystem services and ensuing benefits. Economic valuation methods can be applied to the valuation of small-water bodies and wetlands using either actual market information or a hypothetical market context created in a survey questionnaire. The aim of the research is to estimate the value of current and future ecosystem services provided by streams and wetlands in the drainage basin of Viikki residential area in Helsinki. The stated preferences survey was implemented to elicit resident’s benefits from wetland ecosystem services. The payment vehicle in a choice experiment was a yearly stormwater fee. This research focused on the wetlands and streams located in Viikki and the northern region of Vanhankaupunginlahti bay. Survey invitation was sent in 2016 to 1000 randomly selected residents in Viikki and nearby areas. The sample targeted the residents aged 19-79, and the shares of postal code areas were Viikki 21,6%, Myllypuro 24,4 % and Kontula-Vesala 54 % as the largest. The survey was responded partially or completely by 244 respondents. The willingness to pay for wetland ecosystem services was the highest for stormwater treatment, followed by recreational services and biodiversity. The information on wetlands did not affect the choices. Distance to wetlands and streams had negative effect on choice situations. A wealth of information and opinions were obtained from respondents about wetland ecosystem services and wetlands. Urban Oases-project have succeeded in providing wetland information to residents and in involving residents in environmental management. The feedback from the survey was essentially positive. Based on analysis, new urban wetlands projects would increase residential welfare.
  • Huovila, Ossi (2017)
    This master's thesis goes through forest investments from the point of view of forestry insurers and more than EUR 100,000 fund investors. The purpose of this study is to provide information of forest investments and especially on forest funds based on interviews. Especially I want to find out what kind of investors the respondents see themselves, what kind of benefit forest will bring to the investors and what kind of thoughts investors have about forests and do they see forest as an investment. In addition, I want to find out are forest funds more interesting than traditional forest management and is it important that the forest of forest fund is located in Finland. In addition, the study has identified a variety of forest investment alternatives and told about theories of investor decision-making. The study is a qualitative case study. I interviewed by telephone 20 forest insurance customers, 17 fund investors, who were also forest insurance policy holders, and 20 fund investors who did not own forest. The interviews' responses were divided by thematic analysis and analysed with typification analysis. Types and their frequency were later com-pared to previous studies and theories of investor behaviour. The interviewees generally considered themselves as cautious investors but also moderate. The majority of forests insurance customers have a strong emotional value related to forest, but also natural values are often considered important. The benefit of forest comes from these, but also from the safe and stable investment qualities of forests. Fund investors found the forest funds to be clearly more interesting than just forest insurance customers did. In addition, the interest in investing in forests in the Baltic countries clearly differed between forest insurance and non-forest insurance customers. The main placement criterion for fund investors was a return, not so much the fund's content. According to the theory of the investor's decision-making and the thesis results, forestry investment must produce especially emotional additional value in order to increase attraction compared to other investment forms.
  • Niskanen, Henrik Antti Mikael (2018)
    Master’s thesis on constructing a taper curve, volume equation and merchantable volume equations for Sitka spruce in Ireland. The data was collected in Ireland. The taper curve is based on Laasasenaho’s polynomial function. The thesis also includes various economical calculations and models as well as their comparisons and effects on timber value.