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Browsing by discipline "Skoglig ekologi och resurshushållning"

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  • Kangas, Laura (2013)
    Forested wetlands throughout the world are valuable habitats; especially in relatively species-poor northern regions, they can be considered biological hotspots. Unfortunately, these areas have been degraded and destroyed. In recent years, however, the biological importance of wetlands has been increasingly recognized, resulting in the desire to restore disturbed habitats or create in place of destroyed ones. Restoration work is taking place across the globe in a diversity of wetland types, and research must be conducted to determine successful techniques. As a result, two studies of the effects of wetland restoration and creation were conducted in forested wetlands in northern Michigan and southern Finland. In North America, northern white-cedar wetlands have been declining in area, despite attempts to regenerate them. Improved methods for successfully establishing northern white-cedar are needed; as a result, the target of the first study was to determine if creating microtopography could be beneficial for white-cedar recruitment and growth. In northern Europe, spruce swamp forests have become a threatened ecosystem due to extensive drainage for forestry. As part of the restoration of these habitats, i.e. rewetting through ditch blocking, Sphagnum mosses are considered to be a critical element to re-establish, and an in-depth analysis of how Sphagnum is responding to restoration in spruce swamp forests has not been previously done. As a result, the aim of the second study was to investigate the ecophysiological functioning of Sphagnum and feather mosses across a gradient of pristine, drained, and restored boreal spruce swamp forests.
  • Rainio, Pauli (2013)
    In Norway spruce (Picea abies) dominated mineral soil sites, the polypore Heterobasidion parviporum often causes severe decay problems (butt rot, root rot). Not much is however known on the ability of H. parviporum to cause decay losses in peatland. The purpose of this study was to answer some fundamental question: 1) Is H. parviporum able to cause decay losses in drained mires? 2) Is there an effect of other soil microbes during saprotrophic growth of Heterobasidion on peat soil? 3) What are the potential inhibitory effects of microbes inhabiting peat soil on growth of Heterobasidion? For the decay study, wood discs (P. abies) in mesh bags were buried at the different forest sites; mineral soil and peatlands (including drained mire and undrained mire). The amount of weight loss was documented after four months. The study was repeated in vitro by autoclaving soil samples from these sites together with wood discs followed by inoculation with H. parviporum. On mineral soil, H. parviporum decayed spruce (P. abies) wood disc much more than on non-drained pristine mire. On drained (ditched) mire, no significant difference in the weight loss was observed. H. parviporum grew significantly more on the sterilized soil and decayed more wood, compared to non-sterilized soil. The results suggested that secreted metabolites in the unsterilized soil may be able to significantly suppress saprotrophic growth of H. parviporum. In the fungal growth inhibition experiment, water- and acetone-soluble substances were extracted from the soil with acetone and water. No fungal growth inhibiting substances were detected from the various peat soils or mineral soils.
  • Linnamaa, Pentti (2016)
    Forests are significant carbon storage globally, storing carbon to biomass and soils. Forest management, protection, afforestation and preventing deforestation have been thought as cost-efficient way to reduce GHG emissions and international climate change agreement and policies have recognized importance of this pool. When wood is harvested from forest produced products form a carbon pool outside forest. Inclusion of this pool to total estimations of forests carbon storage should be done for more accurate estimations of forest management effect on total carbon storage. The aim of this thesis was to use scenario analysis conducted by METLA, which modelled biomass supply potential and the future development of Finnish forest resources during 2010-2110 according to four different scenarios. A Microsoft Office Excel based model was built to analyze the production of Finnish forest industry and accumulation of carbon storage in HWP. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to inspect used values and assumptions effect on results. Half-life decay values, utilization of by-products from sawnwood production and allocation of pulpwood to wood-based panel production were investigated. When using storage in HWP as sole meter QLTY 204 mill Mg C and INT 191 mill Mg C scenarios gained the highest carbon storage, BAU and EXT amounting to 122 mill Mg C and 107 mill Mg C respectively. When carbon storage in living biomass was included EXT 1284 mill Mg C and BAU 1204 mill Mg C resulted to highest storage while QLTY 923 mill Mg C and INT 833 mill Mg C amounted to respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed that assumptions on half-life decay values and allocation of pulpwood to wood-based panel production had a significant effect on total storage, but utilization of by-products from sawnwood production was insignificant, decreasing storage only 1-2% on the total carbon storage. Carbon storage in HWP could be increased by increasing their use on long lived products, especially if pulpwood would be utilized to produce wood-based panels, with high process efficiencies and long lives, rather than paper production with low process efficiency and short lives. Model base can be used in the future to include carbon storage in HWP pool when considering effects of changes in forest management and forest industry production.
  • Ylhäisi, Olli (2015)
    Limited pre-information of wood raw material properties complicates customer-oriented production planning in sawmilling. The problem is especially concerning Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) because its quality varies significantly within single trees but also within different forests. In the modern cut-to-length method decision of crosscutting points has to be made with help of stem profile prediction, optimization calculations and external quality properties of wood material. In the tree length method that is minimally used in Finland bucking can be done in a terminal that makes it possible to study whole external profile of the stem before the bucking. However, in crosscutting that aims to producing of value added products it would be important to know the internal quality of stem. One method that provides information on internal quality of wood raw material is x-ray log scanning that is used for the quality sorting at sawmills. The purpose of this study was to find out whether it is possible to predict the internal quality of Scots pine stems with the help of some stem characteristics. Moreover, it was also examined whether it is possible to develop the quality bucking of Scots pine butt logs if bucking is supported by x-ray log scanning. The study material was collected from eight final felling stands. From each stand 30 Scots pine stems were chosen and marked and of these was measured diameter at breast height, dead branch height, live branch height and total height. All marked Scots pine stems were felled and bucked as stems whose length varied between 12 and 20 meters starting from the butt of stem. After that the marked study stems were scanned with x-ray system in order to study their internal properties. Individual quality border points were calculated for each of the stems based on the x-ray data. Dead branch height was the most correlated stem characteristic with quality border point. The relationship of the dead branch height and the quality border point was examined with logistic mixed model. A binary dependent variable was determined for each of the stems. Limit value between binary categories (0/1) was 37 decimetres height of quality border. The dead branch height that was classified into four classes was used as an explanatory variable. By using this method it was possible to predict the correct class for 71,6 % of the stems. A stand number that was used as a random effect variable in the model was not statistically significant. The butt logs bucking that was made at the terminal and the butt logs bucking that was proposed by the harvester drivers was compared to the simulated butt logs bucking that considered also the quality border point of a stem. The total volume of A-class logs increased in a bucking option that considered the quality border compared to two other examined bucking options. Average volume of the butt logs decreased as a main way for increasing the logs quality was shortening of their average length. The results indicate that it is possible to rather well predict the internal quality of Scots pine stems with dead branch height and when crosscutting of stems is supported with x-ray scanning system, it is possible to increase the quality of butt logs. In order to reduce uncertain elements it would be necessary to use larger study material in the future studies. In addition, it would be beneficial to pay more attention to the interpretation of x-ray scanning data.
  • Safdari, Pezhman (2015)
    Surface albedo, which is the fraction of reflected radiant energy by earth’s surface to incoming solar energy, plays an important role in earth energy budget and energy equilibrium. Different features of the earth’s surface have different reflectivity rates which affect the albedo. Vegetation land-covers covering vast areas of earth’s surface as agricultural lands, forests, grass lands and so on, have great impact on land surface albedo. The Species composition, geographical distribution and seasonal phenology of different vegetation land-covers have an impact on surface albedo and consequently on earth’s energy budget and consequently, on climate change. Boreal zone covering latitudes between 60o – 70o N is one of the largest vegetation biomes on earth and which has a significant impact on surface albedo. The boreal region is mostly covered by coniferous forests which are optically very dark and absorb most of the incoming solar energy. This low reflectivity is very influential during the times that earth’s surface is snow covered by masking the high reflectivity of the snow covered land surface. This has caused most of the studies to focus on the boreal vegetation land-cover albedo during the snow covered periods of the year. In this study, the effect of five different vegetation classes (agriculture, broad leaves, coniferous, mixed forest and shrub lands) and the latitudinal gradient (northern, middle and southern Finland) and the vegetation phenology during the growing season on surface albedo of vegetated areas of Finland for the year 2009 has been investigated. The results of the study showed that there is a significant difference between the albedo of different vegetation land-cover classes. The albedo of agricultural lands tends to be systematically the highest in all conditions while conifers were the lowest. The vegetation land-cover albedo is generally lower in northern Finland compared to middle and south. There is a gradual increase in vegetation albedo until mid-July and after reaching a maximum level it starts to decrease towards the end of the growing season. The peak in albedo is reached about two weeks earlier in north compared to south possibly due to its shorter growing season and longer day during the growing season.
  • Tabi Agbor, Ferdinand Tanyi (2015)
    Community-based forest management (CBFM) is believed to have potentials to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, achieve sustainable forest management and improve local livelihood especially in developing countries. In the 1980s, Burkina Faso acknowledged and integrated this model in managing some of its forest resources. A fifteen-year rotation period within a forest management unit (FMU), considered one of the few success stories of community forest management in Africa, was established. Until now, most empirical studies conducted on the subject in the country have focused on governance, local participation and benefit sharing. But, with over 80% of the country’s population dependent on fuelwood, as the main source of household energy, observations and other field information of these forests revealed irregularities which questioned the actual management processes. This study therefore aimed to assess the sustainability of community forest management in Burkina Faso by evaluating whether the management practices complied with those in the management plan. A “Chantier d’Aménagement Forestier” (CAF) of Cassou, comprising of twelve forest management units (FMUs), created for fuelwood production destined to the capital city, Ouagadougou was selected, and three managements units: FMU I, FMU VIII and FMU IX were randomly selected for this study. The management plan was analyzed using their prescribed logging information. Management practices were then analyzed by comparing the prescribed logging and actually logged information. Forest inventories and field observations were conducted in the selected FMUs to collected field data and to identify other factors affecting management activities. Findings show that the management plan was appropriately elaborated, but management practices did not adhere to the prescribed norms, which resulted in overexploitation of forests. Field observations revealed that the forest was subjected to many interrelated human activities and processes, which made the logging unsustainable. This study includes proposals, which if correctly applied, can reduce pressure on the forest and improve the sustainability of forest management.
  • Tolppanen, Maria Elena (2016)
    Rakennetut kosteikot ovat keinotekoisia kosteikkojärjestelmiä, jotka on suunniteltu ja rakennettu hyödyntämään luonnon prosesseja. Taajamissa kosteikot toimivat laaja-alaisina ekosysteemipalveluiden tarjoajina. Luonnonkosteikkojen kasvihuonekaasujen vaihtoa on tutkittu paljon, mutta rakennettuja kosteikoita, jotka toimivat taajamissa on tutkittu vähän. Nummelan Portin rakennetun taajamakosteikon tavoitteena on estää ravinteiden ja haitta-aineiden suoraa kulkua Enäjärveen puhdistamalla Kilsoinpuron valuma-alueelta kertyvää vettä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Nummelan Portin rakennetun taajamakosteikon keskeisten kasvihuonekaasujen hiilidioksidin (CO2), metaanin (CH4) ja dityppioksidin (N2O) vuot. Kiinteiden ja kelluvien kammiomittausten tarkoituksena oli vastata siihen kuinka kosteikon erilaiset kasvupaikat myötävaikuttavat alueelliseen ja kesänaikaiseen vuohon. Aineisto kerättiin taajamakosteikolta touko-elokuun välisenä aikana vuonna 2014. Kasvihuonekaasumittauksia varten taajamakosteikolle asennettiin 18 kiinteää kaulusta, joista muodostettiin kuusi kaulusryhmää. Näiden lisäksi mittauksia tehtiin avoimella vesipinnalla kosteikon sisäänvirtauspisteessä, keskivälissä ja ulosvirtauspisteessä. Mittauksissa käytettiin suljetun kammion menetelmää sekä kuplankeräimiä. Kasvihuonekaasuvoiden lisäksi seurattiin mittauspisteiden vedenpinnan korkeutta suhteessa maanpintaan, maaperän lämpötilaa sekä kasvillisuutta. Kiinteiden mittauspisteiden bruttofotosynteesi vaihteli 655 – 6403 mg m-2 h-1 välillä, ekosysteemin hiilidioksidin nettovaihto 216 – 4385 mg m-2 h-1 ja ekosysteemin respiraatio -204 – -2936 mg m-2 h-1 välillä. Kiinteiden mittauspisteiden CH4-vuo vaihteli 0,02 – 55 mg m-2 h-1 ja N2O-vuo -2 x 10-4 – 3,2 x 10-2 μg m-2 h-1 välillä. Avoimen vesipinnan CH4-vuo vaihteli 0,04 – 36 mg m-2 h-1 ja N2O-vuo 1 x 10-2 – 1 x 10-1 μg m-2 h-1 välillä. Vedenpinnan korkeus suhteessa maanpintaan selitti noin 30 % veden alla tai osittain veden alla olevien kaulusryhmien CH4-voista. Kokonaislehtialan todettiin selittävän yli 60 % ekosysteemin hiilidioksidin nettovaihdosta kyseisissä kaulusryhmissä. Maan lämpötila viiden senttimetrin syvyydessä selitti 24 – 37 % N2O-voista neljän kaulusryhmän osalta. Tutkimuksen perusteella Nummelan Portin rakennettu taajamakosteikko oli CO2:n kohdalla nielu kesän 2014 mittauksissa. Mittausten perusteella CO2:n sidonta oli suurempaa ekosysteemiin päin (bruttofotosynteesi ja ekosysteemin hiilidioksidin nettovaihto) kuin ilmakehään (ekosysteemin respiraatio). CO2-voiden mukaan kasvupaikat, joissa oli suurempi kokonaislehtialaindeksi sitoivat CO2:a enemmän kuin vähemmän kasvustoa omaavat kasvupaikat. Taajamakosteikko oli CH4:n lähde kaikkien alueiden osalta. Suurimmat CH4-vuot saatiin kosteimmista mittauspisteistä, jotka olivat kokonaan tai osittain veden alla mittauskauden aikana. N2O:n kohdalla päästöt ovat pienet, mutta kosteikko oli sen osalta kuitenkin lähde.
  • Arnkil, Sini (2016)
    The atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has increased in industrialized and densely populated areas, which according to previous studies may cause changes in the vegetation, microtopography, and carbon (C) cycling of peatlands. Knowing the effects of nutrient deposition is important, because a significant amount of C is stored in boreal nutrient-limited ombrotrophic bogs, which are also a significant natural source of methane (CH4). The aim of this study was to investigate how elevated N deposition affects the CH4 fluxes and vegetation in an ombrotrophic bog. This study was conducted at a long-term fertilization experiment at Mer Bleue, a Sphagnum moss and evergreen shrub dominated ombrotrophic bog in Ottawa, Southern Ontario. The experiment consisted of nine nutrient treatments, each with three replicate 3 x 3 m plots. In the summer of 2015, the plots had been fertilized for 11–16 years with 1.6, 3.2, and 6.4 g N m-2 with or without phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and control plots received distilled water. Methane fluxes were measured weekly from the beginning of May to the end of August using closed chamber method. Peat temperature, water table level, and volumetric soil water content were also measured. The changes in vegetation abundance and species composition were monitored monthly using point-intercept method. The results show that instantaneous CH4 fluxes at the bog are typically small (0–0.2 mmol m-2 h-1). The seasonal average CH4 emissions from N only treatments are equal to controls. However, the average CH4 emissions have increased after 15–16 years of fertilization from the highest NPK treatments compared to unfertilized control due to nutrient induced changes in vegetation, microtopography, and peat characteristics. The changes in vegetation include the loss of Sphagnum mosses and new deciduous species in the area. Due to the loss of moss cover, the peat has subsided and it has become wetter, which may explain the increased CH4 emissions. Direct effects of fertilization on the microbial communities may also be a factor. The results of this study indicate that elevated atmospheric deposition of nutrients may increase loss of C as CH4 in peatlands through a complex suite of feedbacks and interactions among vegetation, microclimate, and microbial communities.
  • Ruuskanen, Miikka (2017)
    The aim of this thesis was to study how the origin and treatment histories of spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus radiata, Pinus sylvestris) bark influence on the extraction yield of tannin. The bark is produced in large quantities during the debarking process and is considered as waste in traditional forest industry. Bark is mainly used for energy production. In comparison to wood tissue, bark contains more extractives that could have potential for various applications in pharmaceutical industry or bio-based adhesives. Stilbenes, lignans, flavonoids and tannins are typical extractives in wood bark. In this Master’s thesis, the focus is on the extraction of tannins. Bark raw materials were obtained from pulp mills and sawmills. Bark samples were processed as air-dried (drying < 50 °C) or fresh as it is after debarking. Samples were extracted in rotating air bath reactors at 90 °C and 10 % consistency. Eight batches were hot water extracted and five different time points were studied: 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 minutes. The extracts were analyzed with three UV-spectrophotometric methods: Folin-Ciocalteu assay, UV-280 nm method and Acid-Butanol assay. UV-280 nm method was used in tannin yield calculations. Tannin yield was the highest from air-dried spruce bark from sawmill (5.63 % from original dry bark). The second highest tannin yield (3.33 %) was from air-dried sawmill pine (Pinus radiata) bark extract. Fresh sawmill spruce and pine bark extraction gave 2.59 % and 2.65 % for tannin yield, respectively. The poorest yields came from the pulp mill bark samples. Yields from fresh and air-dried pulp mill spruce barks were 0.41 % and 0.97 %, respectively. In comparison, the tannin yields from fresh and air-dried pulp mill pine (Scots pine) bark were 1.13 % and 1.20 %. Results showed that the tannin yield increased when the extraction time increased. Statistical analysis confirmed that the origin and the treatment have a significant influence on the extraction yield of tannin. The reason for the differences in the extraction yields between barks with different origins are probably related to the different debarking methods. Sawmill bark samples gave a significantly higher tannin yield than samples from pulp mill. In sawmills, logs are debarked as dry in rotary debarker. Drum debarkers are typically being used in pulp and paper mills where water is used in debarking process. Contact with water may leach water-soluble tannins from bark. This is in accordance with the results that bark from sawmill was found to be an optimal raw material for hot water extraction. Further research should focus on optimizing hot water extraction conditions eg. by applications of chemicals.
  • Smith, Alistair (2013)
    Nursery grown seedlings are an essential part of the forestry industry. These seedlings are grown under high nutrient conditions caused by fertilization. Though grown in a controlled environment, symbionts such as ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcMF) are often found in these conditions. To examine the effects of EcMF in these conditions, colonized Picea glauca seedlings were collected from Toumey Nursery in Watersmeet, MI. After collection, the EcMF present were morphotyped, and seedlings with different morphotypes were divided equally into two treatment types- fertilized and unfertilized. Seedlings received treatment for one growing season. After that time, seedlings were collected, ectomycorrhizas identified using 1morphotyping and DNA sequencing, and seedlings were analyzed for differences in leaf nutrient concentration, content, root to shoot ratio, total biomass, and EcMF community structure. DNA sequencing identified 5 unique species groups- Amphinema sp. 1, Amphinema sp. 5, Thelephora terrestris, Sphaerosporella brunnea, and Boletus variipes. In the unfertilized treatment it was found that Amphinema sp. 1 strongly negatively impacted foliar N concentration. In fertilized seedlings, Thelephora terrestris had a strong negative impact on foliar phosphorus concentration, while Amphinema sp. 1 positively impacted foliar boron, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus concentration. In terms of content, Amphinema sp. 1 led to significantly higher content of manganese and boron in fertilized treatments, as well as elevated phosphorus in unfertilized seedlings. Amphinema sp. 5 had a significant negative effect on phosphorus content. When examining root to shoot ratio and biomass, those seedlings with more non-mycorrhizal tips had a higher root to shoot ratio. Findings from the study shed light on the interactions of the species. Amphinema sp. 5 shows very different functionality than Amphinema sp. 1. Amphinema sp. 1 appears to have the highest positive effect on seedling nutrition when in both fertilized and unfertilized environments. Amphinema sp. 5 and T. terrestris appear to behave parasitically in both fertilized and unfertilized conditions.
  • Yan, Lijuan (2012)
    Soil contamination can result in soil degradation, bring great loss to agricultural production and pose threat to human health. Many of the soil contaminants are petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) derived from crude oil or refined petroleum products. Phytoremediation which relies on plants and their associated microorganisms to remove contaminants is cost-effective and applicable to treat a wide variety of soil contaminants. Besides trees, herbaceous plants are widely and effectively used in the remediation of PHC contaminated soils. Greenhouse studies have found that Galega orientalis co-inoculated with Rhizobium galegae and plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) benefiting soil with nitrogen fixation is able to remediate PHC contaminated soils. The FP7 ‘‘Legume-Futures’’ remediation field experiment was established at Viikki experimental farm, University of Helsinki in 2009 in order to test the practical applicability of the greenhouse results in a field scale. In a split-plot design, crop (Galega orientalis, Bromus inermis, Galega orientalis + Bromus inermis, bare soil control) treatments were designated the main factor, oil (±) and PGPB (±) the sub-factors in factorial combination with four replicates. Soil samples were taken at four time points from July 2009 to May 2011. Soil total solvent extractable material (TSEM) was extracted and measured by the gravimetrical method as a direct indicator of oil content. Physiochemical properties (pH, EC, total C and N and C/N ratio) of soil samples (taken in July 2009 and Nov. 2010) were determined. The losses of total C and TSEM between July 2009 and Nov. 2010 were calculated to estimate the differences crops and PGPB brought in oil treated plots. Crop dry matter yields were determined. The changes of soil microbial population, bacterial diversity and community structures were studied by the 16S rRNA gene based community fingerprinting method LH-PCR. Bioremediation and physical removal were the main processes of oil removal in our experiment. Climate factors (e.g. temperature and precipitation) had an overriding influence on the removal of oil in our study. Soil condition with a neutral pH and C/N ratio in our field was optimal for biodegradation of hydrocarbons. The changes in soil microbial total DNA, diversity and community structure were sensitive indicators of soil contamination and recovery. Crop (Galega orientalis and Bromus inermis) and PGPB treatment had no significant effect on soil physiochemical and microbiological properties nor on the removal of oil in our experiment, which largely differed from our hypothesis. Resource competition between crops and microorganisms might have resulted in the better oil remediation in bare soils than in vegetated soils. Nevertheless, crops were found to have a high tolerance to oil contamination and surprisingly, the oil contamination seemed to increase the growth of both crop species. Bromus in mixture plots (without commercial nitrogen fertilization) had better yield than in pure plots (with commercial nitrogen fertilization) as a result of biological nitrogen fixation of Galega orientalis and Rhizobium galegae. Therefore the mixture of galega and bromus can be suggested to be applied in future phytoremediation projects.
  • Hakonen, Holtti (2017)
    Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin joulukuusiviljelmän ominaisuuksia ja viljelytoimenpiteitä sekä niiden vaikutusta kasvatettavien puiden tuhoalttiuteen. Tutkielmassa keskityttiin tarkastelemaan metsäkuusta (Picea abies) ja tavoitteena oli selvittää, esiintyykö tutkittavalla joulukuusiviljelmällä jokin tuhonaiheuttaja muita runsaammin aiheuttaen selkeän haitan joulukuusenkasvatukselle. Lisäksi tutkittiin, vaikuttaako joulukuusilla viljeltävää peltoa ympäröivän metsän ja avoimen maaston vaihtelu tuhojen esiintymiseen pellolla. Tarkastelussa pyrittiin myös selvittämään monokulttuurin ja sekapuuston mahdollisia vaikutuksia tuhoriskiin. Aikaisemmin ei ole tehty kattavaa selvitystä joulukuusiviljelmiä vaivaavista tuhonaiheuttajista. Tutkielmaa varten inventoitiin kesän 2016 aikana joulukuusiviljelmään kuuluva pelto Hyvinkäällä. Pelto inventoitiin viidesti kesän aikana, jolloin pystyttiin seuraamaan tuhonaiheuttajien dynamiikkaa kasvukauden aikana. Jokaisella mittauskerralla tarkasteltiin 820 puun otosta. Näin intensiivistä tuhoseurantaa ei metsikkötasolla ole tehty. Jokaisesta puusta määritettiin tuhonaiheuttajat ja arvioitiin latvuksen kunto. Inventointien perusteella luotiin malleja, joilla tarkasteltiin ympäröivän metsän ja avoimen maan vaihtelun sekä maalajin ja taimimateriaalin vaikutusta tuhojen esiintymiseen. Tuhojen aiheuttamien haittojen vakavuutta arvoitiin ristiintaulukoimalla tuhonaiheuttajien frekvenssit latvuksen kunnon suhteen. Kesän aikana esiintyi runsaasti versosurmaa (Gremmeniella abietina). Versosurmaa pidetään hankalana tuhonaiheuttajana joulukuusiviljelmillä. Lisäksi puiden laatuun vaikutti latvuksessa oleva aukko, joka oli syntynyt neljä vuotta aikaisemmin. Tätä tuhonaiheuttajaa ei ollut mahdollista jälkikäteen selvittää. Kolmas mittauskerta sijoittui kuusensuopursuruosteen (Chrysomyxa ledi) itiöintiaikaan, jolloin sienen itiöemät olivat selvästi näkyvissä. Kuusensuopursuruosteen merkit kuitenkin olivat seuraavaan mittauskertaan mennessä pudonneet pois, eikä se aiheuttanut näkyvää haittaa myöhemmin. Hyönteismyrkyn levitys yhdistettynä joulukuusille vuosittain tehtäviin typistyksiin poisti hyönteisten aiheuttamat tuhot tutkimuskohteelta. Typistettäessä leikataan kuusen tuoreimpia vuosikasvaimia, joissa myös iso osa tuhoista on. Joulukuusien kannalta haitallisimmat hyönteiset iskevät juuri uusiin kasvaimiin. Monokulttuurilla ei myöskään näytä olevan joulukuusenkasvatuksen kannalta merkitystä tuhoalttiudelle runsaista hoitotoimenpiteistä johtuen.
  • Ritala, Kaisa (2015)
    Nitrogen is an important nutrient for forest growth. The sources of nitrogen in boreal forests are underground processes, biological nitrogen fixations and depositions. The availability of nitrogen in boreal forests is limited, which is why biological nitrogen fixation is a crucial thing. In natural forests, nitrogen is fixed in bottom layer vegetation and in the bacteria that live on the ground, especially in cyanobacteria. The fixing activity of bacteria depends on many environmental factors, of which the temperature, moisture and species of the bottom layer are the most important. It’s been predicted that forest fires will increase in the boreal zone, due to climate change. This will increase the number of different successional stages. Forest fires are the most important disturbance in boreal forests, since they can initiate the succession from the beginning and affect the circulation of nutrients. Fires also affect the activity of biological nitrogen fixation by releasing nutrients and, partly or completely, destroying the bottom layer vegetation. The results of fires at different successional stages are poorly known and there’s no research concerning the whole bottom layer. The purpose of the study was to find out the effects to biological nitrogen fixation when a forest fire has started succession at the beginning. The material was collected at Värriö nature reserve in Northern Finland (67?46´ N, 29?35´ E). Four forests were chosen for the research. In these areas, fires had occurred 5, 45, 62 and 156 years ago. The forest type was sub-xeric heath forest, dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). To measure the nitrogen fixation, a sample plot was built in each forest. Ten samples of the ground vegetation and humus layer were collected four times during the summer from each plot. The biological nitrogen fixation was defined with acetylene reduction assay. The samples were analyzed for both the field moisture and saturation humidity at the different moisture stages. The inventory of the vegetation was performed with a 1 m2 area during the summer. In this study, it was discovered that the successional stage, growing season, vegetation and moisture affect the nitrogen fixation. Along with the succession process, the amount of bottom layer mosses increases, which enables a larger growing area for bacteria. The diversity of mosses can be linked to the moisture status, which is an essential thing for nitrogen fixation. From the results, it can be concluded that biological nitrogen fixation becomes important when mosses are recovered during the late succession stages. Climate change is supposed to increase the temperature and precipitation, which can slightly raise the level of the biological nitrogen fixation. In this study, the nitrogen fixation of free living bacteria was found, which might be of interest for future research.
  • Inkiläinen, Elina (2013)
    The conversion of vegetated land cover to impervious surfaces has made stormwater runoff into a major hydrological concern due to its capacity to deteriorate water quality and stream health in cities. Urban forests are capable of reducing the amount of potential stormwater runoff by regulating throughfall via canopy rainfall interception. The lack of stand-scale studies of urban throughfall hinders realistic estimates of the benefits of urban trees for stormwater regulation. Urban forests are extremely variable with regard to canopy cover and species composition and are to a large extent managed by private residents with varying landscape preferences. To quantify the amount of rainfall interception by vegetation in an urban forest we measured throughfall in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA between July and November 2010. We further analyzed 16 residential yards with varying levels of canopy cover to evaluate the relative importance of different descriptive measures of vegetation in influencing throughfall in an urban watershed. Throughfall comprised 89.7 % (StdErr=0.005) of gross precipitation in the study area. Canopy cover (p<0.0001) and the percentage of coniferous trees (p=0.0305) were the most influential vegetation variables explaining throughfall whereas leaf area index (LAI) was not found to be significant. Throughfall varied significantly among yards (p<0.0001) ranging from 84.0 % (80.2 % canopy cover) to 98.2 % (60.3 % canopy cover). Differences in vegetation between front and backyards resulted in 3.1 % less throughfall in backyards. Thus, residents‘ management choices at yard-level affect the amount of throughfall reduced at the landscape scale.
  • Kyrö, Johannes (2016)
    The idea of preparatory cutting is to improve possibilities for natural regeneration. Seed tree cutting is done usually about ten years after preparatory cutting. Preparatory cuttings as a forestry practice method has been known already for a long, but it is not yet commonly used in Finnish forestry. Preparatory cuttings is a recommended method in Finnish forestry guidelines even it is not well studied. The aim of study is to find out effects of different factors for the establishment of pine seedlings in natural regeneration. The main aim is to find out effects of stem density to the number and the height of seedlings. In old forestry literature site preparation does not include to forestry practices when preparatory cutting is a main method. In this study site preparation is examined, because it is known to increase the amount of seedlings when seed tree method is used. Site preparation can be done also under quite dense seed tree cover without essentially damaging trees staying on stand (e.g. Norokorpi 1983). Effects of ground and field layer vegetation are also examined. Data was recorded on study sites of Natural resources institute of Finland. Study sites locate in Northern Finland and eastern part of middle Finland. Experimental plots were thinned to densities of 50, 150 and 250 stems per hectare in 2004 –2008 and each site had also non-thinned control plots. To study effects of site preparation each study site had also plots that were thinned to densities 50 and 150 stems per hectare and prepared. Data is measured during seven years. To statistically test the effects of stem densities and site preparation on the number and height of seedlings four linear mixed effect models were constructed. More seedlings were recorded on stands thinned to density 50 stems per hectare than on non-thinned stands. However, the amount of seedlings in all stem densities was inadequate for successful regeneration. Density of 50 stems per hectare was best for height growth of seedlings. Site preparation increased significantly the amount of seedlings, but it didn’t have statistically significant effect on the height of seedlings. According to the results of the present study preparatory cutting without site preparation does not increase the amount of seedlings to the level required. Statistical models showed that vegetation had often a negative impact to number of seedlings. Logging waste had also a negative impact to the number of seedlings. Spot of germination had statistically significant effect to height of seedlings, but not to number of seedlings. The border zone between the exposed mineral soil and humus was the most favourable spot for the height growth of seedlings.
  • Hintikka, Heidi (2016)
    Taimikonhoito on uudistamisen jälkeen merkittävin kustannus koko kiertoajalla tasaikäisen metsikön kasvatuksessa. Nykyisen ohjeistuksen mukaisesti kaksivaiheinen taimikonhoito-ohjelma jaetaan varhaisperkaukseen ja varsinaiseen taimikonhoitoon. Hoitotoimenpiteillä varmistetaan taimikon häiriötön kehitys tuottavaksi ensiharvennusleimikoksi. Osalla taimikoista yksi hoitokerta voi olla kuitenkin riittävä. Yhden taimikonhoitokerran jäädessä pois on mahdollista saavuttaa merkittäviä kustannussäästöjä erityisesti suurta metsäomaisuutta hallinnoitaessa. Työssä tutkittiin varhaisperkauksen tarpeellisuutta UPM Metsän Väli-Suomen metsätiloilta mitatun koeaineiston perusteella. Työssä selvitettiin, oliko kesällä 2015 varhaisperkaukseen määritellyt tuoreen (MT) ja kuivahkon (VT) kankaan taimikkokuviot todellisuudessa perkauksen tarpeessa nykyisen taimikonhoito-ohjeistuksen mukaisesti. Työssä tarkasteltiin tuoreen (MT) kankaan istutuskuusikoita sekä tuoreen (MT) ja kuivahkon (VT) kankaan kylvömänniköitä. Tavoitteena oli mahdollisuuksien mukaan tunnistaa ne kohteet, joilla varhaisperkaus ei ole vielä tarpeen tai varhaisperkausta ei tarvita lainkaan. Nämä kohteet tunnistamalla olisi mahdollista saada kustannussäästöjä taimikonhoito-ohjeistusta päivittämällä. Työssä tarkasteltiin lisäksi kuviotietojen käyttökelpoisuutta varhaisperkaustarpeen määrittelyssä. Varhaisperkaus oli tarpeellinen nykyisen ohjeistuksen mukaisesti tuoreen kankaan istutetuissa kuusen taimikoissa. Perkaus on ajankohtainen noin viiden vuoden iässä. Istutuskuusikoista ei ole mahdollista hakea kustannussäästöjä taimikonhoitokertoja vähentämällä. Kaksivaiheinen taimikonhoito-ohjelma on lähtökohtaisesti tarkoituksenmukainen. Tuoreen kankaan männiköissä varhaisperkaus oli myös tarpeellinen ja tästä joukosta ei ole syytä hakea kustannussäästöjä. Tutkimuksessa tuoreen kankaan männiköiden osuus oli kuitenkin hyvin pieni. Kuivahkon kankaan kylvömänniköissä varhaisperkaus tehtiin tulosten mukaan liian aikaisin. Tutkimuksen mukaan varhaisperkaus ei ole vielä ajankohtaista noin seitsemän vuoden ikäisissä kylvötaimikoissa. Tästä joukosta olisi mahdollista saada kustannussäästöjä arvioimalla varhaisperkaustarvetta tarkemmin. Männiköissä olisi erityisesti huomioitava kasvatettavan puuston välinen kilpailu, kuvion kokonaisrunkoluku sekä mahdollinen spatiaalinen vaihtelu kuvion sisällä. Kuviotiedoista ei ole mahdollista nykyisen tiedon perusteella määritellä kohteita, joilla varhaisperkausta olisi mahdollista siirtää nykyisestä ohjeistuksesta. Nuorilla taimikoilla tiedot ovat laskennallisia. Tiedon täysimääräinen hyödyntäminen vaatisi taimikoiden tietojen päivittämistä, mikä ei käytännössä ole kustannustehokasta hyötyynsä nähden. Tutkimuksen perusteella kuviotietokannan laskentamalleja olisi syytä tarkistaa. Istutuskuusikoilla puuston kuviotietokannan pituustiedot ovat selvästi aliarvioita, kun taas kylvömänniköillä jossain määrin yliarvioita. Kuviotiedon laatuun ja lisämääreiden käyttöön olisi syytä kiinnittää huomiota, jotta tietoja olisi mahdollista käyttää tarkemmin varhaisperkaustarpeen määrittelemisessä.
  • Tamás, Molnár (2017)
    I choose to study Pääjärvi catchment area in South Finland, since different researches made at Lammi Bilogical Station are connected to my topic. I studied scientific papers from the area, especiall PRO-DOC project, collected basic data about the area and made my own research with my own approach. I used measured and online data as well meanwhile I created my own GIS maps connected to landscape ecological approach. I picked the most important landscape factors (elevation, slope, aspect, bedrock, soil, site type) and tested their correlation to each other and forest biomass and soil carbon stocks. As results I got that forest ecosystems are very complicated, each factor has impact on others, but only site type had stronger relations to every factor, especiall to both carbon stocks. But the topic requires more research.
  • Törmänen, Tiina (2016)
    In Finland, soil classification in forestry has played only a minor role. However several international classification systems exist, one being the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) used in this study. The criteria used in WRB to identify diagnostic properties, horizons and soil materials which are to classify a soil may not work everywhere. This is one reason why there is a continuous revision of international soil classification systems and a need to test them nationally. In Finland problems have been encountered with the criteria of international soil classification systems for defining a spodic B horizon. Empirical testing of soils classified as Podzols according to international soil classification systems has not been carried out in Finland. It is not known how many soil profiles considered to be Podzols actually have spodic B horizons, the official requirement for a soil to be classified as a Podzol. Soil classification systems provide detailed information of our soils and its properties in soil horizons. These soil properties are indicators of the degree of development in the soil. Podzols, considered to be the most common upland forest soil type in Finland, are formed through a combination of the five soil formation factors: climate, parent material, topography, biotic and time. These factors determine which soil formation processes operate, which properties develop and then which soil type classes are formed. There have been few studies in Finland that have examined the degree of podzolization of podzolized soil profiles in relation to soil formation factors. The aims of this study were therefore to determine the number of profiles (sampled from all over Finland) that were classified in the field as being Podzol that actually have diagnostic spodic horizons according to World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). The diagnostic spodic criteria of WRB have six criteria and these are based on morphological properties (horizon thickness and Munsell dry/moist colours) and chemical properties (pH, organic carbon content and acid oxalate extractable Al and Fe contents) of the E and B horizon samples. In addition, the degree of podzolization of the profiles using a number of podzolization indices (Thickness index, Rubification index, Al+Fe index and Podzolization Development Index) was determinate and importance of various soil formation factors (climate, topography, parent material, biotic, time) on the degree of development of the profiles evaluated. The study was carried out using soil profiles covering the whole Finland. The soil profile data is from the BioSoil project, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke. Study showed that field classification of Podzols based on morphological features (colour and thickness of the albic and spodic horizons) works well in Finnish soils. Except of albic colours criteria of morphological soil properties in spodic horizon are fairly equal with criteria of chemical soil properties. Podzolization intensity is poorly explained by individual soil formation factors (variables). Soil processes occur simultaneously and there is much interaction between/among soil formation factors. In certain situations, indexes based on morphological or chemical properties acts in an opposite way to each other. Nevertheless, time and soil texture (parent material) were the most important factors. Topography was noticed to have only a minor effect on podzolization.
  • Jaeschke, Eric (2014)
    The pocosins of the North Carolina Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP) region play a vital role in controlling hydrologic patterns and determine wetland development and ecosystem structure and function. However, these low-lying, shallow water table forested watersheds have received little research attention due to the relative scarcity of long-term monitoring data, watershed delineation challenges and scarcity of unmanaged sites. Without holding anthropogenic activities constant, specific hydrological processes such as runoff generation, are difficult to describe because of drainage network influence on soil water storage. The principal goal of this study was to develop and test a water balance framework for investigating runoff characteristics and the active watershed area contributing to runoff of a managed pocosin watershed in the ACP. Using a water balance approach, the first objective was to calculate monthly and annual water balances with particular emphasis on deriving, mathematically, the area contributing to runoff. The second objective was to explore the concept of variable contributing area by converting discharge measured at the outlet to runoff using a watershed area. The watershed area needed to produce runoff values that result in closure of the water balance equation represents the variable runoff contributing area. The calculation was done for different temporal periods: monthly, seasonal, and annual and runoff contributing area values compared to the topographically defined watershed area. The results of the study indicated that water balance components were generally in good agreement and closure tended to occur at longer time scales, decreasing for shorter periods. Lack of system closure at shorter temporal scales suggested that the contributing area to runoff varied and differed from the topographically defined watershed area. Active contributing area clearly varies temporally but on average is estimated to be approximately 600 hectares. Regression predicted watershed size was smaller than expected which could have been due to the difference between measured and predicted streamflow. The extent at which the active contributing area fluctuates depends on the compounding uncertainty of water balance components.
  • Gordillo Ruesta, Harold Augusto (2015)
    The current study examined the particular land use land cover change process that occurred in one segment of the Tambopata Natural Reserve Buffer Zone, in the Southeastern Peruvian Amazon region of Madre de Dios, during the period 2004-2011. During such period of time, the study area experimented significant land use transitions, mostly from tropical forest and farming areas towards illegal gold mining activities. Theory explained that such processes occur due to a particular combination of direct and underlying drivers. Therefore, the research objectives of the study, focused to undercover both drivers and their intricate interaction and dynamics that shaped the particular transitions in the study site. Theory also indicated that an integral land use cover change analysis is required to properly formulate sound and adequate measures and policies in order to effectively tackle further land use change leading to deforestation. The long term impact of such measures are transcendental in terms of climate change by avoiding considerable carbon emissions to the atmosphere. The chosen methodology was an integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches, which required primary and secondary data correspondingly. The collection of secondary data included land use change maps for each year of analysis and its corresponding land use change matrix, whereas the collection of primary data required extensive semi-structure interviews in the field. Additionally, the qualitative approach required in the inclusion of grey literature. The analysis of each set of data was initially conducted separately, which resulted in two different but complementary interpretations of the particular land use change in the study site. Both results were later integrated and examined altogether, which resulted into a complete and detailed analysis of the particular event in the study area. The final integration exposed the direct and underlying drivers of change. The integral results exposed a dynamic area that experimented rapid forest loss towards mostly illegal gold mining activities, together with a non-compensatory natural regeneration. In addition, important economic activities identified as forestry and farming concessions, experimented similar transitions. Integral results exposed the direct drivers of change, such as the development of illegal gold mining, the pavement of the Inter Oceanic Highway and new informal agricultural expansion. Similarly, the underlying causes of change were also identified as an intricate and complex combination of pre-established variables such as cultural, economic, demographic, social, political and institutional ones. It was acknowledged that a complex interaction of direct and hidden drivers created the particular deforestation process in the site. However, it was identified that new extraordinary variables remarkably accelerated the transition process towards illegal mining. Such variables were the astonishing international gold price, together with the Inter Oceanic Highway pavement and the relatively new but inefficient decentralization of the national forestry system. Such combination resulted into the remarkable land use conversion towards illegal mining, which caused rapid and pervasive deforestation. Finally, the government proved incompetent to deal with such event and its corresponding development by implementing actions that lacked a complete analysis of the direct and underlying causes, including the social and economic particularities of the area. This resulted into insufficient achievements and inefficient solutions.