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  • Träskman, Sonja (2020)
    Magisteravhandlingen behandlar temat unga jordbrukare och deras roll i EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik. Målet med avhandlingen är att kartlägga vilken roll unga jordbrukare spelar i Finlands lantbruk och jämföra med situationen i hela EU. Genom att undersöka utvecklingen i åldersstrukturen, stödformer och särdragen på gårdar ägda av jordbrukare yngre än 35 år kan man skapa en grund för utarbetandet av Finlands nationella strategi för att nå EU:s gemensamma målsättningar för inkommande stödperiod 2021–2027. Avhandlingen strävar också till att ge svar på om det finns någon interventionslogik mellan åtgärden att betala ut stöd till unga jordbrukare i Finland och EU:s gemensamma målsättningar för kommande stödperiod. Som teoretisk referensram används teorin bakom den politiska processen och i avhandlingen analyseras aggregerade data. Andelen unga jordbrukare har minskat inom EU, men åldersdistributionen avspeglar samtidigt en allmän trend för Europas befolkning. Oron för en åldrande landsbygdsbefolkning grundar sig primärt på antagandet att Europas lantbruk förlorar potential som unga jordbrukare skulle tillföra lantbrukssektorn. I litteraturen finner man belägg för att unga jordbrukare är mer produktiva än äldre jordbrukare och mer troliga att ta i bruk nya innovationer. Undersökningar visar även på skillnader i miljöbeteende och villighet at satsa på djurens välfärd åldersgrupperna emellan. Inom ramen för EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik har man under den senaste programperioden stött unga jordbrukare främst genom ett riktat arealbaserat direktstöd under första pelaren och ett etableringsstöd under andra pelaren. Bägge stödformerna ser ut att kunna utnyttjas i kommande stödperiod. Speciellt direktstödet till unga jordbrukare har fått kritik för att det saknar tydliga mål, interventionslogik och indikatorer för att granska effekten av stödet. Genom att undersöka aggregerade data, främst från Lantbrukets strukturundersökning, kan man se att andelen jordbrukare yngre än 40 i Finland varit ungefär densamma 2010-2019, medan andelen jordbrukare som är 65 år eller äldre ökat drastiskt. Trenden avspeglar den allmänna situationen för Finlands befolkning och kommer sannolikt att fortsätta i samma riktning. Resultaten visar även att de finländska jordbrukare som är yngre än 35 år främst odlar gårdar i de största storleksklasserna och de är mest sannolika att förbinda sig till miljöåtgärder. Frågan hur jordbrukarens ålder påverkar ekonomiska nyckeltal på de finländska gårdarna har inte fått sitt svar i denna avhandling på grund av bristande tillgång på data. Analysen av interventionslogiken för stödet till unga jordbrukare tyder på att antagandet att en ökad andel unga jordbrukare bidrar till målsättningarna för EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik är korrekt. Däremot finns det skäl att anta att andelen unga jordbrukare inte ökar genom att man riktar ett arealbaserat direktstöd till åldersgruppen och således brister interventionslogiken. Målbilden för jordbrukspolitiken är väldigt komplex och det finns andra stöd som står i konflikt med målet att öka andelen unga jordbrukare.
  • Paatela, Heli (2010)
    At present the operating environment of sawmills in Europe is changing and there are uncertainties related in raw material supply in many countries. The changes in the operating environment of roundwood markets and the effects followed by these changes have brought up several interesting issues from the viewpoint of research. Lately new factors have been influencing the roundwood markets, such as increasing interest towards wood-based energy and implementation of new energy policies as well as changes in wood trade flows that affect the domestic markets in many countries. This Master’s thesis studies the adaptation ability of Finnish roundwood markets in a changing operating environment, aiming to produce an up-to-date analysis considering new development trends. The study concentrates on the roundwood markets from the viewpoint of sawmill industry since the industry is dependent on the functioning of the markets and sawmills are highly affected by the changes on the roundwood markets. To facilitate international comparison, the study is implemented by comparing Finnish and Austrian roundwood markets and analysing changes happening in the two countries. Finland and Austria share rather similar characteristics in the roundwood market structures, forest resources and forest ownership as well as production of roundwood and sawnwood. In addition they both are big exporters of forest industry products. In this study changes in the operating environment of sawmill industry both in Finland as well as in Austria are compared to each other aiming to recognise the main similarities and differences between the countries. In addition both development possibilities as well as challenges followed by the changes are discussed. The aim of the study is to define the main challenges and possibilities confronted by the actors on the markets and also to find new perspectives to approach these. The study is implemented as a qualitative study. The theoretical framework of the study describes the operating environment of wood markets from the viewpoint of the sawmill industry and represents the effects of supply and demand on the wood markets. The primary research material of the study was gathered by interviewing high level experts of forestry and sawmill industry in both Finland and Austria. The aim was to receive as extensive country specific viewpoint from the markets as possible, hence interviewees represented different parties of the markets. After creating country-specific profiles based on the theoretical framework a cross-country comparison was implemented. As a consequence the main similarities and differences in the operating environment and on the roundwood markets of Finland and Austria were recognized. In addition the main challenges and possibilites were identified. The results of the study offer a wide analysis regarding the main similarities and differences of the wood markets of Finland and Austria and their operating environments as well as concerning challenges and possibilities faced on the markets.
  • Hermas, Melina (2023)
    Research shows that Finnish people could increase the consumption of some domestic fish species. Increased consumption has been calculated to have economic, social, and environmental benefits. The current situation of fish consumption is unsustainable. Academic literature on consumption and food systems emphasizes the importance of a holistic view to sustainability. Environmental sustainability has been emphasized and other dimensions of sustainability have been neglected, regarding policies and regulations of the fish industry. In this study, it is argued that observing the consumer perceptions of sustainability dimensions could help to develop a more sustainable fish industry and consumption patterns. The theoretical framework was formed based on literature review. A three-dimensional view to sustainability was used including social, economic, and environmental dimensions. The relevant factors to measure the importance of the dimensions were formed with previous studies on fish consumption. The research aims to reveal perceptions to sustainability dimensions importance from a consumer interface. The research questions are: Which dimensions of sustainability have importance to consumers regarding fish consumption? Are any of the dimensions and factors involved more important than the others? Are there differences between groups on the perception of the dimensions? The research was carried out as a quantitative online survey and shared on social media platforms. Data (N=107) was analysed with quantitative methods (descriptive statistics, crosstabulation and Kruskal-Wallis’s test). Most participants considered all sustainability dimensions important. Environmental dimension was the most important, and especially the factors of protecting the ecosystems, fish stocks and waterbodies. Between age groups a statistically significant difference was found in the importance of the environmental dimension. The results indicate that Finnish people are willing to consume more domestic fish, and care about the sustainability of fish consumption. This study contributes to the discussion of sustainable fish consumption and provides a new approach on developing more sustainable food systems.
  • Vehola, Anni (2021)
    Forests play a key role in climate change mitigation. There are different ways in which forests can contribute to both increasing carbon sequestration and reducing emissions. In Finland, forests are largely owned by private forest owners and thus the actions of these forest owners have a great impact on the climate change mitigation potential of forests. Thereby, this study examined the perceptions of Finnish forest owners on the following climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector: Forest management, More harvest, Less harvest, Wood products, Conservation, Adaptation, and Land use change. Especially, the study focused on “Less intervention” (a combination of three individual strategies), and “Forest management” as strategies and tested how the following hypothesized aspects are associated with the support for these strategies: the prioritized values affecting the choice between climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector, risk perception of climate change, political orientation, education level, and the size of forest land. The tested hypotheses were derived from the existing literature on theories and empirical findings on the perceptions of citizens and forest owners. The effect of the independent variables on the chosen climate change mitigation strategies was studied through linear regression analysis based on a quantitative survey with 892 responses. Regression models were established separately for both chosen strategies. On average, forest owners supported all climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector, except Less harvest. Further the results of the linear regression analysis supported all hypotheses to some degree. Perceived risk of climate change emerged as an important measure affecting the support for climate change mitigation strategies in general. Left-right political orientation was found important, where individuals positioned more on the right side of the political spectrum generally supported strategies that have more human intervention in forests. Forest owners’ prioritized values were discovered to significantly affect the support for climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector, and forest owners who valued biodiversity gave more support towards Less intervention and less support towards Forest management. Forest owners with a smaller property tended to be slightly more supportive towards Less intervention, but in the Forest management model, the effect was not significant. Similarly, the simultaneous effect of education and political orientation was significant in the Less intervention model, indicating that forest owners with a university degree and right-winged political orientation tended to be more supportive towards strategies with more human intervention in forests, compared to forest owners with a university degree and left-winged political orientation. Apart from hypothesized variables, gender was found a significant predictor of support towards strategies, where, on average, women were more likely to support Less intervention, and similarly be more opposing towards Forest management, compared to men. In light of the results, Finnish forest owners tend to be rather conscious about climate change and support on average different climate change mitigation strategies in the forest sector. Nevertheless, private forest owners are a heterogeneous group of people whose preferences vary greatly, and thus policies need to be implemented accordingly.
  • Pirttilahti, Maria (2013)
    This Master’s Thesis studies the main barriers in exporting forest products from Finland to Russia. The barriers are studied on three levels: the home market in Finland, the host market in Russia, and the internal resources and organization of the firms. In addition, the perceptions of industry producers on Russia’s WTO membership are examined. The focus of the study is on the mechanical forest industry circumstances and on the perceptions of small and medium-size producers that are currently not exporting to Russia. The home and host markets are examined through analyses of previous findings with emphasis on the most influential aspects. In addition, a survey is conducted to study the perceptions of producers. The sample consists of 28 small and medium-size producers within the mechanical forest industry in Finland. The survey was conducted between January and February 2013. The main barriers on the home market were in connection to economic circumstances. The production costs and the challenging competitive circumstances in particular were highlighted. In the host market, challenges were more complex and emerged from a web of factors. Nevertheless, emphasis was given to bureaucracy, corruption, and legal aspects. The surveyed industry producers stressed barriers emerging from the host market. Smaller firms were particularly concerned with cultural and language aspects. The WTO membership was perceived to have only a neutral effect in terms of instigating export activities. The results of this study thus indicate that potential exporters in Finland face a number of export barriers, and Russia’s WTO membership alone does not result in greater inclination towards exporting.
  • Rytkönen, Matleena (2014)
    Tarvetta tienvarsihaketuksen tutkimukseen luo kasvanut energiapuukysyntä. Varsinkin pienläpimittaisen energiapuun kustannustehokkuutta tulee kasvattaa, jotta saavutetaan energiapuun käytölle asetetut tavoitteet. Pieniläpimittaista energiapuuta on saatavissa runsaasti ensiharvennuskohteilta, varsinkin sellaisilla, joilla taimikonhoito on jäänyt tekemättä. Lisäksi ensiharvennuksilta talteen otettava energiapuu ei ole lisäksi riippuvainen teollisuuden ainespuukysynnästä niin kuin hakkuutähde. Tienvarsihaketuksessa paalit haketetaan suoraan kaukokuljetusauton hakekonttiin, josta se on valmis suoraan voimalaitokselle käytettäväksi. Fixteri Oy on keski-suomalainen yritys, joka on kehittänyt kokopuupaalaimen erityisesti nuorten hoitamattomien metsien puunkorjuun tehokkuuden parantamiseen. Paalain toimii automaattisesti yhdessä harvesterin kanssa ja siihen voidaan kerätä puita yksin puin tai joukkomenetelmällä. Paalaus helpottaa ja tehostaa erityisesti metsäkuljetusta. Paalien massa on keskimäärin puoli tonnia ja pituus 2,5?2,7 m. Kaksi Fixterillä tuotettua paalia vastaa energiasisällöltään yhtä öljytynnyriä. Pro gradu työssäni tutkin tienvarsihaketuksen tuottavuutta ja ajanmenekin jakaantumista eri työvaiheisiin. Tutkimuksen aikatutkimuksen videoaineisto kerättiin Padasjoelta viidestä haketustestistä sekä yhdestä murskaustestistä. Kerätty aineisto analysoitiin ajanmenekin suhteen sovelletulla aikatutkimuksella. Tutkimuksessa joudun tyytymään kuorman keskimääräiseen paalikokoon, koska paaleja on noin tuhat varastolla, eikä jokaiseen haketukseen otettuja paaleja pystytty erikseen punnitsemaan. Jokaisen kuorman massa ja tilavuus sekä siihen kerätty paalimäärä on tiedossa, jolloin saadaan haketuksen työn tuotos ja taakanmassa. Panos oli tarkastellessani tehoaika, joka on myös yleisesti metsätyön tutkimuksessa käytetty tehdyn työn määre. Aikatutkimuksen tarkastelun kohteena oli sekä hakkurin kouran työskentelyn jakautuminen eri työvaiheisiin että hakkurin tyhjänä pyöriminen. Lisäksi vertailtiin saatuja hakkeen palakokojakaumia ja niiden suhteutumista tavoiteltuun hakkeen palakokoon. Taakan koolla tai hakkeen kosteudella ja palokoolla ei ole merkittävää vaikutusta haketuksen tuottavuuteen. Taakan kokonaisvientiajalla ja sen vaihtelulla on tilastollisesti merkittävä vaikutus tuottavuuteen.
  • Luhtala, Eve (2023)
    This master's thesis investigated consumers' insights on sustainability, animal welfare, and nutrition-related qualities to increase the attractiveness of red meat. The study focused on Finnish young adult (18 to 35-year-old) flexitarians, who have reduced their red meat consumption and incorporated plant-based proteins into their diets. This study conducted a quantitative analysis through a questionnaire (n=588) and explored consumer dietary behavior, trust in labeling, social pressure, and opinions regarding rational and value-based quality factors through willingness to buy and pay. For Finnish young adult flexitarians, environmental, ethical, and nutritional factors emerge as the most influential aspects when changing dietary behaviors. The effect of social pressure is only mild, but flexitarians do exhibit greater bad conscience for red meat consumption. Domesticity is recognized as an important quality attribute for all respondents in this study. In contrast to other meat-eating consumers, flexitarians perceive plant proteins as healthier alternatives to red meat but still acknowledge its nutritional benefits. Most consumers, especially flexitarians, value ethical production and express willingness to pay more for meat with good animal welfare. Consumers' trust in company-provided sustainability and health-related information about their products is found to be lower than with general packaging information. The study proposes solutions related to carbon footprint and animal welfare labeling among others and emphasizes the significance of objective information and transparency. This master's thesis aids in understanding the quality factors necessary to maintain consumer acceptance of red meat and sheds light on the key drivers prompting consumers to adopt a more plant-based diet. The research guides companies and the meat industry on how to enhance their practices and bolster the attractiveness of red meat for future consumers.
  • Pietikäinen, Laura; Pietikäinen, Laura (2021)
    Fragaria x ananassa is a widely appreciated berry with its production growing all around the world. Thus, there will be a huge demand for strawberry breeding in the future especially since the climate change is casting an extra shadow upon the growing conditions which is also why there is a need for better understanding of different cultivar types. There are everbearing and seasonally flowering cultivars of both Fragaria x ananassa and Fragaria vesca. The seasonally flowering types such as ʻHapilʼ flower once during the growing season whereas everbearing types such as ʻCalypsoʼ flower for a longer period. The gene behind the change in the flowering habit has been tracked to the photoperiodic pathway of F. vesca although the gene behind the trait in F x ananassa remains unknown. The aim of this project was to compare flowering and vegetative responses of in vitro propagated everbearing F x ananassa cultivar ʻCalypsoʼ and seasonally flowering ʻHapilʼ in long and short day photoperiodic conditions in order to find out differences between everbearing and seasonally flowering cultivars. This was done by collecting data from phenotype observations linked to the vegetative and generative stages of the development of strawberries. The phenotype data was then combined with gene expression data of FaSOC1, FaTFL1, FaGA20ox4 and FaAP1 which are genes known to work on the photoperiodic pathway that regulates the switch between the vegetative and generative development of both F x ananassa and F. vesca. In addition, the expression of an everbearing phenotype associated gene FaFT2 was analysed. This study was a part of a larger project aimed to find out the genetic basis for the everbearing habit of F x ananassa. Part of the ʻCalypsoʼ plants were induced to flower already during the acclimatization period and the rest at the very beginning of the treatment period which then caused differential flowering times between the ʻCalypsoʼ groups. Short day grown ʻHapilʼ was induced to flower between weeks three and six whereas long day grown ʻHapilsʼ remained vegetative. Phenotypic observations were also backed up by the expression of FaTFL1 and FaAP1. Instead the FaSOC1 expression was repressed in short day conditions more than in the long days regardless of the cultivar type. ‘Calypsos’ were capable of producing runners regardless of photoperiod or flower induction. Consequently the runner production seemed to be regulated by factors outside of the photoperiodic pathway. However, the expression of runnering associated FaGA20ox4 was low and variable due to the sampling strategy. Interestingly most of the axillary meristems of short day grown ‘Hapils’ remained dormant for an unknown reason. Expression of FaFT2 was low on the apical meristems and further support for the role of the gene in everbearing phenotype was not found.
  • Birge, Traci (2004)
    Productivity and quality of two grazed coastal seashore meadows in Eastern Uusimaa were examined between May and July, 2002. A total of 18 1m2 sample sites divided into four separate cutting regimes were cut by hand to simulate grazing in the meadow. cutting regimes of various intensities were used to simulate the short term effects of different grazing pressures on the quality and productivity of the vascular plant forage in the meadows. Samples were dried, weighed and analysed for digestibility and composition. Digestibility analysis was carried out using in vitro digestibility analysis. A CNS- 1000 Elemental Analyzer was used to measure carbon, nitrogen and sulphur content of selected samples. The results showed that cumulative above ground phytomass productivity (AGPP) was dependent upon both biotope and cutting regime in the large (40 ha) Bosgård meadow, and that interaction betweeen these two factors was significant. The results of the smaller (<2 ha) Majvik meadow were highly variable between replicates. This variation overshadowed possible effects of biotope and cutting regime and their interaction. Quality was dependent upon both biotope and cutting regime. D-value decreased over time.
  • Aalto, Sanni (2017)
    Microalgae are promising raw materials for food- and biotechnology because they contain a lot of proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, pigments, vitamins and minerals. There are few studies on vitamin B in microalgae and some of them are based on partly inaccurate methods. Microalgae in general, analytical methods regarding their analysis and how they use vitamins were discussed in the literature part of this thesis. The structures, chemical properties and occurrence in foods as well as commonly used analytical methods of the vitamins in question were presented. The aim of the experimental part of this thesis was to analyse commercially marketed microalgae supplements (Chlorella sp. and Arthrospira sp. (spirulina)) and laboratory-grown microalga (Euglena gracilis) as potential sources of folate, niacin, vitamin B2 and B12. Contents of vitamin B12, B2 and niacin were analysed using UHPLC method separately validated for each vitamin. The total folate content was analysed microbiologically and folate vitamers by using UHPLC. The vitamin B12 was analysed microbiologically and the active forms of vitamin B12 were confirmed using LC-MS. Acid hydrolysis was used in analysing niacin content. The total folate content in chlorella supplements was of the same order when analysed microbiologically or with UHPLC. Instead, in spirulina supplements the microbiologically analysed total folate content was higher than the total folate content based on the sum of folate vitamers analysed with UHPLC. At most, the total folate content of E. gracilis -sample was 3-fold higher than in commercial microalgae supplements. Especially in spirulina supplements, the vitamin B12 contents were clearly higher when analysed microbiologically than they were when analysed with UHPLC. The difference was most likely due to pseudocobalamin that resembled vitamin B12. On average E. gracilis -samples had higher vitamin B2 content than the commercial supplements. E. gracilis -samples and chlorella supplements contained more niacin than spirulina supplements. According to this thesis, commercially marketed microalgae supplements contained different amounts of vitamin B. Chlorella sp. was proved to be a great source of folate, vitamin B12 and niacin and moderate source of B2. The majority of vitamin B12 in Arthrospira sp. (spirulina) was pseudocobalamin. Despite that, spirulina supplements proved to be a moderate source of vitamin B12. On average, E. gracilis had the highest vitamin B content and it would potentially be an excellent source of vitamin B – if it was accepted for food use.
  • Peltonen, Jenni (2015)
    The first part of this thesis consists of literature review focusing on the folate vitamer chemical characteristics, the role of folate in human nutrition and health, the characteristics of folate in vegetables, berries and mushrooms, and also the determination of food folate. The second part reviews the experimental section of the study. Many food composition databases are lacking the folate content of unusual vegetables, berries and mushrooms. The objective of the experimental study was determination of total folate content in certain vegetables, berries and mushrooms using microbiological assay (MA) to update Fineli ® - Finnish Food Composition Database and also to study their folate vitamer distribution using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC). Vegetables contained more folate than berries and mushrooms. In vegetables total folate content ranged from 25 to 108 µg/100 g (fw), in berries from 11 to 38 µg/100 g (fw) and in mushrooms from 4 to 30 (fw) µg/100 g. In vegetables the highest folate content was in rocket (108 µg/100 g fw), and in berries in raspberry and in cloudberry (38 µg/100 fw). In mushrooms overwhelmingly more folate was penny bun (30 µg/100 g fw). Based on the four primary samples of chanterelles, growing region affects mushroom folate content and vitamer distribution. Chanterelles from Estonia had more than triple amount of folate compared to chanterelles from Finland (Estonia 13,3 µg/100 g fw; Mäntyharju (Finland) 4,3 µg/100 g fw). Expectedly the predominant folate vitamer in vegetables and berries was 5-CH3-H4-folate. In berries 5-CH3-H4-folate constituted 87–100 % of the vitamer sum, except for blueberry which had lower proportion of 5-CH3-H4-folate (33 %). Coriander, rocket, roman salad and lamb’s lettuce contained also a high amount of 10-CHO-folic acid (28–54 %). Affinity chromatographic purification was not suitable purification method for most mushrooms species. In particular penny bun and northern milk-cap formed a viscous solution which made the filtering and cleaning difficult. On the other hand, the purification method seemed to be more suitable for chanterelles and based on that mushrooms’ folate vitamer distribution was more versatile than that of vegetables and berries.
  • Zhang, Yuetuan (2015)
    The literature review described the importance of folate enhancement to human health especially to coeliac patients with an introduction to folate analysis, pseudocereals and possible fortification methods. The aim of this study was to study the natural folate enhancement methods in pseudocereal matrix. Pseudocereal materials consisted of buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa, each of which was subjected to three different treatments: germination, fermentation and combined treatment. Total folate determination was based on an official microbiological assay method (Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469). Germination of pseudocereals lasted for 4–5 days. Fermentation was conducted using either baking yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae ALKO743 or LAB Streptococcus thermophilus ABM5097. All germinated whole grain pseudocereals indeed showed a significant increase in total folate content. Specifically, the increase was 5.4-fold in buckwheat, 5-fold in amaranth and 2.6-fold in quinoa. Fermentation of native pseudocereals also enhanced total folate level. As for the combined treatment, the total folate level of germinated seeds did not further significantly increase or decrease in later fermentation period. Although more studies are needed for processing real pseudocereal foods, our study showed great potential of folate enhancement using germination or fermentation.
  • Basnet, Subash (2017)
    The literature review of this thesis was focused on the pathway of folate biosynthesis with enzymes involved in it and factors effecting the synthesis of folate by bacteria. The literature was also partly focused on the introduction to propionic acid bacteria (PAB) and the folate production by these bacteria. The aim of the experimental part of the thesis was to screen the folate productivity of selected PAB strains isolated from various dairy and cereal sources after 96-hours anaerobic fermentation and also to see the effect of precursor (para-aminobenzoic acid) of folate biosynthesis on folate production by the strains. Then to further investigate the folate production of some promising PAB strains from screening part either with glucose or lactate as carbon source at four growth phases in aerobic fermentation. The propionic agar medium was used with either glucose or lactate as carbon source in the medium. Optical densities, pH, cell masses were measured after fermentation and folate produced by the strains was determined from biomass and supernatant of the samples using microbiological assay. Carbon consumption and metabolic end-products were analysed with HPLC after fermentation. Some of the screened PAB strains were promising folate producers. Strain 257 produced folate up to 124 µg/l which is even higher than production by some good Lactic acid bacteria (LAB). PAB strains produced intracellular folate upto 28954 ng/g cell biomass and excreted folate into medium upto 107 ng/ml. Strains grew faster with lactate than glucose but cell masses were higher with glucose than lactate even in the low pH. PAB strains showed the highest folate productivity in anaerobic fermentation with lactate as carbon source and aerobic fermentation with lactate as source was observed to be the best for high organic acid production. However, further studies are needed to optimise the cultivation condition of selected PAB strains for their best folate production in different matrices.
  • Kinnunen, Salla (2024)
    Legumes are a good source of protein, and they have recently grown in popularity as a substitute for meat due to their lower environmental impact. Reducing meat consumption and replacing it with plant-based foods, such as legumes, is also known to be beneficial for health. Nevertheless, legume consumption in Finland is relatively low, and they are not yet a part of the typical diet for adults or children. Food education and role modeling play an important role in encouraging children towards healthy and sustainable food choices. This thesis investigated whether different food education methods can increase the acceptability of legumes in early childhood education. The thesis is part of the "Food Step" research project, and the data was collected from intervention daycares. The study surveyed early childhood education professionals' attitudes towards legumes using questionnaires. The questionnaires aimed to determine the acceptability of legumes before the intervention and how the food education materials used during the intervention affected it. Among early childhood educators, the use of legumes and related attitudes varied greatly. Most respondents reported using legumes in both the baseline and follow-up surveys, but they showed varying prejudices towards their nutritional properties, structure, and taste. Only attitudes towards the nutritional content of legumes changed significantly between the time points. In summary, the study did not observe significant positive changes in adult attitudes towards legumes. Food behavior begins to form in early childhood, and these patterns are known to be relatively stable. Food behavior-related patterns are learned, for example, in early childhood education. Therefore, it would be important to consider in the future how the attitudes of adults working in early childhood education could be positively changed for them to be better role models.
  • Lahtinen, Taina (2020)
    Both the ever-increasing littering problem and climate change mitigation have driven towards to develop more sustainable packaging solutions for food. Thus, a sustainability of a food package is a complex issue and needs careful analysis in order to ensure the paramount, the food safety. The recent research has concentrated to find novel solutions to replace for instance plastics as a packaging material. So far there has been very little data about the used food packaging materials and their volumes, especially in product groups, not only as single items. This thesis analysed the single food items sold in the Finnish supermarkets, by categorising the data into product groups and analysing the obtained product data further. The analysis focused to identify product groups for possible packaging material substitution, especially single-use plastics (SUP). Pre-determined criteria were used to identify the most interesting product groups for further research. The criteria included (i) sufficient volumes, either in packaging material weight in grams or in sales share, (ii) the suitability of the polymer type for recycling, and (iii) the possible impact of the SUP directive. The EU’s SUP directive (Directive (EU) 2019/904) sets several restrictions for the SUP use also in the food packaging industry. Therefore, there is a need to substitute some of the most harmful packaging materials. In most cases the main driver for substitution is the environmental impacts, especially littering and its prevention. This thesis concentrates to find possibilities to diminish the littering problem from the packaging material perspective.
  • Vuori, Valtter (2022)
    Tiivistelmä/Referat – Abstract Maailman ympäristölliset ja sosiaaliset huolenaiheet sekä sidosryhmien paine vaatii foodservice-toimijoilta toimia eri vastuullisuuden kysymyksiin. Vastuullisuuden ilmiötä tulee lähestyä toimialasidonnaisesti. Vastuullisuutta elintarvikealalla ehdotetaan tutkittavaksi seitsemän eri ulottuvuuden näkökulmasta: ravitsemuksen, eläinten hyvinvoinnin, elintarviketurvallisuuden, paikallisuuden, ympäristön, työolojen ja talouden näkökulmasta. Vastuullisuuden käsite on monitulkintainen ja käytänteitä sen alla on otettu käyttöön myös foodservice-markkinassa laajasti. Vastuullisuuskäytännöt ovat rajattu tässä tutkimuksissa vastuullisiin ruokahankintoihin. Tutkimuksen tavoite oli selvittää vastuullisten ruokahankintojen käsitysten ja eri vastuullisina pidettyjen tuotteiden ominaisuuksien painopisteitä. Tavoitetta tukevasti selvitettiin myös foodservice-toimijoiden käsityksiä heidän vaikutusmahdollisuuksistaan ja vastuullisten hankintojen toteutusmahdollisuuksista käyttäen Kesproa hankintakanavana. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus oli verkkokyselynä toteutettu kysely (n=12) liittyen foodservice-alan toimijoiden käsityksiin vastuullisista ruokahankinnoista. Verkkokyselyn kohderyhmä oli Kespron asiakaskuntaan kuuluvia foodservice-toimijoita. Tutkielma toteutettiin toimeksiantona Kesprolle, joka on johtava valtakunnallinen foodservice-alan tukkutoimija ja kumppani. Kespro toimi osin tai kokonaan tutkimuksen otoksen ruoanhankintakanavana. Ruoan toimitusketjun vastuullisuusriskin hallintaan sovellettiin agenttiteoriaa (agency theory), jonka keskiössä on toimittavan agentin ja ostavan päämiehen välinen suhde sekä päämiehen agentille delegoima tehtävä, joka tutkimuksen tapauksessa on vastuullisten hankintojen mahdollistaminen. Agenttiteorian mukaan päämies pyrkii hallitsemaan teorialle tyypillisiä ongelmia, kuten tavoiteristiriitaa, eriäviä asenteita riskiä kohtaan sekä mahdollista epäsymmetrisesti jakautunutta informaatiota. Toimitusketjun kontekstissa ominaista on samanaikaiset agentti- ja päämiesroolit sekä rooli toteuttaa ja välittää delegoitu tehtävä. Esimerkiksi ravintola on päämies suhteessa Kesproon, mutta agentti suhteessa kuluttajaan. Toinen tavoite oli käsitteellistää agentin ja päämiehen välisitä suhdetta tilanteessa, jossa agentti on asiakastaan suurempi ja omaa enemmän neuvotteluvaltaa ketjussa, mutta haluaa tukea päämiestään (yksittäinen foodservice-toimija) esimerkiksi vastuullisissa hankinnoissa. Empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin myös foodservice-toimijoiden kokemuksia agenttiteorian oletuksista sekä kommunikaatiosuhteen ja agenttiteorian ehdottamien hallintakeinojen toimivuudesta vastuullisuusriskin minimoinnissa suhteessa heidän agenttiinsa Kesproon. Seitsemästä vastuullisuuden ulottuvuudesta tuoteturvallisuuden korostuminen näyttää olevan foodservice-alan erityispiirre. Lisäksi ravitsemus arvostettiin korkealle. Nämä kaksi, paikallisuuden lisäksi, katsottiin voitavan myös toteuttaa parhaiten. Elintarviketurvallisuus ja ravitsemus korostuivat myös vaikutusmahdollisuuksissa. Merkityksissä kolmas oli eläinten hyvinvointi, mutta eläinten hyvinvointiin katsottiin voitavan vaikuttaa heikoiten hyödyntäen Kesproa hankintalähteenä. Eri vastuullisuuden ominaisuuksista korostuivat etenkin kotimaiset tuotteet, paikallisuus sekä lähituotteet. Sen sijaan ympäristö ei ulottuvuutena korostunut käsityksissä. ”Asiakaslähtöinen agentti”, jota ei ole käsitteellistetty aiemmin agenttiteorian kirjallisuudessa, mahdollistaa valvonta- tai yhteistyöperusteisen hallintastrategian päämiehelleen, eli asettaa toimintansa alttiiksi seurannalle ja avaa kanavia kommunikaatiolle. Toimitusketjussa se pyrkii käyttämään omaa asemaansa päämiehensä eduksi ja vaikutusmahdollisuuksia parantavasti mahdollistaessaan ja välittäessään tämän tavoitteet ruokahankintojen vastuullisuudesta. Päämies-agenttisuhteen hallintakeinoista vastuullisuusriskin minimoiseksi toimivimmiksi koettiin kattavat vastuullisuuteen liittyvät oman toiminnan sertifikaatit ja kriteerit sekä ketjussa välitettävät sertifikaatit ja kriteerit. Foodservice-päämiehet arvioivat hallintakeinojen joukosta yhteistyöperusteiseen hallintaan liittyvän kahdenvälisen kommunikaatiosuhteen toimivan heikoiten.
  • Koivisto, Minttu (2024)
    Tiivistelmä – Referent - Abstract Potato late blight is caused by Phytophthora infestans -fungus and is considered as one of the most destructive potato diseases worldwide. Annually, late blight causes large economical losses and causes destruction as well on leaves and stems as in tubers. Potato late blight can be controlled by fungicides but due the P. infestans genetic flexibility and resistance for fungicides is increasing, the controlling of the disease must me optimized. The current way to prevent late blight in Finland is to spray crops about every 7-10 days. To reduce the risk for resistance the use of pesticides should be reduced, and application times optimized. Application times can be optimized with the help of forecast models. There are forecast models programmed all over the world, but Finland does not have its own model. The aim of the study was to find out if Negative Prognosis (Germany) and Nærstad model (Norway) apply to use in Finland or whether they require calibration for the optimal use. The other aim was to find out what is the lowest dose of fungicide that potato late blight can be prevented. Field experiment was implemented at Potato Research Institute (Petla) in Finland. There were 12 different trial treatments in four replicates including untreated treatment. Year 2023 was a favourable year for P. infestans due the optimal temperature and high relative humidity which led to severe infection. Negative prognosis model was used to decide the start time for the fungicide use and Nærstad model was used in subsequent decision making during growing season. Crops were observed twice a week for late blight symptoms in leaves and stems until untreated plots were completely destructed by P. infestans. After that the plots were harvested and 100 tubers from each plot were gathered for the storage and later tuber blight observations. The rest of the tubers were sorted and used for calculating the yield and starch percentage. Based on the results from field experiment, Negative prognosis model is a good tool to predict the starting time of the spraying but not completely optimal. Both models require further research and calibration for optimal use in Finland. The best results were from the treatments that did not use forecast models in decision making. Optimal starting time of pesticide applications is the key to successful disease control and the substantial number of sprayings does not automatically lead to successful control.
  • Hoang, Ngoc (2014)
    Wooden furniture industry is a traditional low-technology based and labor intensive industry (Kaplinsky & Readman, 2000), which is highly recommended for global outsourcing. Besides, the raising of “China plus one” manufacturing strategy made Southeast Asian countries became new investment destinations. In case of Vietnam, the largest exporter of wood products in Southeast Asian, wooden furniture industry is highly export-oriented with a fast growing rate especially since 2008 (MARD, 2012). While the global economic crisis in 2008 has a vital impact on the national economy, it is reported that the foreign subsidiaries in furniture industry in Vietnam have outstripped their local competitors (VNS, 2013). Despite the importance of foreign subsidiaries in Vietnam, there is lack of study regarding their competitive advantage and strategy. Investigating on how foreign subsidiaries respond to the external challenges is essential to support strategic knowledge on managing industry? Under the influence of market turbulence. This empirical study used qualitative data from interviews with eight managers of foreign furniture processing subsidiaries in Vietnam. Results indicated that under the influences of global downturn, managers have become more proactive and flexible in their strategic planning when facing with chaotic turbulence, which brings both opportunities and challenges. The study pointed out that the negative impact of global recession was passed through in later time in low-cost manufacturing countries and business risks could be minimized especially in companies with a strong pool of intangible resources (reputation, technology, innovation capability). Despite its complexity, recession was not completely seen a threat, yet the managers perceived it as external turbulence from which organizations can benefit but only if they choose the right strategic orientation.
  • Sistonen, Sonja (2017)
    In recent years, the Laos economy – driven by the primary sector – has been growing fast, however poverty remains widespread. Economic growth is also influencing the livelihoods of rural people who account for 61% of Lao population and depend highly on forests and environmental resources. Many studies address the role of NTFPs in rural livelihoods globally but the total contribution of forests and environmental resources, and the associated changes in their access and availability, have generally been neglected, also in Laos. The overarching research question of this study aims to determine how dependent rural Lao livelihoods are on forest and environmental products by estimating their contribution in total household income and food security. The other objectives are i) to find out which forest and environmental products households are the most dependent on, ii) to compare NTFPs and timber in their contribution to livelihoods, and iii) to learn how the access to, and the number of, forest products has changed in the past and whether they are expected to change in the future. The primary data used in this study was collected in Mahaxay District, Central Lao PDR in March 2016. Altogether 90 randomly selected households were interviewed using semi-structured surveys in three sample villages purposefully selected along a remoteness gradient. In addition, two focus group discussions (one male and one female) and one key informant interview were conducted in each village to collect village-level background information. It was found that the sample households rely heavily on forests and the environment, especially for food products. In the most remote village 80% of the households would not have had enough to eat without the contribution of NTFPs in their nutrition. On average forest and environmental products contributed to 12% of the cash income of the households interviewed. The cash-equivalent value of subsistence income from forest and environmental products is higher than that of cash income from their sales all three sample villages. There were significant differences between the villages: the poorest village was also the most dependent on forest products for both cash and subsistence income. NTFPs were remarkably more important than timber for both subsistence and cash income. Bamboo shoots, firewood and mushrooms were the most collected forest products. Fallow was the most important land-use type for forest and environmental product collection. There was a strong decrease in both access to forest products and their availability in the past five years, and most sample households also expected the trend of decline to continue into the future. The kind of reliance on forests and wild lands described in this study is threatened by population growth, deforestation and forest degradation associated with Laos’ rapid economic transition. The strong dependency of the rural Lao population on forest and environmental income should be considered also by the Lao government in the aim for green economic transition.
  • Veijonaho, Simo (2018)
    Growing exploitation of natural capital has raised a concern towards Earth’s capability to provide equal benefits for all in the future. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals addressed this issue and set the framework for private and public operators to implement and develop more sustainable solutions. Circular economy and bioeconomy have been presented as models to foster the economy along with sustainability transitions. However, the models have been criticized for taking overall sustainability for granted. As a result, the merged concept, circular bioeconomy, has been introduced to address such sustainability gap. The circular bioeconomy concept implies a more efficient resource management of bio-based renewable resources by combining the concept of circular economy and bioeconomy in strategic management level. These new concept demands both new technological innovations and new business model innovation. This study explores similar and dissimilar patterns in the way Finnish SME propose, create and deliver value through circular bioeconomy business models. The study examines the relation of new concept to sustainability as well. The study was based on qualitative research, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight company managers or owners. The data were categorized into business model components and sustainable business model archetypes. The results revealed that sustainability-oriented business model archetypes vary across the examined companies. Dominant ideas are substituting fossil-based materials and energy with bio-based one, and practices enabled by new technology such as production eco-efficiency. More radical principles were missing, for instance prolonging the material cycle before incineration or solutions to reduce consumer consumption. While environmental value was well covered in the business models of companies, contribution to social value was taken for granted as a narrow outcome of economic and environmental values. As this study concerned the micro level perspective, for further studies would be beneficial to examine the meso and macro level transformation to get a more holistic view on business environment, where companies with circular bio-product innovations operate to reveal implementation barriers for the circular bioeconomy.