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  • Göransson, Annette (2018)
    ABSTRACT Background and aim of the study: Recently the reliability and accuracy of traditional research methods of food intake have been questioned. Traditional methods have a tendency to underestimate the energy intake of the subject. Individuals’ ability to estimate the portion size, memory, and self-report affects the reliability. New technology offers new tools for nutritional research. Individuals’ food and energy intake can in theory be estimated from photographs showing the food portions and left over food. In this master’s thesis the aim is to investigate if food photographs of preschool children can be used in assessment of food consumption. The reference method in this research was weighted portion sizes. Active food photography method has not in fact been investigated on small children before. Design and methods: This master’s thesis is part of the DAGIS research project. The subjects (n=22) were children aged 3–6 years in two day care centers in Helsinki. The food intake of the subjects was photographed during lunch hour and snack time in the daycare setting with two cameras. All food items and left over food was also weighed. Research material includes also the children’s food diaries filled in by the daycare personnel. Portion size estimates from food photographs and food diaries were compared against the weighted portion sizes. Arithmetic means and standard deviations were calculated for different food groups. The difference between the weighed portion size and the estimated portion size was calculated with 95 % confidence interval. The geometric means with 95 % limits of agreement were also calculated for the ratio of weighted and estimated portion size. Bland-Altman figures were drawn to assess the agreement between methods. Results: This master’s thesis found that on average food photographs overestimated the portion sizes compared to the weighted portions (geometric mean 1,06). The estimations made from the photographs were in line with the food records in if they over or under estimated the portions in different food groups. When comparing the energy intake from the study meals this study found that there was no difference between the estimated energy intake from photographs and the energy intake from weighted portions (geometric mean 1,01). The differences made in the portion size estimation (over or underestimation) were seen only in part of the food groups in both estimation methods. Conclusion: This study found no difference between the energy intake estimated from the food photographs and weighed portions. This was an exceptionally good result compared to earlier studies where food photographs have underestimated subjects’ energy intake. The explanation for the difference in results may possibly be explained by the study design. In this study the food photographs were taken at the day care centers by researchers and the day care personnel filled in the food records. Third party report is different from self-report. Food photographs have hardly been studied in food consumption studies with small children before. The heterogeneity of the previous studies and the lack of validation of the different food photograph methods make the comparison of the study results difficult. This study suggests that food photographs could someday even replace the traditional methods. Before that can happen, we need more studies where the method has been validated and the study settings is well planned forehand. Food photographs would be a useful tool for nutritional studies especially in a busy day care environment. KEYWORDS: Dietary assessment: food intake, energy intake, digital photography, food photography, food records, portion size estimation, children
  • Viljanen, Janne (2012)
    Exohomopolysaccharides (HOPS) are polysaccharides that are composed solely of glucose or fructose monomers and which are classified according to the linkage type between the monomers (e.g., dextran ?-[1?6]). Several different lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains produce HOPS from sucrose. It is known that maltose can influence the synthesis of HOPS which can lead to formation of oligosaccharides. In fermented foods, HOPS and oligosaccharides can have both technological impact and prebiotic properties. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the synthesis of HOPS and oligosaccharides in mMRS broths and in oat bran gruel. Lactobacillus reuteri FUA 3048, Lb. reuteri LTH 5448, Weissella cibaria 10M and W. confusa DSM 20194 were used as starter cultures. HOPS and oligosaccharide yields in mMRS broths were analysed by ethanol precipitation and acid hydrolysis. An enzyme assisted method was used in order to quantify linear dextran content in freeze-dried oat gruels. Oligosaccharide profiles were analysed with high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detetection. In mMRS broths, which contained 25 g/l sucrose (S-mMRS), LAB strains synthesised exosaccharides at concentrations of 0.9–2.3 g/l. Addition of maltose (34 g/l) significantly increased exosaccharide yield. This can be explained by strong malto-oligosaccharide (e.g., panose) synthesis. W. cibaria 10M produced 0.94 g/l linear dextran in S-mMRS broth and at 0.74 g/l in maltose containing broth and W. confusa DSM 20194 synthesised 1.7 g/l linear dextran in both broths. In oat gruel matrix (34 g/l maltose) W. confusa DSM 20194 synthesised 4.6 g/100 g dextran in freeze-dried gruel. In lower maltose concentrations dextran yield increased. Oligosaccharide profiles indicated that Weissella strains and the Lb. reuteri FUA 3048 strain synthesised gluco-oligosaccharides and Lb. reuteri LTH 5448 strain produced erlose. The results of this thesis give further insight in to role of maltose in HOPS synthesis in food matrices.
  • Bäcklund, Kirsi (2013)
    Boreal forest soil contains large nitrogen resources. Most of the nitrogen is bound to humified material and proteins. However, plants can directly utilize only simple nitrogen compounds as ammonium, nitrate and simple amino acids. The amount of these simple nitrogen compounds is very small in forest soil. Trees form ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with a large number of fungi. Ectomycorrhizal fungi receive carbon compounds from host trees and trees receive nutrients from fungi. Some ectomycorrhizal fungi produce proteases which are enzymes that hydrolyze proteins. This symbiosis might be important in utilizing the large nitrogen resources in forest soils and supplying nitrogen to host plants. The main aim of this study was to measure if ectomycorrhizas produce proteases in the field and to find out if the mycorrhizal protease activities change during the year. The aim was also to find out if proteolytic activity is found in the soil fluid and to see if the activities in soil fluid are related to mycorrhizal activities. Mycorrhizal fungi were isolated to form pure cultures and their protease activities were measured and species were identified. As background information mycorrhizal, nonmycorrhizal and dead root tips were calculated to see how their amounts change during the year. Also different kinds of protease producing mycorrhizal morphotypes were calculated. Samples were taken in Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Central Finland monthly from March to October. Fifteen soil cores were collected each month. If possible, eight ectomycorrhizas were randomly picked from the pine roots in the humus layer of each soil core. Protease activities were measured from the ectomycorrhizas and from the soil solution obtained from the homogenized humus layer using Protease Fluorescent Detection Kit (PF0100-1KT, SIGMA). Detection limit of the kit was enzyme activity that is equivalent to 5 ng of trypsin control activity. Results were read from the trypsin standard curve so the protease activities of the samples are equivalent to fluorescence of certain amount of trypsin control. Pure cultures were isolated to Hagem’s agar plates and species were identified by doing PCR from the ITS gene region and sequencing. Root tip and morphotype calculations were done by using a microscope. 12 % of all ectomycorrhizal root tips produced proteases. The smallest activities couldn’t be detected because of the detection limit of the kit. Ectomycorrhizal protease production varied between 0–12 ?g/m2 of soil. Statistically non-significant protease production peaks were observed in spring and autumn. The protease activity of the soil fluid varied mainly between 0–200 ?g/m2 of soil. The highest activity was detected in the frozen soil in March, when the variation was large and an average of 800 ?g of protease was measured per m2 of soil. The protease activities in the soil fluids were not related to the protease activities of the ectomycorrhizas. 17 pure cultures were achieved. Some of them couldn’t be identified to species level. Part of the pure cultures produced proteases. Number of mycorrhizal root tips was large in spring, decreasing in early summer and increasing again towards autumn. About half of the mycorrhizal morphotypes produced proteases. The most important conclusions are that ectomycorrhizal fungi produce proteases in the field and a lot of protease activity is also found in the soil fluid. The used method is sensitive and suitable for measuring protease activities directly from mycorrhizal root tips and soil fluid. Seasonal variation in the protease activities may occur both in mycorrhizas and in soil fluid.
  • Kuusisalo, Hanna (2019)
    Introduction: The research on the effect of plant-based diets is needed in order to promote sustainability and to recommend diets containing more plant-based and less animal protein, at population level. Objective: The aim of this thesis was to study how replacing animal protein sources with plant-based protein affects the intake of energy, protein, total fat and saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and n-3 and n-6 fatty acids, carbohydrates and the dietary fiber. Study compliance was assessed on the basis of protein intake (17 E%). Materials and methods: A 12-week clinical intervention study was carried out at the Department of Food and Environmental sciences in the University of Helsinki in spring 2017. This thesis includes data from 132 participants. The participants were randomized in three different groups which differed in their protein sources (animal versus plant-based protein): Group 1: 70 % of animal and 30 % of plant-based protein; Group 2: 50 % animal and 50 % plant-based protein; Group 3: 30 % animal and 70 % plant-based protein. Participants kept food diary for 4 days, both before the intervention and on the 12th week of the intervention. The differences between the intake of the energy-yielding nutrients were compared between the groups with variance analysis and Bonferroni test, and within the groups with t-test. The compliance was determined based on the intake of protein on 12th week of the intervention. Results: Compared to the baseline, the intake of the protein decreased in group 3 and did not reach 17 E%. In groups 2 and 3 the intake of saturated fatty acids decreased (p<0,001) and the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (p<0,001), n-6 (p<0,001) and n-3 fatty acids (G2: p<0,001; G3: p=0,016) increased. The intake of dietary fiber increased in groups 2 and 3 (p<0,001). During the intervention the intake of protein in group 3 (14,3 E%) was lower compared to group 1 (17,6 E%) and group 2 (16,3 E%). Compared to group 1, the intake of n-3 -fatty acids in groups 2 (p=0,004) and 3 (p=0,024) was higher and the differences were statistically significant. There were statistically significant differences in the intake of saturated, polyunsaturated and n-6-fatty acids and dietary fiber between the groups and the differences were statistically significant. The intake of saturated fatty acids was highest in group 1 and lowest in group 3. The intake on polyunsaturated and n-6-fatty acids and dietary fiber was highest in group 3 and lowest in group 1. Conclusions: When animal protein sources were replaced with plant-based protein sources, the intake of dietary fiber and unsaturated fatty acids increased, while the intake of saturated fatty acids and protein decreased. When animal protein sources were replaced with plant-based protein sources, the quality of the diet changed to correspond better to the Finnish nutrition recommendations.
  • Puranen, Taija (2010)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kotona asuvien 65-84 -vuotiaiden ruoankäyttöä ja ravintoaineiden saantia. Tarkasteltavana olivat miesten ja naisten väliset erot sekä koulutuksen, siviilisäädyn, asumismuodon (yksin/muiden kanssa) ja koetun terveydentilan yhteydet ruoankäyttöön ja ravintoaineiden saantiin.Tutkimuksen aineistona oli Terveys 2000 –tutkimukseen osallistuneet 65-84 -vuotiaat 1195 henkilöä, joista miehiä oli 467 (39 %) ja naisia 728 (61 %). Terveys 2000 -tutkimuksen ravintokysely toteutettiin käyttäen validoitua frekvenssikyselylomaketta. Naisilla oli paremmat ruokatottumukset kuin miehillä. Naiset käyttivät miehiä enemmän kasviksia ja hedelmiä. Naiset myös saivat ravinnostaan miehiä enemmän monityydyttymättömiä rasvahappoja, kuitua, A-vitamiinia, folaattia ja C-vitamiinia. Miehillä vehnän ja pastan kulutus oli runsaampaa kuin naisilla ja he saivat ravinnostaan enemmän suolaa ja alkoholia. Laskennallinen energian saanti oli miehillä keskimäärin 2418 ja naisilla 2318 kilokaloria vuorokaudessa. Hiilihydraattien osuus kokonaisenergiasta oli suomalaisia ravitsemussuosituksia vähäisempää, rasvan ja etenkin tyydyttyneen rasvan osuuden ollessa suosituksia suurempi. Muilta osin energiaravintoaineiden osuudet kokonaisenergiasta vastasivat suosituksia. Kuidun saanti oli riittävää ja sakkaroosin sekä alkoholin osuudet kohtuullisia molemmilla sukupuolilla. Vitamiinien saanti oli riittävää D-vitamiinia lukuunottamatta. Yksin asuvien miesten ja leskimiesten folaatin saanti jäi hieman alle suositusten. Suolan saanti oli suosituksiin nähden runsasta sekä miehillä että naisilla. Korkea koulutus oli miehillä yhteydessä runsaampaan kasvisten kulutukseen ja suurempaan C-vitamiinin saantiin. Matalamman koulutustason omaavilla miehillä vehnän ja pastan kulutus oli muita suurempaa. Korkea koulutus oli naisilla yhteydessä vähäisempään tyydyttyneen rasvan saantiin. Naimisissa tai avoliitossa olevat miehet käyttivät muita miehiä enemmän kasviksia ja saivat ravinnostaan enemmän proteiinia. Myös heidän C-vitamiinin saantinsa oli muita miehiä runsaampaa. Naisilla siviilisäädyn yhteys ruoankäyttöön oli erilaista kuin miehillä. Naimattomien naisten ryhmään kuuluvat söivät eniten hedelmiä. Naimisissa olevien ja naimattomien naisten kuidun saanti oli muita runsaampaa. C-vitamiinin saanti oli suurinta eronneilla ja naimattomilla naisilla. Yksin asuvat miehet käyttivät jonkun kanssa asuvia vähemmän kasviksia ja saivat ravinnostaan vähemmän proteiinia. Naisilla asumismuodolla ei ollut yhteyttä ruoankäyttöön, mutta yksinasuvat naiset saivat ravinnostaanenemmän kalsiuimia kuin ne, joiden talouteen kuului useampia henkilöitä. Oman terveytensä huonoksi arvioivat miehet käyttivät vähemmän ruista kuin muut. Naiset, jotka kokivat terveytensä huonoksi käyttivät muita vähemmän hedelmiä ja alkoholia. Sekä miehillä että naisilla huonoksi koettu terveydentila oli yhteydessä runsaampaan suolan saantiin.
  • Räsänen, Sari (2013)
    Maternity and child health clinics have a central role in preventing childhood obesity and providing the entire family with lifestyle counselling. The Pilot Intervention Study on Diet of Toddlers in Finland aims at evaluating the feasibility of a nutrition intervention in child health clinics. The Resourceful Family counselling method developed by the Finnish Heart Association is a family-centred and empowerment-based method employed in child health clinics that are part of the nutrition intervention group in the Pilot Intervention Study on Diet of Toddlers in Finland. The aim of this thesis was to describe the discussions about lifestyle issues in child health clinic. Another aim was to evaluate the translation of the principles and objectives of the Resourceful Family method into practice. Ten child’s one-year visits to child health clinic recorded in the Pilot Intervention Study on Diet of Toddlers in Finland were analyzed in this study. The check-up visits had been recorded in three child health clinics where the nutrition intervention was carried out. The research method was content analysis. The most frequent themes in discussions about lifestyle during the child’s one-year visit to child health clinic were: adjusting of the child to the family diet, milk or milk products in the child’s diet and vitamin D supplementation of the child (discussed during 8/10 child health clinic appointments). Salt in food preparation was also a common theme (6/10). In nearly all of the appointments (9/10) one or more theme related to the lifestyle of parents and/or the entire family was discussed. The nurse mostly controlled the counselling situation by bringing up new topics. The nurses invited families to participate in the discussions in more than half of the appointments in accordance with a specific guidance practice part of the Resourceful Family counselling method. The nurses linked the invitation to the Resourceful Family card. They provided families with information in a neutral manner. Some of the information provided was client-centred. Discussions related to changing habits were evident in more than half of the appointments. These discussions did not lead to setting specific goals or creating plans due to the lack of guidance practices aimed at helping the family proceed in the change process. Family-centred and resource-based lifestyle counselling should be developed especially regarding motivating the family and supporting the family members in the change process. Thus the importance of these two areas of counselling should be emphasized in the education of nurses.
  • Penttinen, Elina (2017)
    Tutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin aromien herättämiin mielikuviin ja tunteita analysoiviin tutkimuksiin. Lisäksi selvitettiin, onko aromeilla vaikutusta stressiin tai työmuistiin, ja millaisilla menetelmillä niitä on tutkittu. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko aistinvaraisella, verbaalisella kyselyllä ja valokuvilla mahdollista analysoida elintarvikearomien herättämiä mielikuvia ja tunnetiloja. Tutkimus tehtiin Fazerin kanssa yhteistyössä ja se koostui kahdesta kuluttajatutkimuksesta: aromitutkimuksesta (n = 116 henkilöä) ja viinikumimakeistutkimuksesta (n = 85 henkilöä). Aromeina käytettiin yksittäisiä elintarvikearomeja ja kahden elintarvikearomin sekoituksia. Ne valittiin sillä oletuksella, että osa herättäisi energisoivia (cola, inkivääri-appelsiini ja vesimeloni-greippi) ja osa rauhoittavia (vihreä tee, seljankukka-manteli ja hunaja-mansikka) assosiaatioita. Viinikumimakeistutkimuksessa näytemäärä vähennettiin neljään miellyttävimpään elintarvikearomiin: colaan, inkivääri-appelsiiniin, vesimeloni-greippiin ja hunaja-mansikkaan. Aromien herättämiä mielikuvia ja tunnetiloja tutkittiin kahden monivalintakyselyn (check-all-that-apply, CATA) avulla. Aluksi arvioijat valitsivat 16 energisoivaa ja rauhoittavaa assosiaatiota herättävästä valokuvasta jokaista aromia/makua kuvaavat valokuvat. Seuraavaksi arvioija valitsi 25 sanan aromitutkimuksiin suunnatusta tunnetermistöstä (Universal Emotion and Odor Scale, UniGEOS) kutakin tutkittua aromia/makua kuvaavat sanat. Lisäksi näytteiden miellyttävyys ja tuttuus määritettiin 9-portaisella luokka-asteikolla. Tutkimuksissa tuttuus ja miellyttävyys korreloivat ja aromit arvioitiin keskimäärin miellyttävämmiksi kuin vastaavia aromeita sisältäneet viinikumimakeiset. Aromien herättämille mielikuville valitut kuvat asettuivat suurimmaksi osaksi juuri energisoivien ja rauhoittavien valokuvien kohdalle, poikkeuksena hunaja-mansikka. Molempien tutkimusten kohdalla ennakko-oletukset täyttyivät inkivääri-appelsiinin ja colan tunnetermien arvioinnissa, sillä ne arvioitiin virkistäviksi ja energisoiviksi. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että monivalintakyselyn verbaaliset ja visuaaliset menetelmät ovat kuluttajatutkimuksissa hyödyllisiä aromien mielikuvien ja tunteiden analysoimiseen.
  • Johansson, Ari (2015)
    Emakonlihaa käytetään kestomakkaran valmistuksessa ympäri maailmaa (Pidcock ym. 2002; Rason ym. 2007). Emakonlihan käyttö ei ole kuitenkaan vakiintunut kestomakkaroiden lihalajitelmien lähteeksi Suomessa. Suuri syy tähän ovat emakonlihaan liittyvät ennakkoluulot, sillä. emakonliha poikkeaa väriltään ja aromiltaan lihasian lihasta (Sindelar ym. 2003). Vingolon ym. (2010) mukaan lihalajitelmien voimakkaan punainen väri on kestomakkaroissa haluttu ominaisuus, mikä voisi tukea myös emakonlihan käyttöä kestomakkaroiden raaka-aineena Suomessa. Kestomakkaroissa on valmistustavasta riippuen usein voimakkaan savuinen sekä suolainen aromi, joka saattaa peittää emakonlihalle tyypillisen metallisen ja happaman maun. Calkins ja Hodgens (2007) havaitsivat, että myoglobiinin määrän kasvu aiheuttaa naudanlihaan metallisen maun. Myoglobiini on lihan tärkein väripigmentti, ja sitä on emakonlihassa enemmän kuin lihasian lihassa (Bader 1983). Tutkielman kokeellinen osuus jakaantui kahteen osioon: ensimmäisessä osiossa verrattiin lihasian ja emakon M. longissimus dorsia keskenään laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Toisessa osiossa valmistettiin kestomakkaroita, joiden emakonlihapitoisuus vaihteli. Kestomakkaroiden kypsytystä seurattiin kolmen viikon ajan (pH-arvo, kosteus, kiinteys ja veden aktiivisuus). Valmiille kestomakkaroille tehtiin myös aistivaraiset arvioinnit, joissa kestomakkaroiden väriä, kiinteyttä ja aromia verrattiin keskenään. Kypsymisen seuraamisesta pystyttiin havaitsemaan, että osa kestomakkaroista poikkesi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi (p < 0,05) pH-arvoltaan ja kiinteydeltään kypsytyksen aikana. Aistinvaraisen arvioinnin tuloksista pystyttiin havaitsemaan, että kestomakkarat poikkesivat toisistaan tilastollisesti merkitsevästi värin osalta (p < 0,05), mutta kiinteyden ja aromin osalta eivät. Tutkimuksen tulosten ja kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella voidaan todeta emakonlihan sopivan kestomakkaroiden raaka-aineeksi
  • Lehtinen, Katri (2015)
    Punaisen ja prosessoidun lihan kulutus on lisääntynyt huomattavasti viime vuosikymmenien aikana. Runsas lihankulutus on yhdistetty mm. suurempaan riskiin sairastua sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin. Punainen liha ja siitä valmistetut lihatuotteet sisältävät usein paljon tyydyttyneitä rasvahappoja ja vain niukasti tyydyttymättömiä ja monityydyttymättömiä rasvahappoja, mikä voi osaltaan lisätä riskiä sairastua sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin. Porsaanlihan rasvahappokoostumusta on kuitenkin mahdollista muokata eläinten ruokinnan avulla tyydyttymättömämpään suuntaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten enemmän monityydyttymättömiä rasvahappoja sisältävän porsaanlihan syöminen vaikuttaa plasman lipideihin ja plasman fosfolipidien rasvahappokoostumukseen terveillä aikuisilla. Tutkimus toteutettiin neljän viikon pituisena interventiojaksona, johon osallistui 43 tervettä aikuista. Tutkittavat jaettiin satunnaisesti kahteen tutkimusryhmään, joista kontrolli-ryhmä (viljaporsas, n=21) söi tavanomaisesta porsaanlihasta valmistettuja tuotteita ja tutkimusryhmä (rypsiporsas, n=22) söi enemmän monityydyttymättömiä rasvahappoja sisältävästä porsaanlihasta valmistettuja tuotteita. Tutkittavilta otettiin verinäytteet tutkimuksen alussa ja lopussa. Verinäytteistä määritettiin hemoglobiini, plasman lipidit ja plasman fosfolipidien rasvahappokoostumus. Tutkittavat täyttivät ruokapäiväkirjaa kolmelta vuorokaudelta ennen tutkimusta ja kolmelta vuorokaudelta tutkimuksen viimeisellä viikolla. Lisäksi tutkittavien paino ja verenpaine mitattiin ennen tutkimuksen alkua ja tutkimuksen lopussa. Tilastollinen käsittely tehtiin IBM SPSS 22 –ohjelmistolla. Ryhmien välisiä eroja testattiin joko riippumattomien otosten t-testillä tai Mann-Whitneyn U-testillä. Toistomittausten tilastolliset testaukset tehtiin joko parametrisella verrannollisten parien t-testillä tai ei-parametrisella Wilcoxonin testillä. Tutkimusryhmät eivät eronneet toisistaan ennen tutkimusta minkään tutkimuksessa määritetyn ravintoaineen laskennallisen saannin suhteen. Tutkimusjakson viimeisellä viikolla rypsiporsas-ryhmä sai ruokavaliostaan laskennallisesti vähemmän kalsiumia, steariinihappoa, tyydyttyneitä rasvahappoja, trans-rasvahappoja ja enemmän alfalinoleenihappoa (ALA). Tutkimusryhmät eivät eronneet toisistaan painon, verenpaineen, hemoglobiinin, plasman lipidien tai plasman fosfolipidien suhteen tutkimuksen alussa tai lopussa. Tässä tutkimuksessa enemmän monityydyttymättömiä rasvahappoja sisältävän porsaanlihan syöminen neljän viikon ajan ei vaikuttanut plasman lipideihin tai plasman fosfolipidien rasvahappokoostumukseen. Tutkittavien ruokavaliot sisälsivät muita merkittäviä monityydyttymättömien rasvahappojen lähteitä, joten molempien ryhmien n-3 ja n-6 rasvahappojen saanti pysyi suositellulla tasolla koko tutkimuksen ajan. Sama entsyymi esiintyy kahdesti reaktiosarjassa, jossa ALA:sta muokataan dokosaheksaeenihappoa (DHA) ja kerran reaktiosarjassa, jossa linolihaposta (LA) muokataan arakidonihappoa. DHA:lla on elimistössä tärkeitä tehtäviä mm. tulehdusreaktioiden hillitsemisessä ja erityisesti sen pitoisuus on sydän- ja verisuonitautien kannalta tärkeää. DHA-pitoisuuden suhteen näyttäisi olevan edullisinta, että LA:n ja ALA:n saanti pysyisi kohtuullisella tasolla ja saantisuhde mahdollisimman lähellä 1:1.
  • Larmia, Laura (2016)
    Energiajuomien käyttö on lisääntynyt merkittävästi viimeisen kahden vuosikymmenen aikana. Energiajuomien käytön lisääntymisestä huolimatta tietoa sosiodemografisten ja elintapatekijöiden yhteydestä energiajuomien käyttöön on rajoitetusti. Lisäksi energiajuomien käyttöä koskevat tutkimukset ovat painottuneet nuoriin. Sen sijaan aikuisväestössä energiajuomien käyttöä on tutkittu vähän. Pro gradu -tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia energiajuomien käyttöä ja siihen yhteydessä olevia sosiodemografisia ja terveyskäyttäytymiseen liittyviä tekijöitä suomalaisessa aikuisväestössä. Sosiodemografisista tekijöistä tarkasteltiin sukupuolta, ikää, asuinaluetta, siviilisäätyä, koulutusta, pääasiallista toimea ja työn ruumiillista rasittavuutta. Terveyskäyttäytymiseen liittyvistä tekijöistä keskityttiin vapaa-ajan fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen, tupakointiin, alkoholin käyttöön, ruokavalion laatuun sekä BMI:hin. Kansalliseen FINRISKI 2012 -tutkimukseen osallistui 6 424 25–74-vuotiasta suomalaista. Tutkittavat poimittiin väestörekisteristä ositetulla satunnaisotannalla sukupuolen ja 10-vuotisikäryhmän mukaan. Pro gradu -tutkimuksen aineiston muodostivat kansallisen FINRISKI 2012 -tutkimuksen frekvenssityyppisen ruoankäyttökyselyn (FFQ) hyväksytysti täyttäneet (n=4 812), joista miehiä oli 2 184 ja naisia 2 628. Tutkimus sisälsi terveystarkastuksen sekä kyselylomakkeen, joilla selvitettiin tutkittavien sosiodemografisia ja terveyskäyttäytymiseen liittyviä tekijöitä. Lisäksi tutkittavat täyttivät frekvenssityyppisen ruoankäyttökyselyn (FFQ), jolla saatiin tietoa energiajuomien käytöstä sekä ruokavalion laadusta. Tilastollisina menetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia, χ2-testiä, Mann-Whitney -testiä sekä logistista regressioanalyysiä. Tilastolliset analyysit suoritettiin erikseen miehille ja naisille. Tutkittavista energiajuomien käyttäjiä (=vähintään 1–3 kertaa kuussa käyttäneitä) oli 8,3 %. Miehet käyttivät naisia todennäköisemmin energiajuomia. Sekä miehillä että naisilla ikä, ruokavalion laatu ja BMI olivat yhteydessä energiajuomien käyttöön. Työelämän ulkopuolella olevat miehet käyttivät työssä käyviin verrattuna epätodennäköisemmin energiajuomia (OR=0,55; [95 % CI=0,34–0,87]). Naisilla sosiodemografisista tekijöistä Pohjois-Karjalassa asuvat käyttivät epätodennäköisemmin energiajuomia verrattuna pääkaupunkiseudulla asuviin (OR=0,44; [95 % CI=0,22–0,87]). Lisäksi matalasti koulutetut naiset käyttivät todennäköisemmin energiajuomia korkeasti koulutettuihin verrattuna (OR=2,11; [95 % CI=1,27–3,51]). Terveyskäyttäytymiseen liittyvistä tekijöistä naisilla vähäinen vapaa-ajan fyysinen aktiivisuus oli yhteydessä pienempään energiajuomien käytön todennäköisyyteen runsaasti liikkuviin naisiin verrattuna (OR=0,35; [95 % CI=0,19–0,66]). Lisäksi naisilla tupakointi ja alkoholin runsas kulutus liittyi kohonneeseen todennäköisyyteen käyttää energiajuomia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin useita tekijöitä, jotka olivat yhteydessä energiajuomien käyttöön. Erityisesti miessukupuoli, nuorempi ikä sekä huonommat elintavat olivat yhteydessä suurempaan energiajuomien käytön todennäköisyyteen. Miehillä tekijät painottuivat sosiodemografisiin tekijöihin, kun taas naisilla sekä sosiodemografiset että terveyskäyttäytymiseen liittyvät tekijät olivat yhteydessä energiajuomien käytön todennäköisyyteen. Tulokset ovat pääosin yhteneviä muissa maissa tehtyjen tutkimusten kanssa.
  • Maukonen, Mirkka (2015)
    Introduction: Individuals differ by their circadian rhythms from extreme morning types to extreme evening types, referred to as chronotypes. Evening types tend to consume unhealthier foods and nutrients which may predispose them at higher risk of obesity as compared to the morning types. Recently it has been suggested that food timing may play a role in weight regulation. However, the association between chronotype, food timing and obesity is not well known. Study aims: The aim of this study was to describe energy and macronutrient intake timing by chronotypes, especially the intakes by 10 a.m. and after 8 p.m. and the differences between weekdays and weekends. In addition the association between energy intake timing and obesity was investigated. Materials and methods: The study population included 847 subjects aged 25-74 years from the National FINRISK 2007 and FINDIET 2007 studies. Of the participants 293 were evening, 308 intermediate and 248 morning types, based on validated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire. Diet was assessed using 48-hour recalls and 3-day food logs. Statistical analyses were conducted using general linear model, logistic regression and Mann-Whitney’s U-test. Analyses were adjusted for age, sex, education, smoking, leisure-time physical activity and sleep duration. Results: Evening types had later energy and macronutrient intake timing than the morning types. Evening types had 400 kJ lower total energy intake by 10 a.m. and 500 kJ higher total energy intake after 8 p.m. as compared to the morning types (p<0.001). Significant differences in macronutrient intake timing was found at the weekend. By 10 a.m. evening types had less sugar, fiber, fat, saturated fat and protein than the morning types (p<0.05). After 8 p.m evening types had more carbohydrates, sugar and fiber than the morning types (p<0.05). Higher energy intake after 8 p.m. was associated with obesity in the evening types but not in the morning types. The evening types who had more than 16% of their daily energy intake after 8 p.m. were twice as likely to be obese as compared to those evening types who had less than 16% of their daily energy intake after 8 p.m. (odds ratio 2.13, 95% CI 1.09 to 4.17). Conclusions: Chronotype was associated with food timing. Evening types had later energy and macronutrient intake timing than the morning types. By 10 a.m. and after 8 p.m. most significant differences were found in energy intake. Macronutrient intake timing differed at the weekend. Higher energy intake after 8 p.m. was associated with obesity in the evening types. Higher energy intake after 8 p.m. may put especially the evening types at higher risk of obesity. However, the cross-sectional design cannot reveal causality and therefore this hypothesis require further studying.
  • Forss, Annette Cecilia (2016)
    Bakgrund: Energidryckernas popularitet har de senaste åren stigit kraftigt i hela världen och just nu är 10-18 åringar den mest konsumerande åldersgruppen. Många ställer sig kritiska till huruvida dessa koffeinhaltiga läskedrycker är lämpliga att konsumeras av barn och unga. Målsättning: Studiens syfte är att se om det finns samband mellan intag av energidrycker under skoldagen och variabler rörande skolgång och välmående hos unga i årskurs 8-9 i Finland. Ytterligare mål är att beskriva storkonsumenten (intag oftare än 3 skoldagar/vecka) i förhållande till sociodemografiska bakgrundsfaktorer och levnadsvanor. Material och metoder: Folkhälsoinstitutets ’Enkäten hälsa i skolan’. Frågeformulär som besvaras under lektionstid i landets alla högstadieskolor. Totalt deltog 102 545 elever vilka var jämnt fördelade mellan årskurs och kön. Statistiska metoder som användes var korstabeller och logistisk regression. Ett signifikant p-värde ansågs vara < 0,001. Analyserna om samband till välmående- och skolgångsrelaterade variabler gjordes i två modeller, en där det individuella sambandet undersöktes och en där det korrigerades för sociodemografiska bakgrundsfaktorer och levnadsvanor. Resultat: Energidryckskonsumtion under skoldagen var vanligare bland pojkar än bland flickor. Av pojkarna drack 9 % 3-5 skoldagar/vecka medan motsvarande andel bland flickorna var 2 %. Nästan hälften av både pojkarna och flickorna drack aldrig energidryck under skoldagen. Elever som ofta drack energidryck under skoldagen hade större sannolikhet för att lida av sömnsvårigheter, trötthet, svag skolframgång, koncentrationssvårigheter och skoltrötthet jämfört med dem som aldrig drack energidryck. Efter att sambanden korrigerats för sociodemografiska bakgrundsfaktorer och levnadsvanor försvagades sambanden betydligt (OR sjönk från ca 3 till ca 1,5 för den största konsumtionsgruppen jämfört med ingen konsumtion). Sambanden var dock signifikanta även efter korrigeringen. Tecken på dos-responsliknande samband sågs inte. Storkonsumenter av energidrycker (intag oftare än 3 skoldagar/vecka) var typiskt elever som bodde i städer, hade tillgång på mycket fickpengar, hörde till låg socioekonomisk klass samt hade osundare levnadsvanor. Dessa levnadsvanor var kort sömn, lång skärmtid, oregelbundet måltidsmönster, intag av godis och läsk, rökning samt berusningssökande alkoholkonsumtion. Sambanden till läsk, godis och rökning var starkast. Slutsatser: Eftersom denna studie är en tvärsnittsstudie kan man inte dra några slutsatser angående eventuella orsakssamband eller uttala sig om riktningen på de funna sambanden. De funna sambanden mellan energidrycksintag och sämre välmående och skolframgång motiverar därmed för vidare forskning om orsakssamband. Eftersom sambanden inte uppvisade dos-responsliknande mönster och eftersom de försvagades betydligt efter korrigering för förvirrande faktorer är det dock sannolikt att andra faktorer än energidrycker spelar en större roll för elevernas förmåga att sköta skolgången. Denna studie erbjuder dock ny information om hurdana storkonsumenterna är, vilket kan vara till nytta för aktörer inom hälsofrämjande ifall framtida forskning visar att det finns orsak att försöka minska konsumtionen bland unga.
  • Peltonen, Kaisa (2018)
    New alternative feedstocks are needed for biofuel production to fulfil the growing demand in the coming years. The industry is moving away from second-generation biofuels, produced from food and feed crops, to using waste streams from industrial processes. An abundant, cheap and attractive waste stream for processing in Europe is the pectin-rich pulp from sugar beet processing and fruit juice industry. Sugar beet pulp is particularly rich in D-galacturonic acid and arabinose, but neither are naturally used by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which would be an interesting candidate for the microbial fermentation of the biomass. S. cerevisiae is one of the most used organisms in the industrial biotechnology, and methods for the genetic engineering of the organism are highly developed. To overcome the natural limitations of the yeast for D-galacturonic acid fermentation, the metabolic pathways present in other organisms could be integrated in the yeast genome. Two bacterial and one fungal pathway are known to convert D-galacturonic acid into metabolites of the yeast glycolytic and ethanol fermentation pathways, and are thus considered promising for engineering in yeast. A major engineering challenge in integrating the fungal pathway in yeast is the redox imbalance caused by the two NADPH-specific reducing enzymes. The aim of this thesis was to review the potential of different D-galacturonic acid pathways for yeast fermentation. S. cerevisiae is a well-characterised organism for heterologous protein expression, but at times functional expression of foreign proteins is not achieved. One approach to study the pathways was to clone and express enzymes of the bacterial isomerase and dehydratase pathways in S. cerevisiae, and to test their activity in culture lysates. In addition, to overcome the redox imbalance in the eukaryotic pathway, two approaches were used to obtain an NADH-spesific D-galacturonic acid reductase. First, a mutant library of the Trichoderma reesei gar1 reductase was designed with the structure-guided cofactor specificity reversal tool CSR-SALAD. An automated high-throughput screening method for expression in Escherichia coli was developed, and the library was screened for enzymatic activity. The second approach was to try to identify the sequence for the characterised NADH-utilising reductase from the single-cell algae Euglena gracilis. A cDNA library of the algae was made and screened with PCR and in vivo methods. The reductase uxaB of the isomerase pathway and dehydrogenase kduD of the dehydratase pathway were functionally expressed in S. cerevisiae, with specific activities of 1.1 µmol min-1 mg-1 and 0.22 µmol min-1 mg-1 , respectively. The enzymes dehydratase uxaA and isomerase kduI did not exhibit activity in activity assays. The galurD of the dehydratase pathway was expressed in E. coli, and the purified enzyme was successfully used to convert D-galacturonate to 5-keto-4-deoxy galacturonate. The approaches to change the cofactor specificity of the NADPH-specific reductase of the eukaryotic pathway did not lead to a discovery of a NADH-specific enzyme. More research is needed for engineering active enzymes for S. cerevisiae expression and constructing a fully functional D-galacturonic acid pathway for feasible D-galacturonic acid fermentation.
  • Sorokina, Dina (2015)
    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are generally recognized as safe micro-organisms and used in food preservation and as health promoting probiotics. Beside lactic acid, LAB produce several antimicrobial compounds of which especially bacteriocins provide new potential applications for food and pharmaceutical industries. Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthetized proteins or peptides with antimicrobial activity usually against closely related species. Whole genome sequencing project of lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis N8 has revealed a new bacteriocin operon which consists of a bacteriocin gene and ABC transporter genes. Similar operon has been also found in several other L.lactis strains including IL1403. Peptides expressed by these bacteriocin genes belong to lactococcin 972 protein family according to their amino acid sequences. In this master’s thesis, these novel bacteriocin genes from L. lactis N8 and IL1403 were cloned into Escherichia coli with plasmid vectors. New bacteriocins were named encacin A and B. Strong inducible promoters were chosen to achieve high bacteriocin production. Encacins were expressed in cytosolic and periplasmic spaces to compare the effect of localization on antimicrobial activity of peptides. The prevalence of encacin genes among different L. lactis strains was also studied. Four of ten E. coli recombinant strains constructed during this study were shown to produce bacteriocins. Two of them, which produced encacins into periplasmic space, also appeared to be weakly active against L. lactis MG1614 strain. Therefore it seems that localization of encacins in E. coli bacterial cell has an impact on the bioactivity of peptides. Screening of bacteriocins genes showed that over 90 % of L. lactis stains bear encacin genes, from which encacin B is the more frequent form. More precise characterization of encacin genes and peptides may help to gain new information about qualities and mode of action of these novel potential bacteriocins.
  • Areva, Hanne (2010)
    Johdanto Ehyt suolen epiteelisolukerros estää vieraiden aineiden pääsyn elimistöön. Eräät patogeenit, kuten enterovirukset, voivat vaikuttaa epiteelisolukerroksen eheyteen. Epiteelisolukerroksen läpäisevyyden lisääntyminen on liitetty autoimmuunitauteihin, kuten tyypin 1 diabetekseen, johon myös enterovirusinfektiot on vahvasti yhdistetty. Tiettyjen probioottisten bakteerikantojen on todettu vaikuttavan suotuisasti suolen terveyteen. Probioottien, kuten Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG:n (L. rhamnosus GG), on havaittu vähentävän suolen läpäisevyyttä. Tavoitteet Selvittää L. rhamnosus GG:n ja enteroviruksiin kuuluvan coxsackievirus B5:n (CBV-5:n) vaikutuksia suolen epiteelisolumallin läpäisevyyteen. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia, voidaanko L. rhamnosus GG:n avulla estää CBV-5:n mahdollisia haittavaikutuksia. Materiaalit ja menetelmät Tutkimuksessa käytettiin suolen epiteelisolumallina Caco-2-solulinjaa. Soluja kasvatettiin puoliläpäisevällä kalvolla päällystetyissä irtokupeissa 12-kuoppalevyillä, ja läpäisevyyttä arvioitiin transepiteelista resistanssia (TER) mittaamalla. Soluja käsiteltiin L. rhamnosus GG:llä kuusi tuntia ennen käsittelyä inaktivoidulla CBV-5:llä tai yhtä aikaa sen kanssa. Tulokset L. rhamnosus GG-käsittely vähensi suolen epiteelisolumallin läpäisevyyttä annoksesta riippuvaisesti, kun taas CBV-5-käsittely lisäsi sitä. Epiteelisolumallin esikäsittely L. rhamnosus GG:llä suojasi solukkoa CBV-5-käsittelyn aiheuttamalta läpäisevyyden lisääntymiseltä (p<0,01). L. rhamnosus GG ei suojannut solukkoa läpäisevyyden lisääntymiseltä, kun solukkoa käsiteltiin yhtä aikaa CBV-5:llä. Johtopäätökset Tämä tutkimus antoi ensimmäistä kertaa viitteitä sen puolesta, että L. rhamnosus GG:n käyttö ennen enterovirusaltistusta suojaa suolen epiteelisolukerrosta viruksen aiheuttamalta lisääntyneeltä läpäisevyydeltä.
  • Kaltiokallio, Maija-Leena (2017)
    Pulled Oats preparations are a new plant protein source that contain oats, pea and faba bean. People have been hyping this high-quality protein product but there may be a concern about possible naturally occurring compounds, which can deteriorate the health of sensitive individuals. The literature review deals with the chemical properties, analytics, health effects of FODMAPs (fermented oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols), vicine and convicine but also different treatment methods to reduce their concentrations. In the experimental work the concentrations of antinutrients were analysed and the bases of enzyme treatments were investigated to aid future research in reducing antinutrients in Pulled Oats. Three different samples from the Pulled Oats and four samples from the company X´s processes were analysed. The FODMAPs were analysed using water extraction and HPAEC-PAD (high performance anion exchange chromatography connected to a pulsed amperometric detector). The vicine and convicine were analysed using perchloric acid extraction and HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography). For the enzyme treatments, the samples were extracted and the supernatant was used for incubation. Two different kinds of α-galactosidase were used to decrease the amounts of FODMAPs and β-galactosidase was used to reduce vicine and convicine amounts. Pulled Oats contained FODMAPs and this can cause problems in the digestive system especially for people who suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Pulled Oats also contained some vicine and convicine, which can be harmful for individuals lacking G6FD (glucose-6-fosfate dehydrogenase). The amounts of antinutrients did not decrease during the Pulled Oats´ process whereas in the company X´s process they did. The enzyme treatments in laboratory conditions were effective for reducing the amounts but in the Pulled Oats´ processing conditions the result was not significant. The best way to eliminate the antinutrients could be enzyme treatments in the company X´s process. This study gave valuable knowledge for future investigations.
  • Suvanto, Sonja (2017)
    The literature review focused on the characteristics of bread-quality rye and how the composition and functional properties of rye are influenced by genotype and environment. Traditional rye sourdough baking process and main baking quality measurements were reviewed. The aim of this work was to identify baking quality of rye flour with different falling numbers. Another aim was to identify the measurement that best determines the quality of rye flour for sourdough baking and to find enzymes that can be used to improve poor-quality flour. In the experimental study, the baking quality of rye flours with different falling numbers (100, 130, 200, 300) was examined in processes for making sourdough rye loaves and serving-size flat breads. Rye flours with high falling numbers (200 and 300) were treated with commercial amylase and xylanase preparations. Falling number, amylograph and swelling curve measurements were done and results were compared to quality obtained in baking trials. Rye flour with the highest falling number (300) resulted in hard and dry dough as well as dense bread, as expected. Other rye flours (100, 130, 200) and flours treated with amylase resulted also in rather hard and dry doughs, although falling number and amylograph measurements confirmed the enzyme activity. Lower falling number and amylase treatments, however, were associated with improved sensory quality of final products. Xylanase made doughs softer and stickier, which improved both handling properties of dough and quality of bread in the loaf process. In contrast, the increased softness and stickiness made the serving-size flat-bread process more difficult. The viscosity decrease caused by xylanase addition was seen in swelling curve measurements. Adjusting the acidity of buffer solution to the pH level of rye sourdough did not improve the ability of the swelling curve to predict the baking behaviour of the flour. This study showed that falling number and amylograph cannot predict properties of rye dough. Differences between rye flours with different falling numbers were best detected in the sensory quality of the final products. The baking quality of rye flours could be modified by enzyme treatments, especially by xylanase addition, but the usefulness and desirability of the treatment depended on the type of bread-making process. The effects of added xylanase in rye dough could be predicted by swelling curve measurement. The overall results emphasized the importance of baking trials in determining the baking quality of rye flour.
  • Kortekangas, Anni (2018)
    The literature review focused on acid- and heat-induced protein gelation and the value of rice bran as a food ingredient. A protein-enriched rice bran fraction containing 24% protein, 24% fibre and 22% phytate was used in the experimental work. The aim was to investigate the effect of phytate on protein solubility and study the gelling ability and the effect of a phytate-degrading enzyme, phytase, and a crosslinking enzyme, transglutaminase, in heat- and acid-induced gelation. Phytase treatment of the protein-enriched rice bran fraction decreased the phytate content to 1%. As a result, protein solubility increased at pH 2 from 40 to 55% and at pH 4 from 40 to 47%. In addition, phytase treatment improved gel strength from 1100 to 8200 Pa and water holding capacity from 54.6% to 77.7% of heat-induced gels at pH 8. Acid-induced gelation resulted in low gel strength of 108–190 Pa and water holding capacity of 52.8–56.6%. Transglutaminase had limited crosslinking ability on the protein-enriched rice bran fraction and consequently acid induced gelation and final gel characteristics were not affected by transglutaminase treatment. Acid-induced gels showed fine and homogeneous microstructure, whereas heat induced gelation led to more dense protein and fibre network structure. Based on these results, the protein-enriched rice bran fraction has gelling ability upon heating and acidification. Phytase treatment had great technological potential in altering the protein solubility and heat-induced gelation ability of the fraction.
  • Lehtokari, Vilma-Lotta (2015)
    Eating disorders are a group of psychiatric disorders characterized by disturbances in eating behaviors, attitudes towards food, and body image. The diagnoses of eating disorders are based on specific diagnostic criteria agreed upon by expert committees. The disorders and the diagnostic criteria are collected in diagnostic manuals. In this study, the Diagnostic and Statistical research Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of American Psychiatric Association was used because it is used consistently in international research into eating disorders. The current Fifth Edition of the DSM (DSM-5).was published in 2013. The previous edition was published in 1994 (DSM-IV). The eating disorders specified in DSM-IV were anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). The remaining disorders were categorized as Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). EDNOS consists of binge eating disorder (BED), atypical anorexia (A-AN) and atypical bulimia (A-BN). In the updated edition, DSM-5, BED has been recognized as its own separate eating disorder, and the diagnostic criteria of AN, and BN has been revised and broadened. Those eating disorders that still remain outside these definitions are classified as Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED). OSFED eating disorders are A-AN, A-BN, A-BED, purging disorder (PD) and night eating disorder. The objective of this thesis was to survey and identify atypical eating disorders among Finnish young women in the FinnTwin16-cohort, and to find out how the changes in the diagnostic criteria of the DSM affects this group of eating disorders. The FinnTwin16-cohort includes all Finnish twins born in 1975-1979. The health and well-being of the twins has been followed regularly since the age of 16 using questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire for mental disorders, including the eating disorders was sent to the twins in 1998.The eating disorder survey focused on women. Of the female twins, 2835 returned the forms, and 548 of them were subsequently interviewed over the telephone for a more detailed picture of the person’s eating disorder. According to the survey, 185 of the women had an eating disorder. Using the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV, 55 had AN, and 46 BN. The remaining 84 women were diagnosed as having EDNOS. The EDNOS cases were re-classified using the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, whereby 31 of them were diagnosed with AN, 14 with BN, and one with BED. An OSFED diagnosis was established in 38 women. With the change of diagnostic criteria, the prevalence of atypical eating disorders fell from 3 % to 1.3%, and the 15-year incidence from 180 to 76 new cases per 100 000 person-years. The OSFED cases were sub-categorized as follows: 13 women had A-AN, ten A-BN, four PD 4, and five A-BED. Seven women were classified as having fluctuating OSFED: symptoms that either transformed from one subtype to another or alternated with asymptomatic periods. One patient first had A–BN, and after recovering, years later, A-AN. Night eating disorder was not assessed in this study. A-AN, or PD were more transient than other types of EDNOS: no one had an eating disorder for longer than five years. These groups also included the most underweight patients. Seventy-six percent of the women studied were of normal weight. A-BED, and fluctuating OSFED were longest in duration. The weight of the women in these groups continued to increase. Depression was linked to chronic, long-term OSFEDs and binge eating, whereas life crises lead to more severe but transient forms of OSFED.
  • Lempinen, Emilia (2016)
    The population is getting older worldwide and the global cost of cognitive impairment is rising. There is an urgent need to find ways to prevent and delay the onset of dementia and cognitive decline. According to previous studies food intake seems to be associated with cognition. However, while cognitive impairment usually develops during a long period of time, most of the studies conducted so far have focused on studying nutrition and cognition only at old age. The aim of the study is to examine, if there is association between food intake in youth and middle-age and cognition later in life. In addition it will be examined, whether changes in food intake are associated with cognition. The data is from the study The Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (abbr. FINGER). FINGER is a multicenter randomized controlled trial conducted in six Finnish cities. Altogether 1260 individuals aged 60–77 years and at risk of cognitive decline participated in the study. The data used in this study is collected in the beginning of FINGER. The participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire concerning present food intake and food intake, when they were 20 years old (youth) and 50 years old (middle age) retrospectively. This study covers the use of milk/sour milk, spread and fish. Food intakes from different age stages were used to form a diet index that roughly described the wholesomeness of participants’ diets. Cognitive status was examined by a trained psychologist. Participants performed a test battery of 14 different tests. On the grounds of these tests a total score was calculated that described participants’ cognition as a whole. Statistical analysis involved Student’s t-test, univariate and multivariate analysis and Tukey’s test. Both the food intake in youth and middle-age seemed to be associated with cognition later in life. The group of participants, who had drunken whole milk daily in youth had poorer cognitive performance than the group, who had drunk milk with less fat (p=0,014). The association between milk consumption in middle-age and cognition was similar (p<0,000). Also, the group that had spread butter on bread daily in middle-age, had poorer scores than the group that had used vegetable fat-based spreads (p<0,000). The diet index was also associated with cognition (p<0,000) It also seemed to matter, what kind of food intake changes had been made between different age stages. For example, the group, that had started using low-fat milk or stopped drinking milk daily between youth and middle-age had better scores than the group that had drunk whole milk both in youth and in middle-age (p<0,000). The food intakes in youth and in middle-age are import factors in trying to prevent and delay cognitive impairment. There is a need for more studies, especially to investigate the mechanism between early food intake and cognition later in life.