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  • Kurttila, Krista (2018)
    The literature review dealed with the extrusion processing, producing protein-rich extrudates, the attributes of extrudates and the future of snack-foods produced by extrusion cooking. The aim of the experimental study was to examine the influences of broiler meat and extrusion parameters to the structure of extrudates. The following variables were used: meat content of processed flour mixture, water content of processed dough and temperature of the sixth section and the die. Response variables were hardness of extrudates, expansion index (SEI) of extrudates, water content of extrudates, torque of the extruder’s screws and pressure of the extrusion dough at the die. The CCF modified Box-Behnken’s experimental design was used with total of 21 experiments. The meat content of the processed flour mixture was 10, 20 or 30%, the water content of the processed dough was 16, 18 or 20% and the processing temperature of the sixth section and the die was 110, 130 or 150 °C. Screw speed was 400 rpm and the feed rate was 68 g/min. The results were analyzed by Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and by Multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis with Matlab R2017b software. The sensory attributes of the extrudates were also observed. Regression analysis showed that torque of the screws was statistically significantly lower when the meat content of the processed flour mixture increased. Pressure at the die was statistically significantly lower when the water content of the dough, the temperature of the sixth section and the die or the meat content of the processed flour mixture increased. The water content of the extrudates was statistically significantly higher when the temperature of the sixth section and the die or the water content of the processed dough increased. The hardness of the extrudates was statistically significantly higher and the expansion index of the extrudates was statistically significantly smaller when the meat content of the processed flour mixture increased. Extrudates containing broiler meat were successfully prepared using extrusion cooking and differences of changing process parameters on structure of extrudates were detected.
  • Saarenmaa, Severi (2016)
    Tavoitteena työssä oli saada valmis, turvallinen ja maukas tuote uuteen tuotekonseptiin. HKScan Oyj määritti halutut ominaisuudet tuotteelle, jota tässä työssä noudatettiin (Liite 1). Tuotteen valmisteleminen vaati säilyvyyden, teknologisen- ja aistinvaraisen näkökulman tarkastelua tässä järjestyksessä, sillä säilyvyys määrittää sen, mitä ominaisuuksia teknologisesti jouduttiin hakemaan. Tuote piti saada aistinvaraisesti rakenteeltaan kuluttajille sopivaksi ja suolaisuudeltaan miellyttäväksi. Kirjallisuusosassa käytiin läpi teoreettinen puoli, jonka perusteella suunniteltiin, valmistettiin ja tutkittiin uusi lihaproteiinivalmiste. Tulokset osoittavat, että käytetyillä resepteillä ja kypsennysohjelmilla ei saavutettu 0,88 vedenaktiivisuutta, joka olisi taannut näytteiden säilyvyyden huoneenlämmössä. Esitestit ja varsinaiset kokeet jättivät näytteiden vedenaktiivisuudet yrityksestä huolimatta 0,92—0,93. Tämän lisäksi kahdella eri valmistusmenetelmällä ei löytynyt eroja aistinvaraisesti tai leikkausvoimia mitattaessa. Suolaisuuden suhteen kolmen eri suolapitoisuuden välillä ei ollut merkitseviä eroja, vaikka keskiarvoissa 1,6 % näkyi hieman suurempana suolaisuuden keskiarvona aistinvaraisissa testeissä. Myöskään leikkausvoimien välillä ei ollut merkitseviä eroja valmistuserissä. Tuotekonseptin tavoitteiden mukaisen proteiinipatukan valmistus oli tämän tutkimuksen osalta osoittautunut lähes mahdottomaksi HKScan Finland Oyj:n Vantaan tuotantolaitoksessa, jonka prosesseihin tuote piti soveltua. Työn tulokset ovat hyvä pohja jatkokehitykselle.
  • Vikgren, Päivi (2017)
    Kauran ja ohran (1→3)(1→4)-β-D-beetaglukaanit muodostavat viskooseja liuoksia ja kykenevät muodostamaan geelejä. Geeliytymisominaisuuksiin vaikuttavat molekyylin rakenne (kuten sellotriosyyli- ja sellotetrasyyli yksiköiden–suhde), koko, beetaglukaanin pitoisuus liuoksessa ja varastointiaika. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käytiin läpi beetaglukaanin viskositeetin ja geeliytymisen merkitystä elintarviketeollisuuden tarpeille sekä terveysvaikutuksille. Lisäksi käytiin läpi tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat viskositeettiin ja geeliytymiseen. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten liukenemislämpötila ohjaa ohran ja kauran beetaglukaanin viskositeettia ja geeliytymistä, kun pitoisuus on pieni (ohra 1 % ja kaura 1,5 %). Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, miten liuoksen hapettaminen vaikutti geeliytymiseen. Beetaglukaania liuotettiin 37, 57 ja 85 ºC:een lämpötiloissa ja sen jälkeen puolet näytteistä hapetettiin 70 mM vetyperoksidilla. Näytteiden viskositeettia ja geeliytymistä mitattiin päivinä 1, 4 ja 7 näytteen valmistamisen jälkeen reometrillä ja lisäksi näytteiden sameutta tutkittiin spektrofotometrillä samoina päivinä. Geeliytymislämpötilan optimoimiseksi kauran betaglukaanille tehtiin vielä lisätestejä 35, 37, 40, 45 ja 50 ºC:ssa. Beetaglukaani liukeni 85 ºC:ssa veteen lähes täysin muodostaen jonkin verran viskooseja liuoksia. Hapettuneiden näytteiden viskositeetit laskivat varastoinnin aikana. Nämä liuokset eivät geeliytyneet varastoinnin aikana. Ohran beetaglukaaneista 57 ºC:ssa liuotettu oli viskoosein, ja kauran beetaglukaaneista 37 ºC:ssa liuotettu oli viskoosein. Ohran beetaglukaani kykeni muodostamaan geeliä ainoastaan, kun se oli liuotettu 57 ºC:ssa, kun taas kauran beetaglukaanilla oli laajempi liuotuslämpötila alue. 37 – 50 ºC:ssa liuenneet kauran beetaglukaanit muodostivat geelin. Hapettamattomien näytteiden muodostamat geelit olivat vahvempia kuin hapetettujen. Tulosten perusteella liuotuslämpötilalla oli suuri vaikutus sekä kauran että ohran beetaglukaanin viskositeettiin ja geeliytymiseen. Optimaalinen liuotuslämpötila viskositeetin ja geeliytymisen kannalta ohran beetaglukaanille oli 57 ºC ja kauran beetaglukaanille 37 – 45 º.
  • Rytkönen, Laura (2017)
    Liquorice is a confection which is manufactured by cooking. Main ingredients in the liquorice usually are extract from the root of the liquorice plant, sugar, wheat flour, molasses and water. The literature review focused on the raw materials and the manufacturing process of liquorice, starch and starch gelatinization as well as quinoa. The aim of this study was to find out whether liquorice confection can be produced by organic quinoa flour instead of wheat flour. Also the effects of processing parameters (water content of the feed, mass flow and screw speed) on the water content, water activity, hardness and diameter of the liquorice was investigated. Reference sample was made from organic whole-grain speltflour. In the experimental research, liquorices were manufactured on a laboratory scale with a twin-screw extruder according to Box-Behnken design, where the variables were water content of the mass (21, 23.5, 26%) mass flow (70, 100, 130 g/min) and screw speed (40, 55, 70 rpm). The results were analysed by using PLSR (Partial Least Square Regression). Organic quinoa liquorice succeeded at all water contents used. Instead the liquorice manufactured from whole-grain speltflour succeeded only at water content of 26%. Probably the spelt flour would have needed bigger water content and higher temperature for the gelatinization of starch. Water content of the mass was the only variable which was affecting statistically significantly to the moisture content and water activity of the organic quinoa liquorice. After storage for four months water content of the mass was affecting statistically significantly to the hardness and diameter of the organic quinoa liquorice. In the PLSR model for organic quinoa liquorice, the coefficient of determination R2 was 41.9% and the coefficient of prediction Q2 was 13.8%. After four months storage the coefficient of determination R2 was 36.1% and the coefficient of prediction Q2 was 15.7%. PLSR-analysis was not made for organic spelt liquorice because there were not enough samples from different experiment points. The present study showed that liquorice can be produced from organic quinoa flour with a twin-screw extruder.
  • Ruikka, Oona (2020)
    Tutkielman kirjallisuusosuudessa paneuduttiin kauran makromolekyyleihin ja niiden toiminnallisuuteen ja reologisiin mittausmenetelmiin sekä hydrolysoiviin entsyymeihin. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosuudessa perehdyttiin emulsio- ja vaahtorakenteisiin sekä hydrokolloideihin ja niiden merkitykseen elintarvikerakenteissa. Kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli muodostaa kylmäsäilytyksen kestävä täysjyväkaurapohjainen lusikoitava emulsiorakenne. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää voiko täysjyväkauraemulsion makeuttaa luonnollisesti ja muuttaako makeuttaminen emulsion rakennetta ja sen pysyvyyttä. Työssä käytettiin täysjyväkauraa kaurafraktioiden sijaan, jolloin sivuvirtoja ei muodostunut ja prosessointiin käytettävä energia pysyi minimissään. Lisäksi emulsio sisälsi kaikki tunnetut täysjyväkauran ravitsemusta ja terveyttä edistävät tekijät ja toiminnalliset ominaisuudet. Makeus luotiin entsymaattisen hydrolyysin avulla. Emulsion mekaanista pysyvyyttä vahvistettiin hydrokolloidilla ja mikrobiologista säilyvyyttä parannettiin hapon lisäyksellä. Emulsion pysyvyyttä seurattiin kolmen viikon kylmäsäilytyksen aikana aistinvaraisella arvioinnilla ja mittaamalla viskositeettia, pisarakokojakaumaa ja synereesin määrää. Kirjallisuustiedon perusteella kauran lämpökäsittelyn arveltiin heikentävän emulsion rakennetta ja sen pysyvyyttä, mutta tätä ei havaittu tutkimuksessa. Täysjyväkauran tärkkelyksen liisteröinnin ja emulgoinnin avulla täysjyväkauraseoksesta saatiin aikaan miellyttävä lusikoitava emulsiorakenne, jonka pysyvyys parani luontaisen hydrokolloidin lisäyksellä ja happaman pH:n ansiosta. Entsymaattisen hydrolysoinnin ansiosta kauraseos makeutui ja emulsion täysjyväkaurapitoisuutta voitiin suurentaa lähes kaksinkertaiseksi verrattuna entsyymikäsittelemättömään emulsioon. Tässä työssä tutkitulla prosessilla voidaan lisätä välipalatuotteen täysjyväkaurapitoisuutta, joka parantaa välipalatuotteen ravitsemuksellisia ja terveydellisiä etuja.
  • Ahervo, Eeva (2015)
    The aim of this thesis was to find a suitable natural antifungal substituent to improve shelf life of quark based products. Antifungal properties were analysed with four different protective cultures: HOLDBAC™ YM-B Plus, HOLDBAC™ YM-C Plus, HOLDBAC™ YM-XPM and FreshQ® 1. Also two different plant based compounds Melinat® and Verdad® F95 were examined. Different dosages and adding methods were used to study the feasibility of these compounds to quark based products. Physical and microbiological factors affecting the shelf life of fresh cheeses, manufacturing processes of cream cheese and quark based products and antifungal properties of both lactic acid and propionic bacteria as well as plant based compounds were reviewed in the literature section. The mixture of milk and quark in elimination tests and cream cheese and quark based spread in following tests were used as samples. The samples were contaminated with two different yeasts, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Candida utilis and a mold Aspergillus brasiliensis. The concentration of yeasts and mold were analysed after 0, 7 and 14 days storage at 9 °C. The properties of antifungal compounds were analysed also with the help of chemical and sensory analysis as well as shelf life tests. Protective cultures with recommended dosage were able to inhibit the growth of yeasts in the mixture of milk and quark. A tenfold increase in dosage did not have effect on yeast concentration. HOLDBAC™ YM-B Plus and FreshQ® 1 -cultures added at the same time with fermentation when manufacturing cream cheese and spread samples were not as efficient as potassium sorbate. However, the results from spread samples prepared with post-addition were equal to the results of potassium sorbate. Heat treatment was shown to have a significant impact on the performance of protective cultures. The heat tolerance of protective cultures is needed to investigate in the future so that the adding methods and feasibility especially to heat-treated products would be evaluated more closely.
  • Koskensalo, Sirja (2018)
    Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive, non-sporeforming, rod-shaped bacterium, a human and animal pathogen and a food-borne pathogen/agent. Listeriosis, caused by L. monocytogenes, can be a serious disease and even cause death. L. monocytogenes is a major risk factor for the microbiological quality of foodstuffs, and a pathogen especially for those in risk groups. The aim of this study was to investigate sporadic and persistent strains of L. monocytogenes, isolated in a milk-production environment, and their growth in acidic and alkaline environments, as well as in environments containing the detergents Basix and Cidmax, and to investigate eventual differences between these strains. The features and occurrence of L. monocytogenes, its capability to resist stress and listeriosis are discussed in the literature part of this thesis. In this study it was found that bacteria were able to grow in the environments tested, in the concentrations used. No statistically significant differences between the strains were discovered. All investigated L. monocytogenes strains grew in pH 5.6, pH 9.0 and in liquids containing the detergents Cidmax and Basix. In acidic conditions, the majority of the strains grew similarly to reference strain EGD-e. Strain E3 started its exponential growth faster than the other strains. In acidic conditions strain D3 had the highest growth rate (30.06). The strains that grew the most weakly in acidic conditions were B3 and reference strain ATCC 19115. In alkaline conditions and in Cidmax-BHI liquid, the most of L. monocytogenes strains grow similarly to reference strain EGD-e. Strains E3 and D3 grew faster than other strains in alkaline conditions and Cidmax-BHI liquid and strains B3 and ATCC 19115 grew slower than the other strains. In Basix-BHI liquid, the strains of L. monocytogenes grew mainly similarly to each other, and these strains grew a little faster than reference strain EGD-e. Compared to the other strains, strain E3 grew the fastest and strains B3 and ATCC 19115 grew slower than the other strains. In this study, differences in stress tolerance between L. monocytogenes strains were found. In future, the results of this study may be utilized in genomic association research where geno- and phenotypes are compared to each other. This could produce new information on the development of stress tolerance of L. monocytogenes strains with different genomes and phenotypes.
  • Heikintalo, Noora (2012)
    The aim of this study was to find out what new characteristics are possible in Emmental with a novel pre-treatment routine of milk. Homogenization of the milk and its consequent impact on lipolysis affect cheese properties was examined. Cheeses (H0, H50 and H100) were produced from milks, which were homogenized at different pressures (0, 50 or 100 bar) and the control cheese was prepared from unhomogenized milk. Cheeses were ripened for three months. Homogenization of milk causes redistribution of milk fat globules into smaller ones. Physical changes to the milk fat globule membrane allow indogenous lipoprotein lipase to access and breakdown triglycerides of milk releasing free fatty acids, known as lipolysis. The sensory quality of the cheeses were studied with traditional descriptive analysis and the modern Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method. The chemical composition of cheeses were also determined (moisture, salt, fat and protein content). In addition the degree of lipolysis in the milk, from which cheese was made of, was measured by the acid degree value (ADV) and a fluorimetric lipase assay. Homogenization of milk at 50 and 100 bar modified cheese properties most and homogenization of milk with 0 bar pressure less, compared to the control cheese. According to sensory results, the changes in the texture of cheeses were most significant. As a results of homogenization of milk the texture of cheese changed from elastic to crumbly, greasy and sticky. The cheese flavor changed due to homogenization of milk and the consequent lipolysis to become stronger, saltier and more sour. There were no significant differences in intensity of odour attributes between the cheeses. Homogenization of milk (50 and 100 bar) increased the moisture and salt content and reduced protein content. The differences in fat content between the cheeses were small. Homogenization of milk at 50 and 100 bar pressures exposed milk fat to lipolysis, which was seen as an increase in acid degree values of milk. On the other hand, homogenization of milk (50 and 100 bar) decreased lipoprotein lipase activity in the milk according to the fluorimetric assay. However the residual activity of lipoprotein lipase in milk was strong enough to almost double the amount of free fatty acids in homogenized milk. It can be possible to change texture characteristics of cheese by using homogenization of milk as a part of cheese manufacture. Different texture attributes can be utilized in the development of new types of cheese.
  • Kivimäki, Joonas (2018)
    Konvehdeissa, makeisissa ja kekseissä käytetään monenlaisia täytteitä, jotka vaikuttavat erityisesti tuotteen flavoriin ja ulkonäköön. Koska tyypillisesti konvehdeissa täytteet muodostavat noin puolet tuotteen massasta, on täytteillä merkittävä vaikutus tuotteen funktionaalisiin ja ravitsemuksellisiin ominaisuuksiin sekä valmistuskustannuksiin. Sokeri ja rasva ovat täytteiden pääkomponentteja. Maitopohjaisilla raaka-aineilla voidaan parantaa elintarvikkeiden ravintoarvoa esimerkiksi nostamalla tuotteen proteiinipitoisuutta. Maitoinen vaalea täyte on rasvapohjainen sokerin ja maitojauheen suspensio, jossa sokeri ja maitojauhe on sekoitettu sulaan rasvaan. Kinuski on vesipohjainen maidosta ja sokerista keittämällä valmistettu karamellisoitunut tuote. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia erilaisten maitojauheiden käyttöä makeissa täytteissä ja kehittää täytteiden ravitsemuksellisia arvoja nostamalla proteiinipitoisuutta ja laskemalla sokeripitoisuutta. Työssä todettiin, että rasvatonta maitojauhetta (SMP) on mahdollista korvata erilaisilla maitojauheilla. Sokeripitoisuutta onnistuttiin laskemaan vaaleassa täytteessä 20 %:lla. Lisäksi proteiinipitoisuuden nosto onnistui useita maitojauheita käyttäen niin, että kuluttajien arvioidessa tuotteita aistinvaraisesti tilastollisia eroavaisuuksia ei löydetty. Jotta kuluttajat pitäisivät tuotteista, tulee tuotteiden olla makeita ja sileitä suutuntumaltaan. Perusreseptillä valmistettujen kinuskien laatu oli hyvä eikä SMP:sta ja Eila SMP:sta valmistettujen kinuskien välillä löydetty merkittäviä eroja. Keittoajat määritettiin kinuskien karamellisoitumisen perusteella. Sokeria korvatessa vesipitoisuuden merkittävä nosto aiheutti kinuskin hitaamman karamellisoitumisen ja sitä kautta vaaleamman värin sekä tuotteen epätasaisen hyytymisen. Maitojauheen määrän lisäys sai aikaan värin nopeamman tummenemisen. Kun sokeria korvattiin maitojauheella, havaittiin 7 % proteiinia suurimmaksi mahdolliseksi toimivaksi proteiinipitoisuudeksi.
  • Hjelt, Anniina (2016)
    Stickiness of food powders is a major issue in food industry because it causes problems during processing and it deteriorates the perceptible quality. The literature review presents different stickiness testing methods and the reasons and mechanisms for stickiness. The aim of the experimental work was to investigate stickiness of milk powders. Five different spray-dried milk powders were studied. Powders were characterized by measuring the moisture content, water activity, particle size composition, surface fatty acid composition and water sorption. Stickiness was investigated with a viscometer and with penetration test. Glass transition temperatures (Tg) were also determined. The results were analyzed with the PLSR (Partial Least Squares Regression). LF WMP contained much more surface fatty acids (42.7 mg/g) than WMP (12.4 mg/g) though the bulk fat content was same in both powders. According to the BET-sorption models, lactose-free powders adsorpt more water than conventional powders. The glass transition temperatures were much higher in lactose-containing powders (RH 0 %, 84–87 °C) than in the lactose-free powders (RH 0 %, 32–40 °C). Fat content did not affect the Tg because fat is not a water adsorbing component. Critical relative humidity is for lactose-free powders from 6 to 10 % and for lactose containing powders 40 to 42 % at room temperature (25 °C). Viscometric method was used to determine stickiness curves. Lactose-free samples became sticky at much lower temperatures than lactose-containing samples. When comparing the Tg and Tsp of skim milk powders, Tsp was 11–17 °C higher then Tg in SMP and in LF SMP the difference was 34–51 °C. In the PLSR model the coefficient of determination R2 was 90.3 %, adjusted coefficient of determination R2 adj. was 80.7 % and the coefficient of prediction Q2 was 59.9 %. Only lactose content was important according to the variables important in projection (VIP) in the PLSR model. The experimental work indicated that viscometric method is an applicable way to determine powder stickiness curve. Glass transition temperature determination is also reasonable way to predict powders stickiness and sticky point temperature is slightly above the Tg. The study showed that sugar content affected more to stickiness than fat content.
  • Rauta, Janne (2019)
    Extrusion is a versatile thermomechanical food processing technology, and cereal based snack products made with extrusion are one of the most significant ready-to-eat products. The literature review covered extrusion process in general while the effect of different components of grain and milk powders in extrusion was examined more closely, and also different methods to evaluate the properties and the quality of extrusion products were examined. The objective of the experimental study was to study the effects of sugar content and composition as well as the effects of different milk protein and water contents of the mass on the properties (water content, expansion and hardness) and organoleptic quality of extrudates. Experiments were carried out by using twin-screw extruder and the main component of extrudates was a mixture of oat flour and waxy maize starch. Three different milk powders were used (one lactose-containing and two lactose-free skimmed milk powders) in experiments, so that the milk protein content of mass was 8, 10 and 12 % (from solids) and water content 14, 16 and 18 %. The effect of sugar composition (lactose vs. glucose/galactose mixture) and sugar content (lowering the milk sugar content to about 60 % from solids) in extrusion was also examined. The water content, hardness and expansion of extrudates were measured. In sensory analysis (n=6) the effect of different milk powders and water contents on extrudates were evaluated. More expanded and less hard extrudates were obtained by adding milk powder that contained lactose compared to lactose-free milk powders. Lowering the sugar content did not affect the properties of extrudates significantly. Increasing the milk protein content of the mass increased the typical positive features of extrudates when lactose-containing milk powder was used, but when lactose-free milk powders were used the effect was the opposite. Increasing the water content of the mass decreased the expansion and increased the hardness of extrudates. In sensory analysis the major differences were observed in the darkness of color and the diameter of the extrudates. According to the results of the present study it is possible to obtain extrudates with good structure using lactose-containing milk powder as well as lactose-free milk powder. However, lactose-containing milk powder may be a better alternative in extrusion compared to the lactose-free milk powder. It may be possible, to some extent, to lower the sugar content of the extrudates that contain lactose-free milk powders without compromising the structural and organoleptical quality of the extrudates.
  • Maksimow, Christina (2016)
    The milk component of milk chocolate is often milk powder. In spray-dried milk powder the physical state of lactose is usually amorphous. The physical state of lactose may affect the properties of milk chocolate, even chocolate bloom formation. Chocolate bloom is a problem of especially filled chocolate confectionary. It is caused by the fat migration of the oily filling to the surface of the chocolate coating due a liquid fat concentration difference. In this present study the aim was to study the physical state of lactose in milk chocolate and its effect on structure and chocolate bloom. Milk chocolate was produced with three different rations (0:100; 50:50; 100:0) of amorphous lactose to crystalline α-lactose monohydrate. The physical state of lactose was determined by using x-ray powder diffractometry and differential scanning calorimetry. The hardness and breakability of samples stored at room temperature (21 °C) were measured by a Texture Analyzer. The luminescence L* of color of the milk chocolates stored in room temperature and heat cycle (20 °C and 28 °C) was measured and analyzed by VeriVide DigiEye systems’ light cabinet and PC program. Fat migration was simulated by storing chocolate on a hazelnut-sugar-cocoa butter bed in room temperature and heat cycle. The physical state of the lactose was not stable during storing. α-lactose monohydrate crystals were found in the x-ray diffractograms during the storage period in samples which had in the beginning amorphous lactose. The molecules must have had the ability to move, either because the unpacked amorphous phase absorbed water from the environment which enabled the movement or the temperature fluctuation during non-stabilized room temperature or because of crystal seeds. The samples softened during the storing probably because of the presence of free fat due the addition of the milk fat separately to the chocolate system during manufacturing. No bloom developed on the surface of the samples. The samples did get a little bit lighter though. The chocolate filling model with a chocolate piece on top did not represent a real life situation. No bloom was observed probably due the lack of liquid fat and presence of free milk fat or the observation period was too short.
  • Ovaskainen, Tiina (2020)
    Mikrobiologisilla mallinnusohjelmilla simuloidaan mikrobien vasteita eri ympäristöolosuhteissa. Mallinnusohjelmat perustuvat matemaattisiin malleihin, joiden avulla on mahdollista ennustaa muun muassa patogeenisten ja pilaajamikrobien kasvua ja tuhoutumista eri olosuhteissa. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia kahden eri mallinnusohjelman soveltuvuutta elintarvikealan yrityksen käyttöön. Ohjelmien toimivuus todennettiin käytännön koejärjestelyillä. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin käytännön viljelykokeiden kautta, miten bakteerit lisääntyvät kolmessa eri tuotteessa. Tuotenäytteet kontaminoitiin keinotekoisesti Escherichia coli-, Bacillus cereus- ja Listeria innocua -bakteereilla. Viljelykokeissa näytteitä inkuboitiin jokaisen bakteerin optimilämpötilassa ja viljelykokeista saatuja tuloksia verrattiin mallinnusohjelmien ennusteisiin vastaavissa ympäristöolosuhteissa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kolmella eri tuotteella tehdyistä viljelykokeista vain yhden tuotteen kohdalla bakteerit lähtivät lisääntymään tuotteessa. Tämän vuoksi mallinnusohjelmien tuloksien vertailu viljelykokeiden tuloksiin onnistui vain tällä tuotteella. Tulosten mukaan ComBase -ohjelman kasvun ennusteet suolapitoisuuden kautta tehtynä olivat lähempänä todellisia viljelykokeen tuloksia kuin vedenaktiivisuuden kautta tehdyt ennusteet. Sym’Previus -ohjelman kohdalla viljelykokeiden tulokset osuivat hyvin ennustetulle kasvukäyrälle tai sen vaihteluvälille. Mallinnuksien soveltuvuudet tuotteelle täytyisi kuitenkin varmistaa vielä viljelykokein, jossa viljelyn aikapisteet olisivat tunneittain, sillä tässä tutkimuksessa viljelyt tehtiin päivien tarkkuudella. Tutkimustuloksista voidaan päätellä, että mallinnusohjelmia on mahdollista käyttää mikrobiologisen kasvun ennustamiseen elintarvikkeissa, kun ohjelmien virhelähteet huomioidaan. Mallinnusohjelmia voidaan käyttää apuna erityisesti, kun halutaan ennustaa pahin mahdollinen uhkakuva tuotteen mikrobiriskin arvioinnissa. Tutkimus kuitenkin osoittaa, että mallinnusohjelmien validointi jokaiselle elintarvikkeelle on välttämätöntä, mikäli ohjelmia halutaan käyttää laajemmin ja tarkempaan mikrobien kasvun ennustamiseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että jatkotutkimuksia ja tarkempia käytännön koejärjestelyjä aiheesta tarvitaan vielä lisää.
  • Qvist, Jouni (2018)
    Tutkielman kirjallisuusosiossa perehdyttiin mausteisiin ja niiden sisältämiin eteerisiin öljyihin. Kirjallisuusosiossa käsiteltiin mausteiden pakkaamiseen käytettäviä polymeerejä. Lisäksi selvitettiin polymeerien läpäisyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kokeellisen työn tavoitteena oli selvittää uuden, aiempaa ohuemman monikerroslaminaatin soveltuminen mausteiden pakkaamiseen. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää kardemummapakkauksessa käytettävän solustetun polystyreenisinetin silmin havaittavien laatumuutosten syy. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vaikuttavatko pomeranssinkuorijauheen sisältämät eteeriset öljyt monikerroslaminaattien tiiveysominaisuuksiin. Pomeranssinkuorijauheella altistetuista monikerroslaminaateista ja puhtaasta vertailunäytteenä toimineesta laminaatista mitattiin hapen- ja valonläpäisevyydet. Mausteiden sisältämät haihtuvat yhdisteet selvitettiin menetelmällä, jossa kiinteäfaasimikrouutto oli yhdistettynä kaasukromatografiin ja massaspektrometriin (SPME-GC-MS). Kardemumman eteeristen öljyjen absorboitumista sinettiin ja pomeranssinkuorijauheen eteeristen öljyjen absorboitumista monikerroslaminaatteihin tutkittiin käyttämällä FTIR-spektroskopiaa (engl. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR). Pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla kuvannettiin solupolystyreenisinetin pinta. Näin voitiin selvittää sinetin laatumuutosten aiheuttaja ja aiempaa ohuemman monikerroslaminaatin soveltuminen mausteiden pakkaamiseen. Ohuemman monikerroslaminaatin hapenläpäisevyys oli pienempi tai yhtä suuri kuin vanhalla monikerroslaminaatilla. Lisäksi ohuemman laminaatin valotiiveys ei eronnut vanhan laminaatin valotiiveydestä. Puhtaiden ja maustealtistettujen laminaattien hapenläpäisevyydessä ja valotiiveydessä ei havaittu merkittäviä eroja. SPME-GC-MS -menetelmää käyttämällä tunnistettiin mausteiden sisältämiä eteerisiä öljyjä. FTIR-spektroskopian perusteella eteeriset öljyt eivät läpäisseet monikerroslaminaatteja. IR-spektrejä tulkitsemalla todettiin, että polystyreenisinetteihin oli absorboitunut useita erilaisia sidoksia sisältäviä yhdisteitä näytteistä riippumatta. Pyyhkäisyelektronikuvantamisella todistettiin, että sinettiin oli sitoutunut kardemummakiteitä. Näiden tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että eteeriset öljyt eivät vaikuttaneet monikerroslaminaattien tiiveysominaisuuksiin. Ohuempaa laminaattia voidaan siis suositella käytettäväksi mausteiden pakkaamiseen. Sinetin silmin havaittavat laatumuutokset johtuivat sinetin liimapinnasta ja siihen tarttuvista kardemummakiteistä. Tämä edesauttaa kardemumman rasvojen ja öljyjen siirtymistä sinettiin, johtaen sinetin ulkonäkömuutoksiin.
  • Päivikkö, Heidi-Maria (2016)
    Sodium is an essential nutrient, and it is necessary for normal growth and vital functions of human body, but the average sodium intake globally exceeds the recommended daily intake (RDI). Several studies suggest that excessive sodium intake is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. Beef patties are globally popular meat products, which are sold both individually and as a part of ready-to-eat foods (RTE-foods). Typical RTE-food contains salt 0.9-1 g/100 g. The portion size is usually more than 300 g, so by consuming one portion of RTE-food, more than half of RDI of salt is gained. In the experimental part of the thesis, the loss of structural and sensory properties caused by sodium reduction in beef patties was avoided by using meat-in-meat method. The method is based on salt soluble myofibrillar proteins and their effect in meat binding. In addition, it was examined how the timing of salt addition would impact on the perceived saltiness. The aim of this study was to clarify whether it is possible to reduce the salt contents in beef patties and other RTE-foods by using meat-in-meat method and by allowing consumers theirselves to add the salt at the time of eating. With meat-in-meat method, it was possible to reduce cooking loss in preliminary tests with an average of 1,2 %, when salt contents in beef patties were equal. The salt addition to a cooked product reduced the salt needed for taste 17,8 % . Differences between beef patties with normal salt concentration (NaCl 1,3 %) and with low salt concentration (NaCl 0,6 %) were not great. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) appeared only between saltiness before and after adding the salt. 87.8% of the consumers added salt to low-salt beef patties less than what normally salted beef patties contained, so that they were satisfied with the taste and saltiness. Normal salted beef patties were evaluated to be juicier and their structure was more liked. The results of this study indicated that it is possible to reduce a significant amount of salt from RTE-foods. As a result, it would be possible to enjoy RTE-foods more safely than today as a part of a healthy, balanced and varied diet.
  • Gao, Jingxian (2015)
    The literature review deals with different biochemical factors affecting texture changes of poultry meat during chilled storage. Proteolysis plays one of major roles in postmortem tenderization. The calpain system is activated by calcium and calpain is a key protease for cytoskeletal protein degradation. Different instrumental methods which are applied to measure meat texture were described. The aims of this study were to investigate mechanical properties of Wooden Breast and Normal muscles during 168 h of postmortem storage at 5˚C; both raw and cooked conditions were compared. Additionally, possible related changes in weight losses and myofibrillar proteins were examined. The results showed that raw Wooden Breast were significantly harder (p<0.05) than Normal muscles at 10 h postmortem. Raw Normal broiler breast muscles were homogeneous in texture. On the contrary, inhomogeneous texture profiles were observed within raw Wooden Breast muscles, and the hardness was mainly present in the surface layer. During chilled storage, raw Wooden Breast muscles became softer which mainly occurred during the first 3 days. At 168 h postmortem, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in mechanical properties in 80% compression, between these two categories. Weight losses, SDS-electrophoresis and Western Blot pointed to a relationship between proteolytic activity and texture changes. However, Allo-Kramer shear force implied that cooking (75°C) diminished the difference in hardness between Wooden Breast and Normal meat, and that the tenderness of cooked meat increased during storage time.
  • Kortelainen, Arto (2020)
    The literature review deals with the extruder operation and extrusion of cereal-based materials contain sugar. Review also deals with how to to utilize by-products of the food industry in extrusion. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of extrusion process parameters on extrusion process and physicochemical properties of rye based extrudates contain molasses and lingonberry powder. In the experimental part, raw materials used were ryeflour, dried sourdrough powder, lingonberry powder and molasses. Extrusion cooking process parameters in this study were mass flow (68, 78 and 88 g/min); screw speed (400, 500 and 600 rpm) and water content of feed (14, 15 and 16%). Box-Behnken’s experimental design including 15 experiments was used. Physicochemical properties of extrudates were hardness, sectional expansion index (SEI), water content of extudates (WCE), water absoption index (WAI) and water soluability index (WSI). Pressure at the die and torque was monitored during the extrusion experiments. The results of this study showed, that processing rye based extrudates with molasses and lingonberry powder was challenging. The operation of the extruder was unstable with several used process parameters., Increasing the mass flow increased statistically significantly the WAI and the extruder pressure at the die. Increasing the screw speed reduced the WCE. Increasing the water content of the feed reduced the water absorption index and pressure at the die. Of the response variables, the water content and hardness of the extrudates correlated the most. The greatest negative correlation was with the SEI and hardness of the extrudates.
  • Kohtamäki, Idamaria (2016)
    Kuluttajien ostopäätöksiin vaikuttaa enemmän lihan väri kuin muut laatutekijät. Myoglobiini on tärkeä proteiini, joka antaa lihalle sen punaisen värin. Useissa tutkimuksissa on todettu, että kuluttajien mielestä väri kertoo lihan tuoreudesta ja edustaa terveellisyyttä. Naudanlihatuotteiden pinnalle muodostuu metmyoglobiinia, mikä aiheuttaa yleisimmin ennenaikaista ja epätoivottua tummenemista. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan lihan värin tummumiseen vaikuttavat muun muassa lihastyyppi, lämpötila, pH, mikrobiologinen hygienia, varastointiolosuhteet ja aika. Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tarkoituksena on kartoittaa värivirheiden syntymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja etsiä tutkimustuloksista ratkaisuja niiden muodostumisen vähentämiseksi tai estämiseksi kokonaan. Useissa tutkimuksissa on vuosikymmenten aikana todettu, että lihasten välisillä eroilla on suurempi merkitys lihasten pinnan värivirheiden muodostumiseen kuin varastointiajalla, jota pidetään useissa tutkimuksissa haastavimpana tekijänä. Lihan pakkaustyypillä ja sen kaasukoostumuksella on erittäin suuri vaikutus tummenemiseen. Tutkimuksissa on keskitytty viime vuosina pakkausteknologisiin näkökulmiin värivirheiden synnyssä. Esimerkiksi Lagerstedt Norström (2011) esittää tutkimustensa perusteella, että happi tulisi poistaa kaasupakkausten pääkaasuaineista, tai että liha tulisi pakata vakuumi- tai tyhjiöpakkauksiin. Myös taloudellisten tappioiden minimoimiseksi värivirheiden välttäminen olisi erittäin tärkeää. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin useita eri syitä, joiden tiedettiin aiempien tutkimusten perusteella vaikuttavan lihan värin tummumiseen. Tuloksissa merkittävin vaikutus löytyi pakkauksesta ja sen ilmakehän koostumuksesta.
  • Tarmi, Siina (2017)
    The scope of the literature review was to define the process for oil-in-water emulsion formation and the important properties of the emulsions which are suitable for microencapsulation. The aim of this study was to determine how whey protein isolate together with maltodextrin affects the properties of the emulsion. Camelina oil and black currant seed oil were used as core materials. The wall materials used were: maltodextrin (MD) and whey protein isolate (WPI). Six different wall systems consisting WPI in combination with MD at various ratios (1:1, 1:3 and 1:9) were used. In premilinary tests the emulsions were characterized for temperature, creaming index, apparent viscosity, flow behavior index, flow consistency index, droplet size (D4,3 zetasize,), droplet size distribution (PDI, span) and zetapotential. Droplet size and droplet size distributions were measured by a laser light scattering using a Zetasizer and by laser light diffraction instrument, Mastersizer 2000/3000. Oil droplet size was also measured with light blockade using a PAMAS. Rheological properties were characterized with rheometer. In actual test the emulsions were characterized for time (foam removal), temperature, droplet size (D10, D50, D90 ja D4,3), apparent viscosity, flow behavior index and flow consistency index. First degree polynomial was fitted with PLSR to the results. Statistical significances of regression coefficients were analyzed with t-test. In premilinary tests all the emulsions were stable during storage at 25 °C after 24 h. pH and zetapotentials which were all lower than -35 mV refer to good stability of emulsions. Change in droplet size and droplet size distribution was observed. Increasing maltodextrin concentration decreased droplet size (D4,3) and droplet size distribution width (PDI) when measuring by Mastersizer and Zetasizer. Apparent viscosity of the emulsions decreased by increasing maltodextrin concentration. PLS-regression showed that there were statistically differences between wall materials and temperatures, droplet size, size distribution and apparent viscosity. There were also statistically differences between oil and droplet size measured by PAMAS. In actual tests apparent viscosity of the emulsions decreased by increasing maltodextrin concentration. Increasing maltodextrin concentration also decreased the time of foam removal. PLS-regression showed that there were statistically differences between wall materials and temperatures after homogenization, time (foam removal), flow consistency index and apparent viscosity. There were also statistically differences between oil and temperatures, flow behavior index and droplet size distribution width. Whey protein isolate together with maltodextrin affect mostly to apparent viscosity of emulsions.
  • Vainio, Mika (2016)
    The literature review dealed with fat replacers in frankfurters. Manufacturing, properties and usages of microcrystalline cellulose were described. Also other fat replacers that are at the moment in use are described, such as hydrocolloids and proteins from vegetable. The literature review also described different methods that have been used to measure properties of frankfurters. The aim of the experimental work was to find out the influence of two different types of microcrystalline cellulose, Vivapur® 105(i) and Arbocel® M80(ii), on the properties of frankfurters, and can they been used as a fat replacer. Three different concentrations of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) (1 %, 3 % and 5 %) Were studied and compared to the control sample. Measured properties of frankfurters were pH, water holding, cooking loss, firmness and bite force. Also amount of free water was measured with NMR. Although adding MCC decreased pH of frankfurter closer to the isoelectric point, it did not affect as lowering water holding. Both MCC(i) and MCC(ii) increased significantly (p<0,05) firmness of the frankfurters when measuring was made with warm samples, excluding MCC(i) 3 % concentration. Effect was not as visible in the measurements of bite force.