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  • Kumpulainen, Sanna (2020)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin liharotuisten nautojen rodun ja kasvatusajan yhteyttä ruhon teurasominaisuuksiin sekä lihan syöntilaatuun. Lisäksi tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ultraäänellä mitattujen ominaisuuksien fenotyyppistä korrelaatiota eläimen teurasominaisuuksiin sekä lihan syöntilaatuun. Tutkimuksen aineistona oli Rotukarjan hyvinvoinnin ja taloudellisten toimintaedellytysten parantaminen -hankkeen (2010–2013) ruokintakokeen tulokset. Lopullinen aineisto sisälsi 158 sonnin tiedot, jotka edustivat viittä yleistä Suomessa kasvatettavaa liharotua. Rodut olivat aberdeen angus, charolais, hereford, limousin ja simmental. Teurasominaisuuksista mitattiin teuraspainoa, teurasprosenttia, lihakkuutta ja rasvaisuutta. Lihan syöntilaadun tutkimus sisälsi tiedon lihan marmoroitumisasteesta, pH-arvosta, leikkuuvasteesta, valumasta ja väriominaisuuksista, vaaleudesta (L), punaisuudesta (a) ja keltaisuudesta (b) sekä arvion aistinvaraisesta syöntilaadusta. Aistinvarainen syöntilaatu sisälsi mureuden, mehukkuuden, maun sekä näiden yhteispisteet. Tilastollisina menetelminä käytettiin type 2-testauksen sisältävää ANOVA-mallia sekä ls-keskiarvoja, Tukeyn parittaisvertailua ja regressioanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että rodulla on merkitsevä vaikutus useaan tutkittuun ominaisuuteen. Taloudellisesti näistä merkittävämpiä ovat teurasprosentti, lihakkuus ja rasvaisuus. Lyhyt kasvatusaika on taloudellisesti kannattavampi kuin pitkä kasvatusaika, kun huomioidaan ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavat panostetut resurssit. Lyhyellä kasvatusajalla kasvatettujen sonnien teuraspaino, teurasprosentti ja lihakkuus olivat suhteessa korkeammat kuin pitkän kasvatusajan ryhmän eläimillä. Ultraäänellä mitatulla ulkofileen paksuudella on suotuisa yhteys teurasprosenttiin. Ultraäänellä mitatulla marmoroitumisasteella on suotuisa yhteys lihan marmoroitumisasteeseen, punaisuuteen, mureuteen (aistinvarainen ja leikkuuvaste), mehukkuuteen ja aistinvaraisen arvioinnin yhteispisteisiin.
  • Hennola, Inkeri (2020)
    Rukiin tuotanto ei ole perinteisesti yltänyt kattamaan sen kysyntää Suomessa. Kiinnostusta rukiin viljelyyn heikentää riski leipäviljaksi kelpaamattomista ruiseristä. Suomessa ei ole suositeltu rukiin käyttöä juurikaan kotieläinten ruokinnassa sen huonon maittavuuden sekä haitta-aineiden vuoksi. Rukiin käytöstä nautojen ruokinnassa on hyvin vähän tutkimustuloksia. Nykyiset ruista koskevat ruokintasuositukset perustuvat useita vuosikymmeniä vanhoihin tutkimustuloksiin. Ruislajikkeiden jalostus on kuitenkin muokannut viljojen ravitsemuksellisia arvoja, joten uutta tutkimustietoa uusista lajikkeista tarvitaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää rukiin vaikutuksia maitorotuisten sonnien rehun syöntiin, kasvuun ja teurasominaisuuksiin. Hypoteesina oli, että ruista voidaan käyttää nykyisiä suosituksia enemmän kasvavien nautojen ruokinnassa. Kokeen alussa 80 sonnia jaettiin neljään ryhmään. Koe kesti keskimäärin 232 vuorokautta. Koe-eläimiä ruokittiin seosrehulla, jonka väkirehuprosentti oli 50 %. Väkirehu sisälsi ruista 0, 15, 30 ja 45 % kuiva-aineesta. Väkirehu oli teollista täysrehua ja säilörehu oli laadultaan hyvää 1. sadon timoteinurmisäilörehua (D-arvo = 691 g/kg ka). Kokeen väkirehut vakioitiin energiasisällön mukaan. Koe-eläinten yksilöllistä syöntiä mitattiin, eläimiä punnittiin kokeen aikana ja ruhon laatua mitattiin ultraäänimittauksilla ja teurastuloksilla. Koe-eläinten keskimääräinen kuiva-aineen syönti oli 10,9 kg/pv. Päiväkasvut olivat kokeen aikana keskimäärin 1537 g/pv. Teurasikä kokeessa oli keskimäärin 484 pv ja teuraspaino 354 kg. Teurasruhojen lihakkuus oli keskimäärin EUROP-luokituksen O-luokkaa ja rasvaisuus luokkaa 2. Kokeessa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa koe-eläinten rehun syönnissä tai rehun hyväksikäytössä. Rukiin ei havaittu vaikuttavan koe-eläinten kasvuun. Myöskään teurasiässä, teuraspainossa tai ruhon teuraslaadussa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa koeryhmien välillä. Tulosten perusteella voidaan olettaa, että ruista voidaan käyttää nykyisiä suosituksia enemmän nautojen ruokinnassa. Lisää tutkimusta aiheesta kuitenkin tarvitaan. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin hyvälaatuista ruista, jossa ei ollut torajyvää tai sen aiheuttamia homemyrkkyjä. Ruis on kuitenkin hyvin altis torajyvälle, eikä torajyvän saastuttamaa ruista voida syöttää kotieläimille.
  • Karlsson, Elina (2017)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cultivated pasture and semi-natural grassland on body condition and insulin sensitivity in horses. The main hypothesis was that the horses would fatten more when grazing on cultivated pasture compared to semi-natural grassland, and that insulin, glucose and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) responses to i.v. glucose challenge would indicate higher degree of insulin resistance of these horses. The experiment was carried out between May–September 2014 at a research farm of the former MTT Agrifood Research Finland (now Natural Resources Institute Finland) in Ypäjä. Body weight, body condition score, waist circumference, and fat thickness were measured before and after grazing season. Intravenous glucose tolerance tests (IVGTT) were performed on 16 horses (8 of each group) in May and September. A dose of glucose was administered through a jugular vein catheter. Multiple blood samples were then collected to assess glucose, insulin and NEFA responses. There were no differences between treatments in body measurements, or glucose, insulin, and NEFA responses to IVGTT before grazing. Horses grazing on cultivated pasture had higher body weight, median body condition score and waist circumference compared to horses on semi-natural grassland in September. Slower glucose clearance rate and a smaller decrease in NEFAs during IVGTT was noticed in horses grazing on semi-natural grassland compared to those on cultivated pasture after grazing season. Minimal Model estimates on insulin sensitivity were compromised by the large variation in insulin responses to glucose challenge. Two thirds of the Si estimates were classified as insulin resistant or implausible (extreme insulin resistance or sensitivity). The differences in pasture composition between high-yielding cultivated pasture and semi-natural grassland induced only minor changes in the insulin resistance status of grazing Finnhorse mares. Grazing on the cultivated pasture did not increase the level of peripheral insulin resistance compared to semi-natural grassland or compromise horses’ ability to maintain normal blood glucose concentration in spite of their fattening. Contrary to the hypothesis, horses grazing on semi-natural grassland expressed higher degree of insulin resistance in adipose tissue. Horses were rather insulin resistant already before grazing which may be derived from a possible innate tendency to low insulin sensitivity of Finnhorse.
  • Mäkinen, Henna-Maria (2016)
    In order to increase protein self-sufficiency and food production, it is necessary to study new protein feeds. Faba bean (Vicia faba) is a nitrogen-fixing plant, and thereby a good choice for versatile rotation of crops. Faba beans contain less crude protein and considerably more starch than rapeseed meal. Most of the faba bean protein degrades in rumen and it contains less methionine than rapeseed meal protein. Microalgae contain plenty of crude protein and their production requires less surface area than cultivation of field crops. Microalgae can also be grown in harsh climate conditions. However, microalgae have, in some of the earlier studies, reduced palatability of the diet. Aim of this Master’s Thesis was to compare rapeseed meal, faba bean seeds and Spirulina microalgae effects on feed intake and milk production of dairy cows. Hypothesis were decreased feed intake when Spirulina was added to the diet; lower milk production with faba bean diet than with rapeseed diet; and increased milk production when a part of faba bean protein was replaced with Spirulina protein. The study was conducted at Viikki research farm at Helsinki during the spring of 2015. Eight multiparous ayrshire dairy cows were used. At the beginning of the study, on average 113 days were passed since calving of the cows. The study design was a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square. Cows of the other square were rumen fistulated. Treatments (rapeseed, rapeseed + Spirulina, faba bean, faba bean + Spirulina) were isonitrogenous. In microalgae treatments protein from Spirulina was used to substitute half of the protein from rapeseed or faba bean. Total mixed ration (TMR) included in addition to protein feeds grass silage, barley, molassed sugar beet pulp and vitamins and minerals. Cows received TMR ad libitum. There were no differences in dry matter intake (DMI) between rapeseed and faba bean treatments. According to the hypothesis, DMI was decreased with Spirulina diets. Hypothesis regarding milk production were also realised. Milk, energy-corrected milk, fat, protein and lactose yields were lower with faba bean than with rapeseed treatments. Adding Spirulina to diet increased milk yield in faba bean treatment, but decreased it in rapeseed treatment. Adding Spirulina to diet did not affect energy-corrected milk yield significantly. Spirulina did not affect fat yields, and it lowered the protein and lactose yields in rapeseed treatment, and increased them in faba bean treatment. Based on the findings of the study, faba bean and Spirulina are inferior protein feeds compared to rapeseed meal in grass silage and grain based diets. Faba bean protein’s high rumen degradability and low methionine concentration probably limit milk production. Spirulina and faba bean combined meet dairy cow’s amino acid needs better than faba bean alone. However, Spirulina’s negative impact on DMI may restrict its usage as a protein feed for dairy cows.
  • Tarsia, Essi (2016)
    Lots of protein feeds are imported to Europe. In Finland at most 25 % of all protein feeds used are home-grown. Legumes and single-cell protein are of interest to replace imported protein feeds. The aim of this study was to explore faba bean (Vicia faba) and Spirulina-algae (Spirulina platensis) as protein source for dairy cows. The study design was replicated 4 x 4 Latin square with four diets and four periods of three weeks. The experiment was 2 x 2 factorial. Rapeseed meal and rolled faba bean were compared as protein sources. The partial replacement (half) of rapeseed meal and faba bean protein with Spirulina-algae was also investigated. All the protein supplements were isonitrogenous. In this study, effects of protein supplements on dry matter intake, milk yield and milk composition, production of microbial protein in the rumen, plasma amino acids and mammary uptake of amino acids and nitrogen partitioning were examined. This study was made at the research farm of the University of Helsinki in 21.2.–15.5.2015. There were eight multiparous Finnish ayrshire dairy cows at mid-lactation. The cows were divided in two blocks the other block having rumen fistulated animals. All the total mixed ratios contained grass silage of good quality, barley, sugar pulp and minerals supplemented with different protein sources. Cows were offered total mixed ratios ad libitum. Replacing rapeseed meal and faba bean with Spirulina-algae reduced dry matter intake. The milk yield was 1,4 kg/d greater on rapeseed meal diets compared with faba bean diets. Mixing Spirulina-algae with faba bean increased milk, protein and lactose yields, but when mixed with rapeseed meal decreased them. Both milk urea and rumen ammonia concentrations were higher in faba bean diets than in rapeseed meal diets. The concentration of several essential amino acids in plasma and mammary uptake of histidine and methionine were lower in faba bean diets than in rapeseed meal diets. Replacing faba bean partially with Spirulina increased AV-difference of essential amino acids. Nitrogen balances were positive in all experimental diets. There were no differences in nitrogen intake. Feeding faba beans reduced nitrogen secretion in milk and faeces compared to rapeseed meal diets. Replacing rapeseed meal and faba bean partially with Spirulina increased the proportion of nitrogen secreted in urine and lowered nitrogen balance. According to this study replacing rapeseed meal completely with faba bean seeds reduce milk and protein yields on diets based on grass silage and cereals. Mixing Spirulina with faba bean increased milk, protein and lactose yields, but decreased them when mixed with rapeseed meal. Protein of faba bean and Spirulina probably completed each others. More research is needed with high levels of micro algae on dry matter intake, animal performance and degradability of microalgal protein in rumen.
  • Kopponen, Sanna-Kaisa (2018)
    Agriculture is responsible of 60 % of phosphorus load in water systems. The phosphorus load of milk production can be influenced by dietary phosphorus concentration. Rapeseed (Brassica rapa L. ssp. Oleifera) meals and cakes are commonly used as protein supplement for dairy cows due to their good milk production response. However, the concentration of phosphorus is high in rapeseed meal. Excessive phosphorus is mainly excreted through faeces, which is why dietary phosphorus concentration should be kept moderate. The phosphorus concentration of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) is lower than that of rapeseed meal, but milk production response of faba beans is lower likely due to its lower methionine concentration. Milk is significant phosphorus sink, so it is important simultaneously to maintain milk production while decreasing the dietary phosphorus concentration. The aim of this master’s thesis is to compare the effects of rapeseed meal, faba beans and Spirulina platensis microalgae on the phosphorus utilisation in milk production. The experiment was conducted at Viikki Research farm in University of Helsinki during spring 2015. In the experiment, the effects of different protein supplements on the dry matter (DM) and phosphorus intake of dairy cows, milk production, phosphorus concentration of milk, faeces and urine, and phosphorus utilisation were compared. Eight multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows were used in 4x4 Latin square study with four dietary treatments and four 21-d periods. The arrangement of treatments was 2x2 factorial. Basal protein supplements were either rapeseed meal or rolled faba beans, of whose protein 0 % or 50 % were substituted by spirulina. The diets were isonitrogenous in regards to nitrogen supply from protein feed. Cows had ad libitum access to total mixed ratio (TMR) consisting of experimental protein feed, grass silage, barley, sugar beet pulp and mineral-vitamin mixture. The roughage:concentrate ratio was 55:45 in DM in all experimental TMR’s. The phosphorus concentration of the diets was 3,93 g/kg DM (rapeseed meal), 3,90 g/kg DM (rapeseed meal + spirulina), 3,75 g/kg DM (faba beans) and 3,76 g/kg DM (faba beans + spirulina). The DM intake did not differ between faba beans and rapeseed meal, but was decreased when basal protein feed was substituted by spirulina. The substitution of basal protein feed by spirulina decreased milk yield on rapeseed based diets but increased it on faba bean based diets. Phosphorus intake was higher and the phosphorus concentration of faeces tended to be higher on rapeseed than on faba bean based diets. Phosphorus intake was decreased by the substitution of basal protein feed by spirulina but this had no effect on phosphorus concentration of faeces. Phosphorus utilisation in milk production was equally effective with rapeseed and faba bean based diets, and tended to increase when basal protein feed was substituted by spirulina. Based on this study, the milk production response of faba beans and spirulina is lower than that of rapeseed meal. The diet including both faba beans and spirulina might be good alternative in terms of phosphorus utili-sation, since on this diet milk yield was higher than on the diet having faba beans as sole protein feed, and the phosphorus concentration of faeces was lower than on rapeseed based diets. The partial substitution of basal protein feed by spirulina increased the efficiency of phosphorus utilisation in milk production. This indicates that faba beans have potential to increase the efficiency of phosphorus utilisation in milk production when the amino acid composition of faba beans are balanced with feeds rich in methionine. Phosphorus utilisation can also be increased by partial substitution of rapeseed meal by spirulina if palatability and subsequently the milk production response of spirulina can be improved.
  • Rissanen, Paula (2020)
    The aim of supplementary protein feeding of dairy cattle is to increase dry matter intake and milk yield. In Finland, rapeseed (Brassica rapa L. oleifera, Brassica napus L. oleifera) is commonly used protein feed in animal nutrition. However, low self-sufficiency of supplemental protein and a changing climate increase the need to find alternatives for conventional protein feeds. Micro algae might be potential protein feed for dairy cattle. The aim of the study was to evaluate if protein feeding and replacing rapeseed meal by micro algae Spirulina platensis as a protein supplement affect feed intake, milk production and milk fatty acid composition of dairy cows. The study was conducted in the Viikki research farm of the University of Helsinki. Eight multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows (186 d in milk on average) were used in balanced, replicated 4x4 Latin square with 21-d periods. There were four experimental concentrate feedings (12 kg/d). The control treatment was negative control without a protein supplement. Three other treatments were supplemented isonitrogenously with rapeseed meal, Spirulina or a mixture of rapeseed meal and Spirulina (1:1 on the crude protein basis). Cows were offered 2nd cut grass silage (D-value 656 g/kg dry matter) ad libitum and concentrates were given separately. In the study, protein supplementation tended to increase silage intake compared to control feeding. However, treatment had no effect on total dry matter intake. The substitution of the rapeseed meal by Spirulina decreased concentrate intake and it also tended to decrease milk protein yield. There was no difference in milk, ECM or milk fat yield between the treatments. In milk production, lack of response to protein feeding might be explained by a shortage of energy in the rumen due to low D-value of the silage. Because the diets were low in fat, there were only minor changes in milk fatty acid composition. Changes in milk fatty acid composition reflected the differences in the fatty acid composition of the protein feeds. Substitution of the rapeseed meal by Spirulina decreased stearic acid (end-product of oleic acid ruminal biohydrogenation) but increased palmitic and γ-linolenic acid proportion in milk fat. Spirulina lipid contains γ-linolenic acid more than conventional animal feeds. According to this study, it is possible to replace rapeseed meal by Spirulina partly or completely without a decrease in total dry matter intake or milk yield on separate feeding. However, in this study protein supplementation did not increase dry matter intake or milk yield of dairy cattle in mid-lactation.
  • Kylmämaa, Laura (2015)
    The aim of this study was to investigate how the quality of silage affects the silage intake of reindeer. There were two growth stages of primary growth and regrowth silage in the study. Aerobic stability of silage was observed after opening the silage bales. The experimental silages were made at the fields of MTT Agrifood Research Finland in Apukka, Rovaniemi. The study was conducted at the reindeer pen of Lapland Vocational College. There were four groups of female reindeer, six animals in each, and one silage type per group. Feeding trial lasted eight weeks with two weeks pre-period before. Reindeer were fed ad libitum in the mornings. The biggest differences of chemical composition of silages were between primary growth and regrowth silage. The growth stage did not affect to the chemical composition. Aerobic deterioration of silages was not observed during three weeks exposure to air because ambient temperature remained above zero almost constantly. Silage residue had lower D-value, crude protein, AAT and PBV content and higher concentration of NDF-fiber compared to the given feed. The selection of feed differed between primary growth and regrowth silage based on crude protein and water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) contents. This is may be because of the excess of crude protein and WSC relative to nutrient requirements of reindeer or that the variables are correlated with the other variables which explain the intake. Silage intake was higher when dry-matter content was higher and lower when crude protein content was higher. WSC had slightly positive effect to the intake. Intake seemed to be curvilinearly related to the content of fermentation products. Effective utilization of silage requires analyses on the chemical composition of silage.
  • Renko, Ella (2018)
    In Finnish beef production, high quality silage is the main ingredient in bull nutrition. The aim is to maximize the growth potential of the bulls with ad libitum feeding, which increases the daily energy supply. The effect of the quality of the feed is emphasized, especially in ad libitum feeding. High quality and well-preserved silage increases palatability, which increases the daily feed rate. In addition, high quality silage reduces the need for concentrated feed, which means lower production costs than low-quality feed. The role of preservatives is to improve nutrient stability by preventing unfavorable fermentation and the growth of molds and yeasts during preservation. The failure of storage increases the costs of production, and the effects on farm economy are considerable. This study looked at the effect of two different types of silage additives on the feeding and production results of dairy bulls. 45 Ayrshires and 45 Holstein bulls were chosen to the study. The bulls were randomly divided into three groups. The groups consisted of three treatments: 1. timothy silage, without preservative + barley (CONTROL), 2. timothy silage, preserved with acid additive + barley (ACID), 3. timothy silage with salt additive + barley (SALT). The bulls were fed ad libitum with total mixed rations. The statistical analysis of the results was performed in the SAS software GLM procedure. The average intake of dry matter during the experiment (259 days) was 10.1 kg/day, and there were no significant difference between the treatments. The average live weight gain was 1363 g and the carcass gain was 741 g/day. The control group's daily growth was 5% higher than the preservatives (P <0.05), but the carcass quality score was on average 6% higher in the preservative groups than in the control group (P<0.01). It can be concluded that the results of the experiment are indicative and it is possible that the silage without additives can be successful when the dry matter content of the feed is 350-400 g / kg and the feed is ensiled in round bales. In that case the effect of the additives is not necessarily significant.
  • Lassila, Lotta (2015)
    In this master’s thesis the current production level of Senegalese dairy breeds was estimated and a model to predict annual yield based on test day results was developed. With the results of this master’s thesis and the results from the project Senegal Dairy Genetics it was possible to determine the average milk yield of Senegalese dairy breeds. Production records can be further used in planning the feeding and in selection of breeding animals. The results can also be used in socio-economic evaluation of different dairy breeds in Senegal. The data was collected as a part of FoodAfrica programme and its work package Senegal Dairy Genetics which is funded by the ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The lactation curve was modelled for different breed types and on animal level using Wilmink and Wood functions. The modelling was evaluated by coefficient of determination, mean squared error of prediction and by plotting of residuals. Estimated mean cumulative milk yield of 305 days was calculated with estimates obtained by modelling of the lactation curves. The cumulative yield was calculated using modified Interpolation method. There was a clear difference in production level between between breed types. The mean daily milk yield of all animals was 2.6 litres of milk. In the smaller data set the cumulative milk yield of 305 days was 604 litres for pure bred zebu and 1308 litres for zebu and taurine crosses when calculated with the Test Interval Method. In the larger data set the yield of 305 days for zebu was 424 litres. Wilmink function had lower mean squared error of prediction (MSE) than Wood function. The coefficient of determination was slightly higher with Wood function. However, Wilmink function proved to be more accurate and more robust. The estimated yield using the predictions of modelling of the lactation curves was very close to the cumulative yield calculated with the Test Interval Method. Wilmink function was determined fit to predict production records.
  • Toivonen, Marjo (2016)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of starch content of partial mixed ration (PMR) on locomotion activity and milk yield in automatic milking system. The study was a part of Työtehoseura´s and ProAgria´s project “Automaattilypsynavetan toiminnallisuus”. The study was conducted at the research farm of the University of Helsinki. The experimental animals were thirty-nine primi- and multiparous cows, on average 104 days in milk at the beginning of the experiment. Cows were milked with automatic milking system which had a free cow traffic. Cows got concentrate from the milking robot 4, 6 or 8 kg according their milk yield. The experiment lasted six weeks and consisted of three two weeks’ periods. The experimental diets were partial mixed ration rich in starch (T) on periods 1 and 3 and partial mixed ration rich in neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (K) on period 2. The change in starch content was made by replacing half of the cereals with concentrate rich NDF. The fermentation quality and digestibility of silage were good. The starch content of partial mixed rations was 166 (T), 87 (K) and 177 (T) g/kg DM. Dry matter intake and number of eating bouts were not affected by the starch concentration of partial mixed ration. There was curvilinear difference in NDF and starch intake as planned in the study design. The amount of milking visits and refusals decreased linearly during the experiment. The amount of fetched cows decreased slightly. There were a few less fetched cows with the PMR rich in NDF although the curvilinear effect was not significant. Milk yield decreased linearly during the experiment. The protein content of milk decreased slightly with PMR rich in NDF. The fat content of milk increased linearly during the experiment. There was no significant difference in energy corrected milk yield. On herd level there were no difference in locomotion activity and fetchings between partial mixed ration rich in starch or NDF. In individual level the PMR rich in NDF decreased fetching of two primiparous cows. The experimental partial mixed ration rich in starch did not decrease milking visits. In addition, partial mixed ration rich in starch had no effect on dry matter intake, eating visits or milk yield compared with partial mixed ration rich in NDF.
  • Virtanen, Sanni (2017)
    Lehmä on suuren osan tuotoskaudestaan tiineenä. Tuotantokautta edeltävä vasikka vaikuttaa erityisesti alkutuotoskauden maitotuotokseen, mikäli poikimisessa on ollut vaikeuksia. Toisaalta loppulypsykauden tuotokseen vaikuttaa kohdussa kehittyvä sikiö, joka vie osan emän energiaresursseista. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa on tavoitteena tutkia sikiön ja tuotoskautta edeltävän vasikan vaikutuksia emän maitotuotokseen tuotosseuranta- ja polveutumistietojen avulla. Aineisto saatiin Faba Osk:lta ja se sisälsi suomalaiset vuosina 2005–2011 syntyneet, vähintään kolmesti poikineet ayrshirelehmät sekä niiden ayrshirevasikat. Koko aineiston käsittely tehtiin R-ohjelmoinnin piirissä. Sikiön ja vasikan sukupuolen vaikutusta eri tuotoskauden vaiheissa, ja vaikutuksia maidon laatuun tutkittiin mallilla, jossa oli mukana systemaattiset kiinteät tekijät (karja, vuosi, vuodenaika ja tyhjäkauden pituus) ja lisäksi mukaan otettiin sikiön ja edeltävän vasikan sukupuolet. Edeltävän vasikan syntymäpainon ja sikiön tulevan syntymäpainon vaikutusta tutkittiin osa-aineistolla, jossa oli mukana punnitustulokset. Tämän osa-aineiston koko oli noin 12 % koko aineiston koosta. Geneettisten analyysien avulla tahdottiin tarkentaa vaikutusten esilletuloa sekä löytää mahdollinen emän maternellivaikutus sikiöstä kehittyvän vasikan syntymäpainoon ja toisaalta sikiön isän paternellivaikutus sikiön kautta lehmän maitotuotokseen. Geneettinen analysointi suoritettiin bayeslaisella MCMC-menetelmällä. Sikiön sukupuolella on pieni, mutta tilastollisesti merkitsevä vaikutus emän maitotuotokseen. Vaikutus oli havaittavissa koko tuotoskaudella ja lopputuotoskaudella, jolloin sikiö kehittyy kohdussa nopeammin. Lehmäsikiö lisäsi ensimmäisen tuotoskauden 305 päivän tuotosta 25,3 kg, toisella tuotoskaudella 25,6 kg. Edellisen vasikan sukupuolen vaikutus alkavaan tuotoskauteen oli ennakko-odotuksista poiketen päinvastainen kuin sikiöllä: sonnivasikan poikiminen paransi alkavan tuotoskauden tuotosta molemmilla tuotoskausilla, tosin vaikutusta ei havaittu ensimmäisen tuotoskauden alussa. Sonnivasikan poikiminen tuotti ensimmäisellä lypsykaudella 14,3 kg enemmän maitoa kuin lehmävasikan, toisella tuotoskaudella 55,1 kg. Maidon laatuun sikiön ja edeltävän vasikan vaikutukset olivat hyvin pieniä. Painokilon lisäys sikiön tulevaan syntymäpainoon nosti emän maitotuotosta lineaarisesti molemmilla tuotoskausilla. Edeltävän vasikan syntymäpainon kilon lisäys nosti alkavan tuotoskauden maitotuotosta kiihtyvästi. Painon vaikutuksen lisääminen analysoitavaan malliin peitti kaikissa analyyseissa sukupuolen vaikutuksen, mikä viittaa siihen, että ainakin osa sukupuolen vaikutuksesta johtuu nimenomaan sukupuoleen liittyvästä painoerosta. Sikiöstä kehittyvän vasikan syntymäpainon periytymisaste oli 0,22. Emän maternellivaikutusta ei aineistosta kyetty löytämään. Sikiön sukupuoli oli mallissa merkitsevä, ja lehmävasikan syntymäpaino oli 1,82 kg sonnivasikkaa alhaisempi. Lehmän oma geneettinen vaikutus maitotuotokseensa oli periytymisasteeltaan 0,24-0,28, sikiön isän vaikutukselle löydettiin 0,034:n periytymisaste. Sikiön isä siis vaikuttaa lehmän maitotuotokseen paternellivaikutuksen kautta ja sonnivalinnalla voidaan vaikuttaa lehmän maitotuotokseen.
  • Heinonen, Tiina (2018)
    Litter size and pelt characteristics are economically important traits in fur animal production. Biologically, the litter production is affected by several reproduction related traits all the way from ovulation rate to weaning and over parities. This thesis was focused on the six litter traits of blue and silver foxes: age at 1st insemination, pregnancy, number of pups born, weaned and lost and pup mortality. The objective was to estimate the amount of genetic vari-ation within and between the traits, and also to quantify the genetic contribution of litter sire on the number of pups and mortality. The genetic correlations across parities were also estimated. The data is from Norwegian fur farms and was obtained from the WebSampo breeding program managed by the Finnish Saga Furs. Data processing and statistical analyses were performed using R programs. The variance components were estimated using a Bayesian approach and MCMC methods. The heritabilities of litter size traits in both blue and silver foxes ranged from 0.04 to 0.30. The heritability in the contribution of litter sire was 0.038 – 0.105 in blue fox and 0.038 – 0.042 in silver fox. The phenotypic and genetic correlations between parities ranged from low to medium. Consequently, the 1st and 2nd parities should be considered separate traits. The number of weaned pups can be increased by selecting for the number of pups born and pup mortality. Since there is genetic potential in increasing the number of pups born and lowering pup mortality, the collection of data regarding litter size traits should be enhanced in Finland.
  • Viksten, Sini (2018)
    The aim of the fur production is a high-quality pelt. Selection on pelt size has lead to heavy and possibly obese animals. The obesity can impair animals' health, fertility, welfare and also damage the image of production. Fat animals are most likely increasing feed consumption and subsequent feed costs. A long and lean animal is an economical aim. Blue fox already has a subjective 5-level body score index (BSC), but the aim of this study was to develop a body mass index (BMI) which contains easily measured traits: length and weight. We also wanted to quantify the genetic variation of animals' length, daily gain and BMI and their relation to feed consumption. The data was from MTT's SOLAKKA experiment (2005-2006) where animals were raised in cages occupied by a pair of individuals. The feed consumption was analyzed at an individual- and cage-level. The BMI was developed using the data from the normal sized animals (BSC 3 and 4). The BMI parameters were calculated separately for males and females, because of their weight difference. Using the BMI we could determine with the length of normal sized animals' their required amount of feed. Further, we could calculate the joint feed requirement for a cage pair. The residual feed intake (RFI) was the difference between measured and predicted feed intake. The summed RFI was used for a cage pair. The genetic analyses were performed with R program MCMCglmm package which is based on Bayesian inference. Heritability of length varied 0.43-0.66, heritability of daily gain 0.72-0.83 and heritability of BMI 0.66-0.72. Heritability of dry matter intake was 0.71-0.85 and that of sum-RFI 0.43-0.48. The genetic correlation between sum-RFI and daily gain or BMI was high (0.60-0.63), hence selection on either trait would reduce also RFI. The selection on BMI would not affect length, while there was genetic correlation 0.42 between daily gain and length. The obesity problem of blue fox must be intervened and the BMI seems to be good tool for that. The consequences of its use must still be monitored.
  • Pitkonen, Mirjami (2016)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of blue lupin supplementation on rumen fermentation and milk production responses of cows fed grass silage diets. The study was conducted at Viikki research farm of the University of Helsinki in spring 2013. In the experiment, eight multiparous Ayrshire cows were used, and four of them were fitted with rumen fistula. The average days in milk was 111 (± 29,3). The experiment was conducted as duplicated 4 × 4 Latin squares. The treatments used were four supplementary protein concentrates: control (without protein supplement), rapeseed meal, rapeseed/blue lupin mixture and lupin meal. The protein concentrates were prepared to contain isonitrogenous amounts of protein. Concentrates were fed at a rate of 12 kg/day and grass silage was fed ad libitum. Protein supplementation increased dry matter (DM) intake and milk production. Replacement of rapeseed meal with blue lupin reduced DM intake and milk production. Cows on protein supplemented diets had higher energy corrected milk yield than cows on control diet. Milk fat composition was lower with protein supplemented diets than control diet. Replacement of rapeseed meal with blue lupin meal increased milk fat concentration in milk. Milk urea and rumen ammonia concentrations were higher in protein supplemented than control diet. Rumen ammonia concentration also increased when rapeseed meal replaced blue lupin. Protein supplementation increased concentration of volatile fatty acids in the rumen fluid. Milk fatty acids were less saturated and contained more mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids on protein supplemented diets than control diet. Replacement of rapeseed with blue lupin reduced concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk. Feeding mixture of rapeseed and lupin meal reduced concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids when compared with the average of rapeseed or lupin meal. In protein supplemented diets, palmitic acid (C16:0) in milk was significantly lower and stearic acid (C18:0) significantly higher than on control diet. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA cis-9, trans-11) content increased with protein supplemented diet, but replacing rapeseed meal with lupin reduced it. When rapeseed was replaced with blue lupin a linolenic acid (C18:3n-3) content was decreased. There were not any big differences in milk fatty acid composition between the diets supplemented with lupin or rapeseed meal. This study showed that blue lupin can be used as protein supplement for dairy cows, but milk production responses are not as good as with rapeseed meal.
  • Vainio, Laura (2019)
    Sulavuustutkimuksen avulla pyritään arvioimaan eläinten ravintoaineiden tarvetta, kehittämään rehujen koostumuksia ja minimoimaan eläintuotannon ympäristövaikutukset. Eläimen rehunsyönnin ja sonnan kokonaiskeruun avulla laskettua sulavuutta käytetään laajasti, mutta menetelmään liittyy virhelähteitä ja ongelmia. Merkkiaineen käyttö sulavuuden tutkimisessa poistaa kokonaiskeruun tarpeen, mutta se ei ole myöskään ongelmaton. Sisäiset merkkiaineet ovat aineita, joita on luontaisesti rehussa, kuten piioksidi, ligniini, happoon liukenematon tuhka (AIA) ja sulamaton neutraalidetergenttikuitu (iNDF). Ulkoiset merkkiaineet ovat rehuun lisättäviä reagoimattomia valmisteita, kuten liukenemattomia metallioksideja, muovia, kumia tai väriaineita. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on verrata lypsylehmillä iNDF:n ja AIA:n avulla laskettuja sulavuuksia käyttäen aineistona aiemmin AIA:lla tehtyjä sulavuustutkimuksia. Tutkimusaineistona oli viisi Viikin opetus- ja tutkimustilan navetassa vuosina 2013–2015 tehtyä ruokintatutkimusta. Lehmien poikimisesta oli 100–212 päivää. Koeasetelmat olivat pääasiassa kahden neliön latinalaisia neliöitä. Ruokintakeskiarvoja aineistossa oli 21. Rehu- ja sontanäytteistä määritettiin iNDF nailonpussimenetelmällä uittamalla näytepusseja 12 vrk kahden fistelöidyn lehmän pötsissä. Ravintoaineiden sulavuudet laskettiin iNDF-merkkiaineella ja orgaanisen aineen sulavuuksille laskettiin suhdeluku iNDF-sulavuus/AIA-sulavuus. Lisäksi laskettiin sonnan määrä ja sonnassa erittyneen iNDF:n osuus syödystä iNDF:stä (recovery). Aineistosta laskettiin koeruokintojen minimi ja maksimi, keskiarvo sekä keskihajonta. AIA- ja iNDF-merkkiaineella saatujen sulavuusarvojen välistä yhteyttä testattiin yksinkertaisella regressioanalyysillä. Lisäksi analysoitiin sekamallin regressioanalyysillä mitkä rehuannosta kuvaavat laatuparametrit selittivät parhaiten AIA- ja iNDF-sulavuuksien eroa. Tutkimusaineiston rehujen iNDF-pitoisuudet vaihtelivat 58–146 g/kg ka ja iNDF:n osuus NDF:stä 136–318 g/kg NDF. Koeruokintojen AIA-pitoisuudet vaihtelivat 8,6–14,9 g/kg ka ja iNDF-pitoisuudet 50,8–132 g/kg ka. Aineiston ruokintakeskiarvojen AIA:lla määritetty orgaanisen aineen sulavuus vaihteli 0,646–0,760, kuiva-aineen syönti 18,2–25,8 kg ka/pv, energiakorjattu maitotuotos 24,9–38,4 kg/pv ja väkirehun osuus 42,1–53,0 % kuiva-aineesta. Ravintoaineiden iNDF:llä määritetyt sulavuudet olivat keskimäärin pienempiä kuin AIA-sulavuudet. Orgaanisen aineen iNDF- ja AIA-sulavuuksien keskimääräinen suhdeluku oli 0,959 ja keskimääräinen erotus 0,028. Keskimäärin sonnassa erittyneen iNDF:n osuus syödystä iNDF:stä oli 0,922. Regressioanalyysin mukaan eri merkkiaineilla määritetyissä sulavuuksissa oli suurin ero rehuannoksen sulavuuden ollessa matala, mutta ero pieneni sulavuuden parantuessa. Parhaiten iNDF- ja AIA-sulavuuksien suhdelukua selitti dieetin iNDF-pitoisuus. Mitä suurempi dieetin iNDF-pitoisuus oli, sitä pienempi oli orgaanisen aineen sulavuus iNDF:llä määritettynä verrattuna AIA:lla määritettyyn. Tutkimuksen perusteella iNDF:llä ja AIA:lla saatujen sulavuustulosten välinen suhde vaihtelee riippuen rehuannoksen ominaisuuksista. Tutkielman aineistossa iNDF:n käyttö sisäisenä merkkiaineena vastasi AIA:lla saatuja sulavuustuloksia sitä paremmin mitä pienempi rehuannoksen iNDF-pitoisuus oli ja mitä parempi rehuannoksen sulavuus oli.
  • Hakala, Tuuli (2019)
    Efforts must be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from dairy and beef production in order to curb climate change. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of milk yield, longevity, fertility and live weight of dairy cows, calf mortality and feeding of dairy cows on greenhouse gas emissions of dairy and beef production. The analysis was carried out by production systems and by the total bovine sector, with total annual milk and beef production in each scenario being constant. The research method used was the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) developed by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Calculations were made using the GLEAM-i -tool. The results showed that greenhouse gas emissions from milk production fell as average milk yield increased, cow longevity improved and live weight decreased. Decreased calf mortality or improved fertility of dairy herds did not affect milk output. The focus of beef production varied between the milk system and suckler cow production in the scenarios, which also led to a shift of greenhouse gas emissions from one system to another. Total bovine sector emissions decreased as average milk yields increased, cow fertility improved, calf mortality decreased and dairy cows live weight decreased. Increasing the proportion of concentraits in dairy cattle feeding reduced the greenhouse gas emissions of milk. Regarding feeding results, it should be noted that the calculation does not include land use change or carbon capture in feed production. Based on this study, it is possible to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of Finnish milk production and the main breeding goals of dairy cattle support the promotion of climate efficiency. The live weight of dairy cows should possibly be limited. However, the interconnectedness of milk and beef production should be taken into account and the changes in emissions in dairy and beef cattle should be monitored simultaneously.
  • Wahlroos, Taru (2018)
    Live weight data of cows is needed when preparing feeding plans and monitoring body condition of cows. Live weight is also important in medication; underestimating live weight is a major factor in the development of drug resistance. Live weight of dairy cows has increased in the years 2007–2017. The weight of primaparous cows has increased 21,4 kg (8,8 %), in the second parity 29,2 kg (9,7 %) and in the third parity 34,4 kg (10,8 %). The live weight is affected by both genetics and environment. Higher live weight leads to increased maintenance energy and feed consumption and thereby also increased emissions of greenhouse gases. For these reasons, the body weight should be lowered, or at least its increase should be slowed down. In this study, the objective was to estimate heritability of live weight and body conformation traits in Finnish Ayrshire. In addition, the possibility to include live weight into Nordic Total Merit index (NTM) using breeding values of the frame traits is assessed. From the original data outliers and incorrect observations were deleted. The data were also constrained by fixed effect subclass size. The final data contained 39,550 live weight observations and 12,928 measurements or scores conformation. The heritabilities of this study were: live weight 0,45 (standard error 0,02), stature 0,53 (0,04) and other conformation traits 0,11–0,32 (0,02–0,03). Genetic correlations between live weigh at different ages were very high 0,96–0,98 (0,01–0,03) and the phenotypic correlations were 0,43–0,76. The correlations between the live weight and body characteristics were computed only for the first calving. The genetic correlation between live weight and stature was 0,65 (0,03) and between live weight and other frame traits -0,14–0,59 (0,05–0,09). Based on the results, live weight could be predicted with frame traits. Hence it is possible to calculate the estimates of breeding values to live weight by using the composite index of body characteristics. Adding live weight index into NTM with a negative weight would restrain the growth of cow size.
  • Savolainen, Mira (2018)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida suomenajokoirien ajo-ominaisuuksien (ajo-, haku-, haukku-, hakulöysyys- ja ajolöysyyspisteet) periytymisasteet, ominaisuuksien väliset geneettiset korrelaatiot ja perinnöllinen edistyminen. Koetulokset saatiin Suomen Ajokoirajärjestöltä ja sukupuutiedot Kennelliitolta. Koetuloksia aineistossa oli yhteensä 144 225kpl erirotuisilta koirilta vuosilta 1987-2017. Tulokset olivat koetilanteesta ja sisälsivät tiedot koeajankohdasta, palkintosijasta, koeolosuhteista sekä varsinaisista koetuloksista (ajo-, haku-, haukku-, hakulöysyys- ja ajolöysyyspisteet). Sukupuuaineisto sisälsi 159 569 koiran rekisterinumeron, sukupuolen, syntymäajan sekä emän ja isän rekisterinumerot. Erilaisten käsittelyjen ja yhdistämisen jälkeen tilastollisia analyysejä varten oli 14 521 suomenajokoiralta yhteensä 115 482 koetulosta. Periytymisasteiden arvioinnissa käytetty lineaarinen malli sisälsi sukupuolen, kelin, ikäluokan ja alue*kausi*kuukausi -tekijän kiinteinä luokiteltuina tekijöinä sekä tuomarin, eläimen pysyvän ympäristötekijän ja eläimen jalostusarvon satunnaisina tekijöinä. Varianssikomponenttien arviointi suoritettiin AI-REML -menetelmää hyödyntäen DMU-ohjelmalla. Ajo-ominaisuuksien periytymisasteen arviot olivat verrattain matalia (0,02-0,11). Geneettinen korrelaatio oli voimakasta ajopisteiden ja muiden ajo-ominaisuuksien välillä (0,41-0,69). Myös haku- ja ajolöysyyden välillä oli vahva geneettinen korrelaatio (0,53). Ainoa negatiivinen geneettinen korrelaatio (-0,17) oli haun ja ajolöysyyden välillä. Tulosten perusteella geneettiset korrelaatiot olivat selvästi fenotyyppisiä korrelaatioita voimakkaampia. Tulokset ovat samansuuntaisia kuin aikaisemmin Liinamon ym:n (1997) ja Liinamon (2004) tekemissä tutkimuksissa aiheesta. Ainoastaan haku- ja ajolöysyyden periytymisasteissa löytyi isompia eroja. Perinnöllinen edistyminen suomenajokoiran ajo-ominaisuuksissa on ollut voimakasta viimeisen kolmenkymmenen vuoden aikana. Haku ja haukku ovat kehittyneet myös hyvin. Haku- ja ajolöysyyden trendi on puolestaan sahannut edestakaisin ja havaittavissa on pientä laskua. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että suomenajokoiran jalostuksessa on tehty oikeanlaista eläinvalintaa. Potentiaalia olisi kuitenkin nopeampaankin edistymiseen, jos BLUP-perusteisia jalostusarvoja käytettäisiin enemmän jalostuseläinten valinnassa.
  • Ettala, Anna (2015)
    The aim of this study was to analyze the development and population structure of the Finnhorse's parentage. The coefficient of inbreeding, the time between generations and the effective population size was studied in the whole population. The effective number of founders and ancestors in the population was determined. The number of horses in the whole population was 77 925 animals. The time between generations was 12.6 years on average. On average, the time between generations was two years longer for stallions than for mares. The effective population size of the Finnhorse was 181, which is sufficient to preserve the genetic diversity of the gene pool. It also examined the degree of kinship and inbreeding with the development of advanced, runner, riding, working - and small horse the direction of the corresponding parameters between the years 1960-2012 and compared with the results obtained in this term. There were 9 585 horses registered in different breeding sections: 6 385 horses in the trotter section, 1 734 horses in the working section, 1 027 horses in the riding second and 439 small Finnhorses. The average coefficient of relatedness in the whole population in 1960–2012 was 2,7-10,7%. The average inbreeding coefficient of inbreeding in the whole population was 1-4,4%. Inbreeding has evolved over the last few decades in the same way as in the past. Stock recorded a runner horses degree of relatedness is, however, significantly increased in recent years. The relatedness between the trotter section and the rest of the population was in the same range than in the whole population. The results of this research concerning different variables were similar to those gathered from studies on other horse breeds. The coefficient of inbreeding and relatedness of the Finnhorse is low enough to ensure that the genetic diversity of the breed will not diminish in the future.