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Browsing by discipline "Skogsekonomi och marknadsföring"

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  • Afrin, Tania (2018)
    For 80 years, Pine Chemical Industries have used Crude Tall Oil (CTO) for a wide range of products. To fulfil the climate goal, the European Union (EU) has changed its policy by subsidizing renewable sources, which in turn has promoted CTO as a resource for biofuels. Also, Finland has followed the EU by setting the target for 2020. This research aims to analyze the role of CTO in Finnish bio-economy by focusing on the market dynamics and value network between biofuel and pine chemical industry after the new EU regulation. In addition, it forecast the optimal future end use market. The empirical study is based on qualitative data from five interviewees representing a forest company, two biochemical companies, a research institute and a consulting firm. This study showed that the double carbon benefit supported the increase in demand of CTO. The import also increased to produce biodiesel. In addition, biofuel companies have more purchasing power. Also, decrease in export and price fluctuation has been observed. Strategically, this has directed the biochemical companies to decrease their fixed costs. UPM, Forchem and Kraton are the key players using more than two times CTO where one fourth is used for biodiesel. If available enough, both sectors will have an impact on Finnish bio economy. The double counting has helped Finland to reach EU renewable energy quota for traffic fuel distribution. However, this study also showed that it is not beneficial to invest heavily based on subsidies. Both Biofuel and Biochemical Companies should consider CTO as a competitive product even without the subsidy. It is resource-efficient to use the functionality of the molecule and long value chain to produce diversified product. There should also be room for R&D and innovation. It is for example possible to produce biodiesel from other sources including waste and animal fat. If there is scarcity, then it would be wiser to produce biochemicals rather than biodiesel for maximum economic benefit. New holistic regulations are needed from Finnish authorities. The policy should consider equal access to the raw material, the higher value of the product, free market mechanism without any distortion, stable and balance operating environment for all its bio-based industries. Consumer awareness and motivation should be increased. Cross-industry collaboration, networking and integrating is also essential. Overall, co-operation rather than competition is needed from both biochemical and biodiesel sides.
  • Hedman, Max (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Työnantaja toimii henkilöstöalalla, jossa henkilöstön saatavuus on onnistuneen liiketoiminnan kulmakivi. Rainmaker aloitti loppuvuodesta 2018 oman työnantajamielikuvan rakentamisen ja hakijoiden lisäämiseen tähtäävän rekrytointimarkkinoinnin. Tapaustutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella miten työnantajamielikuvan rakentamiseen liittyvät markkinoinnin toimenpiteet ovat vaikuttaneet työntekijöiden saatavuuteen hakijamäärissä mitattuna tiettynä ajanjaksona. Menetelmät. Aineistona tässä tutkielmassa käytettiin työnantajan valmista dataa. Aineistoon kuului vuoden ajanjaksolta työnhakijat ja sekä ulkoisesti että sisäisesti tuotettujen mainoskampanjoiden määrä kuukausittain. Lisäksi aineistoon kuului kesäkuusta 2018 maaliskuuhun 2019 rekrytointisivuston istuntomäärät. Pääasiallisena menetelmänä tarkasteltiin markkinointitoimenpiteiden määrän korrelaatiota hakijoiden määrään. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Aineistosta ei pystytty luotettavasti osoittamaan korrelaatiota sisäisesti tuotettujen markkinointitoimenpiteiden ja hakemusten määrän välillä. Seuratulla ajanjaksolla oli kuitenkin huomattavissa samassa suhteessa kasvanut rekrytointisivuston istuntojen määrä ja hakijamäärä sisäisesti tuotettujen mainoskampanjoiden ajalta. Sisäisesti tuotettujen rekrytointimainoskampanjoiden aikana työhakemuksia saatiin merkittävästi enemmän kuin ulkoisen kumppanin tuottamien mainoskampanjoiden aikana. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan katsoa markkinointitoimenpiteiden nostaneen työnhakijoiden määrää. Myös tässä tutkimuksessa selittämättömiä tekijöitä on taustalla vaikuttamassa hakijamääriin, kuten vuodenaikaan liittyvät vaihtelut. Lisätutkimuksia aiheesta kaivataan.
  • Suomala, Tuuli (2019)
    Bioeconomy is a concept that aims to provide sustainable solutions for economic growth by utilizing renewable natural resources. In Finland, the forest-based bioeconomy forms the base for bioeconomy. The Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy has set ambitious targets regarding employment, output and innovative products and services. However, to date these solutions still remain by large in the theoretical level and the overall sustainability of bioeconomy is questioned by stakeholders. Urbanization is a world-wide phenomenon and also in Finland the biggest cities are expected to grow whilst the country-side becomes less inhabited. Thus, the importance of urban citizens becomes increasingly important in the implementation of forest-based bioeconomy, as they are the future consumers of biobased products and practices. Thereby understanding urban citizens’ perceptions, level of knowledge and opinions regarding the emerging bioeconomy practices is of fundamental importance. This thesis aims to provide insights into the topic with the research questions “what are the worldviews through which urban citizens understand the forest-based bioeconomy?” Furthermore, this thesis aims to provide insights into the question, “how do these worldviews affect the urban citizens’ perceptions of the forest-based bioeconomy?” These worldviews are screened through the Integrative Worldview Framework (IWF) to explain and understand the underlying latent elements of perceptions and acceptance. Additionally, this thesis contributes to a European-wide research network aiming to understand the regional disparities of forest-based bioeconomy perceptions and policies. To answer these questions, a quantitative survey was conducted in Helsinki city center in December 2018 and January 2019. The survey included 34 claims regarding wooden multistory buildings, forest carbon storage and forest-based bioeconomy. With a randomized approach, 206 responses were gathered in total. The statistical methods include descriptive statistics, crosstabulations and exploratory factor analysis and were done using the SPSS 25 Programme. The results proved to be positive and encouraging for the Finnish forest-based bioeconomy. Four worldview factors were detected: Utilitarian, Biocentric, Anti-bioeconomy, and Anthropocentric. Nearly 59% of the respondents perceived to be familiar with the meaning of forest-based bioeconomy and even more with both wooden multistory buildings (WMC) and forest carbon storage. Additionally, forest-based bioeconomy was associated with positive attributes such as generating new jobs and wellbeing.
  • Rautalin, Jori (2020)
    The usage of assortment pricing in roundwood trade creates a clear conflict of financial interests between the buyer and the seller, since sellers only get about a quarter of their total stumpage earnings from pulpwood, while its demand is likely to stay high or to increase. This thesis studies two possible alternatives to assortment pricing, stem and fractional stem pricing. In both methods, the buyer’s bucking decision and the pricing are separated from each other. This study aims to assess the usability of the alternative pricing methods by comparing how actual stand values differ between assortment, stem and fractional stem pricing when they are equally valued in pre-harvest trade offers. The premise of this study is that the smaller the actual stand value difference between assortment pricing and the alternative pricing methods, the more usable they are in the roundwood trade. This is because neither side wants to take the possible monetary risk affiliated with switching away from assortment pricing. The comparison was conducted by determining equally valued assortment pricing, stem pricing and fractional stem pricing (according to Luke’s 2016 method proposition) for 27 study stands, on the basis of Trestima-based pre-harvest data and well-known taper curve and stem length models. With the resulting unit prices, all three pricings were again conducted for the same stands, this time constructed from harvester data by using the same taper curve and stem length models. Based on the results, switching to stem pricing or fractional stem pricing creates on average from one to three percent higher stand values than assortment pricing. Stem pricing however deviated more than fractional stem pricing, so it could be considered to be slightly riskier method. Overall, both alternative pricing methods are usable in roundwood trade, and their usage should be encouraged.
  • Mäkinen, Nora (2018)
    Customer acquisition is important for businesses to guarantee their future profitability, as they strive for continuous growth. As customer acquisition takes up considerable resources, it is important to find solutions that are as cost-effective as possible, without compromising the quality. This study examines the cost-effectiveness and productivity of the sponsoring company, by exploring their customer acquisition. As the company carries this out in the form of phone calls, this study will examine the factors that affect these qualities. It will also consider how customer acquisition can be further developed in the future, concentrating on cost-effectiveness and productivity. This thesis has been carried out as a quantitative research. The methods used are traditional for understanding work efficiency and cost calculations, as well as simple key figures for comparison. The material used is the system data provided by the sponsoring company. The costs and work efficiency have been calculated on the basis of the company’s invoicing and monitoring the working hours of the callers. Based on the results, this thesis argues that the choice of call materials used as the basis for customer acquisition, is significant in terms of cost-effectiveness. There are obvious differences between different acquisition areas. However, the largest differences are evident when examining buyer teams within the company, where the differences between separate teams may be substantial. Even buyer areas that are close to one another may be very different from the perspective of customer acquisition. Furthermore, the caller also plays a big role in terms of cost-effectiveness. In the future, customer acquisition should be targeted to areas where it is as cost-effective as possible – effective call materials should be utilised in customer acquisition. Increasing internal cooperation and training the callers in the organization will also lead customer acquisition towards an even more cost-effective direction.
  • Sakki, Henri (2019)
    The aim of the thesis is to study how green bond offerings affect the stock price of a listed company. Green bonds are a relatively new form of securities. Their valuation effects, pricing and other effects on company success have been studied only little so far. A green bond differs from a conventional bond only in that the proceeds must be used for projects that contribute to environmental objectives. The thesis also analyses how different characteristics, such as bond credit rating, maturity type or year of issuance, or company industry, listing status and domicile affect the possible valuation effect of Green Bond issuance. This thesis has been commissioned by Indufor Oy. The data for the study were collected from the Bloomberg database with OP’s license and open online sources. Two samples were formed. The first consisted of the details of 219 corporate green bonds issued during 2014–2019. The second sample consisted of the details of 183 conventional bonds. The second sample was formed by identifying nearest neighbour matches for green bonds using the Mahalanobis distance to determine the closest match, based on bond and issuer characteristics. The study was conducted as a quantitative event study. Closing prices of the issuing companies’ shares were used to deter-mine regular returns using four different factor models. The difference between these regular and actual realized returns on the announcement date of the bonds (when a bond was first announced to the public) and ten days surrounding this date were interpreted as abnormal returns attributable to the announcement of the bond. These abnormal returns were tested for statistical significance. Contrary to previous research, the current study finds that announcing a green bond offering results in a statistically significant, negative stock price reaction. The average cumulative abnormal return during [-1,1] surrounding the announcement date is found to be -0.267%. A similar result is not found from the sample of conventional bonds. This leads to the assumption that the abnormal returns are attributable to the “greenness” of a green bond. The geographic location of issuers was found to impact the size of the stock price reaction. Green bonds issued by companies in developed countries were not found to result in significant stock price reaction. Green bonds issued by companies in developing countries on the other hand were found to result in a positive stock price reaction. During 2014–2016 stock prices were found to react more strongly to green bond announcements than during 2017–2019. During both periods, reactions were negative, however. Green bonds issued by financial companies resulted in statistically significant negative stock price reaction, while there were no statistically significant reactions to green bonds issued in other industries. Green bonds with poor credit ratings resulted in steeper negative price reactions than investment-grade green bonds, which was also statistically more significant. The results are surprising, since environmentally sustainable business has been connected to improved financial success in previous studies, and green bond issuance can be understood to signal commitment to environmentally sustainable performance. Based on the current study it is reasonable to conduct further studies on green bonds.
  • Honkanen, Venla (2017)
    The aim of this thesis was to discover the similarities and differences between the Finnish and northwest Russian timber industry. The second goal was to find characteristics from the operational environment of the closely situated countries, in order to, increase cultural understanding when comparing the timber industry of these countries. Data collection was conducted via theme interviews by using two separate frameworks, which were Pestel and Core Competence. The Pestel framework focuses on the macro level of the operational environment, and the Core Competence framework on the micro level of the particular company. Research was also conducted on how the companies differentiate from each other, when the raw material is the same for the whole industry. How to produce added value and at the same time develop long-term and lasting customer relationships? The theme interviews were supplemented by using secondary sources and the Pestel framework. This approach was adopted to bring depth to the results, in order to increase the reliability of the data. According to the results, the main differences had to do with the culture, and what action is taken in specific situations. Furthermore, the conditions of the forest and timber industry in the two countries are completely different. For example, in Finland private forest owners own most of the forests, whereas, in Russia the government owns all the forests. This affects in multiple ways in how the forests are renewed, and the future quality of the timber. Differences regarding, for example, technology and corruption were discovered in the interviews and the secondary sources of data.
  • Ikonen, Kalle-Pekka (2017)
    Elinkeinorakenteen muuttuminen, alueellisten kehityserojen lisääntyminen sekä sisäinen muuttoliike ovat suomalaisen yhteiskunnan suurimpia muutosvoimia. Niillä on vaikutusta myös suomalaiseen metsänomistajakuntaan, sillä noin 700 000 suomalaista omistaa metsää. 2000 -luvun ensimmäisten vuosikymmenten aikana metsänomistajakunnan rakennemuutos on ollut muuta väestöä hitaampaa, mutta merkittävämpiä muutoksia on luvassa kahden seuraavan vuosikymmenen aikana, kun seuraava metsänomistajasukupolvi ottaa metsät haltuunsa. Vallitseva muutos asettaa myös suomalaisen metsäteollisuuden puunhankintaorganisaatiot uuden haasteen eteen tulevaisuudessa. Puunhankintaorganisaatioiden on pystyttävä vastaamaan sekä kasvavan kotimaisen puun kysynnän että metsänomistajakunnan rakennemuutoksen asettamaan haasteeseen varmistaakseen tuotantolaitosten puuhuollon. Digitalisaatio ja sen synnyttämät uudet palvelut voivat olla yksi ratkaisu metsäteollisuuden haasteeseen. Uusilla sähköisillä palveluilla voidaan vastata uuden digitalisesti orientoituneen metsänomistajasukupolven asettamiin tavoitteisiin. Haasteena on luoda uusia digitaalisia palveluita, jotka palvelevat parhaiten koko muuttuvaa metsänomistajakuntaa ja heidän odotuksiaan. Tämä tutkimus selvittää metsänomistajien ja metsäasiantuntijoiden asenteita uusia sähköisiä asiakaspalvelu-, neuvonta- sekä puukauppakanavia kohtaan. Niiden keskiössä on metsänomistajille tarjottava videoneuvottelupalvelu. Tutkimus luo myös katsauksen virtuaalitodellisuuden mahdollisuuksiin tulevaisuuden metsäomaisuuden mallintajana ja puukauppapaikkana. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin 13 teemahaastattelulla elokuussa 2016. Haastateltavat olivat suomalaisen metsäteollisuuden puunhankintaorganisaation metsäasiantuntijoita ja metsänomistaja-asiakkaita. Viisi haastateltavista oli metsäasiantuntijoita ja kahdeksan metsänomistajia. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään palvelun laadun arviointiin tarkoitettua SERVQUAL -menetelmää ja siinä keskitytään arvioimaan koettua palvelun laatua. Tutkimuksen perusteella metsänomistajien suhtautuminen sähköiseen asiointiin on positiivista ja kehitys sähköisten palvelukanavien parissa nähdään edistävän koko metsäalaa. Sähköisen asioinnin hyödyt korostuvat ennen kaikkea etämetsänomistajien kohdalla, mutta ne palvelevat myös lähempänä metsiään asuvia. Sähköisen asioinnin nähdään myös säästävän sekä metsänomistajien että metsäasiantuntijoiden aikaa ja lisäävän asioinnin vaivattomuutta
  • Aaltonen, Juho Aleksi (2019)
    Growing concern on climate change has provided impetus for developing and implementing sustainable solutions in various industries. For instance, the theme of bioeconomy has increasingly gained interest in the 2000s. Other megatrends such as population growth and urbanization further highlight the importance of finding and implementing sustainable solutions to various industries, or as in this connection, the examination of the residential multi-story construction (MC) industry. More specifically, viewpoints regarding the industry’s productivity, environmental regulations and future trends regarding both MC and residential wooden multi-story construction (WMC) were emphasized. This study was conducted applying qualitative research methods. Semi-structured interviews were held in 2018 for 10 construction company executives, managers or people with an equivalent status mainly in areas related to procurement and production. The selected sampling strategy was purposeful sampling. The main criterion in the selection process was that the companies contacted did not have prior experience in WMC, as they were not seen being overly represented in previous literature especially in the context of WMC. Based on the results, the majority of experts perceived the productivity development in the construction industry similar as previous studies have shown. That is, productivity development has been slow compared to other industries. Some of the expressed solutions considered moving increasingly more toward prefabricated solutions and minimizing on-site construction, and the further development of technologies such as building information models (BIMs). However, the current zoning policies were seen to inhibit some of the potential, as they do not permit incorporating more repetitive production methods. The adoption rate of digital solutions were mentioned as an opportunity for productivity development, and the role of digitalization was seen to enhance productivity. Regarding the theme of environmental regulations, no additional or special metrics were brought up, as the current policies already demand extensive documentation. The emphasis in discussion was more inclined toward operational energy use instead of embodied energy. For example, investigating opportunities for implementing geothermal heat or solar panels were mentioned. Investors were seen to demand increasingly environmental certifications (e.g., BREEAM & LEED) in real-estate investments, however, consumer demand for this was not specifically identified. Regarding future trends in MC, prefabrication was mentioned the most often. In addition, digitalization and robotics were seen to have a larger role in future. The effects of urbanization to the Finnish housing market and to the consumers raised questions. As the results imply that the prefabrication rate will increase in the future, this in turn could possess a potential for WMC especially in off-site modular construction. However, it would seem that e.g. clear cost-advantages should be achieved to raise grater interest of construction companies. The results found similar implications of other studies where producing cost-advantages and developing standardization was emphasized. The market share of WMC in future was seen to either stay at the current levels or to increase. Notably, none of the experts saw that the market share of WMC would decrease toward 2030.
  • Kurkela, Marja (2016)
    Tässä Pro Gradu –työssä perehdyttiin kaupunkien viheralueiden terveys- ja hyvinvointivaikutuksiin ja niiden taloudelliseen arvottamiseen. Tutkielman teoriaosiossa tarkastellaan markkinattomien hyödykkeiden taloudellista arvottamista ekosysteemipalveluiden sekä terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin osalta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu luonnonvara- ja terveystaloustieteeseen, mutta tutkimuksen taustana on kaupunkirakennetta tiivistävän maankäyttösuunnittelun problematiikka. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa käsittelee Helsingin Meri-Rastilan ulkoilumetsän virkistyskäyttöä. Meri-Rastilaa koskeva uusi osayleiskaava mahdollistaa asuntorakentamisen osittain nykyisen ulkoilumetsän alueelle. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää paitsi ulkoilumetsän nykyistä virkistyskäyttöä, myös ennakoida tulevan maankäytön muutoksen vaikutuksia kohdealueella ulkoiluun. Tavoitteena oli lisäksi estimoida, miten mahdolliset ulkoilutottumusten muutokset vaikuttavat asukkaiden hyvinvointiin ja edelleen mahdollisen hyvinvointimuutoksen taloudellista arvoa. Tutkimuksen empiirisen osan aineisto kerättiin ulkoilumetsän lähialueen asukkaille postitetulla lomakekyselyllä kesällä 2015. Tuloksissa korostui alueen huomattava merkitys asukkaiden fyysiselle ja henkiselle hyvinvoinnille. Tulosten perusteella rakennushanke tulee vähentämään jonkin verran lähialueen asukkaiden ulkoilua Meri-Rastilan ulkoilumetsässä sekä kokonaisliikuntamäärää, sillä kohdealueella vähenevä liikunta tulee korvautumaan vain osittain sisäliikunnalla ja ulkoilemalla muualla. Ennakoitavat muutokset jäävät siinä määrin vähäisiksi, että asukkaiden hyvinvoinnin muutokselle ei voitu tulosten perusteella määritellä taloudellista arvoa tutkimukseen valittujen menetelmien avulla.
  • Pöllänen, Niko (2020)
    In recent years, timber and forest management service sales have increasingly moved into electronic services. Combining this with distant ownership can create a situation where forest owners' knowledge about silviculture and forest management is in danger of diminishing. Poor understanding of the condition of one’s own forest and silviculture increases the need of trust towards the service provider. The purpose of this study is to find out how forest owners currently make timber sales and purchase forest management services. In addition, the focus will be on identifying the factors involved in the sales and purchase decision and how virtual reality fits into timber trade, the purchase of forest management services, and the services of forest owners. In this research, e-services and virtual reality on the customer path rose to special consideration. More specific research setting or research questions were not assigned for this research due to the nature of design ethnography and grounded theory, which are used in this research. Design ethnography and grounded theory methods were chosen as the research approach. The purpose of ethnography is to gain a wholesome understanding of the customers’ behavior, beliefs, and reasons behind their actions. The research was conducted by interviewing forest owners and following their journey during the timber sales and purchase of the forest management services. Methods of grounded theory was used to provide the academic framework for this research. Results show that one of the most important, if not the most important factor in decision-making and choosing a service partner, is trust, which also has an intergenerational influence. Research results showed antecedent trust factors to be customer-based (e.g., previous experience) or company-based (e.g., company values and quality of the services). Other important factors affecting trust and decision making are perceived risk and customer learning, which are interrelation with customer trust. The results of this research indicate that virtual reality can potentially increase customer trust toward the service provider under certain conditions. Virtual reality was also seen as having an impact on customer learning, which allows forest owners to learn the effects of different silviculture practices on their own forest. The results show that every customer segment can benefit from virtual reality. Inspecting the forest plan and seeing the effects of different forestry operations in the virtual reality were seen as the most significant benefits of the virtual reality. In addition, interviewees saw that including the ability to see the visualization of the expected future growth in virtual reality would facilitate decision making.
  • Ignatius, Heikki (2019)
    The structural changes concerning the forest industry sector will stimulate the incumbents in the sector to develop new product areas for the replacement of the old, declining core products. Wood-based biochemicals are considered as one of the major product areas able to compensate the decline in revenues caused by diminishing demand for graphic papers. There is already existing demand for biochemicals from the owners of major product brands who seek to replace fossil-based raw materials with more sustainable alternatives. New wood-based product areas respond to the changing operating environment of the sector but also require new types of business models and strategies as well as development of expertise from different fields. This work examines the systemic weaknesses and strengths of the development of the Finnish wood-based biochemical sector as well as the policy tools facilitating the development and diffusion of the sector. This study was carried out as a qualitative study where literature review was complemented with eight semi-structured expert interviews. The conceptual basis for analyzing the material were based on innovation theories, enabling the identification of the weaknesses and strengths of the system. The results revealed several drivers for the further progression of the system but specifically two internal functions of the system were identified which can be recognized to hinder the optimal development of the entire system. The development and diffusion of knowledge as well as the differing expectations and visions between system actors were identified as barriers to the further development of the system, necessitating more effective policy measures. As this study addressed specifically the systemic weaknesses and strengths, it would be important for the future studies to address more detailed policy measures in order to enhance the further promotion of the sector. This approach should also consider the relationship of the wood-based biochemicals as a part of the whole biochemical sector and its development.
  • Franzini, Florencia (2018)
    For the last 20 years, the state administration of Finland has supported the development of wooden multistory construction (WMC) into the residential housing market. While the number of WMC dwellings has increased, WMC is still not a normalized construction practice. Civil servants—who are responsible for complying with national strategies while being tasked to satisfy the needs of Finnish citizens—are legally entrusted to oversee and approve the planning of all zoning maps. This authority includes the power to compel builders to comply with material preferences through zoning regulations. Regardless of this gatekeeping authority, they rarely enact such regulations. This qualitative study examines the attitudes and perceptions of civil servants regarding WMC. It also examines the civil servants’ interpretation of other stakeholder opinions towards WMC. The aim was to set a precedent for current-day beliefs about WMC from the perspective of this authoritative group, given no such in-depth opinions currently exist in the literature. Semi-structured interviews were held between May 2017-January 2018. 11 civil -servants holding high-level administrative roles in city planning and development from six different municipalities were interviewed. Based on qualitative content analysis of the data, interviewed civil servants held a variety of attitudes towards WMC. Support for the implementation of WMC was due to benefits incurred by the positive qualities of the engineered wood products, which permit flexible construction technologies that directly enhance citizen lifestyles, while supporting local and national economies. Hindrances in the implementation of WMC were a result of an operating environment with poor information distribution, few WMC industry actors and limited government policy measures to support project implementation. These factors trigger high risk and high cost. Material limitations were rarely discussed, but may result in high cost or project risk. The stakeholders whose opinions were most frequently discussed included the municipalities the civil servants represented, municipality residents, and private developers. The opinions of other stakeholders (e.g. end users) were rarely mentioned. Developers are reluctant to take on WMC projects due to bottom-line mentality and perceived development risk. Residents’ opinions are equally colored with interest and skepticism. Municipality opinions were mostly in line with the perceptions shared by civil servants. All stakeholders were perceived to have greater interest in WMC if risk or prejudice were dispelled through positive, real-world experiences or exposure to WMC.
  • Raittinen, Elliroosa (2020)
    The importance of corporate responsibility (CR) has increased, and it has become significant for all industries and companies. The Finnish sawmill industry has acknowledged the issue of environmental impact and responsibility for many decades. As the general awareness of CR has increased on the global level, the management and understanding of CR have developed as well in the sawmill industry. The focus of this thesis was to reveal the medium size sawmills’ managers attitudes to CR, and how the CR goals have been realized in the sawmills, and how the UN’s Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are represented in the sawmills’ CR strategies and realizations. The second target was to exam the development of CR in sawmill industry in the last ten years. The thesis is a qualitative research. The empirical data was collected by interviewing the managers of medium-sized sawmills in Finland between January and March 2020. The interviewing method based on semi-structured theme interview and the data analysis combined the qualitative and the thematic analyse methods. Based on the results, the interviewed managers perceive CR generally positive, and they see CR as a positive push-effect on the companies’ research and development processes. The managers found out that the most efficient way for medium size sawmills to execute CR is by integrating CR into the company’s strategy and daily operating processes. According to the sawmill managers, CR and business should be seen as a whole, and CR should be seen in every business sector of the company. The focus of sawmills’ CR actions is based on environmental and social responsibility. The economic responsibility was hard to define by the sawmill managers. The executed CR actions on sawmills are compatible with SDGs. Based on the findings, the most important SDGs in sawmills industry are Good health and well-being, Decent work and economic growth, Responsible consumption and production, Climate action, as well as, Life on land. The most significant change has happened in the shareholders’ awareness of CR. Furthermore, climate change and the loss of biodiversity have become more visible in general discussions and in companies’ CR actions. However, there is lack of CR marketing resources in Finnish medium size sawmills, which could be solved by cooperating with other companies and the Finnish sawmill federation. After the comparison of the findings to the previous literature, it could be concluded that Finnish sawmill industry is still on the reactive CR level with their CR, even if their attitudes have turned slightly more towards proactive CR level during the last decade.