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  • Tötterman, Katarina (2020)
    Tänä päivänä kuluttajat kohtaavat ruokakaupassa valtavan valikoiman erilaisia tuotteita. Hyllyt ovat täynnä tuotteita, joissa perinteiset tuotekategorioiden rajat sekoittuvat. 2010-luvun alussa vallannut proteiinibuumi näyttää suurimmaksi osaksi laantuneen, mutta tästä huolimatta erilaiset proteiinivälipalat ovat yleistyneet. Tutkielmani tavoitteena on tarkastella sitä, millaisia kulttuurisia merkityksiä proteiinivälipaloihin liitetään. Kysymystä lähestytään tarkastelemalla, miten teknologisuus, luonnollisuus, terveellisyys ja nautinnollisuus jäsentyvät kuluttajien puheessa toisiinsa. Tutkimukseni teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu sosiologisen ruokakulttuurin ja siinä esiintyvien vastinparien avulla. Tutkimusotteeni on laadullinen ja tutkimusmenetelmänä olen käyttänyt teemahaastattelua. Haastateltavia oli yhteensä 10, ja kaikki haastattelut kerättiin joulukuun 2019 aikana. Muodostin mahdollisimman monipuolisen haastattelujoukon pääkaupunkiseudun alueelta. Tutkimuksessani tarkastelin proteiinipatukan ja -jäätelön herättämää puhetta, ja haastattelut toimivat työkaluna kulttuurisen puheen synnylle. Toteutin analyysin teemoittelulla, jonka kautta esiin nousivat keskeisimmät teemat. Käytin analyysin tukena myös aiempaa tutkimuskirjallisuutta. Tutkimukseni tulosten perusteella puhe proteiinivälipalojen ympärillä esiintyi monimuotoisena. Vastinpareja koskevat melko selkeät kulttuuriset merkitykset hämärtyivät mentäessä yksittäisten tuotteiden tasolle. Haastateltavien näkemyksiin vaikutti se, mistä näkökulmasta proteiinivälipaloja tarkasteltiin ja mihin niitä vertasi. Nostin terveellisyyden yhdeksi pääkäsitteeksi, sillä sen kautta heijastettiin niin teknologisuutta, luonnollisuutta kuin nautintoakin. Terveellisyyteen liittyi kuitenkin paljon myös hämmennystä ja kyseenalaistamista. Samalla kun lisätty proteiini loi mielikuvaa terveellisyydestä, se oli syy tähän hämmentymiseen ja kyseenalaistamiseen. Haastateltavat kyseenalaistivat lisätyn proteiinin tarpeellisuuden terveyden kannalta ja epäilivät, että kuluttajia vain huijataan sen avulla.
  • Laine, Eerojuhani (2017)
    Hirvenmetsästys on Suomessa suurelle osalle metsästäjistä tärkeä harrastus, ja yhteiskunnallisestikin sillä on suurta merkitystä. Se on metsästyspäivissä ja lihan arvossa mitattuna Suomen merkittävin metsästysmuoto. Hirvenmetsästys tapahtuu usein seuruemetsästyksenä. Seuruemetsästys tapahtuu suurella joukolla laajoilla alueilla, jolloin syntyy päällekkäisyyttä ja mahdollisia ristiriitoja muun virkistyskäytön kanssa. Mikäli samalla metsästysalueella on useita hirviseurueita (esim. useita Metsähallituksen aluelupaa hakeneita seurueita metsästää samalla alueella), saattaa niiden välille syntyä kitkaa. Tällaisten seikkojen vuoksi harrastuksen sosiaalinen kestävyys saattaa kärsiä. Miten sosiaalista kestävyyttä voitaisiin parantaa? Mitä paremmin metsästysjärjestelyistä vastaavat viranomaiset tuntevat alueellaan metsästävät hirviseurueet, sitä paremmin ristiriitoihin ajautumista kyetään ennaltaehkäisemään. Yksi keino tutustua hirviseurueisiin on niiden profilointi. Profiloinnilla tarkoitetaan tässä työssä homogeenisten osajoukkojen tunnistamista heterogeenisesta vastaajajoukosta. Työssä tarkastellaan Pohjois-Suomessa metsästäviä hirviseurueita heidän taustojensa, toimintansa ja häiriöitä koskevien näkemystensä suhteen. Vastaajajoukko koostuu metsästyslain 8§ tarkoittaman vapaan metsästysoikeuden alueella metsästävistä hirviseurueista. Näistä seurueista Metsähallitus on kerännyt aineiston vuonna 2013. Alueella metsästää noin 1 400–1 600 hirviseuruetta, joista kysely lähetettiin kaikille, joiden yhteystiedot olivat saatavilla (n = 1 388). Näistä vastasi 825 (59,44 %). Vastauksia kertyi koko tutkimusalueelta melko tasaisesti, muutamaa poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta. Profiloinnissa käytettiin nominaaliasteikollisten muuttujien LCA:ta (Latent Class Analysis). Aineiston herkkyyttä menetelmävalinnalle tarkasteltiin järjestysasteikollisten muuttujien faktorianalyysillä ja korrelaatioanalyysillä. Jaoin seurueet LCA:lla 2–6 profiiliin. Eri profiilimääriin jaotteluja arvioin informaatiokriteereillä ja pyrin löytämään tulkinnallisesti mielekkään, aineistoon sopivan jaottelun profiileihin. Tällainen oli etenkin neljän profiilin ratkaisu. Nimesin eri profiilien seurueet ja analysoin eri profiilien esiintymisen riippuvuutta suhteessa seurueiden sijoittumiseen tutkimusalueella etelä–pohjois-suunnassa. Tämän tarkastelun mukaan ns. vapaan metsästysoikeuden alueella on 1) yksilömetsästystä suosivia pienseurueita (Ylä-Lappi), 2) monimuotoisia suurseurueita (Keski-Lappi), 3) seisontahaukkua suosivia seurueita (Etelä-Lappi), sekä 4) seisovaa ja siirtyvää haukkua suosivia seurueita (tutkimusalueen eteläosa). Tarkastelin myös tunnistamieni profiilien yhteyttä siihen, millaisia häiriöitä tai ristiriitoja niissä oli koettu. Häiriönä erityisesti nousi esille suden merkitys hirven metsästystä haittaavana tekijänä profiilissa 4). Kun tarkastelin pelkästään muiden seurueiden kanssa ristiriitoja kokeneita seurueita (40 % kaikista seurueista) tunnistin yhden profiilin, jossa oli ongelmia koettu muita enemmän. Tämä profiili muodostui seurueista, jotka olivat osallistujamäärältään suurimmat ja käyttivät myös paljon koiria, samoin he kuuluivat aluelupapäätökseen monen muun seurueen kanssa. Näihin seikkoihin vaikuttamalla ja niistä tiedottamalla, voisi olla mahdollista parantaa alueen hirvenmetsästyksen sosiaalista kestävyyttä.
  • Sillanpää, Alina (2021)
    Tuberculosis (TB) still ranks as one of the most dangerous infectious diseases around the world and it is accountable for over 1.5 million deaths every year. World Health Organization has estimated that one fourth of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The current treatment against TB has drawbacks and the only available vaccine against TB does not provide sufficient protection against the disease and therefore new treatments are much needed. There has also been a lack of good animal models, but the zebrafish (Danio rerio) have been recently found to be a good model to study especially granuloma formation, latency, and reactivation of TB. Their natural pathogen, Mycobacterium marinum causes similar infection in the fish than M. tuberculosis in humans. One characteristic of TB is the formation of granulomas, which are aggregates of immune cells that contain the bacteria. However, M. tuberculosis can escape the granuloma and in such a way spread in the host. The inflammasome is an innate immune system mechanism that activates the immunological response in an infection and has a role in the formation of granulomas. PYCARD is an adaptor protein that has a role in inflammasome activation, which makes it an interesting target when studying the immunological response against M. tuberculosis infection. In this study, granuloma formation in pycard-/- and pycard+/+ zebrafish were compared. The granulomas were studied for their size, location, structure and hypoxicity, and the number of granulomas in each fish was counted. Also, the number of free bacteria was assessed. No significant differences were found in any of these aspects between pycard-/- and pycard+/+ fish. Variation between individual fish was great in both groups.
  • Lohi, Saska (2015)
    Bats can act as potential vectors for various zoonotic diseases and other pathogens. Therefore their interactions with people should be examined to mitigate potential risks. Bats are small flying mammals and hide in small crevices during daylight hours, making them difficult to observe. Consequently, they have a capacity to “hitchhike” on ships to be dispersed over large distances. This study focused on anthropogenic unintentional bat translocations, i.e. hitchhiking bats. The study area is the Great Lakes region in North America. Using a web-based questionnaire survey, I asked the public about the frequency of bat-human encounters on ships, their nature, and perceived risks and incidents. I found that bats are commonly seen by people working on ships at the Great Lakes. Bats do not cause trouble other than scaring people. Based on photographic evidence, at least one bat was seen on a ship outside of its native range. Therefore ships might act as vectors, helping bats to disperse to new areas. This might provide pathways for pathogens to spread along, from bats to bats or from bats to humans. The risks related to hitchhiking bats seem to be rather limited. Rabies risk is the most obvious, but no cases of people getting rabies infection from hitchhiking bats were acknowledged. The possibility of ships translocating bats infected with Pseudogymnoascus destructans remains unknown. This study demonstrates how by engaging the public it is possible to gather novel scientific knowledge, and deepen our understanding about the relationship between man and wildlife. There are numerous hidden ways of how people interact with animal species. This study illuminates one of these ways, but many more are yet to be studied.
  • Sorvari, Hannele (2018)
    Introduction: Stress can be found already in young children. It may be associated with, for example, family life situations, bullying or the daycare environment. The body secretes cortisol, a stress hormone, in response to stress. Abnormal corti- sol levels are associated with overweight and a preference for energy-dense foods high in sugar and fat. Studying the link between children’s stress and diet is important as the early childhood is an important period for the development of eat- ing habits as well as for the prevention of obesity and later chronic illnesses. Aims: The aim of this study is to investigate if hair cortisol concentration, a measure of long-term stress, is associated with the food patterns of three to six year old Finnish children. Other aims include determining the mean hair cortisol concen- tration in the sample and studying whether the concentration or food patterns differ by background factors. Materials and methods: The study is a part of the DAGIS study’s cross-sectional phase conducted in 66 daycare centers in Uusimaa and South Ostrobothnia in 2015–2016. The data consists of 864 three to six year old children, of whom 541 pro- vided the information needed to examine the main research question between hair cortisol and dietary intake. The data used in the study was collected through a food frequency questionnaire, food diaries, a guardian's background survey, child temperament survey, anthropometric measurements and hair samples. Food patterns were determined using prin- cipal component analysis. The hair cortisol content was measured from four centimeter hair samples using a chemiluminescence immunoassay. Correlation analysis and one-way analysis of variance were used to study if food pat- tern scores, hair cortisol content and background variables were associated with each other, as well as to examine whether the food pattern scores or cortisol levels differed by background variables. High cortisol levels were used to ex- plain low scores for the Health-conscious food pattern in a logistic regression analysis. Results: The average hair cortisol concentration among participants was 41.7 pg / mg (95% CI: 35.5–47.9 pg / mg) ranging from 0.24 to 879.6 pg / mg. The food patterns Sweet and salty treats, Health-conscious and Sandwich snacking were dis- tinguished from the food consumption data. Differences in background variables were observed for both main variables. For example, the age of the child was inversely associated to the cortisol content of the hair (r = -0.16, p < 0.001) and the concentration was higher in boys than in girls (p < 0.001). The children of parents with high education degrees had higher scores from the Health-conscious pattern than the children of parents with not more than vocational school or high-school level education (p <0.001) or a bachelor's degree (p < 0.01). Hair cortisol content was negatively linked to the Health-conscious pattern score (r = -0,086, p < 0.05), and a high concentration increased the odds of a low Health-conscious pattern score (OR = 4.1 [95% CI: 1.9-9 0] p < 0.001). Hair cortisol content did not significantly correlate with the other two dietary patterns. Conclusions: This study supports the link between long-term stress and lower-quality diet, as it shows that elevated hair cortisol levels and less health-conscious diets are connected in children. The results are not generalizable outside the sample, but give reason to further investigate the relationship between long-term stress and the development of chil- dren’s eating habits and health.
  • Jaakkola, Jenni (2015)
    The aim of this master’s thesis was to study the effects of flaking conditions on the quality properties of oat flakes and to simulate the flaking process in laboratory conditions. The review of literature deals with oat processing focusing on oat flaking and oat flake quality properties. The flaking process includes groats steaming and tempering, which plasticizes the groats when moisture is absorbed. Then the groats are flattened by a flaking roller mill. Increasing tempering temperature and time results in higher water absorption. Increasing tempering time also increases the amount of fines. Flake breakage in the process reduces the flake yield resulting in more costs. There are no published studies that evaluate the impact of steaming on flake quality properties. The aim of the experimental part of this thesis was to study the effects of flaking moisture on flake strength and quality. Kilned and unkilned groats were flaked in a laboratory-scale flaking machine. Laboratory-scale flaking was carried out with a standardized flake thickness 0,7-0,8 mm. In addition, the properties of five commercial oat flakes were analyzed. There was significant variation between the different commercial oat flakes in their both water hydration capacities and amount of fines. The results implied that flaking conditions have an effect to these flake quality properties. Oat flakes were significantly thicker with higher flaking moisture. The roll gap was tightened to produce the same flake thickness. Both the bulk density and the amount of fines decreased with higher flaking moistures. There were no significant changes in the pasting properties of flakes made of kilned groats compared to kilned groats. Increasing flaking moisture reduces the amount of fines. In addition, water absorption increased with high flaking moistures. Even a three-percent increase in flaking moisture improved the quality of oat flakes. Increasing flaking moisture in between 12-20 % had a beneficial effect on quality properties of oat flakes.
  • Saarinen, Milla (2020)
    Caraway (Carum carvi L.) is a spice, which belongs to Apiaceae-family. In 2019 25% of the worlds caraway crop was produced in Finland. 99% of it was exported. Caraway is an important cultivated plant in Finland, and broader knowledge of its crop formation is important. As a flowering plant, the sufficient gain of boron is especially vital for caraway. The aim of this study was to study the effect of foliar micronutrient fertilizers, and especially the effect of boron, to crop formation of caraway. The study was conducted as a field experiment in Lantmännen Agro experimental farm in Hauho. The experiment was carried out as a completely randomized block design, with four replicates. The experiment included seven different foliar fertilization treatments. The amount of embels, series and lateral shoots and crop potential were counted, seed and oil crop was determined from the samples, gathered from the plots, Seed samples were sent to oil analysis. In the study above normal crop were achieved with each foliar fertilization treatment, also the control. The soil of the plot was so nutrint-rich that lack of nutrients never existed. Only on statistically significant difference was obtained. It was between two foliar fertilizer treatments when counting the amount of series in an embel. The difference was propably an effect of another factor than the treatments, though. Foliar micronutrient fertilizatin might not be cost-effective farming procedure if soil is already nutrient-rich. Foliar fertilizers may be a good solution in certain situations to back up the nutrient deficit, but they are not a replacement for granular fertilizers.
  • Montonen, Jonna (2018)
    Maisterintutkielman teoriaosuudessa perehdyttiin sisäiseen viestintään sekä sitoutumiseen, sekä todistettiin teorian pohjalta, että sisäisellä viestinnällä on vaikutus henkilöstön sitoutumiseen. Myös muita sitoutumiseen liittyviä tekijöitä sivutaan, mutta työ on rajattu käsittelemään sisäistä viestintää. Tutkimuskysymyksiksi valikoituivat: Miten hyvin sisäinen viestintä toimii, miten sisäistä viestintää voidaan kehittää ja miten sitoutuneita työntekijät ovat työhön ja organisaatioon? Näihin kysymyksiin pyrittiin löytämään vastaus kyselytutkimuksen avulla. Kysely toteutettiin HKScanin valmisruokaosastolla. Tutkimuksen tuloksia analysoitiin SPSSohjelmiston avulla. Tutkimuksen vastaukset olivat yleisesti suhteellisen positiivisia sekä kysymyksiin sisäisestä viestinnästä että kysymyksiin sitoutumisesta. Suurimpina ongelmina esiin nousi esimiehen liian vähäinen läsnäolo, viestinnän hitaus, poikkeustilanteiden huono kommunikointi sekä kommunikointi vuoronvaihdon yhteydessä. Lisäksi esiin nousi eriarvoinen kohtelu sekä töiden epätasainen jakautuminen. Tutkimuksen avoimiin kysymyksiin saatiin paljon kehitysehdotuksia. Tärkeimpinä esiin nousi päivän agendan nostaminen infotaululle, vastaanottoajat esimiehille sekä keskittyminen viestinnän kehittämiseen. Lähes kaikista tutkimuksessa nousseista ongelmista voi yhteiseksi tekijäksi nähdä tuotannon esimiehen liian vähäisen ajan. Mikäli esimiehillä olisi enemmän aikaa olla läsnä, he ehtisivät tutustua työntekijöihin ja paneutua ongelmakohtien parantamiseen. Tutkimuksen vastausprosentti jäi toivottua alhaisemmaksi, joten tutkimuksen tulosta ei voida pitää täysin luotettavana. Uhkana on, että juuri sitoutuneimmat työntekijät ovat vastanneet kyselyyn ja vähiten sitoutuneet henkilöt ovat jättäneet kokonaan vastaamatta. Tutkimus toteutettiin vain pienellä otannalla yhdelle osastolle, joten tutkimuksen tulos ei ole yleistettävissä. HKScanilla tutkimuksen tuloksia on käyty tuotannon esimiesten kanssa läpi ja konkreettiset tavat kehittää sisäistä viestintää on päätetty. Näitä kehityksiä on osastolla jo lähdetty tekemään ja lähiaikoina uusi, samanlainen tutkimus tullaan tekemään samalla osastolla. Näin pyritään tietoisesti kehittämään sisäistä viestintää osastolla ja seuraamaan sen kehitystä.
  • Weckman, Jaana (2016)
    Hoivakotien ravitsemushoidolla ylläpidetään ja edistetään ikäihmisten terveyttä. Hoitajien positiiviset asenteet ravitsemushoitoa kohtaan ovat yhtä tärkeitä kuin hyvät hoitokäytännöt, jotta saavutetaan hyvä ravitsemushoito. Myös asukkaiden asenteet ravitsemukseen vaikuttavat asukkaiden ravitsemushoidon toteutumiseen. Pro gradu-tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia hoivakotien henkilökunnan ja asukkaiden asenteita ravitsemushoitoa kohtaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin yksilöteemahaastatteluin. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kahtatoista hoitajaa ja kymmentä asukasta. Haastateltavista valtaosa oli naisia. Haastatteluissa käytiin läpi teemoja, jotka liittyivät ravitsemushoitoon esimerkiksi ravitsemustilan arviointiin, ravitsemushoitosuunnitelmaan, ravinnontarpeen määrittämiseen, ruokailutilanteeseen, ruoankäytön seurantaan ja ruokaan. Tutkimuksessa hoitajien ja asukkaiden asenteet olivat positiivisia ravitsemushoitoa kohtaan. Hoitajista ravitsemushoidolla oli tärkeä merkitys asukkaille muun saadun hoidon ohella. Myös asukkaat suhtautuivat positiivisesti ravitsemushoitoon ja heistä ruokailuilla oli hyvin tärkeä merkitys muun saadun hoidon ohella. Hoitajat suhtautuivat positiivisesti asukkaiden ravitsemustilan arviointiin sekä ruokien, ja juomien käytön seurantaan. Valtaosa hoitajista osoitti positiivisia asenteita asukkaiden ravitsemushoitosuunnitelmaa ja sen toteutumista kohtaan. Puolet hoitajista asennoitui positiivisesti asukkaiden ravinnontarpeen määrittämiseen ja piti tärkeänä, että asukkaiden ravinnontarve määritettiin. Asukkaat ja hoitajat asennoituivat positiivisesti tai melko positiivisesti ruokailuun ja ruokaan. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että hoitajat ja asukkaat suhtautuivat positiivisesti hoivakodissa tapahtuvaa ravitsemushoitoa kohtaan. Hoitajien positiivinen asennoituminen ravitsemushoitoon ei aina näkynyt hoitajien hoitokäytännöissä.
  • Juva, Eeva (2009)
    The thesis examines how social care entrepreneurship appears on farms and what kind of problems and challenges entrepreneurs might face in entrepreneurship. This thesis also describes the significance of farm work and the surrounding nature to daily business. Qualitative material consists of seven theme interviews. Interviews consists of three couple interview and four single interviews. Besides providing social care services on farms, entrepreneurs needed to practice active farming or provide services from the farm (in other words, the entrepreneur lives on the farm). Social care business could be at a planning stage or a functioning business. The most apparent underlying reason to start social care services were the structural changes in agriculture. Weak economic profitability in farming forces the entrepreneurs to search other sources of income. General interest and education related to social care was more common among the women and therefore also motivated women to start business in social care service businesses. Most problematic area in providing social care services was getting information and getting help in starting the business and also along the way. Acquiring customers and knowledge on open tendering in public purchases were also found difficult. Marketing wise entrepreneurs were not quite sure how to market the business in the right way. Ways of marketing were multiple, but difficulties were in identifying ones own business idea and providing the right information. Entrepreneurs were very aware of added value which comes from the surrounding nature and the visible work on the farm, but those values were not highly utilized in marketing. Many stimuli arising from farm activities playing a role in the daily business are not available in an urban setting. The combination of providing social care services and practicing farming causes problems in vacation arrangements and also takes care that entrepreneurs do not have problems in spending their leisuretime as it doesn´t exist much. Strength factors on farm background social care entrepreneurs are associated with the entrepreneurs experience in self-employment and the added value of rural areas. Entrepreneurs providing social care servies can succeed in competing if they carry on providing services in a professional way and are committed to their business.
  • Styrman, Jenni (2018)
    Improving energy efficiency has been recognized as a major tool for reducing energy use and emissions. Energy efficiency is most often defined as the ratio of required energy input and resulting output. Accordingly, energy efficiency improves whether less energy input is needed to produce the same output. In the context of building’s energy efficiency, the usual indicator is a specific energy consumption or the so-called energy efficiency index (EEI) which is used to examine energy consumption proportional to building’s surface area or volume. This Master’s thesis was an assignment to HOK Elanto co-op. The aim of this thesis was to examine both the amount of the remaining energy-saving potential in HOK-Elanto retail stores and economic benefits that could be achieved by improving energy efficiency. Economic viability of energy efficiency measures was examined with the net present value method. In addition, the emission reductions achieved through these measures were calculated. Plenty of measures which reduce energy consumption have been recognized to exist in the retail trade sector. In this thesis energy efficiency measures examined were refrigeration system renewals, transition to lighting led-technology and optimization of ventilation. Renewing refrigeration systems is very timely due to F-gas regulation in which is stated that most of the current refrigerants must be replaced with those refrigerants that have smaller global warming potential. In addition to the above-mentioned measures, it was studied when the introduction of solar PV could be profitable in HOK-Elanto's store properties and how much economic benefits would be achieved. The results of this thesis show that there exists 28 GWh of annual energy saving potential which corresponds with annual savings of 2,4 million euros. The biggest savings are achieved through lighting technology changes. Also refrigeration system renewals yield significant energy savings but due to high investment costs, renewals are recommended to implement within the limits set by F-gas regulation as when there is actual need to renew the systems. Optimization of ventilation turned out to be an uncertain energy efficiency measure because the current ventilation units may not be able to operate at such low levels that energy savings could be achieved. Solar PV investments turned out to be unprofitable at this point in time due to relatively low energy prices and high investment costs. Whether only lighting and refrigeration systems are renewed in HOK-Elanto retail stores, energy efficiency level in Alepa and S-market chains will improve approximately by 20 % and in Prisma-chain by 28 %.
  • Pyykkönen, Jussi (2019)
    The purpose of this case study is to examine the possibilities of holding commodities for a commodity processing company with limited storage capacity. The study examines the optimal holding time and volumes for the commodity, whether holding stocks is profitable, and whether holding stocks can improve the overall operational efficiency of the company. The reasons for this study is, (a.) that the case company seeks to increase its coffee stocks, by using an external warehouse to meet the forecasted decrease of deep sea freight capacity, (b.) that an increase in uncertainty in the origin country is observed, and (c.) the case company aims to gain financial advantage from potential increases in the commodity’s market price. The commodity in question is Brazilian green coffee, and the case company seeks to financially benefit from the storage for its own internal use, and not for arbitrage. This study utilizes the theory of storage as an essential theory. We use the concept of convenience yields from the theory storage, since the study examines a futures-based commodity trade. A second focal theory is inventory management, and especially inventory pooling. Inventory pooling is chosen here, because the case company consumes the green coffee from the external warehouse for its own production processes besides its on-site warehouse. The two theories are presented in their own chapters and these are used to create the study’s theoretical framework. There is an abundance of prior research on both theories. There is, to the best of our knowledge, no prior study into combining the theory of storage and inventory management. Thus, this study sets out to combine these two and examine the usefulness of combining these two theories. The research data is partly provided by the case company, and partly from open sources, such as commodity futures prices. For analyzing the data, we use existing methods presented in the literature. With these methods, we examine the optimal holding times and inventory levels for a two-location warehouse system. The results suggest that the profitable time for holding stocks is rather short, and that the optimal inventory levels for the external location are relatively low, when compared to total inventory levels. We conclude that this study potentially provides a solution for both financial gains and operational increases in efficiency.
  • Ndah, Renata (2022)
    Aluminum (Al3+) toxicity is a major limiting factor in acidic soils when pH<5.5 and faba bean experiences yield decreases in these conditions. The multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family plays a vital role in Al3+ tolerance across species. This study searched for an ortholog of MtMATE66, a gene involved in Al3+ resistance in barrel medic, in faba bean and quantified the ortholog’s relative expression in 4 faba bean genotypes (GPID_0022, GPID_0153, GPID_0178 and GPID_0191). pBLAST of MtMATE66 in the faba bean unpublished genome identified the ortholog jg20333.t1, with 88.6 % identity, e-value 0.0 and bit score 880. InterPro Scan and NCBI CDD conserved domain queries classified jg20333.t1 as a MATE in the DinF subfamily. MEME Suite identified the 50-amino acid citrate exuding motif characteristic to MATEs exuding citrate in Al3+ tolerance while a multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis clustered jg20333.t1 with Al3+ -tolerant citrate exuding MATEs. The SWISS Model 3D structure and DeepTMHMM predicted an α-helical, twelve-transmembrane protein topology. The plasma membrane was predicted as the subcellular localisation of jg20333.t1 by ProtComp, WoLFSPORT and YLoc, however SignalP identified no signal peptides. The molecular weight 54.57kDa, theoretical isoelectric point 8.60 and grand average of hydropathicity 0.67 of jg20333.t1 were calculated by ProtParam. EMBOSS Needle and GSDS aligned 13 exons. Four biological replicates of faba bean plants were set up for 3 different treatments: acidic of pH 3.81 (Ac), acidic of pH 3.81 plus Al3+ (Al) and neutral of pH 6.01 (N) in a greenhouse and root tip samples were collected 45 days after transplanting in peat media for RNA extraction. The relative expression of jg20333.t1 was determined by RT-qPCR of jg20333.t1 as target gene, Vfactin as reference gene and N as internal calibrator. The Cq values generated were analysed using the 2-ΔΔCq method and showed high relative fold change in both Ac and Al. The upregulation in Al confirmed the implication of jg20333.t1 in faba bean tolerance to Al3+. The upregulation in Ac suggests upstream regulation by STOP transcription factor. The four genotypes had no significant difference in fold change. Based on these results, it is concluded that jg20333.t1 is a faba bean MATE gene, VfMATE, implicated in Al3+ tolerance by citrate exudation.
  • Häkämies, Anna K. (2014)
    The literature review examined barley (Hordeum vulgare) hordein, starch granule-associated proteins and gelprotein, dough formation during mixing and starch-protein interaction in the dough. The aim of this study was to define the structure of barley dough and specify barley hordeins that form the dough structure. The purpose of the preliminary studies was to find out can ascorbic acid change barley dough structure. Mixograph was used to mix barley dough and to study dough formation. Barley dough rheology was studied using dynamic oscillation measurements. 1.5 % SDS-solution and centrifugation was used to isolate proteins from barley dough. The protein composition of the separated dough phases was analysed by SDS-PAGE. SDS sedimentation value was also determined. Ascorbic acid (120 ppm flour weight) did not change the rheological properties of the barley dough. Centrifugation separated four solid phases from barley dough; gelprotein, white layer, bran and starch. Results from the Bradford protein assay and the iodine test showed that white layer under gelprotein in the centrifuge tube contained protein and starch while gelprotein contained only proteins. SDS-PAGE showed that reduced gelprotein from barley dough consisted of D- and B-hordein but only minor amount of C-hordein. C-hordein was found, however in the dough liquid phase. The protein composition of the gelprotein was identical with the white layer. In the non-reduced gelprotein and the white layer hordeins were in polymeric form because they did not penetrate in the SDS-PAGE gel. Two studied barley doughs with the same protein content (12.0 %) differed they protein composition. In SDS-PAGE one band more B-hordeins (35 kDa) was showed in the dough which area (cm2) of the mixogramm, sedimentation value and storage modulus (G´) and loss modulus (G´´) were higher. The storage modulus (G´) of the barley dough increased during 160 min dough rest. G´ and G´´ values of the barley dough were frequency (Hz) dependent and they increased when frequency increased. Sedimentation value positively correlated with modulus (G´, G´´) and area (cm2) of the mixogramm. Based on dough rheology this study showed that barley dough structure was a weak gel. Barley hordein, especially certain B-hordeins seems to be significant in the formation of dough structure. In addition results indicated the interaction between starch and hordein in the barley dough. This study clearly showed that barley dough contained high molecular weight hordein polymers stabilized by interchain and intrachain disulfide bonds. Hordein polymer size remained unknown but the rheological properties of barley dough support the conclusion that high molecular weight gelprotein structure formed in the barley dough.
  • Toijonen-Kunnari, Sari Katriina (2020)
    Yritysten keskeisimpiä menestystekijöitä ovat johdon kyvykkyys rakentaa ja johtaa erityyppisiä liiketoimintaverkostoja. Verkostojen johtamisella luodaan ja toteutetaan strategia, tuotetaan yhteinen näkemys tavoitteista ja sitoutetaan ihmiset toimintaan. Yhteistyön kehittyminen on jatkuva prosessi. Tavoitteena oli selvittää horisontaalisen yritysverkoston johtamisen nykytila ja kehittämiskohteet. Tutkimusongelma, miten horisontaalista yritysverkostoa johdettiin, jakaantui tutkimuskysymyksiin: millaisia tavoitteita verkostolla oli, millä tavoin verkoston johtaminen ja päätöksenteko oli organisoitu, millaisia toimintatapoja verkostoyhteistyössä käytettiin sekä millä tavoin johtamiskeinot tukivat yrittäjien sitoutumista verkostoon ja keskinäisen luottamuksen rakentumista. Yritysverkoston tarkastelussa hyödynnettiin Håkansonin ja Johanssonin (1992) kehittämää ARA -mallia. Pienyritysten yhteistyön ja verkostoituminen analysointi pohjautui Varamäen (1997) kehittämän Kuutiomallin ja Vesalainen ym. (2004) laatimien liiketoiminnallisten ja organisaationaalisten sidosten ulottuvuuksiin. Horisontaalisen yritysverkoston tavoitteellista johtamista lähestyttiin Hyötyläisen ja Simonsin (1999) Yritysverkoston johtamiskolmion -mallilla. Verkoston johtamiskeinoja tarkasteltiin Rajalan ja Westerlundin (2009) määrittämillä vaikuttamisen, integroinnin, koordinoinnin ja ohjauksen ulottuvuuksilla. Toimeksiantajana oli Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy, jonka toteuttamiin matkailun kehittämishankkeisiin verkoston yritykset ovat osallistuneet. Empiirisessä osassa tutkittiin Saimaa Gastronomy -verkostoa, mihin kuuluvat Tertin Kartano Mikkelistä, TeaHouse of Wehmais Juvalta, Sahanlahti Resort Puumalasta ja Hotelli Punkaharju Punkaharjulta. Verkoston tarkoituksena oli kehittää Järvi-Suomen elinvoimaisuutta, Saimaan alueen ruokakulttuuria ja -matkailua sekä yritysten liiketoimintaa. Laadullisen tutkimusotteen aineistonhankintamenetelminä käytettiin dokumenttiaineistoja ja neljän yrittäjän teemahaastatteluja. Dokumenttiaineistoille tehtiin sisällönanalyysi ja haastatteluaineistot luokiteltiin teemoittain. Tutkimuksessa sovellettiin deduktiivista tutkimusotetta. Yrittäjät olivat sitoutuneita verkoston tarkoitukseen, mutta tavoitteista ei ollut yhteistä näkemystä. Käynnistysvaiheessa olleen yhteistyörenkaan johtaminen pohjautui epävirallisiin henkilösuhteisiin ja keskinäiseen luottamukseen. Yrittäjät muodostivat johtoryhmän, jonka demokraattiseen päätöksentekoon oli menettelytapoja. Verkostoyhteistyö perustui eri kohteiden voimavarojen integrointiin. Toimintatapoja pidettiin avoimina, oikeudenmukaisina ja reiluina. Kehittämiskohteiksi esitetään verkoston vision, strategian, tavoitteiden ja mittareiden suunnittelua sekä niitä tukevien organisaatiorakenteiden ja toimijoiden roolien määritystä yhteistoiminnallisesti.
  • Luque Lindelöf, Lucas (2024)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract The dairy sector in Finland and the EU has experienced several important shocks during the past decade, causing increased instability and dramatic price movements. It has put pressure on different market participants as well as on policy makers while simultaneously driving a growing interest for price transmission studies. However, gaps in the research field persists and this study addresses this void by focusing on the characteristic of Finnish raw milk prices and their relation to the prices of key trading partners, including Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Germany and France. Considering descriptive statistics and graphical representations, the assumption that Finnish milk prices exhibit relative independence seems plausible. This seemingly independent behavior challenges theoretical foundations related to market equilibrium while prompting questions about market efficiency Employing econometric time series analysis, this study covers the 2013-2023 timeframe and pursues two main objectives: identifying a potential long-run cointegration relationship and studying short-run impacts of other countries' milk prices on Finnish prices. The Engle-Granger two-step framework is used for the cointegration analysis, confirming the hypothesis that Finnish milk prices operate autonomously, lacking a long-run equilibrium with other EU countries. Although some previous papers suggests that milk prices in the EU generally seem interconnected, Finland has not been the focus of such studies. The finding of this paper aligns with literature suggesting weaker cointegration in dairy markets compared to other agricultural sectors in the EU. The paper discusses potential explanations, considering structural characteristics of the dairy sector, dairy trade features, and broader market inefficiencies influencing price transmission. However, additional research is warranted to comprehend practical implications, particularly concerning market efficiency and the competitive status of participants in the domestic dairy sector. Short-run influences are modeled by applying a dynamic ordinary least squares regression with lagged price variables. The outcomes reveal rather unexpected results, with main trading partners such as Sweden, Denmark, and Germany, exerting no significant influence on Finnish prices. In contrast, France and Estonia seem to exhibit considerable influence on Finnish milk prices. Caution is advised in interpreting the short-run impacts, addressing the possible shortcomings of such regression for example regarding potential arbitrariness in the indications of the model. Ultimately, the results of this study point at some general implications, suggesting that price transmission is not solely a consequence of physical trade, and that the intricate characteristics of the dairy sector clearly challenge the direct application of economic theories like the law of one price to agricultural commodities. The need for a nuanced understanding of price dynamics in the dairy market is underscored as an important element of policy and market efficiency considerations.
  • Salomaa, Meri (2021)
    In this study the host range of cystoviruses was explored. Cystoviruses are bacteriophages belonging to the Cystoviridae family. They are enveloped, tri-segmented double-stranded RNA viruses which mainly infect plant pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae strains. Thus, they could potentially be used in phage therapy applications to treat bacterial infections. Before phage therapy can be implemented, the host range dynamics of the cystoviruses need to be understood to ensure that they do not affect the growth of harmless or beneficial bacteria. Cystoviruses have also been used as safe RNA virus models to study factors contributing to virus host range shifts and viral fitness. The first aim of this study was to analyse the host range of cystoviruses phi6, phiNN, phi8, phi12, phi13 and phi2954 by spot test assay. A reverse genetics method was used to detect whether the host range of cystoviruses expands, when the host entry step is bypassed. It was necessary to use derivatives of the potential host strains that contain a plasmid for T7 polymerase expression. As a control, such cell lines were also directly infected with the studied phages. Also, the ability of phages phi6 and phiNN to evolve to infect each other's isolation hosts was studied as well as the frequency and the fitness of the host range mutants was analysed by traditional plating assay. This study provides new information about the host ranges of the cystoviruses. All cystoviruses were shown to have a unique host range pattern with phi6 and phiNN having the widest host ranges. The reverse genetics method allowed cystoviruses phi6, phi8, phi13 and phi2954 to expand their host ranges but subsequent control experiments raised questions as to whether the plasmid containing T7 polymerase gene had a role in this. Both phi6 and phiNN evolved to infect each other´s isolation hosts but the frequency of these host range mutants was lower than has been reported for phi6 in previous studies. It was also demonstrated that the expansion of the host range often imposed fitness costs on the original host.
  • Wilkman, Anders (2016)
    Syftet med avhandlingen var att utreda höstrapsens lönsamhet i södra Finland samt belysa risker och hot som höstrapsodling medför. I undersökningen utreddes också lönsamheten för en vårrapssort som användes som referensvärde för att utreda skillnaden i lönsamhet mellan höst-och vårraps. Lönsamheten utreddes med hjälp av täckningsbidragskalkyler. Undersökningsmaterialet bestod av data från försöksodlingar utförda av NSL på Västankvarn gård i Ingå och K-lantbruk på Kaupan Maataloussäätiös gård i Hauho. Materialet bestod av odlingsförsök utförda under åren 2011–2014 där medelskörden, samt högsta och lägsta uppmätta skörd framgick. Tre olika höstrapssorter jämfördes sinsemellan och dessa jämfördes ytterligare med en vårrapssort. Odlare och experter inom höstrapsodling intervjuades för att belysa problem och risker som höstrapsodling medför i praktiken. I undersökningen jämfördes höstrapssorterna; Apanaci (populationssort), Banjo(hybridsort) och DK Imistar CL(Clearfield). DK Imistar CL, som var den lönsammaste höstrapssorten, hade ett täckningsbidrag som var dryga 80 € per hektar högre än Apanacis och Banjos. I jämförelsen mellan höst- och vårraps var DK Imistar CL fortfarande den mest lönsamma sorten. Täckningsbidraget var knappa 130 € högre än vårrapsen Campinos. Alla tre höstrapssorter hade ett högre täckningsbidrag än vårrapsen. I undersökningen presenterades scenarier över möjliga utfall av produktionen i syfte att beskriva variationen i skördenivån och sannolikheten för att så skulle ske. Scenarierna bestod av låg skörd, medelskörd och hög skörd och sannolikheten för att dessa skulle ske var 25 procent, 50 procent och 25 procent. Odlingsalternativen bestod av odling av en populations-, hybrid- och Clearfield höstrapssort och vårrapssorten Campino. Då de möjliga utfallen är medräknade var lönsamheten för odling av en Clearfield höstrapssort högst. Enligt tidigare undersökningar är övervintringen den största risken för höstrapsskörden. Av undersökningsmaterialet framgick att övervintringen misslyckats en gång av fyra. Av intervjuerna framgick också att övervintringen var det största hotet för en lyckad skörd. Val av rätt odlingsfält samt fungerande dränering på fältet, sniglar, nederbördsmängd, tidig såningstidpunkt samt val av förväxt var andra faktorer som ansågs problematiska inom höstrapsodling. Höstrapsen ansågs vara en tålig gröda med en mycket hög skördepotential och därför ett beaktansvärt alternativ till våroljeväxter. Odlingen innebär dock risker, övervintringen som den främsta, och kräver ett intresse och risktagande av odlaren. Antalet observationer i undersökningen var inte tillräckligt för att kunna beskriva höstrapsens lönsamhet mer allmänt. Men resultaten understöds av tidigare undersökningar där samma risker och hot kommer fram. Höstrapsen är ett beaktansvärt alternativ till våroljeväxter och ekonomiskt sett mer lönsamt. I dagsläget finns det ringa praktisk erfarenhet av odlingen i södra Finland, men resultat från odlingar i Sverige som ligger på samma breddgrader som Finlands sydkust stöder uppfattningen att höstraps är ett lönsamt alternativ till våroljeväxter.
  • Kauppinen, Joonas (2019)
    Edible insects, such as house crickets (Acheta domesticus) are environmentally friendly, nutritious and safe alternative to meat, when special details such as allergenic potential and antinutrients are considered. The goal of this Master’s thesis is to study the processing methods and parameters of house cricket in creating flour for food applications that is safe and of optimal quality. The thesis hopes to provide a reference for parameters used in house cricket drying and milling, with the equipment available. Furthermore, the goal is to study the optimal time to get below critical value in water content of 10 % and within critical values in water activity of 0,25-0,45 with an oven and a freeze-dryer. The samples within the critical safety values with minimal drying time are then milled with centrifugal mill with two different sieve-sizes and particle size distribution is measured and compared between oven-drying and freeze-drying, the two sieve-sizes and to reference flours. Particle size range of 45-150 μm was used as a goal. Optimal measured drying time at T=70 °C for oven-drying was 5 hours. For Freeze-drying at Tp=25 °C, Tc=-87 °C, p=1 mbar was 6 hours. Of the optimally dried samples, Oven-dried sample milled with 0,5 mm sieve size had the lowest mean and median particle size followed by Freeze-dried sample milled with 0,5 mm sieve size. The 5-hour Oven-dried sample milled with 0,5 mm sieve size was thus the closest to the optimal product, because it had the smallest particle size from all the samples with minimal drying time. Samples milled with 1 mm sieve size had coarser mean and median particle size similar to that of the reference samples obtained from the industry. Furthermore, it can be concluded that compared to reference flours, finer house cricket flour can be milled with 0,5 mm sieve size. On the other hand, 1 mm sieve size with the particular centrifugal mill used yields a flour with similar coarse particle size than those used in the industry today. However, Oven-dried samples caused smearing during milling and thus the relationship between drying method and smearing should be studied further. All of the milled samples showed narrower particle size distribution compared to the Reference samples, which indicates a more homogenous flour and thus is considered a desirable trait in this study, when the specific food application is not known. Furthermore, all samples including the Reference samples showed negative skeweness in terms of their particle size distribution.
  • Smolander, Noora (2024)
    Abstract Background Household food insecurity and hunger are associated with undernutrition of children under five years of age. Stunted, wasted and underweight young children are often living in food insecure households in low- and lower-middle-income countries. Low socioeconomic status is associated with both, food insecurity and malnutrition. Interestingly, children’ undernourishment and adults’ overweight occur sometimes in the same family. Aims The purpose was to investigate the prevalence of food insecurity, by two different assessment scales, among households with children at the age of 6–23 months in Nairobi and Chuka in Kenya. Differences in household food insecurity between the two living areas and households’ wealth, and an association between household food insecurity and nutritional status of mothers and children were examined. Methods The data from households (n=412) was cross-sectional and a part of InnoFood Africa project in 2021. Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and Household Hunger Scale (HHS) were used for analysing the prevalence of food insecurity. Sociodemographic background, housing characteristics, nutritional status indicators and HHS were used for the Chi2 -test and linear regression analysis. Results The prevalence of food insecurity by HFIAS and HHS were 63% and 15.5%, respectively. No difference in HHS was found between the living areas. The least wealthy households were more often moderately or severely hungry than the wealthiest households. Statistically significant association was found between HHS and lower maternal MUAC. No association was found between HHS and maternal BMI and any of child’s nutritional status indicators. Conclusion Household hunger was not associated with nutritional status of mothers and children. Further studies are needed to examine the prevalence of double burden of malnutrition in households living in urban and developing societies to understand better the causes for malnutrition.