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  • Närkki, Sonja (2017)
    Leg weakness is one of the most common production diseases in pigs. Osteochondrosis is a joint disorder in which the endochondral ossification is disturbed. Leg weakness is mainly caused by osteochondrosis in pigs. Many factors like heredity and vitamin D status can affect the prevalence of osteochondrosis. This experiment was part of the international ProHealth project. The aim of this study was to investigate how two different vitamin D3 sources and feeding levels affect the prevalence of leg weakness in boars. Experiment design was 2 x 2 factorial. Commonly used vitamin D3 product (cholecalciferol) and Hy•D® product (25-hydroxycholecalciferol) were compared as vitamin D3 sources. Vitamin D3 feeding level 1 was in accordance of Finnish vitamin D3 recommendations and feeding level 2 was threefold with respect to the recommendations. Practical trial was carried out at Figen Oy’s research center in Längelmäki in 24.3. – 22.8.2016. Trial was conducted with 120 finishing boars. Average live weight of the boars at the end of the trial was 113 kg. Feed intake, daily weight gain, slaughter weight and bone strength were improved by greater feeding level of vitamin D3. Greater feeding level increased feed intake 6,13 kg of dry matter, slaughter weight 2,32 kg and bone strength 124,4 N during the trial. Daily weight gain increased 90,83 g/ d during the finishing period and 30,25 g/ d during the overall trial. Over 80 % of the pigs had excellent or good leg structure with only minor faults and their locomotion was fluent. There were no significant differences in leg structure or locomotion results between treatments. Pigs fed Hy•D® product with greater feeding level got double plasma 25-hydroxycholecalsiferol concentration when compared to pigs fed commonly used vitamin D3 product with greater feeding level. There were no significant treatment differences for 25-hydroxycholecalsiferol concentration in feeding level in accordance of the nutritional recommendations. There were no significant differences in plasma Ca, Pi or ALP concentrations between treatments either. Serious faults were observed more in distal humerus (elbow joint) compared to proximal humerus (shoulder joint) but there were no significant differences between treatments. In total of 11 pigs were removed from the treatments because of medical or tail biting reasons and in total of 50 pigs were medicated during the trial. Number of removed and medicated pigs divided evenly between treatments. According to this study the greater feeding level of vitamin D3 improved production. Feeding level of the vitamin D3 did not affect prevalence of the leg weakness or osteochondrosis. Source of the vitamin D3 did not affect production or prevalence of the leg weakness or osteochondrosis. Nutritional recommendations cover mainly the minimum need for nutrients and take no stand on optimizing production or health records. There is also some variation between research results. More research about the effects of vitamin D3 to prevalence of the leg weakness and the possibility to optimize production and health records with supplemental vitamin D3 is needed.
  • Niemi, Paula (2023)
    Introduction In addition to families and home environments, preschools can shape children’s eating habits. Children’s fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption remains below recommendations. Nutrition interventions should be aimed at young children when eating habits develop and be implemented in influential settings, like preschools. The preferred method to study and measure consumption is by weighing foods. However, weighing is hardly used in preschool-settings especially in group-level research. Aims The aim was to examine the effect of the DAGIS intervention on the consumption of FV in preschool meals. The secondary aim was to determine whether the results differed from the impact of DAGIS intervention on the FV consumption at group level when the amount of plate waste was considered. Materials and methods The DAGIS intervention was a randomized controlled trial (2017–2018) aiming to promote lifestyle and self-regulation skills affecting the energy-balance of Finnish 3–6-year-old. The 23-week intervention included 32 preschools. Vegetable consumption was measured at group level for three days in preschool before and after the intervention by weighing vegetables served, serving waste and plate waste. Data analyses were performed using Chi-square test, t-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test and linear regression. Results In the follow-up, the median consumption of fresh FV, salad mixes, warm vegetables as a side dish and canned FV (25th; 75th quartile) per child was 81.3 g (55.2; 120.6) in the control group and 72.1 g (65.7; 119.3) in the intervention group. The total consumption of FV per child in the intervention group was not higher than in the control group after intervention. The inclusion of plate waste did not change the results adjusted by municipality. Conclusions There was no increase in FV consumption in the intervention group after intervention compared to the control group. Apart from highlighting FV consumption, future group-level interventions should be targeted at serving of vegetables. They should also critically consider the necessity of collecting plate-waste, especially if it increases research cost and burden.
  • Karpik, Elena (2020)
    In general the amount of fat in cow’s milk, what consists mostly of fatty acids, is about 4%, and more than half of the milk fatty acids are saturated. Dairy fat, due to its saturated fat and cholesterol content, is related to the risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, energy from fat can also be related to obesity. These relations also concern cow’s milk, however, its fat content remains around 4% and besides fat, there are a lot of positive effects on health, as milk is a good source of some vitamins and minerals. Milk consumption in Finland per capita has been the largest in the world for many years. There is also a market for milk substitutes, i.e. non-dairy drinks, produced mostly from oat, soy, and almond. This master’s thesis focuses on cow’s milk fat content and its relations to human health, especially the cardiovascular health and obesity. According to the hypothesis, consumer attitude towards cow’s milk is strongly affected by assumptions associated with the impact of dairy fat on health as well as the impact of dairy industry on climate change. The aim of this research was to study how detrimental or beneficial the dairy fat in milk is for human health on the basis of cow’s milk chemical composition, health related reports by authorities, research findings, historical perspectives, and consumer preferences. According to the literature, the chemical composition and nutrients properties of whole milk show that more nutrients of health benefit are present in comparison than of detrimental compounds. Most of present evidence suggest that milk and dairy products have neutral or beneficial effect on human cardiovascular health alhtough it is generally recognized in dietary recommendations that saturated fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The experimental part investigated Finnish consumers attitudes and preferences regarding milk consumption and overall preferences and issues affecting attitude toward food choice. It appears that the study hypothesis partly refuted, as the majority of participants were not much affected by assumptions associated with the impact of dairy fat on health. However, the impact of dairy industry on climate change was a very important issue related to attitude and preference regarding milk consumption. The majority of the study participants made their choice of drinking milk on the basis of taste, and the impact on health was considered mainly as beneficial rather than detrimental.
  • Zhang, Yiling (2014)
    Oat protein is a valuable cereal protein with high protein content and a good balance of amino acids profile. However, the inflexible molecular structure and poor watersolubility of oat protein limit its application in food industry. To exploit the food use of oat, the functionalities of oat proteins should be improved. ?-chymotrypsin, a proteolytic enzyme, has been proven as being able to deamidate some food proteins without severe hydrolysis under alkaline pH conditions, hence to improve the protein functionalities. The aim of this research was to test whether oat protein could be deamidated by ?- chymotrypsin under alkaline pH conditions. The extent of ?-chymotrypsin-induced proteolysis on oat protein was also studied. Oat protein was treated by ?-chymotrypsin under alkaline conditions from pH 8 to 11 at room temperature for 2 hours. The deamidation degrees of the proteins were measured by ammonia quantification. The hydrolysis degrees of proteins were analyzed by trichloroacetic acid precipitation and protein quantification method. The changes of molecular weights were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and SE-HPLC. The action of ?-chymotrypsin under alkaline pH conditions induced slight deamidation of oat protein to low deamidation degrees (9-12%). On the other hand, ?-chymotrypsin mainly caused hydrolysis of oat protein to hydrolysis degrees between 49% and 62%. SDS-PAGE and SE-HPLC analysis also revealed that significant hydrolysis of oat protein occurred during the reaction. The hydrolysis mainly caused the shift of oat protein fractions from molecular weight above 20 kDa to molecular weight below 15 kDa. Change in pH did not cause significant differences on deamidation degrees and hydrolysis degrees of oat protein In conclusion, oat protein could not be effectively deamidated by ?-chymotrypsin under alkaline pH conditions, while the proteolysis was severe.
  • Sarasjärvi, Riikka (2022)
    This study examines international doctoral candidates’ decision to apply to the University of Helsinki. It aims to shed light on the factors that result in choosing a doctoral programme at the Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences as well as illustrating what that decision making process constitutes of. Finally, it seeks to understand how newly started doctoral candidates evaluate the decision that they made. For this case study 10 international doctoral candidates in humanities or social sciences were interviewed individually about their journey from a prospective student to an enrolled doctoral candidate. The interviews reveal different motivations and aspirations as well as the influence on the service evaluation. The decision making process constitutes of need recognition, search of information, evaluating information, making the choice and post-purchase evaluation. A dominant factor waking the need for a doctorate is a wish for career improvement either by advancing in one’s career or by making it possible to enter a research career. Personal and interpersonal reasons can also influence the desire for a PhD in a specific institution, for example, because of plans of migrating to that country or finding a supervisor there. The doctoral candidates evaluated their decision cautiously but in a positive manner. Some described challenges at the onset of their journey but none of those challenges were implied to be so serious that they would consider dropping out. The challenges were mostly related to academic and social integration, funding or figuring out how to organise one’s doctoral studies, however, the informants were mostly optimistic about overcoming these challenges. * Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kansainvälisten tohtorikoulutettavien päätöstä hakea Helsingin yliopiston Humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellisen tutkijakouluun. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on valaista valintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä havainnollistaa, mistä päätöksentekoprosessi koostuu. Lisäksi se pyrkii ymmärtämään, miten hiljattain aloittaneet tohtorikoulutettavat arvioivat tekemäänsä päätöstä. Tätä tapaustutkimusta varten haastateltiin 10 kansainvälistä tohtorikoulutettavaa, jotka opiskelevat jossakin Helsingin yliopiston Humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellisen tutkijakoulun tohtoriohjelmassa. Haastatteluissa kartoitettiin heidän reittinsä tohtoriopintoja harkitsevasta opiskelijasta tohtoriohjelmaan hyväksytyiksi tohtorikoulutettaviksi. Haastattelut paljastivat syynsä hakeutua tohtorikoulutukseen sekä päätöksentekoprosessin eri vaiheissa vaikuttavat tekijät. Hakuprosessin ja opintojen alkuvaiheen palvelukokemukset heijastuivat palvelun arviointiin. Päätöksentekoprosessi koostuu tarpeen tunnistamisesta, tiedonhausta, tiedon arvioinnista, valinnasta ja päätöksen jälkeisestä arvioinnista. Merkittävä tohtorikoulutukseen hakeutumiseen kannustava tekijä on toive urakehityksestä joko etenemällä urallaan tai mahdollistamalla tutkijanuralle pääsy. Henkilökohtaiset syyt sekä ihmissuhteet voivat vaikuttaa tohtoriohjelman valintaan tietyssä yliopistossa, esimerkiksi jos suunnitelmissa on muuttaa kyseiseen maahan tai tohtorikoulutettava löytää sieltä ohjaajan. Tohtorikoulutettavat arvioivat päätöstään varauksella, mutta positiivisesti. Jotkut kuvailivat haasteita matkansa alussa, mutta mikään näistä haasteista ei ollut niin vakava, että he harkitsisivat lopettamista. Haasteet liittyivät enimmäkseen akateemiseen ja yhteisöön integroitumiseen, rahoitukseen tai tohtoriopintojen organisointiin, mutta informantit suhtautuivat enimmäkseen optimistisesti haasteista selviytymiseen.
  • Nuorti, Ninni (2017)
    DRama Queen (DRQ) is an unknown conserved gene that might be involved with sensing cytokinin signalling in the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. It was originally found in a mutant screen when a mutated version of it – mDRQ – was found to improve the cytokinin sensitivity of plants in a desensitized genetic background. This thesis was done to define the protoxylem phenotype of mDRQ single mutant in Columbia (Col-0) background and to test the functionality of the gene by analyzing the complementation lines. The protoxylem phenotypes were scored from fuchsin stained samples by DIC microscopy. Protoxylem differentiation in the root of A. thaliana is an outcome of a mutually inhibitory signalling mechanism of auxins and cytokinins. Analysis of protoxylem status is a good tool for studying the cytokinin signalling because the differentiation is affected both by increased and reduced signalling levels. High signalling causes loss of protoxylem phenotypes whereas whereas low cytokinin signalling leads to ectopic protoxylem formation. The data of this thesis was analysed by SPSS version 22 software using cumulative logit modelling for the analysis. It was considered to be the most suitable alternative for analysis since the protoxylem phenotype data is ordinal by its nature. A protoxylem phenotype distribution was defined for mDRQ line and it was statistically different from Col-0. Most of the complementation lines were functional at a statistically significant level though the phenotype distributions of the complementation lines were not identical with original background. The difference could possibly be explained by the fact that the mDRQ gene is partially functional and may influence the phenotype distributions.
  • Le, Thanh Ngoc Uyen (2017)
    The aims of this study were to use the heterologously expressed laccase in Pichia pastoris as oxidative biocatalysts for the degradation of BPA and to find out natural mediators that could assist this laccase to degrade BPA efficiently and environmental friendly. In addition, removal of the estrogenic activity of BPA by the white rot fungus Physisporinus rivulosus cultures and the role of its laccase 2 in the BPA disapperance was also focused. Firstly, the removal of BPA’s estrogenic activity by the white rot fungus Physisporinus rivulosus was confirmed in cultures both with and without the fungal mycelium. Next, the recombinant laccase 2 (rLac2) played a role in the BPA disapperance. At the similar laccase activity level, removal of BPA’s estrogenic activity was done more efficiently in the fungal cultures than in the cell-free enzymatic treatments. Metabolites present in the fungal cultures could possibly act as natural mediators that enhance the removal of BPA. In addition, combination of nine laccases present in the fungal cultures could possibibly enhance the degradation of BPA. Finally, none of the ten mediatiors used was found to act as an efficient rLac2 enhancer in degrading BPA. Degradation of BPA was followed using a bioreporter system. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been genetically modified in order to express the estrogen receptor alpha and produce a bioluminescent signal upon contact with estrogenic substances such as BPA. This bioreporter system has been further developed to specifically detect the estrogenic activity of bisphenol A and to be used in a high-throughput manner.
  • Mahne, Hanna (2018)
    The present literature was reviewed to understand the recent indications of lipid degradation affecting β glucan molecular weight in aqueous solutions, the main topics being oat lipid reactions, oat β glucan, and oat bran/β glucan fortified yogurts, as well as the possible interplay of these three. A non-heat treated, a heat treated, and a heat treated and defatted oat bran concentrate (OBC) were produced, all with ~20% β glucan. OBCs were subjected to a storage trial in dark for 0–12 weeks at 4, 22 and 40 °C. Lipid degradation was followed during storage by assessing volatile compounds (HS-SPME-GC-MS), neutral lipid classes (NP-HPLC-ELSD) and tocopherol and tocotrienol levels (NP-HPLC-FLD) as well as β glucan molecular weights (HP-SEC). Acid milk gels were prepared as a model system for yogurts with added OBCs, and analysed for spontaneous and forced syneresis and textural changes. Lipid oxidation was observed in all OBCs, and hydrolysis in the non-heat treated OBC, but no changes in β glucan molecular weight were observed in the dry stored OBCs. OBC addition caused structural changes in an acid milk gels, the water retaining properties were improved, and the gels were softer and smoother than without added OBCs. Time and temperature affected OBC lipid oxidation and hydrolysis behaviours. Adding OBCs to gels changed gel textures compared to both without vs. with OBCs and adding fresh vs. stored OBCs.
  • Rauhala, Jussi (2017)
    High quality milk is an important thing for dairy industry and the most important determinator for milk price paid to the producer. The quality of milk is measured with somatic cell and bacteria count. Milks somatic cell count doesn’t change after milking that emphasizes the importance of udder health and successful milking. The total annual cost of the mastitis in an 100 head of cattle was estimated to be 21 000 – 25 000 euros in Finland (calculated with price level in 2010). Liner is the only part of the milking machine that contacts cow’s teat and the only way of bacteria into udder is through teat canal. Many bacterial infections occur in teat injuries and due to the teat-end roughness that makes teat canal closure slower, which makes bacteria access easier into udder. The aim of this thesis was to study the effects of CloverTM -liner on milking. Results were compared to the traditional HarmonyTM -liner. Cross section of a CloverTM -liner looks like clover whereas the shape of traditional liner cross section is round. Udder health and milking characteristics were measured attributes for comparison of the two liner models in this thesis. Udder health was evaluated by measuring somatic cell count, teat-end health and short-term changes in teat condition after milking. Milking characteristics were evaluated by measuring milk yield, milking duration and milk flow. The measurements were taken in two farms in summer 2015. The results of this study were estimated with line and bar charts as well as statistical significances were estimated with appropriate models. The differences between groups were small in teat-end health and there was a lot of deviation in the results so there were no statistically significant differences between groups. Total number of teats with short-term changes in teat condition after milking was so small that statistical testing was not appropriate. There were no differences in milk yield, milk flow, milking duration or somatic cell count between groups. The only statistically significant difference was peak flow that was lower for ClowerTM -liner.
  • Rotikko, Johanna (2012)
    The literature review dealed with the production of, and factors affecting the optimal processing of, traditional sauce base. Aspects of manufacturing relating to recycling and energy, such as recycling of animal by-products, were also discussed. The aim of the experimental work was to find a solution for the problem related to the opacity of the meat stock caused by a pressure cooking method. The key aim was to find the causes of opacity when the bones were pressure cooked (up to 1.5 bar) and to identify a method to prevent the occurrence of turbidity. Different cooking times, pressures and proteolytic enzyme combinations were evaluated during experimental studies. The goal was to obtain a beef-flavoured demi-glace sauce base broth with a bright appearance and as high a dry matter content as possible. Dry matter, total protein and connective tissue protein concentrations, pH and turbidity values were evaluated when comparing the results of the manufacturing methods and conditions. In addition, potential methods to improve the heat recovery systems were investigated. The dry matter of the broth consisted mainly of proteins. There was slightly faster increase in dry matter concentration at higher pressure than lower pressure. Addition of the proteolytic enzyme had the same effect. Based on this study the broth manufacturer must choose between a high gelatin content and turbidity when pursuing high dry matter content. The dry matter hydrolysed from bones by pressure cooking was almost exclusively collagen. Collagen dissolved in water while the rest of the bone proteins precipitated when heated. The construction of the heat recovery system in a small food processing company may be unprofitable. Improving energy efficiency in a small food company is challenging but possible if professionals accurately evaluate the conditions.
  • Bergholm, Jenna (2020)
    Food chains have lengthened on account of globalization during the last decades which has led to multiple sustainability concerns related to transport emissions, food security, externalization of environmental costs, consumers’ alienation from agriculture and the origin of food and the economic situation of farmers. Organic and local food, farmers’ markets and community supported agriculture are seen as some ways to enhance the sustainability of the food system. Globally, there is in abundance research about farmers’ markets and their customers. However, there is still relatively little research from Finland about farmers’ markets. In this master’s thesis, the socio-economic and demographic markers of rural event visitors were analyzed to determine their relation to purchasing and event visiting habits. The empirical data were collected through use of a survey administered at a recurrent market event. The results showed that 75.4% of the respondents were female, and that the average age among respondents was 51.8 years. In addition, 63% were living in Hyvinkää, where the event was organized. Domestic origin, price, and healthiness were the most commonly mentioned factors that affected the buying decisions. It was discovered that age had an influence on buying organic, for example, respondents in the age groups 20–29 and 30–39 were buying more organic food compared to other groups, and respondents in age group 70+ less compared to other groups (p=0.003). Income, education, or individual family composition did not affect the tendency to buy organic.
  • Mäkinen, Arttu Tapio (2021)
    Crop monitoring in commercial indoor farming is a commonly used method in assessing the general productivity of the cultivated plants. This assessment practice is typically conducted manually by greenhouse workers and is sometimes supplemented by certain hand-held or stationary devices. An interesting example of novel device-assisted crop monitoring technologies utilizes digital imaging devices and computer-driven image analysis algorithms that have been prominently employed within the field of plant phenotyping. In the context of botanical studies, they have been used in e.g. characterizing various complex interactions between the genotypes of important food crops and their agronomic traits in specific prevailing environmental conditions. Additionally, image-based data acquisition technologies also present very interesting prospects for precision agriculture management practices. They could be harnessed to scan entire greenhouse compartments continuously and acquire massive amounts of data on multiple morphological and physiological aspects of crop growth and development in a non-destructive fashion. The acquired data could be implemented into mathematical greenhouse control models and utilized in a plethora of useful applications, including e.g. estimating and predicting biomass production and yield, detecting and localizing potential abiotic/biotic stress symptoms at an early stage, and ultimately enhancing overall crop production efficiency. In this thesis, these imaging technologies were explored in practice by designing and constructing a growth chamber embedded with automatic climate control and a low-cost multispectral imaging subsystem. The final assembly was tested by conducting a simple experiment involving drought-stressed sweet basil plants (Ocimum basilicum L. cv. ‘Genovese’) to determine how early drought-stress related symptoms could be detected purely from multispectral images. While the system carried out the tasks of automated climate control and continuous image capture adequately, the implemented approach in drought-stress detection was deemed unsuccessful. Significant differences between drought-stressed plants and their respective controls were not observed until visible symptoms were present. This was assumed to be due to incompatibility of the camera module’s spectral sensitivity in detecting changes in water content in plant tissue.
  • Oikkonen, Hanna (2022)
    The use of recycled fibers in paper production has increased during recent years. Recycled fibers are a more sustainable alternative compared to virgin fibers made from wood. However, paper mills utilizing recycled fibers have more microbiological problems compared to mills using only virgin fibers. Especially, anaerobic bacteria are harmful for papermaking processes utilizing recycled fibers. Bacteria of the class Clostridia comprise a very diverse group and have many different metabolic properties. Bacteria of class Clostridia can ferment different substrates, for example cellulose and starch, crucial in paper mills utilizing recycled fibers. Fermentation does not only decrease material efficiency, but also the acids produced during fermentation deteriorate papermaking processes. Volatile fatty acids are odorous compounds causing bad odors in the mills and in the final products. Clostridia can also produce, for example, hydrogen which is an explosive gas endangering the safety of the mill employees. Quantitative PCR is a feasible detection method for microbes. Here, a qPCR method was developed for the detection of most abundant bacteria in the class Clostridia in the recycled fiber mills. The designed primers targeted the most harmful bacteria from the genera Clostridium, Ethanoligenens, Fonticella and Ruminococcus identified in the recycled fiber mills. Three primer sets were designed for the target bacterial group. Positive controls of each target bacterial genus was included and close relatives from class Bacilli were used as negative controls. The designed primer sets were compared in efficiency, specificity and performance with process samples collected from paper mills using recycled fibers. One of the primer sets was found the most potential for the qPCR detection method for the diverse target bacterial group. All positive controls were amplified with the designed qPCR assay, whereas the designed primers discriminated well each negative control in vitro. The applicability of the designed qPCR assay was yet confirmed with process samples collected from mills utilizing recycled pulp. Even though the efficiency of the designed primer set was not optimal, the designed assay was determined feasible for the detection of the target group in the recycled fiber mills usually high in bacterial density.
  • Gonzalez Ramos, Victor Manuel (2020)
    Yeasts are a major spoilage threat in carbonated and fermented beverages, causing considerable economic losses for the manufacturers. Dekkera bruxellensis and Zygosaccharomyces bailii are the two most common spoilage yeast in beverages due to their high tolerance towards beverage-related stress factors. For industry, early and reliable detection of contamination is necessary to minimize spoilage potential and maintain product quality. Cultivation on selective/differential media remains the main method for detection of these organisms, with incubation times from 3 to 15 days. Beverage-related stresses may generate sub-population of injured yeast cells and further delay or even prevent the detection in regular media. PCR, flow cytometry and other alternative detection methods also rely on enrichment cultivation to achieve the required sensitivity for the industry. Therefore, reduced incubation time of sample enrichment and improved detection of injured cells is crucial for a more rapid and reliable detection method. Modification of specific compounds in the culture medium composition has been reported to improve recovery of bacteria after stress. As analogue studies have not been performed on spoilage yeast, modification of the culture medium composition offers a possibility to improve the growth of injured and healthy yeast cells. The aim of this study is to reduce cultivation time required for detection of healthy and injured Dekkera bruxellensis and Zygosaccharomyces bailii cells. Initially, conditions for inducing organic acid and heat injury in D. bruxellensis, D. anomala and Z. bailii cells were studied in an artificial beverage containing basic components of soft drinks. Selective and non-selective plate cultivation and fluorescent viability stains were used to assess the level of injury. The organic acid treatments resulted in inconsistent injury of spoilage yeasts, and thus, recovery from organic acid injury could not be screened. The heat treatments resulted in consistent 1-3 log reduction of viable cell counts. Altogether, 46 potential injury-relieving or growth-enhancing supplements were screened for their effects on the growth rate and lag time of heat-treated and untreated cells in non-selective YM broth using high-throughput automated turbidometry. During individual screening, the growth of Z. bailii strains was significantly improved (p<0.05) only by supplementation with three ion sources: calcium chloride, potassium chloride, and magnesium sulphate. Synergistic effects of the three ion sources was optimized for D. bruxellensis and Z. bailii individually using surface response analysis. Optimized D. bruxellensis YM medium showed no consistent impact on healthy or heat-treated D. bruxellensis strains. On the other hand, two out of the three Z. bailii strains showed significant lag time reduction of 63-66% in untreated cells and 34% in heat-treated cells when incubated in optimized Z. bailii YM medium. The lack of differentiation between improvement of growth of untreated and heat-treated cells point to a generalized ionic deficiency in YM medium. In conclusion, the optimized Z. bailii YM medium is a promising candidate for reducing the detection time of the common spoilage yeast, but it would still require validation with additional Z. bailii strains and quality control samples. It would be also interesting to study the benefits of the medium for cultivation of other spoilage yeasts and in the presence of Z. bailii selective compounds. The information about the importance of various salts for growth of Z. bailii may also prove useful in biotechnological applications of this yeast.
  • Manngård, Jessica (2024)
    Whole grain oats have a high nutritional value and a favorable taste, making oats a valid option to enhance the nutritional properties of food products. Due to the absence of gluten, baking with oat flour can be challenging but lactic acid bacteria fermentation can provide the needed functional activities and modify the sensory properties. The aim of this study was to find lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast starter cultures suitable for oat flour fermentation and define their main metabolic profile. The sourdoughs were prepared with whole grain oat flour and water. Some of these also contained sprouted grain oat and fructose or sucrose to facilitate fermentation. Strains from species Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, Levilactobacillus brevis, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used as starters. Microbial enumeration was carried out and acidification was studied by measuring pH and total titratable acidity; organic acid content was analysed with high performance liquid chromatography. The results indicate that there are benefits to using LAB and yeast in consortium to produce oat sourdough, in that they acidify the dough and produce organic acids. The addition of sprouted oat was beneficial, allowing higher acidification and higher organic acid production. Fructose successfully allowed to increase the content of acetic acid. Sensory and baking tests are needed to draw final conclusions on the flavor of the bread.
  • Sgarabotto, Elena (2022)
    In the past 20 years, three known disease emergence events of highly pathogenic coronaviruses have highlighted the importance of monitoring wildlife for the presence of these viruses. Their peculiar characteristics, like high mutation and recombination rate, have increased their potential for species adaptation and interspecies transmission. Understanding the diversity of these viruses in wildlife and increased surveillance might be key to predicting and preventing future spillovers and pandemics. Studies on wildlife coronaviruses commonly focus on the order Chiroptera, mainly in temperate and tropical regions of the Asian continent. Even though animals belonging to this order are considered the main reservoir, the importance of other small terrestrial mammals should not be overlooked. Rodents, for instance, are animals of great interest for many zoonoses, as they often host parasites, bacteria and other groups of viruses that cause diseases in humans. A recent description of several lineages of coronaviruses recovered from rodents from China highlighted and suggested the presence of these viruses in small terrestrial rodents. In this project, we aimed to investigate the presence of coronaviruses in small mammals from France. Samples were collected during spring 2021 in twelve different locations, within two regions of eastern France, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Franche Comté. A total of 448 rodents, 13 shrews and 416 bat samples were collected. The samples were screened and coronaviruses sequences were recovered in 20 different samples. Nine Betacoronavirus genus sequences were recovered from rodent colon samples, and one Alpha- and ten Betacoronavirus sequences from bat guano. These results confirmed previous evidence of these viruses’ presence in small mammals from France and provide the first evidence of betacoronaviruses circulating in wild French bats. The study covers two eastern regions that have not been surveilled in previously released studies therefore this highlights the need to increase the efforts in monitoring these viruses and their wildlife host
  • Kashif, Muhammad (2012)
    Sweetpotato is a subsistence crop for many thousands of families across the globe. The present studies in the thesis provide basic knowledge about Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) and Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) that were detected and characterized from sweetpotatoes in Guatemala and Honduras. Sweetpotato plants from Central American countries were showing typical virus-like symptoms. Different strategies were adopted for virus detection. SPCSV and SPFMV were found to be infecting sweetpotato plants. SPFMV was detected only in sweetpotato plants from Honduras. SPFMV infection was detected serologically and results were confirmed by RT-PCR and sequencing. A recently developed detection method, based on restrictotypes of PCR products by two different endonucleases, revealed co-infection of SPFMV strains C and RC in a sweetpotato plant from Honduras which was corroborated by sequencing 3'-proximal end (1.8 kb) of the genome and the coat protein (CP) ~940 nt based phylogenetic analysis. SPCSV was detected by double-stranded RNA extraction, confirmed by RT-PCR and subsequent sequencing of the partial HSP70h gene of genomic RNA2 gene of SPCSV. Phylogenetic analysis was done by constructing neighbour-joining tree of aligned nucleotide sequences, including SPCSV-EA isolates and SPCSV-WA isolates from database that clearly differentiated SPCSV isolates of Central American countries. These isolates from Guatemala and Honduras were grouped together with SPCSV-WA isolates from Argentina, United States, Spain, Israel, Nigeria and Egypt. Additionally, the RNase3 gene with UTR at 3´ end of genomic RNA1 gene of SPCSV was sequenced (1264 nt) and aligned against other WA isolates. It was found that the gene for the silencing suppressor protein p22 (676nt) was missing, reflecting intraspecific variation in the genomic structure of SPCSV. These findings revealed the two most important sweetpotato viruses in Guatemala, Honduras, and Central America for the first time and urge further studies of sweetpotato viruses in the region.
  • Gao, Song (2010)
    Molecular biology has created a new pathway for plant breeding in cut flower industry. It focuses on studying flower gene functions and provides a more direct and effective way of breeding new flower cultivars using genetic transformation. Besides flower color, disease resistance, quality and vase life, modification of flower architecture is an important target for flower breeding. Previous studies have showed that various transcription factors encoded by the corresponding genes are involved regulating flower development and flower architecture. The most studied are MADS domain and TCP domain transcription factors. For targeted breeding, it is crucial to study the functions of the corresponding genes in detail. For both MADS and TCP domain proteins, previous studies have indicated that protein-protein interactions are important for their function. GhCYC1, GhCYC2, GhCYC3 and GhCYC4, isolated from gerbera (Gerbera hybrida), are CYCLOIDEA –like genes affecting inflorescence development. The protein-protein interactions among these four genes have previously been studied by yeast two-hybrid system. The aim of this thesis was to verify the interactions in living plant cells, using both BiFC and split luciferase assays. Protoplast electroporation and agroinfiltration were used to introduce the genes in planta. The results from the two assays were compared in order to find an effective in planta method for detecting protein-protein interactions. The experiment also provided information about DNA transformation efficiency using protoplast electroporation and agroinfiltration. The results of the split luciferase assay showed that GhCYC1+GhCYC4, GhCYC3+GhCYC4 as well as GhCYC4+GhCYC4 interacted quite strongly in plant cells while GhCYC1+GhCYC1, GhCYC2+GhCYC2 as well as GhCYC4+GhCYC2 had almost no interactions. The interactions between GhCYC3+GhCYC4, and GhCYC4+ GhCYC4 were also shown in yeast two-hybrid, but the other results were different. According to the BiFC assay, no signals of interactions were detected from GhCYC2+GhCYC2, while strong signals were observed from GhCYC2+GhCYC3, and weak signals were seen from GhCYC2+GhCYC4. The interactions between GhCYC2+GhCYC3, GhCYC2+GhCYC4 were also observed in yeast two-hybrid, but the other results were unconfirmed. Large standard deviations were observed in the split luciferase assay and thereby reliable conclusions cannot be drawn from it. However, BiFC turned out to be a better method to detect the protein-protein interactions in planta and clear signals from interactions could be observed. Comparison of the transformation methods indicated that agroinfiltration is a better way of introducing DNA into plant cells than protoplast electroporation. For further study, BiFC assay still needs to be repeated to confirm the efficiency of this assay, and factors affecting the transformation efficiency in protoplast electroporation need to be optimized in the future studies.
  • Koivisto, Charlotta (2024)
    Fresh-cut lettuce and cherry tomatoes are products commonly found in ready-to-eat salad mixtures. Their individual deterioration mechanisms are well identified, whereas their interactive effects are not fully known despite their common usage in mixed salads. This hinders the identification of new targets for shelf-life improvement and the understanding of deterioration processes in post-harvest vegetables. This thesis aimed to investigate how fresh-cut lettuce and cherry tomatoes deteriorate in a mixed modified atmosphere packaging and how that impacts the shelf-life of such a product. Visual characteristics, as well as weight loss, sugars, and acid levels, were followed throughout 20 days of storage, and the changes of these prospects were evaluated, reflecting on shelf-life and taste predictions. The results presented here suggest that lettuce spoils faster than tomatoes, as indicated by higher rates of weight loss and sensorial data, thereby implying that lettuce leaves were a limiting factor in the overall quality of the mixed matrices. In addition, the rate of tomato deterioration seemed to slow down in the presence of lettuce, as at the end of the storage, the moisture and hardness losses were smaller in mixed packages. In the first week of storage, weight loss, visual data, texture analysis, and smell did not show evidence of ingredient interaction. In addition, no substantial evidence was found that the ingredients' physical contact affected the deterioration rate in mixed packages. Nevertheless, at late storage, both ingredients showed signs of deterioration, and there appeared to be effects of moisture. Also, importantly, it was found that the presence of tomatoes led to altered sugar metabolism in lettuce. However, this study encompasses only one experimental replicate, but it provides a basis for further research on ingredient interaction in mixed packages and reflects on the next possible avenues to investigate.
  • Kuitunen, Anna (2023)
    Gas chromatography (GC) is one of the most widely used method for analysis of lipids and it is commonly combined to a flame ionization detection (FID), since GC-FID is an excellent combination for quantitative analysis of wide range of lipids. Before GC analysis can be performed, lipids must be extracted from the sample and derivatized. Some common extraction methods include Soxhlet and Soxtec extraction, Folch extraction and extraction with the help of acid hydrolysis. To be able to analyse the extracted fatty acids by GC, they must be in a volatile form. This can be achieved by forming fatty acid derivatives by, for example, methylation. The commissioner wishes to have a way to analyse the fatty acid composition of pork by GC in their laboratory. The aim of the study was to take in use an easy, safe-to-use and simple method for determination of fatty acid composition of pork by gas chromatography, using the instruments and equipment already found from the laboratory. The research had three different parts. First, heptane-isopropanol extraction, Bligh & Dyer extraction and Caviezel extraction were compared. Then the chosen extraction method was validated. Finally, two different pork samples were compared to test the method’s ability to differentiate them. Caviezel extraction was chosen as the best extraction method, and it was validated by parameters repeatability and robustness. The method was able to differentiate samples that had similar, but slightly different fatty acid compositions. However, method still requires some fine tuning since the GC column seemed to be highly sensitive to any disturbances.