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Browsing by Author "Mononen, Riikka"

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  • Mononen, Riikka (2012)
    The literature review deals with sensory properties of apples, factors affecting consumer perception and apple acceptability and methods that can be used to study these phenomena. Apple cultivation and consumption in Finland and demands set by legislation were also examined. The aim of the experimental work was firstly to produce sensory profiles for eight domestic winter apple varieties (Amorosa, Aroma, Eva-Lotta, Konsta, Lobo, Red Atlas, Valtti and Åkerö Hassel), secondly to study consumers’ apple perception using a home-use-test and finally to use preference mapping to combine data from descriptive analysis and consumer test. Apples were evaluated at two different time points in order to study how ripening affects sensory properties and consumer perception. The panel in descriptive analysis consisted of 11 trained assessors. Participants of the consumer test (n=80) were mainly students and staff of the University of Helsinki. Eva-Lotta, Amorosa and Aroma had the sweetest flavour. Valtti and Red Atlas had the most acidic and astringent flavour with the highest flavour intensity. Lobo, Red Atlas and Konsta had the mealiest texture and ripening caused severe deterioration in texture for these three varieties. Aroma and Valtti had the crispiest texture while Lobo had the lowest texture crispiness. Eva-Lotta and Valtti were the juiciest varieties and had the highest scores in fruity aroma. Statistically significant differences between varieties were found in all other attributes except soggy texture and grassy aroma. Eva-Lotta was the most preferred variety. Eva-Lotta, Amorosa and Aroma had the most pleasant taste while Red Atlas and Åkerö Hassel had the least preferred taste. Strong correlation between overall liking and taste pleasantness was observed. Willingness-to-buy was mostly explained by overall liking. No explicit consumer groups were identified using cluster analysis which was probably due to homogeneity of the participants. Most of the participants preferred sweet and fruity apples although some exceptions were observed.