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Browsing by discipline "Metsävaratiede ja -teknologia (metsäteknologia)"

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  • Pape-Mustonen, Terhi (2013)
    The goal of this research is to map different leadership experiences within Finnish logging companies which are constituent of a new organisation model for tree harvesting. In this model, entrepreneurs have extensive service contracts and often utilise networks of smaller labour units. Finnish harvesting companies have traditionally been small and therefore these new responsibilities can add stress. This work describes attitudes towards both leadership and leadership practices. The method used in this research is theme interviews. The interviewed entrepreneurs were participating in the Menestyvä alueyrittäjä- project. There were 15 interviewees. Interviews were recorded and the recordings added up to 25 hours. The interviews were analysed and practices and attitudes classified according to theories of leadership. The interviews revealed that the client has a big impact on the strategic choices made by these companies. The most time consuming leadership task is planning. The telephone is the most used communication device and this has not been affected by the adoption of newer IT devices. Both official and casual communication is conducted over the phone. District company leaders don’t think of themselves primarily as executives. They appreciate independence and concrete results in their work. The use of information technology is generally straightforward for them. The entrepreneurs believe that their employees particularly appreciate equality and respectful, trusting relationships. Supporting employees is seen as important and entrepreneurs want to use more time in personnel management. Most of the entrepreneurs don’t use harvesting machine data to determine their employees’ pay, although this could make supervision more efficient. More successful employees are generally better paid. According to the entrepreneurs, recruiting is difficult and good employees hard to find. The interviews in this work indicate that the most difficult aspects of leadership are personnel management and the utilisation of financial information.
  • Leikas, Antti (2010)
    Tässä työssä tarkastellaan hakkuu-uramenetelmän kilpailukykyä ajouramenetelmään verrattuna erityisesti turvemaiden puunkorjuussa. Menetelmien välisistä edullisuussuhteista eri oloissa on hyvin vähän aikaisempaa tutkimustietoa. Hakkuu-uramenetelmä on harvennushakkuisiin soveltuva työmenetelmä, joka perustuu ajourien väliin tehtäviin hakkuu-uriin, joita käyttää vain hakkuukone. Hakkuu-urien avulla ajouraväliä voidaan säätää välillä 20 - 40 metriä. Hakkuu-urasta käytetään myös nimitystä ”haamu-ura”, sillä se on normaalia ajouraa kapeampi ja varsin huomaamaton maastossa. Vertailumenetelmänä on perinteinen ajouramenetelmä, jossa hakkuukone ja metsätraktori käyttävät samoja uria ja ajouraväli on noin 20 metriä. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestyttiin tarkastelemalla miten työmenetelmien välinen kilpailukyky muuttuu siirryttäessä kangasmaan ensiharvennuksesta turvemaan ensiharvennukseen. Kilpailukyvyn näkökulmia olivat hakkuun ja metsäkuljetuksen tuottavuus, korjuukustannus ja korjuujälki. Tutkimus rajattiin kesäaikana tapahtuvaan puunkorjuuseen. Työn tuottavuutta tutkittiin aikatutkimuksella kangas- ja turvemaan olosuhteissa molemmilla työmenetelmillä. Aikatutkimusaineiston perusteella laadittiin hakkuun tuottavuutta kuvaavat lineaariset regressiomallit. Työn tuottavuuden lisäksi kenttäkokeessa tutkittiin korjuun kustannuksia ja korjuujälkeä. Kenttäkokeen tutkimustulosten tueksi haastateltiin lisäksi hakkuu-uramenetelmää käyttäviä urakoitsijoita ja heidän urakanantajiaan. Haastattelun avulla pyrittiin selvittämään parhaat käytännöt hakkuu-uramenetelmän käytöstä erilaisissa leimikoissa ja olosuhteissa. Hakkuu-uramenetelmän kilpailukyky hakkuun tuottavuuden ja kustannusten osalta on parhaimmillaan tiheissä puustoissa. Turvemaille tyypilliset olosuhteet, kuten harva puusto ja alhainen hakkuukertymä heikentävät hakkuu-uramenetelmän kilpailukykyä. Hakkuu-uramenetelmän käyttö tuottaa ajouramenetelmää suuremman puutavaran tienvarsitiheyden, jonka vaikutus metsäkuljetuksen tuottavuuteen ja kustannuksiin on edullinen. Ajouravälin kasvattaminen 40 metriin turvemaalla ei kuitenkaan ollut mahdollista, joten hakkuu-uramenetelmän tienvarsitiheys jäi lähes samalle tasolle ajouramenetelmän kanssa. Ongelmana hakkuu-uramenetelmällä oli myös ajouramenetelmää pienemmät kourakasat. Kasakoko on kuitenkin paljon kiinni hakkuukoneen kuljettajan työskentelytottumuksista. Korjuujälki oli molemmilla menetelmillä varsin hyvä, mutta hakkuu-uramenetelmän kilpailukyky parani kuitenkin suhteessa ajouramenetelmään turvemaalle siirryttäessä.
  • Halme, Kaisa (2009)
    Vapo Oy:n kehittämät maataloustraktorivetoiset HavuHukka -hakkuutähdeperävaunut ovat olleet liikenteessä jo vuosikymmenen ajan. Vaunun erikoisuus, kuormaa hydraulisesti tiivistävät laidat, mahdollistavat hakkuutähteen jatketun lähikuljetuksen suoraan palstalta terminaalivarastoon. Tällöin erillistä välivarastointivaihetta tienvarteen ei tarvita. Vapon alkuperäinen tarkoitus oli, että kesäisin turvetuotannossa olevaa traktorikalustoa voitaisiin talviaikaan käyttää HavuHukkien vetotraktoreina, jolloin urakoitsijat saisivat lisätyötä ja investoinnit konekalustoon pysyisivät kohtuullisina. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin miten HavuHukkien toimintaympäristö on vuosien aikana muuttunut ja miten toimintaympäristön muuttuminen on vaikuttanut HavuHukka -urakoinnin kustannusrakenteeseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena, ohjaavana tapaustutkimuksena, sillä tutkimuksen tuloksia hyödynnetään päätöksenteossa HavuHukkien tulevaisuudesta. Tutkimus jakautui kolmeen osaan: haastattelututkimukseen, aikatutkimukseen ja kustannustarkasteluun. Haastattelututkimukseen osallistui yhteensä seitsemän henkilöä. HavuHukka -urakoitsijoiden lisäksi haastateltiin Vapon toimihenkilöitä seuraavilta aloilta: suunnittelu ja konekehitys, huolto ja varaosat sekä energiapuunhankinta. Aikatutkimuksessa seurattiin kahden kuljettajan työskentelyä maastossa. Kolmelta palstalta ajettiin kantoja ja yhdeltä hakkuutähdettä. Aikatutkimuksen lisäksi tehtiin kantojen koemurskaus, jolla selvitettiin kuinka monta irtokuutiota kantomursketta yhdestä HavuHukan kuormallisesta saadaan. Kustannustarkastelussa käytettiin konekustannuslaskennan periaatteita ja hyödynnettiin aiempien vuosien tutkimustuloksia sekä kevään 2008 haastattelu- ja aikatutkimuksen tuloksia. Nykyään yksi HavuHukka toimii alkuperäisellä idealla, eli se on pois käytöstä turvetuotantokauden ajan. Bioenergian käytön lisäämistavoitteen kasvaessa markkinoille on myös tullut uusia hakkuutähdettä tiivistäviä kuormatilaratkaisuja. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat samansuuntaisia aiempien vuosien tutkimusten tulosten kanssa. Kustannustarkastelun todellisia tuloksia ei ole raportissa esitetty, sillä kustannuksista tehtiin tarkempi selvitys työn tilaajan käyttöön. Raportissa esimerkkilaskelmat on toteutettu kuvitteellisilla luvuilla.
  • Muhonen, Olli (2012)
    Forest energy harvesting has increased significantly in recent years. The extraction of forest energy is usually done with conventional forwarders. The productivity of extraction work is, however, quite poor due to a low material density, which results in a small load size. The objective of the study was to increase the productivity of forest energy extraction via solutions that increase the load size. The first method that was studied involved widening the load space hydraulically. The other solution was based on compressing the load with hydraulically tiltable stakes. The study was conducted as a development study. The field studies were carried out in the summer and autumn of 2011 on harvesting sites managed by Metsähallitus and Metsäliitto in the Jyväskylä region. The study material comprises a total of 139 loads. There was a significant difference in raw density between the logging residues and stump pieces for the widening and compressing load space solutions. For this reason, it does not make sense to compare the two load space solutions to each other. The analyses were based on the reported load scale tonnes. Both load space alternatives increased the load size by 20-30 per cent depending on the assortment. For logging residues, the increase in efficient hour productivity for extraction was 13 per cent and for stump pieces it was 30 per cent. With the compressing load space, the efficient hour productivity for full trees increased by 17 per cent. For logging residues, the increase was 5 per cent and for stump pieces it was 12 per cent. Compression was not a successful method for stump pieces and even for logging residues the benefits were mainly based on the increased load space. Compressing the load is mainly beneficial when extracting full trees. The project was carried out together with Osuuskunta Metsäliitto (now Metsä Group), Metsä-Multia Oy and Ponsse Oyj. The modelling work was done by Metsäteho Oy. This study shows results of Metsähallitus project “Maastokuljetuksen kehittäminen”. The project is part of the EffFibre (Value through Intensive and Efficient Fibre Supply) research and development programme coordinated by Forestcluster Ltd.
  • Kallioniemi, Paula (2012)
    Tending of seedling stands and improvement of young stands are important steps in wood produc-tion, but they are often postponed or even neglected primarily due to high expenses and poor availability of labour. Machine tending of young stands requires special equipment and appropri-ately suited devices, restricting the method's feasibility to larger stands. For the present, clea-ring and thinning of young stands is mainly accomplished manually using a clearing saw due to lower cost of manual work compared with machine tending. Mechanized pre-commercial thinning further requires that strip roads must be opened, which will reduce the number of growing trees, resulting in diminished area for wood production. Trunk and root damages are a frequent phenomenon and furthermore the terrain can sustain damage. Dam-ages in standing crop and soil can reduce timber output during forest rotation time. The negative contribution of strip roads on timber output and poor forest health should be countered in devel-oping machine tending. The need for the development of machine tending and its benefits increas-es with receding availability of labour. This study focuses on the influence on timber production and trunk damages by a forestry vehicle equipped with a MenSe clearing head. The emphasis lies on examining strip roads and damages in young stands. In addition to conclusions from forest measurements, literature search was applied in studying the effects of machine tending on timber output. The corollary influence of strip roads on future timber output requires further research. The study observes a 10 % decrease in surface area resulting from laying strip roads for mechanized pre-commercial thinning. Trunk damages were present on average in 5 % of the remaining trees. Growth impeding trees surrounding growing trees amounted to 250 trees per hectare and need-lessly removed trees about 90 per hectare. The consumption of working time averaged 8,4 hours per hectare and hourly output 0,12 hectare on all sites. Nonnegligent divergencies in drivers regard-ing efficiency and procedure were observed. Attending to the education, motivation, advicement and supervision of the driver will be worthwhile in the future. Circumstances surrounding both the driver and the forest machine present a challenge in develop-ing the cost-efficiency and labour resultant of mechanized pre-commercial thinning. In the future more alternatives for wood production chain should be considered for research, for instance the possibility of entirely abandoning pre-commercial thinning after the preliminary cleaning of seed-ling stands with an uprooter, subsequently leading to energy wood thinning or first thinning.
  • Saarimäki, Aaro (2009)
    Lately the need to increase the amount of domestic logging has grown. That has been caused by a decrease in raw wood import. A big part of the extra logging potential is located on peatlands. Wintertime harvesting on peatlands cannot be increased since the logging equipment at that time of the year is already fully employed. That creates a need to be able to operate on peatlands year-round if the logging amounts are expected to grow significantly. With the existing average machinery and traditional equipment this is not possible. The traditional equipment for peatlands is only to mount wide steel tracks around the wheels. With this kind of equipment logging from soils with lowest bearing capacities is practically impossible if low amount of harvesting damages is expected. For logging on peatlands during the period of unfrozen ground new technical innovations are needed to decrease the surface pressure that a machine produces to the ground and to decrease its rut formation. For low rut formation there have been special machines for peatlands already for a long time but their productivity is too low for profitable logging. Since the use of special machines has been proven to be expensive, it seemed rational to focus on equipping a standard machine to perform better on peatlands and other soft soils. The main problem is to combine low rut formation and good productivity into the same machine. This is possible by adding low rut formation due to the new track system to the good productivity of a basic machine. The study was done by using constructive research method. The aim of the study was to find a good track system for a forwarder regarding low rut formation and other important properties for operating on low bearing capacity soils. First all the existing constructions were gathered and some new possible constructions were also brainstormed. From these constructions the one that seemed most potential was chosen for field testing. Support for the choice was sought by making an expert interview round. The results supported the arguments on which the choice was based on. In the field tests the test machine with the new track system and the comparison machine with the traditional track system both drove their own testing sectors which were estimated to be equal by conditions. The field test area was located in Ilomantsi and was a normal thinning site. The idea was to compare the rut formation of the track systems in real harvesting conditions that were mathematically equalized. The known factors that effect the bearing capacity were measured and their effect on the results was minimized by standardizing them mathematically. The calculations were executed by using multifactor regression analysis. The test machine caused less rut formation but the difference between the machines was quite small. There were some minor faults in the test machines properties and reliability but those are likely to be rather easily solved with some modifications to the track system.