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  • Saha, Sani (2021)
    Immunodeficiency in neonatal piglet is one of the major causes of pre-weaning mortality. Colostrum supply cytokines to newborn piglets, which play an important role in formation of their immune mechanism. This study aims to identify the relationship between sow’s blood and colostrum cytokines, and effect of resin acid-enriched composition (RAC) in sow’s blood and colostrum cytokines concentration. RAC is a plant extract of coniferous tree, and it is composed of resin acids and fatty acids which exert immunomodulatory function. Two experiments were conducted in two different farms where RAC was supplemented in the diet of late gestation sows, starting from one week before of expected farrowing date till farrowing. Multiplex immunoassay was used to determine the interferon alpha (IFN-α), interferon gamma (IFN-ɣ), interleukin 1 (IL-1), interleukin 10 (IL-10), interleukin 4 (IL-4), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 12p40 (IL-12p40) cytokines concentration in blood and colostrum of sow collected within 2 hours of the birth of first piglets. There were significant (p < 0.05) positive correlations between sow’s blood and colostrum cytokines concentration. RAC-fed sows had significantly (p < 0.05) higher level of IL-1 and showed positive tendency (p = 0.1) to increase TNF-α cytokine level in blood. Colostrum level of IFN- ɣ, IL-1 and IL-12p40 had also positive tendency (p = 0.1) to rise in RAC supplemented sow. On this basis, it is proposed that application of RAC in late gestation sow diet enhance the cytokine production in sow’s blood, and blood cytokines levels are positively correlated with colostrum cytokines.
  • Norrback, Josefin (2021)
    Gastrointestinal parasites (GIP) and resistance against anthelmintics are and will be one of the biggest challenges for the sheep husbandry. Research within this area is very important today and it is important to figure out new methods to identify individuals with high burden of parasites and to treat just these individuals. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of GIP on activity patterns and weight gain in first season grazing lambs. A sub-study accompanied with the aim was to see if the manually made behavioural observations supported data from the sensors. The study took place at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) during the summer of 2019. The study was divided into two experimental periods. In the first experimental period 30 ewes and their 60 twins were used. Of those, 58 lambs continued to the second experimental period. Two groups were dewormed with ivermectin (high group) and two groups were untreated (low group). All lambs were fitted with sensors, and the data was downloaded once a week, at the same time with the weighting of animals. Individual faecal samples were collected four times. The pasture where the lambs grazed was a first-year pasture. Sward height was measured, and herbage samples were collected three times during the experiment. Herbage samples were analysed for nutritional and mineral content. The manual behavioural observations were made two days a week during five weeks. The high group had higher weight (28.9 kg) in the beginning of the experiment, compared with the low group (28.1 kg). On the contrary, the high group had lower weight (42.7 kg), compared with the low group (44.8 kg) at the end of the experiment. According to data from the sensors there were differences in lying time and motion index (MI) during the 7-10 first days after weaning. The low group laid down more, compared with the high group. The low group had higher MI compared with the high group. During the whole experiment there were no differences in lying time, lying bouts or MI. The manual behavioural observations showed that “standing still” had significantly more registrations for the high group compared to the low group. It is possible to see differences in behaviour with sensors at an early stage of parasitic infection, even with low levels of parasites. This means, that there is a potential to use automatic behaviour observations as a diagnostics tool during infection of GIP.
  • von Konow, Helena (2020)
    The feeding behavior of beef cattle is complex and varies depending on different factors such as the nutritive value of the feed, the individual and the environment. By optimizing and improving the feed efficiency, the economics of the production increases. Knowledge of feed intake and feeding behavior can be used to optimize the production and the health and well-being of the animals. The aim of this study was to determine how the cut of grass silage affects the feeding behaviour of bulls and thereby how to optimize the use of silage for animal growth. Simmental bulls got three different silage cuts. The first cut was taken on 25th June (ES1), the second cut on 11th August (ES2) and the third cut on 3rd October (ES3). The feeding was given as total mixed ration (TMR) ad libitum. Each TMR group had 15 bulls (TES1, TES2, TES3). Each TMR group had a diet based on grass silage (550 g/kg DM), the only difference being if the silage was of the first, second or third cut. That way the nutritive value differed among the TMR. Individual information about duration, when, and how much the bulls ate was recorded by the Growsafesystem. The average for the bulls in the feeding groups was calculated based on the individual data. This Master´s thesis researched feed intake, feeding frequency, time for head down, time for feed intake and feed intake rate during one month when the body weight of the bulls was on average 546 kg in the beginning and 607 kg at the end of the study. The dry matter for the three cuts was 201 g/kg for ES1, 298 g/kg for ES2 and 354 g/kg for ES3. D-value was 719, 685 and 739 g/kg DM, respectively. The bulls that ate ES3 had higher dry matter intake (12,1 kg DM/d) and eating rate (94,9 g DM/min) than the two other groups. The bulls that ate ES1 and ES2 had the same feed utilization, which was better than the feed utuilization of the bulls that were given ES3. Feeding frequency was about 15 times per day for all groups. The second cut had the lowest digestibility and the bulls eating the second cut had the longest feed intake time. The bulls that ate the third cut had the highest dry matter intake, but the lowest feed utilization. The study indicates that the D-value of the grass silage used in TMR has a clear impact on dry matter intake of the TMR and eating time and eating rate of the animal.
  • Salakka, Anna (2019)
    The objective of the experiment was to study how different additives effect on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of maize silage. Three additives and two maturity stages were used in the labo-ratory scale experiment. Maize silage preserved with different additives was compared to control with no additives. The maize (Pioneer, P7326) used in the study was cultivated at the research farm of the Univer-sity of Helsinki in Viikki on growing season 2018. First silages were made on 21st of August 2018 and after 50 days the second silages were made on 10th of October 2018 92 and 142 days after sowing. The treatments were 1) control 2) formic acid 3) mixture of formic acid, sodium formate, propionic acid and sorbic acid 4) mixture of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. Chemical com-positon and buffering capacity of the pre-ensiling maize were determined. Fermentation quality of the silages was also determined. In addition aerobic stability of silages was determined by monitoring the temperature change of silages for 12 days with data loggers. Composition of the maize varied by the maturity stage. Dry matter content in the first maturity stage was 211 g/kg and in the second it was 327 g/kg. Content of water soluble carbohydrates (su-gars) was higher in the first maturity stage. Starch content increased in the second maturity stage considerably. Feed preservation succeeded mainly well and pH of silages in both maturity stages were below four. Sugar content of silages treated with formic acid and mixture of acids was very high in the first maturity stage. Lactic acid content of the control and Na-benzoate and K-sorbate silages was higher than other treatments. Na-benzoate and K-sorbate silage in late maturity stage had noticeably higher acetic acid content. In the silages, there were mainly low content of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and butyric acid was not observed. The silages contained lactic acid as well as acetic acid and only low amount of propionic acid. Silages were aerobically stable except silages of two formic acid silos in the first maturity stage and control silos in the second maturity stage. Temperature started to rise in formic acid silages after 10 days and in control silages after five days from exposure to air. Other silages were aerobically stable during the testing period. The maturity stage affected maize composition and thus ensiling characteristics. Composition differences of maize in different maturity stages cause different challenges in terms of preservation. Different preservation treatments affected the intensity of lactic acid fermentation and silage sugar content and the differences were higher in the first maturity stage. Intensity differences of fermenta-tion and differences in acetic acid content may affect aerobic stability. The use of additives tended to improve aerobic stability of the silages at the late stage of maturity.
  • Sahra, Mia (2019)
    Kivennäis- ja hivenaineet ovat lypsylehmälle välttämättömiä elintoimintojen ja tuotannon ylläpitoon. Härkäpavun siementä voidaan käyttää valkuaisen lähteenä ja koko kasvustoa säilörehuna, mutta niiden hivenainekoostumusta ei tunneta yhtä hyvin kuin rypsirouheen ja nurmisäilörehun. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin lypsylehmän kivennäis- ja hivenaineiden saantia ja sulavuutta härkäpapusäilörehusta ja härkäpavun siemenestä nurmisäilörehuun ja rypsirouheeseen. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin kahta koetta, jotka oli tehty Viikin opetus- ja tutkimustilalla vuosina 2014 ja 2015. Molemmissa kokeissa oli 8 Ayrshire-rotuista lypsylehmää. Kokeet toteutettiin kaksinkertaisina 4x4 latinalaisina neliöinä, joissa oli neljä ruokintaa neljänä kolmen viikon jaksona. Koeasetelmat olivat 2x2 faktoriaalisia. Ensimmäisessä kokeessa faktoreina olivat säilörehun kasvilaji (nurmi tai 1:1 nurmi+härkäpapu-kevätvehnä) ja väkirehun raakavalkuaispitoisuus (175 tai 200 g/kg ka). Toisessa kokeessa faktoreina olivat valkuaistäydennys eri lähteistä (rypsirouhe tai härkäpapu), sekä näiden osittainen korvaaminen Spirulina platensis mikrolevällä. Kokeen 2 koeruokinnat olivat isonitrogeenisiä valkuaisrehujen suhteen. Kokeessa 2 kaikissa koeruokinnoissa oli sama pitoisuus kaupallista kivennäisrehua ja kokeessa 1 kivennäislisä oli täysrehuissa. Härkäpapusäilörehuseos sisälsi enemmän kivennäisaineita, mutta vähemmän hivenaineita kuin nurmisäilörehu. Härkäpavun siemen sisälsi 70 % enemmän kuparia kuin rypsirouhe. Härkäpapusäilörehuseos lisäsi eri kivennäisaineiden saantia 1-6 %, mutta vähensi hivenaineiden, kuten raudan ja mangaanin saantia 5-7 % verrattuna nurmisäilörehuun. Härkäpavun siemen lisäsi kuparin saantia 9 %, mutta pienensi magnesiumin, rikin, raudan, mangaanin ja seleenin saanteja 2-14 % verrattuna rypsirouheeseen. Härkäpavun lisääminen ruokintaan kokoviljasäilörehuna tai kokonaisena siemenenä ei vaikuttanut kivennäis- tai hivenaineiden sulavuuteen. Härkäpapusäilörehu tai härkäpavun siemen eivät eronneet merkittävästi nurmirehusta tai rypsistä hivenaineiden lähteinä. Härkäpapu ei sisältänyt mitään kivennäis- tai hivenainetta haitallisen suurta tai hälyttävän pientä määrää.
  • Linnainmaa, Eeva (2021)
    Dairy cattle breeding has been driven by economics since the 1930s. For a longer period, the costeffectiveness of dairy farming has been poor, and the farmers have been forced to look for all possible ways to improve economics, through either reducing costs or increasing profit. Finland had in 2018 6250 dairy farms, which all differ from each other by size, economics and production environment. Finland participates to Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation (NAV) and uses Nordic Total Merit (NTM) as a joint total merit index for Finland, Denmark and Sweden. It has not been published, whether Finnish dairy farms would need more farm specific total merit indices. Breeding goal preferences do differ not only between farms but also between production types, since organic farmers tend to put more emphasis on production, compared to conventional. The aim of this study was to study whether economic values on breeding goal traits differ between farms and production types. Herd specific economic values were counted for ten breeding goal traits. The study was fulfilled with seven dairy herds, who differed from each other by herd size and production environment. Two of the herds were organic. The calculation of economic values was based on a bioeconomic model SimHerd. It is a stochastic simulation model, which simulates the herd in weekly steps, taking all events in a cow’s life into account. Traits analyzed in this study were chosen according to hypotheses of their economic values. Traits analyzed were ECM yield, mastitis, conception rate of cows, conception rate of heifers, cow mortality, calf mortality, claw and leg diseases, feed efficiency, body weight and other culling. Prices and variable costs as well as the phenotypic data of the farms was collected from the year 2018. Finnish milk production is highly dependent of subsidies, but due to their complexity, only direct subsidies for milk were considered in this study. Relations between traits were cut off from the model before simulation. The maximum number of cows for each farm was set to 1000 to improve the reliability of the simulations. Each trait was simulated three times: with the phenotypic data and then twice with changing the parameter. According to the results, the relative economic value of ECM yield was the highest for all farms. The highest economic values differ between farms, but on average the next highest economic values were for body weight, conception rate of cows and cow mortality. These economic values were in the same range for both conventional and organic farms. When relative economic values are presented as percentages of the sum of standardized economic values, traits affecting longevity cover together the greatest percentage. With improved longevity the cows have more productive years, which means greater lifetime milk yield, less replacement cots and smaller environmental impact. When results were compared between farms, they showed no need for farm specific TMI. A different TMI for organic production would need a further research.
  • Pekkonen, Sonja (2021)
    Maissinviljelyn yleistymiseen 2000-luvun aikana Suomessa ovat vaikuttaneet uudet lajikkeet, joilla on nopeampi kehitysrytmi ja parempi kylmänsietokyky. Ilmaston lämmetessä viljelyn odotetaan kasvavan entisestään. Nautakarjan rehuksi viljeltäessä rehumaissin etuna verrattuna nurmisäilörehuun on kertakorjuulla saatava suuri kuiva-ainesato ja suuri energiapitoisuus. Tässä maisterintutkielmassa selvitettiin korjuuajankohdan ja lajikkeen vaikutusta rehumaissin sokeri- ja tärkkelyspitoisuuteen sekä in vitro -sulavuuteen. Aineisto kerättiin Helsingin yliopiston Viikin tutkimustilalla kasvukauden 2019 aikana tehdystä kenttäkokeesta. Osaruutukokeessa pääruututekijänä oli korjuuajankohta (101, 123 ja 144 vrk) ja osaruututekijänä lajike (P7326, P7034, MAS 10.A, MAS 08.F). Lisäksi tutkittiin lämpösumman vaikutusta sulamattoman neutraalidetergenttikuidun (iNDF) pitoisuuteen käyttäen aineistona Viikissä kolmena peräkkäisenä kasvukautena (2017-2019) tehtyjen ruutukokeiden tuloksia. Maissirehun sokeripitoisuus pieneni ja tärkkelyspitoisuus suureni myöhempinä korjuuajankohtina. Ravintoarvo oli suurin korjattaessa rehu 144 vrk kylvöstä. Rehun sulavuus oli suurimmillaan 123 vrk kylvöstä, mutta sulavuus ei laskenut tilastollisesti merkitsevästi korjattaessa rehu 144 vrk kylvöstä. Lajikkeista MAS 08.F sisälsi eniten sokeria ja vähiten tärkkelystä, joten sen ruokinnallinen laatu oli heikoin. MAS 10.A:n sokerin ja tärkkelyksen yhteispitoisuus oli suurin ja sulavuus muita lajikkeita parempi. Lajikkeiden koostumuksen muutokset eivät vastanneet aiempien tutkimusten tuloksia, joissa aikaisemmat lajikkeet sisälsivät enemmän tärkkelystä kuin myöhäisemmät lajikkeet. Lämpösumman kasvaessa rehun iNDF-pitoisuus lisääntyi. Kun lämpösumman kertymä laskettiin käyttämällä rajana +10 °C keskilämpötilaa iNDF-pitoisuus kuiva-aineessa kasvoi astetta kohden kaksi kertaa enemmän kuin laskettaessa lämpösumman kertymä käyttämällä rajana +5 °C keskilämpötilaa. Etelä-Suomen olosuhteissa on siis mahdollista korjata laadukas rehumaissisato nautakarjalle. Riittävän pitkä kasvuaika mahdollistaa tärkkelyksen kertymisen tähkään, mikä kompensoi kasvin ikääntyessä tapahtuvaa kuidun sulavuuden heikentymistä.
  • Vattulainen, Jenni (2020)
    Linear scoring of livestock and farm animals has been in use since the 1980’s. In Europe, the first linear evaluations in horse breeding were conducted in 1989. In Finland, the linear evaluation was introduced into breeding evaluation of warmblood horses in 2015. So far, there is only a limited amount of research available about the heritabilities calculated from linear evaluation. Some of the studies have shown that the judge has a statistically significant effect on the linear conformation evaluation of the horse. The heritabilites from these studies have varied within different researches. The highest siginificant heritabilities have been found for conformation traits. For now, only warmblood horses are being evaluated linearly in Finland. The aim of this study was to estimate the heritabilities of the leg and movement traits from show data between 2015 – 2019 and to estimate the genetic correlations between different traits. All in all 26 traits were analyzed in the study. There were 915 horses in the data. Observations were gathered from 29 different shows in Finland. Both geldings, mares and stallions were represented in the data, mares being the largest group of gender. From one singular age group, the two – year- old mares had the greatest amount of observations. Based on the year of birth, horses born in 2015 had the most observations. The year of birth did not, however, have any significance on the results. Both the age and the gender of the horse did have a statistic significance on the results. Also the location of the show and the year of observation had some significance. Heritibilities of leg traits based on this data were extremely low, ranging between 0,00 – 0,11. The heritabilities of type and movement traits ranged between 0,00 and 0,28. Standard errors of heritabilities ranged between 0,09 – 0,14. Genetic correlations between the traits ranged between weak to strong. Standard errors of genetic correlations ranged between 0,04 – 0,13. To get reliable heritability parameters, more data and research is needed about the linear scoring of horses.
  • Anttonen, Johanna (2020)
    Residual feed intake (RFI) is a measurement method used in animals to determine feed efficiency. Improving feed efficiency has been found to be more cost-effective than maximizing daily gain. Determining the feed efficiency is laborious as the measurement periods are long and expensive. The problem is the limited capacity of the measuring devices in relation to the number of animals, because the animals daily dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and metabolic body weight (MMBW) must be measured over a sufficiently long continuous period. The aim of the study was to optimize the measurement of residual feed intake to reduce workload. In this case, the costs of measurement would be lower, and the utilization rate of measuring equipment would be improved. The study sought a critical limit on the amount of data required. Measurements were removed from the data until it was found that the reliability of the results was affected. The hypothesis was that the fewer measurements and the shorter the measurement period, the greater the risk of error in the results. The study material included 105 dairy bulls and the experiment lasted 56 days. DMI was measured for each animal and the animals were weighed once a week during the experiment, a total of nine times (double weighings at the beginning, middle and end of the measurement period). The growth curves were used to calculate the ADG and MMBW of the animals. In addition, the area of the area of the cross-section of the longissimus muscle (M.longissimus dorsi) and the thickness of the back fat of each bull were measured with an ultrasound device at the end of the experiment. RFI was calculated for seven different measurement periods. The original 56-day period was shortened to seven days at a time until the period was 28 days. Ultrasound measurements were added to the 56-day measurement period model only. In addition, the number of weighing was reduced from nine to five and three times from the original 56-day model. The addition of ultrasound measurements weakened the statistical model compared to the initial 56-day measurement period. The animal RFI results changed the most in the 28-day and 35-day models. The reliability of the results decreased the least in the 49-day and five-weighing models. The ADG and MMBW averages remained almost the same in the models until 35 days. The shorter the measurement period, the more the DMI values changed. Based on the results, shortening length of the RFI measurement period to 42 days had no market effect on the results. A 42-day measurement period is enough for DMI, but a longer measurement period is recommended for ADG. Three weighings did not change the ADG as much as the 49-day measurement period and was more reliable than the 42-day measurement period. Adding longissimus muscle and back fat to the RFI model did not improve the reliability of the model and thus did not provide added value. Based on this study, ultrasonic measurements are not required to determine RFI, and the workload can also be reduced by shortening the measurement period or reducing weighing times.
  • Rasi, Kaisu (2021)
    Maissi on yksivuotinen heinäkasvi, jonka viljely Suomessa on lisääntynyt merkittävästi ja viljelyala on ollut viime vuosina yli tuhat hehtaaria. Suomessa viljeltävä maissi korjataan tuleentumattomana nautakarjan karkearehuksi. Maissisäilörehu sisältää paljon tärkkelystä ja on siksi erittäin energiapitoinen karkearehu. Maissin viljelyvarmuuden lisääntyessä se saattaisi olla hyvä karkearehuvaihtoehto nurmen rinnalle riskien hajauttamista ajatellen. Maissin etuna viljelykasvina on sen tehokas vedenkäyttökyky sekä yhdellä korjuukerralla saatava suuri sato. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää maissisäilörehun vaikutuksia lypsylehmien maidontuotantoon, dieetin sulavuuteen ja typen hyväksikäyttöön, kun nurmisäilörehua korvataan osittain maissisäilörehulla. Tutkimus toteutettiin kolmena 3 x 3 latinalaisena neliönä, joissa oli mukana 9 ayrshire-rotuista lehmää. Lehmät olivat parsissa ja ne lypsettiin kaksi kertaa päivässä. Kokeen lehmät olivat poikineet 2 – 4 kertaa ja kokeen alkaessa niiden poikimisesta oli keskimäärin 69 ± 17,4 (SD) päivää. Tutkimuksessa oli kolme erilaista koeruokintaa, joiden karkearehuvaihtoehdot olivat puhdas nurmisäilörehu (kuiva-aine 316 g/kg, D-arvo 652 g/kg ka) sekä seokset, joissa 25 % tai 50 % nurmisäilörehun kuiva-aineesta korvattiin maissisäilörehulla (kuiva-aine 359 g/kg, D-arvo 679 g/kg ka). Karkearehuseoksia täydennettiin väkirehun tilaseoksella (ohra, kaura, härkäpapu, herne, melassileike, kivennäinen, propyleeniglykoli). Seosrehujen karkearehu-väkirehu -suhde oli 65:35 kuiva-aineessa. Lehmille oli tarjolla vapaasti seosrehua ja vettä. Lisäksi lehmät saivat täysrehua 7 kg/pv. Nurmisäilörehun korvaaminen maissisäilörehulla nosti lineaarisesti lehmien kuiva-ainesyöntiä (24,3 vs. 25,3 vs. 26,0 kg ka/pv) ja maitotuotosta (32,8 vs. 33,3 vs. 34,0 kg/pv). Maidon rasvapitoisuus nousi 5,6 %, kun nurmisäilörehun kuiva-aineesta korvattiin 50 % maissisäilörehulla. Valkuaispitoisuuteen maissisäilörehulla ei ollut vaikutusta. Paras energiakorjattu maitotuotos (33,2 kg vs. 33,6 kg vs. 35,3 kg) saavutettiin, kun karkearehun kuiva-aineesta 50 % oli maissisäilörehua. Maissisäilörehun osuuden lisääntyessä ruokinnassa ravintoaineiden sulavuus heikkeni ja typen hyväksikäyttö (N tuotos/ N saanti) parani (0,286 vs. 0,291 vs. 0,306). Tutkimuksen perusteella nurmisäilörehun osittainen korvaaminen maissisäilörehulla nostaa lehmien maitotuotosta ja maidon rasvapitoisuutta. Myös typen hyväksikäyttö paranee maissisäilörehun osuuden noustessa. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella jopa puolet nurmisäilörehusta kannattaa korvata maissisäilörehulla.
  • Mäkipää, Veera (2021)
    Iodine deficiency is a global health problem that causes physical and mental development disorders in humans. School-age children, pregnant women and consumers of organic food are particularly vulnerable to iodine deficiency. The popularity of organic products is growing, and attention should be paid to the iodine content of organic milk, as the iodine content of organic milk is usually lower than in conventionally produced milk. The aim of this study was to increase the iodine content of organic milk by adding two different species of seaweed, Ascophyllum nodosum and Laminaria digitata, to dairy cow diets, and thus create a sustainable mineral feeding strategy for dairy cows in organic production. The aim was to study the effect of dietary seaweed addition to iodine content of milk together with rapeseed cake or pea, as rapeseed cake is known to contain goitrogenic compounds that reduce iodine transfer to milk. The experiment was conducted at the Viikki Research Farm from 31 March to 25 June 2020. The experiment included 12 lactating Ayrshire cows and the experimental design was a cyclic changeover study. The factors studied were the effects of dietary protein source (rapeseed cake or pea) and the species A. nodosum or L. digitata on the intake of mineral and trace elements on dairy cows and on the mineral content of milk. In particular, effects on milk iodine were studied. The experiment had three 17-day trial periods and there was an 18-day wash-out period between the periods, when no seaweed was fed in order to minimize the carry-over effects between periods. The samples were collected on the last four days of the periods. Experiment included six dietary treatments in which protein feed was isonitrogenously either rapeseed cake or pea and diets were supplemented with seaweed. The dietary treatments were: rapeseed control K-R (no seaweed), pea control K-H (no seaweed), which were supplemented with 56,9 g dry matter (DM)/d A. nodosum i.e. seaweed 1 (M1- R, M1-H) and 7,8 g DM/d L. digitata i.e. seaweed 2 (M2-R, M2-H). The target iodine content of control diets was 1 mg/kg DM and seaweed diets 4 mg/kg DM. Finnish iodine recommendation for feeds that do not contain goitrogenic compounds is 1 mg/kg DM. Cows had ad libitum access to partial mixed ration that contained grass silage, barley and protein feed. In addition, concentrate was given to cows 1,8 kg/d and contained minerals (300 g/d), molassed sugar beet pulp, molasses and also seaweed in seaweed diets. The forage to concentrate ratio was 65:35. Mineral used in diets was approved for organic production and contained iodine 60 mg/kg DM. Dietary treatments did not affect DM intake. Compared to rapeseed diets, pea diets had a 0,15 kg/d lower crude protein intake, 0,24 kg/d lower crude fat intake and 49,7 µg/d lower iodine intake. Iodine intake increased on average by 63,4 µg when seaweed was added to the diet and the effect was greater when adding L. digitata compared to A. nodosum. Also, milk yield was lower with pea diets than with rapeseed diets. The iodine content of milk was higher with pea diets than with rapeseed diets (324 vs. 117 µg/l). Moreover, the addition of seaweed increased the iodine content of milk (on average +226 µg/l). Based on the results, iodine intake was lower with pea diets than with rapeseed diets, as expected, due to the higher iodine concentration of rapeseed cake. Both seaweeds increased the iodine content of milk, but the transfer of iodine to milk was higher with pea-based diets compared to rapeseed-based diets, due to goitrogenic compounds in the rapeseed cake.
  • Ruuskanen, Hanna-Kaisa (2020)
    Agriculture contributes greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to the environment. Agricultural emissions represent 12 % of total GHG emissions in Finland. Nitrous oxide (N2O) has atmospheric lifetime of 110 years and its global warming potential is higher than that of carbon dioxide. Ammonia (NH3) emitted from animal manure is a major air pollutant contributing the formation of aerosols. Nitrate (NO3-) leaching to ground and surface waters together with phosphorus (P) could cause eutrophication. It is important to decrease these emissions because global emissions from agriculture continues to increase every year. The relationship between nitrogen intake and nitrogen excretion was investigated using data from 21 peer-reviewed publications. The objective of this research was to evaluate how dietary proportion of legume silages affect the partitioning of nitrogen excretion between urine, feces and milk in dairy cattle. Effects of legume silage proportion on dry matter intake (DMI), crude protein level, milk yield, energy corrected milk yield (ECM) and milk components were also investigated. The statistical analysis was conducted using regression analysis with linear and quadratic mixed models. Increased legume content in the diet increased nitrogen intake. Replacement of grass silage with clover silage increased the amount of nitrogen excreted in urine and feces, and increased the proportion of nitrogen excreted in urine. At the same time the proportion nitrogen excreted in milk decreased. Clover increased milk yield but milk fat concentration decreased. Replacement of maize silage with clover silage increased nitrogen excretion in feces. The proportion of nitrogen excreted in milk decreased. Urine N excretion (g/d or %) was not affected by the level of clover in the diet. Quadratic model showed that increasing the proportion of clover it the diet decreased milk and ECM yields curvilinearly. When maize silage was replaced with alfalfa silage milk and ECM yields increased curvilinearly to the point where alfalfa proportion reached 30 % of the dietary dry matter. Alfalfa also increased fecal N excretion but nitrogen excretion in urine and milk decreased. According to the results replacement of grass or maize silage with legume silage decrease nitrogen efficiency. This is evidenced by the low efficiency of converting dietary nitrogen into milk nitrogen, with a concomitant increase in urine or fecal N.
  • Koskikallio, Hilkka (2020)
    Härkäpavun (Vicia faba) viljely ja käyttö rehuna lisää tilan valkuaisomavaraisuutta. Biologisen typensidonnan ansiosta härkäpapu sitoo ilmakehän typpeä maaperään ja, sitä kautta sillä on hyvä esikasviarvo viljelykierrossa. Se on kiinnostava vaihtoehto nautojen ruokintaan suuren biomassantuottopotentiaalin ja suuren raakavalkuaispitoisuuden ansiosta. Härkäpavun puutteita märehtijöiden rehukäytössä ovat valkuaisen suuri pötsihajoavuus ja valkuaisen niukka metioniinipitoisuus. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää nurmisäilörehun osittaista korvaamista härkäpapusäilörehulla, ja sen vaikutuksia maitotuotokseen, maitorauhasen aminohappoaineenvaihduntaan sekä rehuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöön. Lisäksi tutkittiin voiko pötsisuojattu metioniinilisä parantaa härkäpapuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöä maidontuotannossa. Tutkimus toteutettiin toistettuna 4 x 4 latinalaisena neliönä Helsingin yliopiston Viikin opetus- ja tutkimustilan navetassa 28.9.-20.12.2019. Kokeessa oli 8 ayrshire -rotuista lypsylehmää. Tutkimuksessa oli faktoriaalinen 2 x 2 koeasetelma, jonka tutkittavina tekijöinä olivat säilörehun kasvilaji ja härkäpapuvalkuaisen täydennys pötsisuojatulla metioniinilla. Koeruokinnat pohjautuivat 1. sadon timotei-nurminatasäilörehuun (Phleum pratense ja Schedonorus pratensis, Nurmi, D-arvo 664 g/kg ka) ja seokseen, jossa 2/3 timotei-nurminatasäilörehun kuiva-aineesta korvattiin härkäpapusäilörehulla (HP, D-arvo 593 g/kg ka). Väkirehun osuus koeseosrehujen kuiva-aineesta oli 40 % ja se koostui ohrasta, kaurasta, härkäpavusta sekä kivennäisestä. Seosrehuruokinta oli vapaata. Ohutsuolesta imeytyvän metioniinilisän määrä oli koeruokinnoissa 0 tai 20 g/vrk. Metioniini annettiin yhdessä melassileikkeen (1 kg/vrk) kanssa lypsyjen yhteydessä. Kuiva-aineen syönti lisääntyi HP-ruokinnassa verrattuna Nurmi-ruokintaan. Pötsisuojattu metioniini ei vaikuttanut kuiva-aineen syöntiin. Pötsisuojattu metioniinilisä vähensi maitotuotosta Nurmi-ruokinnassa lähes 2 kg/vrk, mutta HP-ruokinnassa maitotuotos pysyi samana. Metioniinilisän vaikutuksesta maidon laktoosipitoisuus väheni ja valkuaispitoisuus (sekä suuntaa-antavasti rasvapitoisuus) lisääntyi säilörehun kasvilajista riippumatta. Energiakorjattu maitotuotos lisääntyikin HP-ruokinnassa metioniinilisän vaikutuksesta, mutta väheni Nurmi-ruokinnassa. Maidon ureapitoisuus oli HP-ruokinnoissa suurempi kuin Nurmi-ruokinnoissa. Metioniinilisä tehosti rehutypen hyväksikäyttöä maitovalkuaiseksi HP-ruokinnassa ja heikensi sitä Nurmi-ruokinnassa. Valtimoplasman glukoosipitoisuus väheni Nurmi-ruokinnassa ja lisääntyi HP-ruokinnassa metioniinilisän myötä. Metioniinilisä lisäsi rikkipitoisten aminohappojen (Met, Cys) ja tauriinin pitoisuutta plasmassa. Rikkipitoisten aminohappojen pitoisuus oli suurempi Nurmi-ruokinnoissa verrattuna HP-ruokintoihin. Tutkimuksen perusteella osa nurmisäilörehusta voidaan korvata härkäpapusäilörehulla ilman, että maitotuotos heikkenee. Metioniinilisä oli tarpeeton Nurmi-ruokinnassa ja aiheutti negatiivisia tuotosvasteita. Metioniinilisällä voi kuitenkin olla positiivisia vaikutuksia maidon koostumukseen ja rehuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöön ruokinnassa, joka sisältää härkäpapua sekä säilörehuna että valkuaisrehuna.
  • Lehtinen, Anna (2020)
    The gastrointestinal tract of the ruminants is specialized to utilize fibre as a main source of energy. Cellulose and hemicellulose from grasses typically compose a considerable part of the feeding of ruminants but wood-based feed ingredients are not commonly used. The competition about land use between food and feed production is a global challenge which increases the interest towards novel feeds. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) has many applications in food and pharmaceutical industry. Rumen microbes have been able to utilize MCC in vitro which made it reasonable to expect that they could be used as feed for ruminants. The aim of this in vivo experiment was to investigate the effects of MCC on intake, rumen fermentation, milk production and diet digestibility in dairy cows. This experiment used three total mixed rations (TMRs) which included MCC 0, 10 or 100 g/kg DM (MCC0, MCC10, MCC100). In MCC10-diet MCC was added to control diet and in MCC100 diet MCC replaced rolled barley. The ratio of silage and concentrates in TMR was 50:50 and cows were fed ad libitum. 24 multiparous Nordic Red cows were used in the experiment. Six of the cows were rumen cannulated. The experiment consisted of two 21-day periods. Data and samples were collected during the last seven days of the periods. The NDF content in MCC was very high (937 g/kg DM) but crude protein content (12,5 g/kg DM) and organic matter in vitro digestibility (0,404 g/g) were low. Feed intake of the cows was on average 25.6 kg DM/day and there were no significant differences between the diets. The digestibility of NDF increased in MCC100 diet (p<0.001). The digestibility of organic matter and dry matter were not significantly affected by the diet. Inclusion of MCC decreased the energy corrected milk production of the cows about 1.5 kg/day and it decreased also the fat and protein content of the milk (P<0.05). These differencies were however numerically small. Based on the results of this study MCC can be added on the diet of dairy cattle without negative effects on the feed intake but when replacing rolled barley it deacreases slightly the production of the energy corrected milk. Positive effects of MCC on the rumen fermentation could not be demonstrated under circumstances of this experiment.
  • Pirttiniemi, Juho (2020)
    The objective was to evaluate how different silage additives can manipulate the ensiling process and the profile of bacterial communities of grass silages under varying management conditions. Silages were made from mixed timothy (Phleum pratense) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) grass to laboratory scale silos using two compaction levels. The tightly compacted grass was also contaminated with soil and dairy cow faeces. Four additive treatments were used including control without additive (CONT), formic acid based additive (FA), homofermentative strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and salt based additive (SALT). Tight compaction resulted on average in lower pH and ethanol concentration in silages than loose compaction mostly caused by changes in CONT silages. Soil contamination clearly affected CONT and SALT silages by stimulating extensive fermentation and thus decreasing pH and amount of residual water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) compared to non-contaminated silages. In all conditions, FA restricted fermentation resulting in silages with high WSC and reduced total fermentation products concentration. Soil contamination improved aerobic stability of silages compared to non-contaminated ones because of higher acetic acid concentration in contaminated silages. Abundance of selected 16 bacteria in raw material was low, with Sphingomonas and Stenotrophomonas genera being the most abundant. After fermentation both Lactobacillaceae family and as part of it Lactobacillus genus were dominant with Sphingomonas genus in most of the silages. FA decreased the abundance of Lactobacillaceae family whereas LAB increased it. Soil contamination reduced the amount of other Lactobacillaceae family but boosted the growth of Lactobacillus genus. Lactobacillus presented negative correlations with Mycoplana, Devosia and Sphingomonas. Five bacteria were connected to desirable fermentation pattern and they all were part of same phylum Firmicute. All other selected bacteria had negative correlation with low pH and amount of lactic and total fermentation acids in silage. Use of additives improved fermentation quality of silages ensiled under different management conditions. Different types of additives resulted in varied bacterial profiles. Results confirmed the importance of tight compaction and good hygiene for stable fermentation. Strong correlations between bacterial communities and fermentation quality parameters provided clear insight of the role of the most abundant populations on the fermentation process of grass silage.
  • Korjus, Milja (2020)
    Nautakarjatalous on monesti nostettu esille ilmastonmuutoskeskustelussa metaanipäästöjen takia. Metaani on voimakkaasti ilmastoa lämmittävä kasvihuonekaasu, jonka muodostumiseen pötsissä voidaan kuitenkin vaikuttaa ruokinnallisin keinoin. Yksi keino on lisätä nautojen ruokintaan lipidejä. Tässä tutkimuksessa oli tavoitteena vähentää lypsylehmien metaanintuotantoa lisäämällä niiden ruokintaan murskattua rypsinsiementä. Samalla tutkittiin muutoksia maidon rasvahappokoostumuksessa, tavoitteena ihmisravitsemuksen kannalta suotuisa suunta. Ruokintakoe toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston Viikin opetus- ja tutkimustilan navetassa. Kokeessa olivat mukana kaikki karjan lypsyssä olevat ayrshirelehmät, noin 50-60 eläintä. Metaanin mittaus röyhtäilyistä ja uloshengityksestä lehmän ollessa lypsyrobotilla mahdollisti tutkimuksen teon maatilamittakaavassa. Koeruokintoina oli kaksi erilaista seosrehua, toinen oli kontrollirehu ja toinen sisälsi murskattua rypsinsiementä (ruokinnan lipidilisän suuruus 50 g/kg ka). Karkearehuna oli ensimmäisen sadon nurmisäilörehu, ja sen osuus seosrehun kuiva-aineesta oli 60 %. Kontrolliruokinnassa väkirehu koostui pääosin ohrasta ja rypsirouheesta. Murskattua rypsinsiementä sisältävässä ruokinnassa ohran tärkkelyksestä peräisin olevaa energiaa korvattiin rypsilipidien energialla. Lisäksi väkirehuseoksessa kaura korvasi ohran. Eläimet saivat lypsyrobotilta täydennysrehua 3, 4 tai 5 kg/pv maitotuotostason mukaan. Tutkimus järjestettiin switch-back -kokeena, jolloin karja sai ensimmäisellä jaksolla kontrollirehua, sen jälkeen toisella jaksolla murskattua rypsinsiementä sisältävää rehua ja lopuksi eläimet palasivat kolmannen jakson ajaksi kontrolliruokinnalle. Murskattu rypsinsiemen vähensi lehmäkohtaista (g/pv) metaanituotosta pötsissä 18 % kontrolliruokintaan verrattuna. Kuiva-aineen syönti väheni 0,9 kg, mutta EKM-tuotoksessa ei havaittu muutosta. Maitorasvassa tyydyttyneiden rasvahappojen osuus väheni 16 %. Palmitiinihapon 16:0 osuus väheni 34 % ja merkittävissä määrin se korvaantui steariinihapolla 18:0 ja öljyhapolla cis-9 18:1. Kertatyydyttymättömien rasvahappojen osuus lisääntyi 48 %. Tutkimuksen perusteella murskattu rypsinsiemen vähentää metaanintuotantoa ilman negatiivista vaikutusta maitotuotokseen ja maidon peruskoostumukseen. Lisäksi se muuttaa maitorasvaa pehmeämpään ja mahdollisesti ihmisravitsemuksellisesti suotuisaan suuntaan.
  • Sainio, Mette (2021)
    Cattle breeding has become much more effective in recent decades thanks to the development of reproductive biotechnologies and genetic testing. In 1970s it was discovered that embryo transfer techniques make it possible to produce plenty of offspring from top quality females which intensified dairy cattle breeding. Nowadays, there is two embryo transfer techniques in use, MOET and OPU-IVP. A genomic selection has also made genetic improvement of cattle populations more intense than before. Genomic selection is a method that utilizes single nucleotide polymorphisms that appear in individual genome. Today both the embryo transfer techniques and genomic selection are essential elements of cattle breeding all over the world. Genomic selection has typically been carried out on newborn calves. During the recent years, selection has been increasingly carried out and studied on embryo level. Embryo genomic selection always starts with a biopsy taking. After this, sample needs to be genotyped and the results needs to be analysed. Biopsy size has effect on quality of the genotyping outcomes. When the biopsy size grows, quality and reliability of the results will get higher. The aim of this study was to determine if there was any difference in genotyping success between embryos and newborn calves and is it possible to predict embryo-calf genotype similarities via embryo call rate. Material included SNP-genotyping results from a total of 214 embryo and 13 corresponding calves. R programming language was used to statistically analyse the results. Embryo call rates, SNP call rates and embryo-calf genotype similarities were determined from the data. Embryos and their corresponding calves had high similarity with their genotypes, 91,7 % on average. This supports the hypothesis that embryo and their corresponding calves will not have major differences in their genotyping results. Embryo call rates were also in high levels (on average 90,3 %) as was found also in the previous studies. Hence, results from this study confirmed the hypothesis that genotyping of the embryos is a reliable and successful method. There was no clear relationship between embryo call rates and embryo-calf genotype similarities; embryo-calf pair with weakest genotype similarity results, had good embryo and calf call rates. On the other hand, embryo call rates of the two following pairs that got the second and third worst results were clearly below average. In the cases with overall weakest embryo-calf genotype similarities, it was not possible to improve it by eliminating the worst embryo genotypes. Reliable genotyping of embryos enables prediction of genomic breeding values for embryos. Instead of making decision on embryo purchase according to breeding values of the parents of the embryo, purchaser can select embryos according to their own breeding value. Thereby, in the future, embryo genomic selection is likely to become more common than today.
  • Pietikäinen, Aino (2021)
    The wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus) is one of the two native reindeer subspecies in Finland. The other one is semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus), which is a common livestock species in Lapland. A total of 22 zoos hold wild forest reindeer in Europe. These individuals along with individuals from the wild population are the base of a reintroduction program implemented in central Finland. The objective of this thesis is to shed light on the diet of wild forest reindeer in the wild and in captivity. From individuals in the wild and in reintroduction enclosures, a total of 17 fecal samples were collected. The samples were analyzed with DNA metabarcoding technique to determine the diet. The samples were analyzed at the Institute of Biotechnology and the obtained sequences were identified as plant genera with NCBI BLAST. The data was grouped according to sampling date and snow coverage to two groups and according to sampling site to two groups. The genera were assigned under types. 17 zoos submitted their feeding guideline of wild forest reindeer for the study. These were analyzed to obtain data about the different food item types corresponding to the types of plant genera found from the fecal samples. Fecal sample results were compared as frequencies of sequence reads assigned to genera and types. The most frequent types in the whole data was forbs and shrubs (42,1 %) and deciduous trees (38,9 %). The biggest differences were in the two groups when the data was grouped according to season. Differences were less prominent in the locationally grouped data. In the feeding guidelines from zoos, most of them (94 %) stated feeding deciduous trees and almost as many (88 %) stated feeding graminoids. In the fecal sample data, graminoids accounted for only 0,5 % of the sequence reads. The wild forest reindeer diets in the wild seem to have seasonal variation and not so much locational variation. The captive forest reindeer diets could be advanced with increasing the amount of forbs and shrubs offered and decreasing the amount of graminoids. The small sample size of 17 makes the results of this study indicative at best and further research is needed.
  • Mäkelä, Heini (2021)
    Including feed efficiency in a selection index and its estimation on farms cannot be done by dry matter intake, because it’s not possible to measure dry matter intake on farms. It could be possible to evaluate dry matter intake by using rumination time as an indicator trait. Many farms already have devices to observe rumination. To be a useful candidate trait in selective breeding, rumination time needs to be heritable. The aim of this study was to evaluate genetic parameters of daily rumination time in first three lactations in Finnish Ayrshire. The data was received from FABA co-op and it contained production-, insemination-, calving- and herd data as well as pedigree data of Finnish Ayrshire cows. In addition, rumination data collected by Heatime and SenseHub equipments, were included in the study with the permission of SCR Engineers Ltd. The data was edited into the form to be processed and examined with RStudio, pedigree data was processed with RelaX2 and variance components for daily rumination time and daily milk production were computed by REML method with DMU. Tables and graphs were made in their final form with Excel spreadsheet software. Two separate materials were made from the data: the data of first-time calved cows and the data of 1 to 3 times calved cows. The data was studied as two-trait repeatability model in which observations of rumination time were from all lactation stages. The heritability of rumination time was 0,14 (SE 0,05) for primiparous cows and 0,19 (SE 0,02) for cows having 1 to 3 lactations. The genetic correlation between rumination time and milk production was 0,05 (SE 0,21) for primiparous cows and 0,31 (SE 0,06) for cows having 1 to 3 lactations. Daily rumination time is a heritable trait and hence it can be used as a direct or indicator trait in selective breeding. Further studies of the genetic correlations between rumination time and dry matter intake should be done to evaluate the usability of rumination time as an indicator of dry matter intake.
  • Hukkinen, Vilja (2020)
    Sikojen hännänpurenta on Suomessa osalla tuotantotiloista ongelma ja se aiheuttaa tuotantotappioita tilalle. Hännänpurenta heikentää sikojen kasvua, aiheuttaa terveysongelmia, lisää lääkityksien tarvetta ja kuolleisuutta sioilla. Tutkimuksessani arvioin, onko porsaan syntymäkoolla vaikutusta hännänpurentaan tai hännänpurentaan liittyvään käyttäytymiseen tekijänä, ja onko syntymäkoolla vaikutusta lääkityksen antamiseen. Tutkimusaineistoni koostui yhden suomalaisen tuotantotilan 2019 syksyllä syntyneistä porsaista. Kaksi porsasta, suuri ja pieni porsas, valittiin käyttäytymisten analysointiin karsinoittain normitetun syntymäpainon perusteella. Normitettu syntymäpaino ilmaisi pahnueen keskiarvon ja keskihajonnan vaikutuksen porsaan syntymäpainoon suhteessa muihin pahnueen porsaisiin. Vieroitettujen porsaiden käyttäytymiset havainnoitiin jatkuvana seurantana kahtena päivänä 15 minuutin ajan. Videointien aikana porsaat olivat 6–7 viikon ikäisiä. Lääkitykset kerättiin porsaiden koko elinajalta videointien loppuun asti ja ne kirjattiin eläintenhoitajien toimesta. Käyttäytymiset analysoitiin lineaarisella sekamallilla ja Spearmanin korrelaatiotestillä. Lääkitykset analysoitiin khiin neliö testillä ja t-testillä. Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu merkitsevästi hännänpurentaa valituilla porsailla, vaikka viitteitä hännänpurennasta näkyi karsinoissa. Porsaan syntymäkoko ei vaikuttanut hännänpurennan tekijäksi ryhtymiseen. Suurilla porsailla pahnueen keskipaino, syntymäpaino ja ikä korreloivat ympäristön manipuloinnin kanssa. Pienillä porsailla negatiivinen korrelaatio ilmeni normitetun syntymäpainon ja hännän manipuloinnin kesken. Suurilla porsailla havaittiin aggressiivisen käyttäytymisen yhteys hännän, korvien ja muuhun manipulointiin. Pienillä porsailla muiden porsaiden astuminen korreloi aggressiiviseen käyttäytymiseen ja korvien manipulointiin. Lääkityksien saaminen ei eronnut pienillä tai suurilla porsailla. Porsaista 37 % oltiin lääkitty jollain lääkkeellä ensimmäisen 7 viikon aikana. Mahdollisesti aineiston pienuudesta johtuen ja tilan hyvien käytäntöjen takia ei tutkimuksessa havaittu hännänpurentaa tarkastelussa olleilla porsailla. Lääkityksien antamiseen ei ensimmäisen 7 viikon aikana vaikuta porsaan syntymäkoko. Ottamatta huomioon porsaan syntymäkokoa lääkitään porsaita ennen vieroitusta ja vieroitusiässä suhteellisen paljon. Porsaiden hännänpurentaan ja lääkityksien antamiseen vaikuttavat muut tekijät kuin porsaan syntymäkoko. Näiden taustatekijöiden selvittäminen jää tutkittavaksi tulevaisuuden tutkimuksissa.