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Browsing by study line "Lant­bruks-, miljö- och naturresursekonomi"

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  • Nyman, Oskari (2023)
    Biokaasu on uusiutuva energianlähde, jolla pystytään korvaamaan fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä teollisuudessa sekä liikenteessä. Tämän vuoksi Euroopan unionin ja Suomen tavoitteena on lisätä biokaasun tuotannon määrää. Suomessa on muihin Euroopan maihin kuten Saksaan ja Tanskaan verrattuna vähän biokaasulaitoksia, mikä johtuu osittain heikosta kannattavuudesta. Tämä tutkielma on tapaustutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on selvittää neljän eri biokaasulaitosvaihtoehdon kannattavuus ja vaikutus tilan energiaomavaraisuuteen loimaalaisella sikatilalla. Tilalla on noin 200 emakkopaikan yhdistelmäsikala sekä noin 160 hehtaaria peltoa viljelyssään. Pienissä biokaasulaitosvaihtoehdoissa syötteinä käytetään 6000 tonnia lietettä, 1000 tonnia kuivalantaa sekä 50 tonnia nurmea. Suurissa laitosvaihtoehdoissa nurmen määrä nostetaan 500 tonniin. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa käydään yleisesti läpi biokaasuntuotantoa, eli syötteitä, tuotteita ja biokaasuprosesseja sekä maatilakohtaisia biokaasulaitoksia koskevia lakisääteisiä vaatimuksia ja biokaasulaitosinvestoinnille haettavia tukia. Kannattavuuslaskelmat suoritetaan Luken biokaasulaskurilla, joka on suunniteltu alle 35 000 tonnia syötteitä käyttävien biokaasulaitosten kannattavuuksien arviointiin. Biokaasulaskurin lähtötiedot asetetaan sopiviksi tilalta saatujen tietojen mukaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa todettiin, että vain suuri biometaania tuottava biokaasulaitosvaihtoehto oli käytetyillä lähtöarvoilla kannattava. Herkkyysanalyyseissä todettiin, että kaikki laitosvaihtoehdot olivat kannattavia, jos käytettävien syötteiden laatu oli lähtöarvoja korkeampi. Lämmön ja sähkön yhteistuotanto (CHP) oli kannattavaa pienessä sekä suuressa laitoksessa, jos ostosähkön hinta nostettiin 12 senttiin kilowattitunnilta. Biometaanin tuotanto oli pienessä laitosvaihtoehdossa kannattavaa, jos myytävän biometaanin hinta oli 1,1 €/kg. Suuressa laitosvaihtoehdossa se oli kannattavaa, kun hinta oli 0,85 €/kg. Lämpöenergian suhteen tila ei päässyt energiaomavaraisuuteen millään laitosvaihtoehdolla. Sähkön osalta suuri CHP:tä tuottava laitos tuotti kaiken tilan kuluttaman sähkön ja pieni CHP:tä tuottava laitos tuotti noin kolme neljäsosaa tilan vuosittaisesta sähkönkulutuksesta.
  • Das, Emon (2024)
    The European Union aims to be climate-neutral by 2050, and Finland targets to be carbon-neutral by 2030. There is progress towards the goal, but the current measures are inadequate. Therefore, a new technology is the need of the hour. Biochar has been considered one of the most affordable negative emission technologies. Biochar has a considerable potential to mitigate climate change by adding carbon to the soil. Additionally, it is a beneficial soil amendment that improves soil properties and controls nutrient runoff from agricultural land. Therefore, biochar is a promising carbon farming tool for achieving climate goals. Although the climate benefits of biochar are pretty well known, economic studies on biochar amendments in agriculture are lacking. The thesis aims to investigate the economic profitability of investing in biochar for private farmers. Additionally, this study focuses on determining whether biochar benefits society. The objective is to provide farmers with a cost-effective solution to earn a private profit from biochar, which benefits society when net greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient runoff are accounted for. This thesis performs a cost-benefit analysis as a method. Analytical and numerical models are developed to calculate the net present values of farmers' private profit and social welfare. Mathematica is used for simulations. As a case study, the thesis focuses on Finnish boreal agricultural soil cultivated with barley, with a 5 t/ha biochar application rate. The thesis finds that the net present value of profit with biochar becomes positive in ten years but never exceeds that of without biochar. However, the net present value of social welfare with biochar becomes positive and surpasses that of without biochar within 4 to 6 years. As biochar application is beneficial for society but not profitable for farmers, two policy instruments are studied: a fertilizer tax to lower the privately optimal fertilization to the socially optimal level and an investment subsidy to make biochar use profitable. Simulation shows that with 100% investment subsidies, both policies make the investment in biochar profitable for the farmers within 0 to 1 year. A 90% investment subsidy makes biochar profitable within 3 to 6 years, whereas an 80% investment subsidy generates profit with biochar within 6 to 11 years. There is minimal economic research on biochar. As the European Council is giving importance to carbon farming, carbon storage and carbon addition, there is an immense opportunity in future to work on this topic.
  • Airaksinen, Janne (2021)
    Aquaculture is seen as an answer to the future’s projected demand increase of seafood. This offers possibilities for the Finnish society to benefit economically. Globally, environmental concerns are set to the pressure the future demand, since the sector’s production is jointly linked to creating negative outputs, nutrient emissions. These problems are especially present in Finland, which’s offshore aquaculture production occurs geographically in one of the world’s most eutrophicated seas, the Baltic Sea. Finnish aquaculture regulation is currently a type of “command and control”, which is seen as one of the main reasons why the domestic production has decreased drastically in 21st century. Continuing to utilize feed quotas may not sufficient and incentivizing for the producers which creates need to review other possible economic instruments. This research studies the possibility of utilizing auctioned emission permits. The work contributes to auction theory of incomplete information games while adding Baltic Sea elements such as abatement costs to our analyzed model. This thesis addresses three questions: How can the chosen auction models support sustainable growth of aquaculture in economically efficient way? What is the level of optimal price floor? Which auction form is expected to create highest revenue surplus for the society? The policy maker is interested in assessing which of the chosen auction models is best allocation tool under present asymmetrical information. To combat the missing information on production values per kilogram of nitrate, Monte Carlo-simulation is utilized to generate values for the bidding producers. The analysis creates premise of including price floor in the mechanism designs to guarantee sustainability. The price floor guarantees that the value of allocated permit will be at least the size of our adopted abatement costs, which originate from certain mussel cultivation farm located in Sankt Anna, Sweden. The effects of two potential price floors are analyzed. First, which secures sustainability and second, which maximizes expected revenue surplus. Our modelled results follow the findings of the theory. All chosen auction designs are expected to create similar results in allocating the emission permits. To secure that the allocated permits are sustainable, and that the allocation maximize society’s revenue surplus, the social planner should implement price floor which is strictly higher than his personal valuation of the permit. This removes the possibility of auction being ex-ante efficient. Even though in the chosen model setting the price floor’s level was not dependent on the level of buyers, the social planner should not ignore the aspect of competition. By designing a mechanism that enables easy entry for bidders to participate, the auctions are expected to attract higher levels of competition which can create results that are closer to competitive markets. This can decrease the role of price floor, which may ease mechanism designing. To get more accurate results in the Finnish scene, more detailed information on possible domestic aquaculture production values is needed