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Browsing by study line "Ruokakäyttäytyminen"

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  • Oksanen, Marja (2022)
    Alcohol policy, alcohol legislation and alcohol consumption have a long history in Finland. For long, Finnish people have been seen as binge drinkers and harms caused by alcohol have been a true problem and burden for the public health. Still, alcohol is present in our everyday life. Therefore, there needs to be different ways to limit the consumption and related harms. This is where alcohol policy comes into action; its long history and the quite restrictive methods used in Finland have been generated for the welfare of the Finnish people and public health. Alcohol policy entails many aspects to consider. Discussing alcohol policy without taking into account such factors as self-regulation, alcohol culture and consumer practices leaves the discussion unilateral. The aim of this thesis is to identify what kind of policy measures were targeted when discussing the alcohol Act 2018 in the plenary session before voting about the Act. Also, the aim is to identify whether there was prejudice or stigma present in the discussion and how was alcohol culture taken into consideration when discussing the new act. In this study the focus is on alcohol culture and politics and therefore the research design of this study is qualitative. The material used in this research is a transcript of a plenary session held the day before the new Act was voted on. The method of analysis used to analyse the research material is directed content analysis. Still, it should be recognized, that this research is strongly related to rhetoric analyses as well. The debate in the plenary session was intense and strongly emphasized by personal opinions and arguments. The discussion many times shifted away from health policy to industrial policy which leaves open a question about the justification of alcohol policy in general. Stigma was present in the discussion and alcohol culture was referred to in a negative and positive sense. The nine target areas of alcohol policy were addressed, pricing and availability being emphasized more than other. The topic in general is part of a wider societal discussion and should be addressed from a wider perspective than alcohol policy alone.
  • Hermas, Melina (2023)
    Research shows that Finnish people could increase the consumption of some domestic fish species. Increased consumption has been calculated to have economic, social, and environmental benefits. The current situation of fish consumption is unsustainable. Academic literature on consumption and food systems emphasizes the importance of a holistic view to sustainability. Environmental sustainability has been emphasized and other dimensions of sustainability have been neglected, regarding policies and regulations of the fish industry. In this study, it is argued that observing the consumer perceptions of sustainability dimensions could help to develop a more sustainable fish industry and consumption patterns. The theoretical framework was formed based on literature review. A three-dimensional view to sustainability was used including social, economic, and environmental dimensions. The relevant factors to measure the importance of the dimensions were formed with previous studies on fish consumption. The research aims to reveal perceptions to sustainability dimensions importance from a consumer interface. The research questions are: Which dimensions of sustainability have importance to consumers regarding fish consumption? Are any of the dimensions and factors involved more important than the others? Are there differences between groups on the perception of the dimensions? The research was carried out as a quantitative online survey and shared on social media platforms. Data (N=107) was analysed with quantitative methods (descriptive statistics, crosstabulation and Kruskal-Wallis’s test). Most participants considered all sustainability dimensions important. Environmental dimension was the most important, and especially the factors of protecting the ecosystems, fish stocks and waterbodies. Between age groups a statistically significant difference was found in the importance of the environmental dimension. The results indicate that Finnish people are willing to consume more domestic fish, and care about the sustainability of fish consumption. This study contributes to the discussion of sustainable fish consumption and provides a new approach on developing more sustainable food systems.
  • Kemppinen, Pilvi Katriina (2023)
    Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a common condition in the elderly population that can lead to malnutrition and other health complications. Texture-modified food (TMF) has traditionally been used to address this issue, but they often lack the visual appeal and variety of regular food, which can impact the quality of life of individuals with dysphagia. 3D food printing technology offers a promising solution by allowing for the creation of customised and visually appealing food with modified textures, shapes, flavours and nutrient contents. In addition, fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake of individuals in residential aged care facilities (RACF) is considerably low, hence innovative solutions such as 3D food printing technology has potential to address some of these challenges and improve the provision of nutrient-dense foods in aged care settings. This report investigates the provision and consumption of F&V-based TM and 3D printed foods in RACF. The report explores 1) TMF provision and consumption in Australian RACF by a quantitative data analysis of food consumption data, 2) barriers and enablers in the current TMF provision and consumption while exploring the potential of 3D food printing to be an answer for better nutrition among residents, 3) the sensory acceptance of 3D printed food among RACF staff members and 4) modelling the use of 3D printed food in a current TM menu. The results of the study suggest that F&V consumption of RACF residents is below recommendations, although the intake is still considered adequate on average. The provision and consumption of F&V-based food were spread throughout the day, although there was great between-meal variation. The average total provision of vegetables, fruit and juice were 4.1, 0.7 and 1.2 respectively, whereas consumed amounts were lower: 3.6, 0.6 and 1.1 respectively. Interviewees disclosed 3D printed food to be acceptable, albeit there are multiple barriers for its implementation. 3D printed food has the potential to provide benefits for residents on a TM diet in RACF but was not considered timely or practical for the moment. In particular, 3D printed food was considered to be a promising technology to address the emerging challenges that aged care sector will face in the next decades, however, the technology and its implementation still require development and planning. Menu modelling demonstrated how easily F&V intake can be altered, yet its impact on the intake of nutrients need to be further researched. The study highlights that further research and development are needed to improve technical feasibility and practicality of 3D food printing in aged care settings. Overall, while F&V-based 3D printed food has potential benefits, there are significant challenges that need to be addressed before this technology can be widely adopted in RACF, and for it to be beneficial for the nutritional intake and quality of life of the residents.
  • Suonpää, Marianna (2023)
    Background: Adults’ obesity prevalence has become threefold world widely during the last 50 years, and the rate is estimated to continue to increase in the future. Overweight and obesity are a health challenge, as they create health problems to persons and load the health care. Both obesity prevention and treatment are a constituent of health care. Updated Obesity Current Care Guideline (2020) has been created to support the work of health professionals. It has not been previously studied nationally, how the obesity guideline is known, and how the prevention and treatment are handled in different health care sectors, areas, and occupational groups in Finland. Aims: This thesis aimed to find out, who of the health professionals had familiarized with the updated obesity guideline and how they perceive it has affected their work. Additionally, the prevention and treatment methods, procedures of the health care, and attitudes of the health professionals were studied. Methods: The used material was part of the questionnaire regarding the Obesity Current Care Guideline. Electronic questionnaire was sent with an open link to the professionals and supervisors working in primary health care, special health care and public and private occupational health care. 760 professionals responded to the questionnaire. Here, 447 responses from professionals, who mainly work in the prevention and treatment of adults’ obesity, are used as data. Microsoft Excel 2208 -program and IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0 -program’s cross-tabulation and Chi-square test were used to analyze the results. Results: Half (52 %) of the professionals, who participated in the study, were familiarized with the updated obesity guideline. Nutritional therapists and doctors were familiarized more than other occupational groups (p<0,001). Of those, who had familiarized with the guideline, 45 % considered that the guideline has affected to the procedures of their work. The methods of the guideline were used in the health care to some degree, especially professionals brought up obesity topic into discussion and used lifestyle treatment. Professionals working mainly with adults estimated that health care procedures do not follow completely the guideline, and many professionals were not aware of the obesity prevention and treatment procedures of their organization and area. The attitudes of the professionals were mainly positive. One fourth of the responders did not consider that bringing up obesity topic into discussion is natural. Conclusions: The Obesity Current Care Guideline implementation should be improved, so that all health professionals would know the content of the guideline and take advantage it in their work. The procedures of the obesity prevention and treatment must be developed, since they were not in line with the guideline and many professionals were not aware of the procedures of their own organization, like weight management groups. Professionals’ attitudes were mainly positive indicating high interest towards obesity prevention and treatment. Some professionals considered bringing up obesity topic into discussion not being natural, which indicates the need for education and communication about already existing materials. These could help the work of the professionals and lead to better support of the patients. When examining the results of this thesis, it is essential to keep in mind the option of biased results, because of the small number of answers – the results cannot be generalized to total health care of Finland. However, the results can be used in developing the Obesity Current Care Guideline work and adults’ obesity prevention and treatment in the health care. The topic should be studied more with advanced methods and with a representative sample.
  • Maskulin, Viivi (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Ilmaston lämpeneminen on yksi suurimpia tulevaisuuden haasteita, jonka ehkäise-miseksi muutokset kulutuskäyttäytymisessä, yhteiskuntarakenteissa sekä yritystoiminnassa ovat tutkimustiedon mukaan välttämättömiä. Ruoka sekä ruoantuotanto ovat yksi merkittävim-mistä maapallon kantokykyä kuormittavista tekijöistä. Muutokset päästöjen vähentämisessä tai vaihtoehtoisesti seuraukset, joita ilmaston lämpeneminen aiheuttaa, tulevat koskettamaan erityi-sesti nuorten sukupolvia. Tässä tutkielmassa tavoitteena on pyrkiä ymmärtämään nuorten nä-kemyksiä ruoan valintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä etenkin kestävyyden näkökulmasta. Samalla tavoitteena on tutkia, miten nuoret kokevat erilaiset keinot ja niiden vaikuttavuuden osana il-mastonmuutosta ehkäiseviä toimia. Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimuskysymykset ovat: millä tavoin ruoanvalintaan ja -käyttöön liittyvät tekijät jäsentyvät nuorten mielipiteissä sekä mitkä ovat ne tekijät, jotka nuoret kokevat edistävän tai estävän kestävyyttä ruoan tai syömisen näkökulmas-ta? Ruokavalintoja käsitellään yksilön valintojen, kuten poliittisen kulutuksen teorisointien sekä yhteiskunnallisten ohjauskeinojen ja -rakenteiden näkökulmasta. Menetelmät. Tutkimusasetelmassa hyödynnetään sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä menetelmiä. Kyselyllä kerättyä aineistoa analysoidaan pääosin laadullisin menetelmin, eli aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysilla ja teemoittelulla. Analyysia täydennetään aineiston mahdollistaman määrälli-sen tarkastelun keinoin. Kyselyaineisto koostuu 44 nuoren aikuisen (15–29-vuotiaan) vastauk-sista. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksina ruoan valintaan vaikuttavina yksittäi-sinä tekijöinä määritti erityisesti elämäntilanne, ruoan hinta sekä kotimaisen ruoan suosiminen mahdollisuuksien mukaan. Ruokaan liittyvät ympäristöä kuormittavat tekijät nähtiin erityisesti rakenteellisena ongelmana, mutta omilla kulutusvalinnoilla koettiin olevan yhtä lailla merkitystä tulevaisuuden haasteita ratkottaessa. Ilmastonmuutoksen sekä ruokavalintojen yhteys koettiin olemassa olevana ongelmana, johon nuorten mielestä tulisi löytää ratkaisu. Nuoret kokevat ruo-kaan ja kulutukseen liittyvät tekijät moniulotteisena kokonaisuutena ja miettivät tulevaisuutta. Nuoret tiedostavat ruoan yhteyden ilmastokriisiin ja tahtoisivat oppia lisää ruokaan liittyvistä tekijöistä, jotta kestävämpien kulutusvalintojen tekeminen olisi helpompaa. Nuoret ovat valmiita muuttamaan omaa kulutustaan, mutta odottavat aktiivisia toimia myös vallanpitäjiltä.