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  • Buckner, Cienna (2024)
    Coxsackievirus A9 (CVA9) is an enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae. While most infections are asymptomatic, it can cause diseases ranging from mild to serious, especially in neonates where it is known to cause aseptic meningitis and sepsis. There are currently no available vaccines or specific antiviral therapies against coxsackievirus infections. CVA9 has a 30 nm icosahedrally-symmetric capsid comprised of four viral proteins, VP1-4. These four proteins associate together to form a single protomer which is repeated 60 times to make the complete capsid. VP1 forms the five-fold vertex, at the base of which is located a hydrophobic pocket. This pocket is typically occupied by the pocket factor, palmitate. Upon internalization in an endosome, the pocket factor disassociates from the pocket, leading to pocket collapse and subsequently capsid expansion and loss of VP4 and the viral genome. Antiviral therapeutics against CVA9 have focused on stabilizing the hydrophobic pocket to ultimately prevent genome release, but there are currently no approved treatments. Ongoing research has expanded the search to the N-phenyl benzamides class of compounds, which have demonstrated antiviral activity against CVA9. An in-situ docking analysis proposed the hydrophobic pocket as one of several potential binding sites. Here, I used cryogenic electron microscopy and single particle processing to determine the binding site of one such compound, CL301, validating one proposed binding site and the antiviral mechanism of action. A dataset of 24,208 particles was reconstructed resulting in a 2.6 Å resolution electron density map. Atomic modelling showed that an averaged density contributed by both CL301 and palmitate occupied the VP1 hydrophobic pocket. There is not sufficient space for both molecules to occupy the pocket at once, so there is a mixed population, which could be individual virions having all 60 pockets occupied with one or the other molecule, or only a fraction of pockets per virion being occupied. As there is little conformational difference between the two, the statistical analysis used to remove heterogeneity in the dataset was not sensitive enough. In conclusion, CL301 is effective through capsid stabilization preventing expansion and release of the viral genome. Future work should concentrate on improving the affinity of this class of compounds.
  • Viitanen, Pauliina (2023)
    The field of food control is currently facing challenges due to phenomena such as climate change, globalization of food, and scarcity of official control resources. One important approach in improving efficient control of the safety and quality of food chains is risk-based food control. In this study, data-driven approaches were utilized to provide insights into some of the factors that have affected Finnish food business operators’ (FBOs’) compliance with food safety requirements in recent years. Qlik Sense, a data analytics solution built on the concept of visual analytics, and Python, a programming language suitable for data analysis, were used to analyze food inspection data recorded by local food safety authorities. Interactive data visualizations built in Qlik Sense aimed in supporting open government data (OGD) policies and risk-based control of the Finnish food chain, and so far, received good feedback from end-users. Additional insights into FBOs’ food safety compliance were gained by further analyzing the inspection data in Python along with municipal data. A logistic regression model fit to a subset of the study data found multiple statistically significant predictor variables from both datasets, but its performance was weak. The factors that affected food safety compliance most significantly were the number of years an FBO had operated and the basis for conducting an inspection. Operating years showed a positive correlation with compliance, while a negative relationship was observed with a variety of unplanned inspections, especially when they were conducted based on food poisoning suspects, inspection requests, or some other forms of contact. Out of all inspected food sectors, the one that increased the odds of compliance the most was the food transportation sector. The results of the study advocate for the potential of data-driven approaches in improving risk-based food control, as they are an effective way to gain insights into factors affecting the safety and quality of complex food chains.
  • Purhonen, Roderik (2023)
    Norovirukset ovat merkittäviä akuutin gastroenteriitin aiheuttajia maailmassa. Ne aiheuttavat noin 700 miljoonaa infektiota ja 200,000 kuolemaa vuosittain. Tämän vuoksi on noroviruksen mahdollisesta ilmateitse leviämisestä tullut merkittävä kiinnostuksen kohde. Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin aerosolisysteemi, jota käytettiin tutkimaan, miten hiiren noroviruksen (MNV) infektiokyky säilyy aerosoloinnin seurauksena. Koe toteutettiin tuottamalla aerosoleja MNV-virusliuoksesta sumuttimen avulla (nebulizer), jonka jälkeen aerosolit kerättiin ohjaamalla ne suppilon kautta petrimaljalla olevalle DMEM-kasvatusliuokselle sekä RAW 264.7 soluille. Mikroskopoimalla soluja todettiin viruksen onnistuneen infektoimaan solut suoraan aerosoleista. DMEM-kasvatusliuoksesta määritettiin infektiivisten virusten pitoisuus sekä tehtiin RT-qPCR-analyysi. Tulosten perusteella pystyttiin havaitsemaan, että hiiren noroviruksen infektiokyky heikkenee aerosoloinnin seurauksena. Lisäksi havaittiin, että isoa osaa viruksista ei pystytty keräämään, kun aerosolit mahdollisesti tarttuivat letkuihin ja aerosolisysteemin seinämiin. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan aerosolilaitteita, jotka käsittelevät viruksia hellemmin, keräävät aerosoleja tehokkaammin, sekä matkivat ihmisen elimistöä paremmin.
  • Pihlaja, Liisa (2023)
    In instantization milk powders’ reconstitution properties are improved. Typical instantization processes are agglomeration, in which particle size and porosity are increased, and lecithination, in which powder particle surface is made less hydrophobic. Both instantization methods have some drawbacks: Agglomeration is not sufficient for instantizing high fat milk powders, while lecithination tends to decrease powder’s flowability. The aim of this study was to review suitability of agglomeration in instantizing milk powder (SMP) and whole milk powder (WMP). Powders were agglomerated on fluid bed agglomerator by using different binder liquids. The physical properties, like wettability, flowability and particle size, of the agglomerated powders were characterized and compared to the unprocessed raw materials and reference powders (commercial instantized milk powders). According to the results reconstitution properties were improved more when using other binder liquids than only water. The fastest wetting on agglomerated SMP was achieved with sugar binder liquids. However, sugar also impaired powders’ flowability. On agglomerated WMPs fastest wetting occurred with phospholipid fraction as a binder liquid. Future research could investigate usage of different binder liquids in combination and optimizing agglomeration parameters for each binder liquid.
  • Helander, Riina (2019)
    Ruokaturvallisuuden merkitys korostuu tulevaisuudessa muun muassa ilmastonmuutoksen, kuluttajan toiveiden ja globalisaation myötä. Ammattikeittiöissä ruokaturvallisuus painottuu elintarvikehygieniaan ja sitä toteutetaan omavalvonnalla. Omavalvonnan kirjauksia, kuten lämpötilahallintaa, on perinteisesti tehty käsin paperille ja valvonnan mittaukset ovat olleet näytemittauksia jatkuvan valvonnan sijasta. Suomalaisissa ammattikeittiöissä omavalvonta toteutuu pääasiassa hyvin, mutta lainsäädännön tulkinta, resursointi ja epäyhtenäiset toimintatavat saattavat aiheuttaa haasteita. Ihmisen rooli ruokaturvallisuudessa on merkittävä. Tänä päivänä teknologian hyödyntäminen ruokaturvallisuudessa yleistyy ja uusia innovaatioita siihen kehitetään jatkuvasti. Omavalvonta voidaan digitalisoida ja automatisoida. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää digitaalista omavalvonnan palvelua ruokaturvallisuutta edistävästi. Tutkimus oli laadullinen tutkimus, jossa menetelminä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua ja lyhyempää kyselyhaastattelua. Teemahaastattelujen haastateltavat olivat ammattikeittiöiden keittiöpäälliköitä tai ylemmän tason esimiehiä ja kyselyhaastatteluihin vastasi keittiöiden työntekijät ja kokit. Lisäksi haastateltiin neljää valvontaviranomaista. Teemahaastattelun teemoja olivat omavalvonnan merkitys, haasteet ja ajankäyttö, digitaalisen omavalvonnan vahvuudet, heikkoudet ja kehittäminen, palveluntarjoajan rooli sekä digitaalisen omavalvonnan vaikutus ruokaturvallisuuteen. Valvontaviranomaisilla teemana oli myös valvontakäynnit. Nauhoitetut aineistot litteroitiin ja analysoitiin sisällönanalyysilla teemoitellen. Haasteita omavalvonnassa tuottivat resursointi, lainsäädännön tulkinta sekä eri tasoinen osaaminen niin ruokaturvallisuudesta kuin digitaalisista työvälineistä. Digitaalinen omavalvonta lisäsi haastateltavien mielestä ruokaturvallisuutta automaattisen lämpötilaseurannan, läpinäkyvyyden ja sitouttamisen myötä. Digitaalista omavalvontaa tulisi kehittää kahdesta näkökulmasta. Ensinnäkin, digitaalisten työvälineiden tulisi ohjata käyttäjää tekemään ruokaturvallisia ratkaisuja, perehdyttää, motivoida ja sitä kautta sitouttaa paremmin omavalvonnan tekemiseen. Toiseksi, teknologian ratkaisuja ja automatisointia tulisi lisätä laajemmin koko omavalvontaan. Eri keittiöiden eri prosessit ja sitä kautta omavalvonnan toimintamallit tulee huomioida kehityksessä.
  • Li, Yanru (2022)
    Phage lysins are enzymes that degrade bacterial cell wall. A wild-type Lactococcus lactis strain LAC460 secretes three phage lysins, LysL, LysP, and LysT, encoded by three different prophages. Unlike common phage lysins, these enzymes do not break down the host's cell wall. Therefore, these lysins can attack other L. lactis strains and behave like bacteriocins, antimicrobial proteins. The binding of a phage lysin to bacterial cell wall requires a specific cell wall binding domain (CBD) in the lysin. However, nothing about the CBDs of LysL, LysP and LysT is known. This study aimed to determine the CBDs of these three lysins and the target specificity of the lysins. Putative CBD regions of the lysins were fused with green fluorescent protein (GFPuv). GFPuv-CBD-LysL and GFPuv-CBD-LysT were ligated into the pASG-IBA4 vector and cloned in Escherichia coli DH5α. After all, only the construction of the GFPuv-CBD- LysL was successful resulting in fluorescent transformants. To analyse the binding of GFPuv- CBD-LysL to cells of different L. lactis strains, the fusion proteins were mixed with the LysL sensitive L. lactis MG1614, LysL resistant L. lactis LM0230, and the LysL producing LAC460 cells. With fluorescence microscope it could be seen that the GFPuv-CBD-LysL decorated the cell surface of L. lactis MG1614 with green fluorescence, but LM0230 and LAC460 cells remained non-fluorescent. The fluorescence of the cells was also measured with a fluorometer, showing strong fluorescence from MG1614, but nothing from the other two strains. This showed that the fusion protein specifically bound to the MG1614 cell surface, but it did not bind to the LysL resistant strain LM0230 or the LysL producer LAC460 cell. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the C-terminus of LysL contains a specific cell wall binding domain. In addition, the results provide an explanation for how LAC460 can secrete LysL without autolysis, as phage lysins not able to bind onto peptidoglycan are unable to lyse cells.
  • Yassami, Shiva (2022)
    Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae but with distinct genetic, taxonomic, and metabolic properties. S. cerevisiae has been used extensively in biotechnological applications. Currently, many strains are available, and multiple genetic tools have been developed, which allow the expression of several exogenous proteins of interest with applications in the fields of medicine, biofuels, the food industry, and scientific research, among others. Although S. boulardii has been widely studied due to its probiotic properties against several gastrointestinal tract disorders, very few studies addressed the use of this yeast as a vector for expression of foreign genes of interest with biotechnological applications. I studied the previously constructed S. boulardii SAC12, which secretes the anti-listerial bacteriocin leucocin C originating from Leuconostoc carnosum 4010. The objective was to study if the bacteriocin leucocin C producing S. boulardii could produce leucocin C in beer fermentation and if leucocin C containing beer can be used as marinade to control Listeria monocytogenes in raw chicken breast strips. The results showed that SAC12 has good ability to secrete LecC, and thus it was used to brew anti-listerial beer. According to results, beer could maintain its anti-listerial activity for 38 days. The anti-listerial effect of the beer stored for different times was analyzed through marinating chicken breast strips (spiked with L. monocytogenes) with the beer for overnight. Results indicated a positive impact of anti-listerial beer in reduction of the viable cells of L. monocytogenes by about 1.6 log from (2.2 ± 0.6) × 10⁷ CFU/g (beer from day 24), and 2.2 log from (1.8 ± 0.3) × 10⁵ CFU/g (beer from day 38). To sum up, the S. boulardii SAC12 efficiently secreted the bacteriocin leucocin C. Brewing beer with S. boulardii SAC12 resulted in beer containing leucocin C. Such beer showed anti-listerial effect when used as marinade for chicken breast strips.
  • Haajanen, Hanna (2020)
    3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol (3-MCPD), 2-chloro-1,3-propanediol (2-MCPD) and 2,3-epoxy-1-propanol (glycidol) and their fatty acid esters are contaminants formed during processing fat containing foodstuffs at high temperatures. Mainly MCPD and glycidyl esters have been found to be formed in the deodorization process of oils, and in vegetable oils, such as palm oil, they have been measured at high concentrations. In accordance with the restrictions imposed by the European Commission, the levels of glycidyl esters must be especially monitored, as they have been identified as potentially carcinogenic compounds. The aim of the study was to introduce and validate a gas chromatographic analysis method for glycidyl esters and MCPD esters for the Customs Laboratory. The method was validated for two matrices: first for oils and then for powdered infant formulas. In addition, the success of the validation was examined by analyzing various oil samples previously received by the Customs Laboratory. The Customs Laboratory is also involved in the activities of the European Union Reference Laboratory, for which it was intended to participate in the reference measurement organized by the EU Reference Laboratory. The method for the determination of 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidyl esters in oils and infant formulas was carried out according to the guidelines of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Contaminants (EURL-PC). Determination of MCPD and glycidyl ester concentrations in oils and infant formulas included the following steps: fat extraction by liquid-liquid extraction (for infant formulas), addition of standards, solid-phase extraction, conversion of glycidyl esters to 3-MBPD esters, transesterification, neutralization, salting out, derivatization and analysis with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry system. Concentrations were determined using internal standard method. The method was validated for the following parameters: specificity, selectivity, limit of detection and quantitation, reproducibility, repeatability, trueness, linearity and working range, stability and measurement uncertainty. The analytical method developed for the determination of MCPD and glycidyl esters was successfully validated for oils and powdered infant formulas. The developed method proved to be specific and selective. The limit of determination was found to be 6.3 µg/kg, 1.3 µg/kg and 0.8 µg/kg for the oil matrix 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidyl esters. The limits of determination for the infant formula were 5.4 µg/kg, 3.0 µg/kg and 1.6 µg/kg for 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidyl esters. Recoveries for MCPD and glycidyl esters in the oil and powdered infant formulas were 83-105%. R2 for calibration lines were greater than 0.99, and the lines were linear over the entire measurement range of 2-1000 µg/kg. The relative standard deviation of repeatability and reproducibility was less than 20% for both matrices. The expanded measurement uncertainty for the MCPD and glycidyl esters of the oil and powdered infant formula was less than 50%. For all parameters, the requirements set by the Customs Laboratory and the performance requirements of Regulation (EU) 1881/2006 were met. A method validated for two matrices can then be accredited. The customs laboratory may use the developed method in the future to control 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidyl esters levels of oils and powdered infant formulas. In the future, the method could also be validated for new matrices, such as liquid infant formulas.
  • Hyvönen, Tinja (2021)
    The spread of antibiotic resistance is a global health threat. Hospitals are a potential source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which may disseminate into the environment via wastewater. Hospital water environments, such as sink traps and shower drains, are known to harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which might spread from the drains to the patients causing nosocomial infections that are hard to treat because of the limited number of treatments available. However, the current understanding of antibiotic resistance in the drains of residences, and how it relates to the situation in hospitals is limited. The aim of this study was to compare the microbial communities and ARGs in the water environments of homes and hospitals. The sink traps and shower drains of three hospital rooms and eighteen homes were sampled for metagenomic sequencing, and bioinformatic tools were used to detect the microbial taxa and ARGs in the metagenomes. The resistomes of hospital environments were distinct from those of homes and exhibited a higher diversity of ARGs. On the other hand, the microbial communities of homes and hospital rooms could not be clearly distinguished, although there were some differences in the abundances of certain taxa. The abundance of ARGs was higher in the hospital shower drains than in the corresponding samples in homes, but there was no statistical difference in the abundance of ARGs between the sink traps of homes and the hospital. Although the study had limitations, such as the low number of hospital samples, it indicates that the water environments of hospitals have a resistome that is distinct from that of homes and highlights the role of hospital sink traps and shower drains as potential hotspots of antibiotic resistance.
  • Suhonen, Anniina (2019)
    Lactic acid bacteria have a long history of use in food industry due to their favorable metabolic properties and health benefits for human health. Therefore, they are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by FDA (U.S Food and Drug Administration) and have QPS (Qualified Presumption of Safety) status granted by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). Nowadays, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious global risk and due to the increasing AMRs, more and more microbial infections have become more difficult to treat with antibiotics. AMR has mainly been of concern in relation to pathogenic microbes. However, since fermented foods are favorable environments for AMR gene transfer it should also be considered in the context of beneficial bacteria and their potential to spread AMR genes into pathogenic microbes. The aim of this study was to determine antibiotic susceptibilities of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Leuconostoc sp. and Weissella sp. strains by E-test method and to detect selected specific antibiotic resistance genes by PCR. In addition, the goal was to define new cut-off values for Weissella strains since, so far, these have not been defined by EFSA. Antibiotic susceptibilities were determined against eight antibiotics: ampicillin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin and tetracycline. The detected AMR genes were blaZ, mecA, cat, lnuA, tetK and tetM. Most of the determined strains were observed to exhibit a notable resistance to kanamycin. Several Leuconostoc sp. and L. rhamnosus strains showed also resistance to chloramphenicol. Interestingly, one L. rhamnosus strain was observed to exhibit multiresistance to chloramphenicol and clindamycin. Moreover, 48% Leuconostoc strains had higher MIC value for streptomycin than the cut-off value defined by EFSA. Any of the selected AMR genes were not detected even though a notable resistance during the phenotypic testing was observed. However, this might be explained by the small amount of detected AMR genes. The results obtained in the present study provided more information about the antibiotic susceptibility and the safety of L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, Leuconostoc sp. and Weissella sp. strains. Moreover, new cut-off values were proposed for Weissella sp. strains.
  • Niamsap, Thanakorn (2022)
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new respiratory virus capable of transmitting between interspecies and has caused outbreaks in mink farms since April 2020. The infection in mink farms has been a concern due to the overcrowded mink population which allows viral transmission and mutation to rapidly develop. The development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines for mink is needed to prevent an outbreak in mink farms. In this study, we tested the safety and efficacy of our SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in a mink model. Our vaccine tests reveal no side effects of the vaccine on vaccinated mink, of which 40 mg/dose was found to be the optimal dosage, and was used as a standard for the later infection experiments. Microneutralization tests indicated that the neutralizing antibodies from vaccinated mink can protect cells line against early 2020 dominant variants (Wuhan, and Alpha), but poorly against later dominant strains (Beta, and Delta). The vaccinated mink were further observed the changes in antibody levels by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the results suggested that the antibodies could be detected in sera samples of vaccinated subjects for at least 23 weeks after receiving two dosages of the vaccine. The presence of the virus was monitored in collected saliva samples throughout the infection days to study the effect of the vaccine on preventing the mink from SARS-CoV-2 infection by reverse transcription (RT)PCR. The quantification cycles (Cq) values were similar between vaccinated and non-vaccinated mink of both genders and between different gender, indicating that the vaccine could not help with preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. Although the vaccine does not protect the vaccinated mink from the infection, the monitoring of clinical signs suggested that it helps the mink by reducing the severity of the disease. In conclusion, the vaccine showed promising results in inducing the mink body to produce neutralizing antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 and relieved the symptoms of the disease.
  • Heiland, Lilith (2023)
    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. One hallmark of AD includes the amyloid beta (Aβ1-42) peptide that accumulates into oligomers, fibrils, and plaques. Aβ1-42 has been shown to be structurally and functionally similar to antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Publications have reported that Borrelia burgdorferi can be found in the brain of AD patients. B. burgdorferi and B. garinii cause Lyme disease (LD). B. duttonii is responsible for relapsing fever (RF), a disease characterized by recurrent episodes of high fever. The aim of this research was to study whether synthetic Aβ1-42 binds to LD and RF Borrelia sp. and several bacterial molecules important for their virulence, and whether Borrelia sp. have evolved strategies to evade Aβ1-42-mediated killing. Binding of Aβ1-42 to B. burgdorferi, B. garinii and B. duttonii and several microbial molecules was studied by ELISA and immunoblotting. Bacterial culturing and microscopy were used to study survival, agglutination, and phagocytosis of Borrelia sp. in the presence of Aβ1-42 and microglia. In this research, Aβ1-42 was able to bind and agglutinate all of the three studied Borrelia sp. However, Aβ1-42 reduced the survival and increased the phagocytosis of B. duttonii. while B. burgdorferi and B. garinii were unaffected. In addition, potential Aβ1-42 binding molecules were detected from several bacterial species, including FhbA expressed by B. duttonii. In conclusion, this study suggests that some restricted species of bacteria may evade Aβ1-42 entrapment and thus may be involved in the ability of the species to invade the CNS that may trigger neuroinflammation related to AD.
  • Murphy, Jose Alejandro (2023)
    Filamentous basidiomycete fungi are an abundant source of laccase (benzedio:oxygen oxidoreductases, E.C. enzymes that oxidize phenolic compounds by a one electron removal resulting in free radicals with concomitant reduction of oxygen to water. Because of this, laccases are regarded as “green catalysts”, making them of great interest for industrial applications. Phenolic compounds of plant origin are of special interest to the food industry because of their low toxicity and high antioxidant, antimicrobial activities. Because of large number of laccase candidates present in fungal genomes and time demanding methods for their biochemical characterization, in silico methods for the prediction of their activity towards phenolic compounds are needed to be developed to better use the potential of fungal laccases in applications. The goal of this study was to utilize in silico predictions on 19 preselected basidiomycete laccases to determine their activities towards six selected phenolic compounds that are used in food related applications. Based on the structural and functional predictions, two laccases with the best docking characteristics, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus laccase 4273 and Trametes cingulata laccase 1498596, were then selected for recombinant production in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris, and their biochemical characteristics and activity towards the phenolic compounds were determined experimentally. The recombinant laccases presented optimal working pH in the acidic range from pH 2.0 to 6.0. Both laccases also presented good solvent stability in ethanol and DMSO. The T. cingulata laccase showed thermal tolerance up to 60°C while the P. cinnabarinus laccase was stable up to 40°C. Both recombinant laccases had activity towards 2,6-DMP and the phenolic compound sinapic acid, low activity (<1.9 µkat/L) was observed towards caffeic acid, and no activity (<1.1 µkat/L) was observed towards cinnamic acid, ferulic acid and p-couamaric acid. Experimental and in silico results were compared to evaluate if it is possible to accurately predict laccase activity towards the selected phenolic compounds using in silico approaches. From the in-silico predictions, it was suggested that hydrogen bonding between a substrate molecule and amino acid residue Ser-113 of P. cinnabarinus laccase 4273 and His-111 of T. cingulata laccase 1498596 may be important for the activity towards phenolic compounds. Formation of hydrogen bonds between other amino acid residues and the substrates might be detrimental for laccase activity. The predicted substrate binding site of the laccases differ from yet very close to that of crystal structures of Melanocarpus albomyces laccase. However, the activity towards selected phenolic compounds were somewhat consistent with predictions indicating a possible applicability of structural and functional predictions in the study of fungal laccase activities.
  • Suutari, Eveliina (2024)
    In recent years, consumer interest for probiotic products has significantly grown due to their health benefits, however challenges regarding viability and controlled release of probiotic bacteria during their processing and storage still exist. Microencapsulation of probiotics by spray drying with a suitable protective material could alleviate these challenges. This research aims to assess the viability of utilizing wood hemicelluloses recovered from forest industry side-streams, specifically galactoglucomannans (GGM) and glucuronoxylans (GX), as protective agents for the probiotic strain Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) during spray drying. The study results were compared to those of maltodextrins, considering varying solid concentrations (15 and 20%) and inlet air drying temperatures (105 and 140 oC). Feed dispersion properties including viscosity, pH, particle diameter and physical stability were determined. The probiotic's viability pre- and post-spray drying was evaluated, alongside powder characterization for moisture content, water activity, particle size, morphology and structure. Results indicated that both GGM and GX effectively shield LGG from heat impact during spray drying, yielding microcapsule powders with desirable attributes such as amorphous structure and low water activity. High encapsulation efficiency (>90%) comparable to maltodextrins suggested hemicelluloses as sustainable alternatives for conventionally used wall materials. Inlet air temperature or solid concentration did not affect encapsulation efficiency of hemicelluloses. Probiotic counts met a recommended level for probiotic products, signifying potential applications in food and pharmaceuticals. Powder yield, which varied between 35 and 58%, was significantly influenced by the encapsulating material. Morphological studies demonstrated well-formed, spherical particles at a specific drying temperature. The study proposes the potential use of wood hemicelluloses for effective probiotic protection, offering new possibilities for synbiotic powder applications in diverse industries due to their prebiotic properties which have been well reported in literature. Despite promising results, long-term stability and process optimization to improve the process yield and achieve lower moisture content for the microcapsule powders require further investigation. Adjusting feed dispersion parameters and exploring varied concentrations of hemicelluloses could enhance product yield. Meanwhile, increasing outlet air temperature possibly reduces the moisture content. This research fosters sustainable development in the forest industry, presenting a novel avenue for natural functional ingredient production.
  • Jussila, Noora (2023)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää arjen käytäntöjen merkitys ruokahävikin synnyssä ja ennaltaehkäisyssä. Tutkimuksen näkökulmaksi valikoitui kotitaloudet, koska aiempien tutkimusten mukaan kotitaloudet aiheuttavat teollisuusmaissa suurimman osan ruokahävikistä. Lisäksi aiempien tutkimusten mukaan ruokahävikin ekologiset vaikutukset ovat suuremmat ruokaketjun loppupäässä. Tutkimuskysymyksiä oli kaksi, joista ensimmäisen avulla kartoitettiin, millaisia käytäntöjä kuluttajilla on arjessaan ruokahävikkiin liittyen. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla selvitettiin, minkälaiset käytännöt voisivat auttaa ruokahävikin ennaltaehkäisyssä. Teoriapohjana oli aiempien ruokahävikkitutkimuksen lisäksi suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoria ja käytäntöjen teoria. Käytäntöjen teoriaa hyödynnetään käyttäytymisen ja sen ristiriitaisuuden selittämisessä, kun taas suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoria tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia ennustaa käytöstä tietyissä olosuhteissa. Tutkimuksen tutkimusstrategia oli kvalitatiivinen. Tutkimusaineisto koottiin yhdeksän eri kotitalouden edustajan haastatteluista. Haastattelut tehtiin huhti- ja toukokuussa 2022. Kotitalouksien koko, haastateltavien sukupuoli ja ikä sekä asuinpaikka vaihtelivat. Haastattelut toteutettiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina. Aineiston analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin teemoittelua. Tutkimuksen mukaan kotitalouksien arjen käytännöt ruokahävikkiin liittyen voitiin jakaa tiedostettuihin ja tiedostamattomiin käytäntöihin. Tiedostetut arjen käytännöt olivat hyvin rutiininomaisia, kun taas tiedostamattomat käytännöt liittyivät lähinnä arjen helpottamiseen. Arjen helpottaminen nouseekin keskeisimmäksi tekijäksi myös ruokahävikin vähentämisessä ja ennaltaehkäisyssä, sillä tutkimuksen mukaan juurisyynä kotitalouksille syntyvälle ruokahävikille on rutiinien ja arjen käytäntöjen rikkoutuminen. Tutkimuksen tuloksien avulla saatiin koottua suositukset eri kohderyhmille ruokahävikin ennaltaehkäisyä ajatellen.
  • Nummela, Liinu (2023)
    Aspergillus niger is a filamentous fungus that is known for its ability to degrade plant biomass polysaccharides. A total of 86 sugar transporters have been identified in A. niger, but only 10 of them have been thoroughly characterized. Sugar transporter proteins are crucial for fungi as they enable efficient utilization of sugars in their metabolism and therefore breakdown of plant biomass. Additionally, sugar transporters can be used in various biotechnological applications. L-arabinose is a pentose sugar present in plant biomass and A. niger can utilize it through the pentose catabolic pathway (PCP). Recently, a sugar transporter LatA was identified from A. niger, capable of transporting the PCP intermediate product L-arabitol into fungal cells. L-arabitol is a polyol similar to xylitol and can be used as a low-calorie sweetener in food and beverage industries. Although A. niger LatA has previously been shown to be specific to L-arabitol in vivo, its in vitro functional activity has not yet been described. This study aimed to in vitro characterize two potential L-arabitol transporters from A. niger, LatA and unpublished 9364, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. As a platform strain, we used S. cerevisiae IMK1010 that is devoid of all hexose and disaccharide transporters, as well as disaccharide hydrolases. In addition, we used a disaccharide-polyol and a pentose metabolic strain which were generated from the IMK1010 strain. The metabolic strains carried pathways for maltose, saccharose, sorbitol and mannitol, and xylose and arabinose, respectively. This provided a controlled research environment for studying A. niger LatA and 9364 transporters. The sugar specificity of the transporters was tested through two different growth experiments on solid media with all the strains and in liquid media with IMK1010 strains. The tested sugars included D-glucose, D-fructose and D-mannose hexoses, D-xylose and L-arabinose pentoses, maltose and sucrose disaccharides, and D-mannitol and D-sorbitol polyols. In addition, LatA was examined through a disappearance assay, measuring the loss of sugar from the liquid growth medium. Altogether four different combination gene constructs, green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene fusions and plain sugar transporter gene constructs were successfully engineered and 21 different transformant yeast strains produced for this study. GFP gene fusions, were in addition to growth experiments, used to study the localization of the sugar transporters to the cell membrane. In strains containing combination gene constructs encoding sugar transporters and GFP, the sugar transporters were successfully localized to the cell membrane, showing already that the transporters potentially have transport activity in the heterologous expression system. Based on the results, A. niger 9364 transported the tested hexoses and maltose in the growth experiments but did not transport tested pentoses, disaccharides or D-mannitol and D-sorbitol polyols. As expected, A. niger LatA did not transport any of the tested sugars, confirming its specificity to L-arabitol polyol. However, in the disappearance assay LatA unexpectedly did not transport L-arabitol. This might be due to the possible toxicity of the polyols in high concentrations to yeast cells and many of them also serve as regulators of osmotic pressure in cells, which may lower the transport capacity of the sugar transporters. In the future the function of the transporters can be tested in different sugar concentrations and pH in disappearance assay. Alternatively, a L-arabitol metabolic strain could be constructed to investigate sugar specificity using the growth experiment instead of the disappearance assay. The study provided new information of A. niger 9364 and further insights into the sugar specificity of A. niger LatA. These sugar transporters could be used in various biotechnological applications in the future.
  • Niittymäki, Mikko (2023)
    Vacuum-packed frozen meat is popular for its longer shelf life and convenience. However, the quality and safety of these products can be compromised if the packaging material does not provide adequate protection from external factors such as oxygen, evaporation, and light. The objective of this thesis was to assess the feasibility of switching packaging materials for frozen vacuum-packed products at the case company to achieve complete recycling of packaging materials. Biochemical and sensory analysis was carried out on two different pork meats (minced shoulder and top side) packed in four commercially available packaging materials, two of which had an oxygen barrier and two had virtually no oxygen barrier. The top side samples were injected with salt and phosphate brine. All samples were stored in the freezer at -18°C for a storage period of 0-3 months. The analyses were carried out one day after both thawing and cold storage (+4°C). The top side had a storage period of two-weeks and minced meat one-week in the cold room after the thawing. Samples were analysed for TBARS, Thiols, colour, pH, and weight loss. The thiol and TBARS values, pH, a* values and weight loss were measured at different frozen storage times immediately after thawing, and after the cold storage. The results showed that frozen storage time resulted in a reduction in thiol concentrations and an increase in levels in all samples. The cold storage of samples at zero month did not influence thiol concentration, but after frozen storage samples showed a decrease in thiol concentrations. Samples packed in M1 and M2 packaging materials had less thiol content and less TBARS (P < 0.05). There were no differences in the pH of the samples packed in different packaging materials (P > 0.05). The red colour in samples packed in M1 and M2 materials were higher than in samples packed in M3 and M4 materials, but this was only in the case with minced shoulder samples and not with the top side samples. In samples packed in M1 and M3 samples the weight decreased considerably more than in samples packed in M2 and M4 samples (P < 0.05). Change in packaging material for frozen vacuum-packed frozen meat products is not advised to M3 and M4 materials. Forth considering is the choice between M1 and M2, where differed in weight loss during the frozen storage in favour of M2.
  • Sipilä, Katariina (2023)
    Infants´ and children´s diet influences normal development and overall health. A balanced diet providing essential nutrients is crucial. Recent research has examined the dietary patterns of children and infants, exploring potential associations between food components and the emergence of illnesses. Notably, investigations into relationships between dietary factors and metabolite have gained prominence. Metabolomics offers a means to investigate individual´s nutrition, health status, illnesses, and the interaction of medications and contaminants. This study aimed to elucidate the connections between diet and the serum metabolic profiles of 1-year-old Finnish children. This master´s thesis used data from Finnish infants (n=439) collected by 3-day food record and questionnaires, in conjunction with metabolite assessments from blood samples collected at the age of 12 months. The investigation particularly focused on cow´s milk products and breast milk. Spearman correlation coefficient served as the primary statistical tool utilising data derived from the DIPP Nutrition study. Infant diets´ primarily comprised various cow´s milk products, milks and infant formulas. Noteworthy findings revealed that distinct lipids and free fatty acids, significantly associated with cow´s milk product consumption and breastfeeding. In the future, this study holds potential for enhancing comprehension of diet-related disease development by employing metabolites as markers to dissect dietary impacts.
  • Valta, Akseli Eero Juhana (2023)
    Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV) is a single stranded negative sense RNA virus, carried by the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Like other orthohantaviruses, it does not cause visible symptoms in the host species, but when transmitted to humans, it can cause a mild version of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) called nephropathia epidemica (NE). PUUV is the only pathogenic orthohantavirus that is endemic to Finland, where it has a relatively high incidence of approximately 35 in 100 000 inhabitants or 1000 to 3000 diagnosed cases annually. Here we describe a miniaturized immunofluorescence assay (mini-IFA) for measuring antibody response against PUUV from bank vole whole blood and heart samples as well as from patient serum samples. The method outline was based on the work done by Pietiäinen et al., (2022), but it was adapted for the detection of PUUV antibodies. Transfected cells expressing the PUUV structural proteins (N, GPC, Gn and Gc) were used instead of PUUV infected cells, which allowed for performing all steps outside of bio-safety level 3 (BSL3) conditions. This method also enables the simultaneous measurement of IgM, IgA and IgG antibody response from each sample in a more efficient and higher output manner, when compared to traditional immunofluorescence methods. Our results show that the method is effective for testing large amounts of samples for PUUV antibodies and it allows for quick and convenient access to high-quality images that can be used for both detecting interesting targets for future studies, as well as producing a visual archive of the test results.
  • Karanko, Ira (2023)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tuottaa Propionibacterium freduenreichii -bakteerin ja Rhizopus -homesienen yhteisfermentaatiolla B12-vitamiinia härkäpavusta valmistettuun tempeen. Samalla tutkittiin, mitä aminohappoja ja orgaanisia happoja tempeissä vapautui fermentaation aikana ja vaikuttivatko ne B12-vitamiinin tuottoon. B12-vitamiinia sisältävien kasviperäisten elintarvikkeiden tuottamisen tutkiminen on tärkeää, sillä se helpottaisi vegaanista ruokavaliota noudattavien mahdollisuuksia saada B12-vitamiinia ravinnostaan. Hypoteesina oli, että B12-vitamiinia saataisiin härkäpaputempeihin, mutta oletettavasti sen pitoisuuteen valmiissa tempeissä vaikuttaisi käytetty propionibakteerikanta. Ensin kasvatettiin fermentointiin käytetyt propionibakteerikannat ja valmistettiin tempenäytteet härkäpavusta. Valmiista tempeistä määritettiin pH, kosteuspitoisuus, B12-vitamiini, vapaat aminohapot, orgaaniset hapot ja ammoniakki sekä propionibakteerien ja enterobakteerien määrät. Neljästä propionibakteerikannasta kaksi tuottivat tempeen huomattavia määriä B12-vitamiinia (1 µg/g kuivapainoa kohti). Fermentaation aikana vapaiden aminohappojen pitoisuus lisääntyi kaikilla kannoilla valmistetuissa tempeissä selvästi. Eri aminohappoja vapautui kuitenkin eri kannoilla hyvin eri määriä. Maitohappo kului näytteistä fermentoinnin aikana. Pelkällä Rhizopus -homesienellä valmistetussa näytteessä maitohapon määrä taas lisääntyi. Tämä oli tiedettävästi ensimmäinen kerta, kun tutkittiin härkäpaputempen valmistusta Rhizopus -homesienen ja propionibakteerin yhteisfermentaatiolla B12-vitamiinin tuottamiseksi. Tutkimus antoi lupaavia tuloksia B12-vitamiinipitoisen tempen valmistuksesta, sillä härkäpaputempejen vitamiinipitoisuudet olivat huomattavasti suurempia kuin mitä aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa soija- ja lupiinitempeillä homesienen ja propionibakteerin yhteisfermentaatiossa saadut vitamiinipitoisuudet.