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  • Huttunen, Suvi (2015)
    Työssä tarkasteltiin sedimentin alumiini- ja rautaoksidien osallistumista fosforin sitomiseen kolmella eri alueella pohjoisella Itämerellä ja sitä kuinka sedimentin metallioksideihin sitoutuneet fosforifraktiot voidaan erotella peräkkäisten uuttojen avulla. Tutkitut näytteet oli otettu estuaarityyppisistä sedimenteistä Ahvenkoskenlahdelta, Perämereltä ja Saaristomereltä. Näytteitä uutettiin peräkkäin ammoniumfluoridilla, natriumditioniitilla ja natriumhydroksidilla. Käytetyt uuttoliuokset valittiin kirjallisuuden ja aiempien tutkimusten perusteella. Uutteista mitattiin fosforin, raudan, alumiinin ja mangaanin pitoisuudet ICP-OES-laitteistolla. Työn ensimmäisessä vaiheessa uuttoliuoksia lisättiin eri järjestyksissä ja tulosten perusteella uuttojärjestykseksi valittiin: 1) natriumditioniitti, 2) ammoniumfluoridi ja 3) natriumhydroksidi, koska näin pystyttiin parhaiten erottamaan alumiini- ja rautaoksidien sitoma fosfori toisistaan. Työn toisessa vaiheessa uutettiin kolmen eri alueen estuaarisedimenttejä valitulla uuttojärjestyksellä. Kirjallisuudessa on usein esitetty, että alumiinioksidit eivät olisi merkittävässä roolissa merisedimenttien fosforin sitomisessa vaan että alumiinioksidien sitomaksi määritetty fosfori voisi olla rautaoksidien sitomaa, mutta menetelmän epäspesifisyyden vuoksi tutkittu alumiinioksidien sitomaksi. Työn toisen vaiheen tulokset osoittivat, että alumiinioksidit osallistuvat fosforin sitomiseen estuaareissa. Estuaareihin hautautuneista sedimenttinäytteistä erottui alumiinioksidille spesifisellä uutolla oma fosforijakeensa, joka ei tulosten mukaan voinut olla peräisin rautaoksidien sitomasta jakeesta. Ahvenkoskenlahden näytteessä oli Saaristomeren ja Perämeren näytteisiin verrattuna suhteessa eniten alumiini- ja rautaoksidien sitomaa fosforia. Alumiinioksideilla havaittiin olevan enemmän merkitystä fosforin sitomisessa lähempänä rannikkoa, kun taas rautaoksideilla on enemmän merkitystä kauempana rannikosta.
  • Granqvist, Kai (2019)
    Vesistöjen rehevöityminen on globaali ongelma, jolta Suomi ei ole säästynyt. Itämeren kohdalla ongelma on ilmeinen ja myös julkisuudessa laajasti käsitelty asia. Vesistöjen rehevöitymisen merkittäväksi syyksi tunnistetaan yleisesti maatalouden aiheuttamat ravinnepäästöt, erityisesti typpi ja fosfori. Suomi on muiden Itämeren valuma-alueen valtioiden kanssa solminut HELCOM-sopimuksen, jossa sovitaan Itämeren ravinnepäästöjä vähentävistä toimista. Eräs ravinnepäästöjen vähentämiseen pyrkivä toimenpide on ravinteiden kierrätys. Ravinteiden kierrätyksen tehostaminen on myös ollut pääministeri Juha Sipilän hallituskaudella eräs kärkihankkeiden teemoista. Tämä tutkielma on osa hallituksen Kiertotalouden läpimurto - puhtaat ratkaisut käyttöön-kärkihanketta ja siihen kuuluvaa HYKERRYS – Hyvän Sadon kierrätyslannoitus- hanketta. Ravinteiden kierrätyksen tehostaminen mahdollistaa uudistuotettujen kasvinravinteiden käytön vähentämisen, joka siten vähentää myös lannoitetuotteiden valmistuksesta aiheutuvia ympäristöongelmia kuten ravinne– ja hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Kierrätyslannoitteiden suosio on kuitenkin perinteisesti tuotettuihin lannoitteisiin nähden vähäistä, sillä esimerkiksi typpilannoitteiden osalta kierrätyslannoitteilla on kotimaassa vain noin 1,75 % markkinaosuus mikäli karjanlantaa ei huomioida. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on lisätä tietoutta kierrätyslannoitteista ja niiden soveltuvuudesta korvata perinteisiä väkilannoitteita kotimaisessa kontekstissa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin osittain satunnaistettujen täydellisten lohkojen järjestelyn avulla, miten kierrätyslannoitteet vertautuvat nollakontrolliin ja tavanomaiseen väkilannoitteeseen a) sadon, b) satokomponenttien ja c) taloudellisuuden suhteen härkäpavulla (Vicia faba cv. ’Louhi’). Kokeessa oli mukana neljä eri kierrätyslannoitevalmistajaa kahdeksalla eri lannoitekäsittelyllä, yksi väkilannoitevalmiste, kolme eri typpiporrasta sekä nollakontrolli, jota ei lannoitettu lainkaan. Lannoitevalmisteiden lannoitesisällöt erosivat toisistaan siten, että kierrätyslannoitteiden ravinnepitoisuudet olivat pääosin väkilannoiteverrokkiin nähden vähäravinteisempia. Kierrätyslannoitekäsittelyjen hehtaarilannoitusmäärät vaihtelivat 50 kg/ha ja 6560 kg/ha välillä, kun viljelysuositusten mukaista tavanomaista mineraalilannoitetta käytettiin 364 kg/ha. Koekenttänä toimi peltolohko Haltialan tilalla Helsingissä. Koe järjestettiin hankkeen käynnistymistä seuraavana vuonna, kasvukaudella 2017. Koevuotta edelsi tavanomaisesti lannoitettu ohra. Viljellystä näyteaineistosta otettiin oleelliset tunnusluvut sekä kuivapainot satokomponentteja sekä sadon määritystä varten. Tämän jälkeen aineistosta saatu numeerinen data käsiteltiin Microsoft Excel-taulukkokirjalla sekä IBM SPSS-tilastointiohjelmalla käyttäen merkitsevänä rajana p=0.05. Taloudellinen kannattavuus laskettiin vertailemalla kierrätyslannoitekäsittelyjen ja nollakontrollin hankinta- sekä levityskustannusten rajakustannuksia saatuun sadonlisään nähden. Härkäpapuaineistosta ei löytynyt merkitseviä eroja eri käsittelyjen kesken sadon tai satokomponenttien suhteen. Edes nollakontrolli ei erottunut aineistosta tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Koska merkitseviä eroja ei löytynyt, ei taloudellisen mielekkyyden vertailu sinänsä ole tarpeellista. Erojen löytymättömyys saattaa johtua esimerkiksi uuden lajikkeen ominaisuuksista tai peltolohkon aiemman viljelyn kerryttämästä ravinnepitoisuudesta maaperässä. Kokeen ulottaminen monivuotiseksi voisi tuoda eroavaisuuksia sadon tekijöihin ja on siten suositeltava jatkotutkimusehdotus.
  • Lehtonen, Jussi (2019)
    This thesis has three objectives, namely to estimate the recreational value of a Baltic Sea visit, to assess the impact of substitute sites on the value of a recreational visit, and to assess which factors determine whether a visitor has a substitute site for the Baltic Sea if recreation at the preferred site is not possible. No previous Finnish studies have been conducted on this topic, even though the impact of substitute sites is important in the valuation of a recreational site. This thesis uses the single-site travel cost method to assess the recreational value of the Baltic Sea. The travel cost method is the most frequently used valuation method to assign a monetary value to the recreational services of an environmental resource. To answer the first objective, this thesis employ the single-site travel cost method using the negative binomial model. To answer the second objective, substitutes are entered into the single-site travel cost model as dummy variable and travel cost interaction variable. According to the results of this thesis, the recreational value of a visit to the Baltic Sea is worth between 180 € and 420 €. As expected, substitutes decrease the demand for recreational sites, but, contrary to expectations, the overall value of a single visit to the Baltic Sea is higher among respondents who have substitutes compared to respondents who do not have substitutes. To answer the third objective, the logistic regression model is employed. Based on the results of the model, whether an individual has substitute sites depends on demographics, the number of recreational activities at the Baltic Sea, the timing of the visit and the perceived number of facilities at the Baltic Sea.
  • Friman, Mikko (2010)
    The Baltic Sea area, formerly an importer of crude oil, has become an important node for oil export. In 2015, between 160 and 240 million tons of oil (and some 150 million tons of other cargo) will be transported through the Gulf of Finland only, in 2006, 140 million tons of oil was shipped through the Gulf. There are a number of development projects going on in Russia and Estonia concerning both old and new terminals. Also new pipelines from the Russian production sites to the coastal oil terminals are under planning or construction. According to an estimate by the EU Commission, in 2010 about 400 million tons of oil and petrochemicals will be processed in the seaports of the Baltic Sea. The risk of accidents is increasing with busier traffic and larger ships. Oil can contaminate the sea through various routes: spills during loading, unloading and other port operations, accidental oil spills from tankers, oil terminals, refineries, pipelines, exploration sites and regular non-tanker shipping, runoff from land, and as municipal and industrial wastes. Any step toward improved safety in shipping decreases the risks and impacts on the marine environment. Therefore the Baltic Sea countries have to continue to work toward pollution-free marine transportation by providing employees environmental protection education and training, by combating substandard shipping, and by increasing international recognition for the ecological significance of the status of the Baltic as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA). The International Maritime Organization (IMO) designated the Baltic Sea a PSSA in 2004.. Several modern tools have been installed for the Gulf of Finland navigation to reduce the risk of ship collisions. One of them is the Gulf of Finland mandatory Ship Reporting System (GOFREP), which went into operation on 1 July 2004. The system covers the international waters of the Gulf of Finland in a joint effort between Finland, Estonia and Russia. By Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS) ships are referred to use a different route when travelling from east/north to west/south and vice versa. Important steps forward to further decrease the risks of shipping and oil accidents were taken in July 2006, when new traffic routing measures entered into force in the central Baltic Sea, in Bornholmsgat, and north of Rügen. In the Gulf of Finland, which is a hot spot area for increasing oil transports, the Vessel Traffic Management and Information System (VTMIS) was taken into use in 2004, including TSS. The HELCOM Automatic Identification System (AIS) provides, since 2005, a very helpful source of information documenting, which enables the identification of the name, position, course, speed, draught and cargo of every ship of more than 300 gross tons sailing in the Baltic Sea. The valuation of oil spill damages is challenging because it attempts to estimate the harm from possible future oil spills, and because the harm depends largely on the conditions at the time of the spill. In addition, it might be difficult for people to perceive the probabilities and uncertainties related to oil spills and their impacts. Against this background it is of utmost importance to improve both the technical and the human aspects of ship operation.
  • Tolmatsova, Anastasia (2012)
    The role of wood-based bioenergy has improved over the past few years after the European Union’s climate and energy directive came into effect. The main aim of the policy is to substitute fossil fuel with biofuels aim-ing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy security and support the development of rural com-munities. To achieve this aim it is necessary to pursue more efficient energy use in living, construction and transport. Most of the EU countries have undertaken to participate in these actions by increasing the use of renewable energy such as wood-based bioenergy. Currently, wood-based bioenergy is highly supported with subsidies and other political decisions that act as the main market driver. Furthermore, the increasing prices of fossil fuels create favorable conditions for future bioenergy market developments. Nevertheless, the role of bioenergy is growing even though the market has its own challenges due to fluctuating forest industry cycles. To better understand the wood-based bioenergy market and its current situation, this Master’s thesis has ga-thered up-to-date information on three different market areas which will assist in finding potential delivery destinations within the Baltic Sea area for wood-based bioenergy produced in the Leningrad region. In addi-tion, this thesis introduces, on a broad scale, the central concepts of wood-based bioenergy and discusses the political drivers affecting bioenergy markets. The theoretical framework is mainly based on the Information Environment Model by Juslin and Hansen (2002), an instrument for investigating the bioenergy market from both macro and micro environment aspects, and on the Relationship Commitment and Trust theory by Morgan and Hunt (1994), which examines how relationships between buyers and sellers are established and discusses the role of two variables - trust and commitment. Both models were applied when collecting both the primary data from bioenergy customers through interviews and the secondary data from research articles, publications and Internet sources. The study also includes a discussion part as well as development proposals related to future customer relationship man-agement. Wood-based bioenergy is an important energy source fighting against climate change. However, to fulfill the targets set by the European Union and country-specific politics there is still a need for more opera-tors working in bioenergy field. Based on the results, it is necessary to support good communication, coopera-tion and trust between raw-material buyers and sellers in order to achieve functional raw-material exchange circumstances. The study is conducted as a qualitative research project.
  • Rytövuori, Suvi (2017)
    Phycobilins are the main light harvesting pigments in picocyanobacteria. Chlorophyll-a is the main photosynthetic pigment in cyanobacteria as in all phytoplankton. In cyanobacteria, most of chl-a is positioned within the non-fluorescing photosystem I (PSI). Cyanobacteria phycobiliproteins are the main photosynthetic pigments in photosystem II (PSII). Phycobilins fluorescence can be used to help assess the presence and monitoring of cyanobacteria. The fluorescence intensity depends on the examined cyanobacteria group, pigment concentration and phytoplankton growth phase. In this research I studied, using flow-through fluorometers, where the phycoerythrin (PE) fluorescence is originating from and its variation in the Baltic Sea. PE fluorescence signal measured with flow-through fluorometers was also compared with other optical measurements. This study was performed in summer 2016 as part of Alg@line and JERICO-Next projects. Flow-through fluorometers (TriOS and Chelsea) were installed to M/S Finnmaid ship, which trafficked regularly on its route Helsinki–Travemünde. The automated flow-through sensors onboard M/S Finnpartner collected continuous data during 25.5–31.8.2016. Along the route Travemünde-Helsinki, a refrigerated sampler collected water samples once a week from 3 stations. Water samples acted as a reference samples for PE fluorescence signal analysis. Water samples were separated by filtration into three size fractions (total < 2 µm, and < 0.2 µm) and an excitation-emission spectrum was measured. The number of picocyanobacteria/ml, their surface area/ml and biovolume/ml was calculated using epifluorescence microscope. The number of PE-containing picocyanobacteria cells/ml and size was determined by flow cytometer and number of larger PE-containing phytoplankton cells, their size and taxonomy was determined using FlowCam. Most of the PE-fluorescence measured during summer 2016 was originating from pico-fraction. There was not a clear connection between flow-through PE fluorometers and other optical measurements. PE signal originating from fluorometers did not correlate with total fluorescence signal measured with spectrofluorometer. A reason for this can be that the sample has suffered preservation and transport due to the elapsed time. Some of the optical measurements correlated well with each other, and some did not. Excitation-emission spectrum measured from pico-fraction correlated with picocyanobacteria surface area/ml calculated with epifluorescence microscope. This can be explained by the fact that picocyanobacteria pigments are mainly located in the cell membrane. Number of cells/ml calculated with flow cytometer was much lower than the number/ml calculated with epifluorescence microscope. Sample could have been too dense when multiple cells has been interpreted as one larger cell. The program used for the grouping of cells could have also left low PE fluorescence value containing cells without counts. PE fluorescence originating from over 2 µm size fraction measured with spectrofluorometer and fluorescence originating from over 3 µm fraction pictured with FlowCam was not observed similar incidence of various stations in the summer of 2016. PE fluorometers alone are not sufficient for monitoring picocyanobacteria cells containing phycoerythrin in the Baltic Sea but PE fluorometers can be used as support to other methods.
  • Nieminen, Iina (2015)
    The Baltic Sea is one of the most extensive oxygen-depleted (hypoxic) areas. The hypoxic areas in the Baltic Sea are becoming more common due to climate change and anthropogenic eutrophication. The influence of hypoxia on sediment communities is in general well known, but the impact of different degrees of hypoxic stress on the functions of benthic microbial communities is less studied. Although the impact of microbes on benthic ecosystem functioning can be significant, the changes caused by hypoxia disturbed microbial communities are not well known. These changes can affect other organisms and environment globally because microbes influence nutrient and element cycles. Also some microbial species produce toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in anaerobic conditions. This study investigated sandy sediments taken from the Baltic Sea whose organism communities were artificially disturbed by covering sediment plots with oxygen impermeable plastic sheets. Covering induced artificially hypoxia (< 2 ml O2 l-1) of different durations for 0, 3, 7 and 48 days. This thesis concentrated studying the bacterial communities of the disturbed sediments. Change in bacterial community was observed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (T-RFLP). The aim was find out how bacterial community composition and diversity changed in sediments influenced by increasing hypoxic disturbance. The conducted observations indicated how changes within the bacterial community can influence other organisms and environment. Results obtained by permutational ANOVA testing indicated that bacterial community composition, especially bacterial biodiversity, was influenced by artificially induced hypoxia lasting 48 days. A slight decrease in bacterial diversity was seen already after 7 days hypoxia. Overall bacterial community was more resistant to disturbance than animal fauna, which has been studied in parallel research (Villnäs ym. 2012). H2S-producing deltaproteobacteria (e.g. Desulfatiferula, Desulfovibrio and Desulfofustis) were observed in sediments which were disturbed the longest, which explains the H2S production detected in chemical data of the parallel study. This may have caused a decrease in macrofauna. Amounts of sulfate-reducing bacteria correlated with increases in ammonium and silicate, which may increase both eutrophication and anoxia in an aquatic system. Results indicated that bacterial community was disturbed due to increasing hypoxia, and changes in the bacterial community correlated with changes in chemical parameters. Observations suggest that changes in the composition of a bacterial community may influence an entire ecosystem. The composition of microbial communities should be taken into account when studying the impact of environmental disturbances on various ecosystems.
  • Pulkkinen, Essi (2019)
    The Baltic Sea is a geologically and biologically unique sea highly vulnerable to environmental hazards, and the most emphasized threat is the risk of oil spills. The microbiology of the Baltic Sea has not been extensively studied, and most studies have focused on bacteria, leaving archaea and fungi to less attention. In addition to the natural microbial communities of different parts of the Baltic Sea, the effects of diesel oil, and dispersants applied in case of an oil spill, on these microbial communities is yet to be elucidated. The focus of this Master’s thesis was to compare the bacterial, archaeal and fungal community compositions of the Baltic Sea surface water at three distinct locations; the open sea, a pristine archipelago, and putatively oil contaminated coastal water at an oil refinery. In addition, the short-term effects of diesel oil and dispersant on the three locations were studied during a 72-hour microcosm experiment. Next-generation Ion Torrent sequencing of bacterial V3–V4 and archaeal V4 regions of 16S rDNA and fungal ITS regions was used for a community composition analysis. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was applied to determine the changes in the copy numbers of bacterial 16S rRNA genes and two genes associated with microbial hydrocarbon degradation, i.e. ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (RHD) and alkane hydroxylases (AlkB). Based on the findings, the three sites under investigation harbored differing surface water microbiomes demonstrating differing responses to diesel and dispersant amendments, and furthermore, the results indicate that the putatively oil contaminated coastal site has higher natural petroleum hydrocarbon degradation potential compared to the pristine archipelago and especially the open sea. It is noteworthy, that over 90% of the fungal sequences from the open sea and the pristine archipelago, and over half of the fungal sequences from the putatively oil contaminated coastal site were unidentified even at phylum level. In addition, almost half of the archaeal sequences from the putatively oil contaminated site were unindentified. Assessing the petroleum hydrocarbon degradation potential of the indigenous microbiome in different parts of the Baltic Sea is of great importance, since the data can potentially be utilized when developing suitable biological oil spill response methods as well as predicting the rates of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in different parts of the Baltic Sea area.