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Browsing by Subject "Vaccinium macrocarpon"

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  • Lemmelä, Henriikka (2023)
    Efforts to cultivate American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) across Finland have not been successful. Even Helsinki is located north (60 ºN) as compared to the main production area of cranberry in North American (39-48 ºN), which causes challenges with cold and frost resistance, as well as with overwintering and low heat sum. Recent research has shown that cranberry could possibly survive in the conditions of Southern Finland. Low temperatures around 0 ℃ break endodormancy during winter. The aim of this research was to find out how growing site affects the dormancy release in four cranberry cultivars, and whether inadequate chilling causes ”umbrella bloom” growth, where the plant blooms but does not grow vegetatively. Samples were taken every fourth week during winter and the depth of dormancy was measured by observing the growth of terminal buds in a greenhouse. In addition, the effect of chilling temperature (-3, +2 and +7 ℃) and duration (8, 10 ja 12 wk) of chilling in controlled condition on the growth of terminal buds of cv. Pilgrim were studied. Under natural chilling conditions, the plants which had grown in a high tunnel during the growth season, needed more chilling units (CU) to achieve normal growth (2755 CU) than the open field growth plants (853-1525 CU). The chilling units accumulated every hour when T < +7 ℃. The amount of normally flowering terminal buds increased with increasing chilling duration. Same time, the amount of ”umbrella bloom” flowering decreased, which refers to the role of inadequate chilling in ”umbrella bloom” flowering. When the plants were chilled under controlled conditions (temperatures +7 ja +2 ℃), chilling units were accumulated more efficiently which caused dormancy release earlier than under natural conditions. Chilling under controlled conditions in temperature -3 ℃ is not recommended because the plants dried up too much. In conclusion, natural chilling in Helsinki (60 ºN) is sufficient for breaking dormancy in American cranberry. Recommendations for chilling cranberry under controlled conditions are in temperature of +2 ℃ for 10 weeks.
  • Simovaara, Susanna (2017)
    Domestic supply of cranberries in Finland does not meet demand, so the food industry buys cultivated cranberries from abroad. American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) is grown in North America in areas where generally 1800 to 2500 (base 5 °C) growing degree days (GDD) accumulate during the growing season. Cranberry cultivation has been tried in Finland for a few occasions. From the experiments it has been concluded that in Finland winter is too cold and the growing season is too short for the commercial cultivation of American cranberries. However, growing season can be extended, and the conditions of cultivation can be influenced using protective covers. For example, in high tunnels, more GDDs accumulate than under field conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of high tunnel on the growth, development and overwintering of seven V. macrocarpon cultivars in potted cultivation in Viikki (60 °N, 25 °E). More above-ground biomass was accumulated in high tunnel than under field conditions. In general, the runners (stolons) grew faster in the tunnel than in the field. Faster growth was explained mainly by the excess of 200 GDDs accumulated in the tunnel. However, not all cultivars responded similarly to high tunnel conditions. For example, 'Ben Lear' may have suffered from stress caused by the more fluctuating air temperature and consequent difficulties with the automated irrigation settings. Irrigation was adjusted by the needs of more high-growth ‘Howes’ and ‘Prolific’ cultivars. Interestingly, the root growth response to high tunnel treatment was highly different from the above-ground shoot growth. Except for ‘Prolific’, root growth was more extensive under field conditions. All plants overwintered in the open. A total of 95% of the plants survived the winter 2015/2016, although they suffered considerable damage. Only 33% of the terminal buds of uprights (vertical shoots) maintained their viability for regrowth in the spring. Last year's high tunnel treatment improved the winter hardiness of uprights. ‘Pilgrim’s' growth and development in the spring of 2016 were significantly faster than other cultivars. In addition, its yield potential was in a class of its own. When in average only 10% of the uprights had been induced for flowering, up to 81% of the ‘Pilgrim’ uprights were flowering. Yield results from this study should be regarded as indicative information only, as the perennial cranberry reaches its full yield potential only in later years. In 2016, only ‘Pilgrim’ had sufficient potential for harvest and yield analysis. 'Pilgrim' yielded an average of 275 g of berries per plant. Last year's high tunnel treatment increased berry yield significantly.
  • Kurunsaari, Jani (2022)
    Amerikankarpalo (Vaccinium macrocarpon) on hapan punainen marja, joka on kotoisin Pohjois-Amerikasta. Karpalon suosio on lisääntynyt viime aikoina sen tutkittujen terveysvaikutusten johdosta. Karpalon terveysvaikutukset ovat herättäneet halun viljellä niitä myös Suomessa. Suomen kasvukausi on kuitenkin lyhyt, eivätkä karpalot ehdi kypsyä täällä riittävästi. Siksi karpalon tunneliviljelyä on ryhdytty kokeilemaan. Tästäkin huolimatta marjat saatetaan joutua keräämään raakoina. Valon tiedetään vaikuttavan etyleenin ja antosyaanien muodostumiseen, joten karpaloiden jälkikypsytys valojen alla pitäisi olla mahdollista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten valospektrit vaikuttavat eri kypsyysasteissa kerättyjen amerikankarpaloiden etyleenin, antosyaanien ja värin muodostukseen. Amerikankarpalolajikkeen Pilgrim- marjoja kerättiin kolmella eri kypsyysasteella vihreinä, valkoisina ja punertuvina. Käsittelyinä käytettiin sinistä, punaista ja laajaa (AP673L Valoya) valospektriä. Kontrollina toimi pimeys. Jokainen kypsyysaste sai 0 vrk:n, 7 vrk:n ja 14 vrk:n käsittelyn. Käsittelyiden jälkeen karpaloista mitattiin etyleenin muodostumisnopeus, kokonaisantosyaanipitoisuus ja väri. Valokäsittelyllä, kypsyysasteella ja näiden yhdysvaikutuksella oli merkitsevä vaikutus karpalon etyleenin, värin ja antosyaanien muodostumiseen sadonkorjuun jälkeen. Erityisesti sininen valo vaikutti merkittävästi värin muodostumiseen vihreinä kerätyillä karpaloilla. Käsittelyiden väliset erot tasaantuivat valkoisina kerätyissä karpaloissa. Punertuvina kerätyissä karpaloissa värin muodostumisessa ei ollut eroja käsittelyiden välillä. Kaikki valokäsittelyt kiihdyttivät etyleenin muodostumista vihreinä kerätyissä karpaloissa. Valkoisina kerätyissä etyleeniä muodostui enää sinisen valon alla. Punertuvina kerätyissä karpaloissa etyleenin muodostumisessa ei ollut eroja käsittelyiden välillä. Antosyaaneja muodostui vihreinä ja valkoisina kerätyissä karpaloissa eniten sinisen valon alla. Punertuvina kerätyissä antosyaaneja kertyi eniten laajan spektrin alla. Tutkimus osoitti, että raakoina kerättyjä karpaloita voidaan kypsyttää valon avulla. Tämä saattaisi mahdollistaa karpaloiden kypsyttämisen varastoinnin aikana. Sinisen valon vaikutuksesta karpalon viljelyssä kannattaisi tehdä jatkotutkimuksia.