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Browsing by Subject "geeniekspressio"

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  • Jäppinen, Sanni (2013)
    Filamentous cyanobacteria taxa Nostocales and Stigonematales cells can differentiate into heterocysts nitrogen fixing cells when nitrogen is limiting the growth and into resting cells akinetes when nutrients decrease or the growth conditions become unfavorable for growth. Akinetes overwinter in the water sediments during the unfavorable growth time. When the growing condition improves akinetes germinate and can start a new cyanobacterial bloom. Akinete differentiation remains unclear. It is known from the literature that only a few akinete specific genes exist. First described akinete specific gene was avak. The morphological changes of akinete differentiation are known but the changes at molecular genetics level in regulation and differentiation remains unclear. The aim of this study was to design a method for akinete differentiation-related genes, avak, hepA and hap, for an Anabaena 1TU33s10 strain and to monitor the gene expression changes in a seven-week growth experiment. Primers for the differentiation related genes were designed based on the known whole genome sequence of the Anabaena 1TU3310 strain. In this study it was managed to design a quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, qRT-PCR method, based on the genes involved in the akinete differentiation process. It was observed that gene expression changed when akinetes began to differentiate into the filaments. In the growth experiment II avaK-gene expression was increased 2-fold between the 14. and 30. days, and hap-gene showed 1.5 fold growth between 14. and 30. days. The number of akinetes was also increasing at the same time. In the growth experiment I heap-gene showed 1-8 fold growth between the days 21. and 27. –30. days when the number of heterocysts were also increasing. The number of akinetes was relatively low compared to number of vegetative cells which also explains the small expression fold-differences in the cultures during the experiment time when compared to expression fold-differences described in the literature. Designed method can thus also detect minor changes in gene expression. The designed and built qRT-PCR method can be used in the future for monitoring gene expression changes also for new akinete specific genes, and the method can be further optimized for screening natural water samples.
  • Sorokina, Dina (2015)
    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are generally recognized as safe micro-organisms and used in food preservation and as health promoting probiotics. Beside lactic acid, LAB produce several antimicrobial compounds of which especially bacteriocins provide new potential applications for food and pharmaceutical industries. Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthetized proteins or peptides with antimicrobial activity usually against closely related species. Whole genome sequencing project of lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis N8 has revealed a new bacteriocin operon which consists of a bacteriocin gene and ABC transporter genes. Similar operon has been also found in several other L.lactis strains including IL1403. Peptides expressed by these bacteriocin genes belong to lactococcin 972 protein family according to their amino acid sequences. In this master’s thesis, these novel bacteriocin genes from L. lactis N8 and IL1403 were cloned into Escherichia coli with plasmid vectors. New bacteriocins were named encacin A and B. Strong inducible promoters were chosen to achieve high bacteriocin production. Encacins were expressed in cytosolic and periplasmic spaces to compare the effect of localization on antimicrobial activity of peptides. The prevalence of encacin genes among different L. lactis strains was also studied. Four of ten E. coli recombinant strains constructed during this study were shown to produce bacteriocins. Two of them, which produced encacins into periplasmic space, also appeared to be weakly active against L. lactis MG1614 strain. Therefore it seems that localization of encacins in E. coli bacterial cell has an impact on the bioactivity of peptides. Screening of bacteriocins genes showed that over 90 % of L. lactis stains bear encacin genes, from which encacin B is the more frequent form. More precise characterization of encacin genes and peptides may help to gain new information about qualities and mode of action of these novel potential bacteriocins.
  • Pietikäinen, Laura; Pietikäinen, Laura (2021)
    Fragaria x ananassa is a widely appreciated berry with its production growing all around the world. Thus, there will be a huge demand for strawberry breeding in the future especially since the climate change is casting an extra shadow upon the growing conditions which is also why there is a need for better understanding of different cultivar types. There are everbearing and seasonally flowering cultivars of both Fragaria x ananassa and Fragaria vesca. The seasonally flowering types such as ʻHapilʼ flower once during the growing season whereas everbearing types such as ʻCalypsoʼ flower for a longer period. The gene behind the change in the flowering habit has been tracked to the photoperiodic pathway of F. vesca although the gene behind the trait in F x ananassa remains unknown. The aim of this project was to compare flowering and vegetative responses of in vitro propagated everbearing F x ananassa cultivar ʻCalypsoʼ and seasonally flowering ʻHapilʼ in long and short day photoperiodic conditions in order to find out differences between everbearing and seasonally flowering cultivars. This was done by collecting data from phenotype observations linked to the vegetative and generative stages of the development of strawberries. The phenotype data was then combined with gene expression data of FaSOC1, FaTFL1, FaGA20ox4 and FaAP1 which are genes known to work on the photoperiodic pathway that regulates the switch between the vegetative and generative development of both F x ananassa and F. vesca. In addition, the expression of an everbearing phenotype associated gene FaFT2 was analysed. This study was a part of a larger project aimed to find out the genetic basis for the everbearing habit of F x ananassa. Part of the ʻCalypsoʼ plants were induced to flower already during the acclimatization period and the rest at the very beginning of the treatment period which then caused differential flowering times between the ʻCalypsoʼ groups. Short day grown ʻHapilʼ was induced to flower between weeks three and six whereas long day grown ʻHapilsʼ remained vegetative. Phenotypic observations were also backed up by the expression of FaTFL1 and FaAP1. Instead the FaSOC1 expression was repressed in short day conditions more than in the long days regardless of the cultivar type. ‘Calypsos’ were capable of producing runners regardless of photoperiod or flower induction. Consequently the runner production seemed to be regulated by factors outside of the photoperiodic pathway. However, the expression of runnering associated FaGA20ox4 was low and variable due to the sampling strategy. Interestingly most of the axillary meristems of short day grown ‘Hapils’ remained dormant for an unknown reason. Expression of FaFT2 was low on the apical meristems and further support for the role of the gene in everbearing phenotype was not found.
  • Risulainen, Netta (2018)
    Fossiilisilla polttoaineilla on nykyaikana edelleen suuri rooli energian ja kemiallisten yhdisteiden tuotannossa. Ilmastonmuutoksen, terveysriskien, ympäristön hyvinvoinnin ja geopoliittisten konfliktien takia on kuitenkin kehitettävä vaihtoehtoisia uusiutuvista materiaaleista tuotettuja biopolttoaineita. Yksi mahdollinen vaihtoehto on käyttää ravinnoksi kelpaamatonta kasvijäteperäistä lignoselluloosaa energian tuotantoon. Jotta lignoselluloosaa voitaisiin hyödyntää energian lähteenä, tarvitaan sitä hajottavia ja muokkaavia entsyymejä sekä yhdisteitä. Kääpäsienet pystyvät tuottamaan kyseisiä entsyymejä luonnostaan, mikä tekee niistä mielenkiintoisia tutkimuskohteita bioteknisiin sovelluksiin kuten biopolttoaineiden tuottoon tähtäävissä tutkimuksissa. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin kahden eri kääpäsienen, rusorypykän (valkolahottaja) ja kantokäävän (ruskolahottaja), sekä niiden yhdistelmäkasvatuksen kykyä tuottaa lignoselluloosaa hajottavia yhdisteitä, polysakkaridien hydrolysointikykyä sekä mahdollista sokerien fermentaatiota jätelignoselluloosamateriaalilla (hylsypahvi) semi-aerobisissa olosuhteissa kasvaessaan. Kolmea eri lignoselluloosan pääkomponenttia (selluloosaa, hemiselluloosaa ja ligniiniä) hajottavien entsyymien pitoisuudet määriteltiin spektrofotometrisesti viikoittain kuuden viikon kasvatuksen ajalta. Entsyymiaktiivisuuksien lisäksi lignoselluloosan rakenteeseen vaikuttavan oksaalihapon pitoisuus ja kasvuliemen pH-arvot määritettiin kasvatuksista. Sienten kykyä fermentoida vapautuneita sokereita etanoliksi tutkittiin määrittämällä hylsypahvimateriaalista vapautuneiden sokerien ja tuotetun etanolin pitoisuudet. Geenien ilmentymistä rusorypykän kasvaessa hylsypahvimateriaalilla tutkittiin RT-qPCR–analyysillä, johon valittiin kaksitoista lignoselluloosan hajotukseen/muokkaukseen osallistuvaa geeniä rusorypykän genomista. Näiden geenien suhteelliset ilmentymistasot hylsypahvikasvatuksissa verrattuna vertailukasvatuksiin (glukoosialusta) määritettiin viikon kaksi aikapisteestä. Rusorypykkä tuotti yksin kasvaessaan korkeimmat oksidoreduktaasi sekä β-glukosidaasi-aktiivisuudet. Kantokääpä tuotti hyvin alhaisia entsyymiaktiivisuuksia verrattuna valkolahottavaan rusorypykkään. Molempien kääpäsienten yhdistelmäkasvatuksessa oksidoreduktaasiaktiivisuudet jäivät alhaisiksi, mutta ksylanaasiaktiivisuudet nousivat tasaisesti korkeisiin pitoisuuksiin. Kaikissa kasvatuksissa, lukuun ottamatta kantokäävän hylsypahvikasvatusta, havaittiin oksaalihapon tuottoa ja siitä johtuvaa pH:n madaltumista. Rusorypykkä tuotti hylsypahvimateriaalista vapautuneista sokereista etanolia toisella viikolla yksin kasvaessaan sekä yhdistelmäkasvatuksessa. Rusorypykän puumateriaalin hajotukseen osallistuvat geenit ilmentyivät kierrätysperäisellä lignoselluloosa-alustalla semi-aerobisissa ilmakehäolosuhteissa. Selluloosaa ja hemiselluloosaa hajottavia entsyymejä koodaavat geenit olivat merkitsevästi up-reguloituja hylsypahvialustalla glukoosialustaan verrattuna. Ligniinin muokkaukseen osallistuvien geenien säätelyssä oli enemmän vaihtelua. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että sekä rusorypykkä, että kantokääpä pystyvät kasvamaan lignoselluloosapohjaisella jätemateriaalilla ja tuottamaan kyseistä materiaalia hajottavia entsyymejä sekä muita yhdisteitä, joilla voidaan muokata erittäin kestävää ja näin ollen ongelmallista lignoselluloosamateriaalia. Valkolahottavan rusorypykän avulla on mahdollista hydrolysoida jätemateriaalia sekä fermentoida irronneita sokereita edelleen etanoliksi samassa prosessissa.