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Browsing by Subject "kalibrointi"

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  • Jokiniemi, Juha (2022)
    Dronejen käyttö on lisääntynyt voimakkaasti viimeisten vuosien aikana. Ensimmäiset dronet on kehitetty jo 1900-luvun alussa. Myös lämpökameroita on käytetty jo useamman vuosikymmenen ajan. Näiden yhteiskäyttö on yleistynyt 2010-luvun aikana. Dronen ja lämpökameran avulla on tutkittu erityisesti kasvien lämpöstressiä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia käyttömahdollisuuksia droneen kiinnitetyllä lämpökameralla on ja ovatko kameran antamat tulokset riittävän tarkkoja esimerkiksi täsmäviljelyssä hyödyntämiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin kuvausprosessin käyttökelpoisuutta ja lämpökameran kalibrointia. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin lämpökameran rinnalla kolmea muuta eri lämpötilan mittausmenetelmää. Tutkimus suoritettiin Helsingin yliopiston Viikin tutkimustilalla. Kuvattavana kohteina olivat nurmi, jonka kasvuaste oli Zadoksin (BBCH) asteikolla 12–13, edellisenä syksynä kultivoitu maa sekä kynnetty maa. Tutkimuksessa oli käytössä itserakennettu drone (Tarot Ironman:n runko) sekä Flir Duo Pro R -lämpökamera. Tutkimus suoritettiin touko-kesäkuussa 2022. Lämpökuvien käsittely tehtiin Pix4D ja Matlab-ohjelmilla. Lämpökameralla saatiin kuvattua kaikki peltolohkot. Jokaisesta koelohkosta mitattiin vertailulämpötilat, jotta voitiin tutkia ilmasta otetun kuvan paikkaansa pitävyyttä. Kontrollipisteet mitattiin GCP-pisteiden (Ground Control Point) läheisyydestä kolmen metrin etäisyydeltä merkkitolpasta. Dronella otettujen lämpökuvien ja Ahlbornin mittarin tulosten välinen korrelaatiokerroin oli 0,67; joka on kohtalaisen korkea. Flir-käsilämpökameran ja dronella otettujen lämpökuvien välinen korrelaatio ei osoittautunut tilastollisesti merkitseväksi. Tähän vaikutti luultavasti Flir-käsilämpökameralla otettujen mittauspisteiden epätarkkuus kunnollisen kuvaustelineen puuttuessa. Maaperäskannerin tuottaman lämpökartan ja dronella otettujen lämpökuvien välinen korrelaatio oli -0,11. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös kameran kulma-anturissa olevan jotain häiriötä, koska kaikki sen ottamat kuvat olivat virtuaalisella karttatasolla 90 astetta väärässä kulmassa. Tämä saatiin korjattua kuvankäsittelyohjelmalla. Dronen lämpökameran kalibrointi todettiin riittäväksi tutkimuksen olosuhteissa. Droneen kiinnitetty lämpökamera on riittävän tarkka mitattaessa lämpötiloja ilmasta, jos olosuhteet ovat kameralle oikeat. Tulevia kuvauksia varten kasvustoon tulisi saada lisää kiintopisteitä, jotta analysointiohjelma saisi muodostettua kohdealueelta luotettavan lämpökuvan. Myös säähän olisi kiinnitettävä huomiota, sillä vähäinenkin pilvisyys vaikuttaa lopputulokseen kameran ominaisuuksista johtuen. Myös maasta mitattujen kontrollipisteiden tarkkuuteen tulisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota, sillä niillä on suuri vaikutus tuloksiin, koska maan lämpötila voi vaihdella hyvin pienenkin alueen sisällä. Tässäkin tutkimuksessa vierekkäisten mittauspisteiden välillä oli jopa useiden asteiden lämpötilaeroja.
  • Uotila, Johannes (2023)
    Uneven aged forest management was allowed in the Finnish forestry law in 2014 and after that continuous cover management was added to the Finnish forest management recommendations. After the amendment, the popularity of uneven aged forest management has increased and changed the development of forest structures and silviculture. The changing climate has also effect on forest growth reactions. Because of this, previously created forest development models are not as useful as before in itself. Statistical models describing development of a stand give unbiased estimates if tree growth reactions differ from growth reactions of model fitting data. In general, it is also important to examine the goodness and functionality of the model outside of the model fitting data, to gain additional information about the reliability and suitability of the model. At the same time, reliability of decisions based on model estimates also improves. Aim of the study is to examine differences in the five-year growth estimates of the tree diameter model between two National Forest Inventory periods (NFI10-11 and NFI11-12). The aim is also to examine whether topography variables would explain residual variation of the model. In addition, the model has been tried to calibrate in a plot level with topography variables that have effects on the residual variation. The study dataset consisted of 299 permanent plots measured in the 10th, 11th, and 12th National Forest Inventories in Central Finland. Digital elevation model was acquired from open sources from National Land Survey of Finland. Statistical measures and graphical review were used in the model goodness of fit analysis. Calibration was based on linear variance component analysis where the logarithmic prediction error of the diameter growth model was estimated by topography variables. No significant differences were noticed in the model estimates between different time periods, i.e., the model worked well outside of the model fitting data in the NFI11-12 period. The model diameter growth estimates were higher than the measured diameter growths in all situations and in both periods. Bias was 13,5 % lower in the NFI11-12 period than in the NFI10-11 period, when the entire dataset was examined. No significant differences between periods were observed in the accuracy of the model estimates in different classes (species, habitat type, tree class etc.) The model estimates were the most accurate in pine dominated xeric heath forests. The bias increased when the model was used in more spruce dominated and nutritious stand. There was no unambiguous connection between topography variables and unexplained residual variation of the model. Model calibration based on topography variables reduced plot-specific bias when calibration dataset included at least one measured diameter of a tree from 20 plots and only trees belonging to the dataset were calibrated. Success of the calibration was due to the addition of terrain truth to the analysis. According to the results, the diameter growth model can be applied to all structured stands outside of the model fitting data. However, temporal, and geographical limitations of the dataset of the thesis must be considered when the model is used outside of the model fitting data. The differences between periods in the accuracies of the model estimates weren’t significant in terms of practical application of the model. No new information was obtained on the factors affecting the residual variation of the model. Some topography variables other than those used in the thesis may have an effect on the residual variation of the model. The topography variables worked well in the prediction error-based calibration of the model. Calibration can be used to get more accurate diameter growth estimates, which lead to a more reliable simulation scenario of the future development of the forest.
  • Jaakkola, Sauli (2013)
    Assessing and avoiding environmental impact of agriculture and forestry has become more and more important during recent years. In Finland, half of the phosphorus load and nearly 40 % of the nitrogen load in the water system is caused by agriculture and forestry. Traditionally water quality monitoring has been carried out with manual water sampling and laboratory analyses. The problem with manual sampling is low amount of samples. Continuously working water quality sensors have been used for a relatively short time, which is why continuous water quality monitoring needs more research. The objective of the study is to clarify the feasibility of optical sensors in monitoring water quality and nutrient loading in an agricultural and forest management area. The study was carried out in three monitoring stations of the Savijoki catchment in Southwest Finland. Two of the stations were identically equipped and were located in forested subcatchments. A third station was located at the Savijoki catchment discharge point, making it possible to study how sensors work in different water qualities. According to the study, monitoring with continuously working sensors will result in more accurate nutrient loading estimates. With sensors used in the study it is also possible to draw conclusions about dynamics between run-off and nutrient concentrations in water. A prerequisite for successful monitoring is utilizing the appropriate sensors in the correct location. For example, low nitrate levels in water in forested areas have to be taken into consideration when choosing sensors. During the monitoring it is important to actively keep track of the quality of data and to check that sensors are working properly. Water quality sensors always need good calibration and control water samples from the entire concentration range. Sensors also have to be equipped with an automatic cleaning mechanism.