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Browsing by Subject "naudanlihantuotanto"

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  • Nurmi, Elina (2015)
    Agriculture and other human activity has considerably affected the nitrogen cycle, which initially doubled the amount of nitrogen on the planet. The most well-known consequence of this phenomenon is eutrophication. The objective of this thesis was to study nutrient balances and their usefulness in evaluating the nitrogen usage in beef cattle farms, the nitrogen load and nitrogen use efficiency in those farms as well as how well the farms utilize their inputs. This study based on three organic beef cattle farms which took part in BERAS Implementation –project in 2010-2013. All farms specialized in suckler cow production. The data was collected in July-August 2013 when the farmers were interviewed about their inputs and outputs during the years 2010-2012. On the basis of this information different type of nitrogen balances were calculated. The farm gate nitrogen balances were 27, 36 and 70 kg/ha. Except for the last one, the feed self-sufficiency of the farms was very high, more than 90 %. The farm with the largest nitrogen surplus utilized a considerable amount of input from outside the farm which reflected in low feed self-sufficiency (64 %). The other two with smaller surpluses received excellent primary nutrient ratios (1,38 and 1,40) which indicates active nutrient recycling. However, despite of these results, it is important to remember that nutrient balances should be viewed with a critical eye. The uncertainties primarily concern the amount of biologically fixated nitrogen and the amount of yields of cultivated plants. These variables were taken into consideration in sensitivity analysis. Instead of nutrient balances, it would more useful to draw attention to other indicators such as feed self-sufficiency or animal unit density when evaluating nitrogen load of farms. The efficiency of beef cattle production depends also on how the production is actually implemented. It is especially important to acknowledge the importance of feeding and manure handling. The feed conversion ratio is always low in beef production since it is less than 10 %. Nevertheless, there are other benefits in cattle breeding such as utilization of natural pastures and cultivation of perennial grasses which not only are excellent for soil fertility, but also decrease nutrient leaching.
  • Kontkanen, Tiina (2014)
    The present experiment was conducted to study feed intake, growth and carcass characteristics of growing dairy bulls offered diets based on whole-crop barley silage with or without protein supplementation relative to a grass silage-based diet. A feeding experiment was conducted in the experimental barn of MTT Agrifood Research Finland in Ruukki starting in January 2012 and ending in February 2013. Four feeding treatments comprised in 28 Finnish Ayrshire and 8 Holstein bulls. The bulls were fed a total mixed ration (TMR) ad libitum. For feeding groups 1 – 3 TMR included whole-crop barley silage [600 g/kg dry matter (DM)] and rolled barley (400 g/kg DM). The bulls in group 1 (KV) were fed without protein supplementation. Group 2 (KVR) got rapeseed-based concentrate 620 g/animal/d. Group 3 (KVRU) got rapeseed plus urea –based concentrate 480 g/animal/d. Group 4 (N) were fed a TMR which included grass silage (600 g/kg DM) and rolled barley (400 g/kg DM) but no protein supplementation. In order that concentrate proportions were same in all treatments, groups 1 and 4 got in addition 500 g rolled barley/animal/d. Protein supplementation in KVR and KVRU treatments was balanced so that the total amount of the crude protein in the diet was equal in both treatments, and the protein balance in the rumen fulfilled the Finnish recommendation which is above -10 g/kg DM for growing cattle above 200 kg live weight. The whole-crop barley silage and grass silage used in the present experiment included 623 and 678 g digestible organic matter in kg DM, respectively. The data were subjected to analysis of variance using the SAS MIXED procedure. Differences between the dietary treatments were tested using three orthogonal contrasts: 1) N vs. others, 2) KV vs. KVR + KVRU, and 3) KVR vs. KVRU. The bulls were fed the experimental diets from 217 days of age to slaughter at 562 days of age. There were no significant differences in the total DM intake (kg DM/d) between treatments. Due to higher energy intake, the live weight gain g/d and carcass gain g/d of the bulls were faster in the N diet compared to the whole-crop diets (p<0,07 and p<0,03). Protein supplementation had no effects on growth performance among the whole-crop treatments even though in the KV diet PBV was below the Finnish recommendation. Treatments had no significant effect on the dressing proportion but the carcass conformation score and fat score of the N bulls were higher (p<0,06 and p<0,003) compared to the whole-crop bulls. There were no differences in the carcass traits among the whole-crop barley diets. The feed conversion rate (DM intake kg/live weight or carcass gain) of the bulls was better in the N diet than in the whole-crop diets, but protein supplementation had no effects on feed conversion rates. It can be concluded that replacing well digestible grass silage with whole-crop barley silage decreased the carcass gain of the bulls due to lower energy intake and poorer feed conversion rate. However, the fairly high carcass gain (618 g/d) of the wholecrop bulls indicates that grass silage could be totally replaced by whole-crop barley in the diet of dairy bulls. Protein supplementation had no effects on animal performance among the whole-crop treatments even though in the KV diet PBV was below the Finnish recommendation. This indicates that recommended PBV for growing cattle above 200 kg live weight could even be reduced without adverse effects on gain.
  • Hietala, Pauliina (2012)
    The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the possibilities to reduce enteric methane emissions from beef cattle by selection for residual feed intake. A Finnish Hereford population was used to model selection for residual feed intake by incorporating residual feed intake into the current breeding objective of beef cattle. The breeding structure of the population was modelled using the computer program ZPLAN. The data used to estimate the reduction in methane emissions from beef cattle was based on the Finnish nutrient requirements and the growth experiment of beef cattle. In the traits included in the breeding objective the achieved annual genetic gain was the highest in weaning weight and yearling weight. The annual genetic gain in the residual feed intake of young cattle and mature cows, which were selected indirectly through the residual feed intake of a post-weaning test, was relatively low. The annual genetic gain was undesirable in mothering ability and birth weight. The estimated enteric methane production was 4.93 tons per year for a herd of 35 cows. The annual reduction in enteric methane emissions due to genetic improvement in residual feed intake was 10.24 kg per a herd of 35 cows. A single round of selection reduced the methane production per a herd of 35 cows by 192.96 kg over a 25-year period. A single round of selection had no significant effect on the enteric methane emissions from beef cattle over a 25-year period. However, with continuous selection for residual feed intake, the annual reduction in methane emissions from beef cattle is cumulative. Therefore, considering long term selection for residual feed intake, it might be possible to achieve significant reduction in methane emissions. In the future, selecting residual feed intake in beef cattle might have an even more important role in improving the environmental efficiency of Finnish beef production assuming that the beef production based on suckler cows will increase.
  • Hakala, Tuuli (2019)
    Efforts must be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from dairy and beef production in order to curb climate change. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of milk yield, longevity, fertility and live weight of dairy cows, calf mortality and feeding of dairy cows on greenhouse gas emissions of dairy and beef production. The analysis was carried out by production systems and by the total bovine sector, with total annual milk and beef production in each scenario being constant. The research method used was the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) developed by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Calculations were made using the GLEAM-i -tool. The results showed that greenhouse gas emissions from milk production fell as average milk yield increased, cow longevity improved and live weight decreased. Decreased calf mortality or improved fertility of dairy herds did not affect milk output. The focus of beef production varied between the milk system and suckler cow production in the scenarios, which also led to a shift of greenhouse gas emissions from one system to another. Total bovine sector emissions decreased as average milk yields increased, cow fertility improved, calf mortality decreased and dairy cows live weight decreased. Increasing the proportion of concentraits in dairy cattle feeding reduced the greenhouse gas emissions of milk. Regarding feeding results, it should be noted that the calculation does not include land use change or carbon capture in feed production. Based on this study, it is possible to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of Finnish milk production and the main breeding goals of dairy cattle support the promotion of climate efficiency. The live weight of dairy cows should possibly be limited. However, the interconnectedness of milk and beef production should be taken into account and the changes in emissions in dairy and beef cattle should be monitored simultaneously.
  • Mustakallio, Laura (2023)
    Tutkimus tehtiin toimeksiantona A-Tuottajat Oy:lle. Tavoitteena oli tarkastella Atrialla vuosina 2017–2020 teurastettujen sonnien teuraspainojen vaihtelua sekä selvittää teuraspainoon ja tilakohtaiseen teuraspainon hajontaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Toimeksiannon taustalla oli teuraspainojen osittain ongelmallinen nousu ja toukokuussa 2021 voimaan tullut kärkipainohinnoittelumalli, joka erosi entisestä, mahdollisimman suuria teuraspainoja suosineesta hinnoittelumallista. Täten haluttiin myös selvittää, miten tutkimusaineisto asettui uuteen hinnoittelumalliin. Tutkimukseen rajattiin tilat, jotka olivat myyneet Atrialle vähintään 400 sonnia tarkasteluajanjakson aikana. Teuraspainoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä analysoitiin kaksitasoisen monitasomallin avulla, jossa ensimmäisellä tasolla oli sonni ja toisella tasolla loppukasvatustila. Tilakohtaiseen teuraspainojen hajontaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä selvitettiin teuraspainon variaatiokerrointa selittävän lineaarisen regressiomallin avulla. Sonnien asettumista painohinnoittelumalliin testattiin sekä koko aineistosta että neljän esimerkkitilan avulla. Esimerkkitilat valittiin satunnaisesti neljästä eri luokasta, joiden teuraspainojen hajonnat erosivat toisistaan. Teuraspainoon vaikuttavia sonnikohtaisia tekijöitä todettiin olevan teurasikä, ensimmäinen välityspaino sekä teuraspäiväkasvu. Kunkin tekijän vaikutus teuraspainoon oli positiivinen. Lisäksi aineiston sonnit jaettiin kolmeen luokkaan ja todettiin välikasvatettujen sekä suoraan maitotiloilta alle 90 päivän ikäisenä välitettyjen sonnien teuraspainojen olleen korkeampia kuin muiden sonnien. Tilatason analyysin perusteella teuraspainot näyttivät kasvavan, kun risteytysten sekä terni- ja puntarivasikoiden osuus tilan sonneista kasvoi. Tilan sisäistä teuraspainojen hajontaa näytti lisäävän tilan koon kasvaminen sekä loppukasvatusajan piteneminen. Tilan keskimääräisen päiväkasvun noustessa teuraspainohajonta väheni. 56 % aineiston sonneista asettui toukokuun 2021 hinnaston kärkipainoluokkaan. Neljän esimerkkitilan lihatuotto olisi ollut tuhansia euroja suurempi neljän vuoden tarkasteluajanjaksolla, jos kaikki sonnit olisivat osuneet kärkipainoluokkaan. Naudanlihantuotannon heikon kannattavuuden vuoksi kärkipainon tavoittelun tärkeys on korostunut.