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Browsing by Subject "palkokasvi"

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  • Mäkelä, Noora (2012)
    Folate is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to the vitamin B group. The most important function of folate is to participate in C1 metabolism, and folate deficiency can lead to megaloblastic anaemia, neural-tube defects or coronary diseases. In Finland the folate fortification of food products is not mandatory and the intake of folate is still too low. Based on previous studies, blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seems to be a good source of folate, especially the Haags Blaue variety, which has shown to be suitable for cultivation under Finnish environmental conditions. The aim of this research was to study if the folate concentration of blue lupin could be increased with germination and fermentation. In addition, the purpose was to examine how these bioprocessing methods would affect vitamer distribution of folates. Three germination experiments were performed, two with seeds that were soaked overnight in water and one with seeds that were soaked in lactic acid solution. The duration was four or five days and the samples were collected daily. The fermentation experiment was performed with kernel flour from non-germinated seeds and kernel flour from seeds that were germinated for two days. The synthesis of folate was studied using two microbes: Streptococcus thermophilus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The fermentation with S. cerevisiae yeast was made both with and without glucose addition. Samples were taken at 0 and 24 h. Total folate concentrations of samples were analysed with a microbiological method and the vitamers were analysed with an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography method (UPLC). The folate concentration of seeds increased 2-fold by germination. The proportion of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate increased significantly during germination, from 60 % in nongerminated kernel flour to 77–88 % in germinated dehulled seeds. S. thermophilus did not produce folates in lupin flours. The folate content of non-germinated flour was increased 1.8-fold by yeast fermentation between 0 and 24 h, and yeast needed the glucose addition. However, glucose addition did not have an impact on folate concentrations of kernel flour from germinated seeds. Germination significantly increased the folate content of lupin seeds, and the greatest proportion of folates were stable vitamers. Stability of vitamers is important for the folates of food products thus germination of lupin seeds appears to be an interesting processing method. On the basis of the fermentation experiment, S. cerevisiae is a promising folate producing microbe when using lupin flour as a matrix. The fermentation experiment should still be repeated and performed using sterilised flour so that the actual production of folate by S. cerevisiae could be studied.
  • Lötjönen, Sanna (2013)
    The aim of this study was to find out how crop rotations with legumes in comparison to monocultures affect nutrient runoff from cultivation and profitability. We looked at five period monocultures of wheat, barley and oats. In the rotations considered two periods were replaced by red clover-grass or pea-horse bean mixtures. Results from rotations were compared with the ones from monocultures. Rotations were studied in private and social optimum and the case of common agricultural policy. According to the results it is possible to reduce nitrogen runoff with the use of legumes in crop rotations. Reductions were achieved by two means: lower average nitrogen runoff of legumes and residual effect from biologically fixed nitrogen which allows reducing fertilization in the next period. The average reductions in nitrogen runoff were higher in rotations based on pea-horse bean due to its lower optimal fertilization rate compared to red clover-grass. However, average per grain runoff was reduced more with red clover-grass due to its greater residual effect. Average nitrogen runoff was reduced in all cases expect for red clovergrass based rotations in social optimum where the variation in buffer strips made the difference. Private and social profitability were the highest for red clover-grass and adding it to grain monocultures increased both private and social profits. If the demand as fodder was too low cultivation of red clover-grass was unprofitable. Pea-horse bean had the lowest profitability and adding it to grain monocultures reduced profits.
  • Mäkinen, Aapo (2024)
    Kasvisruuan käyttöä tulisi lisätä sekä terveyden että ympäristön kannalta. Palkokasvit, kuten härkäpapu, sisältävät paljon proteiinia ja ravintokuitua, minkä vuoksi ne soveltuvat hyvin eri elintarvikeprosesseihin. Härkäpavusta on tehty vain vähän kuluttajatutkimuksia, ja sen hyväksyttävyyttä tulisikin tutkia kuluttajilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia härkäpapujauhojen, kahden eri härkäpapuproteiinikonsentraatin ja härkäpapuproteiini-isolaatin miellyttävyyttä, käyttöhalukkuutta ja aistittavia ominaisuuksia kuluttajilla ja vertailla kuluttajien taustojen sekä asenteiden vaikutusta näytteiden aistimiseen. Kuluttajatutkimukseen osallistui 264 henkilöä. Osallistujien asenteita kasvisruokaa, kestävyyttä ja ruuanvalintaa kohtaan kartoitettiin erilaisten kyselyiden avulla, ja heiltä kysyttiin sosiodemografisia tietoja. Osallistujat olivat keski-iältään varsin nuoria, ja keskimäärin tärkeimmät ruuanvalintaperusteet olivat aistinvarainen miellyttävyys ja terveellisyys. Härkäpapunäytteistä härkäpapujauhot olivat hajultaan miellyttävimpiä ja proteiini-isolaatti epämiellyttävin. Härkäpapujauhot ja -proteiini-isolaatti olivat maultaan ja kokonaisuudeltaan miellyttävimmät sekä käyttöhalukkuudeltaan parhaimmat. Silti nämäkin näytteet oli koettu keskimäärin hieman epämiellyttäviksi. Esimerkiksi kansalaisuudella oli vaikutusta näytteiden aistimiseen, sillä suomalaiset arvioivat toisen proteiinikonsentraatin maultaan ja kokonaisuudeltaan miellyttävämmäksi, mutta muiden maiden kansalaiset arvioivat pääosin näytteiden käyttöhalukkuudet korkeammiksi. Proteiinikonsentraatit aistittiin keskimäärin melko karvaina, ja ne olivat myös astringoivimmat näytteet. Härkäpapujauhot koettiin näytteistä makeimpana. Innokkuus kokeilla kasviproteiineja korreloi pääosin positiivisesti näytteiden miellyttävyyksien kanssa, mutta esimerkiksi kestävyyden tärkeydellä, kuluttajan iällä tai ruokavaliolla ei ollut juurikaan vaikutusta näytteiden kokemiseen.