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  • Jääskeläinen, Susanna (2016)
    The cold storage, utilized to increase the shelf life of raw milk, favors the growth of psychrotrophic bacteria. Psychrotrophs are considered as problematic because they produce heat-stable spoilage enzymes. In addition, some pathogenic bacteria are capable of growing at cold storage temperatures and it has been observed in previous studies that the psychrotrophs in raw milk can be resistant to several antibiotics. In the literature review section of this study, the microbial composition of raw milk and the effect of cold storage, nitrogen gas (N2) treatment and activation of the lactoperoxidase system (LPS) on the raw milk bacteria was reviewed; moreover, the evolution, spread and mechanisms of bacterial antibiotic resistance and the antibiotic resistance on dairy farms and of raw milk bacteria was reviewed. Also the methods to study raw milk bacteria and their antibiotic resistance were documented. The aim of the experimental part was to study the effects of cold storage, N2 gas treatment and LPS treatment on the levels of antibiotic resistant bacteria in raw milk. Untreated, N2-treated and LPS-treated raw milk samples were stored at 6 °C and the counts of bacteria resistant to gentamicin, ceftatzidime, levofloxacin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were determined in the beginning of the experiments and after three and seven days of cold storage. The antibiotic resistance and spoilage features of bacterial isolates selected from different plates were compared. In addition, DNA fingerprints of selected isolates were obtained by rep-PCR method and for a couple of isolates 16S rRNA gene partial sequencing was performed. The presence of certain antibiotic resistance genes for the isolates partially identified was investigated using a PCR-based method. The length of cold storage affected the proportions of antibiotic resistant bacteria in raw milk. The proportions of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the control milk sample were generally, with the exception of TS-resistant bacteria in some cases, at their lowest after seven days of cold storage when the milk was, though, microbiologically unacceptable. There was a lot of variation in the prevalence of bacterial antibiotic resistance between the milk samples treated differently. The proportions of resistant bacteria were on average clearly higher in LPS samples than in control samples, whereas the effect of the N2 treatment on the proportions of resistant bacteria varied between the experiments. The bacterial isolates resistant to all the considered antibiotics produced less frequently protease and phospholipase than the isolates resistant to fewer antibiotics. The isolates from LPS samples were more frequently resistant to all the antibiotics studied and produced less frequently protease and phospholipase than the isolates from control and N2-treated samples. On the basis of the rep-PCR fingerprints, there were both similar and different strains among the bacterial isolates. Based on the 16S rRNA partial gene sequence, two isolates were identified as Pseudomonas spp. and two isolates as Stenotrophomonas spp. The targeted antibiotic resistance genes were not detected among the considered isolates. Possible reasons can be variations in the gene sequences, suboptimal PCR conditions or that the isolates lacked the genes studied. A PCR product was obtained for one Pseudomonas isolate using mexA-F/R primers, but according to the database the gene sequence did not show homology with antibiotic resistance genes. Further analyses would be required to confirm if the gene studied is linked to antibiotic resistance.
  • Lindholm, Johanna (2018)
    Raakamaidon kylmäsäilytys suosii psykrotrofisten pilaajabakteerien kasvua. Raakamaidosta eristetyillä psykrotrofisilla pilaajabakteereilla on havaittu olevan sekä antibioottiresistenssi- että hemolyysiominaisuuksia. Tutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsiteltiin raakamaidon mikrobistoa ja psykrotrofisia bakteereja. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin myös bakteerien antibioottiresistenssiä, antibioottiresistenssin mekanismeja, antibioottiresistenssin leviämistä elintarvikeketjun välityksellä, lehmän raakamaidon bakteerien antibioottiresistenssiä ja bakteerien hemolyyttisiä ominaisuuksia. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsiteltiin lisäksi raakamaidon bakteerien antibioottiresistenssin määrittämistä ja Pseudomonas-suvun bakteerien tunnistamista eri tutkimusmenetelmillä. Kokeellisen osuuden tavoitteena oli tutkia lehmän raakamaidosta eristettyjen psykrotrofisten bakteeri-isolaattien hemolyyttisiä ominaisuuksia kahdella menetelmällä: verimaljaviljelyllä ja WLA-testillä. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia myös isolaattien antibioottiresistenssiä ATB VET-testillä sekä määrittää isolaattien antibioottiherkkyyttä (MIC-arvot) Etest-, HiComb- ja Biolog PM12-testeillä. Tämän lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia isolaattien genomien sormenjälkiä rep-PCR-analyysin perusteella ja tunnistaa tutkitut isolaatit rpoB-geenianalyysin perusteella. Lähes puolet tutkituista raakamaidosta eristetyistä psykrotrofisista bakteeri-isolaateista (30) olivat hemolyyttisiä. Viisi isolaattia reagoivat WLA-testissä positiivisesti. Seitsemän isolaattia olivat multiresistenttejä antibiooteille ATB VET-testien perusteella. Kuitenkin suurin osa isolaateista olivat herkkiä levofloksasiinille ja gentamysiinille, mutta kohtalaisen resistenttejä kefotaksiimille ja trimetopriimi-sulfametoksatsolille MIC-määritysten perusteella. MIC-määritysten tulosten luotettavuuden varmistamiseksi tulisi tehdä rinnakkaismäärityksiä samalla menetelmällä. Kaksi tutkittua isolaattia olivat resistenttejä lähes kaikille tutkituille antibiooteille Biolog-testien perusteella. Rep-PCR-analyysin perusteella isolaatit olivat geneettisesti hyvin monimuotoisia ja isolaattien joukossa oli useita bakteerityyppejä. Suurin osa isolaateista tunnistettiin Pseudomonas fluorescens-bakteerilajiksi analysoidun rpoB-geenisekvenssin perusteella. Yksi isolaateista tunnistettiin Pseudomonas fluorescens- tai Pseudomonas trivialis-lajiksi. Yksi isolaatti tunnistettiin patogeeniseksi Stenotrophomonas maltophilia-lajiksi. Tulosten perusteella rpoB-geenin sekvensointi soveltui hyvin Pseudomonas-suvun bakteerien tunnistamiseen lajitasolla.
  • SIhvola, Jenni (2022)
    Propionibacterium freudenreichii is a known as secondary ripening culture that occurs spontaneously in small amounts in raw milk. Contamination of raw milk with P. freudenreichii and other microbes can occur during milking, transporting and processing, either from the air or through surfaces. Microbes that spontaneously end up in raw milk survive on heat treatments that are milder than pasteurization, which makes the microbiome of raw milk cheeses more diverse than cheeses made from pasteurized milk, where a higher heating temperature inactivates enzymes and kills microbes. During the ripening of the cheese, a lot of changes occur in the microbiome. The aim of this master thesis was to discover the presence and number of lactic acid bacteria and propionic bacteria in raw milk cheeses by culturing samples in different culture media, and to identify P. freudenreichii by using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method and P. freudenreichii -specific primers. In addition, selected P. freudenreichii strains were tested for their ability to produce vitamin B12 by liquid chromatography and the effects of different NaCl concentrations on the growth of P. freudenreichii isolates were investigated. There were differences in the number bacterial colony forming units of the cheeses. Of the selected catalase-positive isolates resembling P. freudenreichii isolates morphologically, 65% were identified as P. freudenreichii strains by PCR. Most strains of P. freudenreichii were identified from isolates of Vorarlberger Bergkäs and Liechtensteiner cheese samples (92–94%). The least strains of P. freudenreichii were identified from isolates of Tete de Moine cheese samples (25%). Possibly Vorarlberger Bergkäs and Liechtensteiner cheeses had more P. freudenreichii bacteria compared to other propionic bacteria with similary colony morphology, and Tete de Moine had less of P. freudenreichii bacteria than other propionic bacteria. Based on growth experiments, increasing the NaCl content on agar plates slowed the growth of P. freudenreichii strains and impaired the color of the colonies. Based on the vitamin assays, all 14 strains of P. freudenreichii tested produced active vitamin B12 in humans, but there were differences in the amounts of vitamins produced per strain. Strain-specific differences were also observed in the ratios of vitamin forms produced (vitamin B12 / pseudovitamin).
  • Hakakorpi, Anna (2019)
    In early spring of 2014, a Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strain O:1 caused an outbreak via commercially distributed raw milk in Southern Finland. This was so far the most widespread raw milk outbreak detected in Finland. There are no earlier cases of Y. pseudotuberculosis infecting consumers via raw milk in Finland. Yersinia outbreaks caused by raw milk are also uncommon in other countries, and they are usually caused by Yersinia enterocolitica. Occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in milk is typically caused by fecal contamination during milking process. The contamination routes of Y. pseudotuberculosis in dairy farms have not been studied earlier. The goal of this study was to determine genotypes of the strains collected from the farm during the raw milk outbreak and in a follow-up study. Genotyping was conducted by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with two different restriction enzymes (SpeI and NotI). Based on genotyping results, some of the strains were selected to a 21-day cold growth assay in 3 °C. The growth parameters obtained during cold growth assay showed significant differences between strains from fecal or milk-related samples. PFGE genotyping revealed four different genotypes among the examined Y. pseudotuberculosis strains. Two of these strains were extracted only from fecal samples and the other two only from samples from packed milk, bulk tank milk or milk filter. The most prevalent genotype in milk-related samples (S1/N1) was identical to the epidemic strain genotyped by The Institute of Health and Welfare during the outbreak in 2014.The strains genotyped in this study were not uniform with strains collected and genotyped during previous Y. pseudotuberculosis outbreaks or follow-up studies. Strains extracted from cows’ feces were similar with a strain extracted from feces of an alpine ibex, whereas strains collected from milk-related samples formed their own, distinguishable genetic group. The observed differences in fecal and milk-related strains’ genotype and growth suggest their different origin. Yersiniae are known to be a part of normal flora in various small rodents and birds. In the dairy farm, which was the source of the raw milk outbreak, there had been several pest sightings of rats and wild birds during the initial epidemic investigation. The pest animals had had free access to cattle feed and other areas in the farm environment. Also the cows have most probably had some kind of role in the transmission of pathogens, as a Y. pseudotuberculosis strain, identical to patient samples, was prevalent in bulk tank milk and/or milk filters from April to November. The selection of the epidemic strain might have occurred in the milking system or bulk tank due to its cold tolerance properties. Due to partly insufficient sample material, the exact contamination routes of Y. pseudotuberculosis cannot be completely verified. The preservation of cold chain has been regarded as one of the cornerstones of food safety. However, it does not prevent the growth of psychrotropic bacteria, but rather offers them ideal growth environment. Although the Finnish regulation regarding production and microbial screening of raw milk has been defined in the beginning of 2018, it still focuses mainly on mesophilic pathogens. As the popularity of raw milk continues to grow, the microbial screening of this high-risk food should be extended to cover also the species that can thrive in cold storage conditions, such as yersiniae.