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Browsing by Subject "täsmäviljely"

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  • Koskenniemi, Petteri (2019)
    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ISOBUS-työkonemarkkinoiden nykytilaa. Tutkimuksen pääkysymyksinä olivat yhteensopivuusongelmien yleisyys, ISOBUS-teknologian ja ominaisuuksien tunnettavuus, sekä tulevaisuudennäkymät ISOBUS-työkoneiden osalta. Tunnettavuuden osalta keskityttiin erityisesti työkoneen käyttäjän ja myyjän myyjä-asiakassuhteeseen sekä asiantuntijamyyjän palvelukykyyn uuden teknologian osalta. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena haastattelututkimuksena haastattelemalla työkoneiden käyttäjiä, myyjiä sekä työkonealan asiantuntijoita. Käyttäjien, eli työkonekaupan asiakkaiden osalta keskityttiin erityisesti keskikokoa suurempiin asiakkaisiin. ISOBUS-väylää hyödyntäviä työkoneita on ollut markkinoilla jo melko pitkään, mutta aihealue on vielä kohtuullisen tuntematon laajemmin työkonesektorilla. Tietoisuus väylän toimintatavasta, tai varsinkin sen eri toiminnallisuuksista ja niiden luomista mahdollisuuksista on vasta kehittymässä, jolloin ristiriitoja voi syntyä helposti. Myös markkinoilla olevat, eri vuotiset ja eri ISOBUS-toiminnallisuuksia tukevat työkoneet aiheuttavat haasteita erityisesti käytettyjen työkoneiden kauppiaille. Eri versioiden yhteensovittamisessa esiin nousseista yhteensopivuusongelmista voi myös helposti nousta koko ohjausväylää koskeva epäluotettavuuden leima, vaikka ongelmalle olisikin selkeä syy. ISOBUS-väylää hyödyntävien työkoneiden määrä on kuitenkin jatkuvasti kasvussa, ja samalla myös täsmäviljelyn lisääntyessä laajaa tietomäärää kerääville ja käsitteleville työkoneille on selkeä kysyntä, joka puoltaa ISOBUS-väylän paikkaa ja mahdollisuuksia työkonealalla. ISOBUS-väylä rakentuu tarkasti standardisoidun rakenteen lisäksi myös standardisoituihin toiminnallisuuksiin. Näitä toiminnallisuuksia ovat esimerkiksi työkoneen hallintaan käytetty universaaliterminaali, tai työsuoritteen tietojen keräämiseen ja hallitsemiseen liittyvä tehtäväohjain. Työsuoritteen tietojen keräämisen lisäksi tehtäväohjain on myös oleellisessa roolissa täsmäviljelyssä, sillä esimerkiksi paikkakohtainen määränsäätö rakentuu sen ympärille. Vaikka tuloksissa nousi esille useampia yhteensopivuusongelmia ISOBUS-traktoreiden ja työkoneiden välillä, ei niiden koettu kuitenkaan leimaavan järjestelmää. Useilla loppuasiakkaille nousi tuloksissa esille aiheen vieraus työkonemyyjille, mutta toisaalta myös vaihtelu koettiin suureksi. Vastaavasti kokonaisuudessaan ISOBUS-ominaisuuksia painottavia asiakkaita koettiin olevan vielä vähän kokonaisuuteen nähden. Joka tapauksessa väyläominaisuuksien merkityksen koettiin kasvavan tulevaisuudessa huomattavasti, niin työkoneiden käyttäjien kuin myös myyjien mielestä.
  • Torvinen, Hannu (2018)
    The aim of this master’s thesis was to examine the influence of sample bulk density (5 density levels), volumetric moisture content, and the measurement frequency of capacitive moisture sensors on the results of capacitive moisture measurement of grass. A laboratory study was carried out in summer 2017 to be able to measure in controlled conditions. Literature study was also carried out to gather more information about the subject. The capacitive moisture sensors tested during the measurements were soil moisture sensors Decagon Devices 5TM, Delta-T Devices ThetaProbe ML2X, Soil Scout Hydra 100, bale moisture sensor Agreto PFM II and LCR meter R&S Hameg Lcr Bridge. The volumetric moisture contents were calculated based on the thermogravimetric moisture contents of the samples and the sample volumes that were calculated from sample thicknesses. The results of electric measurement devices were then compared to these volumetric moisture contents. Linear regression equations were utilized to determine the relationship between both thermogravimetric and calculated volumetric moisture contents and the results of the moisture sensors. The best coefficient of determination (corrected R2) for gravimetric moisture content (wet basis) was 0,54 and 0,67 for volumetric moisture content. The regression equations, which explained volumetric moisture content and had bulk density level as explanatory factor, produced the best results. It was concluded that the bulk density of grass samples and measurement frequencies of the sensors both influenced markedly the results of capacitive moisture measurement. Conductance and sensor geometry had also their own significance. Based on the results of these measurements, the continuous moisture measurement of grass yield is not possible by capacitive sensors. To be able to measure moisture content of grass precisely, one should know also the mass or volume flow passing the capacitive measurement device. One possibility is to combine capacitive sensors to other types of sensors.
  • Kotala, Juho (2019)
    The interest to use drones in agricultural field monitoring is increasing because drones have become more popular during last few years. This is due to the affordable price of them, multi-function features in different conditions, and easy usability. The aim of this study was to explore the use/utilization of drone-multispectral camera system in Finnish field crop production. The aim was also to study if near-infrared map and normalized difference index (NDVI) can be used as a biomass map of grass and is it possible to identify how useful drones are as a supplementary visual aid in field inspection of the crop. Field tests were conducted on the Koirasuo field plot of the Viikki research farm and on the Isokytö field plot in Töysä in Southern Osrtobothnia. The test fields were mapped with drone-multispectral camera system. Reference samples crop were collected and field measurements were made based on these maps. The reference samples and field measurements made were: harvesting time sample, measurement of crop length, leaf area index and chlorophyll content. General crop and plot observations were made also. These results were compared with biomass samples. During the data collection period the Downwelling Light Sensor (DLS) i.e. the camera’s auto-adjusting brightness sensor, caused significant distortions in the maps. More than half of material was useless for in this study for this reason. Useless pictures reflection value was different than normal conditions. However, a solution was found, and photoshooting could be completed. Based on the all results near-infrared maps (R²= 55) and NDVI index (R²= 22) can be used to do only rough biomass estimates on the grass field. Maps can be used also to identify low biomass areas on the field and to define the locations where more measurements or observations are needed. The same reflection from the crop can results from several factors, such as bare ground and dense vegetation. Without reference material, vegetation maps are difficult to analyse. Based on the results, chlorophyll content varies irregularly in different areas mixed grass corp. Maps can be used to explain the history of land use, to detect the locations on piped ditches/sup surfaces drains. Instead it is challenging to identify individual weeds because crop pixel reflection value depends several factors and weeds and crop can be in same pixel area. Pixel accuracy depend flight height and camera resolution. This thesis used 50 meter flight height and spatial resolution was 3,3 cm.
  • Hovio, Henrik (2024)
    Modern agricultural tractors produce a large amount of information for controlling various functions of the tractor and farming implements. By including location data to the measurements, the data obtained can be used, for example, to study the conditions in the field or the tractor's work cycle. The development of telematics systems should aim at completely automated solutions. ISO 11783 defines the transmission of data both within the tractor and between the tractor and the implement, implemented using the CAN (Controller Area Network). It is also possible to monitor the desired information such as fuel consumption and engine load, as well as the needed draft force. Farming implements and tractors whose data transfer complies with an international standard are called ISOBUS machines. The aim of the study was to develop a cost-effective telematics system that can be used to monitor and record arable farming activities in real time. In accordance with the objectives, the requirements of the measuring equipment were determined for decoding and recording the messages of the CAN bus of the tractor. The tractor's CAN bus data was recorded using a Raspberry Pi microcomputer with CAN bus and GNSS measurement cards. The system was used to collect predefined tractor data from the bus, which was sent with location data in real time over the mobile phone network to a server computer. The measurement hardware and the server computer were programmed using the Node-RED programming tool. The information received on the server computer was stored in a MySQL database. Node-RED was also used to create a graphical user interface, from which any user could monitor the tractor's functions and location in real time and control the storage of data in the database. Testing of the measurement system was carried out at the Viikki research farm of University of Helsinki during the summer of 2023. The implemented measurement system successfully collected data on two tractors for different work tasks during silage harvesting. Retrieving and analysing the collected data from the database was easy, as the CAN messages were in a decoded format. The transfer of data between the measuring device and the server computer took place without any major delays. The telematics system could also be used for automatic real-time data analysis. Research shows that the CAN bus is a good way to gather information about farming field operations. In the future, the exploitation of measured data will be an essential part of agricultural practice, which aims both to improve the profitability of agriculture and to reduce its environmental impact.
  • Lehtoranta, Markku (2020)
    Global population growth and the loss of arable land cause pressure for improving the effectiveness of crop cultivation. Meanwhile, from an environmental perspective, there are good grounds for determining the use of fertilizer and pesticides based on crop yield potential. While radiometric measurements have been used for long in remote sensing, the approach is also suitable for carrying out smaller-scale investigations. A measurement approach based on the differences in two light wavelength reflections could provide a means to acquire current data on the state of canopy development. The measurements could be used as the basis for allocating cultivation investments to enable optimal yield response. The aim of this study was to examine whether Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) measurements conducted during the growing season could be used to assess spatial variation in vegetation and protein content in the crop yield. The field test was implemented as a strip-plot test in Eastern Uusimaa, Finland, during the growing season 2011. The used cultivated plant was spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ‘Amaretto’) and the test comprised four nitrogen fertilizer and three seed density test plots. The NDVI values of the plots were measured once per week using a measurement device attached to a tractor. In total, the measurements were conducted nine times. SPAD values were also determined once during the growing season. The growing season was initially unseasonably warm with little precipitation. Spray irrigation was used to ensure that the test would not be impaired by stress caused by drought. Three square-shaped areas from the test plots were threshed, and their crop amount, protein content, standard mass and weight of one thousand kernels was determined. A positive correlation between the NDVI value of the fertilizer test plots and harvested grain increased as the wheat canopy grew and was highest during the flag leaf stage. There was no equally clear correlation between crop quality characteristics and the NDVI values. NDVI has potential use in precision agriculture in assessing spatial variation in wheat canopy during the growing season, and targeting additional fertilizer and plant protection measures based on the obtained data.