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  • Mäenpää, Jenni (2020)
    Wines are treated to ensure their quality and preservation in the winemaking process. Treatments also have their drawbacks. Premium winemakers have often avoided filtration because it is supposed to cause a loss of taste. Sulfurization of wine is important, for example, for microbiological quality, but it is assumed to reduce the fruity aroma of wines. The purpose of the literature section was to investigate in general the effects of the wine-making process on the volatile compounds of wines. The interest was to find out what happens in winemaking and what compounds are formed at different stages of the process. The literature section also looked at volatile compounds, their analytics and SPME technology. The aim of the experimental part of the work was to develop a research method using headspace-solidphasemicroextraction-gaschromatography-massspectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) technology and to find out the aroma composition and possible differences of the receiving sample and the bag-in box (BIB) -packaged wine. Indicator compounds for volatile compounds were determined from Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon wines using the HS-SPME-GC-MS method developed for the study of Cabernet Sauvignon wine. In the optimization of the method, the functionality of SPME fibers, the GC temperature program and the sample preparation were studied. Receipt, tank, and BIB packaging samples were collected for examination of the wines. The samples were analyzed by HS-SPME-GC-MS and the results were processed by principal component analysis (PCA) as well as other statistical methods. Receipt and BIB packaging samples from Cabernet Sauvignon wine were not divided into clear groups based on PCA. The model best describing the changes in the compounds was achieved with the profile of volatile compounds: ethyl acetate, 1-propanol, isoamyl alcohol, 2-methylbutanol, butanoic acid ethyl ester, isoamyl acetate, hexanol, hexanoic acid, octanoic acid ethyl ester and octanoic acid. In Cabernet Sauvignon wine, almost all the amounts of volatile compounds remained fairly constant as the process progressed. In 1-propanol, ethyl ester of butanoic acid and ethyl ester of octanoic acid, a decrease in the amount was observed between the receipt sample and the BIB packaging sample. In contrast, the amount of 2-methylbutanol and octanoic acid increased when receiving and BIB packaging samples were compared. Receipt and BIB packaging samples of Chardonnay wine were distinguished by PCA. The model best describing the changes in the compounds was achieved with the profile of volatile compounds: ethyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol, 3-methylbutanol, 2-methylbutanol, butanoic acid ethyl ester, isoamyl acetate, hexanol, hexanoic acid, benzene alcohol, octanoic acid ethyl ester, octanoic acid ethyl ester, octanoic acid ethyl ester. The amounts of volatile compounds studied in Chardonnay wine remained fairly constant. Octanoic acid ethyl ester, benzyl alcohol and decanoic acid decreased as the process. The results of the study show that the wine processing process affects the flavorings of Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay wine. The HS-SPME-GC-MS method showed a reduction in several compounds, but previous studies have shown that this change has not been detected by sensory evaluation.
  • Nisén, Pia (2014)
    This study focuses on understanding the relationship between organic wine production and economic performance. The aim of this study is to clarify, what are the economic impacts that result from the conversion of wine production from conventional to organic. This is an interesting topic to be explored in more detail because despite the increasing demand of organic wine and share of vineyard area used for organic winemaking, the economic consequences of the conversion are still somewhat unclear. Understanding the economic impacts of the conversion process is very important for wine producers from an economic perspective and contributes to an up-to-date picture of the organic wine industry´s economic performance also for the scientific field. The theoretical framework of the study was built in order to investigate the relationship between environmental responsibility and economic performance. The environmental impacts of organic wine production have so far not been scientifically proved but the organic production is widely viewed as an environmentally sustainable way of producing wine. The theoretical review showed that environmentally responsible production may cause both direct cost impacts and also indirect cost and revenue impacts on the economy. Moreover, the net impact creates the final economic performance and influences the success of a company. The study is based on an empirical approach focusing on understanding an economic phenomenon in its real-life context. The data is collected from representatives of organic wine estates from different parts of the world, who have experience of the conversion from conventional to organic wine production. The empirical study was implemented during fall 2012 in two parts. The first dataset was collected through a survey sent via e-mail and the second dataset was through interviews that were organized in one of the studied estates. Both parts of the data collection were based on a qualitative semi-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of five sections, which all together covered four themes: vineyard, cellar, wine and business aspects. To accomplish the objectives of the study, first the focus was to understand the impacts of the conversion of production from conventional to organic on a wine estate in general. After this the impacts were categorized according to economic performance. The changes were classified into positive and negative cost and revenue impacts by using the existing theoretical knowledge about how environmental responsibility may affect a company´s economic performance. The findings indicated that most of the cost impacts, positive as well as negative, occurred in the early parts of the production chain, in vineyard and cellar procedures. The strongest cost increase was observed in the vineyard production processes, and slightly decreasing level of cost occurred in cellar production process. Varying revenue impacts were naturally indicated more frequently in later procedures, in wine and business themes. In overall, cost effects were considered both negative and positive, but the revenue impacts were mainly positive. Moreover, the cost impacts where more obvious, especially in the vineyard processes, than the changes that had impacts on revenue. Still any significant conclusions about net economic performance cannot be drawn because the findings do not offer any exact information on the magnitude of these impacts and the sample size is rather small. In general, the findings of this study seem to be consistent with other studies. This study was, however, able to offer more detailed information on the economic impacts of the conversion process than previous studies. In general, the representatives considered the organic wine business to have much positive potential, yet benefiting from the potential in economic term was little. The organic market is currently developing and growing faster than the conventional wine market, which creates a possibility to find new customers and increase the marketing channels. Still clear differentiation strategy that would potentially allow premium pricing and bring new customer segments was in use by only minority of the estates. Previous studies indicated that certification has an important role in organic wine marketing as well as in ensuring sustainable competition in the markets. Furthermore, organic wine production is a more risky business than the conventional one, and therefore developing insurance arrangements might be a useful mechanism for balancing the risks and an important factor in encouraging new estates to acquire certificates.
  • Jaakkola, Taru (2017)
    Objective of this Master's Thesis was to explore levels of subjective and objective knowledge of Finnish wine consumers and knowledge levels' hypothesized link to exploratory buying behavior. Subjective knowledge refers to what consumers think they know about a given subject whereas objective knowledge is verifiable factual knowledge. Questionnaire was published in December 2016 via Finnish importers consumer newsletter and website. Resulting 300 responses were analyzed in SPSS using most importantly cross tabulations, One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and logistic regression analysis. Both subjective and objective knowledge were found to have a positive relation to exploratory buying behavior - more knowledgeable consumers in both dimensions of knowledge exhibited more exploratory tendencies. Effect was however more limited than that of being "active" with respect to wine: this dimension surfaced as having most effect on exploratory tendencies, linking also to higher average price of wine choice. Assumption based on prior theory of at least moderate correlation between consumer's objective and subjective knowledge was confirmed - there was no remarkable conflict between reported subjective knowledge and assessed objective knowledge. Men scored higher objective and subjective knowledge levels but no evidence of influence of other demographic variables was found.
  • Rautala, Stina (2011)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia, millaisia vaikutuksia sanoma- ja aikakausilehdissä julkaistuilla viiniarvosteluilla on kyseisten arvosteltujen viinien myyntiin. Voidaanko siis suhdetoiminnan avulla viinikriitikoiden kautta vaikuttaa kuluttajan ostokäyttäytymiseen? Tutkimuskysymystä lähestyttiin tarkastelemalla ensin kuluttajan ostokäyttäytymistä ja ostoprosessin eri vaiheita. Samalla käytiin läpi myös kuluttajan sitoutumista ja tuotteen oston yhteydessä ilmeneviä riskejä. Sen jälkeen perehdyttiin suhdetoimintaan, jonka avulla pyritään vaikuttamaan siihen, mitä yrityksestä ja sen tuotteista kirjoitetaan medioissa. Empiirisessä osassa tehtiin tilastollinen tutkimus, jossa tutkittiin, onko eri sanoma- ja aikakausilehtien viiniarvosteluilla vaikutusta arvostellun viinin myyntiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin, löytyykö arvosteluista yhteisiä tekijöitä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet myynnin muutokseen. Aineisto kerättiin kahden suomalaisen viinien maahantuonti- ja markkinointiyrityksen viineistä kirjoitetuista arvosteluista ja näiden kyseisten arvosteltujen viinien myyntiluvuista. Arvosteluja kerättiin helmikuun 18. päivän ja lokakuun 19. päivän 2010 väliseltä ajalta. Yhteensä hyväksyttyjä arvosteluja kertyi 90 kappaletta. Tutkimuksen analysointiin käytettiin regressioanalyysiä. Tämän tutkimusten tulosten mukaan viiniarvosteluilla näyttäisi olevan vaikutusta viinien myyntiin eli kuluttajien ostopäätökseen. Teoriaosioon peilaten tämä oli odotettavissa, sillä myös aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet mielipidejohtajien ja viinikriitikoiden positiivisen vaikutuksen kuluttajiin. Kuluttajat kokevat viinin ostopäätöksen yhteydessä riskiä, jota he pyrkivät välttämään viiniarvostelujen avulla. Tuloksien mukaan myös arvostelun julkaisseella sanoma- tai aikakausilehdellä on vaikutusta kuluttajan ostopäätökseen.