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Browsing by Subject "welfare"

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  • Rintanen, Kristiina (2013)
    The aim of this study was to describe where dog owners are looking for information from when pet becomes ill or shows symptoms and what factors affect clinic of choice. In addition to explaining how the pet's medical care is realized, as well as how consumers see veterinarian status and professionalism. The main data consists interviews of 17 dog owners, as well as interviews of the three veterinarian. Secondary data was collected by observing the work, facilities and atmosphere of three veterinary clinic, as well as social media by reading a dog-themed discussion forums. The research data analysis has been used thematic analysis. The main subjects are the pet health-related information search, a veterinary check, the owner's commitment to pet care and veterinary medicine expert status. Dog owners tell about their pets' health and care for them to be important. When pet shows symptoms or illness, dog owners are looking for information and guidelines on social media, acquaintances, breeders and veterinarians.Veterinary clinic is usually chosen for their location and the recommendations of the (WOM) basis. Good service offering and veterinary expertise get a dog owner to remain a user of services. Dog owners and veterinarians have different point of views when it comes to commitment to drug therapy. Dog owners say they are committed to the pet medication, but veterinarians feel that the owners tend to forget or do not get fed drugs to pets successfully. Dog owners are seen to rely veterinarians even more than the people of the treating physician, as a pet treated as a small child, who can not speak. In this case, the layman is a reliable professional. Vets feel pride in themselves and their own profession. Vets feel that they are in professional expert position.
  • Jönkkäri, Kirsi (2019)
    Eläinten hyvinvointia on enenevässä määrin tutkittu viime vuosikymmenten aikana ja hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi esitetyt toimenpiteet perustuvat tutkimustietoon. Myös kuluttajat ovat aiempaa kiinnostuneempia eläinten hyvinvoinnista ja -elinolosuhteista. Eläinten hyvinvointikorvauksella rahoitetaan peruslainsäädännön ylittäviä eläinten hyvinvointia edistäviä toimenpiteitä. Hyvinvointikorvausta- tai tukea on maksettu vuodesta 2008 alkaen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Eläinten hyvinvointikorvaukseen sitoutuneiden tilojen eroja niihin, jotka eivät sitoumusta tehneet. Samalla selvitettiin, millaisiin toimenpiteisiin tukea hakeneet sitoutuivat ja noudatettiinko tiloilla, jotka eivät sitoumusta tehneet, hyvinvointikorvauksen ehtojen mukaisia toimenpiteitä. Tutkimus toteutettiin lähettämällä viljelijöille sähköpostista avautuva kysely. Vastauksien perusteella aineisto rajattiin maidontuotantotiloihin (N = 502). Tulokset analysoitiin käyttäen varianssianalyysiä ja ristiintaulukointia. Vastaajista 53,4 % haki Eläinten hyvinvointikorvausta ja valituista toimenpiteistä suosituimpia olivat nautojen ruokinta ja hoito, nautojen pitkäaikainen laidunnus laidunkaudella sekä vasikoiden pito-olosuhteiden parantaminen pinta-alavaatimuksella. Tilat valitsivat toimenpiteitä, joita oli helppo noudattaa tilalla. Eläinten hyvinvoinnin ei koettu parantuvan tilalla sitoutumisen myötä, koska vaaditut olosuhteet olivat vastaajien mukaan hyvät jo ennen sitoutumista. Eläinmäärä vaikutti toimenpiteiden valintaan. Vasikoiden määrä oli suurempi tiloilla, jotka valitsivat toimenpiteen pito-olosuhteiden parantaminen pinta-alavaatimuksella (p<0.001). Pitkäaikainen laidunnus laidunkaudella valittiin useammin tiloille, joilla oli vähemmän lehmiä (p<0.001). Näillä tiloilla oli myös vähemmän peltopinta-alaa. Tiloilla, jotka eivät tehneet sitoumusta, suurin syy sitoutumattomuuteen oli, ettei siitä koettu saavan hyötyä, vaikka tiloilla noudatettiinkin Eläinten hyvinvointikorvauksen mukaisia toimenpiteitä. Tulokset perustuvat tuottajien omiin näkemyksiin. Lisäksi vastaaminen kyselyyn oli vapaaehtoista, joten kyselyn perusteella ei voida tehdä päätelmiä eläinten hyvinvoinnin tasosta. Jatkotutkimuksiin olisi hyvä liittää mukaan viljelijän asenteen ja oman hyvinvoinnin vaikutuksen selvittäminen.
  • Riihimäki, Anna (2019)
    The target of pork production is to produce lean meat efficiently in a sustainable way taking into account environment and ethical aspects. The most important production traits in pigs are average daily gain, feed efficiency and leanness. A lot of research is conducted related to production traits in comparison to feeding behavior traits. The objective of this study was to estimate heritability of feeding behavior traits and their genetic correlations with production traits in Finnish Landrace population. The data included feeding records of 4059 Landrace pigs measured automatically in Figen’s test station. The pigs had started their test period during 2010 - 2016. The measured traits were the number of visits per day (NVD), time spent in feeding per day (TPD), daily feed intake (DFI), time spent feeding per visit (TPV), feed intake per visit (FPV), feeding rate (FR), average daily gain (ADG), back fat thickness (BF) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Feeding behavior traits were divided into 5 periods. Heritability estimates of feeding behavior traits were moderate. The heritability estimates were 0,22-0,29 for NVD, 0,33-0,47 for TPD, 0,16-0,25 for DFI, 0,22-0,31 for TPV, 0,28-0,36 for FPV, 0,35-0,38 for FR, 0,27 for ADG, 0,22 for BF, and 0,24 for FCR. Compared to other published results heritabilities of TPD and FR were similar. However, heritabilities of other feeding behavior traits were quite low compared to published results. In addition, heritability of BF was unexpectedly low. The genetic correlations of feeding behavior traits were similar at different test periods. The highest positive genetic correlations were between traits TPV – FPV, FPV – FR, and NVD – TPD. The highest negative genetic correlations were between traits NVD – FPV, TPD – FR, and NVD – TPV. Genetic correlations between feeding behavior traits and production traits were low. Only between DFI – ADG, DFI – FCR, and FPV – FCR the genetic correlations were significant (and positive). In conclusion, heritabilities of feeding behavior traits were moderate. Because the only strong genetic correlation between feeding behavior and production traits was obtained between DFI and ADG, including feeding behavior traits in breeding programs is not necessary. However, feeding behavior data are easy to collect from the electronic feeders and the observations are reliable, thus daily feeding records can be used for monitoring animal’s health and welfare.
  • Albrecht, Marjukka (2023)
    Animal transport has been causing public debate during the last few years. Almost all production animals are transported at least once during their lifetime. It is well known that transport can be detrimental to animal welfare in many ways and cause increased morbidity and mortality. A longer transport time is often associated with decreased welfare more than a shorter transport time. However, shorter transport time does not necessarily guarantee better welfare of animals. Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is common in cattle and a usual cause for antimicrobial treatment. It is often transmitted from one animal to another in situations where animals from different origins are commingled. Especially animals that are young or have poor immunity are likely to get ill. That is why calves, that often are collected from different farms and transported to rearing units or to abattoirs, are at risk of getting respiratory infections. The aim of this study was to find out how transport time affects average daily gain and the likelihood of getting a BRD diagnosis among calves that were transported. There were 334 bull calves that were transported to a rearing unit in Western Finland in 2017. Transport time, diagnoses and given antimicrobial treatments as well as daily gain of the calves were recorded. The age of the calves at transport varied between 10 and 45 days. According to the results, longer transport time shortened the time until the first antimicrobial treatment (p = 0.044, coeff. = -0.942). Transport time was not associated with BRD diagnosis at the first clinical examination (p = 0.529, OR = 1.029) but it was positively associated with increased daily gain (p = 0.024, coeff. 0.007). These results might partly be explained by which areas the calves originated from and indicate that transport time did not necessarily play a big role in welfare of the transported calves in this study.