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  • Oksanen, Rose-Marie (2021)
    The aim of this study was to find out Metsäliitto cooperative member’s objectives, attitudes, and intentions in peatland forest management. Theory of planned behavior and attitude theory of Allport were applied to formulate the questionnaire and in the theoretical background of this study. The survey data was collected with a web-based questionnaire. The survey was sent to 5000 Metsäliitto cooperative members and 905 of them responded. The response rate was therefore about 18. The response data was analyzed with factor analysis, linear regression analysis and analysis of variance. Statistical testing was done with t-test, Kurskall-Wallis test, and Mann U Whitney test. Additionally averages, percentages, and standard deviations were used to examine the data. About 30 % of respondents intended to implement continuous cover forestry, fertilization and restoration ditching in their own peatland forests. Even 60 % of respondents intended to implement other logging in their peatland forests during the next five years. Multiple objectives were important to members in peatland forest management. Economic and wood production objectives were the most important ownership goals of respondents. Attitudes towards forest management methods were mostly neutral or positive. Clearcutting and restoration received the most negative attitudes. Attitudes towards continuous cover forestry were significantly more positive than towards clearcutting on peatlands. The main hindering factors reported for implementation of continuous cover forestry were technical issues related to harvesting and different economic factors. The theory of planned behavior explained well the behavioral intentions of members to implement continuous cover forestry. The decision making of non-industrial private forest owners is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. The ownership structure of Finnish private forest owner’s and therefore Metsäliitto cooperative members will continue to change especially during the following decades. For this reason, it is necessary to continue the research into Finnish private forest owners and their decision-making processes.
  • Salo, Tuukka (2016)
    The purpose of the act on the financing of sustainable forestry (Kemera-law) is to advance economically, ecologically and socially sustainable silviculture and use of the forests. A private forest owner may receive financial support from the State for forest management, forest improvement work and for nature management. The purpose of this thesis was to find out the factors affecting the private forest owners’ participation in the Kemera cost sharing program and are there differences between forest owners’ objectives in forest ownership and opinions about Kemera-subsidies depending on the participation in the cost sharing program. The data used in this thesis is from a survey that was implemented in the spring of 2016 as a part of a project in Tapio Oy. Also additional information from The Finnish Forest Centre was used in the regression analysis. The factors affecting the use of Kemera-subsidy was analyzed with logistic regression. The differences in the forest ownership objectives and in the opinions about the Kemera-subsidy depending on the participation to the Kemera cost sharing program were determined by descriptive analysis. With the used factors, the regression analysis did not succeed in making a model that would successfully predict the participation to the cost sharing program. However, the results implied that the factors positively affecting the participation to the cost sharing program were forested area owned, forest owners’ self-determined activity and use of external services in forest. The differences between the forest owners’ objectives depending on the participation in the cost sharing program imply that the participants did not value the non-monetary values less than those who had not participated in the cost sharing program, but they did value monetary values more. The average opinions about Kemera-subsidy did not vary much depending on the participation to the cost sharing program. Those who had participated in the cost sharing program in the last 10 years were a little more satisfied about the Kemera-subsidies. The majority thought that the best incentive in the Kemera-subsidy is the gained benefit in the future. The most common reason not to participate in the cost sharing program was the challenging applying.
  • Helomaa, Arttu (2023)
    Maksuttomien neuvontapalveluiden ja taloudellisten tukien tai korvausten tavoitteena on ohjata kansalaisia toimimaan toivotulla tavalla. Suomessa yksityismetsänomistajien suometsiä koskevia päätöksiä sekä metsänkäsittelyn että vesiensuojelun suhteen ohjataan lainsäädännön, taloudellisten tukien ja informaatio-ohjauksen keinoin. Suometsätalouden vesistövaikutuksia voidaan vähentää ottamalla käyttöön vaihtoehtoisia metsänkäsittelytoimenpiteitä, käyttämällä vesiensuojelumenetelmiä, ennallistamalla tai suojelemalla alueita. Yksityisillä metsänomistajilla on oikeus tehdä itsenäisiä ratkaisuja suometsien hoitopäätösten suhteen, ja näillä päätöksillä on vaikutusta suometsien vesistökuormitukseen. Ohjauskeinoilla voidaan kannustaa metsänomistajia tekemään vesiensuojelua suometsätaloudessa edistäviä päätöksiä neuvonnan ja taloudellisen tuen avulla. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten taloudelliset tuet ja neuvontapalvelut vaikuttavat yksityismetsänomistajien halukkuuteen toteuttaa suometsätalouden vesistökuormitusta vähentäviä toimenpiteitä. Tämän lisäksi tarkoituksena oli tarkastella, mitkä metsänomistajien taustatekijät vaikuttavat halukkuuteen edistää suometsätalouden vesiensuojelua. Tutkielman aineistona käytettiin syksyllä 2022 toteutettua yksityismetsänomistajille suunnattua verkkokyselyä, johon vastasi 1607 metsänomistajaa. Tutkielmassa analysoitiin metsänomistajakyselystä saatua aineistoa regressioanalyysin sekä ristiintaulukoinnin avulla. Analyysejä varten muodostettiin kaksi regressiomallia, joissa toisessa mitattiin maksuttomien neuvontapalveluiden vaikutusta, ja toisessa taloudellisen tuen vaikutusta. Ristiintaulukoinnilla tarkasteltiin metsänomistuksen pääasiallisten tavoitteiden suhdetta maksuttomien neuvontapalveluiden ja taloudellisen tuen merkitykseen metsänomistajan halukkuudelle edistää vesiensuojelua. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että maksuttomilla neuvontapalveluilla ja taloudellisilla tuilla on vaikutusta metsänomistajien vesiensuojelua edistäviin päätöksiin suometsätaloudessa. Etenkin taloudellisilla tuilla tai korvauksilla voidaan kannustaa metsänomistajia vesiensuojelutoimenpiteisiin suometsissä. Ristiintaulukoinnin perusteella metsänomistamisen tavoitteilla oli vaikutusta siihen, miten ohjauskeinot vaikuttavat metsänomistajan halukkuuteen edistää vesiensuojelua. Mikäli metsänomistaja korosti ympäristö- ja luontoarvoja metsissään, hän todennäköisesti olisi valmis edistämään vesiensuojelua suometsissään, jos saisi siihen maksuttomia neuvontapalveluita tai taloudellista tukea. Regressioanalyysin perusteella mitä korkeampi koulutusaste metsänomistajalla oli, sitä vähemmän maksuttomat neuvontapalvelut keskimäärin kannustivat häntä lisäämään vesiensuojelua edistäviä toimenpiteitä. Mitä tyytyväisempi metsänomistaja oli nykyiseen lainsäädäntöön, metsäsertifikaatteihin ja suosituksiin vesistöjen tilan turvaajina, sitä vähemmän maksuttomat neuvontapalvelut kannustivat häntä lisäämään vesiensuojelun edistämistä omissa suometsissään. Toisaalta mitä enemmän metsänomistaja korosti ympäristöasioiden tärkeyttä, sitä halukkaampi hän keskimäärin oli toteuttamaan vesiensuojelua edistäviä toimenpiteitä, mikäli saisi siihen maksuttomia neuvontapalveluja. Taloudellisia tukia selittävän regressiomallin tulosten perusteella mitä enemmän metsänomistaja korosti ympäristöasioiden tärkeyttä tai kannatti vesiensuojelun tason nostamista suometsätaloudessa, sitä enemmän taloudelliset tuet kannustivat häntä lisäämään vesiensuojelua edistäviä toimenpiteitä. Halukkuus vesiensuojelua edistäviin toimenpiteisiin väheni taloudellisesta tuesta huolimatta metsänomistajan iän kasvaessa tai mitä tyytyväisempi metsänomistaja oli nykyiseen vesiensuojelua koskevaan lainsäädäntöön sekä metsäsertifikaatteihin ja suosituksiin vesistöjen tilan turvaajina.
  • Miettunen, Pertti (2011)
    The operation environment in the roundwood trade in Finland in the 1990’s include several changes. They are changes in the structure of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) ownership, forest taxation, in forest legislation, in price recommendation agreement, diminishing resources of forestry extension services, etc. At the same time, the roundwood demand has been rising. All these developments cause uncertainty in wood procurement organisations, and call for research to find out how to adapt into the changing environment. The objective of this study is to produce information for roundwood purchasing planning and cus-tomer satisfaction management to be used by Stora Enso Metsä Customer Service, Helsinki. For this pur-pose, data needs to be gathered about the urban NIPFs and their forest estates, behaviour related to forestry and timber-selling, customer satisfaction in their latest timber selling transaction, and their opinions about Enso’s new customer service office and its service concept. To fulfil the objective of the study, a NIPF -owner -survey (N=1064, response rate 39,7%) was con-ducted in October 1998-January 1999. The sample was made on the basis of the marketing database of Stora Enso Oyj Forest Customer Service in Helsinki. In planning the frame of reference of the empirical study, the model of service quality by Grönroos was applied. The following aspects were included in the 7-page questionnaire: demographic, sosio-economic and forest estate background, relation to the forest service supply, behaviour related to forestry, timber-selling motives and behaviour, last contact organisation and its image in forestry business, expectations and percep-tions in the latest timber-selling transactions, and behavioural intentions. The results revealed that the share of women, pensioners and academically educated people among forest owners was quite high. The majority of the forest estates of the metropolitan forest owners were situ-ated in the provinces of South Finland and East Finland. The average forest estate area was considerably smaller than in a previous study. Economic and recreational objectives were most important in the use of forests. Forest Associations were involved in half of the roundwood sales transactions of the respondents in the metropolitan area. The wood quantity of transactions was considerably higher than the average in the whole country. Bank-organised forest-related activities, taxation infos and trips to the forest were the most popular activities. Among the services, silvicultural advices were needed mostly and stub treatment least. Brochure material related to stumpage timber sales and taxation were considered most important compared to material related to delivery sales. The service expectations were at highest for women and they were less satisfied with the service than men. 2nd and 3rd generation residents of the metropolitan area thought about the new customer service concept more positively than the 1st generation residents. Internet users under 60 years thought more positively about new satellite picture-based woodlot search concept. Cross-tabulation of factor scores against background variables indicated that women with relatively low education level a greater need to sell roundwood than entrepreneurs, white-collar workers and directors, and Internet users. Suspiciousness towards timber procurement organisations was relatively strong among women and those whose forest income share of the total income was either null or over 20 %. The average customer satisfaction score was negative in all nine questions. Statistical differences be-tween different companies did not exist in the average satisfaction scores. Stora Enso’s Helsinki forest cus-tomer service could choose the ability to purchase all timber grades as its competitive advantage. Out of nine service dimension included in the questionnaire, in this particular service dimension, Enso’s Helsinki forest customer service’s score exceeded most all organisations’ average customer satisfaction score. On the basis of importance – performance matrix, advice and quidance could have been provided more to the forest owners in their latest timber–selling transaction.
  • Sailio, Elina (2019)
    Metsillä on suuri merkitys luonnon monimuotoisuuden säilymisessä ja laadukkaiden ekosysteemipalvelujen edellytyksenä on monimuotoinen luonto. Metsätalouden toimet heikentävät monimuotoisuutta voimakkaimmin ja suojelutoimia tarvitaan, jotta monimuotoisuuden heikkeneminen saadaan pysäytettyä. Metsänsuojelu on tärkeää myös ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnän kannalta, koska metsät pystyvät sitomaan paljon hiiltä. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee mitkä piirteet vaikuttavat yksityismetsänomistajien halukkuuteen osallistua metsänsuojelusopimuksiin. Laadullisen metasynteesin avulla on löydetty piirteitä, jotka vaikuttavat joko positiivisesti tai negatiivisesti liittymishalukkuuteen. Piirteistä seitsemän vaikuttaa liittymishalukkuuteen positiivisesti ja neljä negatiivisesti. Liittymishalukkuuteen positiivisesti vaikuttavia piirteitä ovat korvaus, metsämaan koko, miessukupuoli, positiivinen asenne luonnonsuojelua kohtaan, asenne ilmastonmuutokseen, etäomistajuus ja koulutus. Liittymishalukkuuteen negatiivisesti vaikuttavia piirteitä ovat sopimuksen pituus, epäedulliset sopimuksen purkuehdot, metsänkäytön rajoitukset ja metsän tuottavuus.
  • Suihkonen, Lauri (2009)
    Finnish round wood industry is reliable on Finnish nonindustrial private forest owners (NIPF) wood sales. More than half of the raw material that Finnish round wood industry uses comes from NIPF’s. Therefore, it is important for the Finnish round wood industry and for the whole economy to know the issues that have an effect on NIPF’s wood supply. This paper examines the supply of round wood in Finland using the theoretical approach of Fisherian consumption-saving model. This research examines the price elasticity of wood supply in Finland at regional level. To examine the regional markets Finland is divided to six price areas. The monthly price- and quantity data from year 1987 to 2007 is gathered from the Finnish forest research institute (METLA). This paper examines standing sale supply and delivery sale supply separately. The results show that usually price elasticity of wood supply is positive in both short-run and in long-run. The expected price variable’s effect on wood supply is negative. The results indicate that estimated short-run elasticities of supply are much greater than in earlier studies. This is because this research uses monthly data where as earlier studies have used quarterly or annual data. The estimated long-run elasticities of supply witch describe the reactions to economic trend are in the same magnitude with earlier studies. There were remarkable differences between standing sale models and delivery sale models. In the short-run delivery sale models price elasticities of supply were much smaller than in standing sale models. In the long-run the results were opposite. The results also show that there are remarkable differences between the supplies of round wood on different price areas. This result strengthens earlier research results on regional market differences in Finnish pulpwood supply.