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  • Karvinen, Seppo (2019)
    The Central Finland Granitoid Complex (CFGC) is a large (44,000 km2) plutonic core of a Svecofennian (Paleoproterozoic, 1.91–1.82 Ga) arc complex, formed from collisions of several volcanic arcs and their accretion over the Karelian craton. The CFGC consists mostly of granitic to granodioritic rock types. Mafic-ultramafic plutonic rock types are not common, and they consist of mostly small gabbro-diorite intrusions, which may have ultramafic parts. There are two distinct belts around the CFGC, where Ni-Cu potential mafic-ultramafic intrusions are situated – Vammala and Kotalahti. The intrusions within these belts were formed during the height of magmatism within the CFGC (1.89–1.87 Ga). They host Ni-Cu mineralizations, some of which have been economically exploited. The mineralizations are hosted by olivine-rich ultramafic cumulates. The intrusions formed from hydrous tholeiitic basalts (10–12 wt-% MgO) with arc-type trace element chemistry. The difference between Vammala and Kotalahti type intrusions (clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene-dominated, respectively) are attributed to the rock type of the assimilated country rock. In this thesis, three previously unknown or poorly studied mafic-ultramafic intrusions (Matokulma, Palojärvi, and Hongonniittu) within the CFGC are studied in detail. The petrology, similarity to Vammala-Kotalahti type intrusions, parental magma compositions, ore potential, and petrogenesis of the intrusions are described. Rock samples and field observations were gathered during the summer of 2017. Whole-rock geochemistry, mineral geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, and geophysics are used to describe the petrology of the intrusions. Matokulma and Palojärvi intrusions are studied in detail, compared to Hongonniittu intrusion, which was not studied as intricately. The Matokulma intrusion is the least evolved (whole-rock median Mg#=72) of the studied intrusions and consists of tholeiitic melagabbros where clinopyroxene±orthopyroxene and plagioclase are the main cumulus phases within interstitial, magmatic amphibole (magnesiohastingsite to pargasite in composition). Orthopyroxene and plagioclase are intercumulus phases in some samples. There are also mafic dikes that intrude the tonalitic country rock that surrounds the gabbro. The dikes are similar to the gabbros in geochemistry although they are generally more evolved. Trace element geochemistry suggests that the gabbros and dikes are genetically connected, and the dikes possibly represent the residual magmas of the gabbros. The Palojärvi intrusion is noticeably more evolved than the Matokulma intrusion (median Mg#=49), which is apparent in the iron and titanium rich mineral and whole-rock geochemistry. The strongly tholeiitic melagabbros are composed of both orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene as cumulus phases with plagioclase and common Fe-Ti oxide, often within interstitial magmatic amphibole (magnesio-hastingsite to magnesioferri-hornblende in composition). The Fe-Ti oxides are mostly ilmenomagnetite but both magnetite and ilmenite grains are present in same samples. Based on a few mineral analyzes, the ilmenomagnetite contains up to 1.4 wt-% V2O3. U-Pb age determination samples from a leucogabbro dike within the intrusion and granite that crosscuts the intrusion yielded weighted average 206Pb/207Pb ages of 1883.4±4.8 Ma and 1893.8±7.1 Ma, respectively. The age results are in contrast to the intrusive relationship observed in the field. However, considering the margin of error of the results, the granite can be younger than the gabbro, 1887 Ma and 1888 Ma, respectively. The age of ca. 1.89 Ga is at the early stage of the most voluminous mafic-ultramafic magmatism in the Svecofennian terrane. The parental magmas of the Matokulma and Palojärvi intrusions were evolved and contained approximately 5 wt-% and 2 wt-% MgO, respectively. The presence of magmatic amphiboles in most samples indicate that the parental magmas were hydrous. Samples from all intrusions plot similarly in primitive mantle normalized Rare Earth Element (REE) and Normal-Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (NMORB) normalized spider diagrams. Similar patterns indicate a similar source for the parental magmas. The trace element geochemistry has signatures of subduction related fluid metasomatism. The rocks are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depleted in High Field Strength Elements (HFSE). These geochemical characteristics indicate that the studied intrusions crystallized from a hydrous, NMORB-like evolved basaltic magma, which has experienced fluid metasomatism. The studied intrusions differ from olivine-rich ultramafic cumulates of Vammala and Kotalahti type intrusions based on their more evolved, gabbroic composition and because of this, they are not Ni-Cu ore potential. Palojärvi may host a Fe-Ti-V mineralization, if there are magnetite rich layers within the intrusion.
  • Hellgren, Daniela (2015)
    Climate change and the threat of an ecological collapse in the near future calls for rapid invention of new methods and tools at the service of informed decision making. Backed by academics Esri, Environmental Systems Research Institute – a multinational company and market leader in GIS (geographic information systems) have spread the word of geodesign as meeting sustainability demands in a variety of forms, allowing design processes based on science as well as values. Esri have been clear on creating a community, collaboratively developing the concept further, to meet global spatially related design challenges. The technological maturity have reach a critical level allowing new forms of fusions between geographic information systems (GIS) and design, but complete technological solutions are not yet available. In the study three research questions are answered. Two are, shortly, what is geodesign and what might it mean for professionals in geoinformatics. The study penetrates the concept of geodesign, using a qualitative and holistic approach. The components central to geodesign are highlighted, keeping the focus on the geospatial dimension of geodesign and the relevance for village planning. Village planning is a design process with deep local roots. The collective vision and will for the future is documented. The study introduces and discusses village planning according to changes in society and the demands it brings upon the villages; decentralized responsibilities and fulfillment of local democracy. The implications of geodesign on the spatial dimension of village planning is answered in the third research question. Finland-Swedish village plans are analyzed in theory-driven illustrative case study. Steinitz framework for geodesign is used as an analytic framework in a theory-driven illustrative case study. Supporting questions included in Steinitz framework, a procedure originally developed for landscape planning but now considered useful for geodesign in general, is used as analytic framework. The framework's analytical contribution is supplemented with interpretation based on knowledge of GIS, geodesign and village planning. The premise in the study is that geodesign have the potential to master a variety design processes while providing a timely concept for village planning. In relation to geodesign, village planning is analyzed as a local endogenous design process, showing high degree of participation. Steinitz framework consists of six models with pairwise relations. On the axis process models-change models a lacking correspondence in the village plans is identified, also a general lack in the holistic approach is identified, especially in systems and process thinking. The village plans also shows distinct strengths. The most prominent is the degree of participation. This means that village planning have potential to be supported by geodesign but also provide a model for citizen-led geodesign. Geodesign can be seen as theoretical and benefits obscure. In this study analytical results and interpretation illustrates what the theoretical approach of geodesign means in practice. Quotes from village plans supplemented with graphics, supporting the comparison of the similarities and differences between Steinitz framework and village planning, highlights the concept geodesign and brings it closer a real application in village planning.
  • Jokinen, Ari-Pekka (2021)
    Glaciers and ice caps (GICs) excluding Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets account for large proportion of potential future sea level rise and are losing great amount of their mass in high confidence by 2100. Glacier elevation change observations covering whole Greenland’s GICs are limited to the 21st century and regional geodetic mass balance estimates are scarce. Recent development of photogrammetric software and rediscovery of old aerial photographs has been increasingly used to extend temporal resolution of glacier change studies. Besides for extended mass balance observations, historical photographs may be used in observing glacier surge events to improve their coverage in glacier inventories. In this study, 320 historical aerial photographs from 1953/1954 were photogrammetrically processed to create new digital elevation model (DEM) of the 1953 surface. Comparing the 1953 DEM with 1985 and 2016 DEMs extended the geodetic mass balance records on Nuussuaq peninsula to 63 years. Moreover, differenced DEMs were used with orthophotomosaics to identify glacier surface changes and advances and their possible relation to glacier surges. The study also explored the usage of Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) with user defined input data for simulating future glacier changes in small scale regional setting. The geodetic mass balance results showed clear change from near equilibrium mass balance in 1953-1985 to overall mass loss in 1985-2016. Glacier surface lowering was found to shift to higher elevations along with the change to negative mass balance and occurred throughout the elevation range in 1985-2016. In contrast to generally retreating glaciers, advancing and/or surface elevation increases at the glacier fronts with glaciomorphological evidence of surging were observed on 5 glaciers. OGGM model is easily applicable for smaller regions but correcting the OGGM calibration with a fit to the geodetic mass balance data didn’t provide explicit result of the re-calibration efficiency. Historical photographs provide source to extend geodetic mass balance estimates and means to observe past glacier changes in more detail. Therefore, their incorporation in glacier change studies should be continued and create consistent datasets over larger regions. More research is needed with additional reference data to assess the reliability of the OGGM performance on a region without the reference data from default reference glacier network and the effect of re-calibrating with geodetic fit.
  • Johanson, Jorunn (2021)
    Geodiversity, the natural abiotic variety of the Earth’s surface, is an essential part of natural diversity and plays an important role in providing the abiotic ecosystem services that all life depends on. Geodiversity is increasingly threatened by human activities and climate change, and consequently there is a growing importance of including geodiversity in decision-making. However, there is still a lack of studies assessing the spatial variation and key drivers of geodiversity, especially in high latitude and altitude areas, and this study, therefore, aims to contribute to an improved understanding. In this study, the geodiversity of a subarctic mountainous area in Northern Norway was mapped using remotely sensed data and applying a grid-based approach. The spatial variation of geodiversity was assessed using five different measures, and the relationships between geodiversity and several topographical parameters were analysed using correlation analysis (Spearman’s rank correlation, RS) as well as both univariate and multivariate linear regression. The vertical variation of geodiversity was also examined to analyse the variation of geodiversity along altitudinal gradients. A total of 54 geodiversity elements were observed in the study area and the number of elements per grid cell varied from 7 to 36. Four of the geodiversity measures correlated strongly, resulting in relatively similar spatial patterns of diversity. Higher values tended to follow the valley systems and cluster in the vicinity of rivers and larger streams. Topographically diverse grid cells, containing both steeper slopes and smoother areas, also contained a higher diversity. Low diversity occurred mainly on the highest elevations as well as on the steepest slopes. The majority of the univariate relationships between the measures of geodiversity and the topographical parameters were statistically significant, although the correlations generally were relatively weak. The regression models further confirmed the relationship between topography and geodiversity, and revealed various statistically significant relationships, as well as the presence of both linear and unimodal relationships. Higher geodiversity generally occurred in topographically heterogeneous landscapes, as well as in the vicinity of rivers and larger streams, where both erosion and accumulation processes are prominent, leading to a great variety of geomorphological elements and soil deposits. The summits and slopes of the mountain massifs, on the other hand, displayed a lower geodiversity. In these areas, erosion is significant, but accumulation processes are lacking. Furthermore, the hydrological diversity is generally low there. The vertical patterns of geodiversity were related to the spatial patterns since total geodiversity decreased steadily as mean elevation rose above 600 m a.s.l. The influence of topography on geodiversity patterns could also be seen in the statistically significant relationships between several topographical parameters and the geodiversity measures. There was, however, some variation in the strength of the correlations, and the weaker relationships can partly be explained by the contradictory effect of slope angle and elevation on geodiversity. These patterns were further confirmed by the fact that the regression models revealed not only linear, but also unimodal relationships between the topographical parameters and geodiversity. Although topography seems to have an important effect on all geodiversity measures, there is some variation in which topographic parameters are the most important for the different measures. To conclude, this study of a northern high latitude mountainous area shows that high geodiversity occurs in the vicinity of rivers and larger streams, as well as in landscapes with a varied relief. Topography has a statistically significant influence on geodiversity, although the magnitude and direction of the effect varies between the elements of geodiversity. To facilitate the incorporation of geodiversity in education, land use planning, resource management and nature conservation, more research is still required about the patterns and drivers of geodiversity.
  • Flinkman, Liia (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka paljon yhdeksännen luokan matematiikan valtakunnallisia kokeita tulisi muuttaa, mikäli GeoGebra hyväksyttäisiin työvälineeksi kokeeseen. Kouluissa jatkuvasti käytetään yhä enemmän tietokoneita ja ohjelmistoja. Ylioppilaskokeet ovat sähköistyneet. On siis tärkeää kartoittaa, kuinka paljon valtakunnallisia kokeita pitäisi muuttaa, mikäli koe sähköistyisi tulevaisuudessa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että GeoGebra parantaa oppimistuloksia, asenteita ja motivaatiota matematiikan opiskelussa. Kuitenkin on havaittu, että tarpeeksi haastavien tehtävien suunnittelu GeoGebralle on haastavaa sekä joidenkin komentojen syöttämistapa on vaikea oppilaille. Tässä tutkimuksessa lisäksi pohditaan, miltä osin osaaminen kehittyy ja toisaalta heikkenee, kun käytetään GeoGebraa tehtävien ratkaisemisessa. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin kvalitatiivisesti ja kvantitatiivisesti vuosien 2012–2021 matematiikan valtakunnallisten kokeiden laskimellisia tehtäviä. Laadullisesti esitettiin joidenkin tehtävien ratkaisuja GeoGebra ohjelmistolla. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan, riittääkö oppilaan taidot realistisesti ratkaisemaan tehtäviä esitellyllä tavalla. Määrällisesti selvitettiin, kuinka suuri osa tehtävistä toimisi sellaisenaan GeoGebraa käyttäen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Yli puolet tehtävistä tulisi muuttaa, jos GeoGebra sallitaan välineeksi kokeeseen. GeoGebra heikentää mekaanisen laskutaidon kehittymistä, mutta kasvat-taa muun muassa visualisointitaitoja. Laskimellisessa osassa kannattaa painottaa ratkaisun muita osia kuin mekaanisia laskuvaiheita kuten yhtälönratkaisua. Laskimettomassa osassa voidaan testata mekaaninen laskutaito.
  • Telkamo, Mikko Kalevi (2015)
    Tässä tutkielmassa käsitellään differentiaaliyhtälöiden opettamista lukion matematiikan syventävänä kurssina sekä matemaatiikkaohjelmisto GeoGebran käyttöä differentiaaliyhtälöiden opetuksen apuna. Alussa on lukijalle tarkoitettu kertaus differentiaaliyhtälöiden määritelmästä, sekä separoituvien ja lineaaristen yhtälöiden määritelmät ja ratkaisutavat. Luvun tavoitteena on kerrata differentiaaliyhtälön perusteet lukijalle, joka on opiskellut aihetta jo aiemmin. Lisäksi se on tarpeeksi kattava, jotta lukija, joka ei ole aiemmin opiskellut differentiaaliyhtälöitä, pystyy seuraamaan tutkielman sisältöä. Vaikka differentiaaliyhtälöt eivät kuulu lukion matematiikan vaatimuksiin, sitä opetetaan Suomessa joissakin lukioissa erikoiskurssina tai matematiikkalinjan syventävänä aiheena. Siksi tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Helsingin matematiikkalukiossa laadittua ja käytettyä differentiaaliyhtälön materiaalia. Tarkastelussa katsotaan, miten differentiaaliyhtälön perusaiheet esitetään lukiolaisyleisölle, ja millaisia havaintoja kokoelman kirjoittaja on aiheesta tehnyt. Tämän jälkeen tutkielmaan kuuluu itse laadittu differentiaaliyhtälöiden oppikokonaisuus lukiolaiselle. Käytännössä siinä käydään tutkielman alussa esitetyt differentiaaliyhtälöiden perusasiat läpi tavalla, jolla lukiolainen pystyisi sitä tulkitsemaan. Sen mallina on käytetty aiemmin tarkasteltua oppimateriaalia sekä olemassa olevia lukion oppikirjoja muista matematiikan aiheista. Tämän jälkeen tutkielma esittelee GeoGebra-ohjelman sekä sen soveltuvuuden differentiaaliyhtälöiden opetukseen. Tämä on kaksivaiheinen esittely: ensiksi selitetään ohjelman toiminnot, jotka soveltuvat differentiaaliyhtälön ratkaisuun ja tarkasteluun. Seuraavassa luvussa tarkastellaan yleisemmin, mitä etuja GeoGebra tarjoaa differentiaaliyhtälöiden opetukselle. Siinä painotetaan erityisesti visuaalista puolta, jonka ohjelma lisää aiheen opetukseen, ja joka usein puuttuu tavallisessa oppimateriaalissa. Tutkielman lopussa on lyhyt tehtävälomake aiempien lukujen tueksi. Sen on tarkoitus olla sopiva tehtäväpaketti, jonka voisi antaa lukiolaiselle, joka on opiskellut edellä esitetyn differentiaaliyhtälöiden kokonaisuuden, sekä ohjeet, miten käyttää GeoGebraa näiden yhtälöiden ratkaisemiseen.
  • Laine, Anna (2023)
    Ylioppilaskokeiden siirtyminen täysin sähköiseksi vuonna 2019 on tuonut merkittävän muutoksen matematiikan oppitunneille. Teknologia on tullut verrattain nopeasti hyvin olennaiseksi työvälineeksi osaksi matematiikan oppitunteja. Yksi käytetyimmistä ohjelmistoista matematiikan oppitunneilla Suomessa on dynaamisen matematiikan ohjelmisto GeoGebra. Tässä tutkimuksessa pohditaan GeoGebran vaikutusta matematiikan oppimiseen ja opetukseen. Tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitä tutkimukset havaitsevat, kun GeoGebralla on korvattu perinteistä opetusta matematiikan oppitunneilla. Tarkastellaan ohjelmiston soveltuvuutta kriittisestä näkökulmasta huomioimalla myös sen tuomat haasteet opetukseen ja oppimiseen. Lisäksi pohditaan, miten sovelluksella voidaan tukea oppijoiden kokemia haasteita etenkin geometriassa keskittymällä erityisesti sen soveltuvuuteen ”mittakaava”-käsitteen opettamisessa. Visualisoinnin ja teknologian voidaan nähdä hyvin keskeisenä osana matematiikan oppimista ja ajattelutaitojen kehitystä. Tutkimuksista havaitaan, että GeoGebran käyttö oppitunnilla toi parempia oppimistuloksia verratessa niitä luokkiin, joissa opetus toteutettiin perinteisellä tavalla. GeoGebran hyötynä nähdään erityisesti sovelluksen monipuolinen ja selkeä käytettävyys, matematiikan osaamisen vahvistaminen, oppimistaitojen tukeminen, ja motivaation lisääntyminen. Ohjelmiston käyttö ei kuitenkaan suoraan takaa menestystä matematiikassa, vaan siihen vaikuttaa suuresti opettajan osaaminen ja käyttö hyödyntää teknologiaa työvälineenä oppitunneilla. Tutkimuksissa tuodaan esiin keskeisenä kehityksen kohteena opettajien ongelmaratkaisutaitojen, palautteen antamisen ja teknologispedagogisen sisältötiedon tukeminen.
  • Pyhäjärvi, Johanna (2019)
    Oppilaiden kiinnostus matematiikkaa kohtaan on tutkimusten mukaan laskussa. Samalla oppilaiden matematiikan osaamisen taso on heikentynyt. Matematiikan opettajien laadukkaalla koulutuksella pyritään vastaamaan opiskelijoiden heikentyneeseen matematiikan osaamiseen ja kiinnostukseen. Yksi keino lisätä matematiikan kiinnostavuutta, on kehittää matematiikan opettajien koulutusta relevantimmaksi opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tietotekniikan, kuten GeoGebran käytöllä opetuksessa on tärkeä rooli oppilaiden matematiikan kiinnostuksen lisäämisessä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan matematiikan opettajille järjestettyä LUMA-keskuksen GeoGebra opetuksessa -verkkokoulutusta. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan GeoGebran käyttöä matematiikan opetuksessa, matematiikan opettajankoulutusta ja verkkokoulutusta sekä sen relevanssia. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli GeoGebra opetuksessa -verkkokoulutuksen suorittaneet opiskelijat (N=30). Opiskelijat olivat lukion, yläkoulun ja alakoulun opettajia sekä aineenopettajaopiskelijoita. Koulutus järjestettiin syksyllä 2018. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka merkityksellinen koulutus oli opiskelijoille Stuckey et al. (2013) luoman relevanssiteorian mukaisilla relevanssin eri tasoilla. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös sukupuolen vaikutusta opiskelijoiden näkemyksiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin mitä odotuksia opiskelijoilla oli koulutuksesta ja vastasitko koulutus niitä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kyselylomaketutkimusta. Kyselylomakkeen strukturoidut kysymykset analysoitiin sekä laadullisena että määrällisenä aineistona ja avoimet kysymykset analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen luotettavuutta tarkasteltiin realibiliteetin ja validiteetin avulla. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että GeoGebra opetuksessa -verkkokoulutus oli opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta relevanttia henkilökohtaisen ja ammatillisen relevanssin tasoilla yhteiskunnallisen tason jäädessä vähemmälle. Koulutuksen todettiin vastaavan vahvasti opiskelijoiden odotuksia koulutukselta. Opiskelijat kokivat koulutuksen erittäin hyödyllisenä oman työn kannalta. Tämä tutkimus antaa tietoa matematiikan opettajien verkkokoulutuksesta. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää erityisesti GeoGebra opetuksessa -koulutuksen kehittämisessä ja jatkotutkimuksessa.
  • Smolander, William (2019)
    A growing number of researchers, including geographers, have under the last decades become interested in sustainability transitions. This thesis highlights the connections between geography and transitions in three ways: by critically analysing current models, by developing the geographical approach to transitions and by introducing methodological approaches for further studies. I go through three models that try to explain transitions, but choose to focus on the deep transition framework that describes establishment of meta-rules that steer long-term development beyond specific socio-technological systems and across spatial boundaries. This framework is however lacking a profound understanding of geography, which is why I go into how territories, places, scales and networks connect to transitions. I also discuss power as a geographical phenomenon and the governance of sustainability on a global level. There are signs that the United Nation’s vision of sustainability, has gained popularity in different institutions. I believe researchers should explore these signs further. Based on the theoretical framework, I show three different but complementary approaches for studying and interpreting strategies for societal development. I hope that the theoretical and methodological contributions this thesis gives will be utilized in further research on highlighting the connections between geography, sustainability, transitions and governance.
  • Venäläinen, Emilia (2014)
    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are increasingly used to support the emergency planning. GIS methods can be utilized when planning the emergency response system as well as in the emergency management during and after incident. In this study, GIS methods are applied to maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) planning. Traffic amounts are constantly growing in the Gulf of Finland (GoF) and SAR response has to keep up with them. Means to evaluate the SAR response are needed to ensure the adequacy of rescue resources. The voluntary SAR response in in the Finnish waters of the GoF is evaluated. The focus is on the operations of the Finnish Lifeboat Institution (FLI) that is the umbrella organization for voluntary maritime rescue associations in Finland. However, it is hoped that also other SAR operators can apply the presented methods when planning their SAR operations. The main interest is in boating because leisure boats are most often the object of a rescue mission. Timeliness is crucial in emergency operations and thus the SAR response is evaluated here mainly based on the response times. The response times with the current fleet of the FLI are modelled with cost distance methods. Weather factors affect significantly the speed of the Search and Rescue Units (SRU). Therefore, in order to make the results more realistic, different wave height scenarios are included in the cost distance calculations. The wave heights are modelled with two different wind speeds and three different wind directions. The results contain response time maps for the whole study area in different wave height conditions, response times for past incident sites, response times with two units and response times for high incident density areas. Also the number of concurrent incidents in certain sub-areas is observed. According to the results of the thesis the voluntary SAR response in the GoF is generally good. Some improvements would be necessary if the FLI would be the only SAR operator in the area. However, if the units of Finnish Boarder Guard (FBG) are also taken into account the response seems adequate. Therefore, no major changes in the operations of voluntary SAR organizations in the GoF are suggested. Instead, the adequacy of the SAR response elsewhere in Finland could be evaluated. The lower density of SRUs outside the study area may result in inadequacy of SAR response.
  • Tenkanen, Henrikki (2013)
    A vast amount of spatio-temporal data has become available with the fast development of information technology and different monitoring systems over the last two decades. Position-aware devices are one of the most dominant sources for collecting movement data. Spatio-temporal information that is derived from the tracking devices enable to build movement patterns from the targets, and to calculate measurable motion parameters such as speed, change of speed or the direction of movement. This study utilized a specific pilot GPS-based monitoring system called Amazonian Riverboat Observation System (AROS) that was built to collect movement data of the local riverboats on the departments of Loreto and Ucayali in Peruvian Amazonia. AROS provides real-time GPS-data with coordinates and timestamp that indicate where and when the collaborating vessels are navigating. As an outcome of this thesis a specific analytical tool called Trajectory Reconstruction and Analysis Tool (TRAT) was developed. TRAT utilizes variety of geographic knowledge discovery methods to extract knowledge from movement data provided by AROS. Also spatio-temporal transportation characteristics in the study area were analyzed based on AROS data from the year 2012 and utilizing TRAT. This thesis focused on studying if there is seasonal and directional variation in transportation characteristics along the Amazonian rivers, and if river morphology affects the navigation. Also connection between water height of the rivers and travel speed of individual journeys was studied. Results of the thesis suggest that navigation along the rivers has seasonal and directional variation, and also the river morphology seems to affect the movement patterns of the vessels. On navigation route that was mostly meandering by river morphology, the downstream navigation was over 40% faster than upstream navigation during high water and intermediate, but during low water there was no difference between navigation directions. Seasonal variation was over 30% faster during high water compared to low water (on downstream direction). On upstream direction the navigation was fastest during low water but seasonal differences were considerably lower compared to downstream navigation. On navigation route that was mostly anastomosing by river morphology, the downstream navigation was approximately 20 % faster during the entire year. Results suggest that there is no seasonal difference in navigation characteristics along the larger and wider rivers, since the travel speeds were quite similar throughout the year. Fitting simple regression model between average travel speed of the journeys and water levels of the river revealed that there seems to be strong connection between travel speed and river height on the route along Ucayali river when travelled downstream (R2=0.73). On other cases that were studied, the results suggest that there is not connection between travel speed characteristics and river height. Comparing the results with earlier studies implied that the results of this thesis seemed to be fairly accurate. However, it is necessary to validate the results by doing cross-validations between data from different years observed with AROS. Transportation is in a key role when trying to find the factors affecting on development of a certain location. Thus transportation as means of accessibility has significant role in variety of contexts such as conversation, land use changes and deforestation. Results of this study could provide more accurate data for studies focusing on previously mentioned topics in the study area. Also utilization of TRAT in other contexts, such as studying global transportation patterns of professional vessels, could be possible by making few modifications to the tool.
  • Karhu, Noora (2020)
    Geochemical ore exploration with geogases is based, like the MMI method, on the movement of mobile metal ions. The assumption is that the buried mineralization is possible to locate using the samples collected from the surface sediment. In this study, the detection of gold-copper anomalies by geogases was tested in three different regions of the West Lapland ice divide zone. Geogas samples were collected using an active gas collector at 25 cm below the lowest visible soil horizon. The samples were bubbled into nitric acid and analysed with ICP-MS. The elements studied were As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, U and Zn. Only few elevated levels of arsenic, cobalt, mercury and nickel were found in the gas samples In the Hannukainen mining area, geogases were collected at known ore settlement, in which gas concentrations showed a clear anomaly in soil directly above the outcropping ore. At Kelontekemä, the concentrations of geogases were compared with MMI results from soil samples collected nearby. There appears to be a connection between concentrations of gases and soil samples, but the concentrations of soil samples are often a thousandfold higher. In this study, the Jolhikko region served as a background area, which allowed to conduct a comparison between the area containing mineralization and the background area of precious metals. In light of this research, geogases are a working tool for geochemical ore exploration. However, and in order to understand the complexity of this phenomenon, it is necessary to conduct further studies. The use of geogases also requires special care from samplers to minimize contamination risks.
  • Tepsell, Johanna (2019)
    The geology of the Eastern Lapland Archean domain (the sudy area of this study) is vaguely known due to high metamorphism and poorly exposed lithologic assemblages. Three new U-Pb age determinations from key locations aim for more profound understanding of the geochronology of the area. Cu-Fe-S stable isotope data for copper sulfides from the Eastern Lapland Archean domain are presented for the first time. The stable isotope analytical method for Cu-Fe-S isotopes is refined and its applicability as a proxy for magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits is evaluated. It has been suggested that, within an individual mineralized intrusion, negative correlation of δ34S and δ65Cu might be a useful indicator of the economic potential of Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits. Combined S and Fe isotope systematics have also been used to fingerprint for the origin of sulfur. Three new samples were dated using the LA-ICP-MS method on zircon. Most of the Pultoselkä granite data are concordant and yield an age of 2795 ± 6 Ma. The data from the Kontioselkä pegmatite are mostly discordant and define maximum age for the pegmatite at 1766 ± 36 Ma. The Janesselkä gabbro yields an minimum age of 2425 ± 17 Ma, consistent with the 2,4–2,5 Ga age group of mafic magmatism observed widely across the Fennoscandian shield. The established U-Pb data imply distinct metamorphic effects during the Svecofennian and Caledonian orogenies. 28 stable isotope (Cu-Fe-S) data sets were measured from dissolved samples utilizing MC ICP-MS. A micro drilling method was used to extract sulfide cores for the solution work. Collectively the δ65Cu values of analysed sulfides (n = 28) range from -4,65 to 0,29‰, δ56Fe values from -0,21 to 1,44‰, and δ34S values from -1,38 to 11,77‰. Isotope values from magmatic sulfides (n = 7, 2σ) have a restricted range and distinct mean δ65Cu value of -0,99 ± 0,21‰, mean δ56Fe value of 0,16 ± 0,23‰, and mean δ34S value of 2,08 ± 0,3‰, consistent with chondritic compositions. The variation of isotopic values reflects the composition of the sulfide. Overall, they reflect varying crystallization histories and subsequent modification of the samples examined.
  • Sandström, Joonas (2021)
    Aijala-Metsämonttu volcanogenic massive sulphide ore deposit belongs to Orijärvi regional volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralisation, localised within the schist zone southwestern Finland. Aijala-Orijärvi zone is an island-arc structure formed during the Paleoproterozoic (1895-1891 Ma). The mining operation in Aijala took place in 1949–1958 and Metsämonttu in 1952–1958 and 1964–1974. The Aijala and Metsämonttu deposits were 1 km apart. The main ore types were massive vein-like pyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and galena. The purpose of this thesis was to produce modern geological 3D models of the Aijala and Metsämonttu volcanogenic massive sulphide ore deposits and numerical grade models of the utilised minerals (copper, lead, zinc, silver, and gold) using historical material and to interpret the occurrences and emplacements of precious metals and base metals. In addition, compare the accuracy of the 3D models with digitised historical material. Geological 3D and numerical grade models were created using implicit modelling. Historical data used in this thesis consist of 266 drill holes from Aijala and 274 drill holes from Metsämonttu. Also, 61 mine tunnel maps and 47 cross-sections were used to create the geological models. The Aijala-Metsämonttu volcanogenic massive sulphide ore deposits are in the same stratigraphic zone between the footwall quartz-feldspar-porphyry and hanging wall amphibolite. Sulphide lenses of both deposits are vertically on the south side of the footwall and hanging wall contact. The main host rocks to sulphide ores are skarn and cordierite-gneiss. Several local faults intersect the deposits. The most significant faults displaced overlying blocks to the south in Aijala and to the north in Metsämonttu. The Aijala-Metsämonttu deposit belongs to the Zn-Pb-Cu group. The occurrence style and concentrations of metals vary between deposits. Copper ore is present in Aijala but absent in Metsämonttu, whilst zinc-lead ore is present in Metsämonttu but absent in Aijala. Precious metals occur in both deposits with a companion of base metals. The Metsämonttu deposit is rich in precious metals compared to the Aijala deposit, and the presence of high content of precious metals correlates with the incidence of lead ore. Precious metals concentrations increase from east to west and deeper in Metsämonttu.
  • Haapalehto, Sophie (2017)
    The Finnish spent nuclear fuel repository is currently under construction by Posiva Oy, and the repository will be located in Olkiluoto Island, western Finland. After intensive research of the site from surface drillholes, construction of underground rock characterisation facility named ONKALO began in 2004 in the same location for the purposes of detailed site characterization. Additionally, to ONKALO and research drillholes, 58 deep drillholes provide a large database for the geological, geochemical, geophysical and rock mechanics site characterisation. One of the key aspects of rock mechanics site characterisation is to determine the in situ stress field prevailing at Olkiluoto. Mathematically, the stress field is represented as a tensor with both direction and magnitude. The effect of excessive magnitudes of the tensor can be manifested by oriented fractures on the walls of the drillholes forming a phenomena of borehole breakouts along the drillhole length. The breakouts form when compressive stress, induced by the concentration of the in situ stress around the drillhole, exceeds the rock strength. The breakouts occur on the opposite sides of the walls. Due to the breakouts occurring in the areas of maximum compression around the drillhole walls, both the direction of the minimum (σh) and maximum (σH) horizontal in situ stress components can be inferred along the drillhole. This Master's thesis was set to identify and map the breakouts in the deep drillholes in Olkiluoto using the acoustic and optical imaging data of the deep drillholes. Acoustic and optical televiewers are two of the several geophysical measuring methods used in the drillholes. They produce images of the walls of the drillholes by wave reflection. During the study, different types of breakouts were identified along the drillholes in Olkiluoto: dotted, zipper-like and a mix of the two previous types with different intensities. The locations of the identified breakouts and other features (direction of σh, rock type, foliation) were recorded in a mapping form developed during this work. The mapping results show that in the total of 19 imaged drillholes, 40 breakout sections exist in only 5 drillholes. Geophysical data show that the breakouts are highly dependent on the geology and the majority of the breakouts occur in veined gneiss and in less competent rock types such as deformed or fractured rocks. Most of the breakouts were observed below 600 meters depth. Major group of directions of calculated σH from the mapped breakouts is oriented NE-SW (60-90°/245-270°) and secondary groups are oriented 107-150°/285-325° and 10-40°/190-220°. In some drillholes, the directions are rotated about 40° due to a significant brittle fault zone separating the site of Olkiluoto into stress field domains.
  • Hiltunen, Ida (2019)
    Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia geologisten taustatekijöiden, kuten pohjavesi-pintavesi vuorovaikutuksen sekä maaperän vaikutuksia piilevien yhteisökoostumukseen. Pohjaveden purkautumisvyöhykkeissä silikaattipitoisuudet ovat usein korkeat. Koska piilevät käyttävät silikaattia kuorensa rakennusaineena, on oletettavaa, että puroon purkautuva pohjavesi vaikuttaa piilevälajistoon. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin heinä-elokuussa 2017 ja tutkimuskohteina oli 51 latvapuroa Etelä-, Itä- ja Kaakkois-Suomessa. Aineistona käytettiin piilevien lajistokoostumusta, purojen hydrogeokemiallista koostumusta, lämpötilahavaintoja sekä pohjasedimentin luonnetta. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin olemassa olevaa paikkatietoaineistoa sekä maaperästä että pohjavesialueista. Näytteistä määritettiin veden kemiallinen koostumus sekä sedimentin raekokokojakauma. Pohja-pintavesi vuorovaikutusten selvityksissä käytettiin hyväksi fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia menetelmiä, kuten veden hapen ja vedyn stabiilien isotooppien koostumusta, silikaattipitoisuuksia sekä lämpötilamittauksia. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin paikantamaan ne purot, joissa pohjavesi-pintavesi vuorovaikutusta tapahtuu. Piilevien yhteisökoostumukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä analysoitiin redundanssianalyysin, pääkomponenttianalyysin, hajonnan osituksen sekä similariteettianalyysin avulla. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voitiin nimetä yhteensä 19 pohjavesivaikutteista puroa. Pohjavesivaikutteisten purojen geokemiallinen koostumus erosi selvästi ei-pohjavesivaikutteisista puroista. Redundanssianalyysin mukaan tärkeimpiä piilevien yhteisökoostumukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä olivat sähkönjohtokyky, pH, savi- ja silttipitoinen maaperä, fosfori ja veden väri. Lajiston koostumukseen vaikuttivat hajonnan osituksen mukaan eniten kaikki vedenlaatumuuttujat, kun puolestaan pelkkien pohjavesimuuttujien vaikutus oli pienempi. Similariteettianalyysin mukaan pohjavesivaikutteisten purojen yhteisökoostumukset erosivat merkitsevästi ei-pohjavesivaikutteisista puroista. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että pohjavesivuorovaikutusta ilmentävillä muuttujilla ei ole suurta vaikutusta piileväyhteisöjen koostumukseen. Siitä huolimatta pohjavesivaikutteisten ja ei-pohjavesivaikutteisten purojen lajistoissa oli havaittavissa eroja.
  • Jokela, Eetu (2020)
    The Sukseton area is located in the northern part of Kittilä municipality, Central Lapland Greenstone Belt, approximately 15 km N from Suurikuusikko gold mine and 5 km NW from Iso-Kuotko orogenic gold deposit, between several large crustal scale thrust and shear zones. This area is a mix of different volcanic formations of Kittilä suite, felsic intrusion of Vuotso Complex and Paleoproterozoic intrusive rocks in the north. In addition to this, several porphyry dykes cut the Kittilä suite volcanic rocks around the area. Exploration work in this area started in the 1980’s when Outokumpu Oy found two minor gold and gold-copper mineralizations. In 2017, Agnico Eagle Finland Oy continued exploration in this area, intending to define the regional geology and the extent of the mineralizations. As a result of this exploration work, this study investigates more closely the regional geology, geochemistry, metamorphism and structural geology of the Sukseton area, as well as the geochronology of associated porphyry dykes. To understand and define the geology of the area, the following methods were used: geological bedrock and exploration trench mapping, interpretation of drill core loggings and several geophysical surveys, optical studies of polished thin sections and U–Pb dating a porphyry dyke sample. The metamorphic conditions of the area were studied through thorough petrological studies. In addition, an extensive geochemical and geotectonic classification of the rocks in the area was conducted. The Sukseton area composes mainly of different tholeiitic basalts and pyroclastic rocks with minor sulphide rich graphitic volcanic sediment and chert sections. Based on this study, these volcanic rocks originate from island arcs and mid-ocean ridges. With the help of geophysical surveys and field measurements, a couple of large fold structures were identified from the eastern part of the study area as well as a large shear zone in the middle of the area striking NE–SW. Porphyry dykes cut the volcanic rocks all around the area giving the minimum age of 1940±18 Ma for the volcanic rocks. Composition of porphyry dykes vary from rhyolites to basalt and they have similar geochemical characteristics with Nyssäkoski type felsic veins. The peak metamorphic conditions in the area represent high-P amphibolite facies metamorphism. Also, hydrothermal alteration is common in Sukseton and it can be metamorphic and magmatic in origin.
  • Georgi, Jaakko (2019)
    This study consists of a comprehensive characterization of the geology, geochemistry, alteration, and mineralization at the Ronaldo prospect as well as an evaluation of its ore potential. Previous mapping campaigns of the prospect, which lies in the Central Andes in Peru at an elevation of 4300 metres, have identified intrusions overlain by a volcanic package. The intrusions are crosscut by silicified ridges that host epithermal mineralization. Satellite imagery reveals that the topographically elevated areas exhibit strongly altered rocks identified as an advanced argillic-altered lithocap. The methods used to define and better understand the geology and the evolution of the hydrothermal system included reconnaissance field mapping, whole-rock geochemistry, short-wave infrared spectroscopy, petrography, and geochronology. Previous studies have shown that only high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization can be spatially and temporally linked to porphyry Cu mineralization, and therefore this study investigates – among other aspects – what type of epithermal mineralization is present at Ronaldo in order to evaluate the potential for concealed at-depth porphyry Cu mineralization. Two separate lower Miocene intrusive units were identified, a porphyritic diorite and a porphyritic granodiorite, whose average age difference is 1.79 Ma. The intrusive units display intermediate argillic alteration. The overlying extrusive units are Sacsaquero Formation basaltic andesites and ignimbrites that are either unaltered or display propylitic alteration. The basaltic andesite roof pendants observed at Ronaldo indicate that the tops of the intrusions are preserved. At high elevations, advanced argillic alteration composed of pyrophyllite, kaolinite, and dumortierite was observed. This area is the remnant, deeper zone of a larger lithocap. The steeply dipping silicified ridges that display sericitic alteration were inferred to be the root zone of this lithocap. Elevated values of trace elements such as Te, Bi, As, and Sb suggest that the Ronaldo prospect is mostly situated in a sericitic alteration zone related to a porphyry-like magmatic-hydrothermal source located at greater depth. Isolated magnetite aggregates were observed in magmatic-hydrothermal breccia, which indicates that the sericitic alteration may have overprinted potassic alteration. A few intermediate-sulfidation epithermal veins and porphyry-related veins, including a banded molybdenite quartz vein, were observed in the creek near the major fault. At Ronaldo, high silica content and sericitic alteration correlate well with elevated concentrations of Ag, Au, and Mo, whereas Cu concentration does not correlate well with any alteration type or with silica content. Quartz veinlets in the silicified ridges that host abundant Ag and Au mineralization were interpreted to have formed at a slightly later stage and to be unrelated to the magmatic-hydrothermal system. This mineralization was interpreted to be low-sulfidation epithermal in origin due to features such as abundant adularia, lattice-textured bladed calcite replaced by quartz, crustiform banding, banded quartz-chalcedony veins, druse-lined cavities, and high Ag/Au ratios. In conclusion, the Ronaldo prospect comprises a hydrothermal system in which the deep, root zone of an advanced argillic lithocap is exposed. The exploration potential for low-sulfidation epithermal mineralization in the silicified ridges is rather significant, whereas the potential for porphyry Cu mineralization is minor due to the lack of appreciable Cu and Mo mineralization, typically shallow-depth porphyry-related hydrothermal alteration, and the lack of high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization.
  • Virkki, Leena P. (2020)
    Siilinjärvi carbonatite in the eastern Finland is an Archaean intrusion. It is mined for the phosphorus bearing apatite used in fertilizers. Saarinen open pit is a satellite mine of the main Särkijärvi open pit. Siilinjärvi carbonatite is the lowest grade apatite ore in the world being excavated and the largest industrial mineral mine in Finland with approx. 11 Mt ore mined yearly making up almost 70 percent of the industrial minerals mined in Finland. The Siilinjärvi carbonatite is a north-south trending and nearly vertical intrusion within basement gneisses. The complex consists of a continuous rock series between end members of nearly pure glimmerite and carbonatite. During the intrusion, the glimmerite-dcarbonatite has metasomatically altered the adjacent country rocks resulting a fenite halo of varying thickness. The purpose of this M. Sc. thesis was to produce a geological map and study the petrography and geochemistry of the rock types of the complex in the Saarinen area. The bedrock surface of Saarinen open pit area was mapped in detail with a GNSS receiver and data was edited with LeapFrog, ArcMap and QGIS. 24 rock samples were collected and thin sections were prepared for petrographic analysis. ICP-MS analysis was made of 20 rock samples to obtain whole rock geochemical data. Sludge sampling was carried out which produced 299 samples from 51 drill holes down to maximum 24 metres from the surface. Sludge samples were analysed with ICP-OES. Geological mapping showed that the most carbonate rich rock types of the complex are located in the middle of the complex. The different rock types of the complex are oriented along the main direction of the formation. Fenite occurs on the edge of the complex and as xenoliths within the glimmerite-carbonatite series rocks. Petrography studies showed that nearly all of the samples shared the same mineral constitution, only the modal proportions of different minerals vary. The main minerals are phlogopite, calcite, richterite and apatite. Geochemical whole rock analysis indicated that the phosphorus content of the rocks studied is highest in the rock types containing 10-50% carbonates. The trace element and REE compositions of the samples differ from average carbonatite, especially Nb, La, Ce and Y contents are lower. The geochemical analysis of sludge samples showed that the rock types are not continuous across long depths.
  • Hynönen, Reko (2013)
    Geomagnetic storms and auroral substorms are manifestations of space weather. They are disturbances in the geomagnetic field caused by solar activity that consists of flare eruptions, coronal mass ejections, high-speed streams, corotating interaction regions and other disturbances within the solar wind. The occurrence rate and properties of these events vary greatly within the solar cycle some maximizing during the solar maximum and others during the declining phase of the solar cycle. Any solar activity measure can be used to define the solar cycle though traditionally the sunspot number has been used. In addition to the sunspot number we have examined e.g. sunspot area, solar radio flux and solar X-ray flux. The solar cycle itself can be divided into four distinct phases: ascending, maximum, declining and minimum phases. Their properties depend on the solar activity measure they are based on. Occurrence rates of geomagnetic storms, substorms and events of solar origin along with geomagnetic indices show that the most recent solar cycle, number 23, had its most disturbed time interval in 2003 in its declining phase. Though solar flares and CMEs were found to maximize in the solar maximum as expected, the slow CMEs and coronal hole originated structures like high-speed streams were found to maximize during the declining phase of the solar cycle. The same conclusion was confirmed studying the geomagnetic storm indices and the ultra-low frequency (ULF) fluctuations within solar wind and the magnetosphere, identified with the method of power spectra. Ground-based Pc5 pulsations from three magnetic stations (KEV, OUJ and KIL) were identified and two maxima were found: the largest one in the declining phase of the solar cycle and the other one during the solar maximum. The ground Pc5 pulsations during the solar cycle 23 follow nicely the ULFs identified based on the ACE satellite measurements at the L1. Records of storm indices show that the declining phase has been the most disturbed time interval in majority of the solar cycles during the modern solar maximum, not only during solar cycle 23.