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  • Dziuba, Artem (2023)
    Surface charging behavior of commercial pure calcite and calcite samples from the Bukov underground research facility was studied by measuring the zeta potential of the samples after equilibration with CO2 gas and determining their cation exchange capacity. For zeta potential measurements, different calcite samples with grain sizes under 25 μm were submerged into five different electrolyte solutions: 0.01 M NaCl, 0.001 M CaCl2, 0.005 M NaCl + 0.0025 M MgCl2, 0.0025 M NaCl + 0.00375 M MgCl2, and a synthetic groundwater simulant (SGW2). A pH range of 6.5 – 11 was established and maintained across sample series for the duration of the experiments, and the samples were equilibrated with CO2 gas by regular bubbling of a 250 ppm CO2/N2 gas mixture into the solutions in 1-hour sessions. The length of the equilibration process varied from three days to one month, and after its conclusion the zeta potential of each sample was measured. The goal of the experiments was to evaluate the feasibility of equilibrating calcite samples with CO2 when studying their zeta potential. Additional goals included comparing different types of calcite in different solutions, as well as determining an optimal duration for equilibration. The results were compared with an earlier study where calcite zeta potential was determined under total CO2 exclusion. For the determination of cation exchange capacity, two cobalt hexamine trichloride solutions were used, one saturated with pure calcite and one saturated with Bukov calcite. Samples of both types of calcite were shaken for 1 hour in their respective solutions, and the ionic composition of the supernatant from each sample was determined using microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Cation exchange capacity was calculated from the measurement results. According to the results obtained, long-term exposure and equilibration with CO2 may have a positive effect on the internal stability of calcite samples and lead to more reliable zeta potential measurements. Samples showed minimal fluctuation in the concentration of Ca in bulk solution after one week of equilibration, and no significant rise or decline in stability was noted to occur if equilibration was continued beyond one week. Compared to CO2 exclusion, equilibration produced more consistent trends in zeta potential values, though the results were heavily dependent on the electrolyte solution used in the experiment. Cation exchange capacity experiments also produced much larger values than the previous exclusion study despite using the same types of sample, hinting at a significant difference in the grain sizes used.
  • Uosukainen, Moona (2021)
    Haihtuvia yhdisteitä, mukaan lukien haihtuvia orgaanisia yhdisteitä, tuottavat sekä ihmiset että mikrobit osana niiden normaalia aineenvaihduntaa. Ihmiskehossa joko normaalisti tai esimerkiksi bakteeri-infektion johdosta syntyneet haihtuvat yhdisteet pystyvät kulkeutumaan veren mukana läpi ihmiskehon, ja päätyä esimerkiksi verestä keuhkorakkuloiden kautta uloshengitettävään ilmaan tai munuaisten kautta virtsaan, jolloin niiden läsnäolo on mahdollista havaita näistä näytematriiseista. Myös bakteerit voivat päätyä esimerkiksi verenkiertoon tai virtsateihin, jolloin niiden muodostamia haihtuvia yhdisteitä voidaan mahdollisesti havaita näistä näytematriiseista ja yhdisteitä voitaisiin käyttää indikaattorina esimerkiksi tietyn taudinaiheuttajan läsnäolosta. Tämän tutkielman kirjallisuusosuudessa tutustutaan mikrobiperäisten haihtuvien yhdisteiden potentiaaliin ja haasteisiin diagnostiikassa. Bakteerien tuottamia yhdisteitä voidaan tutkia erilaisilla in vitro-malleilla, jolla tarkoitetaan bakteerien kasvattamista ihmiskehon ulkopuolella esimerkiksi kasvatusliuoksessa tai kliinisissä matriiseissa. Tämän avulla bakteerien tuottamia yhdisteitä voidaan tutkia ilman mahdollisia ihmiskehon aikaansaamia isäntävasteita bakteereille ja näin tutkia tietyn taudinaiheuttajan eli patogeenin tuottamia merkkiaineyhdisteitä. Toinen lähestymistapa on tutkia esimerkiksi tiettyä sairautta potevan ihmisen uloshengitysilmaa ja pyrkiä erottamaan tiettyä sairautta potevat terveistä henkilöistä. Kirjallisuusosassa käydään läpi haihtuvien yhdisteiden analytiikassa käytettyjä analyysimenetelmiä sekä niiden etuja ja rajoituksia verrattuna kaasukromatografia-massaspektrometriaan (GC-MS). Tässä tutkielmassa käydään myös läpi suun patogeenisten bakteerien, tarkemmin sanottuna hampaiden kiinnityskudoksia tuhoavaan parodontiittiin liitettyjen bakteerien roolia taudinaiheuttajina, bakteerien tuottamia haihtuvia yhdisteitä sekä yhdisteiden mahdollista biologista alkuperää. Suun patogeeniset bakteerit ja parodontiitti voivat aiheuttaa myös lukuisia muita sairauksia, joten suun patogeenien tunnistaminen on yksi haihtuvien yhdisteiden analytiikan potentiaalinen sovellutusalue. Sen lisäksi, että näillä haihtuvilla yhdisteillä on potentiaali diagnostiikassa olla tiettyä patogeenia indikoivia merkkiaineyhdisteitä, ne ovat myös osallisena parodontiitin syntymisessä sekä etenemisessä. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osassa identifioitiin suun patogeenisten anaerobisten bakteerien tuottamia haihtuvia yhdisteitä in vitro käyttämällä kiinteäfaasimikrouutto-kaasukromatografi-massaspektrometriä (SPME-GC-MS). Mittauksia varten rakennettiin näytteenottosysteemi, jonka avulla yhdistettiin bakteeriviljely, SPME-näytteenotto sekä yhdisteiden reaaliaikainen analyysi protonisiirtoreaktio-massaspektrometrillä (PTR-MS). Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia, millaisia haihtuvia yhdisteitä suun bakteerit tuottavat ja tuottavatko bakteerit sellaisia yhdisteitä, joita voidaan mahdollisesti käyttää kyseisiä bakteereja indikoivina merkkiaineyhdisteinä tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimuksessa identifioitiin kahden patogeenin, jotka olivat Porphyromonas gingivalis ja Prevotella nigrescens, tuottamat haihtuvat yhdisteet ja molemmille bakteereille löydettiin kaksi potentiaalista merkkiaineyhdistettä, joiden avulla bakteerit voidaan erottaa toisistaan sekä mahdollisesti muista suun patogeeneista. P.gingivalis tuotti kaksi spesifistä esteriä, isoamyyli asetaattia ja isoamyyli propionaattia, ja P.nigrescens 3-(metyylitioli)propionaalia sekä 2-metyylibutaanihappoa. Tutkimuksen perusteella ei voida kuitenkaan tehdä laajoja johtopäätöksiä, koska kyseisissä analyysi- ja bakteeriviljelyolosuhteissa on analysoitu vain kahden patogeenisen bakteerin tuottamat yhdisteet, sillä kahden muun tutkimukseen valitun bakteerin viljely ei onnistunut.
  • Banks, Aidan (2022)
    The opening segments give a summary of the history of catalysis in general and of frustrated Lewis pairs in particular, where both intra- and intermolecular types are discussed. In addition, the essences of the mechanisms of action of frustrated Lewis pairs are discussed, covering electric field, electron transfer and radical-type mechanisms. There is also a discussion on the activity of frustrated Lewis pairs towards dehydrogenation reactions, in which lies the main scope of this thesis. The background and intended parameters of the experimental aspects of this work are initially defined in the thesis scope, along with the practical considerations concerning the reagents, equipment, and special conditions for synthetic procedures also detailed here. The intention was to attempt to elucidate the extent of the impact of different factors, in this case solvent, Lewis acidity, Lewis basicity, and irradiation by blue LED, on dehydrogenation of various N-substituted pyrrolidine substrates. The subsequent section describes the synthetic procedures used for attempted syntheses of the amino-borane ligands. Not all syntheses of the desired ligands were successful, but there was enough success and enough pre-generated material to proceed to the next stage. Due to use of blue LED causing various potential radical side reactions, it was thought appropriate to describe the behaviour of both the sample and substrate blanks under irradiation, as well as the intended reactions during the screening process. Screening provided preliminary data on reaction determining factors, such as solvent, Lewis acidity of the catalyst, and substrate structure. Despite the relative difficulty and time-consuming nature of the catalyst syntheses, some interesting new modes of reactivity appear to be accessible, which may be worth investigating more in the future.
  • Parviainen, Riku (2022)
    The literature section of this thesis provides an overview of modern ion-mobility spectrometry techniques in context with recent applications in analytical chemistry. While ion-mobility spectrometry is an “old” separation technique, it has received in recent years increasing attention for its unique ability to achieve separation of isomeric molecular species. Ion-mobility spectrometry can be readily hyphenated with chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques, introducing an additional separation dimension with the unique capability of differentiating isobaric analyte ions based on their collision cross sections. After a brief introduction into the theory of ion-mobility spectrometry, most recent applications in the field are presented with the focus being on the discrimination of small isomeric molecules. The research project section of the thesis reports the synthesis of isomerically pure standard materials of the commercially unavailable pepper alkaloids piperettine and piperettyline, and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of piperettine in selected pepper fruit samples. Strategies for the synthesis of piperettine reported in the literature are reviewed, and critically evaluated in terms of practicability and overall yields. A new, expedient, and operationally convenient synthetic approach to isomerically pure piperettine and piperettyline from inexpensive starting materials is described. In course of stability studies, both alkaloids were found to be stable in the crystalline states and as solutions in a range of organic solvents under exclusion of ambient light. However, diluted solutions of both compounds proved extremely photosensitive, with extensive double bond isomerization occurring within seconds upon sunlight exposure. An analytical method for the quantification of piperettine in pepper fruit samples was developed, involving liquid extraction, extract clean-up by solid-phase extraction, and HPLC-UV analysis. The use of a chiral stationary phase (Chiralpak IB) under optimized reversed phase condition allowed for the first time clean separation of piperettine from its naturally co-occurring isomers, and thus for its unambiguous quantification. Subsequently, this method was employed to quantify piperettine in black, green, white, and red long pepper samples. The observed piperettine content were 1.4 – 3.7 mg/g in the pepper fruit samples, representing 46 – 69% of the total sum of isomers.
  • Fabritius, Anita (2023)
    The study consists of two parts: examining the accumulation of americium and plutonium to human ribs, and the accumulation to murine osteoblasts. In the cellular studies stable europium was used as an actinide analogue. After removing the organic material from the bones, americium and plutonium were separated from the dissolved bones by using extraction chromatographic methods. DOWEX, U/TEVA, and TRU resins were used to separate plutonium and americium from impurities. The sample activities were measured using alpha spectrometry. On average, 23.03 mBq/kg of plutonium-238, 12.58 mBq/kg of plutonium-239,240 and 9.81 mBq/kg of americium-241 were measured in the bone samples. The activity concentrations are calculated using the wet weight of the bone. Murine preosteobasts (MC3T3-E1) were mineralized for 12 days. The mineral was subsequently collected for SEM/EDS analysis. Non-mineralized cell fractions were collected for a fractioning study, where the cell internalized europium, membrane bound europium and extracellular europium fractions were collected and measured with MP-AES and ICP-MS. The used europium concentrations were below minimum detectable activity of the MP-AES, but measuring the samples on the ICP-MS showed that the percentage of the internalized europium increases at higher europium concentrations in cell culture media. At 0.2 μM europium concentration, on average, 28.6% of the europium was inside the cells and 71.4% in the media, while at 2.0 μM europium concentration, 30.8% of the europium was inside the cells and 68.5% in the media.
  • Hynynen, Antti (2023)
    The tear film is a thin liquid layer enveloping the cornea and conjunctiva. It serves as a crucial protective barrier safeguarding the ocular surface from environmental factors. Its functions also include ensuring optimal hydration and maintaining a consistently smooth optical surface. The tear film consists of three discernible layers. The outermost layer is the remarkably thin tear film lipid layer, measured on the nanometer scale, yet crucial for impeding evaporation and maintaining ocular surface homeostasis. The tear film lipid layer forms from meibum: a complex mixture of lipids secreted by Meibomian glands. Meibum mainly consists of lipids from five different classes, with wax esters constituting about 50 % of meibum’s composition. The majority of tear film lipids are branched. Branched lipids are methyl-branched either from the penultimate or antepenultimate carbon, with the former being more common. Due to challenges in obtaining sufficient and uncontaminated meibum samples, there is a high demand for synthetically produced lipids. Pure samples of lipids of varying structures are needed as standards in studies regarding meibum composition. Additionally, lipids and lipid mixtures are required for biophysical studies concerning tear film models and researching the molecular mechanisms associated with ocular surface diseases. Given the demand for various tear film lipids, it is surprising that there have been no prior attempts to synthesize branched lipid species or study their effect on lipid assembly, despite their prevalence in meibum. To meet the demand for various tear film lipids, especially branched species, we aimed to design a synthetic approach capable of producing a wide range of such tear film lipid analogs. This method proved successful in synthesizing the most abundant tear film lipid, the iso-branched wax ester C18:1/26:0. The results of this synthesis are presented in this thesis.
  • Järvinen, Juiju (2024)
    Positroniemissiotomografia (PET) on yksi suosituimmista kuvantamistekniikoista kehon metabolian ja kemiallisten muutosten kuvantamiseen nykypäivänä. PET-kuvantaminen edellyttää radiomerkkiainetta, ja fluori-18 on nykyään käytetyin radioisotooppi. Bio ortogonaaliset ja click-reaktiot ovat saaneet paljon huomiota uusien radiomerkkiaineiden valmistuksessa. Bio-ortogonaalisia reaktioita käytetään reaktioiden kohdentamiseen, jotta reaktiot tapahtuisivat nopeasti biologisissa olosuhteissa, esimerkiksi, tetrasiini-trans syklookteeni-reaktiot. Click-reaktiot ovat hyödyllisiä radioleimaamisessa, sillä lyhyet puoliintumisajat edellyttävät nopeita reaktiota. Esimerkiksi, rikki(VI)-fluoridi vaihto (SuFEx) reaktiot olisivat tehokkaita tähän tarkoitukseen. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli luoda uusi tetrasiini SuFEx-ryhmällä, jota voidaan radioleimata fluori-18:lla. Alifaattinen osuus halutusta molekyylistä tuotettiin korkealla saannolla. Tetrasiinin saanto oli alhainen, mutta odotettavissa kirjallisuuden perusteella. Suunniteltu bromi-linkkeri yhdistettiin tetrasiinin amiiniryhmään onnistuneesti. Kuitenkaan saatu yhdiste ei reagoinut hyvin alifaattisen osan kanssa. Tehtiin useita koereaktioita, kuten erilaisten linkkerien käyttö tetrasiinin ja alifaattisen osan välillä, pienemmän kaupallisesti saatavilla olleen alifaattisen osan käyttö ja SuFEx-ryhmän lisääminen suoraan tetrasiiniin. Jotkut näistä kokeista onnistuivat, mutta viimeistä synteesin tuotetta ei voitu analysoida, joten sitä ei voitu radioleimata.
  • Valdes Portas, Patricia (2024)
    The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FNDPP) accident on March 11, 2011, resulted in the release of radioactive cesium-rich microparticles (CsMPs), which can travel long distances thanks to their small size and light weight. Since the long-term radiobiological health-effects and accumulated radiation dose of inhaled CsMPs remain unknown, this thesis proposes a model for tracking synthetic 44-μm and 2.2-μm borosilicate microparticles, which resemble the SiO2 composition and spherical morphology of CsMPs, under Positron Emission Tomography (PET) by radiolabeling them with positron-emitting radionuclides. The use of 44-μm microparticles was discontinued early on as the size of the 2.2-μm particles was more representative of the more common type A CsMPs (0.1-10 μm). Three different radiolabeling approaches were pursued along this project, two directed at 68Ga-labeling, and a third one at 18Ffluorination. The first and main approach was based on the surface functionalization of the particles with (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) and a suitable chelator for the coordination of [68Ga]Ga3+ ions, like 2,2′-(7-(1-carboxy-4-((4-isothiocyanatobenzyl)-amino)-4-oxobutyl)-1,4,7-triazonane-1,4-diyl)diacetic acid (p-NCS-Bn-NODAGA) or desferrioxamine (DFO). The second approach involved surface functionalization with ethanolamine, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and DFO. The third approach was based on the natural ability of [18F]F- to substitute silanol groups present on the surface of the borosilicates. Surface functionalization with APTES was confirmed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), zeta potential and elemental analysis, as opposed to functionalization with PEG-ethanolamine. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed no significant morphological alterations upon functionalization. 68Ga-labeling of the NODAGA-APTES functionalized 2.2-μm borosilicates was achieved with a mean radiochemical yield (RCY) and radiochemical purity (RCP) of 65 ± 5% and 94 ± 2%, respectively. 68Ga-labeling of DFO-APTES and DFO-PEG-ethanolamine functionalized 2.2-μm borosilicates was not successful (RCY below 15% and RCP of about 50%). 18F-fluorination was not successful due to the high tendency of [18F]F-Si bonds to undergo hydrolysis in aqueous media. The stability of the final [68Ga]Ga-NODAGA-APTES product over a 0-3 hour time period was higher than 90% in five different simulated physiological conditions. The results of this project serve as a promising prospect for the design of radiotracers resembling CsMPs for PET tracking upon in vivo administration.
  • Attallah, Nashwa (2022)
    The demand for natural and man-made cellulosic-based materials is in an increase continually due to the world population growth. Cotton production does not meet this demand. Consequently, a rational strategy to close this “cellulosic products gap” is to increase the production of man-made cellulosic products, following the principles of green chemistry. Cellulose is an essential skeletal component in plants and is a nearly limitless polymeric raw material with intriguing structure and properties. Due to its inherent insolubility, this crystalline and stiff homopolymer has not yet reached its full application potential. The diversity of regenerated cellulose materials formed through physical dissolution and regeneration has been remarkable in recent decades, showing tremendous possibilities in the fields of textiles, packaging, biomedicine, water treatment, and optical/electrical devices. Since most of the agents used in the physical dissolution and regeneration process can be recycled and reused and the nature of cellulose is preserved, no chemical reactions take place. This method is therefore environmentally friendly and holds the promise of bringing about a new Green Revolution in the widespread use of cellulose-like natural resources. Given the fabrication of new materials using an ecologically benign technology and the replacement of petroleum-based materials, the effects and advantages of such physical processes on society are very fascinating. This thesis includes the dissolution of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), which represents a highly crystalline and pure cellulose model substrate by 7-methyl-1,5,7- triazabicyclo [4.4.0] dec-5-enium acetate [mTBDH] [OAc] superbase ionic liquid (SIL), which has an extreme dissolution power for cellulose. Cellulose can be first dissolved in IL at 80 ◦C and then regenerated, upon cooling, with the addition of n-propanol as an antisolvent for cellulose, leading to a phase separation. The second part of the thesis is the regeneration of cellulose in the form of films from cellulose-IL solutions. [mTBDH] [OAc] IL was used for the first time as a plasticizer for the preparation of transparent cellulose films.
  • Oksanen, Valtteri (2023)
    Catechol is widely produced platform chemical, and many fine chemicals, including pharmaceuticals and pesticides, contain catechol moieties. Catechols are nucleophilic, but their polarity can be reversed by oxidizing them into electrophilic o-benzoquinones (OBQs). OBQs are highly reactive and react readily with nucleophiles but also with dienes, dienophiles and ylides. However, OBQs have many reactive sites, which often leads to lack of selectivity in reactions. In the literature review of this thesis, the methods to control selectivity in nucleophilic additions, cycloadditions and Wittig reactions of OBQs are reviewed. Selectivity is often increased by blocking undesired reactive sites by substituents. If substituents can’t be altered, it is possible to control selectivity by choice of catalysts and substrates as well as stoichiometric ratios of substrates. In addition, the literature review will also focus on how the use of o-benzoquinones have been utilized in organic synthesis. In the experimental part, nucleophilic additions of amino acids and silyl enol ethers to o-benzoquinones are studied in practice. Reactions of amino acids with OBQs resulted only in polymerization despite the efforts to control the selectivity. However, ZnCl2 catalysed addition of silyl enol ethers into OBQs yielded only 1,4-addition products. The method was then optimized with two model reactions after which 30 different 1,4-addition products were successfully synthesized. For most of these products this method is the only proven synthesis route.
  • Kettunen, Saija (2024)
    Radioactive strontium is a fission product of plutonium and uranium often found in high concentrations in spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. Strontium-90 was spread worldwide through nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s. Sharing similar properties with calcium, it poses significant health risks when released into the environment, as it can accumulate in bone tissue and teeth, where it continues to radiate surrounding tissues. Therefore, efficient, and rapid monitoring methods for routine analysis of radioactive strontium from nuclear sites and during radiological emergencies are crucial. The aim of this master’s thesis was to validate a strontium-89/90 separation method for the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) for their routine analysis of emission samples from the Olkiluoto and Loviisa Nuclear Power Plants. Previously, STUK has utilized proportional counting for their strontium analysis. However, this method is time-consuming, involving the ingrowth of the daughter nuclide of strontium-90, yttrium-90, which can take up to 18 days. The strontium determination method used by STUK was modified so the samples could be measured with Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter, equipped with the triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) liquid scintillation counting technique. Using the liquid scintillation counter makes it theoretically possible to skip the yttrium-90 in-growth phase by measuring strontium-89 immediately after chemical separation using Cherenkov counting, followed by measuring strontium-90 by liquid scintillation counting. At the end of the experimental part of the thesis, considerations for further development of the method included ideas for shortening the sample measurement time, such as increasing the volume of the Cherenkov sample, or the volume of the discharge water used for the analysis. These adjustments would enable faster achievement of the 0.2 Bq/l minimum detectable activity (MDA) and allow for the addition of the scintillation cocktail on the same day, minimizing the growth of yttrium-90. Although the final validation of the method was not completed during this study, STUK gained data and ideas for the continued development of their strontium-89/90 analysis method.