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Browsing by master's degree program "Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences"

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  • Vierinen, Taavi (2023)
    A geopolymer waste form containing gasified ion exchange resin loaded with stable analogues of radionuclides (e.g., Sr, Co, Ni, Cr, Cs) was studied using semi-dynamic batch leaching experiments. The experiments were conducted for 180 days using an alkaline groundwater simulant in a glove box with controlled N2 atmosphere with < 10 ppm CO2 and O2. The experiments were conducted to investigate the leaching behavior of the geopolymer in conditions relevant to a low- and intermediate-level waste repository. The leaching results of the geopolymers showed leaching of cesium, sodium, aluminum, and silicon from the geopolymer, while potassium and calcium in the leachant sorbed to the geopolymer. The leaching and sorption rates were at their highest for the first 28 days of the experiment, before slowing down to a steady state which were maintained until the end of the experiment. This suggests that the geopolymers immobilized the waste analogues effectively with exception of cesium which had leached by 55 wt% of the initial fraction by day 180. The leaching indices of sodium, aluminum, silicon, and cesium were determined as: 9.9 ± 0.38, 10.1 ± 0.47, 10.5 ± 0.40, and 9.1 ± 0.30 respectively. The leaching indices are well above 6, which is considered a minimum value for WAC of cementitious waste forms by USNRC. The solid phase analysis of the geopolymer samples showed both presence of calcium rich secondary phases and increasing calcium concentration in the bulk matrix on the leachant contact surface of the geopolymer. It was concluded that the secondary phases consisted of CaCO3 minerals.
  • Bortolussi, Federica (2022)
    The exploration of mineral resources is a major challenge in a world that seeks sustainable energy, renewable energy, advanced engineering, and new commercial technological devices. The rapid decrease in mineral reserves shifted the focus to under-explored and low accessibility areas that led to the use of on-site portable techniques for mineral mapping purposes, such as near infrared hyperspectral image sensors. The large datasets acquired with these instruments needs data pre-processing, a series of mathematical manipulations that can be achieved using machine learning. The aim of this thesis is to improve an existing method for mineralogy mapping, by focusing on the mineral classification phase. More specifically, a spectral similarity index was utilized to support machine learning classifiers. This was introduced because of the inability of the employed classification models to recognize samples that are not part of a given database; the models always classified samples based on one of the known labels of the database. This could be a problem in hyperspectral images as the pure component found in a sample could correspond to a mineral but also to noise or artefacts due to a variety of reasons, such as baseline correction. The spectral similarity index calculates the similarity between a sample spectrum and its assigned database class spectrum; this happens through the use of a threshold that defines whether the sample belongs to a class or not. The metrics utilized in the spectral similarity index were the spectral angler mapper, the correlation coefficient and five different distances. The machine learning classifiers used to evaluate the spectral similarity index were the decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, and support vector machine. Simulated distortions were also introduced in the dataset to test the robustness of the indexes and to choose the best classifier. The spectral similarity index was assessed with a dataset of nine minerals acquired from the Geological Survey of Finland retrieved from a Specim SWIR camera. The validation of the indexes was assessed with two mine samples obtained with a VTT active hyperspectral sensor prototype. The support vector machine was chosen after the comparison between the three classifiers as it showed higher tolerance to distorted data. With the evaluation of the spectral similarity indexes, was found out that the best performances were achieved with SAM and Chebyshev distance, which maintained high stability with smaller and bigger threshold changes. The best threshold value found is the one that, in the dataset analysed, corresponded to the number of spectra available for each class. As for the validation procedure no reference was available; because of this reason, the results of the mine samples obtained with the spectral similarity index were compared with results that can be obtained through visual interpretation, which were in agreement. The method proposed can be useful to future mineral exploration as it is of great importance to correctly classify minerals found during explorations, regardless the database utilized.
  • Kilpeläinen, Wille Julius (2020)
    Inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a state-of-the-art technique for elemental analysis. The technique allows fast and simultaneous analysis of multiple elements with a wide dynamic range and low detection limits. However, multiple adjustable parameters and the complex nature ICP-MS instruments can make the development of new analysis methods a tedious process. Design of experiments (DOE) or experimental design is a statistical approach for conducting multi- variate experiments in a way that gives maximal amount of information from each experiment. By using DOE the number of experiments needed for analytical method optimization can be minimized and information about interrelations of di↵erent experimental variables can be obtained. The aim of this thesis is to address the utilization of DOE for ICP-MS method developement as a more e cient mean to optimize analytical methods. The first part of this two part thesis gives an overview on the basics of ICP-MS and DOE. Then a literature review on applying experimental design for ICP-MS method optimization is given and the current state of the research is discussed. In the second part, two new ICP-MS methods for simultaneous determination of 28 elements from six middle distillate fuels, diluted with xylene or kerosine, are presented. The method developement involved optimization of the integration times and optimization of test sample dilution ratios and viscosities using univariate techniques. In addition, experimental designs were succesfully utilized together with desirability approach in multivariate optimizations of the plasma conditions and sample matrix compositions to achieve the best possible analyte recoveries from various matrices.
  • Silvennoinen, Meeri (2022)
    Malaria is a major cause of human mortality, morbidity, and economic loss. P. falciparum is one of six Plasmodium species that cause malaria and is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa. Many of the currently used drugs for malaria have become less effective, have adverse effects, and are highly expensive, so new ones are needed. mPPases are membrane integral pyrophosphatases that are found in the vacuolar membranes of protozoa but not in humans. These enzymes pump sodium ions and/or protons across the membrane and are crucial for parasite survival and proliferation. This makes them promising targets for new drug development. In this study we aimed to identify and characterize transient pockets in mPPases that could offer suitable ligand binding sites. P. falciparum was chosen because of its therapeutical interest, and T. maritima and V. radiata were chosen because they are test systems in compound discovery. The research was performed using molecular modelling techniques, mainly homology modelling, molecular dynamics, and docking. mPPases from three species were used to make five different systems: P. falciparum (apo closed conformation), T. maritima (apo open, open with ligand, and apo closed) and V. radiata (open with ligand). P. falciparum mPPase does not have a 3D structure available, so a homology model was built using the closest structure available from V. radiata mPPase as a template. Runs of 100 ns molecular dynamics simulations were conducted for these five systems: monomeric mPPase from P. falciparum and dimeric mPPases for the others. Two representative 3D structures for each of the five trajectories, the most dissimilar one to another, were selected for further analysis using clustering. The scrutinized 3D structures were first analyzed to identify possible binding pockets using two independent methods, SiteMap and blind docking (where no pre-determined cavity is set for docking). A second set of experiments using different scores (druggability, enclosure, exposure, …) and targeted docking were then run to characterize all the located pockets. As a result, only half of the catalytic pockets were identified. None of the transient pockets were identified in P. falciparum mPPase and all of them were located within the membrane. Docking was performed using compounds that have shown inhibiting behavior in previous studies but did not give good results in the tested structures. In the end none of the transient pockets were interesting for further study.
  • Chou, Hao-Wei (2019)
    Diblock copolymers, poly(lactide)-block-poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) (PiPOx-b-PLA) and n-octadecyl poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) (PiPOx-C18), were characterized using the steady-state fluorescence with two fluorescence probes, pyrene and (1,6-diphenyl-l,3,4-hexatriene) (DPH), to investigate the core structure of the particles formed by the polymers. The two enantiomers of PiPOx-b-PLA, which are PiPOx-PLLA and PiPOx-PDLLA, reflected very different features in terms of polarity of the micellar core and the partitioning equilibrium constants of pyrene (Kv). This suggests that the core of the particles formed by PiPOx-PDLLA has higher polarity due to high water content in the range of the polymer concentrations from 0.03 g/L to 3 g/L, and more pyrene molecules are bound to the particles. Furthermore, the core of the particles formed by PiPOx-PDLLA reveals rigidity lower than that of PiPOx-PLLA, which is supported by the low anisotropy value (r) of DPH. r did not change upon heating from 15 ⁰C to 65 ⁰C for the PiPOx-PLLA particles. A slight decrease of r occurred above 50 ⁰C for the PiPOx-PDLLA particle. The PiPOx-C18 micelles exhibit higher critical micellar concentration (CMC), smaller Kv, and softer core in comparison to the PiPOx-b-PLA micelles. These differences owe to the nature of the alkyl chain end. Loading and release of a hydrophobic drug, curcumin, to/from the PiPOx-PLLA and PiPOx-PDLLA micelles were investigated by means of the steady-state fluorescence. The release test was conducted using the dialysis bag method. The PiPOx-PDLLA particles encapsulated more curcumin with encapsulation efficiency (EE) value being 98% while the curcumin-to-polymer ratio was 1:20. Curcumin intake of the PiPOx-PLLA particles was lower under the same condition (EE = 56%). The PiPOx-PDLLA particles show excellent ability of trapping curcumin. PiPOx-PDLLA bear 70% of curcumin inside the dialysis bag after 50 h, whereas 40% of curcumin was discharged from dispersions of PiPOx-PLLA. Precipitation of curcumin was observed in presence of PiPOx-PLLA in 4 days. No curcumin precipitating from the PiPOx-PDLLA dispersion occurred and a decrease in the intensity of curcumin owed to the degradation of curcumin. Finally, all the phenomena observed are well illustrated by the hypothesis of the morphology of the particles formed by PiPOx-PLLA and PiPOx-PDLLA. The particle formed by PiPOx-PDLLA consists of a loose hydrophobic core with hydrated tails extending to the aqueous phase, whereas the core of PiPOx-PLLA particle is dense.
  • Hirsso, Iida (2020)
    Kohdennettuun PET-kuvantamiseen sopivia spesifisiä radiolääkeaineita on kehitetty viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana aktiivisesti. Tiettyyn reseptorityyppiin sitoutuvien biomolekyylien käyttö kuvantamisessa sujuvoittaa syöpien diagnosointia ja nopeuttaa hoitosuunnitelmia. Tällaisia molekyylejä ovat muun muassa vasta-aineet, peptidit ja oligonukleotidit. Biologisesti aktiivisia molekyylejä on pitkään radioleimattu radiometalleilla, mutta tarve 18F-radioleimauksille on noussut radionuklidin positroniemissio-ominaisuuksien takia. Biomolekyylien radiolääkeainekehityksessä kulmakiveksi on noussut makromolekyylien herkkyys tyypillisille 18F-radio-leimausolosuhteille. Biomolekyylejä voidaan radioleimata joko suoraan biomolekyyliin tai epäsuoraan prosteettiseen ryhmän avulla. Kliinisesti käytössä jo pitkään olleita 18F-radiolääkeaineita, kuten [18F]fluori-deoksi-glukoosi ([18F]FDG) ja [18F]-N-sukkinimidyyli-fluori-bentsoaatti ([18F]SFB), on hyödynnetty PET-kuvantamisessa biokonjugoituna sopivaan peptidiin. Isotooppiseen 19F-18F vaihtoreaktioon (IEX, engl. isotopic exchange) soveltuvat prosteettiset ryhmät soveltuvat hyvin suoraan biomolekyylien radioleimauk-seen, kun ne on valmiiksi biokonjugoitu molekyylin klik-reaktiolla. Tällaisia prosteettisia ryhmiä ovat muun muassa Si-18F-, B-18F- ja Al-18F-sidoksia sisältävät molekyylit. [18F]Fluoriboraatit ovat osoittautuneet hyödyllisiksi työkaluiksi peptidien 18F-leimaukseen. Erityisesti alkyynirakenteista kahtaisionista [18F]alkyyliammonium-metyylitrifluoriboraattia ([18F]AMBF3 eli [18F]1) on radioleimattu biokonjugoituna useaan eri peptidiin hyvällä in vivo stabiilisuudella. [18F]1 biokonjugointi peptidiin perustuu kuparikatalysoituun atsidi-alkyyni-sykloadditioon. Tämän maisterin-tutkielmatyön tarkoituksena oli optimoida automatisoitu radiosynteesi [18F]1:lle. Lisäksi työssä määritettiin radioleimausolosuhteet kupa-rikatalysoidun atsidi-alkyyni sykloadditiossa muodostetulle trifluoriboraatin ja tetratsiinin johdannaiselle, [18F]AMBF3-PEG4-mTz:lle ([18F]F2). [18F]1 syntetisoitiin kaksivaiheisella synteesillä booripinakoliesterin substituutioreaktiolla, minkä jälkeen booripinakoliesteri fluorattiin trifluoriboraatiksi kaliumbifluoridilla, KHF2, 72 % saannolla. [18F]2 syntetisoitiin [18F]1:sta ja mTz-PEG4-atsidista kahden tunnin kuparikatalysoidulla klik-reaktiolla huoneenlämmössä 63 % saannolla. Molemmat prosteettiset ryhmät 18F-radioleimattiin IEX-reaktiolla pyridatsiini-HCl-puskuriliuoksessa (1.0 M, pH 2.0), johon radioaktiivinen [18F]fluoridi lisättiin µQMA-patruunasta konsentroituna 0,9 % NaCl-liuoksessa 10-20 µl:ssa. [18F]1 radioleimattiin toistuvasti automatisoidulla radiosynteesillä 47 % radiokemiallisella saannolla (RCY) 99,9 % puhtaudella radio-TLC-määrityksen perusteella (TLC, Thin Layer Chromatography = Ohutlevykerroskromatografia). [18F]2 radioleimattiin manuaalisella pipetoinnilla toistettavasti kohtuullisella RCY:llä 23-38 % puhtausluokassa 95-99,2 %. Molaariset aktiivisuudet (MA) olivat suoraan verrannollisia käytettyyn lähtöaktiivisuuteen: esimerkiksi yli 1 GBq lähtöaktiivisuudella [18F]1:n MA oli vastaavasti 1,12-1,22 GBq/µmol. Merkkiaineiden lipofiilisuusmääritysten perusteella LogD-arvoiksi saatiin: [18F]1:lle -1,28 ± 0,33 ja [18F]2:lle -0,43 ± 0,25. [18F]1 toimii hyvänä prosteettisena ryhmänä peptidien 18F-radioleimauksessa useisiin eri kuvantamiskäyttötarkoitukseen. Sen farmakologisia ja toksikologisia profiileja on tosin vielä tutkittava ennen kliinistä käyttöön ottoa. Tutkielmassa optimoitiin radiosynteesi, joka mahdollistaa myös muiden potentiaalisten trifluoriboraattien 18F-radioleimauksen säteilyturvallisesti. [18F]Fluoridin konsentrointi on radiosynteesin haastavin vaihe, joka voitaisiin korvata sopivilla vaihtoehtoisilla menetelmillä vielä tehokkaammaksi kuin µQMA-patruunalla.
  • Kurki, Satu (2021)
    Eturauhassyövän ja sen etäispesäkkeiden diagnostiikassa käytettävien radiolääkkeiden tärkeä kohdemolekyyli elimistössä on prostataspesifinen membraaniantigeeni (PSMA), jonka esiintyminen on eturauhassyövässä yliekspressoitunutta. Viimeisen kahden vuosikymmenen aikana on kehitetty lukuisia radioleimattuja PSMA-merkkiaineita, pääosin pienimolekylaarisia peptidomimeettejä, jotka inhiboivat PSMA:n toimintaa. Positroniemissiotomografiassa eli PET-kuvantamisessa käytettävistä fluori-18-leimautuista PSMA-inhibiittoreista merkittävimmät ovat [18F]DCFPyL ja [18F]F-PSMA-1007. Kyseisiä radiolääkkeitä kyetään tuottamaan teollisesti riittävän suurilla eräkohtaisilla aktiivisuuksilla ja synteesisaannoilla sekä hyödyntämään synteesissä suoria fluorinointireaktioita ja automatisoituja synteesiyksiköitä. Skaalattaessa tuotantoaktiivisuuksia tutkimusmittakaavasta teolliseen tuotantoon, haasteena on valmisteen radiolyysi eli hajoaminen joko suoraan säteilyn vaikutuksesta tai säteilyn muodostamien liuottimen radikaalien reagoidessa lääkeainemolekyylin kanssa. Radiolyysiä pyritään estämään lisäämällä formulaatioon radiolyysin estäjää tai vaikuttamalla radioaktiivisuustasoihin synteesiprosessin kriittisissä vaiheissa ja lopputuotteessa. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin koesynteesien ja nestekromatografiamenetelmän avulla [18F]F-PSMA-1007-radiolääkkeen hajoamiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja hajoamistuotteita tunnistettiin nestekromatografia-massaspektrometrisellä menetelmällä. Lisäksi vertailtiin kahden eri formulaatioliuoksen kykyä estää tuotteen radiolyysiä. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että [18F]F-PSMA-1007:n hajoaminen tapahtuu suoraan beeta(+)-säteilyn ja radikaalireaktioiden kautta. Askorbaatti-ionit kykenevät tehokkaasti estämään tuotteen radiolyysiä. Radiolyysiä tapahtuu jo reaktioastiassa ja se kasvaa merkittävästi synteesin alkuaktiivisuuden noustessa yli 100 GBq. Hajoamistuotteita muodostuu lukuisia ja kokeellisessa osuudessa tunnistettiin muutama mahdollinen pilkkoutumiskohta tutkittavasta molekyylistä.
  • Liang, Zehong (2020)
    Tämä tutkimus on osa DNA-oligonukleotidien liuossynteesin menetelmien kehittämishanketta. Kemiallinen oligonukleotidisynteesi tehdään tyypillisesti kiinteän kantajan päällä. Suurempien ainemäärien valmistamiseksi liuosfaasissa toimiva menetelmä olisi kuitenkin toivottava. Vaiheittain etenevässä synteesimenetelmässä on keskeistä löytää yhteensopiva sarja suojaryhmiä. Kiintokantaja- ja liuosfaasisynteeseissä suojaryhmiltä vaaditaan erilaisia ominaisuuksia, koska reaktiot suoritetaan eri tavalla. Liuosfaasisynteesissä reaktioiden tasapaino pitää asettua vahvasti tuotteiden puolelle, koska toisin kuin kiintokantajamenetelmässä sivutuotteita ei voi huuhtoa pois ja reagenssien määrää ei voida pitää niin vakaana. Olemme kehittäneet sarjan suojaryhmäreagensseja nukleosidien 5’-hydroksyylisuojaryhmän suojaamiseksi asetaalina. Asetaalisuoja voidaan liuossynteesissä poistaa kokonaan ja suojaryhmällä on tarkoitus korvata samaan ortogonaaliseen ryhmään kuuluva trityylisuojaus, joka ei soveltunut liuosfaasisynteesin. Nyt esiteltävässä työssä paneudutaan menetelmään soveltuvien 2’-deoksinukleosidi 3’-O-vetyfosfonaattiestereiden valmistamiseen. Fosfori(V)-yhdisteiden reaktiivisuus ei useinkaan ole riittävä fosfaattiryhmän liittämiseen kohdemolekyylissä olevaan hydroksyyliryhmään, joten fosforyloinnissa käytetään usein fosfori(III)-yhdisteitä, kuten fosfiitteja, fosforamidiitteja ja vetyfosfonaatteja. Liitettävä fosfaattiryhmä, kuten monet muut reaktiiviset funktionaaliset ryhmät, suojataan usein suojaryhmillä. Suojaryhmillä voidaan niiden päätarkoituksen lisäksi muokata molekyylin rakennetta ja fysikokemiallisia ominaisuuksia. Reaktiotuotteen liukoisuutta voidaan muokata suojaryhmillä sen eristyksen tai jatkoreaktioiden helpottamiseksi. Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa tarkastellaan suojaryhmiä, joita on käytetty fosfaateille ja vetyfosfonaateille. Fosfaattisuojaryhmällä voidaan mahdollisesti suojata vetyfosfonaattimonoesteri diesteriksi, jolloin negatiivinen varaus saadaan naamioitua ja tuotteesta tulisi lipofiilisempi. Kokeellisen tutkimuksen tavoite oli valmistaa 5’-asetaalisuojattuja tymidiinin vetyfosfonaatteja difenyylivetyfosfonaattireagenssilla. Saanto jäi hyvin pieneksi, koska tuote osoittautui liian vesiliukoiseksi pienikokoisen ja heikosti lipofiilisen asetaalisuojan kanssa. Ratkaisuksi kehitettiin menetelmä, jossa muodostettiin ensin tymidiinin vetyfosfonaattidiesteri syanoetanolin kanssa. Vetyfosfonaattidiesteri on todennäköisesti varauksettomana tuotteena ja lisätyn alkyyliryhmän kanssa poolittomampi. Suojaryhmän avulla tymidiinin vetyfosfonaatti voitaisiin eristää, jonka jälkeen ryhmä poistetaan emäksellä β-eliminaatioreaktiossa. Vetyfosfonaattidiesterin eristäminen ja suojaryhmän poistaminen vedettömissä olosuhteissa helpottaa vetyfosfonaattimonoesterin talteenottoa. Vaihtoehtoisesti tymidiinin liukoisuusominaisuuksia muokattiin suojaamalla tymiinin 4-O β-eliminoituvalla poolittomalla suojaryhmällä. Fosfitylointimenetelmä ei tarvitsisi muokkausta jos, emäsmuokattu tymidiini osoittautuu veteen liukenemattomaksi.
  • Teittinen, Henry (2020)
    Ligniini on maailman yleisin biopolymeeri selluloosan jälkeen. Kuitenkin puiden biomassan rakenteen vuoksi ligniinin eristäminen muusta biomassasta ei ole yksinkertaista vaan vaatii erityisesti sitä varten kehitettyjä menetelmiä. Lisäksi ligniinin heterogeenisen rakenteen vuoksi sen hyödyntäminen kemiallisesti ei ole helppoa, vaan biomassan jalostusprosesseissa ligniini päätyy sivuvirtojen mukana poltettavaksi. Ligniinin yleisyyden ja sen uusiutuvuuden vuoksi ligniinin käytöstä ollaan kiinnostuneita ja ligniinistä yritetäänkin saada sitä muokkaamalla käyttökelpoista materiaalia teollisuuden eri tarpeisiin. Japanilainen professori Masamitsu Funaoka on kehittänyt menetelmän, joka pyrkii samanaikaisesti eristämään ligniinin muusta biomassasta sekä muokkaamaan ligniinin rakennetta niin, että sitä voitaisiin hyödyntää erilaisissa sovelluksissa tekemällä siitä homogeenisempaa. Funaokan menetelmässä ligniinin bentsyyliseen α-asemaan liitetään selektiivisesti haluttu fenolinen yhdiste, joka lisää ligniinissä olevien aromaattisten hydroksyyliryhmien määrää ja katkoo ligniiniyksikköjen välisiä sidoksia alentaen ligniinin moolipainoa. Tämän tutkielman kirjallisessa osassa perehdytään Funaoka-menetelmään lignoselluloosamassan fraktionnissa. Lisäksi tarkastellaan saatujen lignofenolien rakenteellista muokkaamista, potentiaalisia käyttökohteita ja niistä jatkokäsiteltyjä materiaaleja. Kokeellisessa osassa puolestaan analysoidaan eräitä kotimaisia biomassan prosessoinnissa syntyneiden sivuvirtojen biomassatähteitä, erityisesti kiinnittäen huomiota biomassanäytteiden ligniinipitoisuuksiin. Biomassanäytteiden kemiallisen karakterisoinnin lisäksi kokeellisessa osassa testattiin ligniinipitoisten biomassanäytteiden fraktiointia Funaoka-menetelmällä ja tämä toistettiin myös näytteiden lähtöaineille eli havupuuhakkeelle.
  • Mustaniemi, Tuomas (2022)
    The thesis gives an overview of indoor air pollution sources, health effects, and the detection of the fungal markers in indoor environment. In the experimental part of the thesis, solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method was developed for the quantitative analysis of 23 fungal secondary metabolites. The method was used to analyze the condensate water in indoor air from two sick houses in the Southern part of Finland. Furthermore, the practice was used to find other possible fungal marker compounds. The concerns of the indoor air pollution have been steadily increasing for the past couple decades since the prevalence of the irritative symptoms, such as skin, eye and respiratory track problems, that have been increasing without any clear reasoning. These symptoms are therefore being referred as building related symptoms since no other functionality have been discovered to be responsible for those. The general sources that could be linked to the cause of these symptoms are comfort parameters, material and burning related sources, and microbial metabolism products. From the microbes, the fungal species exhibit biggest concerns related to the indoor air quality since the growth of the fungus in the suitable conditions can lead to sizeable emissions of the particles and secondary metabolites which might be toxic, irritating or otherwise unhealthy. The traditional way of detecting the fungal contamination has required highly trained professional who investigates the interiors of the suspected contaminated house with the help of a moisture detector. When the contaminated spot is detected, the expert would conduct a visual inspection, and take a sample of the fungal growth for the microscopic analysis. Since then, methods focusing on the detection of the fungal particles and compounds have been developed. These include the collection of the bioaerosols and the detection of the volatile organic compounds originating from the fungal metabolism. However, there are challenges and limitations on these methods such as dependencies on time, low concentrations, and other pollution sources having similar chemical profiles than the fungal sources. Therefore, diverse ways to analyze the chemical profile of the sick houses is needed. Consequently, in the experimental part of this thesis, the method was developed to analyze fungal secondary metabolites from the condensate of the indoor air. The investigation consisted of the two fungal contaminated sick houses and from the one reference laboratory air sample. The results revealed twelve compounds to be elevated in the indoor air compared to the outdoor air and seven of these compounds were not detected in the reference sample. From these seven compounds, the studied amino acids and caffeine were the most promising fungal marker compounds since these compounds had consistently larger concentrations indoors than outdoors. Furthermore, the precursor ion scan revealed nine more potential marker compounds.
  • Pettilä, Lauri (2023)
    Radiocesiumin erotusmateriaaleille on jatkuvaa kysyntää maailmanlaajuisesti ydinjätteen käsittelyyn ja ympäristön dekontaminointiin liittyen. Tämän takia tarvitaan edelleen lisää tutkimusta tehokkaampien ja selektiivisempien cesiumadsorbenttien kehittämiseksi. Lisäksi näiden adsorbenttien regenerointitapojen kehittäminen on oleellinen tapa vähentää muodostuvan kiinteän radioaktiivisen jätteen määrää. Metalliheksasyanoferraatit ovat paljon käytettyjä ja tutkittuja materiaaleja cesiumin erotukseen ja yhdistettynä sähköisesti ohjattuun ioninvaihtoon niistä voidaan valmistaa tehokkaita, selektiivisiä, kestäviä ja uudelleenkäytettäviä ioninvaihtimia. Työn tavoitteena oli valmistaa tällainen sähköllä regeneroitava ja selektiivinen grafeeniaerogeelistä ja heksasyanoferraatista koostuva komposiitti-ioninvaihdin cesiumin erotukseen. Työn kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin onnistuneesti erilaisia kylmäkuivattuja aerogeelejä eli kryogeelejä, joiden korkea hapettuneisuus teki niistä joustavia ja kestäviä ilmassa. Toisaalta vastaavat askorbiinihapolla pelkistetyt kryogeelit olivat kovia ja soveltuivat mekaanisilta ominaisuuksiltaan paremmin käytettäväksi adsorbenttina vesiliuoksissa. Yksi merkittävimmistä havainnoista oli sentrifugoinnin tärkeys grafeenioksidisuspension homogenisoinnin kannalta, jotta saatiin valmistettua yhtenäinen tuote. Valmistettujen grafeenikryogeelien ja indiumtinaoksidin pinnalle saostettiin nikkeliheksasyanoferraattia, jonka hapettumis-pelkistymisreaktioita mitattiin onnistuneesti syklisellä voltammetrialla. Näiden komposiitti-ioninvaihtimien avulla radiocesium voitiin erottaa vesiliuoksesta lähes kvantitatiivisesti, mutta kiinnittyneestä cesiumista saatiin eluoitua tämän jälkeen jännitteen avulla vain noin 10 %. Tuotteita karakterisoitiin myös jauheröntgendiffraktiolla ja energiadispersiivisellä röntgenspektroskopialla.
  • Psyrillou, Anna Magdalini (2024)
    Although hot particles can be released to the environment via many pathways (nuclear accidents, warfare, industry), the understanding of their behavior in the human body, as well as their consequent health impacts. This study aims to understand how uranium particles (UO2 particles) and particles derived from nuclear accidents (Cesium-rich Micro-Particles, CsMPs) behave chemically after inhalation and how they impact human lungs. Specifically, the study aims to ascertain the duration of particle persistence within tissues post-inhalation, investigate the likelihood of translocation or chemical modifications, and evaluate both the chemical and possible radiobiological risks posed to organisms. To achieve this objective, the physicochemical alterations of UO2 particles and CsMPs after exposure to simulated lung fluids and their resulting cytotoxicity in cell models are studied. Dissolution studies are conducted, first using simulated lung fluid (SLF), that represents the interstitial lung fluid in the lung alveolar, followed by artificial lysosomal fluid (ALF), which mimics the conditions particles encounter after internalization by alveolar macrophages. Particle solubility is assessed using chemical analytical techniques (ICP-MS). Thus, the potential dissolution of these particles or their ability to persist as intact point sources of radiation over extended periods is explored. Particles after dissolution are examined using SEM-EDX analysis to study changes in the surface morphology and chemical composition. Additionally, the initial uptake and cytotoxic effects of these particles is investigated using murine lung fibroblast and macrophage cell lines, aiming to establish a detailed understanding of their radio- and chemical toxicity. UO2 particles presented minimal dissolution in SLF(< 2% of U dissolved) during 60 days of dissolution and a formation of a secondary phase on the surface of the particle was observed (mineral of uranyl associated with phosphates, most likely autunite). After exposure to ALF for 30 days, UO2 particles dissolved extensively ( ̴ 90% of U dissolved). From the single-particle dissolution for the CsMPs generated from the Fukushima-Daiichi accident, preliminary data has shown that within 30 days, a range of 10-25% of Cs-137 was leached into the SLF solution. Modified UO2 (after dissolution in SLF for 10 days, 180 days or ALF for 30 days) shown similar cell cytotoxicity profile as unmodified UO2 particles (20-40% cell viability after 24 hours).
  • Gasques Rocha Pinheiro, Beatriz (2020)
    Geometric isomers are of extreme importance due to the different properties of E and Z compounds. The interconversion between these forms allow to explore a vast amount of applications since their use in perfume and food industry until the development of photoactive drugs and advanced polymers. Included in this scenario are the E/Z isomers of pepper alkaloids, whose broad range of desirable pharmacological activities, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer effects, makes them a focus in multidisciplinary research. Black pepper contains several of these alkaloids, among which piperine is the most abundant. Its properties have been studied for many years, with highlight for its pungency and flavour, in addition to medicinal applications that date from the development of ancient Indian and Chinese medicine. Piperine and structure-related compounds undergo rapid double bond isomerization in the presence of light, equilibrating to a mixture of four geometrical isomers, due to the two conjugated double bonds present in their structures. The biological activity of these isomers differs from those of the natural abundant E/E molecules. Thus, emphasizing the importance of having reliable analytical assays for their separation, detection and quantification. The current project pursued the development of a robust HPLC assays for isomers separation for piperine and some analogues. The effort included the extraction of piperine from black pepper and its use for the synthesis of highly pure piperylin and piperlonguminine standards. Piperine extraction kinetics was also studied to optimize the extraction procedure. The standards of alkaloids were isomerized using sunlight and then HPLC separation methods on chiral stationary phases were successfully established to resolve their E/Z isomers. Isocratic runs were also developed for piperine, piperylin and piperlonguminine, with the goal of adapting these methods to LC/MS application in the future. These last separations could be accomplished within 25 minutes with critical resolutions values larger than 1.8.
  • Toukola, Peppi (2021)
    In this thesis the suitability of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in the identification of rubbers in museum collections is discussed through a literature review and experimental work where samples from the rubber collection of Tampere Museums were analysed with different NMR techniques. The literature part of this thesis focuses on recent (2011-2020) scientific publications on analytical instrumental techniques used in the identification of cultural heritage plastics. Vibrational spectroscopy methods utilizing hand-held or portable devices have been the most prominent methods used in characterization of historical plastics materials. Bench-top devices and analytical techniques requiring sampling were used to acquire more detailed analysis results. However, NMR spectroscopy was not used as the main analysis technique in the reviewed publications. In the experimental part altogether 21 rubber object samples and 8 reference samples were identified using 1D and 2D NMR techniques in solution state. Three samples were additionally analysed with solid-state High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HRMAS) NMR spectroscopy. The chemical structures of the samples were confirmed with these methods. To further explore fast and more automated identification of the rubber samples a statistical classification model utilizing acquired solution-state 1H NMR data was developed. Three rubber types were chosen for the analysis. The model was created using analysis data from the museum object samples and validated using the reference sample data. Identification rate of 100 % was achieved.
  • Juvonen, Mari (2020)
    Viime vuosikymmeninä on kasvanut huoli ympäristöön joutuvien kemikaalien kasvavasta määrästä. Vesistöön kulkeutuvien sukupuolihormonien, erityisesti estrogeenien, on havaittu vaikuttavan haitallisesti kalojen ja muiden vesieliöiden kehitykseen, häiritsevän kalojen lisääntymiskykyä ja hormonitoimintaa. Jätevedenpuhdistuslaitokselle tulevat steroidihormonit ovat peräisin yhdyskuntavesistä, maataloudesta, lääketeollisuudesta ja sairaaloista. Vedenpuhdistusprosessi ei poista kaikkia steroidihormoneja ja osa hormonijäämistä kulkeutuu ympäristöön kontaminoiden pohja- ja pintavesiä sekä maaperää. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan steroidien määritystä jätevesistä nestekromatografialla ja kapillaarielektroforeesilla vuosina 2010-2020. Steroideja on tutkittu jätevesistä pääasiassa GC-MS (kaasukromatografia-massaspektrometri) ja LC-MS tai LC-MS/MS (nestekromatografia-massaspektrometri tai nestekromatografia-tandem-massaspektrometri) -menetelmillä. Kaasukromatografia soveltuu vain haihtuville ja termisesti stabiileille yhdisteille ja vaatii usein paljon näytteiden esikäsittelyä. Tästä syystä nestekromatografia on tällä hetkellä yleisin menetelmä steroidien määrittämiseen. Kapillaarielektroforeesilla (CE) tutkimuksia on tehty vielä aika vähän, mutta se on osoittautunut lupaavaksi analysointitekniikaksi steroidien tutkimisessa. CE:n etuna on korkea erotustehokkuus rakenteellisesti samankaltaisillakin yhdisteillä, kuten steroidit ja niiden metaboliitit. CE-tekniikat jaetaan alalajeihin eri erotusperiaatteiden perusteella. Misellinen sähkökineettinen kapillaarikromatografia (MEKC) perustuu pinta-aktiivisen aineen käyttöön puskuriliuoksessa. Kun pinta-aktiivisen aineen pitoisuus ylittää niin sanotun kriittisen misellikonsentraation, liuokseen syntyy misellejä. Erottuminen perustuu näiden misellien ja analyyttien vuorovaikutukseen. Osittaistäyttöisessä misellisessä sähkökineettisessä kromatografiassa (PF-MEKC) vain pieni osa kapillaarista on täytetty miselliliuoksella. MEKC -tekniikka soveltuu sekä neutraalien että varautuneiden yhdisteiden erottamiseen. Koska steroidit esiintyvät jätevesissä hyvin pieninä pitoisuuksina (ng/l), näytteet on esikonsentroitava analyysia varten. Tähän käytetään useimmiten kiinteäfaasi-uuttoa (SPE). Uusia kiinteäfaasi-uuttotekniikoita on myös otettu käyttöön. Nämä ovat usein niin sanottuja mikrouuttotekniikoita, jotka kuluttavat vähemmän liuottimia ja näytteitä.
  • Sokka, Iris (2019)
    Cancer is a worldwide health problem; in 2018 9.6 million people died of cancer, meaning that about 1 in 6 deaths was caused by it. The challenge with cancer drug therapy has been the development of cancer drugs that are effective against cancer but are not harmful to the healthy cells. One of the solutions to this has been antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), where a cytotoxic drug is bound to an antibody. The antibody binds to specific antigen present on the surface of the cancer cell, thus working as a vessel to carry the drug specifically to the cancer cells. Monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE) and monomethyl auristatin F (MMAF) are mitosis preventing cancer drugs. The auristatins are pentapeptides that were developed from dolastatin 10. MMAE consist of monomethyl valine (MeVal), valine (Val), dolaisoleiune (Dil), dolaproine (Dap) and norephedrine (PPA). MMAF has otherwise similar structure, but norephedrine is replaced by phenylalanine (Phe). They prevent cell division and cancer cell proliferation by binding to microtubules and are thus able to kill any kind of cell. By attaching the auristatin to an antibody that targets cancer cells, they can effectively be used in the treatment of cancer. MMAE and MMAF exist as two conformers in solution, namely as cis- and trans-conformers. The trans-conformer resembles the biologically active conformer. It was recently noted that in solution 50-60 % of the MMAE and MMAF-molecules exist in the biologically inactive cis-conformer. The molecule changes from one conformer to the other by the rotation of an amide bond. However, this takes several hours in body temperature. As the amount of the cis-conformer is significant, the efficacy of the drug is decreased, and the possibility of side effects is increased. It is possible that the molecule leaves the cancer cell in its inactive form, migrates to healthy cells and tissue, and transforms to the active form there, damaging the healthy cell. The goal of this study was to modify the structure of the auristatins so that the cis/trans-equilibrium would change to favor the biologically active trans-conformer. The modifications were done virtually, and the relative energies were computed using high-level quantum chemical methods, at density functional theory (DFT), 2nd order perturbation theory (MP2) and coupled cluster levels. Intramolecular interactions were analyzed computationally, employing symmetry-adapted perturbation theory and the non-covalent interactions analysis. The results suggest that simple halogenation of the benzene ring para-position is able to significantly shift the cis/trans-equilibrium to favor the trans-conformer. This is due to changes in intramolecular interactions that favor the trans-conformer after halogenation. For example, the NCI analysis shows that the halogen atom invokes stabilizing intramolecular interactions with the Dil amino acid; there is no such interaction between the para-position hydrogen and Dil in the original molecules. We also performed docking studies that show that the halogenated molecules can bind to microtubules, thus confirming that the modified structures have potential to be developed into new, more efficient and safe cancer drugs. The most promising drug candidates are Cl-MMAF, F-MMAF, and F-MMAE where 94, 90, and 79 % of the molecule is predicted to exist in the biologically active trans-conformer, respectively.
  • Rantanen, Noora-Kaisa (2022)
    In chemical forensics inorganic analysis is for example used to detect traces of explosives and drugs, to find residues of firearms, and as aid when searching for hidden burial sites. Forensic investigators also utilise inorganic information in chemical source attribution or fingerprinting, which seeks to identify chemical profiles of inorganic and/or organic compounds and elements that can provide information on the origin of the sample, how it has been produced and using which raw-materials. As the chemical profiles typically contain information for several compounds, comparison of profiles have to be analysed by multivariate statistical tools such as principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In this work the applicability of inorganic source fingerprinting on soil samples was investigated. For this an extraction procedure and an ion chromatographic (IC) method for the determination of F–, Cl–, Br–, NO3–, PO43–, SO42– and AsO43– in soil were developed and validated. Extraction of anions was done by microwave assisted solvent extraction, with good recoveries (86.15 % – 115.23 %) for nearly all recovery samples. The recovery of F– from soil was 174.77 %, due to enhanced extraction efficiency caused by the high extraction temperature. AsO43– could not be quantified due to low extractability and interfering matrix components. Development of a method for elemental analysis of soil samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was also attempted. Complete dissolution was not achieved with microwave assisted acid digestion mainly because of the large particle size of the soils analysed. Samples were analysed for As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, V and Zn, but Ni could not be quantified from any of the samples because of the high detection limit caused by contamination of samples. Due to contamination and incomplete dissolution the variation in the results were large, leading to a large uncertainty for the results. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that there is a significant (α = 0.05) difference in the concentrations of all analytes but Mo and V between the samples. Two step PCA and LDA were performed on tha anion and elemental results separately. Better clustering of sample results were typically got with LDA than with PCA. LDA on the anion results was able to discriminate all samples while only four out of seven samples were identified by PCA. The large variation in the data meant that only the reference soil could be identified when all elemental concentrations were included. Removal of outliers from the data lead to identification of all samples by both PCA and LDA. This work showed that samples can be identified by their inorganic profiles, but large variations in the measured concentrations will make the discrimination by multivariate statistics difficult. Further work should focus on improving the separation of the IC method and on decreasing the variation in the data by decreasing sample heterogeneity and contamination during the sample preparation.
  • Sinausia, Daniel (2020)
    Along with the current studies on plasmonic photocatalysis that have emerged in the past years, we inquired into the catalytic performance of spherical gold and silver nanoparticles to further on investigate how their addition to doped molybdenum oxide (MoO3-x) could enhance its own plasmonic properties. Such studies were carried out synthesizing nanofilms on which the coupling oxidation of p-aminothiophenol (PATP) to p,p´-dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB) was carried out using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). The corresponding irradiation of 532 and 633nm light, observing satisfactory results with the nanoparticles and some conversion on the oxide when using the latter wavelength. Additional characterization of the different catalysts was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to observe their morphologies, confirming the spherical shape of the nanoparticles and the layered composition of the oxide. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to study the α-MoO3 structure of the semiconductor and the effects that the doping process had on it, showing how the distance between layers increased as we introduced more hydrides between them. These compounds were also analyzed with a spectrophotometer to study their performances when irradiated with light, showing a noteworthy increase in the absorbance after the reduction with the dopant. Finally, we tested the performance of these catalysts on the oxidation of benzyl alcohol when irradiated with 427 and 525 nm lamps, as well as with white xenon ones, not finding unfortunately any significant conversion during the time given though.
  • Pöllänen, Topias (2023)
    Bioorthogonal chemistry and click chemistry have gained tremendous attention during the past few years. They do not refer to a single reaction but to a class of reactions that take inspiration from nature. Click reactions are driven by a strong thermodynamic driving force and therefore they proceed via well-controlled and consistent reaction pathways. Click reactions afford specific products in high yields with negligible by-products. Bioorthogonal chemistry builds on the boundaries set by click chemistry. Bioorthogonal reactions can occur within a living system without interacting or interfering with the natural biological processes therefore both the reactants and the products must be inert and stable under physiological conditions. Bioorthogonal reactions have allowed the real-time study of several biomolecules such as glycans, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins within living systems without cytotoxicity. In the literature section of the thesis, the most important physical properties of both the isonitrile and chlorooxime are introduced and the most important bioorthogonal reactions for both functionalities are highlighted. The bioorthogonal isonitrile-chlorooxime ligation is discussed in more detail and an example is given of how the ligation can be used to label the cell membrane of living cells with fluorescent moieties. To install a moiety on the cell membrane it must first be modified with small non-natural chemical functionalities also called “chemical reporters.” which can be installed with metabolic oligosaccharide engineering (MOE) using monosaccharide analogues. After installation of the “chemical reporters” onto the cell surface, molecules containing the corresponding bioorthogonal counterpart can be attached to the cell membrane. Lastly, the sulfur(VI) fluoride exchange (SuFEx) click chemistry is discussed. Traditionally, SuFEx click chemistry has been used in organic chemistry to build inorganic connecting bridges between two carbon centres. More recently, SuFEx chemistry has found utility in the radiosynthesis of fluorine-18 containing [18F]sulfonyl fluorides and [18F]fluorosulfates. Fluorine-18 is one of the most commonly used and important positron emitters utilized in radiopharmaceutical chemistry and positron emission tomography (PET). The experimental section of the thesis presents the synthesis routes of the bioorthogonal reaction partners, a peracetylated isonitrilepropanoylmannosamine (Ac4ManNC) and an aryl fluorosulfate chlorooxime. The research hypothesis of the study was that the isonitrile of the Ac4ManNC could be installed onto the cell surface of living Jurkat cells (human T lymphoblast) with MOE. Afterwards, the fluorine-18 labelled aryl [18F]fluorosulfate chlorooxime could have been attached to the cell surface from the isonitrile with the bioorthogonal isonitrile-chlorooxime ligation. This cell surface labelling method could have then been used in the future to research and develop cell therapy treatments by utilizing PET imaging.
  • Yadav, Arihant (2024)
    The chemoenzymatic approach has been utilized for several decades to overcome the challenges of conventional synthesis methods and work towards an environmentally benign, greener approach. Recently, the use of recombinant enzymes has spiked to expand the scope for synthesizing complex molecules. The synthesis of non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is an eminent field of research in pharmaceutical sciences to enhance therapeutic efficacy while minimizing adverse side effects. The experimental work outlined in this thesis aimed to establish a chemoenzymatic synthesis route for Polmacoxib. The study compared the chemoenzymatic pathway coupled with photooxidation to the conventional route described in the literature, with the goal of identifying the most efficient synthesis method. The integration of chemoenzymatic approaches and photocatalysis represents a promising and sustainable method for synthesizing key intermediates in small-molecule drug compounds. The focus of this thesis work was the successful synthesis of the fiuranone motif, a key intermediate in the synthesis of polmacoxib, using this innovative approach. As part of the research for this thesis, the reaction conditions for photooxidation were screened and reported, followed by a comparative study between the traditional route and the envisioned route. Notably, the study found that the wavelength of light used significantly impacts the optimization of reaction conditions.