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Browsing by discipline "Theoretical Physics"

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  • Keskitalo, Reijo (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2005)
    As a full-grown science, cosmology is relatively young. Even though man has pondered the existence and structure of the universe throughout his history, the lack of actual observational data has prevented analytical research. Observational cosmology can be seen to have born in the 1920’s when Edwin Hubble discovered that the galaxies surrounding us are receding in all directions. This led to the conclusion that the universe around us is itself actually expanding. Expansion occurring isotropically in all directions indicates that the universe was once much denser and hotter. So hot that the matter in it has been completely ionized plasma. The decrease in temperature caused by the expansion is calculated to have caused the neutralizing of the plasma, recombination, over thirteen billion years ago. The instant is cosmologically remarkable, since light that until that moment scattered frequently from the charged particles now began to propagate freely. Initially at three thousand Kelvin temperature, the radiation has cooled down due to expansion and is now observed as the three Kelvin cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). First observations of the existence of the CMB date back to 1965. Since the background radiation has traveled its long journey relatively unchanged, its study can yield direct information on the conditions of the early universe. Theoretically it was expected, well before observational confirmation in 1992, that the CMB should have a structure that reflects those inhomogeneities, that have now undergone their ten billion years of evolution, to become the large scale structure we observe: galaxies, galaxy clusters and the evermore larger entities. In this thesis we examine, how the effects of two cosmological parameters, the matter and baryon densities of the universe, manifest in the pre-recombination dynamics and how these effects are reflected in the structure of the observed CMB anisotropy. Baryons are the “ordinary” matter all around us, protons and neutrons. The concept of “matter” is extended to include the unknown dark matter, the existence of which is only known through its gravitational effects. We will review the equations that are necessary to track the evolution of the primordial perturbations. By a computer program based on those equations we display how the early universe dynamics change with the values of the density parameters. Finally we will show how these effects are reflected in the angular power spectrum that describes the structure of the microwave background.
  • Käki, Sebastian (2015)
    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are ejections of plasma and magnetic flux from the Sun. These eruptions are large in size and they propagate over large distances in the heliosphere. If a CME is directed towards the Earth it can cause major space weather disturbances. Thus it is important to know whether a CME will hit the magnetosphere of the Earth and what kind of disturbances it could cause. CMEs contain large-scale twisted magnetic fields called flux ropes. Information about the orientation and the structure of the flux rope is crucial in determining its space weather effects. This thesis is focused on the determination of the orientation and the direction of flux rope CMEs from the corona all the way to the orbit of the Earth. An overview of a number of methods to obtain the necessary flux rope parameters both from remote sensing and in situ measurements is given. In particular, a technique combining the remote and in situ observations with a Sun-to-Earth propagation model for the CME is described in detail. In this thesis, the technique is used to study the propagation of a slow and a fast CME and the results are compared with each other and with earlier studies on the subject. The direction and amount of deflections and rotation were found to be consistent with the earlier results. In addition, differences in the proportional deflections before and after 20 Solar radii with respect to the total deflections were found between the fast and the slow case.
  • Shojaeifar, Emad Jr (2015)
    The best renormalizable theory in particle physics is the Standard Model. According to this model, neutrinos must be massless. We know that neutrinos have three different flavors. Owing to the observations, it is seen that there are oscillations between different flavors of neutrinos. This fact forces us to go beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics, because neutrino oscillations can only happen if the neutrinos are massive. The first solution is to define three mass eigenstates and claim that the flavor eigenstates are superpositions of the mass eigenstates. However, due to some problems it is concluded that physical states must be replaced with fields. In this thesis we study neutrino oscillations. We begin our work with reviewing fermion fields before the Standard Model. Then the Standard Model and experiments which confirm the existence of different neutrino flavors are shortly discussed. Moreover, we present the observations that show neutrino oscillations phenomenon and after that, the Dirac and Majorana neutrinos are discussed. Finally, oscillations are described theoretically. First, quantum mechanical oscillations are discussed and we find the phase and probability of the flavor transitions. Then due to the problems of this approach, oscillations in quantum field theory are presented. It is seen that, again, the results derived with the quantum mechanical treatment are accepted in the quantum field theory approach.
  • Havukainen, Joona (2016)
    After the finding of a Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider of CERN, the next milestone in experimental particle physics is the detection of a new particle beyond the Standard Model. Many of the popular extensions of the Standard Model are so called Two-Higgs-doublet models, that include five physical Higgs bosons in total. Two of the bosons are neutral scalars, two are charged scalars and one is a pseudoscalar. The first part of this thesis presents the Standard Model of particle physics as a gauge field theory where the gauge principle is used to introduce interactions between the particles. Quantum electrodynamics, weak interactions and quantum chromodynamics with their properties are discussed. The electroweak symmetry breaking through the Higgs mechanism and its implications for the masses of the particles are shown. The considerations on the Standard Model are concluded by discussing some of the problems in the Standard Model. Supersymmetric extensions to the Standard Model are introduced, motivated by their potential to solve some of the problems and by the framework for new physics the supersymmetry provides. The Higgs sector in the more constrained minimal supersymmetry scenario is discussed and some of the properties for these new Higgs bosons are given. The latter part of the thesis focuses on the experimental aspects of high energy particle physics. The search for the charged Higgs boson in the H+ → τ+ ντ decay channel, with the tau lepton decaying into hadronic decay products is presented in detail. Vetoing collision events with more than one tau particle is shown to enhance the transverse mass resolution of the analysis, improving the signal detection. Methods for performing a tau veto are discussed and the problems in performing the tau veto are studied using 13 TeV collision event simulations and data from 2015 from the CMS detector at the LHC. No viable way of performing the tau veto in such a way that it improves the overall analysis is found.
  • Salminen, Tapio (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2007)
    The efforts of combining quantum theory with general relativity have been great and marked by several successes. One field where progress has lately been made is the study of noncommutative quantum field theories that arise as a low energy limit in certain string theories. The idea of noncommutativity comes naturally when combining these two extremes and has profound implications on results widely accepted in traditional, commutative, theories. In this work I review the status of one of the most important connections in physics, the spin-statistics relation. The relation is deeply ingrained in our reality in that it gives us the structure for the periodic table and is of crucial importance for the stability of all matter. The dramatic effects of noncommutativity of space-time coordinates, mainly the loss of Lorentz invariance, call the spin-statistics relation into question. The spin-statistics theorem is first presented in its traditional setting, giving a clarifying proof starting from minimal requirements. Next the notion of noncommutativity is introduced and its implications studied. The discussion is essentially based on twisted Poincaré symmetry, the space-time symmetry of noncommutative quantum field theory. The controversial issue of microcausality in noncommutative quantum field theory is settled by showing for the first time that the light wedge microcausality condition is compatible with the twisted Poincaré symmetry. The spin-statistics relation is considered both from the point of view of braided statistics, and in the traditional Lagrangian formulation of Pauli, with the conclusion that Pauli's age-old theorem stands even this test so dramatic for the whole structure of space-time.
  • Westström, Alex (2015)
    Majorana quasiparticles are zero-energy modes theorised to exist at the boundaries of topological superconductors. Due to their topological protection and non-Abelian exchange statistics, Majorana quasiparticles have in recent years garnered much interest within the condensed matter community as a promising platform for fault tolerant quantum computing. To this end, theorists constantly attempt to come up with new experimentally feasible models that can host these quasiparticles. In this thesis, we investigate a recent proposal for realising an effective topological superconductor with Majorana quasiparticles, namely the helical Shiba chain. The system consists of a one-dimensional array of magnetic impurities deposited on a conventional superconductor, such that the overall magnetic texture is helical. A single impurity hosts a bound electron state with an energy within the superconducting gap. For many impurities, these so called Shiba states hybridise and form energy bands, that for a certain range of parameters support topological superconductivity and Majorana bound states at the ends of the chain. Prior to this work, the Shiba chain has only been studied in the deep-dilute limit where the energies of the individual Shiba states are assumed to be very close to the centre of the gap, and the magnetic impurities are placed sufficiently far away from each other as to keep the resulting bands deep within the gap. By re-expressing the problem in terms of a non-linear eigenvalue equation, we go beyond this limit and extend the study of the topological properties of the Shiba chain to a novel domain of experimental interest — a domain which has until now remained unexplored. We compare our results with previous work and observe an agreement between our more general theory and the deep-dilute limit in the expected parameter regime. However, qualitative differences emerge when the coherence length of the underlying superconductor becomes very large.
  • Lahtinen, Ville (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2006)
    There exists various suggestions for building a functional and a fault-tolerant large-scale quantum computer. Topological quantum computation is a more exotic suggestion, which makes use of the properties of quasiparticles manifest only in certain two-dimensional systems. These so called anyons exhibit topological degrees of freedom, which, in principle, can be used to execute quantum computation with intrinsic fault-tolerance. This feature is the main incentive to study topological quantum computation. The objective of this thesis is to provide an accessible introduction to the theory. In this thesis one has considered the theory of anyons arising in two-dimensional quantum mechanical systems, which are described by gauge theories based on so called quantum double symmetries. The quasiparticles are shown to exhibit interactions and carry quantum numbers, which are both of topological nature. Particularly, it is found that the addition of the quantum numbers is not unique, but that the fusion of the quasiparticles is described by a non-trivial fusion algebra. It is discussed how this property can be used to encode quantum information in a manner which is intrinsically protected from decoherence and how one could, in principle, perform quantum computation by braiding the quasiparticles. As an example of the presented general discussion, the particle spectrum and the fusion algebra of an anyon model based on the gauge group S_3 are explicitly derived. The fusion algebra is found to branch into multiple proper subalgebras and the simplest one of them is chosen as a model for an illustrative demonstration. The different steps of a topological quantum computation are outlined and the computational power of the model is assessed. It turns out that the chosen model is not universal for quantum computation. However, because the objective was a demonstration of the theory with explicit calculations, none of the other more complicated fusion subalgebras were considered. Studying their applicability for quantum computation could be a topic of further research.
  • Sahlberg, Isac (2018)
    In this thesis, we examine a fairly novel area of physics that concerns topological materials, and in particular, topological superconductivity. A goal in the research of topological materials is realizing applications in quantum computing, which could be aided by the emergent quasiparticles that exhibit non-Abelian exchange statistics. These are called Majorana bound states, and they are elusive quasiparticles predicted to be found on the boundary of topological superconductors. We first study a one-dimensional chain of potential impurities placed on the surface of a two-dimensional $p$-wave superconductor. As is usually the case, such chains are composed of perfect lattice structures, which is very challenging to achieve in any laboratory setting. Nevertheless, they serve as a good example of systems where an analytical solution can be well established. We investigate the model without employing any deep-dilute approximation, which gives us an accurate description even far away from the gap center. This is done by formulating the problem as a non-linear eigenvalue equation, which complicates it significantly, but also extends the region of applicability of our theory. We use reciprocal space calculations of two topological invariants to obtain the topological phase diagram of the system. The model is shown to host topological quasiparticle excitations at the ends of the chain, with multiple distinct topological phases. The near-perfect localization of the excitations makes them good candidates for probing Majorana bound states in experimental setups. We then move on to study topological superconductivity in random lattices, as opposed to regular structures which assume arbitrary precision. We frame our work starting with the mathematics of random numbers. Our work is thus in stark contrast with previous studies on topological materials that start off with a perfect lattice structure, and investigate some degree of disorder as perturbations to the regular lattice case. Our work establishes a first-ever realistic candidate for realizing topological superconductivity in an amorphous material. This could enable a novel approach to creating topological materials, and drastically aid in the development of fault-tolerant quantum computing.
  • Wahlman, Pyry (2012)
    In this thesis we give a self-sufficient introduction to the trace anomaly and its applications in the problem of cosmological constant. We begin by revising the renormalization of quantum electrodynamics in flat space and the Lagrangian formalism of general relativity. Then we discuss shortly about the renormalizability of quantum general relativity, after which we turn our attention to a semiclassical theory of quantum gravitation. We review the construction and renormalization of the semiclassical theory, and discuss shortly the stability of it. We then proceed to examine the trace anomaly of the semiclassical theory, and begin by reviewing Weyl cohomology in n-dimensions. We use the Weyl cohomology to construct the Wess-Zumino action, from which we derive a non-local action for the trace anomaly. The non-local action is then rendered local by introducing new auxiliary fields, in which the non-local behaviour of the action is contained. After all these theoretical considerations we finally examine the non-trivial cosmological consequences of the trace anomaly. At first we review shortly the Friedman-Robertson-Walker -model and its classical perturbations, after which we examine the linear perturbations of the trace anomaly action in de Sitter space. We find that when the auxiliary fields of the action are quantized, the cosmological constant becomes dependent on the border conditions at the horizon scale of de Sitter space. We then conclude that the small but non-zero value of the cosmological constant could be a physical consequence of the presence of the horizon.
  • Lotti, Mikko (2017)
    Hiukkasfysiikan standardimalli on yksi nykypäivän tarkimmista teorioista. Vuonna 2012 tapahtuneen Higgsin bosonin havaitsemisen myötä olemme havainneet kaikki alkeishiukkaset ja niiden väliset vuorovaikutukset, jotka standardimalli ennustaa. Tarkkuudestaan huolimatta hiukkasfysiikassa on kuitenkin edelleen ilmiöitä, joita standardimalli ei kykene selittämään. Standardimallin laajennuksiksi kutsutut teoriat pyrkivät selittämään standardimallin avoimia kysymyksiä ja useat laajennukset ennustavat myös uusia hiukkasia. Tämä opinnäytetyö keskittyy kahden-Higgsin-dubletin malleihin joka kuuluu standardimallin laajennuksiin. Nämä mallit ennustavat yhden sijasta yhteensä viisi Higgsin bosonia, joista kaksi on sähköisesti varattuja. Analyysi, joka on myös esitelty tässä opinnäytetyössä, pyrkii havitsemaan nämä kaksi sähköisesti varattua Higgsin bosonia. Tähän käytetään dataa, joka on kerätty suurella hadronitörmäyttimellä (eng. Large Hadron Collider) käyttäen kompaktia myonisolenoidi-hiukkasilmaisinta (eng. Compact Muon Solenoid). Data kerätään törmäyttämällä protoneita yhteen suurella energialla. Suuri energia mahdollistaa uusien hiukkasten syntymisen ja näitä lopputuotteita tutkimalla voidaan selvittää syntyikö törmäyksessä mahdollisesti eksoottisia, jopa standardimallin ulkopuolisia hiukkasia, kuten sähköisesti varattuja Higgsin bosoneja. Protonisuihkut törmäävät jopa 40 000 000 kertaa sekunnissa, minkä takia dataa syntyy nopeammin kuin sitä ehditään tallentaa. Tästä syystä tapahtumien lukumäärää on leikattava, mikä tapahtuu käyttämällä liipaisua (eng. trigger system). Liipaisu koostuu hiukkasilmaisimen laitteistoon asennetuista komponenteista sekä laitteiston ulkopuolisista tietokoneohjelmistoista, jotka päättävät mitä osia kerätystä datasta on syytä tallentaa. Liipaisu on suunniteltu niin, että valinnan läpäisevät esimerkiksi hyvin energeettiset hiukkaset, jotka saattavat olla lähtöisin mielenkiintoisista kohteista. Liipaisun jälkeen datan määrä on vähentynyt niin että se on mahdollista kirjoittaa levylle tallennusta varten. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitän uuden menetelmän mitata liipaisun tehokkuutta. Tehokkuus määritellään liipaisun valintaan sisään tulevien hiukkasten ja valinnan läpäisseiden hiukkasten lukumäärien suhteena. Uusi menetelmä sovittaa mitattuun ja simuloituun liipaisun tehokkuuteen funktion ja näin vähentää tehokkuuden mittauksen systemaattista epävarmuutta. Tämä pienentää koko analyysin systemaattisia virhelähteitä ja parantaa lopullisia tuloksia.
  • Korhonen, Marko (2013)
    The purpose of this thesis is to study the asymmetric simple exclusion process, its asymptotics and some connections to other stochastic models. The text begins by giving some results on random matrix theory, such as the distribution function of the largest eigenvalue of a given random matrix. This is followed by a short section on the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, which is a stochastic model of fermionic particles jumping only in one direction on a one-dimensional lattice. The probability that a given particle has jumped m times is then shown to be equal to the distribution of the largest eigenvalue of a specific type of a random matrix analyzed earlier. As this hints at some kind of universality, the particle model is then generalized to the asymmetric simple exclusion process, in which the particles can jump left or right. It turns out this model does not have the simple determinantal structure the earlier models had. The asymptotics of the model will then be analyzed, and it turns out there is a large universality class that encompasses all the models analyzed in the text. The reader is expected to be familiar with basic measure theory and complex analysis.
  • Jebaraj, Immanuel Christopher (2017)
    Distinguishing the coronal magnetic field and its evolution can unlock key information on solar energetic eruptions such as the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). CMEs are formed as magnetic flux ropes, i.e. magnetic field lines twisted about each other. They are the main drivers of space weather effects on Earth. Understanding the structure of the internal magnetic field of the CME would help determine the severity of the resulting geomagnetic storm. Predicting the onset and the orientation of the flux rope axis is a major focus of current space weather research. For this purpose, a numerical study on the kinematic emergence of a twisted flux rope into a coronal magnetic field is performed using the Magneto-frictional method (MFM). The MFM is an exciting prospect as it is sufficiently accurate and computationally inexpensive. The initiation of the eruption is through ideal Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) kink instability. In this case, the kink instability occurs when the windings of the field lines about the flux rope axis exceeds a critical value. This thesis presents the set-up of the Fan & Gibson flux rope with different configurations. This was in hopes of studying the slow energization of the coronal field arcade with the emergence of a current carrying flux rope. The results of the simulations presented here show that the several key factors such as the height at which the flux rope is stopped and its twist play a major role in the dynamics of the flux rope in making it kink unstable. One of the main motivations was to use the results to discuss the performance of the MFM in comparison to MHD and how capable it is in capturing ideal MHD phenomenon. The simulations are also used to investigate the formation of sigmoidal current layer often seen before the onset of eruption. In the results presented here, the sigmoidal ’S’ shaped current layer is formed as the flux rope becomes kink unstable. This sigmoidal current layer is analysed for different configurations of the flux rope. These results have suggested that accurate dynamic modelling of the coronal magnetic field is essential for successful space weather prediction purposes.
  • Järvelä, Jarkko (2014)
    Entanglement entropy is a proposal to quantify quantum entanglement of two disjoint regions in a pure system. It is a relatively new topic and is developing rapidly. The current main motives to study it are its applications to studying quantum gravity, thermalization and phase transitions in condensed matter systems. Mutual information is a related quantity and it can be used to measure the amount of information two disjoint regions share. The purpose of this thesis is to give an introduction to the general results of the field without considering specific systems. The two prominent approaches used are two-dimensional conformal field theory and the holographic entanglement entropy conjecture. The first approach is to calculate entanglement entropy using conformal field theory, the results of which are known to be exact although technically more difficult to derive and only available for 1+1 dimensional systems. Both static and dynamic systems will be discussed. The results are reproduced and generalized to higher dimensions using holography. As a more recent topic, the holographic approach is used to rederive the entanglement entropy of systems with a Fermi surface using AdS/Vaidya metric with Lifshitz scaling and hyperscaling violation. The final chapter of the thesis discusses mutual information in various static and dynamic cases considered in the previous chapters. For the first time, the evolution of mutual information is calculated in AdS/Vaidya metric with Lifshitz scaling and hyperscaling violation in the critical theta=d-1 case.
  • Järvinen, Riku (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2005)
  • Juurinen, Iina (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2009)
    Water-ethanol mixtures are commonly used in industry and house holds. However, quite surprisingly their molecular-level structure is still not completely understood. In particular, there is evidence that the local intermolecular geometries depend significantly on the concentration. The aim of this study was to gain information on the molecular-level structures of water-ethanol mixtures by two computational methods. The methods are classical molecular dynamics (MD), where the movement of molecules can be studied, and x-ray Compton scattering, in which the scattering cross section is sensitive to the electron momentum density. Firstly, the water-ethanol mixtures were studied with MD simulations, with the mixture concentration ranging from 0 to 100%. For the simulations well-established force fields were used for the water and ethanol molecules (TIP4P and OPLS-AA, respectively). Moreover, two models were used for ethanol, rigid and non-rigid. In the rigid model the intramolecular bond lengths are fixed, whereas in the non-rigid model the lengths are determined by harmonic potentials. Secondly, mixtures with three different concentrations employing both ethanol models were studied by calculating the experimentally observable x-ray quantity, the Compton profile. In the MD simulations a slight underestimation in the density was observed as compared to experiment. Furthermore, a positive excess of hydrogen bonding with water molecules and a negative one with ethanol was quantified. Also, the mixture was found more structured when the ethanol concentration was higher. Negligible differences in the results were found between the two ethanol models. In contrast, in the Compton scattering results a notable difference between the ethanol models was observed. For the rigid model the Compton profiles were similar for all the concentrations, but for the non-rigid model they were distinct. This leads to two possibilities of how the mixing occurs. Either the mixing is similar in all concentrations (as suggested by the rigid model) or the mixing changes for different concentrations (as suggested by the non-rigid model). Either way, this study shows that the choice of the force field is essential in the microscopic structure formation in the MD simulations. When the sources of uncertainty in the calculated Compton profiles were analyzed, it was found that more statistics needs to be collected to reduce the statistical uncertainty in the final results. The obtained Compton scattering results can be considered somewhat preliminary, but clearly indicative of the behaviour of the water-ethanol mixtures when the force field is modified. The next step is to collect more statistics and compare the results with experimental data to decide which ethanol model describes the mixture better. This way, valuable information on the microscopic structure of water-ethanol mixtures can be found. In addition, information on the force fields in the MD simulations and on the ability of the MD simulations to reproduce the microscopic structure of binary liquids is obtained.
  • Gibson, Clint (2017)
    Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity radically transformed our understanding of gravitation. Along with this transformative view came several powerful predictions. One of these predictions, the deflection of light in a gravitational field, has proven in recent decades to be crucial to the study of cosmology. In this work we present the foundational theory of gravitational lensing, with a particular focus on the weak regime of lensing. Weak gravitational lensing produced by the large scale structure, called cosmic shear, induces percent level distortions in the images of distant galaxies. Gravitational lensing is of particular interest, since the image distortions are due to all of the matter in the large scale structure, including dark matter. We present the definitions of shear and convergence which are used to quantify the source galaxy image distortions, and discuss some techniques shown in literature which are used for measuring these quantities. This includes presenting the necessary derivations which connect these quantities to two particular classes of results: mass map reconstructions and cosmological parameter constraints. We present some results obtained in recent years: mass map reconstructions obtained using the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS) and the Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS), and constraints on the parameters Ω_m and σ_8 (the total matter density parameter and the power spectrum normalization) obtained using CFHTLenS, COSMOS, the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS), and the Dark Energy Survey (DES). This includes some discussion of apparent tensions with results obtained from Planck (using observations of the cosmic microwave background—a completely different cosmological probe) and of some inconsistencies within the more recent survey results.