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  • Pöllänen, Topias (2023)
    Bioorthogonal chemistry and click chemistry have gained tremendous attention during the past few years. They do not refer to a single reaction but to a class of reactions that take inspiration from nature. Click reactions are driven by a strong thermodynamic driving force and therefore they proceed via well-controlled and consistent reaction pathways. Click reactions afford specific products in high yields with negligible by-products. Bioorthogonal chemistry builds on the boundaries set by click chemistry. Bioorthogonal reactions can occur within a living system without interacting or interfering with the natural biological processes therefore both the reactants and the products must be inert and stable under physiological conditions. Bioorthogonal reactions have allowed the real-time study of several biomolecules such as glycans, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins within living systems without cytotoxicity. In the literature section of the thesis, the most important physical properties of both the isonitrile and chlorooxime are introduced and the most important bioorthogonal reactions for both functionalities are highlighted. The bioorthogonal isonitrile-chlorooxime ligation is discussed in more detail and an example is given of how the ligation can be used to label the cell membrane of living cells with fluorescent moieties. To install a moiety on the cell membrane it must first be modified with small non-natural chemical functionalities also called “chemical reporters.” which can be installed with metabolic oligosaccharide engineering (MOE) using monosaccharide analogues. After installation of the “chemical reporters” onto the cell surface, molecules containing the corresponding bioorthogonal counterpart can be attached to the cell membrane. Lastly, the sulfur(VI) fluoride exchange (SuFEx) click chemistry is discussed. Traditionally, SuFEx click chemistry has been used in organic chemistry to build inorganic connecting bridges between two carbon centres. More recently, SuFEx chemistry has found utility in the radiosynthesis of fluorine-18 containing [18F]sulfonyl fluorides and [18F]fluorosulfates. Fluorine-18 is one of the most commonly used and important positron emitters utilized in radiopharmaceutical chemistry and positron emission tomography (PET). The experimental section of the thesis presents the synthesis routes of the bioorthogonal reaction partners, a peracetylated isonitrilepropanoylmannosamine (Ac4ManNC) and an aryl fluorosulfate chlorooxime. The research hypothesis of the study was that the isonitrile of the Ac4ManNC could be installed onto the cell surface of living Jurkat cells (human T lymphoblast) with MOE. Afterwards, the fluorine-18 labelled aryl [18F]fluorosulfate chlorooxime could have been attached to the cell surface from the isonitrile with the bioorthogonal isonitrile-chlorooxime ligation. This cell surface labelling method could have then been used in the future to research and develop cell therapy treatments by utilizing PET imaging.
  • Tuononen, Pekko (2022)
    Amidien ja esterien tehokas valmistaminen neutraaleissa olosuhteissa vaatii kytkentäreagenssien tai aktivaattoriyhdisteiden käyttämistä. Niistä jää tuotteisiin kuitenkin epäpuhtauksia, joiden poistaminen vaatii usein työlään kromatografisen puhdistusvaiheen. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kiintokantajareagenssien käyttöä karboksyylihappojen dehydrokondensaatioreaktioissa. Kantajareagenssit toimivat kytkentä- ja/tai aktivaattorireagensseina ja tehostavat reaktioita liuosfaasisynteesiin nähden monin tavoin. Mikäli tuote tai intermediaatti pysyy sidottuna kiintokantajaan, voidaan muut yhdisteet erottaa kantajasta suodattamalla, jolloin tuotteen kromatografinen puhdistus ei useinkaan ole tarpeellinen. Kantajareagensseja on myös liitetty osaksi automatisoitua synteesiä, ja menetelmät voivat tarjota ekologisen mahdollisuuden kierrättää kantaja uudelleen käytettäväksi. Tutkimusosuudessa kehitettiin täysin uudenlainen fosforyloiva kiintokantajareagenssi nukleosidivetyfosfonaattien valmistamiseen. Liuosfaasisynteesillä valmistettujen vetyfosfonaattien eristämisessä käytetään vesiuuttoa, mikä heikentää vesiliukoisten substraattien saantoja. Kehitetty menetelmä mahdollistaa vesiuuton sekä kromatografisen puhdistusvaiheen välttämisen. Taloudellinen ja suoraviivainen menetelmä voi nukleosidien lisäksi olla myös sovellettavissa muidenkin substraattien fosforylointiin. Tutkimustuloksissa kuvataan menetelmän kehityskaari, reaktioiden optimointi sekä menetelmän käyttäminen 5’-O-DMTr-tymidiini-3’-vetyfosfonaatin valmistamiseksi.
  • Liljeqvist, Henri (2023)
    Kultakomplekseille on tyypillistä typpi- ja rikkidonoreita sisältävät ligandit. Suurin osa tunnetuista kultakomplekseista on homoleptisiä, eli niissä kulta on liittynyt vain yhdentyyppisiin ligandeihin. Heteroleptisissä komplekseissa keskusatomiin on liittynyt useammanlaisia ligandeja. Heteroleptiset kompleksit ovat kiinnostavia, sillä kompleksien rakenteen muutokset vaikuttavat mm. katalyyttien tehokkuuteen. Kahden erilaisen ligandin avulla voidaan esimerkiksi vaikuttaa keskusatomin koordinaatiokykyyn merkittävästi. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan kullan komplekseja ja erilaisten ligandien käyttäytymistä kullan kanssa. Kirjallisuudesta löytyneiden heteroleptisten kultakompleksien ominaisuuksia, synteesireittejä ja käyttökohteita on esitelty. Kirjallisuudesta on etsitty esimerkkejä heteroleptisistä kultakomplekseista sekä kultatiolaattien reaktioista. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin kullan liuotusreaktiota sekä pyrittiin valmistamaan ja analysoimaan heteroleptistä kultatiolaattia, jollaisia ei kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella ole valmistettu. Kullan liuotusreaktiossa, jossa hyödynnetään kahta eri tiolaattiligandia, on havaittu muodustuvan välituotteena heteroleptinen tiolaattikompleksi, jonka tarkempi karakterisointi oli työn tavoitteena. Vaikka valitulla synteesistrategialla kompleksia ei saatu eristettyä puhtaana, sen muodostuminen varmistui mm. massaspektroskopian avulla.
  • Ravald, Henri (2023)
    In the literature part, different analytical techniques for investigating drug-lipid interactions were reviewed, with the emphasis being on capillary electromigration and liquid chromatog-raphy techniques involving the use of artificial lipid vesicles called liposomes. Special interest was reserved for studies on beta blockers, a class of cardiovascular drugs. In addition, com-mercial intravenous lipid emulsions were introduced and in vivo and in vitro research on them was reviewed, mainly focusing on studies of their application in treatment of drug over-doses. Other methods for studying drug-lipid interactions were also briefly discussed and compared to electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques. In the experimental part, the interactions of seven beta blockers with a commercial intrave-nous lipid emulsion, Intralipid, were studied by a capillary electrophoresis technique called liposome electrokinetic chromatography. Electrophoretic mobilities of the analytes in a capil-lary filled with Intralipid solution were determined. From the mobilities of the analytes and Intralipid solution, retention factors and distribution coefficients for the beta blockers were determined. The values were compared with literature octanol/water partition coefficients and experimentally determined partition coefficients from previous research. The particle sizes of the lipid emulsion were studied by dynamic light scattering and flow field-flow fractionation. Other capillary electromigration techniques such as partial-filling electrokinetic chromatog-raphy and capillary electrophoresis frontal analysis were also briefly performed, and the results were compared with liposome electrokinetic chromatography. Also, interactions of the In-tralipid solution with the silica capillary wall were studied.
  • Hiltunen, Joona (2022)
    Ihmistoiminnan seurauksena luonnonvesiin päätyy haitallisia metalli-ioneja, joiden aiheuttamista ongelmista kärsivät nykyään eniten köyhät ja kehittyvät maat. Metalli-ionianalytiikalla on tärkeä rooli sekä luonnonvesien tarkkailussa että tutkimisessa kuin myös teollisten prosessien laadunvalvonnassa ja kehityksessä. Induktiivisesti kytketystä plasma-massaspektrometrista (ICP-MS) on tullut yksi yleisimmistä metallianalytiikassa käytettävistä analyysilaitteista. Useiden metalli-ionien pitoisuudet vesinäytteissä ovat kuitenkin laitteen määritysrajaa matalampia, jonka vuoksi analyytit täytyy esikonsentroida mittausta varten. Lisäksi suuri liuenneen kiintoaineen määrä saattaa vahingoittaa ICP-MS -laitetta. Edellä mainitut ongelmat ovat usein ratkaistavissa kiinteäfaasiuuton avulla, josta on kehittynyt erittäin monipuolinen ja helppo esikäsittelymenetelmä erilaisten vesinäytteiden analysointiin. Tutkielman kirjallisessa osiossa perehdytään metalli-ionianalytiikan merkitykseen sekä tutkituimpien metalli-ionien ominaisuuksiin ja terveysvaikutuksiin. Osiossa esitellään yleisimpiä ja uusimpia kiinteäfaasiuuttotekniikoita sekä vertaillaan off-line- ja on-line-sovellusten erityispiirteitä. Lisäksi perehdytään tekijöihin, jotka saattavat vaikeuttaa tai haitata kiinteäfaasiuuttoprosessia ja ICP-MS -mittausta. Kirjallisen osion loppupuolella käsitellään mielenkiintoisimpia, pääsääntöisesti vuosina 2010-2022, raportoituja kiinteäfaasiuuttosorbentteja, joita on käytetty tutkimuksissa, joissa mittaus on suoritettu ICP-MS:lla. Tutkielmassa käsitellään eräiden sorbenttien ja analyysiprosessien erityispiirteitä sekä tarkastellaan tärkeimpiä analyysiparametreja. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osiossa määritettiin hopea- ja koboltti-ionipitoisuuksia ICP-MS:lla Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen boorihappopitoisesta primääripiirin jäähdytteestä. Ydinreaktorissa aktivoituvat hopea- ja koboltti-ionit aiheuttavat merkittävän osan voimalaitostyöntekijöiden vuotuisesta säteilyannoksesta, jonka vuoksi kyseisten ionien tarkkailulla on suora vaikutus laitosturvallisuuteen. Määritystä varten boorihappo poistettiin aluksi selektiivisellä N-metyyliglukamiinipohjaisella ioninvaihtohartsilla. Tämän jälkeen hopea- ja koboltti-ionit esikonsentroitiin iminodiasetaattipohjaisella kiinteäfaasiuuttosorbentilla. Tulosten perusteella kehitettiin esikäsittelylaittoisto, joka koostui kahdesta päällekkäin asetetusta kolonnista. Metalli-ionipitoisuudet määritettiin ICP-MS:lle kehitetyn menetelmän avulla.
  • Ward, Matthew David (2023)
    Black carbon is an aerosol that is a product of incomplete combustion, the main sources are anthropogenic, such as internal combustion engines and burning of biomass. It is ideally absorbing across the visible light spectrum. Carbonaceous aerosols have a range of negative effects such as lung diseases in the local population and radiative force on the Earth. Therefore it is important to determine not only the concentration of these aerosol particles but also identify their sources. Typical measurement methods for monitoring of aerosols involves instruments employing a filter based technique such as an aethalometer. The major drawbacks to such instruments are that the time resolution is in the order of some minutes and some form of correction factors must be applied depending variations such as the time of year the measurement and differing compositions of carbonaceous aerosols based on locality. A 3 wavelength cantilever enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy instrument was developed during this work to detect the absorption of these particles across the visible range. The benefits of using cantilever enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy are a time resolution in the order of seconds rather than minutes and that no correction factor is required for the measured absorption value for the particles. In this thesis it is demonstrated that multi-wavelength photoacoustic spectroscopy can be used for measuring black carbon aerosols and the information obtained can be used estimate the source of those particles.
  • Al Mussa, Wafa (2022)
    Nukleiinihapot ovat luonnollisia yksi- tai kaksisäikeisiä polymeerejä, jotka koostuvat deoksiribo- tai ribonukleosideistä linkitettynä toisiinsa fosfodiesterisidoksella. Kun tällaisia ketjuja valmistetaan kemiallisin menetelmin fosfaattiryhmä olisi aktivoitava tietyllä tavalla ja funktionaaliset ryhmät, jotka eivät osallistu reaktioon, olisi suojattava väliaikaisesti tai pysyvästi. Kiinnostus nukleiinihappokemiaan johtuu synteettisten oligomeerien ja niiden analogien kasvavasta tarpeesta välttämättöminä tutkimusvälineinä molekyylibiologiassa ja lääketieteessä. Tutkielman kirjallisessa osassa esitettiin erilaisia menetelmiä lyhyiden oligonukleotidien kemialliselle synteesille. Fosfodiesterisidosten muodostuminen tapahtuu yleensä joko fosfotriesterin tai fosfiitti-triesterin välituotteiden avulla. P(III)-välituotteiden suuremman reaktiivisuuden vuoksi fosfiitti-triesterimenetelmä ja erityisesti fosforamidiittimenetelmä ovat herättäneet huomiota. Oligonukleotidisynteesin lähtöaineiksi on ehdotettu useita erilaisia nukleosidi-fosforamidiitteja, kun on etsitty tasapainoa stabiilisuuden ja reaktiivisuuden välillä. Tämän vuoksi H-fosfonaattimenetelmää, jossa yhdistetään sekä fosfotriesteri- että fosfiitti-triesterimenetelmien edut ja lisäksi fosfodiesterimenetelmän edut (esim. fosforikeskuksen suojaavan ryhmän puute), voidaan käyttää vaihtoehtona fosforamidiittimenetelmälle erityisesti RNA:n sekä hapoille labiilien oligonukleotidianalogien synteesissä. Kaikilla menetelmillä on kuitenkin hyvät puolet sekä huonot puolet, joten ei olisi vielä olemassa yleisesti sovellettavaa ja tehokasta synteesimenetelmää, vaan ne sopivat eri tapauksiin. Esimerkiksi suuren mittakaavan synteesin tapauksessa tulee ottaa huomioon reaktioaika, reagenssi, puhdistusmenetelmä ja muut resurssit. Lisäksi lähestymistavat ovat yleensä joko erittäin työläitä etenkin lopputuotteen puhdistuksessa tai monivaiheisia sekvenssejä, joiden kokonaistuotto on alhainen. Kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin kolmenlaisina Brønsted happokatalyytteinä pentakarboksisyklopentadieenit (PCCP). Tutkittiin mahdollisuutta käyttää PCCP-johdonnaisia regioselektiiviseen nukleosidin 5’-hydroksyyliryhmän suojaamiseen asetaaliryhmällä. Menetelmällä onnistuttiin valmistamaan tyydyttävä määrä 5’-O-asetaalisuojattua tymidiiniä. Menetelmä vaikuttaa lupaavalta pienellä jatkokehityksellä.
  • Tiusanen, Aleksi (2023)
    Oxidized compounds in the atmosphere can occur as emitted primary compounds or as the products of secondary formation when volatile emitted precursors react with various oxidants. Due to the polar functional groups, their vapor pressures decrease and they condense onto growing small particles or forming new particles by the cloud condensation nuclei reaction. Small particles affect climate change by the formation of clouds and scattering solar radiation. The particles and oxidized compounds themselves could cause serious health problems when inhaled. Thereby, the study of oxidized compounds in the atmosphere is very important. Based on the literature review, the focus of the research is to discover new oxidized species, and to evaluate their sources and factors affecting their formation. Monitoring of biogenic and anthropogenic primary oxidized compounds or secondarily oxidized products in chamber experiments or field campaigns is common. New discoveries have been reported including various new oxidized compounds and a new group of compounds called highly oxidized organic molecules (HOMs). Analytics is mainly focused on chromatographic methods identifying and quantifying compounds in low concentrations. The analytics of HOMs are currently based on high-resolution mass spectrometry employing chemical ionization. Oxidized compounds could also be monitored by spectrophotometric methods in which the determinations of total amounts are based on functional groups. In the experimental part of this thesis, a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method applying hydrophilic interaction chromatography was developed to analyze 18 organic acids. The developed method was sensitive to C4-C10 dicarboxylic acids and aromatic acids. In contrast, for smaller and multifunctional acids, the sensitivity decreased due to broader chromatographic peaks. Acids were determined from aerosol samples which were collected with conventional filter sampling and miniaturized filter sampling on a drone. The aim of the work was to compare samples collected with two different sampling techniques to assess if they provided comparable results. Concentration differences between daytime and night-time was assessed from samples taken with conventional filter sampling. C4-C9 dicarboxylic acids, cis-pinonic acid, benzoic acid, phthalic acid, and glycolic acid were detected in both sample types. Possible elimination of adsorption from gas phase to particle phase was demonstrated for cis-pinonic acid and succinic acid due to the lower sample volume in drone sampling. Other detected acids’ concentrations were comparable between two different sampling strategies, considering different sampling sites and extraction methods. Daytime and night-time comparison suggest that acids’ concentrations are higher in daytime when photo-oxidation reactions occur.
  • Vázquez Mireles, Sigifredo (2021)
    Piperine represents the major plant alkaloid encountered in various Piperaceae species and has received in recent years considerable attention because of its broad range of favorable biological and pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, immunostimulant, bioavailability-enhancing and anti-carcinogenic properties. The literature part of this thesis gives a selective overview of advanced methods for the quantitative analysis of piperine in plant-base materials, and various approaches employed for instrumental analysis, including spectroscopic, chromatographic, and electrochemical techniques. An effort was made to evaluate the potential of the reported methods based on the analytical figures of merit, such as total sample throughput capacity, analytical range, precision, accuracy, limit of detection and limit of quantification. The objective of the experimental part of the thesis focused on the development of a convenient, robust, simple, efficient and reliable method to quantify piperine in pepper fruits. The analytical method established in this thesis involves liberation of piperine by continuous liquid extraction of ground pepper fruits with methanol, and cleanup of the crude extracts with reversed phase solid phase extraction. Analyte quantitation was accomplished using gradient reversed phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, using Electrospray Ionization-Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. To enable reliable internal standardization, deuterium labelled piperine surrogate (piperine-D10) was synthesized from piperine in three steps in a reasonable overall yield (65 %) and standard-level purity (99.7 %). It may be worth mentioning that the commercial market value of the amount of piperine-D10 synthesized in-house exceeds 167,400 euros. One of the major challenges encountered during the development and optimization of the analytical method was the extreme photosensitivity of piperine and piperine-D10, both suffering in solution extensive photoisomerization upon exposure to ambient light within matter of minutes. This issue was addressed by carrying out all tasks associated with synthesis, sample preparation and analytical measurements under dark conditions. For the preparation of calibrators, a fully automated procedure was developed, being controlled by custom-written injector programs and executed in the light-protected sample compartment of a conventional autosampler module. In terms of merits, the developed analytical method offers good sample throughput capacity (run time 20 min, retention time 8.2 min), excellent selectivity and high sensitivity (Limit of Detection= 0.012 ppm, Limit of Quantification= 0.2 ppm). The method is applicable over a linear range of 0.4 to 20 ng of injected mass (r2= 0.999). The stability of standards and fully processed samples was found to be excellent, with less than 5% of variations in concentrations occurring after a 3-week (calibrators) or 4-month (samples) storage at 4 °C and 23 °C respectively, under dark conditions. Intra-day repeatability were better than 2.95 %. Preliminary validation data also suggest satisfactory inter-operator reproducibility. To test the applicability of the developed LC-MS method, it was employed to quantify piperine in a set of 15 pepper fruit samples, including black, white, red and green varieties of round and long peppers, purchased from local markets and retailers. The piperine contents obtained were in the range of 17.28 to 56.25 mg/g (piperine/minced sample) and generally in good agreement with the values reported in the scientific literature. It is justified to assume that the developed analytical method may directly be applicable to the quantitation of related pepper alkaloids in herbal commodities, and after some modifications in the sample preparation strategy, also for the monitoring of piperine in biological fluids, such as serum and urine.
  • Dehqanzada, Rohafza (2023)
    Radium (Ra) is a naturally occurring radioactive metal, which is formed by the decay of uranium-238 and thorium-232 in the environment. In nature, radium occurs at trace levels in virtually all water, soil, rock and plants. 226Ra-, 228Ra, 224Ra, and 223Ra-isotopes are the most common isotopes of radium, and all isotopes are radioactive. The aim of the work was to study the behavior of radium in nature. In general, radium isotopes with variable activity concentrations in water and solid samples such as soil, and sediment can be measured with alpha- or gamma spectrometry or liquid scintillation counting (LSC). In this work, the measurements were done using gamma spectrometry with a Ge-detector, which is a semiconductor detector made of germanium. In addition, a very low level liquid scintillation spectrometer (Quantulus 1220) was also used. The determination of the PSA value (Pulse Shape Analysis) was successful and was determined experimentally with a Ra-226 standard sample. The activity of the Ra-226 standard sample obtained with Ge detectors was almost of the same order of magnitude as both theoretically and experimentally determined activities. The determined Ra-226 activities in water samples with gamma spectrometry were in good agreement with the activities obtained by LSC using α/β-discrimination
  • Mäntylä, Natalia (2021)
    The literature part of the thesis focused on reviewing published LC–MS/MS methods for cardiovascular drugs in biological matrices. Emphasis was given to the used sample preparation procedures and usability in different types of analyses, and their effects to the performances of the whole methods. Published methods for cardiovascular drugs in biological matrixes from the last decade were reviewed and presented. Insight into the challenges biological matrixes present was given, as well as a short overview of cardiovascular drugs. Plasma and urine were the most common sample matrixes, but some methods have also been published for serum and whole blood, and one even for fat tissue. Development and basic principles of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry were presented, focusing on high and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC and UHPLC) and triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (QqQ–MS), as these seemed to be prevalent industry standard. Of sample preparation techniques, protein precipitation, direct dilution, liquid–liquid extraction (LLE), solid-phase extraction (SPE) and turbulent flow chromatography (TFC) were covered, with additions of some miniaturized versions. Some newer miniaturized online techniques have successfully been utilized for cardiovascular drug analysis, and their popularity will likely increase as the hardware in laboratories gets more and more modern. Advances in sample preparation techniques were relatively mild during the decade covered in this review, despite the significant proportion cardiovascular drugs hold in used medications. Newly published methods were either quantitative for a handful of analytes, or qualitative screenings for several analytes, some of which are cardiovascular drugs. Plasma and urine samples were used almost exclusively. In addition to the literary review, an experimental study was done at THL, where a LC–MS/MS method was successfully developed and validated during 2018–2019. The method has been used since 2019 as the primary qualitative method in cause–of–death investigations for 55 cardiovascular drugs analysed from post-mortem whole blood samples. In light of the done review, this method is exceptionally comprehensive regarding included analytes, and could potentially be at least partially automated with suitable instruments
  • Jortikka, Santeri (2022)
    Measurement of alpha-active actinides requires separation from other alpha emitting radionuclides. A method of actinide separation was needed for the primary coolant water of Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant. A method published by Eichrom Ltd was chosen to be evaluated, this method utilises a vacuum box with stacked TEVA / TRU columns which speeds up and eases the analysis process. The method can be used to separate americium, curium, plutonium and uranium from a water samples and it gave excellent results both with reference samples and primary coolant water. The separation was also tested with other more difficult matrices: ion exchange resins, surface swipes, aerosol filters and process waste waters. Pretreatment methods for these matrices were assessed and tested to reduce the sample to a soluble form that could be loaded to the separation system. DGA resin based methods were tested for both gross-alpha and nuclide specific analyses. The gross-alpha method with DGA was fast, efficient and reliant. Gross alpha counting samples could be produced within hours and element fraction samples could be produced in 1 - 2 days. This combined with the good recoveries of all fractions meant shorter counting times to reach the minimal detectable activities (MDAs) required. The literature review part takes a look into recent interesting topics related to actinide separation and analysis from similar matrices discussed in the the experimental section. Different extraction chromatography resins are discussed.
  • Skog, Robert (2024)
    The Venusian atmosphere has everything to be an exciting natural sulfur laboratory. In addition to relatively high concentrations of sulfur dioxide, suitable conditions in the atmosphere make both thermo- and photochemical reactions possible, allowing for complex chemical reactions and the formation of new sulfur containing compounds. These compounds could explain or contribute to the enigmatic 320-400 nm absorption feature in the atmosphere. One of the proposed absorbers is polysulfur compounds. While some experimentally obtained UV-VIS spectra have been published, studying the different polysulfur species individually is extremely difficult due to the reactive nature of sulfur. In this thesis UV-VIS spectra for polysulfur species S2 to S8 were simulated using the nuclear ensemble approach to determine if they fit the absorption profile. In total, 38 polysulfur species were considered. All were optimized at the wB97X-D/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z level of theory, with the S2, S3, and S4 structures also being optimized at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z level of theory. For 13 structures UV-VIS spectra were simulated using a nuclear ensemble of 2000 geometries, with vertical excitations calculated at the EOM-CCSD/def2-TZVPD or the wB97X-D/def2-TZVPD levels of theory. The simulated UV-VIS spectra for the smaller species were in quite good agreement with experimental ones. Two different molecules were identified with substantial absorption cross sections in the range of the unknown absorber: The open chain isomer of S3 (3.78×10^-17 cm^2 at 370 nm), and the trigonal isomer of S4 (4.76×10^-17 cm^2 at 360 nm). However, the mixing ratios of these species in the Venusian atmosphere are also needed to make a more conclusive statement. Other polysulfur compounds have insignificant absorption cross sections in the 320-400 nm range and can therefore be excluded. The calculated absorption cross sections can be used to calculate photolysis rates, which can be straight away added to atmospheric models of Venus. In addition, this work will help future space missions to Venus, for example by focusing their search for the unknown absorber.
  • Järvelä, Marjo (2022)
    Tässä työssä käsitellään orgaanisten superemästen, amidiinien ja guanidiinien, reaktiota ja hajoamisreittejä. Superemäksiä käytetään monipuolisesti orgaanisessa kemiassa, esimerkiksi vahvoina emäksinä reaktioissa, ionisina nesteinä ja katalyytteinä. Superemästen etuina verrattuna epäorgaanisiin emäksiin, on niiden alhainen vesipitoisuus ja hyvä liukoisuus orgaanisiin yhdisteisiin. Amidiinit ja guanidiinit voivat toimia reaktioissa kahdella erilaisella tavalla, sekä Brønsted emäksenä, että nukleofiilisesti. Superemäs voi toimia reaktiossa kaksoisroolissa, sekä vahvana emäksenä että nukleofiilinä. Liuottimella voidaan vaikuttaa superemäksen nukleofiiliseen käyttäytymiseen, proottiset liuottimet vähentävät niiden nukleofiilisyyttä. Liuottimena voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi vettä tai etanolia. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään amidiinien ja guanidiinien emäksisyyteen, valmistukseen ja hajoamiseen kemiallisissa reaktioissa sekä yhdisteiden muihin reaktioihin. Amidiinit ja guanidiinit hajoavat helposti hydrolyysissä. Muita hajoamisreaktioita ovat esimerkiksi nukleofiiliset reaktiot, joissa bisyklisen amidiinin renkaan aukeamisen seurauksena muodostuu vastaava laktaami. Superemäksestä voidaan valmistaa sen suola, ioninen neste. Ionisilla nesteillä voidaan liuottaa selluloosaa, joka on kestävä tapa valmistaa tekstiilikuituja, sillä menetelmässä voidaan kierrättää käytetty ioninen neste. Vaikka menetelmä on jo toimiva, voidaan sitä kehittää tehokkaammaksi. Kun tunnetaan eri superemästen ominaisuudet, voidaan prosessiin valita stabiilein superemäs. Superemäksestä valmistetun suolan lämpökestävyys on hyvä, mutta hydrolyysi voi aiheuttaa hajoamista ja johtaa sivutuotteiden muodostumiseen. Bisyklisestä amidiinista tai guanidiinista valmistettu ioninen neste hydrolysoituu amiiniksi ja jatkoreaktiona voi muodostua amidi. Hajoamista voidaan estää hapon avulla, mutta happo saattaa vähentää liuotuskykyä. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin bisyklisten guanidiinien hajoamisreaktioita ja niissä muodostuvia tuotteita. Tutkittavina yhdisteinä olivat 7-metyyli-1,5,7-triatsabisyklo[4.4.0]dek-5-eeni (MTBD) ja 5-metyyli-1,5,7-triatsabisyklo[4.3.0]non-6-eeni (MTBN). Kokeissa tutkittiin niiden hydrolyysiä ja eristettiin hajoamistuotteet puhtaina aineina. Puhdistusmenetelminä käytettiin uudelleenkiteytystä ja flash-kromatografiaa. Lisäksi näiden guanidiinien hajoamistuotteille, amiineille, kehitettiin valmistusmenetelmä amideiksi. MTBD:n havaittiin hajoavan hydrolyysin vaikutuksesta kahdeksi isomeeriksi. MTBN:n koostuessa kahdesta isomeerista oletuksena oli, että se voisi hajota kuudeksi eri isomeeriksi. Tutkimuksessa kuitenkin huomattiin, että se hajoaa pääosin kahdeksi isomeeriksi. MTBD:n ja MTBN:n amiineista valmistettiin amidit, ja molempien superemästen toisesta amiinin isomeerista muodostui asyloitaessa kaksi amidin isomeeria.
  • Dziuba, Artem (2023)
    Surface charging behavior of commercial pure calcite and calcite samples from the Bukov underground research facility was studied by measuring the zeta potential of the samples after equilibration with CO2 gas and determining their cation exchange capacity. For zeta potential measurements, different calcite samples with grain sizes under 25 μm were submerged into five different electrolyte solutions: 0.01 M NaCl, 0.001 M CaCl2, 0.005 M NaCl + 0.0025 M MgCl2, 0.0025 M NaCl + 0.00375 M MgCl2, and a synthetic groundwater simulant (SGW2). A pH range of 6.5 – 11 was established and maintained across sample series for the duration of the experiments, and the samples were equilibrated with CO2 gas by regular bubbling of a 250 ppm CO2/N2 gas mixture into the solutions in 1-hour sessions. The length of the equilibration process varied from three days to one month, and after its conclusion the zeta potential of each sample was measured. The goal of the experiments was to evaluate the feasibility of equilibrating calcite samples with CO2 when studying their zeta potential. Additional goals included comparing different types of calcite in different solutions, as well as determining an optimal duration for equilibration. The results were compared with an earlier study where calcite zeta potential was determined under total CO2 exclusion. For the determination of cation exchange capacity, two cobalt hexamine trichloride solutions were used, one saturated with pure calcite and one saturated with Bukov calcite. Samples of both types of calcite were shaken for 1 hour in their respective solutions, and the ionic composition of the supernatant from each sample was determined using microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Cation exchange capacity was calculated from the measurement results. According to the results obtained, long-term exposure and equilibration with CO2 may have a positive effect on the internal stability of calcite samples and lead to more reliable zeta potential measurements. Samples showed minimal fluctuation in the concentration of Ca in bulk solution after one week of equilibration, and no significant rise or decline in stability was noted to occur if equilibration was continued beyond one week. Compared to CO2 exclusion, equilibration produced more consistent trends in zeta potential values, though the results were heavily dependent on the electrolyte solution used in the experiment. Cation exchange capacity experiments also produced much larger values than the previous exclusion study despite using the same types of sample, hinting at a significant difference in the grain sizes used.
  • Uosukainen, Moona (2021)
    Haihtuvia yhdisteitä, mukaan lukien haihtuvia orgaanisia yhdisteitä, tuottavat sekä ihmiset että mikrobit osana niiden normaalia aineenvaihduntaa. Ihmiskehossa joko normaalisti tai esimerkiksi bakteeri-infektion johdosta syntyneet haihtuvat yhdisteet pystyvät kulkeutumaan veren mukana läpi ihmiskehon, ja päätyä esimerkiksi verestä keuhkorakkuloiden kautta uloshengitettävään ilmaan tai munuaisten kautta virtsaan, jolloin niiden läsnäolo on mahdollista havaita näistä näytematriiseista. Myös bakteerit voivat päätyä esimerkiksi verenkiertoon tai virtsateihin, jolloin niiden muodostamia haihtuvia yhdisteitä voidaan mahdollisesti havaita näistä näytematriiseista ja yhdisteitä voitaisiin käyttää indikaattorina esimerkiksi tietyn taudinaiheuttajan läsnäolosta. Tämän tutkielman kirjallisuusosuudessa tutustutaan mikrobiperäisten haihtuvien yhdisteiden potentiaaliin ja haasteisiin diagnostiikassa. Bakteerien tuottamia yhdisteitä voidaan tutkia erilaisilla in vitro-malleilla, jolla tarkoitetaan bakteerien kasvattamista ihmiskehon ulkopuolella esimerkiksi kasvatusliuoksessa tai kliinisissä matriiseissa. Tämän avulla bakteerien tuottamia yhdisteitä voidaan tutkia ilman mahdollisia ihmiskehon aikaansaamia isäntävasteita bakteereille ja näin tutkia tietyn taudinaiheuttajan eli patogeenin tuottamia merkkiaineyhdisteitä. Toinen lähestymistapa on tutkia esimerkiksi tiettyä sairautta potevan ihmisen uloshengitysilmaa ja pyrkiä erottamaan tiettyä sairautta potevat terveistä henkilöistä. Kirjallisuusosassa käydään läpi haihtuvien yhdisteiden analytiikassa käytettyjä analyysimenetelmiä sekä niiden etuja ja rajoituksia verrattuna kaasukromatografia-massaspektrometriaan (GC-MS). Tässä tutkielmassa käydään myös läpi suun patogeenisten bakteerien, tarkemmin sanottuna hampaiden kiinnityskudoksia tuhoavaan parodontiittiin liitettyjen bakteerien roolia taudinaiheuttajina, bakteerien tuottamia haihtuvia yhdisteitä sekä yhdisteiden mahdollista biologista alkuperää. Suun patogeeniset bakteerit ja parodontiitti voivat aiheuttaa myös lukuisia muita sairauksia, joten suun patogeenien tunnistaminen on yksi haihtuvien yhdisteiden analytiikan potentiaalinen sovellutusalue. Sen lisäksi, että näillä haihtuvilla yhdisteillä on potentiaali diagnostiikassa olla tiettyä patogeenia indikoivia merkkiaineyhdisteitä, ne ovat myös osallisena parodontiitin syntymisessä sekä etenemisessä. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osassa identifioitiin suun patogeenisten anaerobisten bakteerien tuottamia haihtuvia yhdisteitä in vitro käyttämällä kiinteäfaasimikrouutto-kaasukromatografi-massaspektrometriä (SPME-GC-MS). Mittauksia varten rakennettiin näytteenottosysteemi, jonka avulla yhdistettiin bakteeriviljely, SPME-näytteenotto sekä yhdisteiden reaaliaikainen analyysi protonisiirtoreaktio-massaspektrometrillä (PTR-MS). Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia, millaisia haihtuvia yhdisteitä suun bakteerit tuottavat ja tuottavatko bakteerit sellaisia yhdisteitä, joita voidaan mahdollisesti käyttää kyseisiä bakteereja indikoivina merkkiaineyhdisteinä tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimuksessa identifioitiin kahden patogeenin, jotka olivat Porphyromonas gingivalis ja Prevotella nigrescens, tuottamat haihtuvat yhdisteet ja molemmille bakteereille löydettiin kaksi potentiaalista merkkiaineyhdistettä, joiden avulla bakteerit voidaan erottaa toisistaan sekä mahdollisesti muista suun patogeeneista. P.gingivalis tuotti kaksi spesifistä esteriä, isoamyyli asetaattia ja isoamyyli propionaattia, ja P.nigrescens 3-(metyylitioli)propionaalia sekä 2-metyylibutaanihappoa. Tutkimuksen perusteella ei voida kuitenkaan tehdä laajoja johtopäätöksiä, koska kyseisissä analyysi- ja bakteeriviljelyolosuhteissa on analysoitu vain kahden patogeenisen bakteerin tuottamat yhdisteet, sillä kahden muun tutkimukseen valitun bakteerin viljely ei onnistunut.
  • Banks, Aidan (2022)
    The opening segments give a summary of the history of catalysis in general and of frustrated Lewis pairs in particular, where both intra- and intermolecular types are discussed. In addition, the essences of the mechanisms of action of frustrated Lewis pairs are discussed, covering electric field, electron transfer and radical-type mechanisms. There is also a discussion on the activity of frustrated Lewis pairs towards dehydrogenation reactions, in which lies the main scope of this thesis. The background and intended parameters of the experimental aspects of this work are initially defined in the thesis scope, along with the practical considerations concerning the reagents, equipment, and special conditions for synthetic procedures also detailed here. The intention was to attempt to elucidate the extent of the impact of different factors, in this case solvent, Lewis acidity, Lewis basicity, and irradiation by blue LED, on dehydrogenation of various N-substituted pyrrolidine substrates. The subsequent section describes the synthetic procedures used for attempted syntheses of the amino-borane ligands. Not all syntheses of the desired ligands were successful, but there was enough success and enough pre-generated material to proceed to the next stage. Due to use of blue LED causing various potential radical side reactions, it was thought appropriate to describe the behaviour of both the sample and substrate blanks under irradiation, as well as the intended reactions during the screening process. Screening provided preliminary data on reaction determining factors, such as solvent, Lewis acidity of the catalyst, and substrate structure. Despite the relative difficulty and time-consuming nature of the catalyst syntheses, some interesting new modes of reactivity appear to be accessible, which may be worth investigating more in the future.
  • Parviainen, Riku (2022)
    The literature section of this thesis provides an overview of modern ion-mobility spectrometry techniques in context with recent applications in analytical chemistry. While ion-mobility spectrometry is an “old” separation technique, it has received in recent years increasing attention for its unique ability to achieve separation of isomeric molecular species. Ion-mobility spectrometry can be readily hyphenated with chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques, introducing an additional separation dimension with the unique capability of differentiating isobaric analyte ions based on their collision cross sections. After a brief introduction into the theory of ion-mobility spectrometry, most recent applications in the field are presented with the focus being on the discrimination of small isomeric molecules. The research project section of the thesis reports the synthesis of isomerically pure standard materials of the commercially unavailable pepper alkaloids piperettine and piperettyline, and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of piperettine in selected pepper fruit samples. Strategies for the synthesis of piperettine reported in the literature are reviewed, and critically evaluated in terms of practicability and overall yields. A new, expedient, and operationally convenient synthetic approach to isomerically pure piperettine and piperettyline from inexpensive starting materials is described. In course of stability studies, both alkaloids were found to be stable in the crystalline states and as solutions in a range of organic solvents under exclusion of ambient light. However, diluted solutions of both compounds proved extremely photosensitive, with extensive double bond isomerization occurring within seconds upon sunlight exposure. An analytical method for the quantification of piperettine in pepper fruit samples was developed, involving liquid extraction, extract clean-up by solid-phase extraction, and HPLC-UV analysis. The use of a chiral stationary phase (Chiralpak IB) under optimized reversed phase condition allowed for the first time clean separation of piperettine from its naturally co-occurring isomers, and thus for its unambiguous quantification. Subsequently, this method was employed to quantify piperettine in black, green, white, and red long pepper samples. The observed piperettine content were 1.4 – 3.7 mg/g in the pepper fruit samples, representing 46 – 69% of the total sum of isomers.
  • Fabritius, Anita (2023)
    The study consists of two parts: examining the accumulation of americium and plutonium to human ribs, and the accumulation to murine osteoblasts. In the cellular studies stable europium was used as an actinide analogue. After removing the organic material from the bones, americium and plutonium were separated from the dissolved bones by using extraction chromatographic methods. DOWEX, U/TEVA, and TRU resins were used to separate plutonium and americium from impurities. The sample activities were measured using alpha spectrometry. On average, 23.03 mBq/kg of plutonium-238, 12.58 mBq/kg of plutonium-239,240 and 9.81 mBq/kg of americium-241 were measured in the bone samples. The activity concentrations are calculated using the wet weight of the bone. Murine preosteobasts (MC3T3-E1) were mineralized for 12 days. The mineral was subsequently collected for SEM/EDS analysis. Non-mineralized cell fractions were collected for a fractioning study, where the cell internalized europium, membrane bound europium and extracellular europium fractions were collected and measured with MP-AES and ICP-MS. The used europium concentrations were below minimum detectable activity of the MP-AES, but measuring the samples on the ICP-MS showed that the percentage of the internalized europium increases at higher europium concentrations in cell culture media. At 0.2 μM europium concentration, on average, 28.6% of the europium was inside the cells and 71.4% in the media, while at 2.0 μM europium concentration, 30.8% of the europium was inside the cells and 68.5% in the media.
  • Hynynen, Antti (2023)
    The tear film is a thin liquid layer enveloping the cornea and conjunctiva. It serves as a crucial protective barrier safeguarding the ocular surface from environmental factors. Its functions also include ensuring optimal hydration and maintaining a consistently smooth optical surface. The tear film consists of three discernible layers. The outermost layer is the remarkably thin tear film lipid layer, measured on the nanometer scale, yet crucial for impeding evaporation and maintaining ocular surface homeostasis. The tear film lipid layer forms from meibum: a complex mixture of lipids secreted by Meibomian glands. Meibum mainly consists of lipids from five different classes, with wax esters constituting about 50 % of meibum’s composition. The majority of tear film lipids are branched. Branched lipids are methyl-branched either from the penultimate or antepenultimate carbon, with the former being more common. Due to challenges in obtaining sufficient and uncontaminated meibum samples, there is a high demand for synthetically produced lipids. Pure samples of lipids of varying structures are needed as standards in studies regarding meibum composition. Additionally, lipids and lipid mixtures are required for biophysical studies concerning tear film models and researching the molecular mechanisms associated with ocular surface diseases. Given the demand for various tear film lipids, it is surprising that there have been no prior attempts to synthesize branched lipid species or study their effect on lipid assembly, despite their prevalence in meibum. To meet the demand for various tear film lipids, especially branched species, we aimed to design a synthetic approach capable of producing a wide range of such tear film lipid analogs. This method proved successful in synthesizing the most abundant tear film lipid, the iso-branched wax ester C18:1/26:0. The results of this synthesis are presented in this thesis.