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Browsing by master's degree program "Master 's Programme in Materials Research"

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  • Alenius, Saara (2023)
    Kartiokeilatietokonetomografia eli KKTT on tyypillisimmin käytetty kuvausmodaliteetti kuvantaohjatussa sädehoidossa ja sitä käytetään pääasiassa potilaan asemointiin ja sädehoidon kohdistamiseen. KKTT-kuvantaminen perustuu röntgensäteilyyn ja sen käytön haittapuolena potilas saa ylimääräistä säteilyannosta sekä hoidettavalle alueelle että sitä ympäröiville terveille kudoksille. Eturauhassyöpä on miesten yleisin syöpätyyppi Suomessa ja paikallista eturauhassyöpää voidaan hoitaa esimerkiksi sädehoidolla. Ionisoivan säteilyn käyttö lisää terveiden kudosten syöpäriskiä ja siksi KKTT-kuvantamisen aiheuttaman säteilyannoksen määritys ja optimointi on tärkeää. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on selvittää yhdeksässä suomalaisessa sairaalassa käytettäviä KKTT-kuvantamisen kuvausparametreja ja kuvauskäytäntöjä sekä laskennallisesti määrittää kuvantamisen aiheuttamia potilasannoksia ja optimoinnin vaikutuksia. Laskenta tehdään käyttäen Monte Carlo menetelmään perustuvaa ImpactMC-ohjelmaa, ICRP:n vokselitestikappaletta ja suomalaisten sairaaloiden käyttämiä kuvantamisen parametreja. Tulosten esittämiseen käytetään riskielinten kokonais- ja elinannoksia, isodoosipiirroksia xy- ja xz-tasoissa, riskielinten annostilavuushistogrammeja sekä annosprofiileja xy- ja xz-tasoissa. Tässä työssä lasketut riskielinten elinannokset ovat yhdellä kuvauskerralla noin mGy:n luokkaa ja kokonaissäteilyannokset riippuvat vahvasti kuvausfraktioiden määrästä. Symmetrisen keilan geometriassa säteilyannokset ovat pienempiä kuin epäsymmetrisen keilan geometriassa. Kuvantamisessa käytettävä kuvausalueen pituus, kuvausputken aloituskulma ja kuvausputken kiertosuunta vaikuttavat symmetrisessä geometriassa myös eri riskielimien saamaan säteilyannokseen ja säteilyn jakautumiseen xz-tasossa. Tuloksista havaitaan, että sekä symmetrisen että epäsymmetrisen keilan tapauksissa kuvausparametrien optimointi esimerkiksi putkivirtaa laskemalla pienentää eturauhasen, peräsuolen, reisiluun punaista luuydintä sisältävän osan ja virtsarakon saamaa elinannosta. Kuvausparametrien optimointi pienentää annostasoja myös kaikissa muissa lasketuissa tapauksissa kuten isodoosipiirroksissa ja annosprofiileissa.
  • Kemppainen, Veera (2023)
    Tietokonetomografialla (TT) on ollut jo usean vuosikymmenen ajan tärkeä asema lääketieteellisenä kuvantamismenetelmänä, jolla pystytään tuottamaan tarkkoja leikekuvia kehon rakenteista. TT on historiansa aikana muuttunut ja kehittynyt menetelmänä teknologisten harppausten ansiosta. Kuvauksista on tullut nopeampia ja entistä tarkempia. Kaksoisenergiatietokonetomografia (KETT) on yksi TT-kuvantamisen kehitysaskel, jonka teoreettiset perusteet ovat olleet jo pitkään tiedossa, mutta joka on vasta viime vuosikymmenenä saanut enemmän sovelluskohteita. KETT lisää TT-kuvauksen materiaalierottelukykyä, mikä mahdollistaa tarkemman diagnostiikan ja vähentää jatkotutkimusten tarvetta. Laajempi KETT:n kliininen käyttö vaatii kuitenkin toimintatapojen muutosta ja pysyvän laadunvalvontaprotokollan muodostamista. Tämän maisterintutkielman tarkoituksena oli auttaa laadunvalvonnan kehittämistä HUS:n Diagnostiikkakeskuksessa kartoittamalla KETT-kuvausten toimintaa, kuvausparametrien vaikutusta tuloksiin ja laitekohtaisia eroja. Työhön kuuluvat mittaukset suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin yhdessä HUS:n Diagnostiikkakeskuksen Meilahden Tornisairaalan radiologian yksikön kanssa. Kuvauksissa käytettiin Siemens Healthineersin valmistamia SOMATOM Definition Flash - ja SOMATOM Force -laitteita sekä KETT-kuvantamiseen soveltuvaa testikappaletta. Mittauksissa tutkittiin testikappaleen pystysuuntaisen asettelun vaikutusta kuvauksista saataviin tuloksiin, materiaalien elektronitiheyden ja efektiivisen järjestysluvun määritystarkkuutta, varjoaineena käytetyn jodin pitoisuuden määritystarkkuutta ja kuvauksen annostason merkitystä. Työssä käytetyllä menetelmällä määritettiin testikappaleen materiaalien koostumuksellisia eroja. Tutkimuksen avulla voitiin havaita jodipitoisuuden määrittämisen olevan haasteellisempaa hyvin pienillä alueilla, mutta halkaisijaltaan 5 mm:n kokoisilla alueilla määritystarkkuus oli jo kohtalainen. Potilaan oikeanlaisen keskityksen ja kuvanlaadun havaittiin olevan erityisen tärkeää pehmytkudoksia kuvattaessa. Laitteiden välisten erojen todettiin olevan merkittävämpää eri laitemallien välillä kuin samanmallisten laitteiden välillä. Laadunvalvonnassa tulee ottaa huomioon laitteiden kalibraatio, jotta laitteiden välisiä eroja pystytään vähentämään. Jatkossa mittauksia tulee toteuttaa lisää mittausten välisen toistettavuuden varmistamiseksi.
  • Juvonen, Ville (2023)
    Lentoaika-rekyylispektrometria (TOF-ERDA) on materiaalin tutkimusmenetelmä, minkä avulla kyetään selvittämään näytteen alkuainepitoisuudet syvyyden funktiona. Menetelmässä on huomattu esiintyvän systemaattista poikkeamaa teoriasta. Poikkeaman syy on toistaiseksi epäselvä. Tutkielmassa tutkittiin poikkeaman syytä sekä suuruutta. Tutkimiseen käytettiin Helsingin yliopiston kiihdytinlaboratorion 5 MV EPG-10-II-tandemkiihdyttimeen liitettyä TOF-ERDA-laitteistoa. Laitteistolla tutkittiin ilmiön esiintymistä eri hiukkasilla, eri energioilla ja eri näytteillä. Kokeiden tuloksia verrattiin teorian ehdottamiin tuloksiin. Suurimmat poikkeamat kokeiden ja teorian välillä esiintyi pienienergisillä ja keveillä ammusioneilla, kun tutkittiin raskasalkuaineista näytettä. Kokeissa käytettyjen hiukkasten sirontaa TOF-ERDA-laitteiston lentoaikaporteista selvitettiin simuloinneilla. Simulointityökaluna työssä käytettiin SRIM-ohjelmistoa. Simulointien pohjalta hiukkasille laskettiin korjauskertoimet. Korjauskertoimen suuruuden huomattiin olevan riippuvainen hiukkasen energiasta sekä järjestysluvusta. Korjauskertoimista luotiin malli, jonka avulla kyetään arvioimaan ja korjaamaan kokeissa tapahtuvaa sirontaa lentoaikaporteista. Myös varjostumisen vaikutusta tuloksiin tutkittiin. Varjostumista tutkittiin jo olemassa olevan Andersenin mallin avulla. Andersenin mallin mukaan varjostumisen vaikutus tuloksiin on hyvin vähäistä sekä ilmiötä pienentävää, ei ilmiötä selittävää. Huomioitavaa kuitenkin on mallin soveltumattomuus kyseisiin vuorovaikutuksiin, täten varjostumisen vaikutusta ilmiöön ei voida kokonaan poissulkea. Tutkielman tulokset valottavat TOF-ERDA:n systemaattisen poikkeaman syitä. Lentoaikaporttisironnan vaikutus tuloksiin on merkittävä, selittäen noin puolet ilmiöstä. Tulosten pohjalta luotu malli on voimassa vain kyseiselle TOF-ERDA-laitteistolle, sillä sironnan suuruus on riippuvainen lentoaikaporttien materiaalista, paksuuksista sekä laitteiston geometriasta. Kuitenkin mille tahansa TOF-ERDA-laitteistolle on mahdollista luoda vastaava malli, noudattamalla tämän tutkielman prosesseja. Jäljelle jäävän selittämättömän poikkeaman huomattiin olevan myös riippuvainen energiasta sekä järjestysluvuista. Tämä viittaisi jäljelle jäävän poikkeaman aiheutuvan mahdollisesta monikertasironnasta näytteessä, ja tai varjostumisesta, jota Andersenin malli ei kykene huomioimaan.
  • Dursun, Sahin (2021)
    This thesis focuses on the initial measurements and development of a 1.5K target temperature cryostat to contain all quantum standards in the quantum metrological triangle. Currently, the cryostat can reach 4.2K end temperature with a cryocooler to liquefy helium for cooling experiments related to the quantum standards of SI-units which require 1.5K end temperature and the 1.5K cooling circuit is one of the research questions of the thesis for future development of the cryostat. Measurements included cooling cycles in a helium environment for liquefaction, as well as no load conditions. Results of the experimentation conclude that liquefaction was unsuccessful at this stage, but could be achieved with improved temperature control. The thesis is based on experimental work carried out in VTT technical research center of Finland, during the course of which the cryostat was progressively developed towards the future utility of combining experiments that realize the quantum standards of Ampere, voltage and resistance under a single low temperature experimental platform, the unified quantum standard cryostat.
  • Koponen, Maria (2023)
    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive method for stimulating cortical neurons in the brain. Combining TMS with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows the effects of TMS through the changes in brain metabolism. This information is necessary for developing new applications of TMS and for improving the efficacy and safety of the existing treatments. The biggest setback in current TMS–fMRI technology arises from the mechanical forces formed on the transducer as the interplay of the magnetic fields from the MRI and the changing current in the coil, leading to breakage of the transducers and additional safety risks. The objective of this Thesis was to assess and compare the mechanical stresses on multi-locus TMS (mTMS) transducers inside a high-field fMRI bore using finite element modeling, and to build and test transducer options based on the simulation results. For a transducer design for rats, six different coil former materials and three mTMS coil combinations were simulated with two commonly used current waveforms. In addition, the effect of the transducer orientation relative to the magnetic field was modeled with a transducer designed for humans. Our results show that the current pulses ran through the coils produce shock waves on the coil formers, leading to regions of maximum stresses that depend on the time instant. The intensity and location of the maximum stresses depends on the current waveform and coil combination used. Based on the results, 30% glass-fiber filled polyamide was found to be the most durable material. This Thesis provides novel insights for more durable TMS coil designs.
  • Papponen, Joni (2022)
    Imaging done with conventional microscopes is diffraction-limited, which sets a lower limit to the resolution. Features smaller than the resolution cannot be distinguished in images. This limit of the diffraction-limit can be overcome with different setups, such as with imaging through a dielectric microcylinder. With this setup it is possible to reach smaller resolution than with a diffraction-limited system, which is called super-resolution. Propagation of light can be modelled with various simulation methods, such as finite-difference time-domain and ray tracing methods. Finitedifference time-domain method simulates the light as waves which is useful for modelling the propagation of light accurately and take into account the interactions between different waves. Ray tracing method simulates the light as rays which requires approximations to the light’s behaviour. This means that some phenomena cannot be taken into account, which can affect the accuracy of the results. In this thesis the model for simulating super-resolution imaging with microcylinder is studied. The model utilizes the finite-difference timedomain method for modelling the near-field effects of the light propagating through the microcylinder and reflecting back from a sample. The reflected light is recorded on the simulation domain boundaries and a near-field-to-far-field transformation is performed to obtain the far-field corresponding to the recorded fields. The far-field is backward propagated to focus a virtual image of the sample, and the virtual image is then used in ray tracing simulation as a light source to focus it to a real image on a detector.
  • Djurabekova, Amina (2022)
    Energy is an essential input for any non-spontaneous mechanism. In biological organisms, the process of producing energy currency, adenosine triphosphate, is called cellular respiration. It is made of three smaller steps, out of which the last one is oxidative phosphorylation that is responsible for the largest production of adenosine triphosphate molecules in the whole process. Oxidative phosphorylation is performed by the electron transport chain made of five protein complexes, named respiratory complex I-V. Complex I is the first and largest protein complex in the electron transport chain, and it is the least understood. Its primary function is to transfer electrons from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide to ubiquinone, which is coupled to the pumping of four protons across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Although the overall reaction of complex I is understood, the intricate detail of the mechanism is still largely unknown. There is significance in the details because there are numerous point mutations, which have been strongly correlated with neurogenerative diseases, such as Leigh’s syndrome, and aging. Therefore, a more thorough understanding of its mechanism can give insight into potential target drug development. Complex I is made of 14 highly conserved subunits that can be found in most species that use the electron transport chain. They create an L-shape, where seven subunits are embedded in the inner membrane, the membrane domain, and the others are floating in the mitochondrial matrix, the peripheral arm. In mitochondrial complex I, however, there are in addition around 30 accessory subunits. It has been previously thought that the main mechanism is conducted by the 14 subunits that are found in all species. However, in the past couple of years, it has been shown that accessory subunits can play an important role in the mechanism of mitochondrial complex I. The work presented in this thesis uses a multiscale computational approach to study the effect of three mutations, F89A, Y43A and L42A, from an accessory subunit LYRM6 on the function of complex I. Previous experiments demonstrated that the mutations decreased the overall activity of complex I by 76-86 %. The LYRM6 subunit is located at the pivot of the membrane and periplasmic domains. The results of this study show that the point mutations have a long-range effect on the conformations of three loops from three conserved subunits in this region. The shift in the loop dynamics causes a drop in water occupancy. The observed water pathway is tested for the capability of proton transfer. The findings are demonstrated with the help of molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations.
  • Mikkola, Kalle (2022)
    This thesis examines the optical response of tuneable chiral plasmonic nanostructures in linear cross-polarization. Plasmonic gold-silver nanostructures composed of silver-coated gold nanorods, and dynamic DNA origami are investigated because of their optical properties of interest in the visible light wavelength region, and because of their controllable rotational asymmetry, which results in tuneable chirality in dimer structures. These plasmonic nanostructures present optical properties such as circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion. In this thesis we establish the relationship between perceived color, spectrometry, circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion of the samples, depending on the chiral geometry of the nanostructures within. The motivation is to predict perceived color from the chiral geometry of the nanostructures, which will enable visual detection for biosensing applications. Circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion give us detailed knowledge about the polarization state of a sample, but visible light detection and spectrometer measurements are more accessible and portable methods for characterizing the polarization state of a sample. We achieve color modulation from green to blue with the switching of chiral geometry, under cross-polarized white light. This has potential for biosensing applications, based on the perceived color change depending on the chiral geometry of the sample. The DNA origami structures react to the presence of an analyte by changing their chiral geometry. Possible applications in biosensing of analytes can be made more practical if the orientation of the DNA origami template can be determined from the perceived color or the transmission spectra, rather than from the less accessible circular dichroism or optical rotatory dispersion measurements.
  • Porri, Paavo (2022)
    Ensuring adequate air quality is integral to healthy living. Since in modern societies the majority of time is spent indoors, understanding indoor air pollution and the means of air purification are of great importance. Adverse health effects are induced by volatile organic compounds (VOC) that originate from everyday activities and our surroundings. Photocatalysis is a radiation-activated chemical transformation that can be used to decompose organic pollutants into harmless constituents. However, existing air purification solutions employing photocatalysis often rely on UV light limiting the use of solar radiation. Titanium dioxide is a popular photocatalyst material, but it requires modification to its electronic properties to respond to visible light. An established approach is to introduce atoms of other dopant elements into the titania lattice. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a thin film deposition technique widely studied especially in metal and metal oxide research. Following from the principle of sequential saturation of the surface, control over the size and composition of the film may reach atomic level. Since the chemical configuration of a doped TiO2 film is of utmost importance to successful modification, ALD is an excellent tool to examine suitable photocatalytic TiO2 chemistries. Furthermore, thin solid films of catalytically active material would have a distinguished advantage for deployment in real-life settings over their powderous counterparts. The literature review of this thesis explores the semiconductor photocatalysis with an eye on its suitability to indoor air purification. The motivation is to give the reader a view on the air quality issue, the existing technological solutions and how a thin film photocatalyst could supplement the field. Titanium dioxide doping concepts are introduced to elucidate the rationale behind the experimental efforts. The experimental part describes a development project to deposit visible-light responding photocatalysts. Titanium dioxide thin films co-doped with nitrogen and zinc/fluorine were grown on steel plates. An in-house built reactor system was used to study acetaldehyde degradation under irradiation. Unfortunately, the reactor experienced a malfunction, rendering a large part of the results futile. Moreover, months of valuable time were lost in chasing a mirage of fallacious data. In the end an ALD grown photocatalyst responding to visible light could not be materialized.
  • Lehtinen, Miko (2022)
    Molecular hydrogen is considered as the primary alternative to replace fossil fuels for future energy supply. Hydrogen can be produced sustainably through electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction which is a vital step in water electrolysis. So far, the efficiencies of electrochemical and photoelectrochemical water electrolysis systems are too low to satisfy the demands for hydrogen on a commercial scale. Plasmonic nanostructures containing a plasmonic and a catalytic component hold great promise for enhancing the performance of typical water electrolysis systems through plasmonic photocatalysis utilizing localized surface plasmon resonance excitation. Here, a novel plasmonic-catalytic u@AgPd nanorattle is synthesized, characterized, and investigated for plasmon-enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction to provide new insights into the design of light-assisted water electrolysis systems. The nanorattle exhibited significant improvements of performance towards hydrogen evolution reaction under 427 nm illumination, displaying a near 2-fold current increase and a decreased overpotential of 58 mV at a current density of 10 mAcm-2. The material is evidenced to plasmon-enhance the electrocatalytic performance through a combination of charge transfer and local heating mechanisms.
  • Kinnunen, Moonika (2022)
    In this project, poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline)-block-poly(2-n-butyl-2-oxazine)-block-poly(2-methyl-2- oxazoline) (PMeOx-b-PnBuOzi-b-PMeOx) and poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline)-block-poly(2-n-propyl-2- oxazine) (PMeOx-b-PnPrOzi) with block lengths of 35-20-35 and 100-100, respectively, were synthesized. When dispersed in water these thermoresponsive polymers aggregate into micellar aggregates or form hydrogels. Polymers were characterized with 1H-NMR, GPC, and DLS. Age-related macular edema and diabetic macular edema are the most common reasons for blindness in industrialized countries. The triamcinolone acetonide, a corticosteroid used to treat both of these macular edemas, was loaded into the polymeric micelles or hydrogel of synthesized polymers using the thin film method. The loading efficiency for a triblock copolymer ((PMeOx35-b-PnBuOzi20- b-PMeOx35) polymeric micelles was 4 % at the polymer/drug ratio of 10/4 and for a hydrogel (PMeOx100-b-PnPrOzi100) it was 48 % with the same polymer/drug ratio. The properties of the PMeOx100-b-PnPrOzi100 hydrogel formulations with the drug were studied with rheological measurements, DSC, DLS, and GPC of formulations. The formulation showed storage modulus of 3 kPa and the gelation temperature at 16 °C. From the DSC two glass transition temperatures were obtained, Tg1 at around 12 °C and Tg2 at around 74 °C. The particle size distribution of the formulation obtained with DLS showed that there were assumingly micelles or vesicles with a hydrodynamic radius between 20 and 80 nm. The drug release from the hydrogel formulation was studied with the dialysis membrane method and all the drug was released within 24 hours. Both copolymers formed quite unstable formulations with the drug. The results from this study gives information how polyoxazoline- and polyoxazine-based materials can be used to encapsulate and release corticosteroids, such as triamcinolone acetonide. To increase the drug loading capacity and to stabilize formulations, some surfactants for the drug could be tested in the future.
  • Grönfors, Saga (2022)
    In this master's thesis, polyzwitterionic copolymers were synthesized and analyzed with various methods. In the literature part, the theory behind the reactions and results is covered in order to explain the phenomena. In the literature part of the thesis, articles were used to describe the theory as extensively as possible. The theory elaborates on the most important topics considering the research part. The main topics are reversible addition-fragmentation polymerization (RAFT), polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA), and polyzwitterions. In the reversible addition-fragmentation polymerization chapter the kinetics and possible monomers and RAFT agents are gone through also considering the pros and cons. Different disadvantages are dealt with as well when talking about RAFT polymerization. In the PISA chapter different possible morphologies and different types of PISA polymerizations are covered, concentrating still on RAFT polymerization. In this chapter also core blocks of PISA were discussed covering the core forming block used in the research, diacetone acrylamide. lastly, polyzwitterions were discussed explaining the theory, possible applications, polyelectrolyte complexes, and thermoresponsivity of polyzwitterions. Also, in this part polysulfobetaines were covered since it is the zwitterionic block in the copolymer synthesis. In the experimental part, PSBMA-PDAAM diblock copolymers were synthesized and studied with different methods. Different lengths of block copolymer were synthesized and they were studied with the most common characterization methods. Thermoresponsivity, morphology, and also the effect of the solids content of different block lengths were studied. Measurements turned out to be a success since many different morphologies were witnessed and the thermoresponsive behavior of this copolymer showed interesting results.
  • Amoroso, Pejk Alex (2022)
    Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy is a powerful tool for defect characterisation, especially vacancies. Various defect properties can be studied, including defect behaviour at low and high temperatures. Despite the technique having its roots in the mid-20th century, there is little research on fundamental positron behaviour at ultralow temperatures. In this thesis, Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy and Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy, two sub-methods of the spectroscopy technique, were used to measure positron trap-free Ge in the temperature range of 14 mK-300 K. Since a positron trap-free sample was used, the purpose was not to study defect processes. Instead, the aim of the thesis was to investigate whether any interesting positron processes could be seen at ultralow temperatures in the annihilation data. Previous research in Al has shown no change in either lifetime or Doppler broadening below 77 K. Measuring the positron lifetime in the sample located in a cryostat required designing a special detector setup, as the count rate was greatly reduced due to geometry. To tackle this, lifetime detectors consisting of BaF2 scintillators and quartz-windowed photomultiplier tubes were used. In addition, both analogue and digital signal processing techniques were tested for the lifetime setup, with the digital method proving to be preferable. Doppler Broadening was measured with a high-purity germanium detector connected to a digital gamma spectrometer. The results show a decrease in S-parameter and an increase in W-parameter with decresing temprature, with the rate of change being greatest at ultralow temperatures. This behaviour is concluded to be due to incomplete positron thermalization. The positron lifetime results are more difficult to interpret, as setup challenges resulted in results of questionable accuracy. Still, the trend suggests no change in lifetime over the whole temperature interval, which is in accordance with previous research.
  • Lassila, Petri (2021)
    Lipid-based solid-fat substitutes (such as oleogels) structurally modified using ultrasonic standing waves (USW), have recently been shown to potentially increase oleogel storage-stability. To enable their potential application in food products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, practical and economical production methods are needed compared to previous work, where USW treated oleogel production was limited to 50-500 µL. The purpose of this work is to improve upon the previous procedure of producing structurally modified oleogels via the use of USW by developing a scaled up and convenient approach. To this aim, three different USW chamber prototypes were designed and developed, with common features in mind to: (i) increase process volumes to 10-100 mL, (ii) make the sample extractable from the treatment chamber, (iii) avoid contact between the sample and the ultrasonic transducer. Imaging of the internal structure of USW treated oleogels was used as the determining factor of successful chamber design. The best design was subsequently used to produce USW treated oleogels, of which the bulk mechanical properties were studied using uniaxial compression tests, along with local mechanical properties, investigated using scanning acoustic microscopy. Results elucidated the mechanical behaviour of oleogels as foam-like. Finally, the stability of treated oleogels was compared to control samples using an automated image analysis oil release test. This work enables the effective mechanical-structural manipulation of oleogels in volumes of 10-100 mL, paving the way to possible large-scale lipid-based materials USW treatments.
  • Kivelä, Feliks (2022)
    The crystal structure of magnetite (Fe3O4) involves Fe2+ ions in sites with octahedral (Oh) symmetry and Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in sites with tetrahedral (Td) symmetry. Magnetite exhibits several interesting physical phenomena, such as the Verwey transition, in which the roles of the different Fe sites are an active subject of research. In the X-ray standing wave (XSW) technique, incoming and diffracted X-ray beams interfere inside a crystal, creating a standing wave with the periodicity of the diffracting atomic lattice. The phase of the wave, i.e. whether the nodes are located on the lattice planes or between them, can be adjusted by finely tuning the diffraction angle. Changing the phase in this way makes it possible to selectively vary the contributions of different atoms and absorption types (dipole versus quadrupole) to the measured total absorption spectrum. Iron K-edge absorption spectra in magnetite were studied in the presence of an XSW in an experiment conducted at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. This thesis presents an analysis of the data gathered during the experiment, with the goal of decomposing the experimentally measured pre-edge peak into its constituent components. The methods used in the analysis include principal component analysis and fitting predicted absorption peaks calculated with the Quanty software to the experimental data. The results show the dipole and quadrupole contributions of the tetrahedral sites responding to changes in the phase of the XSW in opposite ways in a manner consistent with theoretical predictions.
  • Raka, Doruntina (2023)
    In nuclear medicine, radiopharmaceuticals are administered to the patient to diagnose or treat various diseases. The radioactive activity of these radiopharmaceuticals is measured using a radionuclide calibrator. In this study, the response of a radionuclide calibrator in different measurement conditions was studied. Code system PENELOPE (2018) that applies Monte Carlo methods in electron and photon transport simulation was used to investigate the response as a function of photon energy emitted by the source, source location, source volume and source container type. These calculated results were compared to corresponding experimental results. Overall, the computational results conformed well with the experimental results. The computational energy-response followed a similar trend to the efficiency curve extracted from the manual of Capintec CRC-25R radionuclide calibrator. The response of the calibrator to a Tc-99m source as a function of both vertical and horizontal displacement was inspected, and the results indicated a cubic and exponential trend, respectively. In both cases, results present that there is an agreeing optimal depth range (14 - 23 cm) at which the source should be located. Within this range, the variation in response remains below 2 %. Furthermore, the central axis of the chamber was deemed horizontally optimal for measurements. In the radius range 0 - 2.1 cm, experimental results showed an increase of 4 % relative to the centre position. Corresponding calculated results presented an increase of about 3 %. The response as a function of volume and container type was calculated for Tc-99m and I-123 source, respectively. In the case of volume-response, computational results presented a decrease of around 0.5 % for volumes between 2 to 5 ml in a plastic syringe. Experimental methods showed a corresponding decrease no greater than 0.8 %. Measuring response in a 15C transparent glass vial instead of a 3 ml plastic syringe, showcased that the response is only 81 % and 75 % of that in the syringe in simulated and experimental results, respectively.
  • Savolainen, Heini (2023)
    Palmitoylation is an important posttranslational modification, which can change the function of proteins by the addition of fatty acids. In this thesis, I studied how palmitoylation affects the behavior of proteins and their interactions with the membranes. I also investigated the molecular mechanism of acetyl-palmitoyl recruitment by DHHC20, an important step in the palmitoyl transfer reaction. To this end, I used atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, which is a common computational method for studying biomolecules. In the first part of the thesis, I present my simulations and free energy calculations that show that palmitoylation enhances the partitioning of cysteines to the membranes and the spontaneous adsorption of amphipathic helices onto the membrane surface. At high levels, membrane cholesterol negatively impacts both of these properties both in the presence and absence of palmitoylation. However, palmitoylation strongly subdues the negative effect of increasing cholesterol. Moreover, palmitoylation helps proteins to maintain their helical conformation upon membrane binding. Overall, palmitoylation appears to be important for membrane interactions and the structural stability of proteins, especially under conditions of high membrane cholesterol. In the second part of my thesis, I investigated how its ligand, acetylpalmitoyl molecules, enters into the binding site of DHHC20. These simulations revealed that a short amphipathic helix at the gate of the ligand binding may play an important role in ligand recruitment and the overall stability of the enzyme. Moreover, I discovered that the protonation state of the cysteine residues that coordinate zinc cofactors is important for the stability of the zinc ions.
  • Pustorino, Gregory (2023)
    Bimetallic core-shell catalysts represent a new pathway to create highly selective and highly active catalysts. This can be done by using a relatively inactive metal as the core material and a more active metal as the shell material. The composition of both the core and shell structure can then be altered in order to tune the selectivity of the nanocatalyst. The synergistic effects of using bimetallic core-shell catalysts arise in part from the misfit strain that is encountered as a result of the difference in lattice spacings between the core and shell materials. The catalysts investigated here consist of an Au core and a Pd shell. Particles with four different Pd shell thicknesses were synthesized and the corresponding strain was measured. There is a 5.07% difference in the lattice spacings between Au and Pd, we therefore expect strain values to be near this amount. In this work, we directly measured the displacement fields that arise due to lattice mismatch in Au-Pd nanorods using High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRSTEM) and 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (4D-STEM). The strain was then calculated using three different analytical methods: Geometric Phase Analysis (GPA), Gaussian Peak Fitting, and nanodiffraction. These methods all measure the variations in local lattice parameters and plot these values for every pixel in the original STEM image, this results in a 2D strain map. These maps were then compared to see which produced the highest quality strain quantification.
  • Johnsson, Ryan (2023)
    A polyoxazine based reversibly crosslinking hydrogel material developed for MEW was modified to increase its resistance to thermal degradation and impart control over its swelling properties. A portion of side chain functionalized Diels-Alder crosslinking moieties was replaced by hydrophobic octyl groups to induce the formation of a dual network hydrogel of equal crosslink density upon swelling. This modification was found to have no negative effects on the processing behavior of the material and was able to produce MEW printed scaffolds with equal stacking accuracy and fiber shape fidelity at processing temperatures 20˚C lower than a fully chemically crosslinked material. The thermal degradation of this dual network crosslinked material was significantly reduced, showing minuscule increases in viscosity when held at processing temperatures for several hours. The swelling of the dual network hydrogel was found to be similar to that of fully chemically crosslinked hydrogels despite consisting of significantly fewer chemical crosslinks, demonstrating another potential avenue of control over this material property. Finally, promising alterations in mechanical properties were observed in the dual-network hydrogel versus chemically crosslinked hydrogels, along with observations of water induced crystallization attributed to the octyl chains.
  • Mengxue, Lu (2023)
    Bioprinting has emerged as a cutting-edge technology to overcome the shortage of tissues and organs by the precise deposition of living cells and biomaterials into three-dimensional (3D) biomimetic constructs. However, the inadequate choice of bioinks has limited its widespread implementation and clinical transformation. Natural polymers, such as chitosan and alginate, are commonly used as bioinks due to their biocompatibility, biodegradability and similarity to extracellular matrix (ECM). These natural polymers are usually limited by their mechanical strength and have less tunable mechanical characteristics. Instead, synthetic polymers offer adjustable mechanical properties and good printability, and they are often used as sacrificial materials in 3D bioprinting. Hybrid hydrogels consisting of Pluronic F127 (PF) and natural polymers have been suggested to have good printability and rheological behaviors. However, PF tends to be cytotoxic at concentrations required for good printability. Another synthetic copolymer which comprises poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (POx) (A-block) and poly(2-n-propyl-2-oxazine) (POzi) (B-block) was investigated as the potential alternative for PF. In this work, two different hybrid platforms consisting of synthetic POx-b-POzi /natural polymer (chitosan or alginate) and PF /natural polymer (chitosan or alginate) were formulated. The main focus of the study were on their printability and the potential of POx-b-POzi to replace PF as a sacrificial material in 3D bioprinting. POx-b-POzi and PF-based hybrid hydrogels were formulated and their printability was evaluated by rheology, mechanical compression, and 3D printing and printability assessment tests. The results showed that both POx-b-POzi and PF based hybrid hydrogels can be printed into different 3D structures, and the printed structures were successfully crosslinked. Although, the printability assessment tests and rheology showed that PF based hydrogels exhibits greater printability, POx-b-POzi also meets the critical requirements for bioinks.