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  • Rantama, Jenny (2020)
    The two input rivers of Säkylä’s Lake Pyhäjärvi: Pyhäjoki and Yläneenjoki, were studied with aerial thermal infrared imaging (TIR) analysis and baseflow program, in order to estimate the baseflow in the two rivers. From the helicopter- assisted TIR survey made in July 2011, almost 200 groundwater discharge sites were located in the two studied rivers. The groundwater discharge anomalies were categorized in 5 different classes: 1) spring/springs, 2) cold channel connected to the main channel, 3) diffuse discharge to river, 4) wetland/ wide seepage, 5) unknown anomaly. In addition, a temperature analysis was performed from the studied rivers. In both rivers, pattern of increasing river water temperature from headwaters towards river outlet were discovered with temperature analysis. The baseflow share estimate was made with baseflow filtering program which uses recursive digital filter for signal processing. Mean baseflow share estimation from four years: 2010-2013, were 70 % for River Pyhäjoki and 54 %, for River Yläneenjoki. Larger baseflow portion, lower river water temperature and wide diffuse discharge areas of River Pyhäjoki indicate that Pyhäjoki is more groundwater contributed than River Yläneenjoki. Previous studies made from the Lake Pyhäjärvi catchment have signs of higher groundwater share in River Pyhäjoki catchment, as well. However, TIR and baseflow estimation results of this study have to be dealt with caution. TIR results represent momentary circumstances and GWD locations are interpretations. There are also many factors increasing the uncertainty of the temperature analysis and observations of GWD anomalies. The results of baseflow analysis has to be interpreted carefully too because baseflow filtering is pure signal processing. However, this study shows that River Pyhäjoki and River Yläneenjoki have groundwater contribution. There is a difference in groundwater share in the two studied rivers. In River Pyhäjoki the larger groundwater share (70 %) is related to coarser grained glacial deposits in the river catchment. In TIR results, the influence of headwaters of the River Pyhäjoki, fed by two large springs: Myllylähde and Kankaanranta were emphasized. The two feeding springs are connected to the Säkylä-Virttaankangas esker complex. In River Yläneenjoki catchment, where GW portion was estimated to be smaller (54 %) and GW anomalies where mostly discrete, there are only two little till groundwater areas near the river channel and the catchment is characterized by finer sediments than River Pyhäjoki catchment.
  • Le, Viet (2021)
    Atmospheric aerosol particles absorb and scatter solar radiation, directly altering the Earth’s radiation budget. These particles also have a complex role in weather and climate by changing cloud physical properties such as reflectivity by acting as cloud condensation nuclei or ice nuclei. Aerosol particles in the boundary layer are important because they pose a negative impact on air quality and human health. In addition, elevated aerosol from volcanic dust or desert dust present an imminent threat to aviation safety. To improve our understanding of the role of aerosol in influencing climate and the capability to detect volcanic ash, a ground-based network of Halo Doppler lidars at a wavelength of 1565 nm is used to collect data of atmospheric vertical profiles across Finland. By comparing the theoretical values of depolarization ratio of liquid clouds with the observed values, bleed through of each lidar is detected and corrected to improve data quality. The background noise levels of these lidars are also collected to assess their stability and durability. A robust classification algorithm is created to extract aerosol depolarization ratios from the data to calculate overall statistics. This study finds that bleed through is at 0.017 ± 0.0072 for the Uto-32 lidar and 0.0121 ± 0.0071 for the Uto-32XR lidar. By examining the time series of background noise level, these instruments are also found to be stable and durable. The results from the classification algorithm show that it successfully classified aerosol, cloud, and precipitation even on days with high turbulence. Depolarization ratios of aerosol across all the sites are extracted and their means are found to be at 0.055 ± 0.076 in Uto, 0.076 ± 0.090 in Hyytiala, 0.076 ± 0.071 in Vehmasmaki and 0.041 ± 0.089 in Sodankyla. These mean depolarization ratios are found to vary by season and location. They peak during summer, when pollen is abundant, but they remain at the lowest in the winter. As Sodankylä is located in the Artic, it has aerosols with lower depolarization ratio than other sites in most years. This study found that in summer, aerosol depolarization ratio is positively correlated with relative humidity and negatively correlated with height. No conclusion was drawn as to what processes play a more important role in these correlations. This study offers an overview of depolarization ratio for aerosol at a wavelength of 1565 nm, which is not commonly reported in literature. This opens a new possibility of using Doppler lidars for aerosol measurements to support air quality and the safety of aviation. Further research can be done test the capability of depolarization ratio at this wavelength to differentiate elevated aerosol such as dust, pollution, volcanic ash from boundary layer aerosol.
  • Heikkinen, Liine Maria (2016)
    Ilmakehän pienhiukkaset, eli aerosolihiukkaset, vaikuttavat maapallon säteilypakotteeseen riippuen hiukkasen kemiallisesta koostumuksesta. Kemiallinen koostumus ohjaa yli 50 nanometristen hiukkasten taipumusta joko sirottaa tai absorboida auringonsäteilyä. Toisaalta hiukkaset voivat myös osallistua pilvenmuodostukseen, jos ne ovat koostumukseltaan kyllin hapettuneita ja siksi pystyvät sitomaan ympärilleen vesimolekyylejä. Ilman aerosolihiukkasia maapallo olisi varmasti paljon lämpimämpi, sillä sekä suora säteilyn sirottaminen että epäsuora sirottaminen pilvien kautta ovat tärkeitä ilmakehän viilennysmekanismeja. Auringonsäteilyn määrä ja siten pintalämpötilat ohjaavat ilmakehän pienhiukkasten pitoisuuksia ihmisten ja luonnon kautta. Hiukkasten primäärilähteitä ja lähtöaineita on valtava kirjo, joka luo laajan hiukkasten fysiokemiallisten ominaisuuksien kokoelman. Tässä työssä esitellään tutkimus aerosolihiukkasten kemiallisen koostumuksen vuodenaikaisvaihtelusta SMEAR II -asemalla, Etelä-Suomessa, jossa lämpötilan vuodenaikaisvaihtelu on suurta. Työhön liittyvissä mittauksissa hyödynnettiin massaspektrometriaa ja in situ -suodatinmittauksia. Aerosolikemiamittaukset kuuluvat SMEAR II -aseman rutiinimittauksiin, ja niitä on tehty jatkuvasti vuodesta 2012 lähtien. Tässä tutkielmassa analysoinnin kohteena ovat vuoden 2014 neljä termistä vuodenaikaa, jotka sijoittuivat tarkemmin ajanjaksolle 23.1. - 27.10.2014. Tutkimuksen analyysimenetelmät todettiin hyödyllisiksi ja niitä sovelletaan tulevaisuudessa koko nelivuotisen aikasarjan (2012 - 2015) analyysiin. Työssä todettiin aerosolihiukkasten koostuvan kesällä pääasiassa luontoperäisistä orgaanisista yhdisteistä (~77 %) ja talvella enimmäkseen epäorgaanisista yhdisteistä (~54 % ), jotka olivat kaukokulkeumaa kaupungeista. Sulfaatti dominoi tasaisesti epäorgaanista massaa vuodenajasta riippumatta. Ilmakehän hapetuskapasiteetti heijastui kesällä orgaanisen aerosolin haihtuvuustasoon madaltaen sitä huomattavasti. Kesällä puolihaihtuvalla orgaanisella aerosolilla ja nitraatilla oli selkeä vuorokausisykli, jossa valtaosa massasta oli hiukkasfaasissa yöllä ja katosi kaasufaasiin keskipäivällä. Vastaavanlaista käyttäytymistä ei orgaanisilla aerosolityypeillä ollut havaittavissa talvella, mikä johtui toisaalta kylmemmistä lämpötiloista ja toisaalta myös orgaanisen aerosolin erilaisesta koostumuksesta. Epäorgaanisten yhdisteiden vuorokausisyklien tulkinta oli haastavaa, johtuen kaukokulkeuman ajallisten vaihteluiden runsaudesta, joka tulevaisuuden laajemmassa analyysissä saadaan minimoitua.
  • Luoma, Krista (2017)
    Maapallon ilmakehä sisältää mikroskooppisen pieniä aerosolihiukkasia, joilla on vaikutus ihmisten terveyteen sekä maapallon ilmastoon. Aerosolihiukkaset vaikuttavat ilmastoon vuorovaikuttamalla auringon säteilyn kanssa sekä osallistumalla pilvien muodostumisprosessiin. Tässä tutkielmassa keskitytään aerosolihiukkasten optisiin ominaisuuksiin, joilla tarkoitetaan niiden kykyä sirottaa sekä absorboida säteilyä eri aallonpituuksilla. Tutkielmassa käsitellään SMEAR II -asemalla suoritettuja in-situ mittauksia aerosolihiukkasten sironnasta, takaisinsironnasta ja absorptiosta, joita on saatavilla jo vuodesta 2006 alkaen. Mitattujen sironta-, takaisinsironta- sekä absorptiokertoimilla aerosolihiukkasille voidaan määrittää niiden kokojakaumaa ja koostumusta kuvaavia intensiivisiä suureita. Pitkäaikaisten mittausten avulla optisille ominaisuuksille nähtiin trendejä sekä selkeää vuodenaikaisvaihtelua. Vertaamalla optisia mittauksia kokojakauman mittauksiin, aerosolihiukkasille voitiin määrittää kompleksinen taitekerroin, jota käytetään mallinnettaessa Mie-sirontaa ja -absorptiota. Absorptiokertoimen mittauksia verrattiin lisäksi alkuainehiilen mittauksiin, jolloin voitiin määrittää aerosolihiukkasten massa-absorptioala. Massa-absorptioalan avulla voidaan määrittää mustan hiilen pitoisuus absorptiokertoimen mittauksista. SMEAR II -asemalla absorptiokerrointa on mitattu kolmella eri mittalaitteella (etalometri, Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP) sekä Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP)), joita vertailtiin keskenään. Vertaamalla etalometrin sekä MAAPin mittaustuloksia toisiinsa määritettiin etalometrimittauksiin liittyville korjausalgoritmeille suodattimen moninkertaissirontaa kuvaavat parametrit SMEAR II -aseman olosuhteisiin. Tutkielmassa suoritettiin myös optinen sulkeuma ekstinktio-, sironta- sekä absorptiokertoimien mittaustuloksia vertailemalla. Tulosten perusteella ekstinktiota mittaavan Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift -ekstinktiomonitorin (CAPS) sekä sirontaa mittaavan integroivan nefelometrin mittaustarkkuudet eivät riitä mittaamaan aerosolifaasissa olevien hiukkasten absorptiota.
  • Jokela, Jesse (2018)
    Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman kirjallinen osuus on katsaus aerosolimassaspektrometrian kehitystä ja sen sovelluksia käsittelevään kirjallisuuteen viimeisen noin kymmenen vuoden ajalta. Aerosolimassaspektrometrialla tarkoitetaan massaspektrometrian soveltamista aerosolihiukkasten kokojaotellun kemiallisen koostumuksen mittaukseen. Erilaiset aerosolimassaspektrometrit on tutkielmassa jaoteltu kahteen ryhmään sen perusteella, analysoidaanko laitteella yksittäisiä hiukkasia vai kerrallaan ryhmittäin useita tietyn kokoisia lyhyen ajanjakson aikana kerättyjä hiukkasia. Hiukkasia ryhmittäin analysoivat aerosolimassaspektrometrit käyttävät yleensä lämpöhöyrystystä hiukkasten desorboimiseksi ennen ionisointia, kun taas yksittäisiä hiukkasia analysoivat aerosolimassaspektrometrit desorboivat hiukkaset yksi kerrallaan käyttäen tähän tyypillisesti pulssitettua laseria. Aerosolimassaspektrometreilla voidaan tehdä monenlaista ilmakehätutkimusta. Tutkielmassa on tuotu esille erityisesti orgaanisten aerosolien ja niiden alkuainekoostumuksen, merisuolan, metallien ja muiden hivenaineiden tutkimuksia. Omat kappaleensa on annettu aerosolihiukkasten kemiallista koostumusta mittaavalle monitorille sekä aerosolimassaspektrometriin liitettäville laitteille, joita ovat esimerkiksi lämpödesorptioaerosolikaasukromatografi, potentiaalinen aerosolimassakammio ja valonsironta-moduuli. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen lopussa on käsitelty lyhyesti aerosolien lähdeanalyysejä. Ilmakehän aerosolien nukleaation, kasvun ja ikääntymisen mekanismien ja kinetiikan kvantitointi ja selventäminen edelleen ovat tarpeen, koska ilmakehän aerosolihiukkasilla on vaikutuksia maapallon ilmastoon, paikallisiin ilmansaasteisiin ja ihmisten terveyteen. Aerosolimassaspektrometreilla on keskenään hyvin erilaisia ominaisuuksia, eikä ole olemassa yhtä jokaiseen tilanteeseen soveltuvaa aerosolimassaspektrometria. Mittaukset samanaikaisesti usealla eri tyyppisellä aerosolimassaspektrometrilla ja perinteisillä analyysilaitteistoilla täydentävät toisiaan ja parantavat kokonaisvaltaisesti ymmärrystä eri menetelmistä ja hiukkasten ominaisuuksista. Tutkielman kokeellisen osuuden tarkoituksena oli mitata hiukkasten kokojaoteltuja kemiallisia koostumuksia kaupunkiympäristössä näytteenkeräys- ja suoramittausmenetelmillä, ja verrata menetelmiä keskenään. Kenttämittauksia suoritettiin nokiaerosolimassaspektrometrilla (SP-AMS). Kaskadi-impaktorilla suodatinkalvoille kerättyjä kokojaoteltuja aerosolinäytteitä analysoitiin laboratoriossa ionikromatografilla (IC). Kokeellisen osuuden suoramittaus- ja näytteenkeräysmenetelmillä mitatut kokojakaumat vastasivat pääosin melko hyvin toisiaan. Suoramittausmenetelmien ylivertainen aikaresoluutio mahdollistaa ilmakehän pienhiukkasten luonnollisten lähteiden, ihmisen aiheuttamien päästöjen sekä sääolosuhteiden vaikutusten tutkimisen huomattavan tarkasti verrattuna näytteenkeräysmenetelmiin. Virheen määrittäminen on aerosolimassaspektrometrimittauksissa selvästi vaikeampaa kuin ionikromatografia-analyyseissä. Voidaan kuitenkin varmasti sanoa, että johtuen analyysivaiheiden lukumäärästä virhe IC- ja IC-MS –mittauksissa on huomattavasti suurempi kuin SP-AMS –mittauksissa.
  • Khansari, Marzieh (2018)
    The climate feedback is a response of the climate system to a perturbation through a number of mechanisms. Perturbations can be due to natural factors, like volcanic activity or changes in solar activity, or anthropogenic such as emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases and aerosol particles. Atmospheric aerosols affect the Earth’s radiation budget. The aerosols impact radiation directly by scattering and absorbing incoming solar radiation and indirectly by changing cloud properties via formation of cloud condensation nuclei. Here, the aerosol radiation feedback loop associated to the continental biosphere-aerosol-cloud-climate (COBACC) feedback loop, is suggested. This negative feedback loop connects increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, rising temperatures, the formation of aerosol particles due to the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds, changes in ratio of diffuse to global radiation in the clear sky condition, and changes in the plant gross primary production. In this study, in-situ atmospheric measurement data in Hyytiälä station, as well as satellite atmospheric measurement data (CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System) and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer instrument)) around Hyytiälä station and a small area in the western plain of Siberia for clear sky conditions in June and July around noon, were used. Three methods for detecting clear-sky conditions were considered: brightness parameter, global radiation smoothing and lastly MODIS cloud mask method. Here, MODIS cloud mask method was selected as the most suitable method due to availability of data and global coverage. This study proved partly the existence of the aerosol radiation feedback loop by finding positive correlation between some of the components of the feedback loop, such as condensation sink(CS) and temperature, ratio of diffuse radiation to global radiation (R) and CS, and R and temperature. Additionally, it was shown that satellite-based data compares well with in-situ data. Hence, it is possible to use satellite-based data for the aerosol-radiation feedback loop. In addition, the impact of relative humidity on the relation between R and temperature was investigated. It was found that it is important to take into account the swelling effect in order to investigate the relation between R and temperature. In contrast, solar zenith angle does not have an impact on the relation during study period (June – July).
  • Kuna, Kamilla (2021)
    This research studies the environmental aesthetics of boredom in the light of post-soviet neighborhoods. While belonging to the grey zone in aesthetics, boredom is an integral part of mundane life that challenges us to notice the uniqueness of our everydayness. Even though mass housing provided an economically feasible solution for sheltering millions of people, it lacks the qualities that meet contemporary living and energy standards. Soviet mass housing architecture and microdistrict designs were led by the economic conditions in the first place. Mass housing was not meant to speak, whereas the residents should not be silenced because of it. We tend to preserve what we find aesthetically pleasing (Nassauer, 1997), yet, what is aesthetically pleasing and what about other values? In this project, preservation is essential for building a contemporary-oriented mindset that could lead to more sustainable and inclusive neighborhoods. The project aims to tackle the issue of Soviet districts through the eyes of its residents, contrasting the more often used top-down approach. Here I challenge the residents' perception of their neighborhood and create a moment for reflection. By offering this space, I amplify the voices of the real experts, the ones knowing their microdistrict inside out. Environmental aesthetics is a relatively new concept within the contemporary urban planning scholarship, giving a fresh take on subjective experiences of urban settings that unveil profoundly rooted and often disguised problems. The interdisciplinarity in the research is met by merging disciplines such as sociology, urban aesthetics, urban history, and philosophy. The term boredom belonging to positive or negative aesthetic values is questioned the same as the legacy of Soviet mass housing later in the research. The ideology behind Soviet blocks is discussed, creating a common ground for diverse readers. Inclusivity is brought with resident participation through the visual research method - photovoice. To avoid biased data, the resident experiences are supported with the city planner's point of view and secondary quantitative data. The findings include Laumas microdistrict resident photovoice analysis, putting the Laumas microdistrict residents as the primary information providers. Taking pictures of their everyday surroundings, residents are given space to show how they see their microdistrict, outlining the values they are proud of or giving perspective of what needs to be changed. Instead of one-sided creation, the curation is inclusive and more reflective of the urban environment's already existing residents' values of their neighborhood. Resident aesthetic preferences open broader discussion on the maintenance issues of microdistricts facing nowadays. Topics are various, but the primary outcomes discussed built environment aesthetics, renovation, communication, identity, resident initiative, automobile domination, and natural environment aesthetics. In the final part of the study, some possible directions for changing microdistrict are pointed out, and further research questions are presented. The project is incomplete until it reaches a broader audience and provides knowledge to politicians, city planners, and other residents.
  • Niu, Yimeng (2016)
    While health establishes the basis of our life, at times we need to visit doctors or hospitals. On that, patients may be faced with inequalities, for example, due to distances to the healthcare resources. With the development of telecommunications and the internet of things, telemedicine may assist in such cases, saving travel time and cost. This thesis suggests a telemedicine monitoring solution for both hospital based and personal users. The focus is on the architecture of the system, the role of wireless sensors in telemedicine and telemedicine key technologies (such as: Bluetooth and ZigBee). Further, the software structure for monitoring the patients' physiological state remotely at hospital and at home is suggested. This involves also the choice of suitable hardware for data acquisition and wireless transmission. In the end, other related scientific researches are discussed. Comparisons are made between the proposed solution and other similar designs in different angles depending on the focuses of other research work, such as processing performance, connectivity, usability, unit price, data security and decision making.
  • Linkola, Simo (2016)
    A measurement for how similar (or distant) two computer programs are has a wide range of possible applications. For example, they can be applied to malware analysis or analysis of university students' programming exercises. However, as programs may be arbitrarily structured, capturing the similarity of two non-trivial programs is a complex task. By extracting call graphs (graphs of caller-callee relationships of the program's functions, where nodes denote functions and directed edges denote function calls) from the programs, the similarity measurement can be changed into a graph problem. Previously, static call graph distance measures have been largely based on graph matching techniques, e.g. graph edit distance or maximum common subgraph, which are known to be costly. We propose a call graph distance measure based on features that preserve some structural information from the call graph without explicitly matching user defined functions together. We define basic properties of the features, several ways to compute the feature values, and give a basic algorithm for generating the features. We evaluate our features using two small datasets: a dataset of malware variants, and a dataset of university students' programming exercises, focusing especially on the former. For our evaluation we use experiments in information retrieval and clustering. We compare our results for both datasets to a baseline, and additionally for the malware dataset to the results obtained with a graph edit distance approximation. In our preliminary results we show that even though the feature generation approach is simpler than the graph edit distance approximation, the generated features can perform on a similar level as the graph edit distance approximation. However, experiments on larger datasets are still required to verify the results.
  • Karhuvaara, Henriikka (2020)
    Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että matematiikan oppimiseen vaikuttavat affektiiviset tekijät kehittyvät peruskoulun ja lukion aikana, mutta näkyvät myös korkeakouluopinnoissa. Erityisesti vähemmän matemaattisille aloille hakeutuvien opiskelijoiden aiemmat kokemukset matematiikan opiskelusta voivat olla negatiivisia, mikä voi vaikuttaa matematiikan opiskeluun esimerkiksi yliopistossa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten Helsingin yliopiston maatalous-metsätieteellisen tiedekunnan kurssi Matematiikka I vaikuttaa opiskelijoiden affektivisiin kokemuksiin, kuten itsevarmuuteen, matematiikka-ahdistukseen, motivaatioon, opiskelun mielekkyyteen ja matematiikan arvostukseen. Tulosten perusteella kurssin opetusta pyritään kehittämään siten, että se ehkäisisi erityisesti negatiivisten kokemusten syntymistä, jotta opiskelijat eivät välttelisi matematiikan opiskelua ja käyttöä yliopistossa sekä tulevilla urillaan. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin syksyn 2019 kurssilla. Affektiivisia kokemuksia käsittelevä aineisto kerättiin sekä kurssin alussa että lopussa kyselylomakkeella ja avoimilla kysymyksillä. Opiskelijoiden osaamitason vaikutuksia affektiivisiin tekijöihin selvitettiin kurssin alkutaitotestin ja loppukokeen avulla. Lisäksi seurattiin opiskelijoiden kurssin aikana tekemiä tehtäviä. Affektiivisten tekijöiden kehitystä ja kurssilla työskentelyä sekä suoriutumista seurattiin 40 opiskelijan otoksella. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että Matematiikka I -kurssi vaikutti opiskelijoiden affektiivisiin kokemuksiin sekä positiivisesti että negatiivisesti. Opiskelijan lähtötaso oli yhteydessä siihen, miten opiskelijan itsevarmuus ja motivaatio kehittyivät kurssin aikana. Osaamisen lähtötaso vaikutti myös matematiikka-ahdistuksen kokemukseen. Opiskelun mielekkyyteen vaikutti eniten kurssin käytännönjärjestelyt. Matematiikan arvostuksen kehittymisen kannalta keskeistä oli, ymmärsivätkö opiskelijat kurssin myötä matematiikan merkityksen omalla alallaan. Tulokset osoittavat, että kurssin opetusta on järkevää kehittää siten, että se ehkäisee affektiivisten tekijöiden kehittymistä negatiiviseen suuntaan. Lähtötasoltaan kurssiin nähden heikommille opiskelijoille kannattaa järjestää riittävä mahdollisuus täydentää osaamistaan ennen kurssin alkua. Toisaalta opiskelijoiden erilainen lähtötaso tulee huomioida myös varsinaisen kurssin opetuksessa. Kurssisuunnitteluun on jatkossa varattava riittävästi aikaa. Myös viestintään on järkevää panostaa, jotta kurssin tavoitteet ja vaatimukset ovat opiskelijoille selkeitä. Kurssin suunnittelussa ja opetuksessa kannattaa mahdollisuuksien mukaan jatkossakin hyödyntää eri alojen osaajia, jotta kurssin matemaattisia sisältöjä saadaan asteittain tuotua lähemmäs opiskelijoiden omaa alaa.
  • Turkia, Mika (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2007)
    One of the most tangled fields of research is the field of defining and modeling affective concepts, i. e. concepts regarding emotions and feelings. The subject can be approached from many disciplines. The main problem is lack of generally approved definitions. However, e.g. linguists have recently started to check the consistency of their theories with the help of computer simulations. Definitions of affective concepts are needed for performing similar simulations in behavioral sciences. In this thesis, preliminary computational definitions of affects for a simple utility-maximizing agent are given. The definitions have been produced by synthetizing ideas from theories from several fields of research. The class of affects is defined as a superclass of emotions and feelings. Affect is defined as a process, in which a change in an agent's expected utility causes a bodily change. If the process is currently under the attention of the agent (i.e. the agent is conscious of it), the process is a feeling. If it is not, but can in principle be taken into attention (i.e. it is preconscious), the process is an emotion. Thus, affects do not presuppose consciousness, but emotions and affects do. Affects directed at unexpected materialized (i.e. past) events are delight and fright. Delight is the consequence of an unexpected positive event and fright is the consequence of an unexpected negative event. Affects directed at expected materialized (i.e. past) events are happiness (expected positive event materialized), disappointment (expected positive event did not materialize), sadness (expected negative event materialized) and relief (expected negative event did not materialize). Affects directed at expected unrealized (i.e. future) events are fear and hope. Some other affects can be defined as directed towards originators of the events. The affect classification has also been implemented as a computer program, the purpose of which is to ensure the coherence of the definitions and also to illustrate the capabilities of the model. The exact content of bodily changes associated with specific affects is not considered relevant from the point of view of the logical structure of affective phenomena. The utility function need also not be defined, since the target of examination is only its dynamics.
  • Hirvi, Emilia (2019)
    Tämän tutkielman aiheena on affiini geometria, jota esitellään ensimmäisessä luvussa. Aihetta lähestytään lineaarialgebran näkökulmasta. Luodakseen hyvän pohjan affiinin geometrian tarkastelulle toinen luku keskittyy lineaarialgebran perusmääritelmiin. Kolmannessa luvussa tutustutaan affiinin avaruuden käsitteeseen, jossa määritellään pisteiden ja vektoreiden välinen toiminta. Affiinissa avaruudessa suorien ja vektoreiden yhdensuuntaisuus on keskeinen asia. Toisaalta vektorin lähtöpisteellä ei ole merkitystä. Neljännessä luvussa esitellään lineaarikombinaation tapainen käsite: affiini kombinaatio eli painopiste. Affiini kombinaatio määritellään painoilla varustetulle pisteperheelle. Lisäksi painojen eli skalaarien summan on oltava yksi. Seuraavassa luvussa käsitellään affiineja aliavaruuksia. Kuten vektoriavaruuden aliavaruus sisältää kaikki virittäjävektorinsa lineaarikombinaatiot, affiini aliavaruus sisältää kaikki painoilla varustettujen pisteperheidensä affiinit kombinaatiot. Affiini aliavaruus on origosta pois siirretty aliavaruus. Kuudes luku keskittyy affiiniin riippumattomuuteen ja affiiniin kehykseen. Affiini riippumattomuus määritellään lineaarisen riippumattomuuden avulla ja affiini kehys vektoriavaruuden kannan avulla. Seitsemännessä luvussa määritellään affiini kuvaus, joka on lineaarikuvauksen ja siirtovektorin yhdistelmä. Affiinissa kuvauksessa ensin lineaarikuvaus kiertää tai venyttää pistejoukkoa ja sen jälkeen siirtovektori siirtää pistejoukon paikkaa. Affiinissa kuvauksessa yhdensuuntaiset suorat kuitenkin kuvautuvat yhdensuuntaisiksi suoriksi. Lopuksi tarkastellaan joitakin affiinin geometrian esimerkkejä.
  • Liangsupree, Thanaporn (2018)
    The literature part of this thesis contains the review of affinity chromatography using monolithic stationary supports in the separation and isolation of biomacromolecules, a technique known as affinity monolith chromatography (AMC). Affinity chromatography is a liquid separation technique operating on the principle of reversible binding of affinity ligands and target analytes. Experimentally, affinity chromatography involves the attachment of affinity ligands to the stationary support. By selecting appropriate ligands having high affinity and specificity towards the target, selective captures of analytes of interest are made possible, allowing their isolation from complex sample matrices. Subsequently, bound analyte species are released from the ligands by employing suitable elution solutions. In addition to the specificity, monolithic stationary phases offer a number of other benefits over conventional particulate supports, i.e., improved mass transfer characteristics, allowing convective rather than diffusional transport of analytes; and high permeability, permitting operations at high flow rates without suffering from backpressure. These benefits result in substantially reduced time requirements for isolation and separation while maintaining satisfactory separation efficiency. Different types of monolithic materials, including organic polymer-based monoliths (e.g., cryogels), inorganic monoliths (e.g., silica monoliths), and hybrid monoliths have been prepared and employed in AMC. A large range of affinity ligands, e.g., proteins, antibodies, immobilized metal ions, dye ligands, have been used with monolithic supports in different formats, and in different applications. The mentioned material-related topics, as well as recent applications of AMC, are discussed in detail in this review. The experimental part of this thesis deals with the isolation of lipoproteins, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in particular, from human blood plasma using a newly developed AMC technique. LDL, a globular and major lipid carrier in blood, is diagnostically a highly relevant subclass of lipoproteins due to its involvement in the genesis of atherosclerosis. The currently most frequently employed method for lipoprotein isolation from blood plasma is ultracentrifugation. However, this method suffers from drawbacks, such as being time-consuming, requiring expensive equipment, and the possible exchange of lipids and lipoprotein subclasses during sample processing. Therefore, the first goal was to develop a faster LDL isolation protocol, capable of yielding LDL with good functionality and purity. Thus, the first section reports on the isolation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from human blood plasma by employing affinity monolith chromatography method using Convective Interaction Media (CIM) monolithic disk columns as stationary supports. Specifically, anti-apoB100-monoclonal antibody (mAb) was immobilized onto a CIM monolithic disk, providing a suitable capture medium for LDL through its major apolipoprotein, apolipoprotein B100 (apoB100). Other lipoprotein classes, namely very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), also carry apoB100 and thus may be captured. To discriminate against these lipoproteins, and to obtain LDL with satisfactory purity, an additional CIM monolithic column was immobilized with a glycosaminoglycan, namely chondroitin-6-sulfate (C6S), which also binds lipoproteins, albeit with different specificity and interactions. Both of these affinity media were evaluated for LDL binding either individually or in combination. The quality of the isolated LDL was confirmed with different characterization techniques, such as size exclusion chromatography, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), enzymatic cholesterol and triglyceride assays, and enzymatic-linked immunoassays (ELISAs) specific to apolipoprotein B100 and apolipoprotein E. The results from these multi-method characterizations confirmed the successful LDL isolation with good activity. The second section of the thesis was devoted to quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) biosensor studies of LDL samples isolated from different individuals by different methods (affinity chromatography and conventional ultracentrifugation). A QCM sensor chip immobilized with anti-apoB100 mAb was used and challenged series of different LDL concentrations. The resulting sensorgrams were analyzed with a new numerical algorithm, namely Adaptive Interaction Distribution Algorithm (AIDA), permitting the determination of the number of analyte-receptor binding sites and the underlying kinetics. It was found that the obtained rate constant distributions, and clustering of antibody-LDL complexes were almost identical for all LDL samples, irrespective of sources or isolation techniques. For all samples, a total of five major complex clusters were identified. The major contributions of the two dominating clusters may arise from specific, yet heterogeneous LDL interactions at the antibody binding sites, while the other three clusters observed reflect most likely nonspecific low-affinity interactions from various sources, such as mass transfer effects, and the use of a non-orienting ligand immobilization chemistry.
  • Koponen, Aila Helena (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2008)
    The conferencing systems in IP Multimedia (IM) networks are going through restructuring, accomplished in the near future. One of the changes introduced is the concept of floors and floor control in its current form with matching entity roles. The Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) is a novelty to be exploited in distributed tightly coupled conferencing services. The protocol defines the floor control server (FCS), which implements floor control giving access to shared resources. As the newest tendency is to distribute the conferencing services, the locations of different functionality units play an important role in developing the standards. The floor control server location is not yet single-mindedly fixed in different standardization bodies, and the debate goes on where to place it within the media server, providing the conferencing service. The thesis main objective is to evaluate two distinctive alternatives in respect the Mp interface protocol between the respective nodes, as the interface in relation to floor control is under standardization work at the moment. The thesis gives a straightforward preamble in IMS network, nodes of interest including floor control server and conferencing. Knowledge on several protocols – BFCP, SDP, SIP and H.248 provides an important background for understanding the functionality changes introduced in the Mp interface and therefore introductions on those protocols and how they are connected to the full picture is given. The actual analysis on the impact of the floor control server into the Mp reference point is concluded in relation to the locations, giving basic flows, requirements analysis including a limited implementation proposal on supporting protocol parameters. The overall conclusion of the thesis is that even if both choices are seemingly useful, not one of the locations is clearly the most suitable in the light of this work. The thesis suggests a solution having both possibilities available to be chosen from in separate circumstances, realized with consistent standardization. It is evident, that if the preliminary assumption for the analysis is kept regarding to only one right place for the floor control server, more work is to be done in connected areas to discover the one most appropriate location.
  • Juvonen, Atte (2019)
    We present a new framework to evaluate the security of voting schemes. We utilize the framework to compare a wide range of voting schemes, including practical schemes in realworld use and academic schemes with interesting theoretical properties. In the end we present our results in a neat comparison table. We strive to be unambiguous: we specify our threat model, assumptions and scope, we give definitions to the terms that we use, we explain every conclusion that we draw, and we make an effort to describe complex ideas in as simple terms as possible. We attempt to consolidate all important security properties from literature into a coherent framework. These properties are intended to curtail vote-buying and coercion, promote verifiability and dispute resolution, and prevent denial-of-service attacks. Our framework may be considered novel in that trust assumptions are an output of the framework, not an input. This means that our framework answers questions such as ”how many authorities have to collude in order to violate ballot secrecy in the Finnish paper voting scheme?”
  • Dimakopoulos, Georgios (2022)
    The metamorphosed Kutemajärvi gold deposit is located near the town of Orivesi, at the eastern flank of the Tampere Schist Belt, which constitutes part of the Svecofennian domain of southern Finland, and it is hosted in the volcanic rocks of the Koskuenjärvi formation. Previous isotopic studies have mainly focused on the igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Tampere Schist Belt and only a few of them have presented ages for the area of Kutemajärvi. This study aims to shed light on the timing of mineralization by employing the single-grain U-Pb dating method of monazite and zircon, in order to evaluate the relationship between the ore and its host rocks. Based on the results from the SEM mineral identification, monazite grains are divided into metamorphic and hydrothermal grains. In the case of zircon grains, a third magmatic type has been identified. Results from U-Pb dating of single monazite and zircon grains are well constrained and document four distinct stages of geodynamic evolution in the region. Ages older than 1.91 Ga represent detrital material transported during the stage of rifting that led to the opening of the Tampere basin. Subsequent subduction resulted in active volcanism which is expressed with the extrusion of the Koskuenjärvi formation at 1904 Ma. At the late stages of subduction or at the outset of the collision stage, the subvolcanic Pukala porphyry intruded into the volcanic sequence of the Tampere Schist Belt at 1890 Ma, which provides the maximum mineralization age. Release of hydrothermal fluids, due to the crystallization of the Pukala intrusion caused pervasive hydrothermal alteration of the Kutemajärvi host rocks and deposition of epithermal gold and other elements. However, the participation of hydrothermal fluids, released by high-temperature metamorphism of the lower crust, cannot be ruled out. Ages between 1890‒1878 Ma record the syn-collision stage, during which the deposit, the Pukala intrusion and its adjoining rocks were deformed and metamorphosed at greenschist to lower-amphibolite facies. The majority of ages fall within the 1880‒1878 Ma time-interval, characterizing the metamorphic peak that marks the culmination of the Svecofennian orogeny and provides a minimum age of the mineralization. This major orogenic event is partly overlapped by the collision of the Central Svecofennian Arc Complex with the Southern Svecofennian Arc Complex that transpired at 1880‒1860 Ma, as indicated by ample age data. Monazite and zircon also yield lower ages (<1860 Ma), which record retrograde metamorphic and subordinate cooling events, and resonate recurring tectonothermal activity, associated with the syn- and post-collisional magmatism of Southern Svecofennia and the emplacement of rapakivi intrusions in southern Finland. Single-grain U-Pb dating of monazite and zircon from polished thin sections, in tandem with collation of the obtained ages with earlier published data, establishes a spatial and temporal framework with respect to the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Kutemajärvi gold deposit and the Tampere Schist Belt. Precise temporal constraints substantiate the intricate geological history of the area and can be used to discriminate magmatic, metamorphic and hydrothermal events, with a view to breaking ground on the exploration of other epithermal deposits in the metamorphic terranes of southern Finland.
  • Jimenez Reyes, Debanhi (2023)
    In Estonia and Gotland, Sweden Ordovician and Silurian rocks can be found in exposed outcrops, they have been studied for the past years to create a better understanding of the biological and geological events that transpire during the Ordovician and Silurian. Finland is not known to have sedimentary fossiliferous limestones, but the Åland Islands is one of the places where Ordovician and Silurian erratic limestones can be found. The limestones were glacially transported from the Bothnia Sea area. The erratic limestones found in the Åland Islands have not been studied and have not been dated. The goal of this research is to reconstruct the depositional age of the erratic crinoidal limestone from the Åland Islands through 13C, 87Sr/86Sr, and identification of microfossil proxies. We used in situ strontium isotope analysis by MC-ICP-MS and 13C analysis in different materials of the sample, the materials analyzed were cement, sediment matrix, and skeletal material (crinoid stem). The samples were sent to experts for microfossil identification. The Åland samples were compared with known samples from Estonia and Gotland. The samples from Niibi Estonia showed the most petrographical similarities and were also analyzed for strontium and carbon isotopes. The strontium analysis showed that the material had a different strontium signal, which then contributed to diagenetic alteration due to rubidium-87. It was observed that the sediment matrix was the most susceptible to any diagenetic alteration followed by the skeletal material and then the cement. There were conodonts found in the Åland samples that indicated that the erratic limestone is from the lower Haljala Regional Stage, Sandbian, Late Ordovician.
  • Salonen, Ella (2020)
    In this thesis we prove a generalized form of Mercer's theorem, and go through the underlying mathematics involved in the result. Mercer's theorem is an important result in the theory of integral equations, as it can be used as a tool in solving the trace of integral operators. With certain assumptions on a topological space X and measure space (X,dµ), the generalized theorem states that the trace of a positive and self-adjoint bounded integral operator on L^2(X,dµ) with a continuous kernel can be determined by integrating the diagonal of the kernel function. The integral operator being trace class depends then on whether the value of the integral is finite or not. We start the thesis by introducing the general settings we have for the theorem, and provide wider background for the main assumptions. We assume that X is a locally compact Hausdorff space that is σ-compact, and µ is a Radon measure on X with support equal to X. We also need the following technical assumption. Since X is σ-compact, then there exists an increasing sequence of compact subsets C_n with union equal to X. We assume that for each C_n there exists a sequence of increasingly fine partitions, compatible with the measure µ. We then go through the basics on Banach spaces, and we introduce the L^p spaces. Theory on Hilbert spaces is represented in greater detail. We introduce some classes of bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces, including self-adjoint and positive operators. Some spectral theory is considered, first for Banach algebras in general, and then for the Banach algebra of bounded linear operators on a complex Banach space. The space of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space can be seen as a C^*-algebra, and results for the spectrum of different kind of Hilbert space operators are given. Compact operators are first defined on Banach spaces. We prove that they form a closed, two-sided ideal in the algebra of bounded linear operators on a Banach space. We also consider compact operators on a Hilbert space, and of special interest are the Hilbert-Schmidt integral operators on the space L^2, which are proven to be compact. The existence of the canonical decomposition for compact operators is proven as this property is used in several proofs of the thesis. In the final chapter we focus on the theory of Hilbert-Schmidt operators and trace class operators on Hilbert spaces. We show that operators in these classes are compact. Considering the Hilbert-Schmidt operators on the space L^2, we prove that they then correspond to the Hilbert-Schmidt integral operators. A trace is first defined for a positive operator, and then for a trace class operator. Finally, in the last section, we construct a proof for the generalized form of Mercer's theorem. As a result, we find a way to determine the trace of an integral operator that satisfies the assumptions described in the first paragraph.
  • Page, Mathew (2021)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract With rising income inequalities and increasing immigration in many European cities, residential segregation remains a key focus for city planners and policy makers. As changes in the socio-spatial configuration of cities result from the residential mobility of its residents, the basis on which this mobility occurs is an important factor in segregation dynamics. There are many macro conditions which can constrain residential choice and facilitate segregation, such as the structure and supply of housing, competition in real estate markets and legal and institutional forms of housing discrimination. However, segregation has also been shown to occur from the bottom-up, through the self-organisation of individual households who make decisions about where to live. Using simple theoretical models, Thomas Schelling demonstrated how individual residential choices can lead to unanticipated and unexpected segregation in a city, even when this is not explicitly desired by any households. Schelling’s models are based upon theories of social homophily, or social distance dynamics, whereby individuals are thought to cluster in social and physical space on the basis of shared social traits. Understanding this process poses challenges for traditional research methods as segregation dynamics exhibit many complex behaviours including interdependency, emergence and nonlinearity. In recent years, simulation has been turned to as one possible method of analysis. Despite this increased interest in simulation as a tool for segregation research, there have been few attempts to operationalise a geospatial model, using empirical data for a real urban area. This thesis contributes to research on the simulation of social phenomena by developing a geospatial agent-based model (ABM) of residential segregation from empirical population data for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA). The urban structure, population composition, density and socio-spatial distribution of the HMA is represented within the modelling environment. Whilst the operational parameters of the model remain highly simplified in order to make processes more transparent, it permits exploration of possible system behaviour by placing it in a manipulative form. Specifically, this study uses simulation to test whether individual preferences, based on social homophily, are capable of producing segregation in a theoretical system which is absent of discrimination and other factors which may constrain residential choice. Three different scenarios were conducted, corresponding to different preference structures and demands for co-group neighbours. Each scenario was simulated for three different potential sorting variables derived from the literature; socio-economic status (income), cultural capital (education level) and language groups (mother tongue). Segregation increases in all of the simulations, however there are considerable behavioural differences between the different scenarios and grouping variables. The results broadly support the idea that individual residential choices by households are capable of producing and maintaining segregation under the right theoretical conditions. As a relatively novel approach to segregation research, the components, processes, and parameters of the developed model are described in detail for transparency. Limitations of such an approach are addressed at length, and attention is given to methods of measuring and reporting on the evolution and results of the simulations. The potential and limitations of using simulation in segregation research is highlighted through this work.
  • Ruonala, Henna-Riikka (2017)
    A systematic literature review was conducted to examine the usage of agile methods in game development. A total of 23 articles were found which were analysed with the help of concept matrices. The results indicate that agile methods are used to varying degrees in game development. Agile methods lead to improved quality of games through a prototyping, playtesting, and feedback loop. Communication and ability of the team to take responsibility are also enhanced. Challenges arise from multidisciplinary teams, management issues, lack of training in agile methods, and quality of code.