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  • Vuorenkoski, Lauri (2024)
    There are two primary types of quantum computers: quantum annealers and circuit model computers. Quantum annealers are specifically designed to tackle particular problems, as opposed to circuit model computers, which can be viewed as universal quantum computers. Substantial efforts are underway to develop quantum-based algorithms for various classical computational problems. The objective of this thesis is to implement algorithms for solving graph problems using quantum annealer computers and analyse these implementations. The aim is to contribute to the ongoing development of algorithms tailored for this type of machine. Three distinct types of graph problems were selected: all pairs shortest path, graph isomorphism, and community detection. These problems were chosen to represent varying levels of computational complexity. The algorithms were tested using the D-Wave quantum annealer Advantage system 4.1, equipped with 5760 qubits. D-Wave provides a cloud platform called Leap and a Python library, Ocean tools, through which quantum algorithms can be designed and run using local simulators or real quantum computers in the cloud. Formulating graph problems to be solved on quantum annealers was relatively straightforward, as significant literature already contains implementations of these problems. However, running these algorithms on existing quantum annealer machines proved to be challenging. Even though quantum annealers currently boast thousands of qubits, algorithms performed satisfactorily only on small graphs. The bottleneck was not the number of qubits but rather the limitations imposed by topology and noise. D-Wave also provides hybrid solvers that utilise both the Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) and CPU to solve algorithms, which proved to be much more reliable than using a pure quantum solver.
  • Kiema, Sarai (2024)
    Ilmatieteen laitoksen ylläpitämä Suomen virallisten sademittarien havaintoverkko on harva ja sen laajentaminen vaatisi enemmän resursseja. Kansalaisten sadehavaintojen hyödyntäminen olisi yksi keino laajentaa havaintoverkkoa ja siten muun muassa parantaa sääennusteiden laatua. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin kansalaisten Netatmo-kesäsadehavaintojen käyttökelpoisuutta Suomessa. Vuosien 2019–2022 kesä-, heinä- ja elokuun Netatmo-sadehavaintojen laatua tutkittiin vertailemalla niitä Ilmatieteen laitoksen automaattisadeasemien havaintoihin. Vertailua tehtiin tilastollisten suureiden, keskiarvon, korrelaation ja absoluuttisen keskivirheen, avulla. Ennen varsinaista analyysia pyrittiin rajauksilla selkeyttämään aineistoa sekä poistamaan siitä selvästi virheellisiä Netatmo-sadeasemia ja -havaintoja, kuten yli 150 mm:n tunti- ja yli 200 mm:n vuorokausisademäärät. Pääsääntöisesti Netatmo-sadehavainnot näyttävät tilastollisten suureiden valossa hyviltä, sillä esimerkiksi 75 % Netatmo- ja lähimpien Ilmatieteen laitoksen asemien välisistä vuorokausisateiden korrelaatioista oli vähintään 0.6. Netatmo-havaintojen välinen vaihtelu oli kuitenkin suurempi kuin Ilmatieteen laitoksen asemien havaintojen, mikä kertoo osan Netatmo-havainnoista olevan virheellisiä. Virheitä löytyi useita erilaisia. Yleisesti monien Netatmo-asemien havaittiin aliarvioivan sademäärää, koska keskimäärin Netatmo-asemat olivat mitanneet sateita vajaat 10 % vähemmän kuin niiden vertailuasemat. Lisäksi Netatmo-asemien havainnoissa oli huomattavasti enemmän pieniä 0.1 mm mittauksia kuin Ilmatieteen laitoksen vertailuasemilla eikä osa asemista ollut mitannut mitään 0.1 mm virhemittauksia lukuunottamatta. Jotkut Netatmo-asemat puolestaan mittasivat yksittäin tai jopa jatkuvasti virheellisiä hyvin suuria sademääriä. Osa asemista myös yliarvioi sademäärää, sillä asemien sateet korreloivat hyvin vertailuasemien sateiden kanssa ollen vain paljon suurempia. Toisaalta joidenkin Netatmo-asemien realistiset sadehavainnot oli mitattu eri aikoihin kuin vertailuasemien sateet, joten asemien koordinaatit voivat olla väärät. Välillä taas Netatmo-havaintojen laatu muuttui ajan myötä, sillä kyse on kansalaisten havainnoista. Asemat saattoivat ensin tuottaa hyviä havaintoja ja sitten huonoja tai päinvastoin. Kaikkiaan Netatmo-kesäsadehavainnot vaikuttavat käyttökelpoisilta, koska suurin osa havainnoista on hyviä. Netatmo-asemat myös saavat suuria sateita kiinni hyvin. Lisäksi huonoja havaintoja korrelaation perusteella tuottavat Netatmo-asemat ovat hajallaan eri puolilla Suomea ja hyviä asemia on kaikkialla enemmän. Koska virheellisiä Netatmo-asemia ja -havaintoja on silti varsin paljon, Netatmo-sadehavainnot tarvitsevat kattavaa laadun varmistusta ennen havaintojen hyödyntämistä. Laadun varmistusta voisi tehdä tämän tutkimuksen tavoin vertailemalla havaintoja tilastollisesti Ilmatieteen laitoksen asemien havaintoihin. Lisäksi Netatmo-havaintoja voisi verrata keskenään.
  • Skog, Robert (2024)
    The Venusian atmosphere has everything to be an exciting natural sulfur laboratory. In addition to relatively high concentrations of sulfur dioxide, suitable conditions in the atmosphere make both thermo- and photochemical reactions possible, allowing for complex chemical reactions and the formation of new sulfur containing compounds. These compounds could explain or contribute to the enigmatic 320-400 nm absorption feature in the atmosphere. One of the proposed absorbers is polysulfur compounds. While some experimentally obtained UV-VIS spectra have been published, studying the different polysulfur species individually is extremely difficult due to the reactive nature of sulfur. In this thesis UV-VIS spectra for polysulfur species S2 to S8 were simulated using the nuclear ensemble approach to determine if they fit the absorption profile. In total, 38 polysulfur species were considered. All were optimized at the wB97X-D/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z level of theory, with the S2, S3, and S4 structures also being optimized at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z level of theory. For 13 structures UV-VIS spectra were simulated using a nuclear ensemble of 2000 geometries, with vertical excitations calculated at the EOM-CCSD/def2-TZVPD or the wB97X-D/def2-TZVPD levels of theory. The simulated UV-VIS spectra for the smaller species were in quite good agreement with experimental ones. Two different molecules were identified with substantial absorption cross sections in the range of the unknown absorber: The open chain isomer of S3 (3.78×10^-17 cm^2 at 370 nm), and the trigonal isomer of S4 (4.76×10^-17 cm^2 at 360 nm). However, the mixing ratios of these species in the Venusian atmosphere are also needed to make a more conclusive statement. Other polysulfur compounds have insignificant absorption cross sections in the 320-400 nm range and can therefore be excluded. The calculated absorption cross sections can be used to calculate photolysis rates, which can be straight away added to atmospheric models of Venus. In addition, this work will help future space missions to Venus, for example by focusing their search for the unknown absorber.
  • Mukkula, Olli (2024)
    Quantum computers utilize qubits to store and process quantum information. In superconducting quantum computers, qubits are implemented as quantum superconducting resonant circuits. The circuits are operated only at the two energy states, which form the computational basis for the qubit. To suppress leakage to uncomputational states, superconducting qubits are designed to be anharmonic oscillators, which is achieved using one or more Josephson junctions, a nonlinear superconducting element. One of the main challenges in developing quantum computers is minimizing the decoherence caused by environmental noise. Decoherence is characterized by two coherence times, T1 for depolarization processes and T2 for dephasing. This thesis reviews and investigates the decoherence properties of superconducting qubits. The main goal of the thesis is to analyze the tradeoff between anharmonicity and dephasing in a qubit unimon. Recently developed unimon incorporates a single Josephson junction shunted by a linear inductor and a capacitor. Unimon is tunable by external magnetic flux, and at the half flux quantum bias, the Josephson energy is partially canceled by the inductive energy, allowing unimon to have relatively high anharmonicity while remaining fully protected against low-frequency charge noise. In addition, at the sweet spot with respect to the magnetic flux, unimon becomes immune to first-order perturbations in the flux. The sweet spot, however, is relatively narrow, making unimon susceptible to dephasing through the quadratic coupling to the flux noise. In the first chapter of this thesis, we present a comprehensive look into the basic theory of superconducting qubits, starting with two-state quantum systems, followed by superconductivity and superconducting circuit elements, and finally combining these two by introducing circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED), a framework for building superconducting qubits. We follow with a theoretical discussion of decoherence in two-state quantum systems, described by the Bloch-Redfield formalism. We continue the discussion by estimating decoherence using perturbation theory, with special care put into the dephasing due to the low-frequency 1/f noise. Finally, we review the theoretical model of unimon, which is used in the numerical analysis. As a main result of this thesis, we suggest a design parameter regime for unimon, which gives the best ratio between anharmonicity and T2.
  • Männistö, Theo (2024)
    The traditional method for identifying sulfate soils has been the incubation method, which typically takes 9-19 weeks. However, in collaboration, the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), and Åbo Akademi developed a faster hydrogen peroxide oxidation method for identifying sulfate soils and assessing acidity potential. This method allows for sulfate soil identification and acidity potential estimation in just a few hours. The hydrogen peroxide oxidation method was used to identify sulfate soils in the Helsinki region and to evaluate the method. The study areas included the Sunnuntaipalsta-field area in Malmi, the area associated with the relocation of Gasgrid’s gas pipeline in Pihlajamäki, and the Hermanninranta- Kyläsaari area. Sulfate concentrations determined by the oxidation method were compared with concentrations obtained through water extraction at the Helsinki geophysical, environmental and mineralogical laboratories (Hellabs) of the University of Helsinki's Department of Geology and Geophysics, and acid extraction at ALS Finland Ltd. In Malmi, the method worked well and reliably, indicating naturally acidified soil with relatively low sulfur concentrations. Deeper layers revealed potential acidic sulfate soil materials. In Pihlajamäki, the method was effective, identifying clear potential acidic sulfate soils even with samples consisting of clay fillings. Challenges arose in the Hermanninranta-Kyläsaari area due to contaminated fill soils with high pH values and various hydrocarbons. The lower layers of the samples were rich in organic matter (LOI > 10%), causing the hydrogen peroxide oxidation method to overestimate sulfate concentrations, resulting in deviations with both acid and water extraction results. Based on the results, the hydrogen peroxide oxidation method performs most reliably when loss on ignition (LOI) is < 10% and the pH change (ΔpH) after oxidation is less than 5 units. The method could be a valuable addition to soil investigations conducted by the City of Helsinki's construction services public enterprise, Stara, in their Street and ground laboratory. The method is effective and enables the rapid identification of potential acidic sulfate soils.
  • Joensuu, Matilda (2024)
    In this master’s thesis, linear zwitterionic poly(ethylene imine) methyl-carboxylates (l-PEI-MCs) were synthesized through a four-step synthesis. The synthesis started with the polymerization of 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline (EtOx) monomers into poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) (PEtOx) homopolymers with polymerization degree of 50 and 100. Living cationic ring-opening polymerization (LCROP) enabled a good control over the molecular weights. Subsequently, the side chains of PEtOxs were cleaved off by acidic hydrolysis. This resulted in linear poly(ethylene imine)s (l-PEIs) bearing a secondary amine group in repeating units of the polymer chain. These amine units were then functionalized with methyl-carboxylate moieties by first introducing tert-butyl ester functionalities to l-PEI chains, and subsequently cleaving off the tert-butyl groups. The final polymer is a polyzwitterion, featuring both an anionic carboxylate and a cationic tertiary amine group within a single repeating unit. Polymers produced in each step were characterized via 1H-NMR and FT-IR spectroscopy and their thermal properties were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The molecular weights and dispersities (Ð) of PEtOx polymers were additionally estimated by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Via 1H-NMR, the degree of polymerization for PEtOxs and the hydrolysis degree for l-PEIs were determined. FT-IR gave a further insight into the structures of polymers, successfully confirming the ester functionality of modified l-PEI. The disappearance of the tert-butyl proton signal in 1H-NMR spectrum after deprotection verified the successful removal of tert-butyl groups, resulting in the final product with methyl-carboxylate functionalities. By DSC, different thermal transitions, i.e., glass transition (Tg), melting (Tm) and crystallization (Tc), were observed, and the effects of molar mass and polymer modifications on these transitions were being investigated. The state of the art explores the literature regarding synthesis and properties of poly(2-oxazoline)s (POx), poly(ethylene imine)s (PEIs), and polyzwitterions. The theory behind living cationic ring-opening polymerization of 2-oxazolines and acidic hydrolysis of POxs is described. Different post-polymerization modification strategies to functionalize PEIs are being discussed. In addition, possible applications for each of these polymer classes are shortly outlined.
  • Vartiainen, Pyörni (2024)
    Sums of log-normally distributed random variables arise in numerous settings in the fields of finance and insurance mathematics, typically to model the value of a portfolio of assets over time. In particular, the use of the log-normal distribution in the popular Black-Scholes model allows future asset prices to exhibit heavy tails whilst still possessing finite moments, making the log-normal distribution an attractive assumption. Despite this, the distribution function of the sum of log-normal random variables cannot be expressed analytically, and has therefore been studied extensively through Monte Carlo methods and asymptotic techniques. The asymptotic behavior of log-normal sums is of especial interest to risk managers who wish to assess how a particular asset or portfolio behaves under market stress. This motivates the study of the asymptotic behavior of the left tail of a log-normal sum, particularly when the components are dependent. In this thesis, we characterize the asymptotic behavior of the left and right tail of a sum of dependent log-normal random variables under the assumption of a Gaussian copula. In the left tail, we derive exact asymptotic expressions for both the distribution function and the density of a log-normal sum. The asymptotic behavior turns out to be closely related to Markowitz mean-variance portfolio theory, which is used to derive the subset of components that contribute to the tail asymptotics of the sum. The asymptotic formulas are then used to derive expressions for expectations conditioned on log-normal sums. These formulas have direct applications in insurance and finance, particularly for the purposes of stress testing. However, we call into question the practical validity of the assumptions required for our asymptotic results, which limits their real-world applicability.
  • Pirilä, Pauliina (2024)
    This thesis discusses short-term parking pricing in the context of Finnish shopping centre parking halls. The focus is on one shopping centre located in Helsinki where parking fees are high and there is a constant need for raising the prices. Therefore, it is important to have a strategy that maximises parking hall income without compromising the customers' interest. If the prices are too high, customers will choose to park elsewhere or reduce their parking in private parking halls. There is a lot of competition with off-street parking competing against on-street parking and access parking, not to mention other parking halls. The main goal of this thesis is to raise problems with parking pricing and discuss how to find the most beneficial pricing method. To achieve this, this thesis project conducted an analysis on one Finnish shopping centre parking hall data. This data was analysed to discover the average behaviour of the parkers and how the raised parking fees affect both the parker numbers and the income of the parking hall. In addition, several pricing strategies from literature and real-life examples were discussed and evaluated, and later combined with the analysis results. The results showed that there are some similarities with results from literature but there were some surprising outcomes too. It seems that higher average hourly prices are correlated with longer stays, but still the parkers who tend to park longer have more inelastic parking habits than those who park for shorter durations. The calculated price elasticity of demand values show that compared to other parking halls, parking is on average more elastic in the analysed parking hall. This further emphasises the importance of milder price raises at least for the shorter parking durations. Moreover, there are noticeable but explainable characteristics in parker behaviour. Most of the parkers prefer to park for under one hour to take advantage of the first parking hour being free. This leads to profit losses in both the shopping centre and parking hall income. Therefore, a dynamic pricing strategy is suggested as one pricing option, since it adjusts the prices automatically based on occupancy rates. Although there are some challenges with this particular method, in the long run it could turn out to be the most beneficial for both the parking hall owners and the parkers. To conclude, choosing a suitable pricing strategy and model for a parking hall is crucial and the decisions should be based on findings from data.
  • Kuivaniemi, Esa (2024)
    Machine Learning (ML) has experienced significant growth, fuelled by the surge in big data. Organizations leverage ML techniques to take advantage of the data. So far, the focus has predominantly been on increasing the value by developing ML algorithms. Another option would be to optimize resource consumption to reach cost optimality. This thesis contributes to cost optimality by identifying and testing frameworks that enable organizations to make informed decisions on cost-effective cloud infrastructure while designing and developing ML workflows. The two frameworks we introduce to model Cost Optimality are: "Cost Optimal Query Processing in the Cloud" for data pipelines and "PALEO" for ML model training pipelines. The latter focuses on estimating the training time needed to train a Neural Net, while the first one is more generic in assessing cost-optimal cloud setup for query processing. Through the literature review, we show that it is critical to consider both the data and ML training aspects when designing a cost-optimal ML workflow. Our results indicate that the frameworks provide accurate estimates about cost-optimal hardware configuration in the cloud for ML workflow. There are deviations when we dive into the details: our chosen version of the Cost Optimal Model does not consider the impact of larger memory. Also, the frameworks do not provide accurate execution time estimates: PALEO estimates our accelerated EC2 instance to execute the training workload with half of the time it took. However, the purpose of the study was not to provide accurate execution or cost estimates, but we aimed to see if the frameworks estimate the cost-optimal cloud infrastructure setup among the five EC2 instances that we chose to execute our three different workloads.
  • Rintaniemi, Ari-Heikki (2024)
    In this thesis a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) based Question Answering (QA) system is implemented. The RAG framework is composed of three components: a data storage, a retriever and a generator. To evaluate the performance of the system, a QA dataset is created from Prime minister Orpo's Government Programme. The QA pairs are created by human and also generated by using transformer-based language models. Experiments are conducted by using the created QA dataset to evaluate the performance of the different options to implement the retriever (both traditional algorithmic and transformer-based language models) and generator (transformer-based language models) components. The language model options used in the generator component are the same which were used for generating QA pairs to the QA dataset. Mean reciprocal rank (MRR) and semantic answer similarity (SAS) are used to measure the performance of the retriever and generator component, respectively. The used SAS metric turns out to be useful for providing an aggregated level view on the performance of the QA system, but it is not an optimal evaluation metric for every scenario identified in the results of the experiments. Inference costs of the system are also analysed, as commercial language models are included in the evaluation. Analysis of the created QA dataset shows that the language models generate questions that tend to reveal information from the underlying paragraphs, or the questions do not provide enough context, making the questions difficult to answer for the QA system. The human created questions are diverse and thus more difficult to answer compared to the language model generated questions. The QA pair source affects the results: the language models used in the generator component receive on average high score answers to QA pairs which they had themselves generated. In order to create a high quality QA dataset for QA system evaluation, human effort is needed for creating the QA pairs, but also prompt engineering could provide a way to generate more usable QA pairs. Evaluation approaches for the generator component need further research in order to find alternatives that would provide an unbiased view to the performance of the QA system.
  • Ahtinen, Sini-Maaria (2024)
    Asukkaiden tyytyväisyyttä omaan asuinalueeseensa pidetään yhtenä yleisimmistä asuinalueiden laatua tarkastelevista mittareista. Asumistyytyväisyys on myös liitetty oleelliseksi osaksi ihmisen yleistä elämänlaatua ja asuinympäristöä voidaan pitää ihmisen arkielämän tärkeimpänä elinympäristön osa-alueena. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkimuskohteena olivat lähiöissä asuvien henkilöiden asumistyytyväisyys. Lähiöt ovat oleellinen osa suomalaista kaupunkikuvaa ja Suomessa lähiöiden, ja niissä asuvien ihmisten määrä on merkittävä. Kun puhutaan tyytyväisyydestä, niin puhutaan ihmisten subjektiivisesta kokemuksesta. Tutkittaessa aihetta, joka on ihmisten subjektiivisista kokemuksista riippuvainen, luo se tutkimukselle omat haasteensa. On tiedossa, että ihmisillä on suuria eroja siinä, kuinka he pystyvät ilmaisemaan epämukavuutta sekä tyytyväisyyttä. Kun siis tehdään tutkimusta, jossa tyytyväisyyden mittarina käytetään henkilön subjektiivista arviota, tulokset perustuvat siihen olettamukseen, että ihmisten omat arviot elämästään ja tyytyväisyyden tasostaan ovat luotettavia mittareita. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millä tekijöillä on yhteys suomalaisissa lähiöissä asuvien henkilöiden asumistyytyväisyyteen. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimii Helsingin yliopiston ja Suomen Akatemian rahoittaman PREFARE-hankkeen (2012–2015) aikana hankittu aineisto. Aineistoon on kyselydatan lisäksi yhdistetty vastaajien sijainnin perusteella kontekstuaalista rekisteritietoa, jotka saatiin ruututietokannasta. Aineisto on siis kaksitasoinen, yksilötaso, jossa vastaajia oli 7728 ja lähiötaso, jossa alueita oli 71. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä toimi monitasoinen lineaarinen regressiomalli, jonka avulla pystyttiin analysoimaan monitasoista aineistoa. Analyysissä aineistosta luotiin asumistyytyväisyyttä kuvaava tyytyväisyysmuuttuja ja tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin aluetasonmuuttujien, yksilötason taustamuuttujien ja asuinympäristön kokemiseen liittyvien muuttujien yhteyksiä tähän tyytyväisyysmuuttujaan. Tutkielman oleellisin tulos oli maineen merkitys asumistyytyväisyyteen. Aluetason muuttujien yhteydet tyytyväisyysmuuttujaan kulkivat hyvin vahvasti mainemuuttujan kautta ja maineella oli myös tarkasteltavista muuttujista vahvin yhteys tyytyväisyyteen. Maineen lisäksi kaksi muuta kokemusmuuttujaa, turvallisuus ja naapurisuhteet olivat hyvin vahvassa yhteydessä asumistyytyväisyyden kanssa. Yksilötason taustamuuttujista vahvimmat yhteydet tyytyväisyysmuuttujaan olivat tulotasolla, iällä ja asunnon hallintamuodolla.
  • Pekkala, Minttu (2024)
    There has been a major decreasing trend in the amount of sea ice in the Arctic since the 1990s. The Arctic amplification (AA) warms the Arctic climate as a result of the global warming, strengthened by the ice albedo feedback loop. The ice albedo feedback loop is caused by melting of snow and ice surfaces. Melting of snow and ice causes changes to the surface albedo, which is a measure of the amount of incident solar radiation that is reflected. Melting snow and ice surface types and revealed open water or terrain have significantly lower albedo than the original snow and ice surfaces. Therefore more radiation is absorbed, which has a warming effect. CLARA-A3 dataset is analyzed in this thesis. Surface albedo (SAL) and top of atmosphere (ToA) albedo values are compared. Data from June and July of the years 2012 and 2014 are analyzed. The objective is to check the consistency of these data records. The surface albedo values are also modelled with the Simplified Model for Atmospheric Correction (SMAC) to further validate the data. The relationship between SAL and ToA is also studied. This is achieved by analysing snow and ice optical properties, interaction of solar radiation with Earth’s atmosphere and the effect of illumination and viewing geometry. The results of data analysis indicate consistency between the observed values for SAL and ToA albedo differences within the observed period. The results are also in line with predictions made based on previous studies on the seasonal trends in the Arctic albedo. Furthermore results modelled with SMAC show dependency with the observed results and thereby validate the data. However data from June 2012 and July 2014 are unfortunately contaminated, which means that there are less usable data and therefore of reduced accuracy. Data analysis conducted for a larger SAL and ToA dataset would be needed to provide a basis for studying the decadal and seasonal trend of the Arctic SAL and ToA albedo difference. The whole melting season beginning in March and ending in September is important to study to better understand seasonal variability and trends as well as decadal trends in the Arctic.
  • Lintula, Johannes (2023)
    This work examines how neural networks can be used to qualitatively analyze systems of differential equations depicting population dynamics. We present a novel numerical method derived from physics informed learning, capable of extracting equilibria and bifurcations from population dynamics models. The potential of the framework is showcased three different example problems, a logistic model with outside inference, the Rosenzweig-MacArthur model and one model from a recent population dynamics paper. The key idea behind the method is having a neural network learn the dynamics of a free parameter ODE system, and then using the derivatives of the neural network to find equilibria and bifurcations. We, a bit clunkily, refer to these networks as physics informed neural networks with free parameters and variable initial conditions. In addition to these examples, we also survey how and where these neural networks could be further utilized in the context of population dynamics. To answer the how, we document our experiences choosing good hyperparameters for these networks, even venturing into previously unexplored territory. For the where, we suggest potentially useful neural network frameworks to answer questions from an external survey concerning contemporary open questions in population dynamics. The research of the work is preceded by a short dive on qualitative population dynamics, where we ponder what are the problems we want to solve and what are the tools we have available for that. Special attention is paid to parameter sensitivity analysis of ordinary differential equation systems through bifurcation theory. We also provide a beginner friendly introduction to deep learning, so that the research can be understood even by someone not previously familiar with the field. The work was written, and all included contents were selected, with the goal of establishing a basis for future research.
  • Riihimäki, Tatu (2023)
    ICT-sektorin edellyttämän sähköenergiantuotannon aiheuttamat kasvihuonepäästöt ovat kasvaneet lentoliikenteen kasvihuonepäästöjen suuruisiksi. Tähän on kuitenkin mahdollista vaikuttaa tekemällä energiankulutustietoisia valintoja ohjelmistokehityksessä, josta tänä päivänä osa kohdistuu verkkoselaimissa suoritettavien verkkosovellusten kehitykseen, jossa apuna käytetään erilaisia verkkosovelluskehyksiä. Tässä tutkielmassa vertaillaan käytetyimpien JavaScript-verkkosovelluskehysten: React, Angular ja Vue, energiankulutusta uuteen Blazor WebAssembly -verkkosovelluskehykseen, joka perustuu WebAssemblyyn, jonka JavaScriptiä pienemmästä energiankulutuksesta ja paremmasta suorituskyvystä on jo tutkimusnäyttöä. Tutkielmassa toteutetaan valituilla verkkosovelluskehyksillä vertailukelpoiset testiverkkosovellukset, joiden suoritusaikaista energiankulutusta, tehonkäyttöä ja suoritusaikaa mitataan Intel Power Gadget -mittausohjelmistolla. Mittaustulosten perusteella todetaan, että Blazor WebAssembly ei ole energiankulutukseltaan JavaScript-verkkosovelluskehyksiä pienempi, vaan sijoittuu tarkasteltujen JavaScript-verkkosovelluskehysten väliin. Tutkielma rajoittui tarkastelemaan verkkosovelluskehysten toiminnoista tilanhallintaa ja muutosten havaitsemista. Intel Power Gadget -mittausohjelmisto osoittautui helppokäyttöiseksi, tarkaksi ja automatisoitavaksi mittaustavaksi, jota voidaan suositella käytettäväksi tämän tutkielman kokemusten perusteella vastaavissa mittauksissa. Lisäksi kestävän ohjelmistokehityksen näkökulmasta tutkielman tuloksista voidaan oppia, että verkkosovelluskehyksen valinnalla voidaan vaikuttaa verkkosovelluksen suoritusaikaiseen energiankulutukseen verkkosovelluskehyksen vastuualueella jopa 43%:a, mutta sen vaikutusta koko verkkosovelluksen suoritusaikaiseen energiankulutukseen ei tutkielman tulosten perusteella voida arvioida.
  • Louhi, Jarkko (2023)
    The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions has created a need to develop, deploy and maintain AI/ML those to production reliably and efficiently. MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) framework is a collection of tools and practices that aims to address this challenge. Within the MLOps framework, a concept called the feature store is introduced, serving as a central repository responsible for storing, managing, and facilitating the sharing and reuse of extracted features derived from raw data. This study gives first an overview of the MLOps framework and delves deeper into feature engineering and feature data management, and explores the challenges related to these processes. Further, feature stores are presented, what they exactly are and what benefits do they introduce to organizations and companies developing ML solutions. The study also reviews some of the currently popular feature store tools. The primary goal of this study is to provide recommendations for organizations to leverage feature stores as a solution to the challenges they encounter in managing feature data currently. Through an analysis of the current state-of-the-art and a comprehensive study of organizations' practices and challenges, this research presents key insights into the benefits of feature stores in the context of MLOps. Overall, the thesis highlights the potential of feature stores as a valuable tool for organizations seeking to optimize their ML practices and achieve a competitive advantage in today's data-driven landscape. The research aims to explore and gather practitioners' experiences and opinions on the aforementioned topics through interviews conducted with experts from Finnish organizations.
  • Vierinen, Taavi (2023)
    A geopolymer waste form containing gasified ion exchange resin loaded with stable analogues of radionuclides (e.g., Sr, Co, Ni, Cr, Cs) was studied using semi-dynamic batch leaching experiments. The experiments were conducted for 180 days using an alkaline groundwater simulant in a glove box with controlled N2 atmosphere with < 10 ppm CO2 and O2. The experiments were conducted to investigate the leaching behavior of the geopolymer in conditions relevant to a low- and intermediate-level waste repository. The leaching results of the geopolymers showed leaching of cesium, sodium, aluminum, and silicon from the geopolymer, while potassium and calcium in the leachant sorbed to the geopolymer. The leaching and sorption rates were at their highest for the first 28 days of the experiment, before slowing down to a steady state which were maintained until the end of the experiment. This suggests that the geopolymers immobilized the waste analogues effectively with exception of cesium which had leached by 55 wt% of the initial fraction by day 180. The leaching indices of sodium, aluminum, silicon, and cesium were determined as: 9.9 ± 0.38, 10.1 ± 0.47, 10.5 ± 0.40, and 9.1 ± 0.30 respectively. The leaching indices are well above 6, which is considered a minimum value for WAC of cementitious waste forms by USNRC. The solid phase analysis of the geopolymer samples showed both presence of calcium rich secondary phases and increasing calcium concentration in the bulk matrix on the leachant contact surface of the geopolymer. It was concluded that the secondary phases consisted of CaCO3 minerals.
  • Tyree, Juniper (2023)
    Response Surface Models (RSM) are cheap, reduced complexity, and, usually, statistical models that are fit to the response of more complex models to approximate their outputs with higher computational efficiency. In atmospheric science, there has been a continuous push to reduce the amount of training data required to fit an RSM. With this reduction in costly data gathering, RSMs can be used more ad hoc and quickly adapted to new applications. However, with the decrease in diverse training data, the risk increases that the RSM is eventually used on inputs on which it cannot make a prediction. If there is no indication from the model that its outputs can no longer be trusted, trust in an entire RSM decreases. We present a framework for building prudent RSMs that always output predictions with confidence and uncertainty estimates. We show how confidence and uncertainty can be propagated through downstream analysis such that even predictions on inputs outside the training domain or in areas of high variance can be integrated. Specifically, we introduce the Icarus RSM architecture, which combines an out-of-distribution detector, a prediction model, and an uncertainty quantifier. Icarus-produced predictions and their uncertainties are conditioned on the confidence that the inputs come from the same distribution that the RSM was trained on. We put particular focus on exploring out-of-distribution detection, for which we conduct a broad literature review, design an intuitive evaluation procedure with three easily-visualisable toy examples, and suggest two methodological improvements. We also explore and evaluate popular prediction models and uncertainty quantifiers. We use the one-dimensional atmospheric chemistry transport model SOSAA as an example of a complex model for this thesis. We produce a dataset of model inputs and outputs from simulations of the atmospheric conditions along air parcel trajectories that arrived at the SMEAR II measurement station in Hyytiälä, Finland, in May 2018. We evaluate several prediction models and uncertainty quantification methods on this dataset and construct a proof-of-concept SOSAA RSM using the Icarus RSM architecture. The SOSAA RSM is built on pairwise-difference regression using random forests and an auto-associative out-of-distribution detector with a confidence scorer, which is trained with both the original training inputs and new synthetic out-of-distribution samples. We also design a graphical user interface to configure the SOSAA model and trial the SOSAA RSM. We provide recommendations for out-of-distribution detection, prediction models, and uncertainty quantification based on our exploration of these three systems. We also stress-test the proof-of-concept SOSAA RSM implementation to reveal its limitations for predicting model perturbation outputs and show directions for valuable future research. Finally, our experiments affirm the importance of reporting predictions alongside well-calibrated confidence scores and uncertainty levels so that the predictions can be used with confidence and certainty in scientific research applications.
  • Akkanen, Saara (2023)
    This Master’s Thesis describes an original user study that took place at the University of Helsinki. The study compares and evaluates the usability of three different methods that are used in meeting rooms to share a private device’s screen on a big public screen in order to give a slideshow presentation: HDMI, VIA, and Ubicast. There were 18 participants. The study was conducted in a controlled environment, replicating a typical meeting room setup. The experiment consisted of screen mirroring tasks and an interview. In a screen mirroring task, the participants were asked to share their screen using each of the three technologies. They were provided with the necessary equipment and user guides if needed. Then the participants were given training on how to use the technologies, and they performed the tasks again. During the task, the time taken to complete each screen mirroring session was recorded, and any errors or difficulties encountered were noted. After completing the screen mirroring tasks, participants were interviewed to gather qualitative data on their experiences and preferences. They were asked about the ease of use, efficiency, and any difficulties they faced while using each technology. This information was used to gain insights into user preferences and potential areas for improvement in the respective technologies. To analyze the data, the System Usability Scale (SUS) scores and time taken to complete the screen mirroring tasks were calculated for each technology. Statistical analyses were conducted to determine any significant differences in SUS scores and time across the three technologies. Additionally, the interview data was analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns in the experiences of the users. HDMI emerged on the top, with Ubicast not far behind.
  • Sainio, Rita Anniina (2023)
    Node classification is an important problem on networks in many different contexts. Optimizing the graph embedding has great potential to help improve the classification accuracy. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how graph embeddings can be exploited in the node classification task in the context of citation networks. More specifically, this thesis looks into the impact of different kinds of embeddings on the node classification, comparing their performance. Using three different similarity functions and different dimensions for the embedding vector ranging from 1 to 800, we examined the impact of graph embeddings on accuracy in node classification using three benchmark datasets: Cora, Citeseer, and PubMed. Our experimental results indicate that there are some common tendencies in the way dimensionality impacts the graph embedding quality regardless of the graph. We also established that some network-specific hyperparameter tuning clearly affects classification accuracy.
  • He, Ru (2023)
    Ga2O3 has been found to exhibit excellent radiation hardness properties, making it an ideal candidate for use in a variety of applications that involve exposure to ionizing radiation, such as in space exploration, nuclear power generation, and medical imaging. Understanding the behaviour of Ga2O3 under irradiation is therefore crucial for optimizing its performance in these applications and ensuring their safe and efficient operation. There are five commonly identified polymorphs of Ga2O3 , namely, β, α, γ, δ and structures, among these phases, β-Ga2O3 is the most stable crystal structure and has attracted majority of the recent attention. In this thesis, we used molecular dynamic simulations with the newly developed machine learned Gaussian approximation potentials to investigate the radiation damage in β-Ga2O3 . We inspected the gradual structural change in β-Ga2O3 lattice with increase doses of Frenkel pairs implantations. The results revealed that O-Frenkel pairs have a strong tendency to recombine and return to their original sublattice sites. When Ga- and O-Frenkel pairs are implanted to the same cell, the crystal structure was damaged and converted to an amorphous phase at low doses. However, the accumulation of pure Ga-Frenkel pairs in the simulation cells might induce a transition of β to γ-Ga, while O sublattice remains FCC crystal structure, which theoretically demonstrated the recent experiments finding that β- Ga2O3 transfers to the γ phase following ion implantation. To gain a better understanding of the natural behaviour of β-Ga2O3 under irradiation, we utilized collision cascade simulations. The results revealed that O sublattice in the β-Ga2O3 lattice is robust and less susceptible to damage, despite O atoms having higher mobility. The collision and recrystallization process resulted in a greater accumulation of Ga defects than O defects, regardless of PKA atom type. These further revealed that displaced Ga ion hard to recombine to β- Ga lattice, while the FCC stacking of the O sublattice has very strong tendency to recovery. Our theoretical models on the radiation damage of β-Ga2O3 provide insight into the mechanisms underlying defect generation and recovery during experiment ion implantation, which has significant implications for improving Ga2O3 radiation tolerance, as well as optimizing its electronic and optical properties.