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Browsing by master's degree program "Magisterprogrammet i internationell affärsjuridik"

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  • Heikura, Henri Hannu Juhani (2021)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee rahanpesun ehkäisemistä ja etenkin raportointivelvollisten yritysten ja yksityissektorin roolia siinä. Tutkielma käsittelee rahanpesua yleistasolla, moderneja rahanpesun muotoja, ja vaikutuksia yhteiskunnalle. Tämän lisäksi tutkielma esittelee EU-lainsäädäntöä aiheeseen liittyen erityisesti EU:n neljättä, viidettä ja kuudetta rahanpesudirektiiviä, ja niiden asettamia vaatimuksia. Tutkielma esittelee ja arvioi yritysten AML-compliance prosesseja kuten asiakkaan tunnistamista, riskiarvion tekemistä, tilitapahtumien seurantaa sekä epäilyttävien tapahtumien raportointia. Tämän lisäksi, tutkielma arvioi rahanpesun ehkäisemistä corporate governance – näkökulmasta, sekä arvioi compliance-prosessista syntyviä kuluja sekä riskejä yrityksille, sekä näiden perusteella rahanpesun ehkäisemisen tehokkuutta. Johtavatko nämä varsin tiukat vaatimukset ja korkeat compliance-kulut tehokkaaseen lopputulokseen? This master’s thesis discusses and analyzes the topic of anti-money laundering, and especially the role of obliged entities and private sector. The thesis will introduce the general topic of money laundering, its modern methods, impact to the society and why preventing money laundering is of utmost importance. The thesis will present the relevant EU legislation, from which the obligations for obliged entities spring from, mainly, the fourth, fifth and sixth anti-money laundering directives. In addition to presenting the phases of companies’ compliance processes such as know your customer, risk assessment, transaction monitoring and suspicious activity reporting, the thesis will analyze the issue from a point of view of corporate governance and evaluate the costs and risks for obliged entities, and on the basis of these, the efficiency of the framework and process for prevention of money laundering. Do strict requirements towards obliged entities and their high compliance costs lead to an efficient result in preventing money laundering.
    This thesis looks for challenges and opportunities for nitrogen cycling in the Helsinki Region. It is an analytical paper of the law and a literary review of wastewater treatment concepts. The opportunities addressed are of legal and business character. For this reason, the study is divided into two major research questions. First, what are the relevant aspects of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC to nutrient cycling in Finland? Second, what are the opportunities that business law tools offer when combined with the objectives of the UWWTD? The questions are answered by using legal research methodology. First, the legal dogmatics method is used to analyze the existing law, the proposed revised Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, and Finnish Law to look for opportunities in the written law. The Second half of the paper analyzes the principles of Nordic Contract Law and their possible role in generating benefits for the private sector from reducing nitrogen waste and increasing nitrogen recycling. The entirety of the study takes the law and economics method into consideration. It concludes that the principles of contract law can be used to guarantee and device contractual relationships between the industrial sectors from Annex III UWWTD that can reduce their environmental impact and costs by filling in gaps between the current legislation while using the benefits of reduced costs and improved brand as economic incentives.
  • Earl, Emilie Marjatta (2024)
    A payment system ensures the movement of assets and is therefore vital within any modern economy. For this reason, it is equally important that that the payment service market is capable of evolving though time in order to match the current needs within the payment service market. With the growing need for technological solutions, the EU payment service market had fallen short of providing efficient payment services and therefore the European Commission chose to adopt the PSD2, which relinquished the natural monopoly traditional Banks had thus far built up within the payment service market and provided room for new competitors to enter the market, namely FinTech companies. The aim of this thesis is therefore to look into the regulation of the payment service market from the side of traditional Banks and FinTech companies, to consider whether the new PSD2 could pose a risk toward the financial stability of the EU, as FinTech companies are not subject to similar regulatory regimes as traditional Banks, particularly in terms of bankruptcy proceedings. Unlike traditional Banks, if FinTech companies were to run out of liquidity, they would become subject to corporate bankruptcy proceedings, which means that they would no longer be able to provide their payment services, resulting in service users possibly losing out on their assets. Based on the findings presented in this thesis it can be said that PSD 2 could affect the financial stability of the EU, particularly since the popularity and reliance of the shadow payment market is continuously growing. Therefore, this thesis also suggests some possible solutions, which could improve the resilience of the payment service market as a whole.
  • Plotnikova, Elena (2020)
    In the last years those companies that pay close attention to transition of their business models to circular economy have adopted good practices to deal with waste prevention and management. High voluntary standards are set and enforced throughout the supply chain. However, good practices and high voluntary standards are taken seriously by the limited number of companies, predominantly, by those who want to be on rider’s seat and show example to peers. The recent EU Circular Economy Action Plan, released in March 2020, emphasizes that scaling up the circular economy from front-runners to the mainstream economic players will make a decisive contribution to transition to circular economy that will help to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, decoupling economic growth from resource use, keeping resource consumption within planetary boundaries. The Master Thesis departs from the assumption that there is a need for legal reform in the fields of circular economy law and company law to enhance circular economy for business. It is essential to turn modern policies that are in place into reality on the ground. The project aims to answer the question what legal reforms are necessary and should be prioritized.
  • Shorokhova-Palolahti, Nina (2024)
    The fast development of technology encourages online platforms to advance in online targeted advertising, which raises concerns for regulation in this field, particularly regarding their transparency and accountability. To address these concerns, in 2022 the European Union introduced a new piece of legislation, the Digital Service Act (the DSA), which focuses on transparency and accountability of online platforms and aims to bridge information asymmetry between intermediaries and service recipients. The current thesis offers a descriptive analysis of the regulatory framework and examines transparency requirements for online platforms in online targeted advertising under Articles 26, 27, and 39 of the DSA, particularly how effectively these provisions contribute to transparency and bridging information asymmetry between service recipients and online platforms. The scope of this research relates to online platforms and how the DSA regulates online targeted advertising. The DSA enables greater access to information for service recipients by requiring disclosure of key parameters, advertisers’ information, inclusion and exclusion criteria used by online platforms based on which online targeted advertising is provided. Furthermore, the DSA prohibits the profiling of special categories of personal data and sets strict rules for very large online platforms (VLOPS) and very large online search engines (VLOSEs), requiring to maintain public repositories for their advertising activities. While the DSA aims to transform the information landscape, it has potential issues regarding information asymmetry between online platforms and service recipients. The findings indicate that the DSA mostly addresses transparency through disclosure requirements understandable for the average service recipient. The potential issues can be observed towards clarity and comprehensibility of the provided information and disclosure information based on the needs of individual service recipients, which overall does not contribute to bridging information asymmetry between online platforms and service recipients. The questions further emerge from the fact that information required is not always easily accessible and interpretable, with possible ambiguity, for example, towards “prominent marking”, “main parameters”, disclosing who presents and pays for ads, revealing the functionality of recommender systems and algorithms utilized in online targeted advertising. Moreover, possible complications can be seen with the accessibility of datasets in public repositories, and constraints of transparency in the operations of VLOSEs in online targeted advertising. The aforementioned issues limit the achievement of the transparency goal outlined in the DSA and create obstacles in bridging information asymmetry between online platforms and service recipients.
  • Baran, Selin (2017)
    Startups are today's famous form of businesses that aim to create value and innovation to solve problems or satisfy the needs that exist in society. They differ from traditional businesses in their purposes and structures. They are founded by entrepreneurs with vision and ideas, yet, they mostly lack the necessary experience and funding. Therefore, they sell their company shares to investors in exchange for mentorship, network, and funding. Investors aim to look for opportunities for growth and financial returns in their investment and they plan their exits from the company. Shareholder agreements are used as tools to plan and execute those exit strategies. Finnish and Nordic startup scenes are thriving with the number of investments and the number of innovative startups. For the safety and continuity of the ecosystem, it is important that startups understand the shareholder agreements and they can use those documents to securely plan their future exits, as well. The primary purpose of the master`s thesis is to understand the traditional exit strategies applied in the startup world and to utilize shareholder agreements as a tool to prevent conflicts among founders and investors in the case of an entrepreneurial exit. The paper applies the legal methodology of doctrinal analysis and analyzes available rules and regulations along with the free market applications of shareholder agreements.
  • Pekkanen, Maija-Ilona (2022)
    This master’s thesis is a study with respect to prospectus regulation in the EU and Australia. This thesis sets out to discover whether a prospectus summary drawn up in accordance with EU standards could be utilised in a secondary listing in Australia. The thesis utilises legal dogmatics as a basis point for the analysis for the regulatory framework in the EU. Methods of comparative law is also utilised to highlight similarities and differences between the pragmatic functionality of the two jurisdictions’ prospectus regulation regimes. The thesis first analyses the current regulatory framework in the EU with respect to prospectuses with a focus on prospectus summaries as well as investigates the policy reasons for recent regulatory reforms. Based on the analysis of the current regulation on prospectus summaries in the EU, the thesis presents an example summary. The thesis then goes on to examine the example summary in the Australian context, analyses whether the example summary may be utilised in Australia, and what are the policy reasons behind any necessary changes. Lastly, the thesis compares the two jurisdictions’ regulatory framework from a policy point of view to analyse what objectives are driving the legislative outcomes. The thesis found that the example summary compiled in accordance with the EU prospectus regulation can be made compatible with the Australian standards with minor additions and adjustments and that overall, the two regulatory frameworks share the objectives of investor protection and market efficiency which are reflected in the regulatory texts.
  • Pichna, Jacob (2021)
    The African start-up scene has been rapidly developing in recent years and respected Silicon Valley VC firms and large tech companies are moving in on the market which could be regarded as a signal of opportunity. Yet a single investment is to be made by a Finnish VC firm into an African start-up. The democratizing effect of technology and internet accessibility has led to the growth of innovation and disruption on the continent with the three selected jurisdictions for the thesis South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya leading the charge. Focusing on the three countries enables more a pragmatic analysis and thus applicable solutions. Analysing three different ecosystems also showcases the heterogeneity of the continent’s opportunities for VC firms. The objective of the thesis is to establish the main blockers for Finnish VC firms when weighing the option of investing in Africa and then provide solutions to overcome the obstacles whilst taking a form of a roadmap to also show the process of investing in Africa and its peculiarities. Because of the specificity and novelty of the subject matter, there is very little research specific to the objective to build on. To paint a picture of the different ecosystems’ comparative legal analysis and market analysis was utilized. The obstacles were identified through thematically analysed qualitative interviews with Finnish VC firms. The solutions to these obstacles were built on qualitative interviews with individuals that have experience from the African start-up scene. Four obstacles rose above the rest in prevalence: mandates, being geographically far from founders, local expertise & networks and corporate governance & unknown risks. Based on the four obstacles a prescription of four actions that enable a Finnish VC firm to invest in Africa was developed: 1. Cannot be focused on early stage start-ups. 2. Needs to find a local co-investor. 3. Cannot have a mandate blocking Africa as an investment option. 4. Is a specialized fund. By adhering to these four “rules” a Finnish VC firm can venture to Africa with confidence.
  • Jansone, Anna (2023)
    The present study examines the legality of direct marketing to other Member States of the European Union by holders of an Estonian virtual currency service provider license, regulated by the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit ("FIU") in accordance with the Act on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing ("MLTFPA"), in order to assess the feasibility of such a practice. In more detail, this study is intended to provide an overview of the Estonian crypto regulations in relation to direct marketing compliance, as well as a description of how the forthcoming regulations of the Estonian Parliament and Council on markets in crypto assets and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 may affect direct marketing compliance for crypto license holders in Estonia. Compliance is vital to establish worldwide standards, protecting consumers, preventing fraudulent activity (such as anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism funding), and promoting fair competition among businesses, such as anti-bribery and financial transparency. The selection of Estonia for this study is twofold: firstly, Estonia is one of the most digitized countries in the European Union, and secondly, it's also a leading destination for cryptocurrency businesses as well as one of the top destination countries in Europe for Fintech start-ups. Estonia has taken a leading role in the European Union's crypto licensing arena through its advanced policies towards cryptocurrencies. Estonia's foresight led to the issuance of crypto licenses as early as 2017, a landmark achievement which significantly accelerated the process for companies aiming to acquire an Estonian license. With relatively basic requirements in place for such a permit, businesses can easily operate without any encumbering legal impediments. The ease in obtaining Estonian crypto licenses proved rivaled by no other, creating a catalytic effect on worldwide crypto operations that were previously deterred and impeded by complex, time-consuming legal processes. In this way, Estonia's proactive stance in designing regulatory procedures unlocked doors to new horizons in the industry, vastly affecting large numbers of innovative startups looking to expand their business operability. Therefore, it is evident that a commitment to creating a conducive environment boosted Estonia's reputation as a superior hub for the dynamic domain of crypto, ahead of alternative actors available in different regions around the world. As cryptocurrency use has grown and evolved, so too has the legislation. It is possible to see that by comparing how the 2022 regulation differs significantly from the 2017 version. In 2020, Estonia's crypto regulatory system underwent a significant change when the entity responsible for the regulation of crypto moved from the Ministry of Interior to the Financial Intelligence Unit under the Ministry of Finance. The majority of crypto licenses were now revoked by the Financial Intelligence Unit in 2020. On March 15, 2022, an amendment was made to Estonia's Law on Preventing the Financing of Terrorism to include under the scope of the licensing system virtual currency providers as "obligated entities" in Sections 2(10) ("Application of this Act") and 72 ("Own funds requirements for a virtual currency service provider"). Therefore, making virtual currency providers subject to Estonian Money Laundering Act. An additional amendment to MLTFPA has been approved by the Estonian government on March 15th, 2022, which governs the cryptocurrency services offered by Estonian companies. By complying with these amendments as effectively as possible, the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing can be significantly reduced during cryptocurrency transactions within Estonian companies. As a matter of fact, this topic is of great significance mainly since there are a number of crypto companies that have been developed in Estonia, and there have been discussions about how these companies operate on the market with or without a government license. The aim of this investigation is to analyze the significance of insufficient objective information regarding the validity of Virtual Assets Service Providers' ("VASP") marketing services outside Estonia. The goal is to bring attention to the potential effects of the present situation where virtual currency companies pursue promotional activities in other EU regulated zones while abstaining from directly advertising their VASP offerings. To be precise, this research will explore how consumer protection and regulatory effectiveness have been impacted by such actions, particularly the ones enforced by the Estonian authorities - FIU and MLTFPA regulation. Moreover, there is, at the moment, no harmonized European Union legislation that regulates crypto marketing to so called “grey areas"' – meaning countries where cryptocurrencies are not regulated. In the context of the global trend focused on the active development of the digital economy, the relevance of issues related to the formation of approaches to the legal regulation of the use of the latest financial technologies (FinTech) seems indisputable. However, the European Parliament has taken significant action towards addressing this regulatory gap by approving the Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) Regulation in April 2023. This regulation represents a progressive effort to harmonize and standardize the governance of cryptocurrencies across the entire European Union, thereby ushering in a new period of regulatory clarity and transparency in the crypto market. The blockchain technology presents not only new possibilities but also new challenging conditions for traditional approaches to the provision of financial services. The development of cryptocurrencies, modern forms of attracting investments in the form of ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in the actual absence of a legal framework, brings potential risks to both private and public interests, namely: high volatility of the cryptocurrency rate, implication of investors in illegal activities, the unavailability of legal mechanisms to protect investors, jeopardizing global economic stability, etc. In this regard, it is interesting to consider the positions already formed on the legal regulation of the use of FinTech in European countries with the necessary experience in this area, in particular in Estonia, which is a member of the European Union. The positions of financial regulators and established requirements of the European Union and Estonia to ICOs are discussed in detail. Conclusions on the appropriateness of legal regulation of new phenomena, including at the international level, are formulated. Recommendations on the implementation of the Estonian experience in the regulation of ICOs and cryptocurrencies in the European Union system are made. Thus, it seems reasonable to observe the principle of technological neutrality in the formation of the legal framework of regulation of ICO and cryptocurrency, to consider bitcoin trading as a business activity subject to compulsory licensing, etc. The following recommendations are made for the implementation of the Estonian experience in the regulation of ICO and cryptocurrency in the European Union legal system. To sum up, Estonia's crypto regulations have experienced considerable progress since the introduction of licensure in 2017, and changes to the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act in March 2022 reinforced it further, applying to virtual currency providers. Nevertheless, there still exist apprehensions concerning legality of marketing services supplied by Virtual Assets Service Providers beyond the Estonian land boundaries. The above mentioned regulation, passed by the European Parliament in April 2023, is expected to facilitate standards governing cryptocurrencies across all EU members. Given that direct advertising is a crucial aspect of the crypto industry, compliance with these upcoming regulations will be essential for enterprises operating in this territory, including those licensed in Estonia. It is therefore critical for these license holders to remain aware of regulatory developments and ensure their direct marketing practices comply with both Estonia's and the entire European Union's laws. Direct advertising is integral to the crypto industry as it is a key means of promoting and differentiating products and services, and therefore its regulation is of utmost importance for ensuring transparency and consumer protection, additionally the consequences of noncompliance with above mentioned legislation may lead to brand damage, regulatory fines, civil liability, and criminal charges.
  • Gray, Benjamin Niko (2022)
    The interpretation of commercial contracts is an important topic in international business. Assigning meaning to contracts determines what rights and obligations contracting parties actually have. This Master’s thesis compares the doctrine of interpretation under the Law of England and Wales and Nordic Law, focusing on the rules surrounding admissible material. Through a systematic comparative analysis, this thesis presents the similarities and differences between the two doctrines. The Nordic approach to interpretation starts with finding the actual common intention of the parties, before turning to the actual intention of one of the parties where the other party ought to have known of that intention. The law of England and Wales calls this subjective process rectification and sees it as a separate doctrine, existing outside of interpretation. When finding the objective meaning of a contract both doctrines take a similar approach. Both doctrines start with the text of the document itself before considering the objective context and the same types of objective context material are considered. The doctrines diverge, however, in their test of admissibility. The law of England and Wales adopts an objective approach, asking whether a reasonable person would consider the material relevant. Nordic Law adopts a subjective approach; the material must actually be relevant to the parties. This thesis also analyses the role of pre-contractual negotiations in interpretation. Subjective context material is not admissible under the law of England and Wales but is admissible under Nordic Law. The Law of England and Wales excludes pre-contractual negotiations from interpretation on the basis that loyalty to the final contractual document honours the will of the parties and creates certainty. These principles are based on the underlying axioms of party autonomy and freedom of contract. Nordic Law admits pre-contractual negotiations on the basis that they can provide evidence as to the parties’ intention and provide for individual justice. These principles are also based on the underlying axioms of party autonomy and freedom of contract. This analysis demonstrates the similarity between the doctrines as even where they diverge on a particular rule, the underlying principles are the same. Finally, this thesis presents a case study and shows that there is little difference between the doctrines in determining the objective meaning of a contract. Both doctrines give the contract a textual meaning but the threshold for displacing the textual meaning by other contextual factors is much higher under the law of England and Wales than under Nordic Law.