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  • Muchimba, Clever (2019)
    This study focuses on the exegesis of Cyril of Jerusalem, a mid-fourth century exegete, a Church Father, a catechist and a teacher. The main primary sources of my thesis are the Catechetical lectures of Cyril of Jerusalem, a legacy which he left behind for us. The main purpose of Cyril’s Lenten lectures was not meant for academicians but for the catechumens who were to undergo baptism, and the last five lectures, also known as Mystagogical catecheses were for the newly baptised. These lectures also served as a refresher course to those who were already baptised. The lectures of Cyril remain valuable even in our present time. The kind of exegesis Cyril applied shows us how a fourth-century theologian thought and taught the Word of God using different means like the images and the topography. It also helps us to understand and how people believed and worshipped God in the early Church. The main objective of my thesis is on finding out, especially in Lecture IV of the Catechetical Lectures, what is Cyril's doctrine on God as expressed in his creed (the Jerusalem creed). Cyril was a catechist and an advocate for baptism and Christian initiations while using the Jerusalem Creed and not that of Nicaea. Cyril used his rhetoric skills and appealed to the Scripture by following the biblical narratives to convey his message to his audience. My intention is to show how Cyril understood the Trinity and how he related it to salvation. I will make assessments whether he was an Arian or not as some wrongly portrayed him to be. Hence, the final aim of this study is to elevate Cyril by promoting his legacy mainly through his lectures. For Cyril, the Scripture was more reliable and essential in bringing faith to people than human wisdom. The Cross narrative was the climax of his message, and he used it to deepen the faith of his audience and for promoting Jerusalem as a Holy City.
  • Hankela, Elina (2006)
    The aim of this study has been to discern what Manas Buthelezi (1935-), a black South African Lutheran theologian and later also a bishop, regards as the requirements a church has to fulfill in order to be credible in the apartheid society. Buthelezi’s dissertation and several articles written between the years 1968 and 1993 are the sources of this study. Also the lectures held in Heidelberg in 1972 are referred to. Systematic analysis is the method used. The question of the credibility of the church is studied through three concepts that play an important role in Buthelezi’s ecclesiological thought, namely the wholeness of life, incarnation and liberation. The notion of the wholeness of life stems from the African tradition. Buthelezi takes the concept into the Christian church: the church should realize that God is the Creator of all life and Christ the lord of every aspect of human existence. Life is one entity coram Deo. However, the church is not to become the world; solidarity between the two must remain critical as the church is also called to play a prophetic role in the society. The church is in an open relationship with the world. It has a unique message of forgiveness and reconciliation. Nevertheless, the message is not a possession of the church but it is addressed to the whole world. The meaning of incarnation comes close to that of the wholeness of life. Following the example of Christ’s incarnation, the church must become human in the reality of the people. The church in Soweto is to become the people of Soweto, that is, the church must become as vulnerable as the people are. An incarnate church cannot be immune to the oppression that people experience, because the people are the church. The church is therefore bound to suffer. Buthelezi’s theology of the cross is pragmatic: the suffering of the church aims at the liberation of the oppressed. At times the physical presence of the church by the side of the suffering people is the only way to preach the incarnate gospel. In the South Africa of the late 1960s onwards the liberation of the oppressed black people was high on the agenda of Black Theology. As a leader of the early South African Black Theology, Buthelezi is concerned about the racial injustice in his country. He urges the churches to join the struggle against it as one people of God. The notions of liberation and the wholeness of life emerge in Buthelezi’s holistic understanding of liberation that involves the inner liberation of the black spirit and the liberation of the economic, social and political aspects of life. Interpreting Tillich’s correlation method in the South African situation, and also paralleling other liberation theologians, Buthelezi takes the existential situation of the people as the starting point for liberation. The gospel has to respond to the existential questions of people. The church is called to work for the liberation of society but it must also be liberated itself. Buthelezi initiated the LWF statement on the status confessionis in South Africa (1977). In line with the statement, he calls for church unity on the human level. For the unity to be true, it has to be experienced on the grassroots’ level. All the three concepts covered urge the church to come down from any ivory tower and out of any spiritual haven it might hide in. A lot of the credibility of the church derives from the behavior of the people. Buthelezi’s concentration on how the people who constitute the church should live their faith leaves less attention to how God constitutes the church. I have labeled Buthelezi’s understanding of the church existential-Christocentric due to the emphasis he lays on the need of the church to take the existential situation of the people seriously and on the other hand, on Christ as the exemplar for the church.
  • Shah, Syed Waqar Ali (2018)
    Some claim religion kills while others say people kill for all sort of things. In fact, the link between religion and violence is a much-debated academic topic. William T. Cavanaugh (2009) has challenged what he called the “conventional wisdom” about religious violence by pinpointing several important “blind spots.” His discussion of the usefulness of the construct of religious violence for its consumers in the West is fundamental to this study. Cavanaugh concludes that the “myth of religious violence” served West in both domestic politics and foreign policy and has been used against Muslims in particular. According to Mathew Rowley (2015) religious violence is a context-dependent and very complex phenomenon and oversimplifying the connection may help to jeopardize peace. In the wake of few historical incidents in the late 20th century, a small fragment of extremists emerged in the Muslim world. The activities of such groups, especially in the post 9/11 era, provided an avenue for the media and some academics to give a clear-cut answer to the question, i.e., to attribute Islam and jihad to violence. This study highlights the difference between the theoretical discussions about jihad among academics and its practical implementation in the texts of Muslims thinkers. Academic works on jihad have failed to address this issue and thus led widespread conviction of the contemporary scholarship that jihad has remained an unchanged and fixed concept. In this view, “Muslim” extremists and terrorists are the real face of Islam, and the notion of abodes means the absolute supremacy of Islamic rule over the whole world in which peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims is not possible even on an individual level. The discussion on the concept of jihad among contemporary scholars, especially Daniel Pipes (2002), David Cook (2005), Patricia Crone (2004), Bernard Lewis (2003), and Rudolph Peters (1979 and 1996) serve as the reference point to my analysis. Brigitte Gabriel (2009) work has been included as a representative of the “popular literature” on jihad, which reproduces the “myths” in a more aggressive form. I applied a two-way strategy to highlight the meaning of jihad in Muslim thought by presenting an overview of Muslim history, with focus on jihad, and an investigation of Muslim sources. Mawdudi (1996, 2000), Nasir (2013), and Ahmad (2016) argue that Islam through its concept of jihad allows limited violence under certain conditions and in specific environments. The analysis illustrates that there is a wide variety of how central concepts directing the interpretation of jihad have been understood. Such differences have not only created theoretical disputes but also given rise to various practical implications. Similarly, Mamdani (2003) asserts that the current Muslim extremism and terrorism is the outcome of specific political and strategic policies of the West, mainly the US. The analysis of Muslim sources gives no support for the view of such academic research on religion and violence that has singled out Islam and jihad and equated them with violence. To correct the view, the diverse historical interpretations of jihad should be identified, and a detailed study of the rich theological discussions on jihad should be taken into consideration. A central feature in the misrepresentation of jihad is the failure to pay notice to the variety of meanings and interpretations of jihad, and the notion of the abodes in Muslim legal tradition. Much of contemporary academic scholarship is based on superficial knowledge of the Islamic sources and an overemphasis of certain statements of classical jurists, which leads to the simplification of complex concepts.
  • Melander, Kristian (2016)
    Tutkielma käsittelee Naim Ateekin palestiinalaisen vapautuksen teologian kriittisiä ja rakentavia tehtäviä. Yleisesti vapautuksen teologian ja postkoloniaalisen teologian tehtäviin kuuluu sekä sortoa aiheuttavien rakenteiden ja ajattelutapojen kritisoiminen että vapautusta edistävien ajattelumallien rakentaminen. Tutkielman tavoite on esittää Ateekin teologia näiden tehtävien kautta ja osoittaa yhteyksiä ja eroja Ateekin ajattelun ja vapautuksen teologian sekä postkoloniaalisen teologian metodologioiden ja keskeisten teemojen välillä. Lisäksi tutkielmassa hyödynnetään aiheen kannalta oleellisten teologien ja ajattelijoiden näkemyksiä, joiden avulla selvennetään, täydennetään ja osoitetaan jännitteitä Ateekin teologiassa. Menetelmänä on systemaattinen analyysi. Ateekin kaksi pääteosta sekä kahdeksan hänen artikkeliaan ovat tutkielman primaarilähteitä. Ensin esitellään Ateek osana palestiinalaista kristillisyyttä ja vapautuksen teologian sekä postkoloniaalisen teologian kriittiset ja rakentavat tehtävät. Tutkielman toinen luku käsittelee Ateekin kriittistä tehtävää, johon sisältyy sorron paljastaminen ja ymmärtäminen. Ateek ymmärtää sorron vallan väärinkäytön, väkivallan ja sionistisen imperiumiteologian kautta. Vapautuksen teologialle ominaisella tavalla hän käyttää Raamattua sorron tuomitsemiseen ja havainnollistaa sortoa väkivallan kierteenä. Postkoloniaalisen teologian tapaan hän käyttää imperiumin käsitettä ja ymmärtää rakenteellisen väkivallan laajemmin kuin vapautuksen teologia, joka korostaa köyhyyttä väkivallan muotona. Keskeisin ero Ateekin ja vapautuksen teologian välillä on suhtautuminen Vanhaan testamenttiin, jonka väkivaltaiset, eksklusiiviset tekstit eivät Ateekin mukaan tarjoa totuudenmukaista kuvaa Jumalasta Kristuksen ilmoittaman Jumalan inklusiivisen rakkauden valossa. Tässä hän seuraa postkoloniaalista teologiaa, joka Ateekin tavoin dekolonisoi tekstejä eli riisuu ne sortavista rakenteista omaksumalla sorrettujen, esimerkiksi kanaanilaisten, näkökulman. Ateekin oletus on, että väkivaltaiset tekstit ja niihin perustuva sionistinen teologia ovat keskeinen sorron syy. Uskontoa ja väkivaltaa koskevien teorioiden perusteella uskonto voi olla osasyy väkivaltaan, mutta sitä ei voi erottaa muista, esimerkiksi poliittisista, syistä. Kolmas luku käsittelee Ateekin rakentavaa tehtävää, joka korostaa Jumalan inklusiivista rakkautta ratkaisuna sortoon ja vaihtoehtona sionistiselle teologialle. Ateekin mukaan ihmisoikeudet ilmentävät Jumalan rakkauteen sisältyvää oikeudenmukaisuuden vaatimusta ja hän korostaakin ihmisoikeuksia universaalina mittana, jonka valossa kaikkia uskontoja on arvioitava. Kristityille Kristus ilmoittaa Jumalan rakkauden täydellisesti, kun taas juutalaisten ja muiden on löydettävä omista traditioistaan oikeudenmukaisuutta tukevat käsitykset. Erityisesti kristityille inklusiivinen rakkaus edellyttää sorron voittamista väkivallattoman vastarinnan keinoin Jeesuksen esimerkkiä seuraten, mikä mahdollistaa sovinnon sorrettujen ja sortajan välillä. Kuitenkin kaikkien uskontojen pitäisi korostaa, että Jumalan valittuna olemisen vähimmäisvaatimus on rakkauden toteuttaminen käytännössä. Ainoastaan silloin oikeudenmukainen rauha on mahdollista, mikä Israel-Palestiinassa edellyttää palestiinalaisten oikeuksien toteutumista ja konfliktin ratkaisemista kansainvälisen lain mukaisesti. Kristosentrisuus, sorron voittaminen väkivallattomasti, Uuden testamentin tulkitseminen täysin vapauttavana ja historiallinen eskatologia yhdistävät Ateekin vapautuksen teologiaan. Rakentavan tehtävän osalta postkoloniaalinen teologia poikkeaa merkittävästi Ateekista, sillä se dekolonisoi myös Uuden testamentin ja tuo esille kristosentrismiin sisältyvän eksklusiivisuuden. Kuitenkin Ateekin kristosentrinen vastaus sortoon on mahdollista nähdä postkoloniaalisena, sillä Ateekin kontekstissa palestiinalaiskristityt ovat juutalaisuuden ja länsimaisen kristinuskon kolonisoituja uhreja. Neljäs luku esittää johtopäätökset ja mahdollisia lisätutkimusaiheita palestiinalaisesta vapautuksen teologiasta. Ateekin ajattelu sisältää jännitteitä, koska hän korostaa partikularismia, mutta samalla pyrkii esittämään universaalin vähimmäisvaatimuksen oikeudenmukaisuudelle. Kriittisessä tehtävässään hän kritisoi eksklusivismia juutalaisuudessa ja Vanhassa testamentissa, mutta rakentavassa tehtävässään esittää Kristuksen ja Uuden testamentin täysin yhteensopivina rakkauden ja oikeudenmukaisuuden kanssa. Hän ei siis huomioi niihin sisältyvää sorron mahdollisuutta.
  • Vuorio, Vilma (2017)
    Tutkielman tehtävänä on selvittää miten läntisen imperialismin purkautuminen on näkynyt Malcolm X:n retoriikassa vuosina 1960–1965. Tutkimustehtävänä on tutkia miten Malcolm X argumentoi puheissaan, millaisia teemoja hän nostaa esille ja millaisia retorisia tehokeinoja hän käyttää. Ajankohta sijoittuu vuosikymmenelle, jonka aikana siirtomaavallat menettivät otteensa Afrikassa ja samaan aikaan Yhdysvalloissa mustat nousivat vastustamaan vuosisadan jatkunutta rotuerottelua. Afrikkalaisissa itsenäistymisprosesseissa taustalla oli usein nationalistisia liikkeitä. Myös Malcolm X liittyi mustan nationalismin perinteeseen. Yhdysvaltojen muutosliikkeessä vaikuttamassa roolissa oli kuitenkin kansalaisoikeusliike, eivätkä niinkään nationalistit. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan miten nämä erilaiset ideologiat näkyivät miehen puheissa. Malcolm X oli pitkään uskonnollisen Nation of Islam -liikkeen toimija. Tästä syystä opinnäytetyö tarkastelee myös Malcolm X:n uskonnollista retoriikkaa. Taustaluvuissa käsitellään Amerikan mustien vapaustaistelun pitkää prosessia aina orjuudesta kansalaisoikeustaistelun aikaan ja rasismin läpileikkaavaa roolia mustien jokapäiväisessä elämässä sekä Afrikan itsenäistymisprosesseja. Analyysi koostuu kolmesta osasta, joista ensimmäinen tarkastelee sitä kuinka Afrikan maiden itsenäistyminen toimi esikuvana Malcolm X:n puheissa ja tuki hänen ajatustaan rotujen välisestä lopullisesta separaatiosta Yhdysvalloissa. Toinen analyysiluku kietoutuu Malcolm X:n käyttämän Exodus-narratiivin ympärille, joka on vapautuksen teologiassa käytetty vertauskuva sorrettujen matkasta kohti luvattua maata. Sama narratiivi oli käytössä myös Martin Luther Kingillä. Malcolm X:n puheissa Exodus toimiikin osana hänen hyökkäävää retoriikkaansa liian maltilliseksi mieltämäänsä kansalaisoikeusliikettä kohtaan. Kolmas analyysiluku käsittelee sitä, kuinka Malcolm X käänsi tuolloin Amerikassa negatiiviseksi mielletyt asiat, kuten afrikkalaisuuden ja mustan ihon, tarkoittamaan vahvuutta ja ylpeyttä. Malcolm X:n kielenkäytössä mustien kohtaamat ongelmat nostettiin esille koruttomasti ja hän ei toivonut niiden ratkaisuun kompromisseja vaan radikaaleja toimia. Toivotut toimet saattoivat olla radikaaleja, mutta vaatimukset eivät niinkään: ne olivat vapaus ja ihmisoikeudet mustille.
  • Mikkola, Eelis (2019)
    In Mongolia wrestling is the national sport and it is connected to Buddhism, Shamanism and the cult of Chinggis Khaan. This thesis explores these connections and answers the question: What religious elements are key to becoming a successful Mongolian wrestler? There is very little prior research done in English on Mongolian wrestling and its relation to religion, and the research question could not be answered using existing materials. Because of this I made a field trip to Mongolia where I collected new material. The aim of this study is to not only answer the question, but also to incorporate new data into the larger field of studies on Mongolian wrestling. The ethnographic material of my study was collected during the summer of 2017, when I visited Mongolia and interviewed five men who were experts in either wrestling or religion. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and translated. The translations were categorized using theory directed content analysis with the help of Atlas.ti. New data was introduced and analyzed alongside contradicting and supporting elements of prior research. The analysis paints a picture where various religious elements are deemed necessary to becoming a successful Mongolian wrestler. The most relevant are karma, hiimori (luck and fortune), the right state of mind, proper ethical conduct, protective rituals, date of birth and bloodlines. The interviews were contradicting on many occasions, and the prior research was on some points in conflict with the new material. Because of this the results have elements which were not accepted by all of my interviewees. My material provides a new point of view to the research of the relationship between Mongolian wrestling and religion, which were not covered by previous studies. Many new and interesting questions arise from the research project.
  • Kärkkäinen, Jarkko-Pekka (2014)
    In my thesis I examined a pseudepigraphal gospel called the Gospel of Barnabas (GOB). This so called gospel has been an important part of the Muslim polemics against Christianity since the beginning of the 20th century. Many Muslim scholars claim that it is the only true Gospel written by Jesus’ close disciple and apostle Barnabas. However, the majority of the Western scholars claim that it is really a medieval Islamic writing. My approach to the study of the GOB was quite theoretical; I used two different theories through which I tried to get new information on the GOB. The first theory is the counter-history theory developed by Amos Funkenstein and David Biale. Through this theory I examined the GOB itself and tried to analyse if it can be seen as a counter-history. With this theory I answered to the research question “what kind of text is the GOB?” The other theory is the power relations theory by James C. Scott. Through this theory I examined the historical situation of Moriscos in Spain and tried to see if it is reasonable to locate the origins of the GOB there. With power relations theory my aim was to answer to the research question “where and why was the GOB written?” Through the counter-history theory I found out that the author of the GOB has used mainly Christian sources to produce a different depiction of Jesus’ life. With the thematic analysis I discovered that the GOB redacts many important Christian dogmas with Islamic ideas and so produces an Islamic counter-history of the narratives of the canonical gospels. Hence, as an answer to the research question of what kind of text the GOB is, I would say that the GOB is an (polemical?) Islamic counter-history of the Christian idea of Jesus. Through the power relations theory I found out that the power relations between dominant Christians and subordinate Moriscos was a very fruitful context for a writing such as the GOB to emerge. The GOB can be seen as a disguised intellectual resistance, where the message and the messenger are hidden. It was probably written to influence the Christian majority. To the research question of where and why the GOB was written, I answer that it was probably written in Morisco Spain as an intellectual resistance.
  • Vuorinen, Markus (2015)
    Pro graduni keskittyy selventämään saksalaisen protestanttisen teologin Wolfhart Pannenbergin totuuskäsitystä. Pääaineistona on Pannenbergin oma kirjallinen tuotanto, erityisesti hänen 3-osainen systematiikkansa. Tutkimusmetodina on systemaattinen analyysi. Pannenbergin lähtökohtana on totuuden ykseys. Puhuttiin totuudesta sitten tieteessä, filosofiassa tai teologiassa, kyseinen puhe viittaa aina samaan jakamattomaan todellisuuteen. Pannenbergin mukaan teologiset totuusväitteet eivät perustu auktoriteettiin, vaan ne tulee perustella kaikille avoimella tavalla. Esimerkiksi Raamatun historiallisten kertomusten todenperäisyys – erityisesti Jeesuksen ylösnousemus- tulee voida perustella historiallisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Samalla Pannenberg korostaa kaiken tutkimuksen sidonnaisuutta tiettyyn aikaan ja kontekstiin. Kaikki tieteen ja ajattelun tulokset ovat avoinna tulevaisuudelle, ne voivat saada lisätukea tai ne voidaan hylätä. Tämä lähtökohta asettaa Pannenbergin metodologian perinteisen foundationalismin ja nonfoundationalismin välimaastoon, jota kutsutaan tässä tutkimuksessa post-foundationalismiksi (PF). PF pyrkii välttämään sekä foudationalismin vaatimuksen varmoista perususkomuksista, että nonfoundationalismiin yleisesti liitetyn relativismin. Pannenbergin lähtökohtana on osoittaa puheen Jumalasta olevan merkityksellistä myös sekulaarissa maailmassa ilman uskonnollisia ennakko-oletuksia. Tutkimukseni mukaan Pannenbergin argumentoinnissa voidaan erottaa kaksi tasoa: Ensimmäinen taso on abstrakti. Tällä tasolla Pannenbergin tarkoituksena on luoda perusteltu käsitys rationaalisen jumalapuheen minimivaatimuksesta. Tätä minimivaatimusta hän rakentaa äärettömyyden (infinite) käsitteen avulla. Pannenberg vetoaa sekä filosofian historiaan, moderniin hermeneuttiseen filosofiaan että filosofiseen antropologiaan osoittaessaan, että inhimillisen ymmärryskyvyn lähtökohtana on kyky erottaa äärellinen äärettömyydestä. Implisiittinen äärettömyys toimii kaiken äärellisen (finite) havainnoinnin ennakko-olettamuksena. Ilman tätä ennakko-oletusta ei mikään inhimillinen ymmärtäminen olisi mahdollista. Täten äärettömyyden käsitteestä tulee rationaalisen jumalapuheen minimivaatimus. Äärettömyyden käsitteeseen sisältyvä ykseys sisältää voimakkaan monoteistisen korostuksen. Äärettömyyden ykseys toimii tällöin kriteerinä, jonka avulla Pannenberg kääntyy uskontojen maailmaan. Siirtyminen konkreettisten uskontojen maailmaan edustaa argumentoinnin toista tasoa. Siinä ensimmäisen tason kriteeriä sovelletaan uskontojen maailmaan, tässä tapauksessa kristinuskoon. Israelin uskonnossa Pannenberg näkee tämän kriteerin kanssa yhteensopivan ilmiön: Israelin siirtymisen henoteismista monoteismiin. Toinen tärkeä seikka on Israelin avoimuus tulevaisuudelle. Tässä Israelin uskonto erosi naapurikansojen uskonnoista, jotka olivat luonteeltaan myyttisiä. Myyttisyys merkitsee Pannenbergilla uskonnonharjoittajien toistuvan paluun myyttiseen alkuhetkeen, jossa maailman ja yhteiskunnan perusta luodaan aina kultin kautta uudelleen. Israelissa kansan huomio kääntyi yhä enemmän kohti tulevaisuutta. Apokalyptisessa teologiassa tämä tendenssi vietiin äärimmilleen: Apokalyptikot katsoivat jo historian päätepisteeseen. Toisen tason argumentointiin sisältyy voimakas historiallisuuden korostus. Jumala ilmoittaa itsensä epäsuorasti historiallisten tapahtumien kautta. Pannenberg kieltää perinteisen analogisen kielen oikeutuksen Jumalasta puhuttaessa. Inhimillinen kieli ei tavoita Jumalan luontoa. Analogian tilalle tulee Jumalan historiallinen ilmoitus Pannenberg korostaa Jumalan kaikkivaltaisuutta. Jumala on koko historian herra. Teologian tehtävä on selvittää, millä tavoin Jumala hallitsee historiaa. Tässä tehtävässä Pannenberg viittaa hermeneuttisen filosofian havaintoihin: Kaikki ymmärtäminen perustuu osien ja kokonaisuuden väliseen suhteeseen. Tässä totuuskäsityksessä historiallisen prosessin loppu määrittelee totuuden. Pannenberg pyrkii osoittamaan, kuinka Jeesuksen ylösnousemus voidaan ymmärtää historian lopuksi. Tässä hän viittaa toisen temppelin aikaiseen juutalaiseen apokalyptiseen teologiaan, jossa ylösnousemus merkitsi historian loppua ja Jumalan astumista maailmaan. Jeesuksen ylösnousemuksessa tämä loppu on ennakoivasti (proleptisesti) läsnä. Voimme puhua totuudesta vain ennakoivasti, mutta Jeesuksen ylösnousemuksessa historian loppu on kuitenkin todellisesti läsnä. Pannenberg pyrkii osoittamaan, kuinka kaikki inhimillinen ymmärtäminen perustuu tähän ilmiöön. Kaikki ymmärtäminen on ennakoivaa, sillä kaikessa ymmärtämisessä ihminen rakentaa ennakoivia käsityksiä historiallisen prosessin päätepisteestä. Totuus avautuu Pannenbergilla lopusta käsin.
  • Liljeblad, Jaakko (2011)
    The aim of this thesis was to examine the understanding of community in George Lindbeck s The Nature of Doctrine. Intrinsic to this question was also examining how Lindbeck understands the relation between the text and the world which both meet in a Christian community. Thirdly this study also aimed at understanding what the persuasiveness of this understanding depends on. The method applied for this task was systematic analysis. The study was conducted by first providing an orientation into the nontheological substance of the ND which was assumed useful with respect to the aim of this study. The study then went on to explore Lindbeck in his own context of postliberal theology in order to see how the ND was received. It also attempted to provide a picture of how the ND relates to Lindbeck as a theologian. The third chapter was a descriptive analysis into the cultural-linguistic perspective, which is understood as being directly proportional to his understanding of community. The fourth chapter was an analysis into how the cultural-linguistic perspective sees the relation between the text and the world. When religion is understood from a cultural-linguistic perspective, it presents itself as a cultural-linguistic entity, which Lindbeck understands as a comprehensive interpretive scheme which structures human experience and understanding of oneself and the world in which one lives. When one exists in this entity, it is the entity which shapes the subjectivities of all those who are at home in this entity which makes participation in the life of a cultural linguistic entity a condition for understanding it. Religion is above all an external word that moulds and shapes our religious existence and experience. Understanding faith then as coming from hearing, is something that correlates with the cultural-linguistic depiction of reality. Religion informs us of a religious reality, it does not originate in any way from ourselves. This externality linked to the axiomatic nature of religion is also something that distinguishes Lindbeck sharply from liberalist tendencies, which understand religion as ultimately expressing the prereflective depths of the inner self. Language is the central analogy to understanding the medium in which one moves when inhabiting a cultural-linguistic system because language is the transmitting medium in which the cultural-linguistic system is embodied. The realism entailed in Lindbeck s understanding of a community is that we are fundamentally on the receiving end when it comes to our identities whether cultural or religious. We always witness to something. Its persuasiveness rests on the fact that we never exist in an unpersuaded reality. The language of Christ is a self-sustaining and irreducible cultural-linguistic entity, which is ontologically founded upon Christ. It transmits the reality of a new being. The basic relation to the world for a Christian is that of witnessing salvation in Christ: witnessing Christ as the home of hearing the message of salvation, which is the God-willed way. Following this logic, the relation of the world and the text is one of relating to the world from the text, i.e. In Christ through the word (text) for the world, because it assumes it s logic from the way Christ ontologically relates to us.
  • Zyaparova, Polina (2018)
    The thesis seeks to analyse The Moro conflict in the Philippines that is characterised by a propagated and multi-layered nature. The Philippines has been torn by internal conflicts since 1969, by two main religious communities: Muslims represented by the Moro people, and Christians who represent the majority of population. In my research, I focus on the conflict prerequisites that stem from the results of colonialism. I view colonialism as the period that significantly contributed to the formation of ethnic stereotyping, socio-economic neglect, and the split in Filipino society. Hence, it can be stated that reinforced stereotypes against the others that is Moro people serve as the indicator of the societal split and tendencies to demonization. For my work it was crucial to tackle the following theoretical topics: the history of colonialism as prerequisites for ethnic tensions; the formation of stereotypes and processes of reinforcement; the notion of indigenous rights and territorial claims. Filipino nation is closely connected with the post-colonial history and the indigenous roots. plan In regards to the peace studies, I was looking at the terrorist dynamics in the Philippines to see the interdependence between failed peace agreements and the radicalization, as well as, the differences between positive and negative notions of peace, and external influence. The method of the research is the comparative contextual analysis with the elements of the linguistic ambiguity analysis. The analysis looks, firstly, at the correlation between the final draft of the Bangasamoro Basic Law (the law, if passed, will enact the peace agreement and establish the structure of government for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region) and UN Declaration of on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Secondly, the analysis observes the process of law making by comparing the BBL drafts from the years 2014, 2015, and 2017. In conclusion, the link between reinforced stereotyping and colonialism has been established. Comparative analysis has served as the basis for observing some major changes in the way the BBL committee was tackling the document drafting. It has shown that the new approach has striven to secure the long-lasting peace by addressing different levels of marginalization, following the rules of equality, inclusion, and the international law standards. It can be stated that the Philippines is taking a path for establishing positive peace and resorts to one of the methods to solve the conflict based on territorial claims by granting autonomy to Moros.
  • Ahonen, Tommi (2019)
    This thesis will aim to answer at least the following questions: How is the Sūrat al-Qāriʿa (Q 101) rendered in the Nordic translations of the Qurʾān? What are the similarities and differences between different translation? In what ways do the different translations relate to the source text? What aspects of the source text are prioritized by the translators? These questions are approached from the perspective of Translation Theory. The problem of equivalence is discussed in relation to the work of Eugene Nida in his Towards a Science of Translation (1964). I will argue that translating cannot be separated from hermeneutics, since "every translation is at the same time an interpretation" as Hans-Georg Gadamer has stated. The problem of hermeneutics and Translation Theory is discussed from the hermeneutical perspective of Hans-Georg Gadamer especially as developed in his monograph Truth and Method (1960). The Skopos Theory formulated by Katharina Reiß and Hans J. Vermeer will be discussed as a possible answer to these underlying problems. The method of research applied in this thesis will consist of various hermeneutical cycles of reading, interpretation, and re-reading. After analyzing the Sūrat al-Qāriʿa in Arabic, I will provide a comparative analysis of the translations juxtaposing the texts with each other and with the Arabic text. This section will discuss similarities and differences, the proximity between the original and the translation, some possible biblical intertextualities, and possible interpretative associations of the translations in their Nordic context. This thesis will point out many subtle similarities, differences and translational tendencies related to the translator's background that can illuminate, enrich and broaden our understanding of the Sūrat al-Qāriʿa and its reception in the Nordic countries, while also opening new perspectives on the complexities involved in translating ancient texts that are revered as sacred by many.
  • Kuitunen, Sami (2019)
    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella John Locken teologiakäsitystä erityisesti episteemisten hyveiden näkökulmasta. Locke kirjoitti teologiasta tieteenalana yhden kappaleen teoksessa Of the Conduct of Understanding, jossa hän määrittelee teologian tieteenalaksi, jonka lähdeaineistona on kaikki inhimillinen tieto ja ilmoitus. Locke määrittelee teologian tehtäväksi episteemisten hyveiden – eli inhimillisen ymmärryksen oikean käytön – opettamisen. Aikaisemmassa aihetta koskevassa tutkimuksessa on todettu, että Lockelle tieto ei ole vain kokoelma irrallisia faktoja, vaan Lockelle tieto sisältää myös implisiittisesti tietoa myös ymmärryksen rajoista ja sen oikeasta käytöstä, minkä vain teologia kykenee ymmärtämään. Tutkielman päämääränä on tarkastella, miten teologia kykenee opettamaan episteemisiä hyveitä. Tutkielman toisina lähteinä toimivat Locken An Essay Concerning Human Understanding ja Reasonableness of Christianity. Tutkielman metodi on systemaattinen analyysi. Vaikka Lockelle teologia käyttää lähteenään kaikkea inhimillistä tietoa, tutkielman sivurajoitteitten vuoksi aihetta käsitellään rajatummasta näkökulmasta. Keskittymällä Locken uskonnolliseen epistemologiaan, tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään, miten teologia näkyy tiedossa Jumalasta, moraalista ja ilmoituksesta sekä siihen liittyvistä uskonasioista. Locken uskonnollisen epistemologian päämääränä on selvittää uskon ja järjen välinen suhde, mikä oikein ymmärrettynä johtaa harmoniseen käsitykseen niiden välisestä työnjaosta. Rajatun näkökulman tarkoituksena on tarkastella inhimillisen tiedon rajoja sekä ymmärryksen oikeaa käyttöä uskonnollisen epistemologian alueella, minkä pohjalta tehdään yleinen tulkinta Locken teologiakäsityksestä. Tutkielma on jaettu kolmeen päälukuun. Ensimmäisessä pääluvussa tarkastellaan inhimillisen tiedon perusteita Locken filosofiassa valitun näkökulman kannalta. Toisessa pääluvussa syvennytään Locken uskonnolliseen epistemologiaan. Kolmannessa pääluvussa kahden edellisen luvun keskeisiä tuloksia käytetään Locken teologian sekä episteemisten hyveiden välisen suhteen tulkitsemisessa. Kolmannen pääluvun viimeisessä alaluvussa esitetään myös tulkinta Lockelaisesta teologian harjoittajasta, jossa teologian vaikutukset ovat konkreettisesti havaittavissa. Tutkielmassa päädytään lopputulokseen, jonka mukaan Lockelle teologia kykenee opettamaan episteemisiä hyveitä sen rajoittamattoman lähdeaineiston vuoksi. Koska ymmärryksen vääriin käyttöpahoihin liittyy liiallinen keskittyminen pelkkään yhteen inhimillisen tiedon muotoon, on seurauksena puutteellinen ymmärrys inhimillisestä ymmärryksestä itsestään. Koska teologia ei ole lähdeaineistonsa vuoksi samanlaisten rajoitteitten alainen, on sillä kyky opettaa episteemisiä hyveitä. Teologian tutkiminen ja opettaminen Locken filosofiassa tarkoittaa tutustumista sellaisiin asioihin, joista ihminen ei tiedä mitään. Tutustuminen kaikkeen inhimilliseen tietoon toimii harjoituksena ihmismielelle, jonka myötä ihminen oppii inhimillisen ymmärryksen oikeaa käyttöä.
  • Ijäs, Lauri Johannes (2019)
    Tutkielma käsittelee ilmiötä jota kutsutaan filantrokapitalismiksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää filantrokapitalistisen toiminnan taustalla olevaa etiikkaa ja tutkia filantrokapitalistista toimintaa nykymaailmassa. Tutkimusmetodina on systemaattinen käsiteanalyysi. Filantrokapitalismi -käsitettä puretaan sen funktionaalisen muodon sekä eettisen ulottuvuuden keinoin. Eettistä ulottuvuutta valotetaan tutustumalla hieman etiikan keskeisiin käsitteisiin kuten utilitarismi, deontologia sekä oikeudenmukaisuus. Tutkimuksen lähteinä ovat pääasiassa Bill Gatesin vuosittain julkaisemat kirjeet (Annual Letters 2009-2017), jotka ovat kaikkien luettavissa Gates Foundationin verkkosivuilla, sekä filantrokapitalismia käsittelevää kirjallisuutta; joista keskeisimpinä Linsey McGoey:n 2015 julkaisema No Such Thing as a Free Gift sekä Bishop & Greenin 2008 julkaistu Philanthrocapitalism. Tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään minkälainen eettinen käsitteistö vaikuttaa Bill Gatesin ja muiden filantrokapitalistien toiminnan taustalla. Kapitalismi suffiksi sanassa filantrokapitalismi viittaa vahvaan taloudelliseen kytkökseen. Tutkielmassa käydään lyhyesti läpi nykymaailman talouspoliittisia rakenteita käsitteleviä teorioita ja väittämiä, sekä köyhyyden ja epätasa-arvon tuottamia moraalisia velvoitteita. Tutkimukseen sisältyvää moraalista pohdintaa ohjaavet pääasiassa Thomas Pogge ja Tom Campbell. Tutkimuskysymys on kaksiosainen: Onko filantrokapitalismi käsitteenä ja ilmiönä eettisesti koherentti? Ja minkälaiset motiivit Bill Gatesin mukaan ohjaavat filantrokapitalistiseen toimintaan? Filantrokapitalismin eettistä koherenssia tutkitaan kirjallisuuden sekä useiden aihepiiriä käsittelevien artikkelien kautta. Tutkielmassa pureudutaan filantrokapitalismia kohtaan esitettyyn kritiikkiin, sekä yritetään hahmottaa filantrokapitalismin tarjoamaa potentiaalia yhteiskunnallisessa kehityksessä. Yhdessä pääluvuista esitetään tapaustutkimus, jonka kohteena on Yhdysvaltojen koulutusjärjestelmä, ja erityisesti filantropian rooli sekä vaikutusvalta sen uudelleen strukturoinnissa. Tutkielman johtopäätöksenä esitetään seuraava väittämä filantrokapitalismin luonteesta: Nykyisessä maailman tilassa lienee kaikille parempi, että upporikkaat miljardöörit kuten Gates lahjoittavat omaisuutensa pois sijoittamalla sen hankkeisiin joissa on potentiaalia postitiiviselle kehitykselle, kuin se että he eväisivät maailmalta nämä varat ja käyttäisivät ne omiin tarkoituksiinsa ja nautintoihinsa.
  • Sahivirta, Ella (2016)
    My master’s thesis discusses the last waves of resistance to of the traditional pagan Roman aristocracy and the new, now already quite established Christian aristocratic class in the beginning of the fifth century. Paganism had lost ground in Rome and had begun to merge into the growing wave of Christianity. My primary source is the case of a Roman pagan senator, Volusianus, and the correspondence he had with Bishop Augustine, with the aid of their mutual friend Marcellinus. Volusianus will represent in this thesis the side of the pagan aristocrat that comes from tradition and long ancestory, and even though born in a Christian Empire, he is brought up as a pagan and more importantly, a future senator of Rome. Volusianus shares the same concern pagan members of his class have felt ever since the removal of the pagan Altar of Victory from the Senate House, a symbolic sign from the imperial rule what religion is preferred: The Rome of his fathers is not the Rome he lives in. I will be using as additional sources the Third Relatio from senator Symmachus on behalf of re-instating the Altar, and also Saturnalia by Macrobius, a text written after Volusianus’s correspondence. As the Third Relatio will show the state of shock among the senators for this attack on their way of life, Saturnalia is a nostalgic view on a lost cultural heritage and an homage to the men who were seen as upholding all that is glorious about Rome, including Volusianus’s father. I will mostly focus on the reactions of the pagans. The Church could not succeed without the Roman super elite, and the Christian Emperor needed the Senate, as did the Senate need the Emperor. Why then, in a time that would seem to encourage conversion to Christianity was paganism and upholding it a matter of such devotion to these men who were, after all, imperial officials in a Christian Empire? Senators like Volusianus seems to show no great enthusiasm for Christianity, in fact he seems to look down on it slighty. But at the same time he is not zealous against it, and lives and works among his Christian family members and collegues. The concern Volusianus has is that of a Roman official; He is not sure Christianity is rational and not just tales of magicians and strange moral codes, a foreign religion that is simply not fitting for the educated citizen. He fears that Christ’s teachings are a way for foreign powers to take advantage of Rome and they would ruin her reputation as a formidable enemy. For him, Christianity does not seem to be anything terribly evil to avoid, but certainly not the best choice for the Empire. By looking at his social, cultural and philosophical background we can have a clearer insight into how Christianity in the beginning of the fifth century was seen by the very members it needed to impress
  • Obatnin, Georgii (2018)
    In a history written by men, women are typically assigned minimal agency, hardly indicative of their real roles in the society. Traditionally, scholarship on women under Islam has been reliant on medieval Islamic historical, literary and legal works. These works were often written long after the events they depict and when it comes to depicting women, tend to be prescriptive, rather than descriptive. When it comes to Arabic documents written on papyrus, parchment and paper, these biases are largely nonexistent, as we are provided with a contemporaneous window into everyday life—something none of the sources mentioned above can do. In this thesis I am working with documentary sources to explore the roles of women in Egypt under early medieval Islam. Due to the scarcity of prior scholarship, apart from reconstructing some aspects of women’s lives, this thesis has two additional aims. First, it aims to build a frame of reference that can be used to read and understand Arabic documents pertaining to women. Second, it seeks to assess how and in what capacity these sources can be used in the future. Throughout the three main chapters of this thesis, twelve documents are utilized to talk about women owning and operating with real estate, slaves and businesses, as well as women’s position within the family and the society. The investigation covers the period from 750 to 969 CE and deals with all three main ethno-religious communities of Egypt—Muslim, Jewish and Coptic. Eleven out of the twelve documents presented in this work are used for the first time to study women appearing in them, while five of them have seen here their first translation into English. By reading these documents and comparing them to other, more traditional, sources, as well as works of prior scholarship, this thesis builds a more balanced picture of early medieval Egyptian life and women’s role in it. It also surveys the themes and topics present in the documentary record and maps out potential avenues for future research.
  • Tolonen, Anna-Liisa (2010)
    The study attempts a reception-historical analysis of the Maccabean martyrs. The concept of reception has fundamentally to do with the re-use and interpretation of a text within new texts. In a religious tradition, certain elements become re-circulated and thus their reception may reflect the development of that particular tradition. The Maccabean martyrs first appear in 2 Maccabees. In my study, it is the Maccabean martyr figures who count as the received text; the focus is shifted from the interrelations between texts onto how the figures have been exploited in early Christian and Rabbinic sources. I have divided my sources into two categories and my analysis is in two parts. First, I analyze the reception of the Maccabean martyrs within Jewish and Christian historiographical sources, focusing on the role given to them in the depictions of the Maccabean Revolt (Chapter 3). I conclude that, within Jewish historiography, the martyrs are given roles, which vary between ultimate efficacy and marginal position with regard to making a historical difference. In Christian historiographical sources, the martyrs role grows in importance by time: however, it is not before a Christian cult of the Maccabean martyrs has been established, that the Christian historiographies consider them historically effective. After the first part, I move on to analyze the reception in sources, which make use of the Maccabean martyrs as paradigmatic figures (Chapter 4). I have suggested that the martyrs are paradigmatic in the context of martyrdom, persecution and destruction, on one hand, and in a homiletic context, inspiring religious celebration, on the other. I conclude that, as the figures are considered pre-Christian and biblical martyrs, they function well in terms of Christian martyrdom and have contributed to the development of its ideals. Furthermore, the presentation of the martyr figures in Rabbinic sources demonstrates how the notion of Jewish martyrdom arises from experiences of destruction and despair, not so much from heroic confession of faith in the face of persecution. Before the emergence of a Christian cult of the Maccabean martyrs, their identity is derived namely from their biblical position. Later on, in the homiletic context, their Jewish identity is debated and sometimes reconstructed as fundamentally Christian , despite of their Jewish origins. Similar debate about their identity is not found in the Rabbinic versions of their martyrdom and nothing there indicates a mutual debate between early Christians and Jews. A thematic comparison shows that the Rabbinic and Christian cases of reception are non-reliant on each other but also that they link to one another. Especially the scriptural connections, often made to the Maccabean mother, reveal the similarities. The results of the analyses confirm that the early history of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism share, at least partly, the same religious environment and intertwining traditions, not only during the first century or two but until Late Antiquity and beyond. More likely, the reception of the Maccabean martyrs demonstrates that these religious traditions never ceased to influence one another.
  • Mylov, Petr (2015)
    This research examines the aspects of Jesus’ life related to food in the writings of Clement of Alexandria. In discussing the relevant descriptions of Jesus that we have in Paedogogus and Stromata of Clement, the author reveals some views that Clement adopts from Greek philosophical tradition. This study also investigates how Clement combines concepts developed in Greek philosophy and religion with Christian teaching based inherently on the Bible. This thesis is divided into four chapters and an appendix. The first chapter deals with the proper relationship to food according to Clement and antiquity. It serves as background material for Clement in questions about how ordinary people should eat and the exceptional cases of gods and divine men in relation to food. The second chapter is focused on what Clement considered some extraordinary abilities of Jesus’ body: Jesus did not experience hunger and Jesus did not defecate. The last two chapters deal with the human side of Jesus’ life on earth. First is an examination of Clement’s teaching on the Savior’s body grounded on the Gospel of John. This is contrasted with the docetic views that Jesus had phantasmal body. Clement argued against this opinion and his main proof that Jesus had real body is that He ate food. This statement is discussed in the last chapter. The appendix contains an analysis of a fragment from Clement that con-tains a clearly docetic description of Jesus.
  • Hägg, Joni (2017)
    Jeesuksen ihmekertomuksia on tutkittu useasta näkökulmasta Bultmannin Uuden testamentin demytologisaation jälkeen. Nykyisen tutkimuksen mukaan Jeesus toimi rituaalisena parantaja sellaisessa yhteisössä jossa sairaisiin koskemista ei pidetty hyväksyttävänä. Rituaali teorioiden ja etenkin kognitiivisen uskontotieteen kehityksen myötä Jeesuksen rituaaliset parantamistoimet ovat nousseet uudelleen kiinnostaviksi tutkimuskohteiksi. Jeesuksen toiminnassa on useita sellaisia elementtejä joita voidaan löytää myös muilta parantajilta. Yksi Jeesuksen tärkeimmistä parantamismetodeista on sairaiden koskettaminen. Kognitiotieteet ja neuropsykologia ovat kehittäneet kosketusta koskevia teorioita, joilla kyetään selittämään kosketuksen positiivinen voima sosiaalisessa interaktiossa. Kosketus on vahva emotionaalinen vaikuttaja ja sillä on merkittävä rooli myös ihmisen kehityksessä ja kasvussa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on kehittää ymmärrystämme näistä Jeesuksen rituaaliseen parantamiseen liittyvistä kulttuurisista, sosiaalisista ja kognitiivisista. Tämä tutkimus tähtää kokonaiskuvan luontiin Jeesuksen parantavan kosketuksen merkityksestä ja vaikutuksesta. Tutkimuksessa käytän hyväksi perinteistä eksegetiikan ja etenkin ihme- ja Jeesus-tutkimuksen kenttää, sekä alati kehittyvää kognitiivisen uskontieteen alaa. Uutena tutkimusmetodina esittelen kognitiivisia ja psykologisia kosketuksen tutkimuksen tuloksia ja teorioita, näistä merkittävimpinä affektiivisen ja sosiaalisen kosketuksen käsitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen aineistona toimii Markuksen evankeliumissa ilmenevät kosketusta sisältävät Jeesuksen parantamisihmeet. Tutkimuksen valossa vaikuttaa siltä, että fyysisellä kosketuksella oli tärkeä rooli vaikuttavan rituaalin toimituksessa. Magiauskonnolliselle rituaalille kosketus oli sen keskeinen vaikuttava tekijä. Voidaan puhua maagisesta kosketuksesta. Sairaiden koskettaminen oli vaikuttava ele, joka oli vastoin vallitsevia sosiaalisia sekä kognitiivisia odotuksia. Jeesus paransi pitkälti sairaita ja köyhiä, joiden katsottiin kuuluvan yhteisön ulkopuolelle. Sosiaalisen kosketuksen valossa voimme paremmin ymmärtää tämän rituaalisen eleen vaikutuksen. Kosketuksen affektiiviset ominaisuudet synnyttävät positiivisia tunteita, jotka edistävät rituaalisen parantavan kosketuksen merkitystä. Kosketus on yksi ihmisen keskeisimmistä aisteista jolla on tärkeä rooli tunteiden luojana ja välittäjänä ihmisten välisessä interaktiossa. Tämä pitää paikkansa myös rituaalisessa tilanteessa, jonka takia kosketusta voidaan pitää merkittävänä vaikuttajana Jeesuksen parantamiskertomuksissa.
  • Rautiainen, Tanya (2024)
    I research the official censorship of print by the Catholic Church and its connection to the censorship of 16th century Italian satire. From the perspective of church history, I consider how the bulla Inter sollicitudines declared in 1515 regarding the pre-emptive censorship of printed literature affected authors of satire, and how it changed the way these authors discussed politics and theology. My starting point is the Church's desire to censor the printing press pre-emptively. We can see from the papal bulls how the Church is afraid of the threat of heresy; they feel that the printing press has to me censored so that lay people would not stray to the wrong path. Even if this censorship was not specifically pointed at erotic satire, the regulations led to the observation of every piece of printed art and literature. I claim that the authors wanted to censor their works beforehand if the works were meant for public consumption. I compare two erotic satires of the 1520s to each other. I present Cazzaria by Antonio Vignali as an example of an uncensored work and Il Marescalco by Pietro Aretino as contrast as an example of a play meant for the public. I refer to the Index Librorum Prohibitorum -catalogue started in 1557, in which the Church placed the works, authors, and prints it condemned. With it I compare the Church's reception of Cazzaria and Il Marescalco. For this I will go through the three first printed editions of the Index from 1559, 1564, and 1589 respectively; we have digital versions of these editions provided by the Bavarian State Library. In these editions I search for the names of Aretino and Vignali as well as their works. I then find out that all of Aretino's works (opera omnia) were placed in the Index on its first year in print, whereas Vignali nor his work never ended up in these editions. I ponder the reason as to why this might be. I conclude the research by stating that the infamy of the author or their work affected their placement into the Index. Il Marescalco ended up into the Index due to Aretino's fame and not because to the contents of the play since all his works ended up in the Index immediately in 1559 — even if my research points out that Il Marescalco did not contain any especially scandalous or explicit content. In contrast, Vignali and his work did not end up in the Index at least during this first century, even if Cazzaria was purposefully degrading, heretical, and provocative — meaning it meets the requirements to be put into the Index.
  • Juhala, Jaripekka (2020)
    Epistle of Barnabas, included in the collection of Apostolic Fathers, is an early christian text composed betweed \AD 70–135, today mostly known for its anti-Judaism. It enjoyed some popularity in the early church, being for example included in Codex Sinaiticus. The purpose of this work is to treat in depth a set of introductory questions, which rarely receive in-depth treatments: unity, form, dating and provenance. In the past interpolatory theories have been proposed to explain some incoherencies in the text. There's also an abrupt transition in \ibibleverse{Barnabas}(17:) from theological to ethical teaching, a section known as the Two Ways, and an ancient Latin verion omits the Two Ways section. Nevertheless the text shows highly unified style and the Two Ways themes are present throughout. The Latin version is clearly secondary. The text should be treated as unity. Despite clear epistolary features, it's often been suggested that the text isn't a true letter but a treatise. The epistolary features have been explained as fiction, pseudepigraphy or following literary conventions. As the epistle is anonymous but includes repeating personal references, no clear parallel exists. The explanations given for the epistolary features are unsatisfactory, and today the text is often recognized as a real letter. Various more precise datings have been suggested based on allusions in chapters \ibibleverse{Barnabas}(4:) (10 kings) and \ibibleverse{Barnabas}(16:) (temple). When evaluated, all the suggestions are revealed to be problematic, including the lately popular ones based on the Hadrianic temple of Jupiter, which might have never existed. Its best to settle with the range \AD 70–135. Various locations have been suggested as the origin of the epistle with many different lines of evidence. These are handled in detail, including the more exotic ones. The insight that a letter has both an origin and a destination makes it possible to settle one of these: The destination must have been in Egypt based on the early reception of the text there. The main contributions of this work are settling the destination of the epistle and bringing the problems of the dating based on the Hadrianic temple to light. Evaluating these questions is an important basis for reconstructing the purpose of the epistle. Also a couple of interesting subjects for future study were noticed along the way.