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  • Saul, Alana (2022)
    Far and wide, multilateral cooperation is championed as a principal response to a volatile global landscape characterized by transnational challenges, complexity, and turbulent great power relations. At the same time, many lament multilateralism to be amidst a paramount crisis of identity. New actors and powers are keen and increasingly capable of challenging the norms underpinning the traditionally Western-led, liberal international order and multilateralism adhering to it. Some argue that an era of unipolarity, and thus U.S. hegemony, is drawing to a close. China has come to depict itself as a fundamentally multilateral actor and is actively envisioning the design of multilateralism from its own normative stances. Rising powers, such as India, are increasingly eager to convey their views on how cooperation ought to be compiled and whom it should benefit. This thesis analyses the strategic narratives on multilateralism and the international order as put forth by China’s and India’s foreign policy statements. Three research questions were posed to direct and frame the analysis: How are the concepts of international order and multilateral cooperation described in foreign policy statements delivered by China and India? What kind of values or norms emerge as salient for China’s and India’s strategic narratives on multilateralism and the international order? How are these values and norms connected to China’s and India’s historical narratives of themselves on the international arena? Strategic narratives (Miskimmon et. al, 2013) provide a lens through which to examine how political actors construct shared meanings of the past, present, and future of international politics, in order to sculpt the behaviour of domestic and international actors. Examining the research questions via the lens of strategic narratives enables scrutiny into the themes of intentionality, communication as persuasive power, and the role strategically reconstructed concepts can exert on reality. In the case of China, three strategic narratives were identified: 1) a narrative of China’s origin story, depicted as a basis for both its future glory and its benevolence as a partner 2) a vision of “true” multilateralism, compiled of the three pillars of the existence of distinct civilizations, hegemony as antithetical to multilateralism, and sovereignty as a key value in multilateralism 3) a narrative of China being “ahead of times” and “on the right side of history”. In the case of India, three strategic narratives were identified, as well: 1) the narrative of insiders and outsiders, entailing an interplay of domestic and foreign policy 2) a vision of “temporal balance”, depicted as unique and inherent to the Indian civilization 3) a vision of the desirability of the diffusion of power, viewed to lead to justice and greater democracy in international relations. While the analysis primarily illuminates upon the strategic narratives on multilateralism and the international order as posed by China’s and India’s foreign policy, the results of this thesis also expand into future research themes such as emerging conceptualizations of democracy on the level of international relations, the persuasive power of fuzzy concepts, as well as the manner in which concepts may travel and assume novel, localized versions.
  • Zilliacus, Alexander (2022)
    Pohjoismainen puolustusyhteistö on 2010-luvun toisella puoliskolla tiivistynyt merkittävästi. Tutkielma luo katsauksen pohjoismaisen puolustusyhteistyön rakentumiseen analysoimalla, miten sen keskeisin monenvälinen foorumi, Nordic Defense Cooperation (NORDEFCO) luo käsityksen ympäristöstään ja toimii sen puitteissa. Tutkielma valaisee monenvälisen puolustusyhteistyön puitteistumista pohjoismaisessa kontekstissa, joka on monella tapaa historiallisesti, poliittisesti ja kulttuurisesti uniikki alue. Analyysi perustuu Niklas Luhmannin systeemisen yhteiskuntateorian soveltamiseen maailmanpolitiikan tutkimuksessa. Teoriavalinta sijoittuu osaksi maailmanpolitiikan tutkimuksessa tapahtunutta käännettä relationaalisen yhteiskuntateorian pariin. Tässä huomio keskitetään tutkittavien objektien sisäisiin ja välisiin suhteisiin, sekä toimijoiden ja toimijuuden rakentumiseen näiden suhteiden kautta. Luhmannin yhteiskuntateoria tarjoaa tähän erittäin hienosyisen ja kattavan lähestymistavan, joka ottaa huomioon modernin yhteiskuntajärjestelmän globaalin luonteen ja pitkälle edenneen toiminnallisen eriytymisen. Tutkielman aineistona toimivat NORDEFCOn itse keskeisimmiksi määrittelemänsä julkiset asiakirjat sekä sen poliittisen ohjauskomitean (PSC) sihteeristössä toimivien, neljää Pohjoismaata edustavien virkahenkilöiden puolirakenteellisestut haastattelut. Aineisto koodattiin, analysoitiin ja teemoiteltiin laadullisin menetelmin, järjestelmäteoriaan pohjaavan tutkimussapluunan ohjaamana. Tutkielma osoittaa, miten NORDEFCOn toiminta mahdollistaa toiminnallisesti itsenäisten yhteiskunnallisten alajärjestelmien, kuten politiikan ja sotilasalan, välisen kommunikaation “kääntämisen” toiselle järjestelmälle ymmärrettävään muotoon. Kommunikaatioon liittyvät vahvasti valtion hallinnan haasteet globalisoituvassa ja territoriosta irtautuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Analyysi osoittaa kehityksen yhteyksiä itsenäiseen teknologiajärjestelmään, ja viittaa siihen, että hallintaa luodaan standardoinnin kautta. Esiin nousee myös, että yhteistyötä edesauttaa muilla sektoreilla tehty yhteistyö ja jaettujen kulttuuristen elementtien, kuten kielen, mahdollistama paikallinen ongelmanratkaisu.
  • Berg, Emilia (2023)
    This thesis examines how the concept of Nordic added value is defined and understood in Nordic social and health policy cooperation. Although the concept serves as an evaluation criterion for funding and a guiding principle in all official Nordic cooperation projects and activities, there is no single, widely accepted view of the meaning of the concept. The goal of the research is thus to investigate and understand the underlying principle of Nordic cooperation, through which the research also supports the practical work of Nordic actors and institutions operating in the social and health sector. In addition, the research supports the implementation of the Nordic Council of Ministers' Vision 2030 action plan, according to which the Nordic region will become the world's most sustainable and integrated region by 2030. The research is mainly inductive in nature, and its conceptual framework includes an examination of Nordic cooperation narratives, the Nordic epistemic community, and the added value of transnational cooperation. It is a case study that investigates and compares the understanding of the concept of persons working in or with Nordic social and health policy cooperation at two separate levels of formal Nordic cooperation. In addition to survey and interview materials, the research analyses official Nordic cooperation documents using qualitative content analysis. The survey and interview materials were gathered from both the official level, which includes Nordic Welfare Centre operating under the Nordic Council of Ministers, as well as the practical level, which consists of several networks that Nordic Welfare Centre coordinates. The results of this study show that there are no significant differences between the understandings of the two levels, but the concept appears to be relatively flexible and ambiguous and dependent on the individuals using it. However, the concept can be understood in both symbolic and practical terms, whereby the former is closely related to the common background and values associated with the Nordic welfare state models, and the latter to the exchange and sharing of knowledge and experiences. The research shows that the greatest added value in Nordic social and health policy cooperation arises from useful comparisons that lead to learning, inspiration, and ultimately development both in individual countries and in the entire Nordic region. Although the research results suggest that a lot of added value is produced in the Nordic welfare sector, the study also highlights that many factors, such as lack of resources and administrative and language challenges, limit the realisation of the full potential of Nordic added value.