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Faculty of Social Sciences


Recent Submissions

  • Lyytikäinen, Marjo (2024)
    The research task of this master’s thesis is to analyse the internal relations of the policy advisory system during the early stages of Covid-19 pandemic. The objective is to recognize tensions in the relationship between scientific policy advice and policy making, that may have arisen in the face of a sudden health crisis, as well as to map out the different types of tensions by comparing the experiences at state level in three countries. To enable this comparison, mapping out the characteristics of organising the policy advisory systems of the case countries regarding responses to the Covid-19 pandemic is needed. This thesis is an integrative review based on a systematic literature search which is based on a systematic literature search conducted for a larger research project. The analysis revealed four types of internal tensions of policy advisory systems of the case countries, the United Kingdom (UK), Italy and Sweden: tensions arising from the role or position of advisors, tensions concerning the level of independence of advisors from external influence, tensions concerning the impact of the advice on policy making and tensions concerning the legitimising function of advice. In Italy and the UK, all four kinds of tensions arose already in the early stages of the crisis. Sweden differed from the other countries in all four aspects. The findings suggest that both a very established policy advisory structure (UK) and a highly improvisatory policy advisory structure (Italy) may produce similar tensions. Despite the differences in the way policy advising was nationally organised, the same kinds of tensions were reported from the UK and Italy. The tensions arising from the role or position of advisors mainly concerned the role of advisory bodies as policy makers, while advisors wanted to emphasise their role of mere knowledge producers instead of knowledge users. The tensions concerning the legitimising function of advice were related to the worries of the advisors about that the policy makers would pass the responsibility of unpopular decisions to the advisors. There was more variation in tensions concerning the level of independence and the impact of the advice than in the other types of tensions. The internal relations of the advisory system is an essential part of the functioning of policy making. Making this relationship and the related tensions visible is necessary for understanding and improving crisis management not only in future health crises, but also in supporting policy making in other kinds of crises.
  • Valtonen, Erika (2024)
    Työntekijöiden työssä jaksaminen on uhattuna, mikä näkyy psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden ja mielenterveysperusteisten sairauspoissaolojen lisääntymisenä. Psyykkinen kuormitus on yleisintä kunnallisilla aloilla, joissa toteutetaan yhteiskunnan toiminnan kannalta keskeisiä työtehtäviä. Työuupumus on merkittävä sairauspoissaolojen syy, ja riski useille terveysongelmille. Työuupumus kehittyy pitkittyneen stressin seurauksena, ja siihen yleisimmän määritelmän mukaan sisältyvät ulottuvuudet ovat uupumusasteinen väsymys, kyynistyminen ja ammatillisen itsetunnon lasku. Työuupumuksen keskeisimpänä ulottuvuutena pidetään uupumusasteista väsymystä. Uupumusasteista väsymystä kuten työuupumustakin on tutkittu erityisesti työolojen näkökulmasta, mutta koko elämänkaaren huomioiminen on ollut niukkaa. Lapsuuden vaikeiden kokemusten on osoitettu lisäävän aikuisuuden psyykkisten terveysongelmien todennäköisyyttä, mutta niiden merkitystä työuupumuksen tai etenkään uupumusasteisen väsymyksen kehittymisessä on tutkittu vain vähän. Tutkimuksessani selvitin lapsuuden vaikeiden kokemusten ja uupumusasteisen väsymyksen yhteyttä elämänkaariepidemiologisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkin sitä, ovatko ennen 16 ikävuotta koetut yksittäiset lapsuuden vaikeat kokemukset tai vaikeiden kokemusten määrä yhteydessä uupumusasteiseen väsymykseen nuorilla ja varhaiskeski-ikäisillä kunnallisen alan työntekijöillä. Hyödynsin tutkimuksessa Helsingin kaupungin alle 40-vuotiailta työntekijöiltä vuonna 2017 kerättyä Helsinki Health Study (HHS)-tutkimushankkeen kyselyaineistoa (n=5054). Uupumusasteisen väsymyksen mittari perustui Maslachin työuupumusmittariin (Maslach Burnout Inventory [MBI]). Lapsuuden vaikeita kokemuksia selvitettiin seitsemällä kysymyksellä. Yhteydet vakioin sosiodemografisilla tekijöillä, psykososiaalisilla työoloilla ja terveydellä ja elintavoilla kolmessa mallissa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytin binääristä logistista regressioanalyysiä, jossa yhteyksiä tulkitaan vetosuhteilla (odds ratio [OR]) ja 95 %:n luottamusväleillä (LV). Tulokset osoittivat, että kaikki muut lapsuuden vaikeat kokemukset, paitsi vanhemman kuolema, olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevässä yhteydessä uupumusasteiseen väsymykseen. Yksittäisistä kokemuksista vahvimmin yhteydessä uupumukseen olivat kiusatuksi joutuminen (OR 1,48, LV 1,27–1,72) ja vanhemman mielenterveysongelma (OR 1,46, LV 1,22–1,74). Lapsuuden vaikeiden kokemusten määrä oli yhteydessä uupumusasteiseen väsymykseen siten, että jo 1–2 koettua vaikeutta (OR 1,36, LV 1,18–1,58) oli yhteydessä uupumukseen, ja vielä vahvempi yhteys oli, kun kokemuksia oli 3 tai enemmän (OR 1,71, LV 1,41–2,07). Vakiointi sosiodemografisilla tekijöillä, psykososiaalisilla työoloilla ja terveydellä ja elintavoilla heikensi yhteyksiä, mutta tilastollisesti merkitsevät yhteydet säilyivät kolmannessakin mallissa. Tulokset vahvistavat aiempia tutkimustuloksia lapsuuden vaikeiden kokemusten ja uupumusasteisen väsymyksen yhteydestä. Lapsuuden vaikeuksien merkitys aikuisuuden myöhemmälle työuupumusoireilulle tulisi kustannustenkin vuoksi huomioida laajemmin hyvinvointipolitiikassa. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää työympäristöissä riskiryhmien tunnistamiseksi, jotta uupumuksen ehkäisyn toimia ja tukea voitaisiin kohdentaa tehokkaammin, mikä tukisi työssä pysymistä. Tutkimukseni rajoitteena oli retrospektiivinen poikkileikkausaineisto. Olisi hyvä tehdä jatkotutkimusta lapsuuden vaikeiden kokemusten ja uupumusasteisen väsymyksen yhteyttä välittävistä tekijöistä ja niiden mahdollisesta kasautumisesta ja ketjuttumisesta elämänkaaren aikana.
  • Liyanage, Lashini Navodika (2024)
    The phenomena of gambling behavior are complex and influenced by a range of socio-economic circumstances, individual predispositions, and society norms. In Finland, the culture of gambling is very strong, with almost 80% of the people engaging in some sort of gaming every year. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to shed light on gambling behavior in relation to Finnish sociocultural dynamics. This study uses a quantitative research approach and is based on empirical evidence from the "Gambling in Finland 2021" dataset provided by Taloustutkimus on behalf of Veikkaus Oy, the state-owned gambling operator. In order to explain problem gambling behavior, the research looks at the complicated relationship between socioeconomic determinants and psychological indicators using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Binary Logistic Regression. The results show a strong relationship between tendencies for problem gambling and demographic traits. It has been determined that gender, age, income, and education are significant determinants of gambling behaviour. Problem gambling is more common in men and younger people, and it is also more likely to occur in those with lower incomes and educational attainment. The study also emphasizes how psychological factors might affect a person's gambling habits. The main causes of problem gambling include Compulsive Behaviour, Financial Impacts and Deception, and Interpersonal and Occupational Consequences. The study's findings highlight the necessity of specific treatments and legislative frameworks meant to promote responsible gambling and lessen the negative effects of compulsive gambling, especially for the most vulnerable segments of the Finnish population. Policymakers and other stakeholders can endeavour to make gambling safer for all Finnish people by addressing the societal as well as individual causes that lead to problem gambling.
  • Tarplee, Mark (2024)
    150 years ago, soccer was an unorganized game in England, yet today it is at the heart of global contemporary culture and attracts billions of fans. The English Premier League is the most popular league in the world with a vast global following. Support for English soccer teams has historically been associated with working-class locality and loyalty, but due to various developments, huge numbers of non-national fans now support English teams. This study uses the theoretical framework of globalization applied to football by Giulianotti and Robertson, and Tajfel and Turner’s social identity theory to investigate how non-national soccer fandom is possible and why it becomes part of a supporter's identity. Although studies have been conducted on this topic, there is a lack of research focusing on Finnish supporters, female supporter, reasons for continued support, and wider interest in England and English entertainment. This study explores Finnish soccer fandom of English teams and aims to answer the following questions: 1) What reasons are given by Finnish soccer fans for their support of English teams? 2) In which ways do Finnish soccer fans of English teams express their support and loyalty to their chosen club? 3) To what degree do Finnish soccer supporters of English teams have a wider interest in England and other English entertainment? My theoretical background provides four main themes and 11 sub-themes which guide both my methodology and results. This study comprises a multi-method approach of 11 semi-structured interviews with Finnish soccer supporters and four participant observations in bars in Finland. Moreover, two content analyses of Manchester United’s and Liverpool FC’s websites are conducted. The findings for all three methods are analyzed using qualitative content analysis to ensure consistency in the study. The findings are plentiful and are organized by sub-themes for each research question, with accompanying quotes from the interview participants. My findings show that Finnish soccer fans initially and continue to support English clubs for a variety of reasons such as family, player from Finland, loyalty, and community. Furthermore, my findings show that Finnish soccer fans are loyal to their English clubs and express their support strongly in a variety of ways. Finally, my findings show that Finns generally have a wider interest in England and English entertainment that goes beyond fandom of their English soccer clubs.
  • Konijn, Anna (2024)
    The unprecedented, uninterrupted increase in wealth accumulation by the top 0.1% supports the social, economic, and political hegemony of the ultra-wealthy. These elites are increasingly occupying positions of authority that were historically reserved for figures from the public sector through their philanthropic activities and (largely) invisible support for right-wing populism, among other things. Most billionaires prefer to stay hidden from view, which makes research on the ultra-wealthy challenging. This thesis focuses on a specific section of elites that are very much not hidden: celebrity tech-billionaires who are not just public figures but celebrated and mythologized by a global audience. This thesis aims to understand how three of the most wealthy and celebrated celebrity tech-billionaires – Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates – use the power and reach of social media to present and justify their increasing levels of authority and wealth. The primary source of data are social media posts by the three subjects from late 2023. In total, the data set consists of 618 posts by Elon Musk on X, 118 posts by Bill Gates on X, and 38 posts by Mark Zuckerberg on Instagram. The analysis is supplemented by a secondary source of data, which are online news articles from the website (156 articles on Elon Musk, 15 articles on Bill Gates, and 16 articles on Mark Zuckerberg). This data is analysed using concepts from both Bourdieu’s field theory and Impression Management theory. The meta-narratives presented by the subjects are analysed using a framework to research the representation and implementation of social values. The analysis reveals that the three subjects primarily engage with, and claim authority in, the following fields of power: science (engineering), business (entrepreneurship), (social) media, and philanthropy. Moreover, Musk is highly active in the ‘alternative field’ through his engagement with conspiracy theories. Highlighted are the patriarchal expressions of the subjects, which are steeped in the myth of the self-made man, ‘geek’ masculinity, and post-feminist fatherhood. Additionally, the analysis shows that social media is an important and effective space for desirable self-presentation. The dual display of expertise/humility and professional authority/domestic normality allows the subjects to shore up moral legitimacy and signal authenticity, which in turn legitimizes the importance and morality of the value projects in their meta-narratives. With the aid of overarching meta-narratives, the diverse (and sometimes contradictory) nature of the subjects’ increasing power and wealth is explained away as necessary constituents in their pursuit of important social values that are beneficial for all: ‘saving humanity’ (Musk), ‘connectivity and disease eradication’ (Zuckerberg), and ‘global progress’ (Gates). What results is the sustainment of cultural myths that pose ultra-wealth as ultimately beneficial and desirable for everybody. What also remains is the undefeated hegemony of the super-rich, the uninterrupted progression of destructive consumerist capitalism, and a growing wealth gap. Recommendations for future research include the design of new methodological tools that allow holistic retrieval of social media data and exploring the interplay between these subjects’ self-presentations and audience perception.