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  • Mattero, Saara (2015)
    The Financial Transaction Tax, or FTT, was supposed to alleviate the financial burden of the Member States, curb out-of-control high-frequency trading and force the wealthy bankers to take responsibility in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Instead, the tax was seen in many ways an infringement of national sovereignty and a sign of creeping federalisation; taking the powers of the European Union to areas outside its competencies and impeding heavily on the national financial markets. This thesis is interested in the Parliamentary discourse around the FTT and how the controversial topic was presented, contested and justified by the Members of the Parliament, the MEPs. What is the impact of the tension between national and supranational decision-making levels, political ideology and personal utility-maximising on the voting decisions of the representatives? Furthermore, attention should be paid not only in how the MEPs voted in the plenary but also how they framed the issue in the plenary speeches. The representatives retain a strong incentive to appeal to their constituencies to maintain voter satisfaction and ultimately, to become re-elected. The theoretical framework is drawn from research on European integration, politicisation, the political groups in the European Parliament and theories of rational choice institutionalism. The research is conducted as a case study with mixed methods: through quantitative analysis of the MEPs’ voting decisions to enlighten the national and supranational tensions and qualitative analysis of the MEPs’ plenary debate before and after the vote. The results confirm largely the assumptions rising from the theoretical literature: the voting results reveal the strong pressures arising from conflicting national interests against the integration-advancing proposal. Representatives from the FTT-opposing Member States are clearly restricted in their actions, whereas MEPs from supporting Member States are almost unison in their support across group borders. If the Member State does not have a strong opinion on the FTT, most Members vote according to group instructions. The analysis from the debate proves that no single definition of the FTT exists - instead the justifications and notions of the tax range from global solidarity to staunch defenders of national sovereignty. The themes arising from the plenary discourses can be divided under three politicisation frames: a normative one emphasising the role of the banking sector as the root of the financial crisis with suffering citizens, a functional frame with ‘rational’ economic arguments and an authoritarian frame over the power struggle between national and supranational level decision-making. In general, MEPs from the large groups adhere more to an economic normalisation narrative of regulated capitalism vs. neoliberalism, whereas the smaller political groups in the ends of the political spectrum are more ideologically orientated in their speeches. The merits of the thesis lie in depicting the different forms of narratives the MEPs use regarding their background while proving the enduring influence of national pressures in supranational decision-making.
  • Kuuskoski, Kasperi (2024)
    In the context of collective bargaining, decentralization refers to the process in which national and sectoral wage agreements lose prominence as the primary institution of wage-setting, and are replaced by negotiations conducted at the firm or establishment level. In the Finnish context, the collective bargaining institution has faced a gradual decentralization process during the 21st century, exemplified by the loss of prominence of the previously common national income policy agreements, and the transformation of some key sectoral agreements into groups of firm-level agreements. In this thesis, I analyze the decentralization of collective bargaining in Finland both through qualitative institutional exploration and quantitative empirical analysis. I first present the Finnish bargaining institution and its decentralization process in detail, comparing it to its international equivalents and drawing insights from these comparisons. I then move on to empirically analyze how local bargaining provisions in collective agreements affect wages using high-quality individual-level panel data matched with a novel collective agreement dataset. Theoretical literature has shown that decentralized or local bargaining can have various effects. Based on theoretical considerations, the balance of bargaining power between employers and employees can influence the effects to a great degree. If unions carry most of the bargaining power, local bargaining is likely to lead to higher average wages, rent-sharing and reduced wage dispersion. If firms have the edge with bargaining power, local bargaining is expected to increase wage dispersion and weaken the link between firm profits and wages. Evidence from empirical studies on the effects of local bargaining is relatively scarce. Most studies show that local bargaining is associated with a small positive premium on average wages. In addition, there is substantial evidence of a relationship between local bargaining and the increase of rent-sharing. However, the evidence on the effects on wage dispersion is mixed. I find that local bargaining has steadily increased in prevalence during the 21st century, though its distribution across industrial and occupational lines is uneven. Controlling for unobservable heterogeneity using a fixed effects approach, I find that local bargaining provisions in Finnish collective agreements are generally associated with a small premium in wages. The estimated effects are small enough to likely not affect economic outcomes in a large way. Specifically, local installments that do not institute fallback clauses specifying minimum increases in cases where negotiations fail, are associated with a wage premium of 0.5–1.7%. The existence of fallback clauses leads to outcomes resembling the absence of local bargaining. Finally, I find that local bargaining clauses enforcing primarily local wage negotiations lead to mixed outcomes. If negotiations are conducted over the size of the increase, the effect is positive, but if they are conducted over the execution of the increase, the effect is negative.
  • Linna, Jutta (2024)
    Datafication, the continually expanding technological trend to convert different aspects of people’s lives in computable form and commodifying them, has proven to be economically significant in the last few decades. The trend has been accompanied by increasing social criticism regarding its underlying practices and ideologies, and cooperative models have been proposed as alternatives to combat issues originating from the operating models of profit-seeking data-driven companies. The thesis discusses datafication through the case of the Finnish network of cooperatives, S Group, and inspects how it frames datafication in relation to its collectively and ideologically managed business model and its customer-owners. As the owners of the cooperative are also targets of its data-based manipulations, the relationship between them is intricate and sometimes contradictory. The theoretical framework of the thesis considers the power imbalances and information asymmetries concerning the subjects and objects of data. It is divided to three perspectives: Collective perspective of cooperative action, individual perspective of consumer agency, and the relationship perspective intersecting the former two through the manipulation of decision-making environments (nudging). All three perspectives are discussed first by their original definitions, followed by discussion relating to the effects of datafication on them. The research problem in the thesis is how the aggregation of individuals purchase data into instruments of collective action is presented in the context of cooperative trade. It is researched with an interpretative grounded theory approach of collecting and analysing the research material. The material was compiled from public informational communications articles, especially press releases, news articles, and blogs collected from S Group's websites. Three interdependent levels at which human behaviour and social activity is managed are identified in the thesis: Individual level, community owners’ level, and national population level. S Group justifies these levels by their connection to each other and by assigning benefits related to the cooperatives operating principles, ideology, and practical operations to each level. Framing these benefits is additionally strengthened by the strategies of nudging and enabling used to optimistically promote datafication and consenting to it further. The results of the thesis cannot be generalized nor was this the aim of it. Instead, the thesis’ purpose is to bridge the gap between individual and collective considerations in relation to datafication. Additionally, its aim is to encourage discussion of the fair prerequisites of datafication, one of them being real possibilities of participation for individual consumers as the producers and object of data.
  • Eestilä, Sari Tuuli Kristiina (2021)
    In recent years, loneliness has been talked about in the media relatively often. There are multiple studies about harmfulness of loneliness for one's health and safety both nationally and internationally. The aim of this master's thesis is to find out how the loneliness discourse has changed in the Finnish parliamentary discussions and why. The main research questions are: How often has loneliness been brought up between the years 1980 and 2019 in the Finnish governmental documents and which actor groups and themes can be identified in the discussion. In addition, the thesis will look at by whom have the actor groups and themes been brought up. The data of this thesis are governmental documents: governmental proposals, expert opinions and debate initiatives. The used methods are both quantitative and qualitative. In the first part, the data is analyzed using quantitative content analysis, more specifically categorization. By processing the data this way, one gets an answer to the first two research questions: how often has loneliness been brought up and which actor groups and themes can be identified in the discussion. In the second part of the thesis, the findings are analyzed using narrative analysis as a qualitative method. This reveals what kind of narratives are linked to findings and in which context and by whom they have been brought up. In the third part of the thesis, there is a brief review on the wider Finnish (socio)political environment and how it might have affected the results. The most important findings in this thesis are that the loneliness discussion has increased and peaked only in the 2010s. The most often mentioned group is child loneliness. Loneliness as a subjective feeling is relatively new topic in the parliamentary discussions. It started to emerge only in the 2000s and peaked after 2015. In the 2000s, organizations used the prevention of loneliness as an argument to get funding or to justify the importance of their work. This proves that in the 2000s loneliness had become something that is considered harmful. Security is a new viewpoint in the loneliness discussion: in 2010s it has started to emerge in the media as a security problem, partly because of school shootings and radical lone operators. In the 2020, the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo) mentions that lone operators are among the biggest security threats in Finland. While the demands towards the state has increased, loneliness in the Parliament has always been talked about through something else, or as a "side effect" of another problem.
  • Hakalisto, Liisi (2018)
    The topic of this thesis is to observe how the Centre Party of Finland (Suomen Keskusta), the Social Democratic Party of Finland (Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue, SDP) and the National Coalition Party (Kansallinen Kokoomus) have perceived the information and communication technology (ICT) and its role in the Finnish society between 1999 and 2015 in their party statements and manifestos. The role of ICT in the society is observed especially through the concepts of information society and digitalisation. The topic of this thesis thus ties into the broader 1990s and 2000s discussion on information society and digitalisation. The primary sources for the study include the Centre Party, the Social Democratic Party and the National Coalition Party's party programmes, general election manifestos, municipal election manifestos and party conference statements from 1999 to 2015. The primary sources are analysed by the following electoral terms: 1999-2003, 2003-2007, 2007-2011 and 2011-2015. The 2015 general election manifestos are also included in the set of primary materials, as are the government programmes for each electoral term. The role of government programmes in the study is to support the analysis of the party statements and manifestos. The parties' arguments and perceptions of information and communication technology are analysed using post-structural policy analysis. The main framework for the analysis is Carol Bacchi's What's the problem represented to be analysis. The objective of the thesis is to observe how the parties have represented information and communication technology as a policy problem in their statements, programmes and manifestos during each electoral term. In addition, the objective is to analyse both in the case of each party and between different parties how the problem representations are constructed, with which policy areas ICT is associated in the texts and how these problem representations change and evolve from one electoral term to the other. In addition to Bacchi's WPR-analysis, the analysis also draws from Kari Palonen's concept of politicisation which describes politics as action. In this thesis, the main function of politicisation is to describe how by politicising an issue, the parties open up both political space surrounding the politicised issue and also new opportunities for political action. The main findings of this thesis are that information and communication technology is represented in the parties' general election manifestos and party conference statements using two main representations; either as a means for solving existing social and public policy problems or as a part of a broader discourse on societal change. When represented as a means for solving existing social and public policy problems, ICT is discussed positively, optimistically and mostly to suit the perspective of the party's ideological standing. In the parties' statements and manifestos, the discourse on societal change is strongly tied into economic factors, such as the national competitiveness. ICT is depicted as a matter supporting and enhancing national competitiveness, and information society and digitalisation, in particular, as objectives that will strengthen future national competitiveness. Another finding is that the term “information society” disappears from the parties' manifestos and statements in the early 2010s, when the discussion surrounding ICT in the manifestos and statements shifts to digitalisation.
  • Tuokko, Katja (2012)
    The accession to the European Union (EU) in 1995 has been one of the most important decisions made in the post-Cold War Finland. A decade after the end of the Cold War period, Finland had become a full member of both the EU and the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) entering the inner circle of European decision-making. Deepening European integration created a challenge for Finnish parties which had traditionally based their ideology on national default lines. For Vasemmistoliitto (VAS), the dimension of European integration created a challenge. In the 1990’s, VAS, established as a successor of Suomen Kansan Demokraattinen Liitto (SKDL), had to form its opinion on European integration. As other European radical left parties, VAS too, struggled to find its ideological basis on the post-Cold War Europe. This study discusses VAS position on European integration from the establishment of the party in 1990 until 1998. By means of qualitative content analysis, it seeks to answer what the VAS position on European integration was and why did it change. Party archives, two interviews of VAS party secretaries and newspaper material have been used as primary sources of the analysis. The main finding of this study is that VAS position on European integration was characterized by the party’s will to be seen as fit to govern. VAS leadership avoided taking an official position to the EU membership and finally in 1997, after a member referendum, the party adopted a pro-EMU line. As all major parties supported European integration, anti-EU and anti-EMU positions would have meant a role in opposition ranks for VAS for years to come. In the 1990’s, VAS was characterized by inner conflict and the rise of social populism inside the party. As the majority of VAS voters were against European integration, VAS position on Europe did not reflect the opinions of the voters of the party very well. VAS was traumatized by the deep inner split of its predecessor SKDL and isolation from the mainstream Finnish politics. The long path in opposition that SKDL had experienced was a frightening future scenario for VAS. In order to advance values and politics central to the party, VAS had the urge to be seen as fit to govern and as a reliable coalition partner. The Nordic sister parties’ decades long path in opposition only strengthened the will of VAS to be there where the decision were made. The accelerating pace of European integration in the 1990’s partly urged VAS to rethink in which direction it as a radical left-wing party was heading to. The questions on the EU and the EMU were a stimulus for VAS to define what kind of values it aimed to advance.
  • Isoaho, Eemeli (2016)
    The 2015 World Summit Outcome Document underlined the fundamental role of sovereign states as protectors of their citizens from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing, but it further stressed that should a state fail to protect its citizens from such atrocities, the international community would have a responsibility to intervene. As the first UN document to explicitly declare that states would no longer be safe from foreign interference solely on the principle of sovereignty, the Outcome Document’s formulation of the emerging concept of 'responsibility to protect' was unprecedented. In seeking to study the implementation of the responsibility to protect principle in the context of the African Union, this study analyses how the Union has conceptualized sovereignty vis-à-vis humanitarian interventions. The theoretical framework of study is built on two opposing notions of sovereignty a pluralist, state-centered sovereignty akin to traditional Westphalian sovereignty, which considers all states equal in their protection from foreign intervention, and a solidarist notion of sovereignty that prioritizes the protection of civilians against mass atrocities over the protection of states against foreign interference. The discussion of the study’s main findings draws on theories of political realism. The research analyses 346 communiqués issued by the Peace and Security Council of the African Union between 2004 and 2014 to ascertain whether the Union maintains a pluralist or a solidarist understanding of sovereignty. The method of analysis builds on content analysis and combines both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The analysis suggests a twofold argument. On the one hand, the AU PSC maintains a state-centered, pluralist understanding of sovereignty. The Peace and Security council categorically links sovereignty to the territorial integrity of member states, thereby conceptualizing sovereignty in the context of bordered nation-states. It also strongly rejects foreign humanitarian interventions and issues sanctions to primarily to protect states, not civilians. On the other hand, the findings suggest that the African Union is slowly moving towards a more solidarist notion of sovereignty that prioritizes civilian protection. Although most calls for sanctions relate sanctions to the protection of the state, since 2012 the AU PSC has increasingly called for sanctions on humanitarian grounds. The Peace and Security Council has also opened up its traditionally closed deliberations for engagement with civil society actors in open sessions on themes closely related to the protection of civilians. An analysis of the findings suggests that the African Union suffers from severe lack of financial self-sufficiency, which undermines its neutrality but also its ability to react rapidly to emerging crises. Moreover, the notion of subsidiarity and seeking African solutions to African problems are prevalent in the Union’s policy discussions, which contribute to rendering it more likely to oppose non-African interventions in its member states. A theoretical discussion of these findings from the perspective of political realism further points to growing economic interdependence and transnationalization of African crises as factors that might explain the African Union’s shift towards solidarist sovereignty.
  • Huotari, Miina (2020)
    This study investigates the relationship between policy and practice of access to education within the architectures of humanitarian action. The importance of education as a human right has been internationally widely acknowledged, and more recently it has gained more foothold in discussions about humanitarian action practices. The thesis deploys a research approach that is based on discourse analysis. To analyse policy, internationally and universally recognized and applicable key documents dealing with access to education have been selected for further inspection. Practice is approached through semi-structured interviews with practitioners in the field of humanitarian action and education, and through a case study of Za’atari refugee camp in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Theoretically this thesis is inspired by poststructuralist development theory (PSDT) and its hyponym discursive institutionalism (DI). Based on these influences, I treat education as an institution that is subject to interventions by different actors and phenomena. The findings of this thesis demonstrate, on one hand, that education has become a more central aspect of policy regarding humanitarian action. On the other hand, the results sheer light on various challenges that actors on the practical side face while intending to implement and follow through on policies and principles of the before mentioned documents in the field. Actors that operate in the field are especially facing challenges with unstable financial resources and shortcomings in bringing policy closer to the needs of the field. The findings of this study also suggest that the importance of education as a central element of humanitarian action in crisis and conflict situations need to be realized further. This applies to both policy and practice, for education is now realized as a mean of protection rather than additional good or service.
  • Thure, Aino Salla Katariina (2017)
    The Finnish TV-series Downshiftaajat is a story of couple whose company goes bankrupt and they need to start a new life. The couple moves to a suburb and tries to hide their money troubles by telling everyone that they are downshifting. The story then follows the couple’s balancing act in between their old and new lives: keeping up appearances and while working to find new work. In this thesis, I examine class constructs in Downshiftaajat. Social hierarchies and classes are not always very visible in societies. According to contemporary class research, class is made up of multiple elements, such as job, taste, wages, and hobbies. Skeggs writes of how when certain symbols are inscribed onto different groups of things, characters or physical object, these symbols then became markers of the group to which that object belongs. Bourdieu and Wright gives additional insights into classes, first from the perspective of style and the latter from a more economical way. Alain De Botton explains how and why humans behave in groups. This research was conducted using thematic analysis as a method. Thematic analysis is a method for finding repetitive patterns in data and then organising these patterns in hierarchical order. After watching the series closely, I made memos about the events and dialogue in the show. These memos I then turned into more detailed sections I call descriptions. These descriptions I organised under five main headings: infrastructure, morality, money, style, and behaviour. The results of the analysis showed that Downshiftaajat constructs class by representing things in the suburb, such as buildings, trains, and neighbours as distant form the main characters. Class also informs the morals of characters: the morality of the main characters are usually depicted as having higher standards than other characters’ morality. Money contributes to the construction of class in the dialogues between the main characters concerning the lack of it. Style is also used to construct class by giving examples of brands that the main characters prefer over other brands. Class is also depicted by means of behaviour: people from different classes behave differently and have different eating habits. The series does not explicitly criticise how Finnish society treats its unemployed. It does, however, reflect contemporary Finnish unemployment policies, where the sole responsibility for finding work and managing one’s life is placed on individuals.
  • Lyu, Bingying (2014)
    Modern China has entered an era of risk society. The emerging public crises are challenging the government's reactions including the openness and speed of information, the reconstruction of credibility and reputation. On the other hand, the media environment has changed enormously. Despite the tight censorship of China's traditional media, social media provide both opportunities and challenges for government crisis communication in terms of its fast speed of transmitting and instantaneous sharing of information, reliance on user-generated content, and openness of public opinions and easiness to access. Since social media are empowered to reshape the public opinion field, media manipulation from the government changes accordingly. Therefore, this study focuses on the way social media was used actively in the crisis communication in the 2013 Ya'an earthquake by the Chinese government and respond from the public. Mixed research methods are used in the study, including content analysis as quantitative method, and frame analysis as qualitative method. This research first identifies how did the state-owned media presented the crisis. Subsequently, it explores what crisis communication strategies the state-owned media applies on social media during the earthquake, and how effective those strategies are based on attitudes of the public. As an authoritarian country, the Chinese government used to cover crisis and suppress discussions to maintain stability of the society, which caused distrust among the public. However, different from the stereotype, the Chinese government tends to guide public opinion to the positive direction rather than hiding the truth nowadays. Based on the analysis, the conclusion can be drawn clearly how the Chinese government managed and responded to the crisis through the state-owned media.
  • Li, Xianyun (2016)
    China has captured global attention due to its rapid development of Internet infrastructure owing to the introduction of economic reform and marketization over the recent decades. The Internet regulation in China also has its Chinese characteristics. China has long been an authoritarian country whose censorship tradition is deep seated in its historical background and political entity. It has spawned a prosperous Internet culture to ironize the censorship action itself, netizens willingly use “to harmonize” as a synonym of “to censor”. My thesis aims to investigate the complex view of China’s Internet regulation and its Chinese characteristics, and how the censorship is practiced to secure the harmonious socialist society, from both existing research and news media. By investigating existing literature, I unfold the governmental development of the massive cyberspace surveillance and the ways in which the censorship works. On the basis of the theoretical understanding of China’s Internet regulation, my research continues to explore the specific cases of censorship programmes happened in the 2010s represented by news reporting, i.e. anniversaries of the Tiananmen Protest, Occupy the Central, the 50 Cents Army and the banned Internet spoofs, in order to see how China’s Internet censorship was portrayed in the real cases. The research primarily adopts case study and content analysis methodology, carefully identifies novel censorship phenomena appeared during the recent decade to embody the harmonization censorship processes. This paper serves to encapsulate the intricate Chinese Internet regulation system for both Chinese and western scholars, and most significantly, for the young generation of Chinese Internet consumers, to gain an improved understanding of the status quo of China’s cyberspace landscape.
  • Tuulensuu, Tiina (2021)
    This thesis examines the Europeanisation of public spheres. According to the deliberative democratic theory, political decisions need to be based on public consideration. Similarly to the decision-making processes in the nation states, in order for democracy to function also in the European Union, there is a need for a joint European public sphere where the peoples of Europe can discuss common issues of relevance and thereby contribute to the EU decision-making. Research conducted on the gradual Europeanisation of public spheres examines how politicisation of EU issues on the national levels contributes to cross-border communication, creation of joint communities of communication and a strengthening of collective European identity. Drawing on previous research in this field, this study highlights communication flows and discursive frames in the selected national media outlets and examines to what extent these discussions point to the emergence of a collective European identity strong enough to sustain mutualisation of debt and fiscal transfers, justifying ”solidarity among strangers” within the community. Through analysis of media coverage on the EU Recovery Fund – the political and politicised face of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic response on the EU level – this thesis examines to what extent the public spheres in Germany, France and Finland are Europeanised in these debates and whether it is possible to identify a joint community of communication pointing to a collective European identity. The theoretical framework of this study draws largely on Jürgen Habermas’s public sphere theory and its later developments (and criticisms) as well as on the growing body of literature on the gradual Europeanisation of national public spheres in the EU Member States. Contrary to the early studies on the European public sphere, later research points towards increasing politicisation of EU affairs in the national public spheres and the related strengthening of Europeanisation. No consensus, however, exists yet among researchers on whether these developments will lead to enhanced European identity and further integration or renationalisation and further rise of Euroscepticism. This thesis contributes to that discussion through a case study on the Europeanisation of national public spheres in relation to the discussion on the EU Recovery Fund in 2020.
  • Lee, Arim (2020)
    In 2017, the trend of declining birth rates arose as a problem in Finland in comparison to the 1868 Great Famine, as the recent number of live births was decreasing closer to that of the Famine. To correspond to that, family policy was paid attention to as a solution in the Finnish Parliament. The term, child-friendliness, was prevalently used to describe the goal of the family policy reform, which implies that the focus of justification for family policy would move from women-friendliness. It was an intriguing phenomenon to observe given the historical reputation of the Finnish family policy as a women-friendly policy. Motivated by the social phenomenon and following discussions on it, the thesis aims to study different discourses on birth rate and family policy in the Finnish Parliament in 2017 and 2018. The second objective of the thesis is to interpret explicit or implicit gendered implication of the discourses used to problematize birth rates and politicize family policy. To build a contextual foundation, the thesis explores the history of development of the Finnish family policy since the 1970s with reference to the concept of defamilization and refamilization. Also, it elaborates theories and concepts regarding family and family policy and familism in relation to gender. This thesis utilizes feminist critical discourse analysis with the three-dimensional framework of Norman Fairclough on data collected from the database of the Parliament. The data set includes 20 columns from 19 parliamentary minutes recorded in a form of text. The three-dimensional framework enables to examine discourses as text, discursive practice and social practice. The feminist critical discourse analysis helps to discover how gender relations are (re)produced, resisted and transformed in discourses from an overtly gender-sensitive perspective. Based on findings of the thesis, it appears that the justification of gender equality has not been replaced yet by the frame of child-friendliness. Nonetheless, the frame entails normative power to blind the women’s issues related to family policy. With the development of gender sensitivity, the gender issue has become more inclusive, but it is still limited to the hegemonic norms of heterosexuality. Also, the political goal of gender-equal parenthood confronts a threat of backlash that maintains the traditional gender norms in caring and resists gendering the issue of family policy.
  • Räsänen, Erik (2023)
    Tarkastelen pro gradu -tutkielmassani venäläisen News Front -propagandasivuston Suomesta ja Suomen Nato-jäsenyysprosessista kertovaa uutissisältöä. Tutkielma selvittää, millaista kuvaa News Front luo Suomesta ja Suomen Nato-jäsenyyden etenemisestä. Keskeinen käyttämäni käsite on propagandan ja viestinnän tutkimuksen alalla yleistynyt strateginen narratiivi. Strateginen narratiivi tarkoittaa yhteiskunnallisen eliitin intressien mukaisesti muotoiltua kertomusta, joka järjestää nykyhetkeä selittävät historialliset tapahtumat vallanpitäjien kannalta mielekkäästi. Se vetoaa kohdeyleisönsä tuntemiin kulttuurisiin tosiasioihin, maalaisjärkeen ja yhteisön jakamiin myytteihin. Narratiivit välittyvät yleisölle median kautta. Tutkielmani teoriataustassa esittelen propagandan ja strategisen narratiivin teoriaa sekä nyky-Venäjällä käytettäviä narratiiveja. News Front on venäläinen uutissivusto, jolla vierailee miljoonia käyttäjiä kuukaudessa. Vuonna 2014 perustetun sivuston alkuperäinen tarkoitus oli oikeuttaa Krimin niemimaan liittäminen Venäjään, ja sittemmin se on kasvanut maailmanlaajuiseksi propaganda-alustaksi. Sivusto ilmoittaa olevansa yksityinen ja itsenäinen media, joka tarjoaa näkökulmia geopolitiikkaan. Näennäisestä itsenäisyydestään huolimatta sivusto tuottaa Venäjän virallisen linjan mukaisia narratiiveja. Sisällölle ominaista on Nato-vastaisuus ja Venäjä-myönteisyys. Sisällön joukossa on valeuutisia ja salaliittoteorioita. EU, Yhdysvallat ja lukuisat muut maat ovat asettaneet News Frontin perustaja Konstantin Knyrikille pakotteita propagandistisen toiminnan takia. Aineistoni koostuu 102 englanninkielisestä uutisesta ja artikkelista, jotka on julkaistu News Frontissa 15.12.2021–15.3.2023. Englanninkieliset uutiset on todennäköisesti suunnattu kansainväliselle yleisölle. Keräsin aineiston käyttämällä News Frontin sisäistä hakukonetta ja seuraamalla sivuston uutisointia viikoittain. Luokittelin uutisia sen mukaan, mitkä strategiset narratiivit nousivat keskeisesti esiin ja toistuivat uutissisällössä. News Frontin uutissisältö osoittautuu kirjavaksi: joukossa on lyhyitä uutisia kuin analysoivia artikkeleitakin. Osa teksteistä on kopioitu toisilta venäläisiltä uutissivustoilta, osa perustuu länsimaisiin lähteisiin. Lähteiden käyttö ja nimeäminen on vaihtelevaa. Yksittäiset aineiston artikkelit on kirjoitettu yksinomaan News Frontille. Aineistosta käy ilmi, että News Front suhtautuu uutisoinnissaan Suomeen ja Suomen Nato-jäsenyysprosessiin negatiivisesti. Vain yksi aineiston uutinen esittää Suomen positiivisessa valossa. Jäsenyyden hakeminen esitetään typeränä, järjettömänä ja tuhoisana päätöksenä, ja itse jäsenyysprosessi kuvataan kaoottisena epäonnistumisena. Suomen päätös hakea Natoon kuvataan laittomana ja kansan tahdon vastaisena. Aineistossa erottuu viisi keskeistä strategista narratiivia, jotka mukailevat Venäjän hallinnon virallista linjaa. 1) Suomi esitetään Venäjän ja lännen välisen konfliktin osana, passiivisena Euroopan unionin osana tai jopa Yhdysvaltain kolonisoimana vasallivaltiona. Välillä Suomi myös esitetään aktiivisena ja hyökkäävänä. 2) Narratiivi suomalaisten ja venäläisten yhteisestä historiasta kuvaa Suomen Venäjän suojelusta nauttineena maana, joka on kääntynyt Venäjää vastaan unohtaen oman historiansa. 3) Yksittäisissä jutuissa Suomi esitetään lännen tavoin moraalisesti ja kulttuurisesti rappioituneena. Suomen vastakohtana toimii Venäjä, jonka tehtävänä on toimia kunnollisen eurooppalaisen moraalin ja kulttuurin viimeisenä linnakkeena. 4) Moraalisen rappion lisäksi Suomesta luodaan narratiivia taloudellisesti ja poliittisesti epäonnistuneena yhteiskuntana. Esimerkiksi uutisointi maakaasun maahantuonnin loppumisesta ja Venäjän vastaisten pakotteiden vaikutuksesta Suomen talouteen luovat vaikutelmaa kriisin partaalla olevasta maasta. 5) Narratiivi hajoavasta Natosta toistuu aineistossa, sillä uutisointi keskittyy Suomen Nato-jäsenyysprosessin haasteisiin. Nato-jäsenyyden eteneminen kiinnostaa News Frontia vaihtelevasti. Lisäksi huomaan, että Venäjän narratiivi toisen maailmansodan perinnöstä ja lännen väitetystä natsistisuudesta esiintyy sivuhuomautuksena vain yksittäisissä Suomea koskevissa teksteissä. Analyysini osoittaa myös, että neutraali uutinen voi palvella propagandistisia tarkoituksia, sillä uutisoiminen tietystä asiasta on strateginen valinta. News Frontin uutisista noin puolet on tyyliltään neutraaleja, mutta näennäisestä neutraaliudesta huolimatta ne tuovat esille Venäjän virallisia kantoja ja palvelevat tiettyjä narratiiveja. Tutkielmani havainnot ovat linjassa aiemman Venäjän informaatiovaikuttamisesta ja strategisista narratiiveista tehdyn tutkimuksen kanssa, sillä aiempi tutkimus on havainnut Venäjän kertovan samanlaisia narratiiveja länsimaista. Samoin aiempi tutkimus on kiinnittänyt huomiota Venäjän propagandistisen uutisoinnin negatiivisuuteen ja epätarkkoihin lähdekäytäntöihin. Kokonaiskuvassa Suomen rooli News Frontin propagandassa on kuitenkin marginaalinen, sillä erityisesti Yhdysvallat ja Ukraina saavat merkittävästi enemmän huomiota sivuston sisällöissä.
  • Suomalainen, Veera (2015)
    This is a study of the practices of place-making and the power of place attachment. The aim of the thesis is to understand how place attachments are formed and reinforced in the city of Valparaíso, Chile. The thesis explores the themes of memory, participation, and community resilience from the perspective of identification with a place. It examines the neighborhood life of the inhabitants of Valparaíso, the neighborhood organizations and their activities, and the community response to a devastating fire in the city. The data was gathered during a three-month-long fieldwork period in Valparaíso. The ethnographic methodology consisted of participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and everyday discussions with informants. The data gathered consists of field notes, photographs, transcribed interviews, and media contents. The key informants were inhabitants of four different neighborhoods in Valparaíso. They were members of the neighborhood organizations or active neighbors, who were interested in contributing to the reinforcement of the community. Chile’s history of political repression is a significant factor in the low participation rate of the neighbors today. The military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in the years 1973–1990 destroyed the trust between the neighbors and demolished the structures of civic engagement. The transition to democracy has been slow in the post-dictatorship Chile, and the consequences of the repression can still be perceived in the society today. It is, however, important to remember the trauma in order to not repeat it. Urban landscapes are important markers of social history, and thus significant contributors to place memory and place attachment. The historical significance of Valparaíso as a port city has been acknowledged by designating it a UNESCO World Heritage site, but the preservation of the public landscape in the city is threatened. The main argument of this thesis is that the attachment of the people of Valparaíso to their city is particularly strong, and suggests that this identification should be harnessed to promote community activism by practices of place-making. The traditional neighbors’ council does not appeal to the neighbors as a channel of participation. However, some of the organizations studied are implementing the place-making practices, and thus attempting to engage the neighbors. Situating the problems as well as the solutions to a local scale is essential for motivating the people to participate. The impressive potential of the urban communities of Valparaíso was revealed in the first stages of fire recovery, and the mobilization of the citizens was further stimulated by the common opposition to the government.
  • Mut-Tracy, Senni (2022)
    Integration in the field of defence and security policy was long regarded unlikely by integration theorists, but the European Union’s competences in the policy area have gradually expanded. The recent launch of the European Defence Fund (EDF) illustrates an ambitious supranational policy being put forward under the Commission’s political leadership. This study investigates why Member States decided to accept the proposal for establishing the EDF and transfer sovereign powers to a supranational institution. To understand their decision, I analyze the negotiations and decision-making process from the perspective of three different Member States: Germany, Greece, and Sweden. This thesis provides an empirical contribution to the study of EU defence–industrial integration and follows a limited number of studies in addressing the question of why such integration is welcomed by Member States. Prior research has suggested that economic gains were the primary motive for accepting the EDF’s precursor program ─ the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) ─ and building on these findings, I explore whether cost-benefit calculations also led Member States to accept the EDF. The explanatory power of another logic of political action will also be considered, namely that of rule following. This perspective allows for analyzing the significance of the institutional context and rules guiding appropriate behavior. In order to build a case study tracing the decision-making process, I gathered data through semi-structured interviews with government officials involved in the process and researchers familiar with national negotiating positions. Additional material used for this study includes Council meeting documents related to the EDF, European Council conclusions, Commission press releases and communications, as well as other official statements on the EDF. The case study shows that all the studied countries entered the negotiations with different expectations and that their motives for accepting the EDF differed. A key finding of this study is that Member States did not collectively accept the EDF proposal because of an expected economic benefit. In comparison with the PADR, which Member States perceived as ‘extra funding’ given that the funding came from both unallocated and reallocated funds in the EU budget, the EDF’s funding was separately negotiated in connection with the MFF for 2021-27. Economic motives did inarguably constitute an important reason for many countries including Greece and Germany, but economic rationality cannot explain why Sweden decided to accept the initiative despite the possibility that it could create a 'gap' in the state budget. Sweden’s vote in favor of the EDF can rather be explained through its adherence to community norms and self-identification as a pro-European country supportive of joint research efforts. These findings are significant because they point to a need to expand our understanding of the reasons for why Member States support integration in the policy area.
  • Kapiainen, Hanna-Riikka (2014)
    Pitkittäistutkimuksessa selvitettiin organisaatiofuusiota edeltävän menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuuden vaikutusta organisaatiofuusion jälkeiseen kokemukseen esimiehen sisäryhmäprototyyppisyydestä sekä fuusiota edeltävän menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuuden vaikutusta fuusion jälkeiseen uuteen organisaatioon samastumiseen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta rakentuu organisaatiofuusiotutkimuksen, sosiaalisen identiteetin viitekehyksen ja menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuuden näkökulmista. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään sosiaalisen identiteetin teorian mukaista lähestymistapaa johtajuuteen, jossa ryhmä näkee sisäryhmäprototyyppisen esimiehen esimerkiksi vaikutusvaltaisena, luotettavana ja karismaattisena. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös sosiaalisen identiteetin teoriaan pohjautuvaa organisaatioon samastumisen käsitettä. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on löydetty yhteys esimiehen sisäryhmäprototyyppisyyden ja menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuuden väliltä sekä menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuuden ja organisaatioon samastumisen väliltä. Teoreettinen tausta tukee oikeudenmukaisuuden ja samastumisen välistä yhteyttä, sillä esimerkiksi ryhmäarvomallin ja ryhmään kiinnittymisen mallin mukaan yksilöt tekevät oikeudenmukaisen kohtelun perusteella arvioita ryhmäjäsenyyksistään. Tutkimuksen aineisto on osa Helsingin kaupungille toteutettavaa 'Uhat, mahdollisuudet ja yhteinen tulevaisuus. Helsingin kaupungin sosiaali- ja terveystoimen fuusio henkilöstön kokemana' -hanketta, jossa tarkastellaan Helsingin kaupungin organisaatiofuusiota, jossa sosiaalivirasto ja terveyskeskus yhdistyivät sosiaali- ja terveysvirastoksi 1.1.2013. Aineisto kerätään kolmessa osassa (2012 - 2014), ja tässä tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään kahta ensimmäistä. Ensimmäinen kysely lähetettiin kaikille sosiaaliviraston ja terveyskeskuksen työntekijöille ennen fuusiota vuonna 2012 ja toinen kysely fuusion jälkeen vuoden 2013 lopulla. Molempiin kyselyihin vastasi yhteensä 1152 henkilöä. Tutkimuskysymykset koskevat fuusiota edeltävän menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuuden kokemuksen vaikutusta sekä esimiehen sisäryhmäprototyyppisyyteen sekä uuteen organisaatioon samastumiseen. Tutkimushypoteeseina oli, että menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuus vaikuttaisi positiivisesti molempiin muuttujiin. Keskiarvojen ja korrelaatioiden tarkastelun jälkeen suoritettiin kaksi regressioanalyysiä hypoteesien testaamiseksi. Hypoteesit saivat tukea, kun fuusiota edeltävä menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuus vaikutti merkitsevästi sekä fuusion jälkeiseen kokemukseen esimiehen sisäryhmäprototyyppisyydestä että uuteen organisaatioon samastumiseen, kun analyyseissä huomioitiin myös fuusiota edeltävä kokemus esimiehen sisäryhmäprototyyppisyydestä ja vanhaan organisaatioon samastuminen. Varsinaisten analyysien lisäksi suoritettiin neljä lisäanalyysiä, joissa tarkasteltiin päämuuttujien suhdetta niiden henkilöiden keskuudessa, joiden esimies oli muutoksessa pysynyt samana ja niiden henkilöiden keskuudessa, joiden esimies oli muutoksessa muuttunut. Tulos lisäanalyyseissä oli, että fuusiota edeltävä menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuus vaikutti merkitsevästi esimiehen sisäryhmäprototyyppisyyteen ainoastaan silloin kuin esimies oli muutoksessa vaihtunut. Lisäanalyysit eivät tuoneet eroja menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuuden vaikutukseen uuteen organisaatioon samastumisessa. Tutkimus tukee organisaatioon samastumisen osalta aikaisempaa tutkimustaustaa sekä tarjoaa tulevaisuuden tutkimukselle jatkoehdotuksia liittyen menettelytapojen oikeudenmukaisuuden vaikutukseen kokemukseen esimiehen sisäryhmäprototyyppisyydestä esimerkiksi esimiehen vaihtuessa fuusiossa. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää jatkotutkimuksessa sekä esimerkiksi esimiesten koulutuksessa.
  • Kyläkoski, Anna (2017)
    Fyysisellä kosketuksella on tutkittu olevan terveyttä ja hyvinvointia edistäviä vaikutuksia. Kosketuksen on huomattu vaikuttavan koehenkilöiden mielialaan ja itsetuntoon sitä kohottavasti sekä lisäävän yhteyden tunnetta ja positiivisia tunteita muita kohtaan. Ikäihmisille suunnattu päivätoiminta on toimintaa, jonka tavoitteena on edistää hyvinvointia tarjoamalla heille virikkeitä, liikuntaa ja sosiaalista kanssakäymistä. Päivätoiminnan avulla pyritään parantamaan ikäihmisten osallistumismahdollisuuksia ja ehkäisemään yksinäisyyttä. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, vaikuttaako ikäihmisille suunnatussa keskusteluryhmässä saatu ja annettu kosketus osallistujien mielialaan, itsetuntoon ja ryhmäytymiseen positiivisesti. Tutkimus toteutettiin kokeellisena asetelmana ikäihmisille suunnattun palvelukeskusken tiloissa, missä koehenkilöt osallistuivat keskusteluryhmiin neljän viikon ajan kerran viikossa. Kaikki osallistujat (N=37) olivat eläkkeellä olevia pääkaupunkiseudulla asuvia naisia. Osallistujien ikäjakauma oli 59–91 vuotta iän keskiarvon ollessa 75 vuotta. Osallistujat jaettiin koeryhmiin (n=20) ja kontrolliryhmiin (n=17). Keskusteluryhmien varsinaiseksi tapaamisajaksi oli varattu aina yksi tunti. Keskusteluryhmissä koehenkilöt antoivat pareittain toisilleen hierontaa sisältävää käsihoitoa 10 minuutin ajan vuorollaan sekä keskustelivat samalla valmiiksi annetusta aiheesta. Kontrolliryhmän koehenkilöt vuorostaan keskustelivat samasta valmiiksi annetusta aiheesta 20 minuutin ajan ilman fyysistä kosketusta. Loppuaika keskusteltiin yhteisesti. Tutkimusaineistö kerättiin kyselylomakkeilla ennen ja jälkeen koetilanteen. Kyselylomakkeet sisäl-sivät itsearviointimittareita, joilla mitattiin mielialaa, itsetuntoa ja ryhmäytymistä. Koehenkilöiltä tiedusteltiin myös heidän arvioitaan keskustelutilanteen ja keskustelukumppanin mielekkyydestä. Aineisto analysoitiin testaamalla kosketuksen vaikutusta mielialaan, itsetuntoon ja ryhmäytymiseen toistettujen mittausten varianssianalyysillä. Kosketuksen vaikutusta keskustelukumpanin ja keskustelutilanteen mielekkyyteen testattiin riippumattomien otosten t-testillä. Kosketuksella ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää vaikutusta itsetuntoon, negatiiviseen mielialaan tai ryhmäytymiseen. Imputoidulla aineistolla saaduissa tuloksissa, positiivinen mieliala nousi neljän viikon aikana tilastollisesti merkitsevästi enemmän koeryhmän jäsenillä kuin kontrolliryhmän jäsenillä (F(4,436) = 3.64, p < .006, η² = .115). Havaitulla aineistolla ryhmien välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa, (F(3,221) = 2.20, p = .09, η² = .136). Kosketuksen vaikutus oli kuitenkin melko suuri. Kosketus selitti 13,6 % positiivisen mielialan vaihtelusta. Negatiivinen mieliala laski molemmilla ryhmillä tilastollisesti merkitsevästi neljän viikon aikana (F(2,219) = 6.80, p = .003 , η² = .327). Tutkielman perusteella näyttää siltä, että kosketus osana keskusteluryhmän toimintaa saattaa käsiin kohdistettavana hierontana voimistaa sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen positiivisia vaikutuksia eläkeikäisillä naisilla kohottamalla heidän mielialaansa ja siten edistämällä terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Tuloksia tulkitessa huomioitavaa kuitenkin on, että puuttuvien tietojen takia otos jäi luotettavan tilastollisen testauksen kannalta pieneksi.Tutkimus olisikin jatkossa mielenkiintoista toistaa suuremmalla otoskoolla ja paremmalla koeasetelman kontrolloinnilla.
  • Salkosalo, Johanna (2022)
    Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella tiedetään, että työolot selittävät merkittävästi suomalaisten terveyseroja. Saatavilla on kuitenkin vain vähän tutkimustietoa saatavilla siitä, miten työelämän aikaiset kuormittavat työolot selittävät terveyttä ja sen muutoksia eläkkeelle jääneillä työntekijöillä. Tässä maisterintutkielmassa selvitetään fyysisesti kuormittavien työolojen yhteyttä terveyteen sekä sitä, ovatko fyysisesti kuormittavat työolot yhteydessä koetun terveyden muutoksiin työelämästä eläkkeelle siirryttäessä. Tutkielma on osa Helsinki Health Study (HHS) -tutkimushanketta, joka on tutkinut Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöiden terveyttä, työoloja ja työssäjaksamista jo vuodesta 2000 alkaen. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin vuosina 2000–2017 kerättyä kyselyaineistoa, jonka vastaajat koostuivat keski-ikäisistä ja ikääntyneistä kaupungin työntekijöistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimusjoukko koostuu 3839 vastaajasta, joita tutkittiin kahdessa eri aikapisteessä, työelämässä sekä vanhuuseläkkeelle jäämisen jälkeen. Tutkielma on kvantitatiivinen pitkittäistutkimus, jossa analyysimenetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia ja multinomiaalista logistista regressioanalyysia. Fyysisesti kuormittavat työolot (OR 2,73 95 % LV 2,20-3,40) ovat yhteydessä kunta-alan työntekijöiden heikkoon koettuun terveyteen, joka pysyi heikkona myös eläkkeelle jäämisen jälkeen. Fyysisesti kuormittavilla työoloilla (OR 1,58, 95 % LV 1,21-2,05) on myös yhteys työelämän aikana hyvään, mutta eläkkeellä ollessa heikentyneeseen koettuun terveyteen. Fyysisesti kuormittavilla työoloilla on itsenäinen yhteys terveyden muutoksiin, eivätkä taustamuuttujat ja elintavat selittäneet tätä yhteyttä. Fyysisesti kuormittavat työolot eivät puolestaan ole yhteydessä työelämän aikana heikkoon, mutta eläkkeellä ollessa parantuneeseen koettuun terveyteen. Tämän tutkielman tulosten mukaan suurimmalla osalla kunta-alalta eläköityneistä työntekijöistä terveys säilyy hyvänä eläkkeelle jäämisen jälkeen. Fyysisesti kuormittavan työn yhteys terveyteen säilyy eläkkeelle jäämisen jälkeen, eikä työkuormituksen poistuminen eläkkeelle jäädessä paranna terveyttä. Kunta-alan työntekijöiden fyysisesti kuormittavia työoloja tulee keventää, jotta voidaan suomalaisen eläkepolitiikan mukaisesti pidentää työuria sekä ylläpitää ja tukea eläkeläisten terveyttä. Toimenpiteet tulisi kohdistaa erityisesti työuran viimeisinä vuosina fyysisesti kuormittavaa työtä tekeviin henkilöihin.
  • Englund, Kimmo (2014)
    Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkitaan Helsingin kaupunkisuunnitteluviraston käynnistämän Esikaupunkien renessanssi -täydennysrakentamishankkeen tuloksena syntynyttä pientalokohdetta Helsingin Maunulassa. Täydennysrakentaminen on yhtäältä keino tiivistää kaupunkirakennetta ja kohentaa palvelujen toimintaedellytyksiä; toisaalta se on keino monipuolistaa lähiöalueiden asuntokantaa ja täten väestön sosioekonomista rakennetta. Täten sen tulkitaan olevan sosiaalista sekoittamista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella, miten täydennysrakentamisella luotu asuinympäristö sopii yhteen täydennysrakentamiskohteessa asuvien pientaloasukkaiden kulttuuristen merkityksenantojen ja arkitoiminnan kanssa. Näin pyritään laajentamaan ymmärrystä asumiskokemukseen vaikuttavista sosiaalisista tekijöistä sekä arvioimaan sosiaalisen sekoittamisen sosiaalisia seurauksia. Taustalla vaikuttaa Helsingin seudulla, 1990-luvun alun laman jälkeen, havaittu alueellinen eriytyminen. Reaktiona tähän Helsingin kaupunkisuunnitteluvirasto aloitti täydennysrakentamishankkeen lähiöiden elävöittämiseksi kymmenisen vuotta sitten. Helsingissä käynnistynyttä täydennysrakentamista voidaan peilata Keski-Euroopassa käytyyn urban restructuring -keskusteluun. Siellä alueellinen eriytyminen on ollut jo pidemmän aikaa niin tutkijoita kuin päätöksentekijöitä askarruttava ilmiö. Kaupunkipolitiikan tavoitteet, oletukset ja keinot ovat olleet vilkkaan keskustelun aiheina. Tutkimuksissa on puhuttu niin sosiaalisesta koheesiosta, sosiaalisesta pääomasta kuin sosiaalisesta kontrollistakin. Nämä käsitteet kehystävät tätäkin tutkimusta. Tarkoituksena on kuitenkin ollut sukeltaa syvemmälle asuinalueelle ja tarkastella pientaloasukkaiden suhdetta niin tilaan ja paikkoihin kuin kodin ympäristöstä löytyviin ihmisiin. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu viidestä Maunulan täydennysrakentamiskohteessa asuvan pientaloasukkaan puolistrukturoidusta haastattelusta. Aineiston avaamiseksi tehdään kaksi analyyttista jaottelua: Ensimmäinen jakaa tilan kotoa havaittavaan asumisen tasoon sekä vapaa-ajan puitteista ja palveluista muodostuvaan asuinalueen tasoon. Toinen jaottelu koskee merkityksenannon ja toiminnan, sanojen ja tekojen, keskinäistä suhdetta. Jaottelujen avulla pyritään analysoimaan, miten asukkaat kokevat asuinympäristönsä niin fyysisenä kuin sosiaalisena ympäristönä. Tutkimuksen keskeinen havainto on, että fyysiseen ympäristöön liittyvät merkitykset vaikuttavat vahvasti pientaloasukkaiden asumiskokemukseen. Tämä kuuluu turvallisuutta, hallintaa ja valvontaa korostavissa puheenvuoroissa. Johtopäätöksenä esitetään, että pientaloasukkaiden asumiseen liittämät kulttuuriset merkitykset eivät sovi ongelmitta yhteen täydennysrakentamisella luodun asuinympäristön kanssa. Tämä tulos johtaa kysymään, tulisiko sosiaalisen sekoittamisen tavoitteet ja keinot arvioida uudelleen.