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  • Laasanen, Jaakko (2018)
    Tutkielman lähtökohtana on sen aineisto, Alkon vuoden 2014 televisiomainos ja -verkkovideokampanja. Kampanjassa on aistittavissa keskiluokkaisen habituksen ja tyylin läsnäolo. Kampanjan oletetun luokkasidonnaisuuden takia tutkielman teoreettiseksi viitekehykseksi on valittu sosiologi Pierre Bourdieun makuun perustuva yhteiskuntaluokkateoria. Tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, minkälaisista osista kampanjan oletettu keskiluokkaisuus koostuu? Miksi monopolia on puolustettu keskiluokkaisen tyylin keinoin? Minkälaista hallintaa keskiluokkaisen habituksen avulla toteutetaan? Tutkielman metodi on sosiosemioottinen representaatioiden analyysi. Metodin avulla paikannetaan ja analysoidaan aineiston osien ja kokonaisuuksien kulttuurisia merkityksiä. Sosiosemiotiikka ymmärtää merkit ja merkityskokonaisuudet semioottisina resursseina, jotka saavat merkityksensä siitä sosiokulttuurisesta taustasta, jossa ne on tuotettu. Sosiosemioottisessa merkityksen tuotannossa tärkeässä osassa ovat ne kontekstit, joihin merkit liittyvät. Tutkimuksen työkaluina toimivat aineistoon liittyvät kontekstit: suomalainen uuden keskiluokan tutkimus, aineiston tuottajien kontekstointihaastattelut sekä yhteiskuntahistoriallinen alkoholipoliittinen narratiivi. Viimeksi mainittu narratiivi perustuu yhteiskuntahistorioitsija Hanna Kuusen esitykseen, jossa Suomen alkoholipolitiikan liberalisoitumista on ohjannut filosofi Michel Foucault’n teoretisoima liberaali hallintalogiikka. Tutkielman keskeiset tulokset liittyvät uuden keskiluokan habituksen ilmenemiseen aineistossa. Kampanjan tyyli koostuu lukuisista vapauden ja kontrollin osista, jolloin tyylin yhteisvaikutelma on ambivalentti. Tyyli on kommunikoitu epäsuorasti, ja sen funktio on vedota kampanjan kohderyhmään. Kampanjan argumentointi koostuu arvoista, jotka voi jakaa vapauden ja kontrollin kategorioihin. Vapautta ilmaisevat valinnanvapaus, palvelu, ekologisuus ja solidaarisuus. Kontrollia ilmaisevat sosiaalinen kontrolli, turvallisuus ja kontrolli maun avulla. Aineiston edustama vapaus on positiivista vapauutta erotuksena talousliberalismin negatiiviseen vapauteen. Kaikki aineiston kommunikoimat arvot liittyvät uuden keskiluokan habituksen vapaus-kontrolli-ulottuvuuteen. Maun avulla toteutettu kontrolli on tutkielman tärkein yksittäinen tulos. Se paljastaa aineistosta vaikuttamismekanismin, joka ei perustu rationaaliseen suoraan argumentaatioon. Tutkimuksen tärkein oivallus on teoreettinen. Bourdieun habituksen käsitteen ja Foucault’n identiteetin käsitteen välisen yhteyden osoittaminen tuottaa mielekkään tulkinnan aineistosta. Tutkielma osoittaa, että Alkon kampanja on rakennettu palvelemaan uuden keskiluokan habitusta. Alkon monopoliasema tarjoaa positiivista vapautta ja kulttuurisia resursseja uuden keskiluokan käyttöön. Kulttuuriset resurssit mahdollistavat pääomien kartuttamisen ja luokkaposition parantamisen. Habituksen palvelemisen lisäksi kampanja asettaa myös määritelmän oikeanlaisesta luokkaperformanssista – laadullinen suhde alkoholiin parantaa luokkapositiota, mutta määrällinen suhde heikentää sitä. Kampanjan kuvaama habitus ja sen määrittämä oikea luokkaperformanssi ovat Alkon kannalta ihanteellisia, koska ne ovat suopeita Alkon monopolia kohtaan.
  • Kushchuk, Valeriya (2015)
    Modern consumers and marketers commonly perceive the concept of brand community as a social formation that exists in symbiosis with organizations behind different brands. However, many researchers question whether community branding remains engaged and aligned with the brand’s agenda. Moreover, existing literature fails to explore the role of individual marketers in building the relationship between brands and communities. To compensate for this omission, this study investigates the perception of brand communities conveyed by marketing professionals who have worked at several Finnish companies in four different industries. The research questions were the following: How do marketing employees at Finnish companies perceive brand communities? What do interviewees think about the relationship between brand communities and companies? The data used in the study consists of semi-structured interviews of six marketing professionals collected during face-to-face meetings. The data were thematically analysed: the texts were first coded according to the predetermined topics (interviewees’ feelings about brand communities; the relationship between the community and the brand; life inside a brand community), after which the themes that emerged from the topics were studied further. Three themes were detected: participants feel distant from all brand communities; the relationship between brand communities and companies is symbiotic; the profile of brand communities in the eyes of brand managers is incomplete and blurry. The presentation of the findings is guided by the constructivism paradigm. The analysis revealed that participants’ perception of the subject is categorically complex, yet it lacks a critical perspective and insight on what may drive people to participate in brand communities. Marketing professionals shared their experiences of being lurking members and observers of brand communities. The data also indicate that interviewees do not identify themselves with most brand communities. The analysis also indicates that there may be a conflict of values between brand representatives and how they perceive brand community members’ values.
  • Jääskeläinen, Jannica (2018)
    The pressure toward companies to tackle the challenges of our societies has grown higher. Consumers are expecting companies not only to consider their impact on the society in form of corporate social responsibility (CSR), but to explicitly express their stances on socio-political issues. Also, while the concept of CSR is currently being reshaped, the ways in which CSR is communicated are changing. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of how CSR is communicated in the context of social media from the perspective of new CSR. The theoretical framework of this thesis builds on literature about CSR, social movements, and CSR communication on social media. The literature review constructs a framework of new CSR, which in this study means extended responsibilities that derive from the concepts of political CSR, corporate advocacy and activism. Some of the main source materials are provided by Aronczyk (2013), Baur and Wettstein (2016), London (2010) and Schrerer and Palazzo (2011). The study approach is qualitative, and the data consists of the Finnish textile company Finlayson’s Facebook posts from 2016 to 2017. The analysis is data-driven but guided by the theoretical framework. The analysis methods used are qualitative theme analysis and frame analysis. The findings of this study indicate that Finlayson’s CSR communication is a hybrid mix of traditional and new CSR. The study finds that the main CSR-related themes Finlayson communicates are environmental protection and political grievances. The first is an indication of a traditional CSR theme, and the study implies that these kinds of traditional CSR topics have now found their way into new platforms such as social media. However, political grievances imply an orientation toward newer CSR. The company addresses controversial socio-political issues and takes stances, for instance, on LGBT rights, racism and equal pay. When it comes to the ways in which Finlayson communicates CSR, this study identifies three responsibility communication frames: the credibility frame, the captaincy frame, and the cooperation frame. The credibility frame emphasizes past CSR initiatives and communication is informative and one-way by nature. The captaincy frame emphasizes the company’s future aspirations, and responsibility is personified to the CEO of the company, thus indicating forms of CEO activism. The cooperation frame emphasizes collaboration and establishing a mutual understanding between the company and its stakeholders. Furthermore, the cooperation frame mobilizes the company’s stakeholders to take action. Thus, the results imply that new CSR should be understood as an integral part of CSR studies and that the relationship between activism and CSR has become increasingly fluid.
  • Pilkey, Adam (2015)
    Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) are an innovative form of digital entertainment. Players, companies, and organizations are attracted to its potential to create highly engaging ludic experiences for massive audiences. This thesis examines how ARG players actually engage with mediated content by performing a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of postings on a popular ARG discussion forum. The primary aim of this study is to assess ARGs as a genre that constructs relations between the player community and the mediated content they consume as part of their play practices. ARGs have attracted attention from academics from a number of fields and disciplines. While many studies have performed in-depth ethnographies of player communities in relation to specific games, few have addressed the genre as a whole or taken a critical position to how it functions as a set of discursive conventions within popular culture. The sample consists of a collection of postings from the Unforums - a popular discussion board hosted by the ARG website The sample was collected using a temporal/thematic approach, and was based on the systematic observation of the research site. A total of 12 different game-events were collected from the Unforum, with each event containing between 23 and 75 posts, giving a total sample size of 672 posts. The sample was then subjected to a genre analysis following Norman Faircloughs theories of CDA. The analysis oscillated between describing the linguistic features of the postings and interpreting/explaining the postings in relation to the functions of discourse. The analysis found that the game-events are not constructed to function discretely; they are firmly embedded within larger networks of texts and practices. The participants make extensive use of intertextual reporting strategies to integrate game-events within these networks, and take advantage of the technological affordances offered by the Unforum to accomplish this goal. The participants in the game-events were found to build narratives that interpret relationships between different media texts. Thus, ARGs are shown to be an effective way of building relationships between different media texts, essentially providing an interpretive lens through which individual media texts belong to an overarching narrative.
  • Karttunen, Netta (2018)
    In Finland, interest groups have traditionally had a somewhat permanent role in policymaking process. Interest groups use a variety of tactics to influence policymaking. These tactics have often been considered as part of two strategies: inside strategy, which is directed to decision-makers, and outside strategy, which is more public-oriented. According to traditional views, the use of these strategies depends on the level of access the group has in decision-making. However, as the role of interest groups in policymaking process has become less permanent and the importance of media has been increasing as a part of mediatization development, the ways of influencing might become more diverse. Newer studies have suggested that interest groups combine a variety of different tactics. A number of other factors have also been found to affect the use of different influence tactics, such as group type, resources, political system and groups’ position in the policy network. The theme of this study is built against this framework. The aim of this study is to understand what kind of tactics groups use to influence climate policies in Finland. In addition, this study attempts to find the factors that explain the tactic choices. The data of the study were collected in 2014 as a part of Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks -research project. The study was conducted as a quantitative analysis based on a questionnaire sent to Finnish organizations that try to influence in climate policies. The respondents included 79 organizations, of which 59 interest groups were included in the analysis. The effect of different variables that were chosen based on earlier studies was tested by using statistical methods. The results show that Finnish interest groups seem to prefer using inside tactics and are highly connected to key ministries. However, the use of media is also very popular, which supports the views that media has become a necessary channel for all kinds of groups for influencing. In contrast, activating and mobilizing citizens was used by only a small minority of groups. However, it seems that interest groups use a variety of tactics and do not necessarily choose between two strategies. Interestingly, different tactics were explained by partly different factors. As some of the newer studies, the results questioned the relevance of access in tactic use: access to ministries was not able to explain the use of most tactics. Most importantly, it seems that network position was able to explain the use of tactics better than access, which indicates that using policy network approach has some potential in future research of the subject. In addition, it did not seem that tactic use was divided between group types: the most popular tactics were generally used by all kinds of groups.
  • Sipilä, Arlinda (2020)
    Corporate communications and management have had for a long time the conviction that they could project a specific brand identity by communicating a strong vision. Today this view is being challenged, especially with the rise of social media, which has brought more visibility to customer communities and has enabled better tools for customers to communicate with each other instantly, anywhere in the world. People interacting with each other in their communities give an identity to the brands, a collective identity that can be different from the one that corporate communications try to project. It is, therefore, necessary for the brands to understand how customers collectively impact brand identity. The concepts of top-down brand identity models do not work very well in today’s interconnected world. With that in mind, this thesis looks at a bottom-up approach to the brand identity model. It aims to bring further attention to the impact that brand communities have on brand identity. Through a model for collective brand identity, the objective is to make it easier for brands to see their brand identity from a customers’ perspective and enable them to envision their future collective identities. This thesis is conducted as qualitative research including a model, case studies and interviews looking into the brand identity as a collective construction. It initially looks into existing research on collective identity in general as well as in brands. Then, it discusses existing models for brand identity and social movements. Based on the insight from the literature, this study attempts to formulate a model for collective brand identity. It uses the case studies as illustrations and proof of concept for the model. Lastly, four in-depth interviews are conducted to explore further how the model can be applied in real-life in order to study and categorise brands based on their collective identity. This research identifies four main types of collective identity in brands based on the community characteristics and personal sense of belonging, which is, how individual identities relate to that of the brand. These brand types are Influencer, Collaborative, Collective and Outlier. In general, the more collective the brand communities are, the more substantial impact they have on the band’s identity and the higher the sense of belonging to their communities, the more loyal customers they are.
  • Cowie, Ian (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how media representations of masculinity, patriotism and militarism in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) relate to other corporate and political interests, and, in what ways (if any) does the UFC act to legitimize violence within the sport of mixed-martial-arts (MMA). This research was carried out within the theoretical framework of the “New American Militarism” (Bacevich, 2013) , as well as hegemonic masculinity (Connell, 1995). Through a critical content analysis of 13 “UFC Fight for the Troops” videos, it was argued that UFC has a symbiotic relationship with the U.S. military. The goal of this research was to contribute to a further understanding of the how political ideologies found in sports shape our daily lives. The paper examined ways U.S. military uses the UFC as a means to build morale for its troops before they are sent to war, and how the UFC benefits from the U.S. military through financial support and an increased fan base. Moreover, the UFC promotes nationalism and patriotism by making competition between individuals appear as competition between nations. One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study was provided by showing how the UFC legitimizes violence within the sport of MMA. We can see obvious consequences of this for the athletes, but more research is needed to understand how this relationship has evolved over time, and how it shapes the worldview of millions of viewers.
  • Couavoux, Adèle (2015)
    This thesis studies the communicational practices used in promoting gourmet products in Finland. Its purpose is to find out what kind of communicational practices can be used in promoting products belonging to the gourmet category; to establish if product attributes such as country of origin and ethical production should be used as key marketing messages; and finally to generate insight on the special communicational aspects that have to be taken into account when marketing more unfamiliar meat products such as veal and canned gourmet ready-meals. The theoretical part starts with van der Veen’s definition on luxury foods (2003). Then, the phenomenon of building luxury value through marketing is addressed, with a theoretical framework constructed around Kotler’s (2005) marketing mix. Danziger’s (2005) and Twithcell’s (2001) insights hint that storytelling has a key role in building luxury value. Tamagnini’s & Tregear’s (1998) model indicates that niche marketing can be a good approach in the delicatessen meat sector. Finally, the studies conducted by Leclerc, Schmitt and Dubé (1994) as well as Luomala (2007) indicate that French origins might to be an asset on the Finnish market. A qualitative approach was chosen to gather data. Eight Finnish food professionals, representing four different profiles, were interviewed about their opinions on communication practices in promoting gourmet products and meat. Results show that storytelling is deemed the most efficient way to market gourmet products. After having compiled a coherent story, a food brand needs to expose the story to the desired consumer group(s). Tools to do this can include collaboration with journalists, celebrities, trendsetters and retailers, paid advertising, and using the brand’s own channels. However, the most important marketing channel for food is estimated to be recipes, and according to this study recipes should be an integral part of all marketing communication effort of any gourmet food brand. In addition price, packaging and placement are also essential communicational tools in building added value and differentiating the product from non-gourmet rivals. Both ethical production and French origins are seen as mostly positive product attributes that are worth communicating to the consumers. The degree in which these attributes should be highlighted depends on the segment(s) the product is primarily aimed at. Veal and canned gourmet ready-meals are seen as products that need to adopt a niche marketing strategy, aiming to commit food enthusiasts first. Veal is not seen as a product type that would demand particularly cautious communication measures. Canned gourmet ready meals, on the other hand, are seen as a very tricky product category because of the poor reputation similar products have in Finland. Strong marketing efforts should be placed to make the general attitude change. Because the approach is qualitative and the viewpoints presented by the experts are subjective, the results presented in this thesis cannot be generalized. The primary objective for this research is not to provide definitive knowledge on promoting gourmet products, but rather generate fresh viewpoints on how promoting gourmet products in contemporary Finland can be addressed. Understanding the process of adding value is important to marketers, food producers and regular consumers alike, but to gain comprehensive knowledge about the phenomenon further research is needed.
  • Toivanen, Paula (2014)
    Since colonial times, the media has been used as a tool in the quest for engendering social change in developing countries in general. In the East African state of Tanzania in particular, there has been a strong tradition of using the media to educate and inform the citizenry. The approaches have varied from the early top-down attempts to modernize the nation to the more recent trends of emphasizing participation and the role of the citizens. One of the social actors working in the field of development in Tanzania is Twaweza, a ten-year initiative that emphasizes the role of communication and the media in creating an active citizenry. This study was motivated by the desire to understand how the media can be deployed in the quest for development in a country still very much on the wrong side of the digital divide. Thus the aim of this study was to gain insight on how and why this single social actor is striving for sustainable change in Tanzania through the promotion of active citizenry. This study was conducted as a qualitative case study of Twaweza and four relevant media actors in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. As the aim of the study was to gain understanding, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were chosen as the main data collection method. Six Twaweza representatives and four media representatives were interviewed. In addition, prior to the interviews document form data was collected for background material. The data gathered was analyzed using thematic analysis. During the analysis five central, intertwined themes (social change, citizen agency, information, the mass media, the government and other social actors) rose from the data. From these discussions the key findings were that citizens are, indeed, believed to be at the root of sustainable change. All will not act to create change, but some can be activated through timely and well-targeted messages sent through the media. Yet, information alone will not activate people especially in a cultural and social context such as Tanzania. A key implication of this study for the organization is that it needs to clarify its ideology and focus its operations if it is to reach the ambitious goal of creating bottom-up change in East Africa.
  • Berlin, Ann-Mari (2013)
    This Master’s thesis aims to study what crisis communication strategies an organisation can use to prevent or mitigate reputational crisis in social media. The study discusses current social media crisis strategies and proposes to find new ones. The intention is to create a communication model for reputational crisis in social media. With the model it is possible to assess the likelihood of a paracrisis turning into a crisis and consequently choose an appropriate strategy. The model is hence a tool when assessing signals from environmental scanning. The study is theoretic. The theoretic framework of the study consists of crisis communication, reputation and social media theory. The study discusses crisis communication and social media crisis theory. Reputation is brought into the discussion as reputational crisis is a subcategory of crisis. Reputation is also affected by crisis communication. In order to assess strategies for reputational crisis in social media, the features and logic of social media are discussed. Finally conventional crisis communication strategies are evaluated to see if they can be applied to reputational crisis in social media. Previous research shows that the refuse, refute and reform strategies can be used in social media crisis. Based on this study a fourth strategy may be added to the refuse, refute and reform –strategies, the positive strategy. In this strategy the organisation turns negative publicity into positive but a precondition is often a previously good reputation. The different strategies are illustrated in this study with case examples of social media crisis. The strategies which are found suitable for social media have been included in the model. Having gone through key crisis communication strategies, the conclusion is that the same crisis communication strategies which work in legacy media do not automatically work in social media. Crisis communication theory does however provide a good ground to start from when assessing crisis communication strategies for social media. The most important sources used in this study have been Coombs’ and Holladay’s studies on crisis communication and particularly paracrisis in social media, Åberg’s work on communication theory, Aula’s, Gonzalez-Herrero’s and Hoffman’s work on social media reputation and Korpiola’s studies on crisis communication in digital publicity.
  • Kamel, Shaden (2015)
    Global news networks played an important role in carrying powerful images from the Arab spring, whether on television or electronic screens. Furthermore, they provided the space for various individuals to voice their opinions and challenge government’s state television propaganda. However, as news networks compete against each other, they may provide different interpretations of the same event or issue, which may indicate their support for a particular political stance. The on-going events of the Egyptian 25th January revolution that led to the ouster of President Mohamed Hosny Mubarak, and the aftermath of Mubarak’s ouster, were highly covered global news networks. Similarly, Morsy’s ouster, a year later, by the Egyptian Supreme Council of the Armed Forces brought worldwide media attention. This thesis seeks to determine how political actors are framed during the period of Mubarak’s ouster, in comparison to during the period of Morsy’s ouster, by CNN International edition (CNNI) and Al Jazeera English (AJE) news sites. Political actors during the period of both ousters include: Mubarak and Morsy as presidents, their regimes, the pro-government supporters and anti-government protestors, the United States and the Egyptian army. To examine how these political actors are framed, I have conducted a comparative framing analysis by using a quantitative and qualitative mixed method on a sample of news stories from CNNI and AJE news sites. Additionally, a quantitative analysis is conducted on the use of sources by both news sites. Data in this thesis includes 78 news stories from both news sites in total. I have chosen to examine CNNI news site as branch of CNN’s news network, as it reflects a Western, and particularly an American stance, on foreign issues. Also, I have chosen AJE news site as a branch of Al Jazeera’s news network, as it is an alternative non-Western channel that is described as having contributed positively to the pan-Arab media landscape. Results of this study indicate that even though CNNI is expected to represent a Western or American standpoint and AJE is expected to represent a non-Western alternative perspective, both news sites used the same frames in portraying political actors. However, there are some differences in the way both news sites used the same frame, which reflected their different political ideologies and interests. Furthermore, data results suggest that sources contribute greatly to the way both news sites framed political actors. For example, the concentration of US officials in CNNI’s news stories during the period of Mubarak’s ouster, reflected the US’ dilemma as a political actor between its interests with Mubarak’s government and its ‘democratic ideals’. Similarly, during the period of Morsy’s ouster, the concentration of US officials in CNNI’s news stories reflected a neutral stance then a critical stance over the military’s intervention in ousting Morsy. In AJE’s news stories, Al Jazeera’s apparent role as a political actor itself is reflected in how AJE’s reporters, who conveyed the voices of anti-Mubarak protestors, are the highest news sources present during the period of Mubarak’s ouster, whereas members and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood are the highest news sources present during the period of Morsy’s ouster.
  • Jackson, Emilee (2016)
    Through the lens of race, otherness, and belonging this research investigates how Muslim Americans are represented in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal between January 2016 and January 2017. By employing content analysis, this research analyzes and compares different tones, frames, messages, and topics used by these two newspapers to create a better understanding of the representation Muslim Americans receive. Through these methods, my research found that there is little difference in the representation of Muslim Americans between two publications with differing political tendencies. Further, the representations given to Muslim Americans in both publications are highly negative with a focus on terrorism and U.S. politics.
  • Alvarez Garcia, Patricia (2013)
    Connections between organizational engagement and internal communication have gained much interest in recent years, due to existing evidence suggesting that employees who engage with their organization affect organization’s effectiveness and that, in turn, internal communication can influence organizational engagement. However, there is little evidence about such connection seen from an employee perspective and therefore, this study sought to explore linkages between employee organizational engagement and internal communication, on the basis of experiences of employees. This thesis draws on theoretical concepts such as knowledge workers, internal communication and organizational engagement as well as on an empirical research inspired by principles of grounded theory. The research analyzed twelve semi-structured interviews to employees working for a global knowledge-based organization; aiming at exploring the factors that had the potential to influence their engagement with the organizational; their key expectations towards internal communication and the implications that their overall experiences suggest for the practice of internal communication. Key findings indicated that organizational engagement can be influenced by organization-level internal communication and suggested that, while there cannot be a universal internal communication strategy to engage employees with their organization, the responsibility to engage and to achieve effective internal communication which supports engagement needs to be shared by all members of the organization, whereby employees’ accountability and empowerment is central. The findings also suggested a revision of the role of leaders and managers of the organization and the role of the function of internal communication. Overall, this study suggested that, in the relationship between organizational engagement and internal communication, seen from an employee perspective, both the organization and the employees could have significant gains.
  • Koskenniemi, Aino (2014)
    This study offers three theoretical perspectives on meaning construction in adbusting, a form culture jamming meant to interfere in processes of advertising that uphold the dominant ideology of consumerism. The study proposes a new holistic frame of interpretation for understanding the construction of meaning with and within adbusting. The practice is seen as a form of ideology critique that can and should be studied from three points of view: as semiotic warfare, material intervention, and social activity. First, as semiotic warfare, adbusting aims at subverting meanings by the use of ridicule and distancing, as well as by disarming stereotypes. The study also proposes that spoof ads could be analysed as types of deconstructions, that is, as activities of exposing how meanings are generated and upheld by the usually implicit use of binary oppositions of which the other end is situated hierarchically superior to the other. In addition, the semiotic warfare in which adbusting takes part materialises in acts of hijacking platforms used by advertisers. Second, adbusting is seen as a material practice. The study suggests that images constructed in adbusting should be understood as material things that can retain some type of agency and possibly be or become performative. The study also shows how the choice of both the material form and platform of adbusting can have effects on the meanings constructed of the practice and its imagery. Third, the construction of meaning of and in adbusting is studied from a social perspective. It is concluded that both personal and collective identities as well as emotions have an effect on what meanings are constructed of and in the practice and how. The role of images in upholding collectives and constructing communities of resistance is also determined to be significant in the case of adbusting. Finally, an analysis of the presented holistic frame of interpretation links the construction of meaning with questions over the use of public space, with different conceptions of 'an active public', and with ideas of emancipation. The study goes on to propose that the deconstruction and reconstruction of meaning in adbusting should be understood as a much broader phenomenon than presented in previous research.
  • Saari, Eeva-Kaisa (2012)
    The thesis is a study of journalists ethics in health and beauty field. The research is aiming to answers questions as follows. Firstly, how do PR agencies get publicity for their clients and their products by using journalists as a tool? Secondly, how does it affect journalists ethics when a PR company wants to achieve the best results for their clients project? Thirdly, how do journalists experience objectivity towards readers when dealing with PR practitioners? Advertisers influence in the process is also taken into account. The starting point for the study is the hypothesis that British journalists are more biased than their Finnish colleagues because the industry is bigger in the UK and they get more gifts from public relations machinery. My view changed towards the end of the research; the study results indicate that both countries are in a similar situation. The readers are one of the main reasons why this study was conducted. They are the ones that suffer from unethical journalism. Journalism industry has its own code of conduct in both countries and the thesis examines the impact on journalists attitudes. The study is qualitative and the method used is thematic interviews. For this study seven journalists from Finnish and six from British monthly magazines were interviewed. The interview questions were designed to find out what is the public relations practitioners impact on journalists work. The theory of the thesis includes theories of ethics, journalism, journalism ethics and public relations. The concept of ethics used n this research is western. Thematic analysis is used in order to find out research results. Main result is that it is not the amount of gifts that affects journalists ethics but rather the relationship between the journalist and a public relations practitioner. Journalists get harassed by the public relations practitioners to the point that a journalist gives in just that she can have a peace of mind. The relationship between PR people and journalists can also be extremely friendly and as a result a journalist might feature their products. Advertisers play a key role on editorial content. They have power to tell what to feature and which launch event a journalist should attend. The results were similar in both Finland and in the UK other than one exception. A publisher in the UK has its own ethical rules that employees have to obey. The concept is more helpful when resolving ethical issues comparing to codes of conducts that are issued from an institution such as National Union of Journalists.
  • Malinen, Johanna (2017)
    Tutkielma käsittelee yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamista ja arviointia. Tutkielma pyrkii tarjoamaan tietoa käytössä olevista mittaamisen ja arvioinnin keinoista, niihin liittyvistä haasteista sekä asenteista, jotka vaikuttavat viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamiseen ja arvioinnin prosessiin. Aihe on noussut erityisesti 2000-luvulla merkittäväksi viestinnän alan tutkimuksen aiheeksi, koska selkeästi vakiintuneita keinoja viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamiseen ja arviointiin ei ole käytössä, vaikka toiminto muuten on saavuttanut yrityksissä vakiintuneen aseman. Samanaikaisesti yritysten johto esittää vaatimuksia viestinnän vaikuttavuuden osoittamiseksi, sillä yritystoiminnan luonteeseen kuuluu toiminnan kriittinen arviointi ja pyrkimys mahdollisimman kustannustehokkaaseen toimintaan. Tutkielman taustana on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka kartoittaa viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kehitystä, yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuuden muodostumista sekä yleisimmin käytössä olevia keinoja yritysviestinnän mittaamiseen ja arviointiin. Erityisesti James Grunigin johtaman tutkimusryhmän muotoilema Excellence-teoria, Elisa Juholinin ja Tom Watsonin tekstit ovat keskeisessä roolissa tämän tutkimuksen kirjallisuuslähteinä. Tutkielman empiirinen osio lähestyy yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamista ja arviointia Delfoi-menetelmän keinoin. Delfoi-menetelmä on keino saada joukko tutkimusaiheen asiantuntijoita keskustelemaan keskenään tutkimuksen toteuttajan kautta. Tässä tutkielmassa on haastateltu verkkopohjaisen kyselylomakkeen välityksellä 15 suomalaista yritysviestinnän alan ammattilaista kahdella kierroksella. Tutkielman perusteella suomalaisten yritysviestinnän ammattilaisten keskuudessa on laajaa kiinnostusta viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamiseen ja arviointiin, mutta prosessin suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen koetaan usein haastavaksi. Vaikuttavuuden arvioinnin perustana on oltava selkeästi määritellyt tavoitteet, mitä viestinnällä halutaan saavuttaa yrityksessä. Tutkielma osoitti, että tavoitteiden määrittelyssä koetaan usein olevan haasteita, minkä vuoksi myös viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaaminen ja arviointi on vaikeaa. Tavoitteiden saavuttamista ja yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuutta tulisi mitata monipuolisella kokoelmalla kvantitatiivisia ja kvalitatiivisia mittaamisen ja arvioinnin keinoja, jotka on valittu yrityksen tarpeet huomioiden. Yritysviestinnän alan ammattilaisten keskuudessa on vahvaa kiinnostusta osoittaa viestinnän vaikuttavuus ja taloudellinen hyöty yrityksen liiketoiminnalle lukujen avulla, kun taas tieteellinen kirjallisuus on usein skeptinen kvalitatiivisten menetelmien sopivuudesta viestinnän lopullisen vaikuttavuuden osoittajaksi. Viestinnän vaikuttavuuden osoittaminen yritysmaailman kielellä nähdään keinoksi lisätä viestintätoiminnon arvostusta ja näkyvyyttä, mutta toiminnon luonne asettaa tälle haasteita: vaikuttavuus voi olla havaittavissa pitkällä aikavälillä, viestinnän vaikuttavuutta voi olla hankala erottaa muusta yrityksen toiminnasta ja viestinnän tehtäviin kuuluu liiketoiminnan ongelmien ja riskien ennaltaehkäisy voittojen tuottamisen sijaan. Yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamisen ja arvioinnin prosessia tulisi kehittää liittäen siihen toiminnon eri osa-alueet ja hyödyntäen alan ammattijärjestöjen, tieteellisen tutkimusten ja yritysmaailman tuottamaa tietoa. Tutkielman mukaan yritysviestinnän alan ammattilaiset kokevat, että viestinnän vaikuttavuuden onnistunut arviointi tarjoaisi selkeitä hyötyjä viestinnän toiminnolle ja koko yrityksen liiketoiminnalle. Yritysviestintä toimii parhaimmillaan yrityksen viestinnän tehtävien koordinoijana ja yritysjohdon strategisena kumppanina. Tämän ideaalin täyttämiseksi yritysviestinnällä pitää kuitenkin olla selkeät tavoitteet ja sen toimintaa tulee arvioida kokonaisuutena, johon kuuluu välittömien tulosten tarkastelun lisäksi analyysi toiminnon kokonaisvaltaisesta vaikuttavuudesta eri sidosryhmien näkökulmasta.
  • Parkkulainen, Nina (2015)
    1900-luvun lähestyessä loppuaan länsimainen demokratia ja poliittinen elämä olivat tulleet murroksen eteen. Perinteiset poliittisen osallistumisen muodot olivat alkaneet menettää vetovoimaansa kansalaisten silmissä, teknologisen kehityksen – erityisesti internetin – tarjotessa samaan aikaan uusia kanavia ja keinoja kansalaislähtöiselle poliittiselle keskustelulle ja toiminnalle. Edustuksellisen demokratian nähtiin ajautuneen kriisiin ja sen murenevan legitimiteetin paikkaamiseen alettiin etsiä vastauksia niin uudesta teknologiasta kuin demokratiateorian yhdeksi keskeisimmäksi suuntaukseksi 1990-luvulla nousseesta deliberatiivisesta demokratiasta. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee yhdessä näitä kahta demokratian 'pelastajaksi' esitettyä ajatusta: deliberatiivisen demokratian teoriaa sekä verkkoa poliittisen keskustelun areenana. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitä deliberatiivisen demokratian teoria voi tarjota verkon eri julkisuusareenoilla käytävän poliittisen keskustelun tutkimukselle. Tutkielmassa kuvataan, millaiset lähtökohdat deliberatiivisen demokratian teoria antaa verkkokeskustelujen yhteiskunnallisen merkityksen ja demokraattisen arvon analysoinnille ja arvioimiselle, sekä tarkastellaan teorian soveltamiseen liittyviä haasteita. Samalla pohditaan, millainen keskustelu ylipäänsä on demokratian kannalta merkittävää. Miten deliberatiivisen demokratian ytimen muodostava ideaali julkinen keskustelu, deliberaatio, tulisi määritellä? Aihetta lähestytään tutkielmassa teoreettisesti: deliberatiivisen demokratian alla esitettyjä näkemyksiä kriittisesti tarkastellen ja vertaillen, teoriaa problematisoiden sekä vaihtoehtoisia näkökulmia esiin nostaen. Deliberatiivisen demokratiateorian eri haarojen edustajat sekä teorian kriitikot asetetaan vuoropuheluun, jonka kautta esiin nousevat niin teorian edut kuin sen ongelmakohdat. Deliberatiivisen demokratian teoria nostaa demokratian tärkeimmäksi ominaisuudeksi kollektiivista päätöksentekoa edeltävän julkisen keskustelun ja harkinnan. Tutkielmassa lähdetään liikkeelle tarkastelemalla julkisen keskustelun roolia demokratian historiassa ja demokratiateoreettisen keskustelun eri vaiheissa; tätä kautta hahmottuvat deliberatiivisen demokratian teoreettiset juuret ja lähtökohdat. Deliberatiivisen demokratiateorian muotoutumiseen ovat vaikuttaneet erityisesti John Rawls ja Jürgen Habermas, joiden ajatukset saavat keskeisen sijan myös tässä tutkielmassa. Rawlsin ja Habermasin ajatusten pohjalta deliberatiivista demokratiaa on kehitellyt edelleen joukko toisen polven teoreetikkoja, joita tässä tutkielmassa edustavat mm. Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson, Jane Mansbridge ja John S. Dryzek. Deliberatiivisen demokratian haastajana esiin nostetaan Chantal Mouffen ja Bonnie Honigin edustama agonistinen demokratiakäsitys, kuin myös Iris Marion Youngin ja Lynn M. Sandersin esittämät kriittiset näkemykset. Keskeisenä näkökulmana verkon poliittisen keskustelun tarkasteluun toimii puolestaan Deen Freelonin esittämä moninorminen viitekehys. Julkisen keskustelun merkitystä korostava deliberatiivinen demokratia tarjoaa kiinnostavan näkökulman verkon julkisen keskustelun tarkastelulle. Deliberatiivisen demokratiateorian esittämät ihanteet – muun muassa julkisen keskustelun rationaalisuus, argumentatiivisuus ja konsensushakuisuus – muodostavat pohjan normistolle, jonka avulla verkkokeskustelujen luonnetta voidaan arvioida. Nämä samat ideaalit muodostuvat kuitenkin myös teorian ongelmakohdiksi. Paitsi että monet teoreetikot ovat kyseenalaistaneet deliberatiivisen demokratian kuvaamien ideaalien tavoiteltavuuden ylipäänsä, on normatiivisten ideaalien suhde verkon eri foorumeilla todellisuudessa tapahtuvaan keskusteluun myöskin ongelmallinen. Liian tiukka sitoutuminen deliberatiivisiin ideaaleihin jättää huomiotta muut verkkokeskusteluille ominaiset ja demokratian näkökulmasta yhtälailla olennaiset kommunikaation muodot: yhteisöllisyydestä ja yhteistyöstä kertovan kommunitarismin sekä vapaata mielipiteenilmaisua kuvaavan individualismin. Tutkielman johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että deliberatiivisen demokratian teoriaan perustuva viitekehys on liian kapea verkon julkisen keskustelun analyysiin. Laajentamalla deliberaation perinteistä määritelmää sekä ottamalla mukaan kommunikaation yhteisöllisyyttä ja individualismia kuvaavat normit, verkon poliittisesta keskustelusta on mahdollista saada kattavampi kuva. Deliberatiivisen demokratiateorian kriittisen tarkastelun kautta muotoutuu viitekehys, joka ei rajoitu ainoastaan yhteen julkisen keskustelun muotoon, rationaalisena argumentointina ymmärrettyyn deliberaatioon, vaan pyrkii kuvaamaan laajemmin verkossa tapahtuvan kansalaiskeskustelun luonnetta ja tuomaan esiin sen koko demokraattisen potentiaalin.
  • Jägerhorn-Tabermann, Jenny (2018)
    Tiedekunta/Osasto Fakultet/Sektion – Faculty Helsinfors universitet, Statsvetenskapliga fakulteten Laitos/Institution– Department Svenska social- & kommunalhögskolan och Statsvetenskapliga fakulteten Tekijä/Författare – Author Jägerhorn-Tabermann, Jenny Työn nimi / Arbetets titel – Title Den finlandssvenska kulturjournalistiken i förändring – ”kris” eller paradigmskifte? En granskning av kultursidornas utveckling i HBL, VBL och ÅU 2007–2017. Oppiaine /Läroämne – Subject Journalistik och kommunikation Työn laji/Arbetets art – Level Pro gradu-avhandling Aika/Datum – Month and year Augusti 2018 Sivumäärä/ Sidoantal – Number of pages 97 Tiivistelmä/Referat – Abstract Syftet med denna pro gradu-avhandling är att undersöka hur de finlandssvenska tidningarnas kulturbevakning förändrats under åren 2007–2017 via en studie av Hufvudstadsbladet, Vasabladet och Åbo Underrättelser. Såväl inom den offentliga debatten som inom forskning har kulturjournalistikens ”kris” diskuterats med jämna mellanrum. Avhandlingen granskar vad som menas med ”kris” och om det finns belägg för krisdiskussionen när det gäller den finlandssvenska kulturbevakningen. I den teoretiska delen tar jag avstamp i Pierre Bourdieus teori om kulturens fält och kulturellt kapital, samt i Maarit Jaakkola och Heikki Hellmans (2009, 2012) tidigare forskning om friktionen mellan det estetiska och det journalistiska paradigmet. Jag undersöker om man också i Svenskfinland kan se samma tendens av ett paradigmskifte inom kulturjournalistiken mot ett mera nyhetsorienterat innehåll. Undersökningsmetoden är kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Mina resultat visar att kultursidorna i Svenskfinland har utvecklats väldigt olika. HBL:s och ÅU:s kultursidor präglas av en kontinuitet och en viss konservatism, medan VBL:s kultursidor genomgått större förändringar. I VBL syns den journalistiska vändningen således klarast. VBL sticker ut i mina resultat på flera sätt; vad gäller den ökade populariseringen, den växande andelen kulturnyheter i förhållande till recensioner, maskuliniseringen av recensioner, och också genom att antalet kulturartiklar ökat till skillnad från de andra två tidningarna. Att man i Österbotten starkt följer med utvecklingen i Sverige, där populariseringen och paradigmskiftet syntes redan för tio år sedan, kan delvis förklara det här. Antalet recensioner har minskat i alla undersökta tidningar. Men i HBL kvarstår recensionen 2017 som den klart vanligast förekommande artikeltypen, den utgör drygt hälften av allt material på kultursidan. Antalet kulturartiklar har under 2007–2017 minskat i både HBL och ÅU, medan de har ökat i VBL. Andelen kultursidor i jämförelse med det totala antalet sidor har ändå procentuellt sett hållits intakt i alla tre tidningar. Det vittnar om att tidningarna trots ekonomiska utmaningar och nedskärningar fortfarande värdesätter kultursidorna. Att tala om en ”kris” inom kulturjournalistiken i Svenskfinland finns det därför inte belägg för. Samtidigt visar min avhandling att det är svårt att ge ett generellt svar, eftersom variationen mellan de tre tidningar jag har undersökt är så stor. Kan tänkas är hela krisdiskussionen en del av det maktspel inom kulturfältet som också Bourdieu hänvisar till – ett sätt att bevara kulturjournalistiken fin och exklusiv. Att tala om kulturjournalistiken i kris är därför onödigt ödesmättat, mera träffande är det att tala om kulturjournalistiken i förändring. Ett exempel på detta är hur tv-drama börjat uppfattas som finkultur på kultursidorna, och bidrar till att omdefiniera distinktionen mellan högt och lågt. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords Journalistik, kulturjournalistik, kultur, nyheter, paradigmskifte, kulturkritik, tidningar, recensioner, Svenskfinland, kris. Säilytyspaikka – Förvaringställe – Where deposited Muita tietoja – Övriga uppgifter – Additional information
  • Häggström, Elisa (2017)
    Finländsk television har under senaste år upplevt en enorm ökning av inhemska reality-tv-program samtidigt som media allt mer konsumeras mångmedialt. De flesta program förses således med en officiell programhashtag som antagandevis ska ge ett mervärde till tittarupplevelsen och generera diskussion bland tittarna. Den här pro gradu-avhandlingen kombinerar dessa två aktuella aspekter i en granskning av hur den specifika reality-tv-serien Iholla:s officiella programhashtag används av konsument och producent. Frågan är om #Iholla blir mer än enbart ett informativt tillägg i twittrandet eller marknadsföring för producenten. Analysen har gjorts på #Iholla tweetar som samlats in kring seriens tredje säsong (1.8.2014 – 20.11.2015) och som metod har en kvalitativ textanalys samt en mindre, kompletterande, kvantitativ granskning använts. Analysen grundar sig Wohn och Na:s (2011) uses- och gratifications teori som utgår från en kedje-effekt av tv-tittande och twittrande. Dessutom grundar sig diskussionen på tidigare forskning om fenomenet social tv, det vill säga simultant tv-tittande och twittrande samt Nikunens (2005) tankar kring trendfanbeteende. Forskningen utgår från att #Iholla-twittrarna är en liten specifik grupp av Iholla-publiken samtidigt som studien är induktiv och öppen för olika typer av aktiv och publik. Min analys kunde likt tidigare forskning inom området påvisa att Twitter används som bakgrundskanal till reality-tv-serien Iholla och att det trots det lilla antalet aktiva twittrare i Finland skapas en betydelsefull diskussion och tittargemenskap som förlänger tittarupplevelsen. Fallstudien fokuserade specifikt på #Iholla men kunde också påvisa tendenser av ett bredare mönster hos twittrarna att använda sig av officiella programhashtagar som en del av tittarupplevelsen. #Iholla blev dels en modern tv-soffa och dels ett forum för kortvarigt men intensivt fanbeteende. Dessutom kunden diskussionen kring trendfans utvecklas genom att se social tv som en möjlighet till tydligare tittargemenskaper trots det kortvariga intresset. Fallstudien kunde också uppvisa nya mervärden inom social tv i och med reality-tv-genrens närhet till vardagen som skapade en verklig möjlighet för tittarna att skapa en relation med seriens karaktärer. Till slut kunde dynamiken mellan producent och konsument beskrivas som ett ömsesidigt beroendeförhållande med minskad maktskillnad.
  • Päivärinta, Hanna (2011)
    Designin rooli yhteiskunnallisessa keskustelussa on tullut vahvasti esiin viime vuosina. Suur-Helsingin (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen ja Lahti) voittama World Design Capital 2012 -titteli on lisännyt osaltaan designiin kiinnittyvää huomiota. Designiin liittyvät ulottuvuudet ovat laajat ja sen tuoma lisäarvo yrityksille on mielenkiintoinen tutkimuskohde, johon voidaan yhdistää myös viestinnän näkökulma. Design on siis muutakin kuin esineiden muotoilua ja suunnittelua. Designia on tutkittu muun muassa artefaktien kautta kommunikaatiovälineenä, mutta designin roolia yritysviestinnässä ei ole juurikaan aikaisemmin tutkittu. Tämän pro gradu -työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten design voi toimia yrityksen viestintäfunktiona. Tämän päätutkimuskysymyksen selvittämiseksi etsitään vastaus kolmeen alakysymykseen, jotka perustuvat Joep Cornelissenin yritysviestinnän teorian kolmeen pääkäsitteeseen: yrityksen identiteettiin, sidosryhmäviestintään ja maineeseen. Joep Cornelissenin yritysviestintäteoria on myös tutkimuksen päälähde, jonka lisäksi muun muassa Pekka Aulan maineteorioilla on keskeiset roolinsa. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty teemahaastatteluilla. Haastatteluja tehtiin yhteensä yksitoista ja ne on kerätty niin sanotulla lumipallo-otannalla. Kohderyhmänä olivat designalan ammattilaiset. Noin puolet haastateltavista tekee tutkimus- ja opetustyötä eri yliopistoissa, yksi kaupungin palveluksessa ja loput toimivat eri yrityksissä joissakin johtotehtävissä. Kolmen haastateltavan toimipaikka sijaitsee Lahdessa, yhden Espoossa ja muiden Helsingissä. Analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty niin ikään teemoittelua. Haastatteluaineistosta etsittiin kunkin yritysviestinnän teoriaan perustuvien teemojen yhteyttä designiin, ja yritettiin tulkita, millainen viestinnällinen rooli designilla voisi niissä olla. Haastateltavien näkemykset designista painottivat sen olevan muotoilun lisäksi luovaa ongelmanratkaisua, maineen-, brändinrakentamisen ja designammattilaisten väline, jolla asioista tehdään helpommin lähestyttäviksi ja hallittaviksi. Designilla on lisäksi strategista merkitystä ja se luo lisäarvoa yrityksille. Tutkimus osoittaa, että design toimii yrityksen viestintäfunktiona, kun se erilaisilla tavoilla ja keinoilla viestii yrityksen identiteettiä, toimii sidosryhmäviestinnän ja maineen rakentamisen välineenä. Erilaiset kansainväliset ja kansalliset muotoilupalkinnot ovat yritysten onnistuneen designtyön mittareita. Lisäksi tutkimusaineistosta nousi esiin kolme johtoteemaa designille, jotka ovat: designin viestintä-, väline- ja inhimillisyysteema. Pro gradu -työni antaa uutta kartoittavana tutkimuksena mielenkiintoista ja ajankohtaista tietoa designin roolista ja sen hyödyntämisestä yritysviestinnässä, mutta se ei anna konkreettisia esimerkkejä tai käytännön työkaluja sen toteuttamiseksi. Jatkotutkimuksen kannalta tätä ajatusta olisi mielekästä viedä eteenpäin.