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  • Siipola, Arttu (2023)
    This thesis explores the implications of Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian (HANK) models for monetary policy by analyzing the existing literature and proposing a structural modification to a Two-Agent New Keynesian (TANK) model. The literature review offers an overview of the results of HANK models, starting from early contributions that first combined heterogeneity with nominal rigidities, revealing transmission channels of monetary policy that cannot be assessed with a representative agent framework. Subsequent studies build and use the HANK framework to examine these transmission channels more deeply, identifying the significant role of distributional effects in how monetary policy is transmitted to aggregate macroeconomic variables. The review also discusses the optimal monetary policy in HANK models, which focuses on minimizing idiosyncratic risk at the cost of inflation stability, and the role of HANK models in addressing the forward guidance puzzle. The thesis further examines TANK models as a simpler alternative to HANK models still being sufficient for capturing the effects of heterogeneity in New Keynesian models. By modifying a TANK model, this thesis aims to better align heterogeneity assumptions with empirical evidence on household types, particularly with the so-called wealthy hand-to-mouth households. This modification leads to the identification of a new feedback loop channel where investments in physical capital amplify the responses of aggregate variables. However, a structural dilemma arises where calibrations cannot guarantee the desired non-Ricardian response of consumption with a negative investment response. The thesis contributes to the understanding of the results and implications of different variations of HANK models for monetary policy, complementing existing theoretical discussions, and demonstrates the importance of heterogeneity assumptions in New Keynesian models.
  • Togno, Francesca (2020)
    This thesis attempts to examine how much a representative consumer per each country is willing to pay to avoid global warming by analysing their welfare gains from having a smoother consumption path. Temperature variations affect economic activity, and consumption is subject to shocks related to global warming. I start by reviewing the economic literature that studied the relationship between temperatures and economic activity. I highlight which are the main effects on the economy that are correlated to rising temperatures and I review the methods that are usually employed by economists to assess environmental damages. I then take a sample of 163 countries and compute the welfare gains for each country for having a smoother consumption path, following the method used by Lucas (2003). To do this, I use country-level household consumption data and I set values for the risk aversion coefficient following the suggestions of the previous economic literature. I repeat the experiment with a smaller sample of 72 countries, this time using country-specific risk aversion coefficients retrieved from Gandelman and Hernández-Murillo (2015). In both cases, I obtain that most of the countries have welfare gains lying in the order of 10^-2 and 10^-3. Using annual temperature data, I test the Spearman correlation coefficient between welfare gains and average temperatures. Although the previous literature stressed the adverse effects of global warming on the economy, I find no significant correlation between these two variables. Countries that are more at risk do not display higher welfare gains than countries with a lower risk of imminent climate damages. To explain my results, I then consider determinants of risk aversion other than temperature and conclude that risk aversion, and consequently the value of welfare gains, can depend on several other factors.
  • Väliviita, Akseli (2024)
    In this master's thesis, I analyze the presence and implications of market power in the Nordic market for electricity. I estimate a structural oligopoly model using aggregate bidding data from the Nordic spot market, Elspot, as well as reduced-form models using aggregate bidding data and data on reservoir water levels of hydropower plants. These models shed light on noncompetitive behaviour in the wholesale market for electricity, and suggest that dominant hydropower firms withhold production when price elasticity of demand is relatively high. Data on the reservoir water level of hydropower plants can be used to estimate how market power and the price elasticity of demand influence production decisions. I collect this data from the NO5 pricing zone in Western Norway for the years 2020-2023, when the European energy market was in crisis. I propose an algorithm to estimate reservoir water levels that is based on publicly available satellite imagery, that I use to collect data from over 300 reservoirs. Using this data, I analyze the production decisions of hydropower producers and how they are influenced by their size, market power and elasticity of demand. I also estimate a structural model, in which market power is analyzed using aggregate bidding data as well as other market data. To estimate this model, I replicate the price-clearing algorithm of the Nordic day-ahead electricity market, the Elspot. I also collect data on wind power production and demand forecasts on the ENTSO-E transparency platform. I find evidence of market power for the sample years of 2020-2023. The results also suggest that market power did not have the same kind of influence in the years 2022 and 2023 as it did in 2020 and 2021, or that the structural model was unable to identify market power in these years.
  • Korhonen, Markus (2019)
    Hintavakauden saavuttamisesta on tullut keskuspankkien tärkeimpiä tehtäviä kaikkialla maailmassa, ja useat keskuspankit pyrkivät tiettyyn, hyvin määriteltyyn inflaatiotavoitteeseen. Samoin Euroopan keskuspankki pyrkii rahapolitiikallaan pitämään inflaation kahden prosentin tuntumassa. Inflaatiotavoite kuitenkin vaatii sen, että inflaatiota voidaan ennustaa mahdollisimman tarkasti. Koneoppimismetodeihin kuuluvat neuroverkkomallit ovat osoittautuneet olemaan monilla aloilla hyviä ennustemalleja. Inflaation ennustamisessa neuroverkkomallien tulokset ovat kuitenkin olleet ristiriitaisia. Aiempi tutkimus inflaation ennustamisesta on myös keskittynyt lähinnä Yhdysvaltojen ja muiden yksittäisten maiden inflaatioon. Tutkimusta ei ole myöskään tehty inflaation ennustamisesta eri suhdannetilanteissa neuroverkkomallien avulla. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiinkin neuroverkkomallin kykyä ennustaa inflaatiota koko euroalueella vuosien 2008-2009 taantuman aikana. Tutkielman aineistona käytettiin euroalueen harmonisoidusta kuluttajahintaindeksistä muodostettua inflaatioaikasarjaa vuosilta 1997-2010. Tutkielmassa epälineaarinen neuroverkko rakennettiin aiemmasta kirjallisuudesta vakiintuneella metodilla, jossa mallin valinta suoritettiin käyttämällä erillistä aineistoa. Valitulla mallilla simuloitiin aitoa ennustetilannetta käyttämällä euroalueen taantuman aikaista testiaineistoa. Ennusteet tehtiin myös taantuman jälkeiselle noususuhdanteelle, jotta eri suhdannetilanteita voitiin vertailla. Lisäksi samat ennusteet tehtiin ekonometriassa vakiintuneella lineaarisella mallilla, johon neuroverkkomallia verrattiin käyttämällä aiemmasta kirjallisuudesta tuttuja arviointikriteerejä ja tilastollisia testejä. Tutkielmassa selvisi, että neuroverkkomalli tuottaa hyvin tarkkoja ennusteita inflaatiolle kaikilla tutkielmassa käytetyillä ennusteväleillä. Neuroverkkomallin ennusteet ovat myös parempia, jos käytettävä aineisto on kausitasoitettu. Neuroverkkomalli tekee pienempiä ennustevirheitä noususuhdanteen aikana kuin taantumassa, mutta erot eri suhdannetilanteissa eivät ole kovin suuria. Neuroverkkomallin ennusteet eivät kuitenkaan poikkea yksinkertaisen lineaarisen mallin tekemistä ennusteista tilastollisesti merkitsevästi kummassakaan suhdannetilanteessa. Näin ollen neuroverkkomallin ei voida päätellä toimivan eri tavalla taloudellisessa taantumassa kuin muissa suhdannetilanteissa. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella neuroverkkomallia ei voida suositella keskuspankkien inflaatioennustemalliksi, koska mallin valinta ja testaaminen vievät yksinkertaista lineaarista mallia enemmän aikaa, mutta ennustetulokset eivät ole lineaarista mallia parempia. Tulokset antavatkin todisteita siitä, että inflaatio on euroalueella lineaarinen prosessi, jolloin epälineaariset mallit eivät tuota ennusteisiin lisähyötyä. Neuroverkkomallit voivat kuitenkin antaa hyvän työkalun keskuspankkien toiminnan arvioimiseen, koska niiden tuottamat ennusteet ovat tarkkoja pitemmillekin aikaväleille.
  • Hentunen, Saul (2022)
    Tonttien tilastollisilla hinta-arvioilla on käyttöä arvostuspohjaisen hintaindeksin rakentamisessa sekä suurien tonttikauppojen hintojen jaottelemisessa kohteilleen. Tämä tutkimus laajentaa aikaisempaa tutkimusta asuintonttien hinnoista tutkimalla liike- ja toimistotonttien hintoja. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, poikkeaako toimitilatonttien hinnat asuintonttien hinnoista. Lisäksi selvitetään mallien hinta-arvioiden tarkkuutta tonttien hintojen mallintamisessa. Tutkimus toteutetaan Maamittauslaitoksen kauppahintarekisterillä, joka sisältää tietoja Suomessa tehdyistä kiinteistö- ja tonttikaupoista. Tutkimuksessa tuodaan esille rekisteriaineiston rajauksessa käytetyt ehdot sekä aineiston tietojen täydentämiseen käytetyt aineistot ja menetelmät. Tutkimuksessa esitellään yksityiskohtaisesti tonttien hinta-arvioiden laskemiseen käytettävät mallit. Tonttien hintoja mallinnetaan lineaarisella mallilla sekä koneoppimismetodilla tehostetulla regressiopuu-mallilla. Malleissa käytetyt selittävät muuttujat on valittu rekisteriaineistosta aikaisempaa tutkimusta apuna käyttäen. Rekisteriaineiston pohjalta on mahdollista koota useita tekijöitä, joilla voidaan arvioida tontin neliöhintaa. Mallien pohjalta ei voida kuitenkaan yksiselitteisesti sanoa, että liike- ja toimistotontit olisivat lähtökohtaisesti arvokkaampia kuin asuintontit. Poikkeavien tonttikauppojen poistamisen jälkeen koneoppimismetodilla tehostetulla regressiopuu-mallilla voidaan arvioida asuintonttien hintoja 15 prosentin tarkkuudella noin kolmannekselle tonteista. Liike- ja toimistotonteille vastaava tarkkuus saadaan noin kuudennekselle toimitilatonteista. Tutkimuksen tuloksena suositellaan, että tonttien hintoja mallinnetaan koneoppismetodein tehostetuilla regressiopuilla lineaarisen mallin sijasta. Mallin hinta-arvioiden tarkkuuden parantamiseksi suositellaan aineiston kasvattamista aikaväliä laajentamalla ja erityisesti liike- ja toimistotonttien määrän lisäämistä tutkimusaineistoon. Lisäksi suositellaan maapohjan laatutekijöiden tarkempaa tutkimista tutkimusaineiston tonteille.
  • Shamsiddinov, Manuchehr (2022)
    Exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) is the measure of the responsiveness of consumer prices to the exchange rate fluctuations of a domestic currency against foreign ones. Changes in the exchange rate affect the prices of imported goods and the domestically produced ones that use the imported intermediary goods. Thus, this concept is important to those nations that heavily rely on imports, such as Tajikistan, which has a small open economy. In this paper, the structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model with Cholesky decomposition is employed. To test the robustness of the findings, along with the aforementioned identification method, independent component analysis via distance covariance (ICA via DC) statistic is utilized, too. Thus, it has been estimated that during the period between 2001 and 2022, a 1% depreciation of somoni, the national currency of Tajikistan, against the US dollar results in 0.084%, 0.157%, and around 0.18% increase in consumer prices in a month, 3 months, and year, respectively. Nevertheless, the SVAR model with ICA via DC statistic yielded a higher pass-through rate, as at the same time periods the consumer prices increase by 0.12%, 0.21%, and 0.24%. The findings suggest that Tajikistan exhibits a moderate ERPT to consumer prices which could be explained by the fact that almost 70% of the consumer basket is comprised of foodstuffs. As global food prices also influence local food costs, they sometimes counterbalance the effects of exchange rate fluctuations on the inflation levels. Moreover, it has been found that the prices of some groups of goods, such as construction materials, medicines, foodstuffs, and furniture, are more susceptible to exchange rate fluctuations as their magnitude of ERPT equalled 0.41%, 0.37%, 0.25%, and 0.16% in a year, respectively, when Cholesky decomposition was utilized.
  • Haikonen, Saara (2023)
    To comprehensively study economic inequality and its development, Distributional National Accounts (DINA) base its inequality measures on the national income as a whole. Focusing on the national accounts part of the project, I follow DINA’s recommendations on modifying the concept of national income to cover some of the aspects it currently excludes. The three proposed modifications account for natural resource depletion, income from tax havens, and reinvested earnings on foreign portfolio investment. In this thesis, I apply all three modifications to the Finnish national income 1975–2022. To estimate the first, novel modification on the depreciation of natural capital, I combine a variety of data sources and methodologies on depletion of timber and minerals. The two modifications to foreign income flows have already been estimated by DINA, and my contribution lies in analyzing the results in the Finnish context. Although depletion of natural resources has gained wide attention, my thesis thus provides the first example where depletion of natural resources has been studied aside the two other modifications. I find that the modifications change national income by between 0.8 and - 5.8 % each year, the effect being largest at the beginning of the 21st century. Moreover, the modifications change the rate of growth in national income by approximately two percentage points each year 1998–2003. The results imply that the way natural resources and foreign income flows are recorded can significantly affect the level of national income and that the effect is not unequivocally negative.
  • Hiilamo, Tuomas (2024)
    As the Finnish population ages the costs of publicly funded around-the-clock elderly care facilities rises. Contracting elderly care out has been suggested as a way of reducing the costs of expensive elderly care, utilizing the private sectors competition and stronger incentives for cost reduction. However, the theory of the proper scope of government provision highlights a concern that the possible efficiency gains of outsourcing may come at a cost to non-contractable (unmeasurable or unpredictable) quality of care provision. In this thesis, I investigate the effects of outsourcing municipal elderly care provision on the mortality rates of the elderly, using municipal level data from 2001 to 2022. During this period, most Finnish municipalities had some form of private elderly care provision. However, in the 2010s, some municipalities shifted to providing almost all around-the-clock elderly care through private providers. Replicating a study from Sweden by Bergman et al. (2016), I utilize a triple difference method to study these major shifts towards private provision of elderly care, using individuals aged 60 to 69 as a population whose mortality rates are unaffected by changes in elderly care provision. I formulate a control group that is comparable to the outsourcing municipalities in terms of demographical characteristics using nearest neighbour propensity score matching. I estimate the effects on social and healthcare costs of outsourcing using a difference-in-differences design. The triple difference estimation results indicate a 6 percent increase in the mortality rates of the elderly following the shift to private provision. The difference-in-differences estimation found no observed effects on costs. These findings suggest that vital non-contractable quality dimensions of elderly care are adversely affected by municipalities seizing most of publicly provided around-the-clock elderly care.
  • Seppä, Meeri (2022)
    This thesis studies the effects of delayed discharge fees in Finland. Excessive lengths of hospital stays are a significant source of inefficacy in the health care system. Delayed discharge occurs when a patient who is medically fit to leave the hospital cannot do so for non-medical reasons. In Finland, several hospital districts have implemented financial fees to curb delayed discharges. As the fees were not adopted simultaneously everywhere, it provides a desirable research setting. I use a staggered difference-in-difference design to study how the delayed discharge fees reduce the length of hospital stays and the probability of urgent hospital readmission using patient-level data. I presume that the fees work as an incentive to increase the supply of post-acute care beds. Hence, the implementation of delayed discharge fees would lead to fewer delays and consequently shorter hospital days and early access to post-acute care. Previous literature suggests that there exists an inverse correlation between delayed discharges and the availability of post-acute care beds. In addition, there is evidence that health care providers react to financial incentives. However, the existing literature documents contradicting results on the effects of the delayed discharge fees. The chosen identification strategy does not yield valid results when using the length of stay as a dependent variable. My results suggest that the parallel trends assumption does not hold. The pre-treatment trends persist even after controlling for group-specific variables. I find that the delayed discharge fees reduce the probability of readmission for elderly hip-fracture patients. The effect is modest in size but increases over time. After six years from the implementation, the effect of the fees is -0.059 per cent. The classical two-period difference-in-difference model concludes that the decrease in probability associated with the delayed discharge fees is - 0.018 per cent. Although significant, the reduction in probability is small. Hence strong conclusions should be avoided. My results suggest that delayed discharge fees could have positive implications on patients’ health but that their effects be further studied.
  • Junttila, Juho (2024)
    Value added taxes (VAT) are a central tool for collecting consumption taxes in Finland and worldwide. Still, VAT system has its shortcomings. Dishonest companies can exploit the system to evade taxes or apply for unjust tax deductions. This thesis investigates the effectiveness of an augmented VAT mechanism, reverse charge, on value added tax compliance. Reverse charge mechanism transfers the liability for remitting VAT in business-to-business transactions to the purchaser, instead of the seller. In this thesis, I conduct theoretical and empirical analysis of reverse charge. First, I employ a tax evasion model to predict how firms change their behavior when reverse charge policy is adopted. Then, I examine how VAT reverse charge affects firms' reporting behavior using administrative data on Finnish firms' VAT returns. Reverse charge policy was adopted in the Finnish construction industry in 2011. I compare the outcomes of construction firms to similar companies, with a Differences-in-Differences design, to capture the effect of the policy on VAT compliance. The findings indicate a 3.87% increase in reported tax liabilities by construction firms once the policy is adopted, suggesting enhanced tax compliance. Sensitivity analysis shows that the results hold under moderate violations of the parallel trends assumption. This thesis contributes to the existing economic literature by showing novel evidence on the firm level effects of reverse charge. I also illustrate another market structure where tax revenue can be increased by changing who remits taxes to the government.
  • Sahlström, Ellen (2022)
    This thesis investigates the within-school segregation of Finnish students using survey data on friendships. The difference in academic performance between students with and without immigrant backgrounds is large, and in order to make it smaller, the study environment for students with immigrant backgrounds must be understood. Identifying the extent to which students with immigrant background experience a different social environment is one step in that direction. Individual segregation is the extent to which the social network of an individual is composed of individuals similar to each other regarding some specific trait. This study investigates the existence of individual segregation in Finnish schools using information on who the fifth grade students participating in the study are friends with. The individual segregation level is calculated based on the background of friends, dividing students into two groups: students with or without immigrant backgrounds. This gives an indication of the possible segregation at an individual level, created through friend choice. Additionally, the correlation between individual level segregation and age at arrival to Finland and academic skills respectively is studied. Clear evidence of individual level segregation among immigrants is found. Students with immigrant backgrounds are more likely to have friends with immigrant backgrounds and more likely to be lonely, as in have no friends. However, neither correlation between in- dividual segregation and age at arrival nor correlation between individual segregation and academic skills can be found. This could be explained by problems with the data, but can also indicate that peer effects in class are smaller than what was expected based on previous research. It seems that also segregation patterns differ from what has been found in similar American studies. More research need to be done, but this thesis shows that students with immigrant backgrounds experience a different social environment when it comes to friends than students with non-immigrant backgrounds do, as the share of friends with im- migrant backgrounds is significantly higher for students who themselves have immigrant backgrounds.
  • Karppinen, Kim (2024)
    I utvecklade länder har globalisering, teknologiska framsteg och diversifiering inom industrisektorn minskat efterfrågan på lågkvalificerad arbetskraft. Detta har resulterat i en ökad specialisering mot kunskapsintensiva och högproduktiva arbetsuppgifter, vilket har haft negativa konsekvenser för lågutbildade arbetstagare. I respons till arbetsmarknadens ökade efterfrågan på högkvalificerade arbetstagare, genomfördes skolreformer under 1900-talet, som förlängde den obligatoriska utbildningen, i de flesta utvecklade länder. Denna avhandling undersöker effekten av skolgång på arbetsmarknadsrelevanta kognitiva färdigheter och arbetsmarknadsutfall genom att utnyttja exogen variation i utbildningsnivåer, som genererats av dessa skolreformer, med data från PIAAC-undersökningen. Genom att använda den kontinuitetsbaserade lokala polynomiska regression discontinuity metoden (RDD) utforskas effekterna av obligatoriska skolreformer på testresultat i läsförståelse och räknefärdigheter, logaritmerade timlöner samt sannolikheten för sysselsättning för ett kombinerat urval som består av Belgien, Danmark, Frankrike, Grekland, Irland och Spanien. Därutöver kontrolleras för heterogeniteten i behandlingseffekterna genom att härleda landspecifika behandlingseffekter för att korrekt återspegla de varierande påverkningarna av skolreformerna mellan länderna. En signifikant inverkan av att vara föremål för en obligatorisk skolreform på antalet avlagda skolår identifieras enbart för Belgien. För Belgien varierar effekten från det första steget för antalet avlagda skolår mellan 1,466 och 2,545 år beroende på polynomjusteringen och den tillämpade bandbredden. Dessutom identifieras en signifikant inverkan av behandlingstilldelningen på kognitiva färdigheter uteslutande för Belgien. Intentionto-treat-effekten (ITT) av att vara föremål för den obligatoriska skolreformen på testresultat i läsförståelse är 0,332 standardavvikelser för justeringar av polynom av första graden och 0,529 standardavvikelser för justeringar av polynom av andra graden. De uppskattade lokala genomsnittliga behandlingseffekterna (LATE) av behandlingstilldelningen på testresultat i läsförståelse är lägre, med värden på 0,238 respektive 0,189 standardavvikelser för individer som mottog behandlingen. Sammantaget tyder konvergerande genomsnittliga koefficienter på att den positiva korrelationen mellan utbildning och testresultat i läsförståelse nästan uteslutande beror på ett kausalt förhållande mellan dem. Inga diskontinuiteter observeras för testresultat i räknefärdigheter omkring gränsvärdet för det sammanslagna urvalet eller för något enskilt land. För sannolikheten att vara sysselsatt är samtliga punktskattningar för ITT-effekterna för de enskilda länderna positiva men statistiskt insignifikanta. Trots detta observeras signifikanta genomsnittliga viktade ITT-effekter av behandlingstilldelningen på sannolikheten för sysselsättning för det kombinerade urvalet. För justeringar av polynom av första graden ökar sannolikheten för sysselsättning med 7,77 och 9,64 procentenheter för det råa respektive kollapsade urvalet enligt medelvärdena för de viktade uppskattningarna. Motsvarande uppskattningar uppgår till 12,90 och 14 procentenheter för justeringar av polynom av andra graden. En samlad bedömning av resultaten från robusthetsanalysen tillhandahåller dock inte stöd för förekomsten av en signaleringseffekt av att vara föremål för en utbildningsreform. Resultaten är känsliga för valet av bandbredd. Resultaten från avhandlingen överensstämmer med befintlig litteratur, som generellt sett har rapporterat positiva eller obetydliga effekter av utbildning på kognitiva färdigheter och arbetsmarknadsutfall. Studien bidrar till den befintliga forskningen om utbildningens inverkan på arbetsmarknadsrelevanta färdigheter och arbetsmarknadsutfall genom att analysera samlade behandlingseffekter över sex europeiska länder, vilket står i kontrast till tidigare studier som har fokuserat på landspecifika effekter. Därutöver utvidgar studien förståelsen för sambandet mellan utbildning, färdigheter och arbetsmarknadsutfall genom att fokusera på heterogeniteten i behandlingseffekterna mellan enskilda utvecklade länder.
  • Vanhala, Mikko (2023)
    Milloin julkaista tuoteuutuus? Julkaisun ajoittaminen on erityisen tärkeää kulttuurihyödykkeiden markkinoilla, joilla kysyntä on usein kausittaista ja nopeasti vähenevää. Tällaisilla markkinoilla toimivat yritykset haluaisivat julkaista tuotteensa kysynnän ollessa suurin, mutta myös kilpailijat tavoittelevat kausittaisia kysyntähuippuja, ja lisäksi nykyisten tilaajien kärsivällisyys on rajallinen, joten he saattavat perua tilauksensa mikäli joutuvat odottamaan uusia julkaisuja liian kauan. Yritykset joutuvat siis tasapainottelemaan kilpailullisen paineen ja nykyisten asiakkaiden poistuman välillä tehdessään investointi- ja julkaisupäätöksiään. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan strategista investointia ja julkaisun ajoittamista tilauspohjaisten palveluiden kontekstissa. Aikaisempi taloustieteen ja markkinoinnin kirjallisuus on tutkinut kulttuurihyödykkeiden investointipäätöksiä ja julkaisun ajoittamista lähinnä elokuvien teatterilevityksen kontekstissa. Suoratoiston nopeasta yleistymisestä huolimatta suoratoistopalveluiden julkaisupäätöksiä tutkivaa teoreettista tai empiiristä kirjallisuutta ei ole. Tämä tutkielma laajentaa tätä kirjallisuutta kehittämällä yksinkertaisen peliteoreettisen mallin, joka formalisoi kulttuurihyödykkeiden markkinoille tyypillisen kausittaisen ja nopeasti vähenevän kysynnän, ja endogenisoi asiakaspoistuman. Mallin tasapainot osoittavat, että ajoituspäätökset riippuvat olennaisesti nykyisten asiakkaiden määrän suhteesta kausittaiseen kysyntään: tämän suhdeluvun ollessa korkea, yritykset asettavat asiakaspoistuman minimoinnin kausittaisesta kysynnästä kilpailemisen edelle ja viivyttävät julkaisuja. Lisäksi investoinnit tuotteiden laatuun ovat matalampia viivästetyssä tasapainossa. Teoreettisesta mallista johdettuja hypoteeseja testataan empiirisesti käyttäen aineistoa suoratoistopalveluiden markkinalta Yhdysvalloista. Empiiriset tulokset vahvistavat osan hypoteeseista melko vahvasti: TV-sarjat ovat tärkeä strateginen väline suoratoistopalveluille, ja teoreettisen mallin havainnot asiakaspoistumasta osuvat yhteen havaitun viikoittaisten julkaisujen syklisyyden kanssa. Lisäksi empiiriset tulokset implikoivat sekä kilpailullisen paineen että omien samanaikaisesti julkaistujen ohjelmien olevan yhteydessä julkaisuun lähempänä kysyntäpiikkejä, joskin näiden tulosten osalta näyttö on tilastollisesti heikompaa. Tutkielmassa kehitetty teoreettinen malli vaikuttaa tulosten perusteella antavan hyödyllisiä ennusteita suoratoistopalveluiden investointi- ja julkaisupäätöksistä. Koska malli yleistyy melko suoraan myös muille markkinoille, olisi kiinnostavaa testata sen soveltumista muilla samankaltaisilla markkinoilla.
  • Sirviö, Tom-Henrik (2021)
    During the recent decades corporate income tax rates have declined. This development may be due to several issues, such as changes in the political environment or increased knowledge of behavioral effects of corporate taxation. One prominent explanation is tax competition. Tax competition is defined as noncooperative tax regime setting by independent governments such that the tax policy decisions affect the allocation of mobile tax base(s) among different countries. Tax regimes include the statutory tax rates as well as the tax bases and other parts of corporate tax systems. Tax competition is an important phenomenon for multiple reasons. Lower tax rates may imply issues in financing the public sector. On the other hand, it makes some of the issues of the international corporate tax system visible. This thesis reviews theories of tax competition. The aim is to provide an analysis of the different aspects of tax competition and review how different institutional structures are modelled in tax competition framework. Studying the main implications of tax competition is an important part of the thesis. The first formal models of tax competition consider a world economy which consists of many identical countries. Firms maximize profits and governments maximize utility of the representative agent. It is shown that tax competition drives tax rates to an inefficiently low level. Later tax competition research develops both the institutional set -up of tax competition and modelling frameworks applied to study it. The results of this thesis imply that the result of the first tax competition models is strong. Tax competition drives corporate tax rates to an inefficiently low level even if the key assumptions are relaxed. On the other hand, some important extensions imply that corporate income tax rates are in an optimal level even in presence of tax competition. However, in most cases tax competition is harmful since it drives corporate income tax rates to inefficiently low levels. On the other hand, tax competition literature also provides other results. Considering sequential tax competition instead of simultaneous shows that tax rates may in equilibrium be higher if one country acts as a leader. This may be one explanation why tax rates have not declined to zero as the famous race to the bottom hypothesis suggests. Tax competition literature also provides analysis on the effect of tax havens. These results are, however, more confusing. Tax competition can decrease welfare or be welfare improving. This thesis reviews important aspects of tax competition literature and focuses on the institutional set-up of theories of tax competition. There remain some gaps in the literature. Some institutional set-ups are not analysed in the tax competition context. On the other hand, literature focusing on the empirics of tax competition is scarce. One of the important aspects of tax competition is how to limit it. This issue has a great amount of current attention in the work of OECD, for example.
  • Uusitalo, Veikko (2024)
    The deduction for a second home for work is a Finnish tax deduction that promotes regional worker mobility by subsidizing costs from a secondary work apartment. The deduction was introduced in 2008, and the maximum deductible sum was increased in 2019. In this thesis, I study if the deduction has increased the share of Finnish workers who engage in long-distance commuting. Previous research on the effects of mobility subsidies is limited, and there are no previous Finnish causal studies on the topic. Most earlier literature concerns ways of subsidizing commuting distances or relocating expenses directly. This thesis provides novel evidence of a housing-based approach to incentivizing long-distance commuting. Descriptive evidence shows that usage of the deduction for a second home for work is relatively low in comparison to many other tax deductions. On average, the deduction’s recipients are highly educated and have high earnings. My analysis on the deduction’s causal mobility effects uses difference-in-differences with Coarsened Exact Matching. The method is based on the family-related conditions for receiving the deduction, which allow me to form treatment and control groups based on deduction eligibility. I do not find evidence that the deduction would have increased mobility when all applicable workers are included in the analysis. When studying occupations where the deduction was used the most, there is some evidence that the deduction increased long-distance commuting after its introduction in 2008, but the result is not supported by all robustness checks. Overall, my results do not show clear evidence of positive mobility effects, but the analysis suffers from low statistical power and issues in study design.
  • Holvio, Anna (2021)
    Whereas primary school enrolment has grown to be nearly universal on a global scale, learning results have not kept up with the rapidly expanding systems. This is particularly true in Mozambique, where fourth-grade students lack basic skills of literacy and numeracy. Research has established that teacher quality has a large effect on student achievement. Out of the observable teacher characteristics, teacher content knowledge has most consistently been found to have a positive impact on student achievement. This study seeks to answer how large a causal impact teacher content knowledge has on student achievement in Mozambican primary schools. The data for this study come from a Service Delivery Indicator survey in Mozambique from 2014. They include assessments of fourth-grade students and their teachers in math and Portuguese, and are nationally representative. The empirical analysis exploits within-student across-subject variation. This allows to introduce not only student fixed effects, but also teacher fixed effects into the model, because all students in the sample are taught by a same teacher in both subjects, therefore strengthening the causal identification. First-differencing is then used to derive the estimable equation, which explains student achievement by teacher content knowledge only. The main results suggest that teacher content knowledge in math and Portuguese does not have a statistically significant impact on student achievement. However, further analyses show that there is considerable heterogeneity in the results. This is not unexpected, as Mozambique itself is a rather heterogenous country with large contrasts. Increasing teacher content knowledge by 1 SD increases student achievement by 0.14 SD among students with Portuguese as their first language, and by 0.13 SD among students in urban schools. Increasing the content knowledge of teachers whose knowledge is above the median also increases the achievement of students whose knowledge is above the median by over 0.12 SD. Based on the results, it is plausible that students’ poor knowledge of Portuguese is a fundamental problem for their learning, and something that should be prioritised. This could be done by improving language education at the earlier grades, or by expanding bilingual education, for instance. Because students with their knowledge below the median are unaffected by teacher content knowledge, this suggests that teaching is perhaps targeted to the more advanced students, and those who have already fallen behind benefit very little from it.
  • Rybarczyk, Adam (2023)
    Standard business cycle models rely on contemporaneous shocks to productivity in order to generate business cycles. Therefore a technological regress is necessary for a recession to occur. This is not always a satisfactory explanation, as for example the recession of 2001 is often not considered as created by a negative technological shock. Instead many economists believe it was caused by a revision in expectations. Technological news shocks is a topic that has gained interest in the recent macroeconomic literature and is aimed at tackling the aforementioned issue. A news shock is a shock which on arrival does not affect the variable of interest, instead the value is only expected to change in the future. In standard real business cycle models introduction of news shocks to productivity leads to recessions, as households experience a positive wealth effect while the firms do not yet change their behaviour. Thus a multitude of general equilibrium models designed specifically for news shocks have been proposed. This thesis investigates the role of technological news shocks as drivers of business cycles in Finland. To this end a Bayesian structural vector moving average model is used, which allows for non-invertible data generating processes. Non-invertibility arises when a shock can not be recovered from current and past observables, instead future observables are also needed. The prior of the model is informed with a combination of two DSGE models, one informing the news shock impulse responses, and other informing the rest of the impulse responses. Two out of three estimated specifications of the model do create a positive co-movement of the included macroeconomic aggregates. This is not reflected in a non-informative specification, in which output growth rate increases, but the growth rate of hours worked decreases. The results suggest that news shocks could indeed play a role in the Finnish business cycles, but more research into the topic would be in place.
  • Rautala, Martta (2021)
    This thesis studies possible factors associated with the earnings differences between Finnish and Swedish immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States. Economics literature has provided multiple explanations for the economic assimilation of immigrants. Fundamentally immigrant assimilation in economic theory is seen as a process of country-specific human capital accumulation. Many factors, however, can affect this process. In this thesis, I will test whether the earnings differences between Finnish and Swedish immigrants were associated with their location choices, size of the immigrant communities, English skills and linguistic distance between immigrant’s mother tongue and English. In addition, I test whether even within industries, the earnings differences persist and whether in addition to Swedes, Finns also differ from other Nordic immigrants. To do this, I will use a longitudinal dataset of 28 621 European male immigrants observed in 1900, 1910 and 1920 and use pooled OLS to estimate the earnings differences of Finnish and Swedish immigrants at different stages of their migration period. First, I find that at the time of arrival or at most 5 years after it, Finnish immigrants earn more than otherwise comparable Swedish immigrants. After more than 30 years in the United States, however, Finns earn substantially less than their Swedish counterparts. Also, not only did the Finns diverge from the earnings of the Swedes with the time spent in the United States, but also from their initial level of earnings. I then find that controlling for location choices and the size of the immigrant communities slightly reduce the earnings gap between long-term Finnish and Swedish immigrants. Differences in English skills, on the other hand, are not found to be associated with the earnings differences. Instead, I find that long-term Finnish and Swedish immigrants have almost equal probabilities of knowing English and that Finnish immigrants accumulate language skills at a substantial rate after arrival. The negative earnings gap among long-term Finnish and Swedish immigrants persists even within industries. However, although remaining negative, controlling for industry fixed effects reduces the earnings gap by over 50 %, suggesting that a large fraction of the negative earnings gap was associated with Finnish immigrants being active in low-paying industries. Finally, I find that the similar pattern applies not only to Swedish immigrants but also to other Nordic immigrants. At the time of arrival, Finns seem to earn more than otherwise comparable Nordic immigrants but after more than 30 years in the United States, Finns earn substantially less than their Nordic counterparts.
  • Jokiluoma, Antti (2022)
    During the past decade, central banks have become even more central to modern economies than before. Their main goal is price stability, and they try to achieve it with various methods. The effectivity of the traditional methods, especially controlling the short-term interest rates, has become smaller due to the zero lower bound constraint, and new unconventional methods have been introduced. This thesis investigates the effects of the unconventional monetary policy actions of the European Central Bank. Structural vector autoregressive models are one of the main tools in studying the effects of the monetary policy. To identify a monetary policy shock, one traditionally needs to impose restrictions to the model. However, that requires restrictive assumptions about the dynamics of the model which is being studied. To overcome this issue, one can identify the shocks statistically by some properties of the data, without any additional restrictions. A key benefit of statistical identification is the possibility to test the plausibility of previously used sign or zero restrictions. In the empirical application of this thesis, a Bayesian vector autoregressive model identified statistically based on non-normality of the error terms is utilised to study the effects of the European Central Bank's unconventional monetary policy. The Bayesian estimation was performed with a Differential Evolution Markov Chain algorithm, allowing fast calculation. The empirical analysis resulted in two key findings. First, the impulse response functions implied by the model are in line with previous studies and the statistically identified model gives support to the previously used sign restrictions. Second, the model is sensitive to the sample period which suggests that the effects of the European Central Banks policy actions might have changed over time.
  • Silvennoinen, Erkka (2021)
    Since 1991, Finland has subsidized homeownership with first-time homebuyer’s stamp duty and transfer tax exemptions. Under certain conditions, buyers with ownership shares of at least 0.5 are exempted from paying a tax of 2% on the free-of-debt price for housing company dwellings and 4% on the free-of-debt price for directly owned houses. The previous empirical literature suggests that transfer taxes may lead to large reductions in housing transactions, household mobility, and housing prices. This thesis studies whether there is evidence of similar effects among first-time homebuyers by focusing on the first-time homebuyer’s transfer tax exemption. The analysis is based on microdata provided by Statistics Finland and Tax Administration on all permanent residents in Finland and housing company shareholdings. Therefore, this study is limited to housing company dwelling transactions, and it does not cover the effects on directly-owned house transactions. The effect on the first-time home purchase decision is studied using a regression discontinuity design among a subgroup that has not lived in owner-occupied dwellings in adulthood except potentially in the household of their parents. The effect on housing prices is studied using a fixed-effects regression model. The findings show that first-time home purchases drop by roughly 30% at the age threshold of 40 years, where buyers become ineligible for the tax exemption. Similarly, covariate-adjusted estimates show that tax-exempted purchases are on average roughly 1% more expensive than purchases without the tax exemption. If the underlying identification assumptions hold, these estimates can be interpreted as the causal effects of the tax exemption. However, there are potential threats to internal validity. The credibility of the assumptions is studied by conducting graphical and formal tests that typically accompany regression discontinuity designs. There is some evidence consistent with the possibility that the assumptions do not hold, but the evidence is also consistent with alternative explanations related to data limitations. Neither possibility can be ruled out definitively.