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  • Leivo, Janne (2016)
    Swedish detective stories, despite their international success, have been a marginal area of research. The search words 'Nordic noir' give thousands of results indicating the huge international success of Nordic crime fiction. This study examines the reasons for this phenomenon by studying Swedish society from the viewpoint of a particular television show. The aim is to increase the understanding of how crime fiction can be used to take a stance on social issues. This study analyses four Martin Beck television episodes produced between the years 2001 and 2002. These television episodes are based on the ten novels Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö wrote between the years 1965 and 1975. The method used for this study is a thematic analysis, meaning searching for certain themes and similarities within the chosen episodes. One of the aims is to search for social themes that were current in Sweden in the early 2000s. The central research question is: What kind of representations of crime and social tensions in the Swedish society and welfare state does the television series Beck offer? The results of this study suggest that the Beck television episodes are a continuation of the phenomenon Sjöwall and Wahlöö introduced in the 1960s. Hovewer, the crimes are updated to correspond the 2000s though many of the themes are still timeless. Also, the characters appearing in the series, such as Martin Beck and Gunvald Larsson provide an interesting perspective to reflect on social inequalities. This study offers a perspective on how the Swedish welfare state appeared in the early 2000s.
  • Virtanen, Mikko J. (2007)
    The key thought of Ulrich Beck s theory of reflexive modernization is the present on-going societal change. By reflexivity of this multifaceted change Beck refers to a societal process in which modernization turns towards its very own premises. Dissolving former highly ontologized institutional arrangements typical for what Beck calls the first modernity which have become predominantly restraints for the dynamics of modernization, reflexive modernization opens up ways to a new societal phase, in Beck s terms: the second modernity. To examine Beck s theory of this complex transition process, the process of reflexive modernization, is the main task of this thesis. In this study, the theory of reflexive modernization is considered as a proper social theory or to be exact: a theory of society (Gesellschaftstheorie), a theory operating on a general level striving to cover the overall process of societal change and its general constitution. The standpoint of the examination is anchored in recent theoretical discussions concerning modernity, differentiation and contingency. The main ideas on which the viewpoint of the examination is constructed derive from the thoughts of theoreticians such as Niklas Luhmann, Armin Nassehi, Peter Wagner and Risto Kangas orientated to German tradition of differentiation based theory of society. In the first phase of the study, however, Beck s theory is examined staying close to his own texts. The differentiation theory based viewpoint, named as the anormative contingency-theory , for its part, is put explicitly to use in the second phase. In the first phase of the study the logics of the chance observed in Beck s theory are pointed out by answering to questions such as how does the societal change emerge in the first place, how does it advance and what kind of actors does it include? This examination opens up hence a possibility to examine the level of this process of the reflexive modernization. Thus next is asked if the reflexive modernization is indicative of an immanent change of modernity, focused mainly on the institutional level or of a radical societal change, which considers the whole modernization process and the basic premises of modernity. In addition, at the end of the first phase, the temporal terminology used by Beck when emphasizing the rupture of modernization is examined: does Beck point to a real epochal break or is his way of using epochal concepts, such as the first and the second modernity, only a heuristic tool for the research process at hand? The examination of the second phase, which includes the proper analysis of Beck s theory, is based on the above-mentioned theoretical standpoint, the anormative contingency-theory . Firstly, the mutual relations of the three components of the theory of reflexive modernization Zeitdiagnose, for empirical use intended research-theory and general theory of society is examined. Secondly, Beck s theory is set in relation to classical social theory by pinpointing the mutual aspects of the theory of reflexive modernization and that of, predominantly German, classics. In addition, the relation of Beck s theory and the so called anormative contingency-theory is studied with a view to find out whether there is a strong normative base in the former. Along with this examination, a study of Beck s own observational position in relation to his subject, the changing conditions of present societal state, is carried out as well. This thorough examination reveals that the theory of reflexive modernization concerns, first and foremost, only the institutional change of society of the present: The basic principles of modernity require the annulment of the old institutional order of the first modernity, which has become a restraint to their full implementation. For example universal egalitarism can be fully reached only when the current way of thinking based on nation-state-institutions is replaced by substantively global arrangements, which abandon the predominant container-model of culturally integrated and from each other separated nation-state-societies . Albeit the transition process of reflexive modernization unfold by its own dynamic mainly through various side-effects and problematizations of current demarcations despite of individuals opinions about it, it causes new demands also for them. Because of dis-embedding of their old institutionalized certainties, individuals are now forced to re-embed their personal life in this new situation of the second modernity. Hence the on-going institutional change the reflexive modernization enforces individuals to act more reflexively as before. When examined through a primary theoretical lens, the theory of reflexive modernization does not operate as a proper theory of society. Instead of the problem of constitution, which is characteristical for general social theories, Beck s theory is made up of inventing new concepts for various societal phenomena, interpreted to be fully new ones by Beck himself. And that is not a social theory or theory of society in the first place, but pure Zeitdiagnose. Constituted in that kind of a zeitdiagnostisch way, it is not possible to use the theory of reflexive modernization in empirical research without some major problems either: concepts developed in mentioned manner can not be verified through empirical data in an ordinary way, because, firstly, they are not generated through empirical induction and, secondly, they are not concepts of falsification-prone research-theory either. In addition to these predominantly research-related problems, Beck s theoretical apparatus seems to stem from a highly normativistic background. Instead of anormativistic acceptance of contingency as its basic presupposition, the theory of reflexive modernization is constructed more like from an Archimedic point: Beck himself sees the only right logic of modernization process and knows how societal relations have to be arranged to let that logic fully flow. Beck s theory is thus mere a political description of how society of the present should be arranged than theory of society in its purest, constitution-wide form. The theory of reflexive modernization can therefore be illustrated as a part of the long normative tradition of social thought stemming from the very ideas of The Enlightenment representing even the most politically charged side of that tradition.
  • Simberg, Krista (2012)
    Denna pro gradu-avhandling granskar Utrikesministeriets organisationsreform under åren 2007–2008 och undersöker hur de anställda på ministeriet upplever att organisationsreformens målsättningar blev uppfyllda. Dessutom prövar avhandlingen reformperspektivets och det institutionella perspektivets teoretiska förväntningar på reformen för att se om dessa förväntningar kan förklara reformens utfall. Reformer har blivit rutinartade i många organisationer och reformarbetet föder ofta behov för vidare reformer. Samtidigt ställer Utrikesministeriets handlingsrutiner, traditioner och identitet också krav på organisationen och påverkar ministeriets förmåga att reformeras. Under Utrikesministeriets reformprojekt skiljde sig planerna avsevärt från det slutgiltiga resultatet av reformarbetet. Ingen utvärdering av organisationsreformen på Utrikesministeriet år 2008 har tidigare gjorts. Avhandlingens empiriska material utgörs av tio expertintervjuer med tjänstemän på Utrikesministeriet. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ textanalys. Analysen har vidare strukturerats med hjälp av bieffektsmodellen för utvärdering. På detta sätt uppmärksammar avhandlingen både avsedda och oavsedda samt positiva och negativa effekter av reformen. Resultaten tyder på att de målsättningar som Utrikesministeriet hade under reformprojektet endast delvis uppfylldes. Reformen kom av sig och den planerade matrismodellen förverkligades inte. Kundperspektivet på ministeriet är det område som tydligast har förbättrats. De största utmaningarna som fortfarande återstår är avsaknaden av prioriteringar och en viss stelhet i strukturerna som förhindrar ministeriet att jobba projektbaserat och flexibelt. Personalen är ändå flexibel och van vid förändringar. Ministeriet har gått framåt inom alla områden som reformprojektet berörde, men förändringsprocessen har fortsatt och mindre reformer har kontinuerligt gjorts också efter år 2008. Delvis kan framstegen gällande vissa målsättningar förklaras också av dessa senare reformer. Reformperspektivets och det institutionella perspektivets förväntningar visade sig stämma bra på reformen. Slutligen har avhandlingen identifierat attityder som tyder på att ministeriet håller på att anamma ett nytt kontinuerligt sätt att reformera sin organisation.
  • Brantberg, Jussi (2014)
    Den finansiella krisen som slog till åren 2007-2008 hade sitt ursprung i Förenta Staterna, där bankverksamheten och övervakningen varit bristfällig i flera avseenden. Som ett resultat av finansiell globalisering, blev krisen global och spred sig även till Finland med negativa ekonomiska konsekvenser. Situationen i sig har gett upphov till att reform och diverse nedskärningar i den offentliga sektorn framstått som populära lösningar. Denna avhandling analyserar reformpolitik i den offentliga sektorn under recessionen. Teoretiskt bygger avhandlingen på Christopher Pollits modell för cutback management som har sin grund i tre olika strategier för offentlig reform under ekonomiska nedgångar. Syftet är att analysera förhållandet mellan de åtgärder regeringen gjort och former för cutback management. Genom att analysera motiveringen i äldre budgetpropositioner granskas ifall effektivitetspolitiken skiljer sig märkvärt i låg- och högkonjunktur. Forskningsresultatet tyder på att de effektivitetsåtgärder som implementerats under eller strax efter recessionen, i varierande grad innefattar former av cutback management. Flera reformprojekt kan konkret definieras som ren cutback management. Däremot förblir vissa reformåtgärder diffusa, huruvida de är cutback management eller en åtgärd från en bredare repertoar av effektivitetsinstrument inom New Public Management doktrinen.
  • Ranta, Jannika (2015)
    The study focuses on the rhetoric and political practices that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has used to justify its authoritarian position during the 21st century. In recent decades, China’s social progress has been characterized by a so-called third revolution, which has forced the party to look for new ways to legitimate its rule. The CCP’s initial power justification leaned heavily on socialist revolution and Maoist ideology. Thirty years later, the party initiated a radical change of direction. This period of reform and opening up has commonly been referred to as China’s second revolution. Ideology was swiftly cast aside as the vocal point of interest turned to the rapid modernization of the country. One-party system was generally accepted as a necessary precondition for all the good that the market forces could provide. Yet, in recent years, this faith in government performance and sustained economic growth has slowly decayed: the fruits of reform policies are unevenly distributed and alone not enough to keep the large majority of the people happy. The development has led not only to glaring income inequality issues and other social woes, but also to waves of nostalgic longing for the lost iron rice bowl. Once again, the country faces a tide of social upheaval, which calls into question the regime's political credibility and ability to take care for the wellbeing of its citizens This study examines the recurring themes in the official rhetoric of two of the party’s most recent General-Secretaries, Hu Jintao (2002-2012) and Xi Jinping (2012-). The aim is to indicate possible changes in CCP legitimacy strategies by paying attention to the values and underlying presuppositions that their choice of words and policy initiatives convey. Primary sources include reports, speeches, and other documents reflecting the official party line. The study’s methodological approach combines Chaïm Perelman’s argumentation theory with notions of the special features in Chinese rhetorical tradition. The crumbling of the accustomed legitimacy basis is reflected in the adoption of new rhetorical tactics and changes in the political discourse. Both party leaders have continued to adhere to the principle of economic reforms, but at the same time, their reigns have been plagued with a surprisingly strong revival of red rhetoric. This peculiar phenomenon has raised much concern about the future of the country and its possible decline back to the tumultuous years of Mao’s rule. While there is no denying that ideology is making a comeback in Chinese politics, this does not mean that the CCP is truly embracing a policy line that stands against further reforms and marketization efforts. What is currently underway is an attempt to re-modify the principles of performance-based legitimacy to better respond to the changing expectations of today’s society. The concluding chapter of this study argues that ideology in this context has less to do with orthodox socialism than it has with the idea of a common cultural background and shared values that help make the regime morally legitimate in the eyes of the discontent people. Both Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping’s rhetoric is strongly influenced by the Confucian cultural heritage.
  • Sironen, Elina (2018)
    This Master's Thesis approaches the EU-level discussion on posted workers through the theoretical framework based on Vivien A. Schmidt's Discursive Institutionalism, complemented by neo-Gramscian approach to policy studies. The aim of the thesis is to find out how the framings of posted workers have evolved over the period 1991-2018 and whether there is convergence between policy change concerning posted workers and the wider contextual changes at the EU-level. The methodological approach of this study is qualitative. The chosen method is based on policy frame analysis. As the period under consideration is rather long, the most significant events during the formation of the Directive were identified and the material was collected on the basis of this identification. Thus, the research material is comprised upon the key EU documentation related to the phenomenon of posting. Primary research material includes: Proposals for directives (3), the original directives (2), and other related EU-level documentation. Other relevant sources include preparatory documentation regarding the Revision of the Posting Directive and European Commission Work Programmes for the years 2016-2018. The most important finding revealed during the analysis was that the framing of the Posting Directive has shifted from a rather economic framing towards a more social framing during 1991–2018. In the 1990s, posted workers were primarily considered to be part of the free movement of services, whereas during the revision process, the prevalent framing has changed towards emphasizing the free movement of persons and the fundamental social rights of the European Union. However, even though the framings have evolved, the legislative basis of the Posting Directive has remained unchanged. The new social framing in the debate over posted workers is strongly linked to the development of the European Social Pillar, which has been formulated parallel to the Revision of the Posting of Workers Directive. In addition, many other EU-level social initiatives reinforce the reframing of posted workers through the social framework. Thus, the discussion reveals clear convergence between (re)framings of the policy and the wider EU-level ideational change towards a more social Europe. The societal contribution of this thesis lies in its contemporary topic that has been high on the EU agenda for several years but has, nevertheless, remained as a marginal topic for research. By familiarizing themselves with the findings of this thesis, policymakers and authorities could learn to better reflect upon how they frame policy issues and recognise how framing takes place at different levels during the decision-making process. Theoretically, this thesis contributes to the existing literature by focusing on the interaction between institutional change and policy change at ideational level.
  • Kaaronen, Roope Oskari (2016)
    This thesis consists of two parts. Part 2, the main part of this thesis, consists of a research article titled ‘Reframing Tacit Human–Nature Relations: An Inquiry into Process Philosophy and the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi’. Part 1, respectively, serves the role of a ‘Preface’ for the article in Part 2, consisting of introductory and commentary sections as well as proposals for further research. The research question of Part 2 follows: how can the theoretical frameworks set by process philosophy and the works of Michael Polanyi be implemented in the fields of environmental policy and philosophy, particularly in drawing a philosophical bridge between the two often bifurcated entities of ‘society’ and ‘environment’? The question relates to ongoing discussion regarding the relation of mental models (or belief systems) to environmental behaviour. Process philosophy, a metaphysical school of thought emphasizing the ontological and epistemological primacy of process (change, dynamics or flux) over substance (things), is shown to have the potential of being a more sustainable metaphysical basis for the interpretation of reality than predominant substance-biased mental models. Potential sustainability benefits of process philosophy can be found in its emphasis of fundamental interconnection between humans and nature, its emphasis of processes over products, its reification of change (such as climate change) and its accentuation of the reciprocal relation between individuals and socio-ecological systems. Moreover, process philosophy is shown to provide a coherent alternative for the divisive constructionist–realist debate, which has resulted in the so-called science wars and subsequent discrepancies between the social and natural sciences. The central arguments are reinforced with a variety of examples, most notably by allegorical use of the coastline paradox. The discussion on process philosophy is then supplemented with the epistemological framework of polymath Michael Polanyi. Polanyi’s theory of tacit knowledge suggests as its central notion that we know more than we can tell, and that all knowledge, intellectual knowledge included, is rooted in embodied functions. Polanyi’s theoretical framework is then presented to suggest the following question: if all intellectual knowledge is rooted in embodied knowledge, can these tacit frameworks be deliberately changed (nudged) in order to promote more sustainable behaviour? Particularly it is suggested that if both the public and experts tacitly carry embodied substance-biased belief systems, the reframing of these embodied metaphysical frameworks with process-philosophical alternatives could induce more sustainable dwelling. Finally, the theoretical frameworks of process philosophy and Michael Polanyi’s epistemology are shown to provide together an interesting prospect in the design of sustainable mental models and thus contribute to the design of both educational and political instruments. Part 1 serves the role of an introduction to the topics of Part 2, presenting also a commentary section to ease the interpretation of some of the more challenging themes covered in the research article. Moreover, a plan for subsequent research is proposed, extending the research framework to touch upon the fields of ecological psychology and theories of embodied cognition, as well as providing an outlook on potential empirical studies on the relations between mental models and environmental behaviour.
  • Frongia, Federica (2020)
    The European Union’s current economic growth goals cannot be achieved without addressing the demographic and labour shortage crises. Despite the prevalence of anti-migration narratives, the leading approach to address the demographic issue has been to encourage “managed” entries. The Blue Card Directive (BCD) was introduced to attract talent and harmonize policy to regulate high skilled non-EU immigration across the Union. The first rendition of the BCD was introduced in 2009, however it was not successful and was rarely utilized across Member States (MS). Therefore, it was repealed and recast in 2021 and it is scheduled to enter into force in all MS by November 2023. This thesis employs Bacchi’s “What’s the Problem represented to be?” methodology, a Foucauldian constructivist theory to explore the discursive assumptions shaping the Blue Card Directive and how they may help explain its failures and shortcomings. Bacchi’s discursive policy analysis seeks to uncover how dominant discourses shape the perception of migration in policymaking. This study finds that the European Union's migration policy framework prioritizes the validation of all hegemonic migration discourses with the intention of maintaining cooperation between Member States. However, this very priority directly contrasts the goals of the policy, and often results in the neglect of related challenges of inequality and marginalization deemed “controversial”. The recast of the Blue Card Directive falls short of being sufficiently ambitious and transformative. Instead, it is indicative of the tendency towards "failing forward" of the EU, characterized by lack of willingness to compromise and coherence among Member States. Finally, this thesis puts forth a proposal for reframing the issue, encouraging departure from existing discursive and systemic frameworks to address the socio-environmental “permacrisis” in the European Union.
  • Barbashina, Emma (2020)
    This study analyses the refugees’ activity during the integration period in Finland within the framework of acts of citizenship proposed by the British theorist Engin Isin. The purpose is to investigate what acts of citizenship refugees perform to constitute themselves as citizens and what factors prevent them from pursuing acts of citizenship as well as to examine the influence of moving to the Capital region on constituting refugees as citizens. The method of qualitative interview is used for this study. Thirteen interviews, including two paired ones, were conducted between June and October 2019. The interviewees were selected among the clients of the Immigrant Services of the city of Espoo on the criterion of moving to this city after living in another municipality outside the Capital Region of Finland. The results show that during their integration process, refugees are focused on performing the following acts that enable them to constitute themselves as citizens: Finnish language learning, job search, political activity and establishment of social relations. The analysis also shows that the lack of integration conditions outside the Finnish Capital Region and difficulties in obtaining available social services prevent refugees from constituting themselves as citizens during their integration. This research points to the differences in integration conditions in different regions of Finland and brings to the conclusion that although there are organizations providing guidance on access to the Finnish social security system, the understanding of Finnish bureaucracy among the refugee population remains a big challenge. The study also demonstrates that refugees are not passive, but rather put an effort to improve their situation, take the initiative, and thus change the common perception of a refugee.
  • Riihonen, Renja (2022)
    During the last five decades immigration into Finland has considerably increased and one group of these immigrants is refugees and asylum seekers. After the world wars Finland had remained a relatively closed off society, but throughout the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s Finland had taken part in international agreements and communities. In 1973 Finland received its first refugees under the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention. From then onwards number of people needing international protection has increased in Finland. Especially since 1990s Finland has experienced large numbers of asylum seekers coming to Finland. During this period, policy development has become increasingly important, but additionally managing and investigating Finnish attitudes towards the new minorities has become an important field of study and policy. Media has a significant role in shaping peoples’ perceptions. However, not only does it shape peoples’ ideas, but it also tries to mirror them to appeal to its target audiences. Media also functions as a platform for elites to get their points across. On the other hand, media has the power to give space to different voices and silence other. Therefore, understanding what types of messages people receive from Media is crucial to understanding Finnish attitudes. This study focuses on Finnis peoples’ attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers and how media perhaps affects and perpetuates them. The material of this study consists of newspapers articles gathered from four different time periods. The four periods under investigation are 1973, 1979, 1990 and 2015. During these years increasing number of refugees and asylum seekers were arriving to Finland. News articles from Eastern Finnish newspapers were gathered and their topics and actors were analysed. This thesis deploys critical discourse analysis as the method of analysis. Critical discourse analysis emphasises a multidisciplinary approach to discourse analysis and underlines the importance of historical context when considering societal phenomena. This study will dissect the topics and participants of the articles, and the findings are connected to previous studies into Finnish attitudes and to immigration and refugee policy developments. This thesis aims to answer to four questions. The first questions under consideration is “What type of discourses have been used in newspapers when discussing refugees/asylum seekers in 1970s, 1990s or in 2015?” and the second questions is “Have discourses about refugees/asylum seekers in newspapers changed between 1970s and 2015?” The data showed that in 1970s discussions around refugees were more focus on practical arrangements around their arrival and stay in Finland. In 1979 the health of refugees was a large topic of conversation, and this could be seen as racialization of this topic. In 1990 and 2015 the discussions around asylum seekers became more politicised and polarized. The last two questions are “Have discourses about refugees/asylum seekers in newspapers been racist (explicitly or implicitly) in 1970s, 1990s or in 2015?” and “What different political, social, and economic factors of the time could be connected to the attitudes displayed towards refugees/asylum seekers?”. As this study does not focus on linguistic components of the text the explicit nature of the text cannot be commented on. On the other hand, when investigate participant statuses, it was discovered that minorities are often passive actors in newspaper articles. Additionally, mostly majority members are quoted in the articles. This means that even though minorities appear in the media, they are often not given a voice. This finding mirror other research findings from different periods. Additionally, the politicised nature of discourses have taken over the discussions and refugees and asylum seekers are portrayed as a problem and a crisis in the 1990 and 2015 data. This mirrors the direction of policy development which has aimed to restrict the arrival of asylum seekers into Finland.
  • An, Ziwen (2022)
    This dissertation explores the relationship between regime types, credible commitment institutions and FDI, aiming to answer the puzzle—how do autocratic countries solve the commitment issues and attract a high level of FDI. To achieve this aim, the dissertation was designed to include two empirical chapters and two additional chapters for the introduction and the conclusion. The first empirical chapter examines the effect of regime types and property rights institutions on FDI. The empirical analysis presents a significant and surprising finding that the regime type is not what foreign firms necessarily care about, and what really matters to foreign investors are specific institutional features of the host country—in the present chapter, the effect of property rights institutions is tested. In other words, countries with sound institutions are not necessary democracies. Autocratic countries with well-established institutions to protect property rights and enforce contracts can also attract high level of FDI inflows. The second empirical chapter only focuses on autocratic countries. No longer view all autocratic countries as a single type opposing democratic countries as in the previous chapter; the great institutional differences among autocratic regimes will be witnessed and discussed. I argue that, besides the property rights institutions, some other institutional features—the power-sharing political institutions in some autocratic regimes, as well as the additional protections from international commitment institutions could help autocratic countries attract more FDI inflows. These effects can also complement property rights institutions and jointly affect FDI. Overall, the major contribution of this dissertation is that it verifies what matters for FDI inflows is not regime types but certain credible commitment institutions. The autocratic countries that can solve commitment issues by establishing strong credible commitment institutions can also attract a high level of FDI.
  • Tuovila, Petri (2018)
    This thesis analyses regional differences in alcohol consumption behavior in Finland with respect to real price changes during 1995-2015. Goal of this thesis is to study if differences between regions exist or not. Data for aggregate regional consumption consisting of both restaurant, and retail alcohol consumption and real price index of alcohol used in this thesis is from THL. The approach to analyze differences between regions is firstly, to examine short term changes by price elasticity of demand, and secondly, to analyze correlations, cointegration relations and OLS regression for the full period under the review, and compare the results of each method. The results of empirical analysis indicate that there are differences between regional behavior in alcohol consumption. The results also indicate that in many cases regions in the vicinity of each other have similar behavioral pattern. Further, in some regions such as Lapland and Central Finland, the OLS model for real price index and alcohol consumption has considerably better fit than in other regions.
  • Koverskoi, Katja (2024)
    Syftet med denna avhandling var att bilda en uppfattning om HBTQIA+- personers erfarenheter av mödrarådgivningen. Jag valde att fokusera föräldrar i regnbågsfamiljers upplevelser eftersom tidigare forskning om ämnet är begränsad men den forskning som finns visar att det fortfarande finns heteronormativa normer inom mödrarådgivningen. Det har skett förändringar bland annat familjeledighetreformen vars syfte är att bland annat att inkludera olika familjekonstellationer. En annan förändring som skett är att moderskapslagen som trädde i kraft den första april år 2019. Vilket gör det möjligt för bland annat kvinnliga par att fastställa att båda är förälder till barnet innan födseln, ifall de skaffat barnet tillsammans genom assisterad befruktning (Justitieministeriet, 2019). I avhandlingen tolkas resultaten med hjälp av queerteorin eftersom queerteoretisk ansats belyser bland annat hur normerna kring sexualitet och kön påverkar regnbågsfamiljers upplevelser av mödrarådgivningen. Resultaten i avhandlingen bekräftar tidigare forskning om regnbågsfamiljers upplevelser av mödrarådgivningen. Generellt sett är föräldrarna nöjda med vården, men resultaten tyder också på att mödrarådgivningens struktur fortfarande präglas av heteronormativa normer och antaganden. Detta syns bland annat i enkäterna som blivande föräldrarna ombeds fylla i.
  • Lavrinenko, Evgeniya (2017)
    This thesis touches upon the subject of family reunification, being highly problematised and politicised in the context of the EU member states. Demonisation of the matter, largely stems from the fact that reunification based on family ties is the main mode of entry onto the territory of the EU available for third country nationals. Intensified further in the context of the erupted European refugee crisis, family reunification is viewed by many EU member states as an area to create ever further restrictive regulations. The thesis explores how regulation over family reunification is currently being executed in the EU, and how nation states participate in its management. The work identifies that procedural sides of family reunification have further consequences for members of a reunited family, such as development of dependancy. Furthermore, the Finnish family migration legislation is being examined from the perspective of possible ‘window of opportunity’ for deepening restrictions, implied by the present political discourse within the country.
  • Silver, Laura (2021)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Human trafficking is a complex issue that has close connections to other large societal and global issues such as contemporary slavery, inequalities and migration. Trafficking can be seen as a part of a larger scale exploitation of labor and migrants. The risk of being re-trafficked after a trafficking experience is higher and well executed reintegration can reduce this risk. However, the research into the reintegration and rehabilitation of trafficked persons is underrepresented in the current academic literature. This thesis takes a closer look at the assisted return programs and reintegration and rehabilitation of trafficked persons in Indonesia to determine how well the programs respond to the needs of trafficked persons when they return home. The work provides insights into the experiences of integration and rehabilitation after trafficking and brings forth some of the experiences of trafficked persons. The causalities behind trafficking are explored through the concept of vulnerabilities to highlight how different systems produce vulnerabilities and increase the risks of being trafficked. These same vulnerabilities are faced upon return as well with additional vulnerabilities (f.e. health and psychological issues) imposed on trafficked persons by their experience. Vulnerabilities of a person are constructed in multiple dimensions. In this thesis the vulnerabilities are framed firstly through the concepts of labor migration, globalization and capitalism and secondly through concepts of oppression, exploitation and dehumanization to highlight the complexities surrounding vulnerabilities and consequently trafficking and reintegration. Through reviewing existing literature on reintegration of trafficked persons, an online interview with the employees of Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) and a questionnaire to previously trafficked persons on their needs, a framework for desirable reintegration was established. The framework was then used to analyze IOM Indonesia’s Handbook on Service Mechanisms for Witnesses and/or Victims of Trafficking in Persons in Indonesia to establish how well the programs in Indonesia answer the needs of trafficked persons. The results of the thesis highlight that the needs of trafficked persons upon return are multiple. People need to be presented with an opportunity to become self-sufficient economically and socially and their health needs (both physical and psychological) need to be met. Most common issues faced by the informants of this thesis were economic and psychological in nature, but other difficulties were common as well. The analysis of IOM Indonesia’s handbook provided a positive view of the reintegration and rehabilitation in Indonesia. The Handbook was comprehensive and all-encompassing. Furthermore, it encouraged to take each individual’s needs into consideration and adjust the programs to fit each person. All dimensions of reintegration are taken into account. The results of the questionnaire however indicated that the state response in prosecuting the perpetrators is not sufficient and many informants were left without a proper restitution and with a feeling of injustice. The programs provide great tools to combat different difficulties faced by trafficked persons and help to mitigate the risks and reduce vulnerabilities. However, there are larger societal and developmental complexities behind trafficking and vulnerabilities people face. Issues of poverty, oppression and inequality cannot be improved by the rehabilitation and reintegration programs. This would require larger shift in policy and the way we organize and think about our global world.
  • Suneli, Satu (2018)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan länsimaiden sisäsyntyistä islamistista terrorismia 2010-luvun puolivälissä. Aineistona on ranskalaisen Le Monden, brittiläisen The Daily Telegraphin ja suomalaisen Helsingin Sanomien kirjoittelu heinäkuussa Nizzassa ja joulukuussa Berliinissä vuonna 2016 tapahtuneista rekkaiskuista niitä seuranneiden neljän ensimmäisen vuorokauden ajalta. Molempien hyökkäysten tekijäksi osoittautui yksin toiminut nuori tunisialaismies, ja molemmissa tapauksissa yleiseurooppalainen julkinen keskustelu painottui vahvasti ISIS-terroristijärjestön lietsomaan jihadistiseen terrorismiin länsimaissa. Näistä syistä tutkimuksen aiheeksi valikoitui kyseisiä joukkomurhia koskenut kirjoittelu yllä mainittujen eurooppalaislehtien maksullisissa digitaalisissa painoksissa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin aineiston laadullista analyysia, jossa johtopäätökset ja laajemmat yleistykset tarkasteltavasta ilmiötä tehdään aineistosta esiin nousevien seikkojen pohjalta. Tutkimuskysymyksiä on kaksi: 1) Mihin aiempiin hyökkäyksiin Nizzan ja Berliinin rekkaiskut liitetään Le Mondessa, The Daily Telegraphissa ja Helsingin Sanomissa? 2) Mihin muihin ilmiöihin kuin väkivaltaiseen jihadismiin iskut aineistossa yhdistetään, ja onko eri lehtien välillä tässä näkemyseroja, jotka voisivat selittyä niiden erilaisilla poliittisilla painotuksilla tai kotimaan kontekstin vaikutuksella? Aiemman tutkimuksen osalta tärkeimmät tutkielmassa käytettävät teokset ja viranomaislähteet käsittelevät jihadistisen radikalisoitumisen taustatekijöitä, ISIS-terroristijärjestöä ja ’yksinäisiä susia’ omana erityisenä mutta myös vaikeasti määriteltävänä terroristiryhmänään. Lisäksi aineiston analyysissa hyödynnetään median ja terrorismin välistä yhteyttä koskevaa kirjallisuutta. Kaikessa aiemmassa tutkimuksessa korostuu internetin merkityksen nopea kasvu terroristisessa toiminnassa ja siihen johtavassa radikalisoitumisessa, mikä osaltaan selittääkin 2010-luvun puolivälistä lähtien yleistyneitä omatoimisten yksittäishyökkääjien tekemiä iskuja, jotka amatöörimäisyydestään huolimatta ovat monesti olleet hyvinkin tuhoisia. Analyysissa käydään ensin läpi Nizzan ja sen jälkeen Berliinin iskun nelipäiväinen kirjoittelu Le Monden, The Daily Telegraphin ja Helsingin Sanomien digilehdissä heinä- ja joulukuussa 2016. Aineisto sisältää yhteensä 287 lehtijuttua, 196 Nizzasta ja 91 Berliinistä, ja ne on saatu hakusanoilla ”Attentat de Nice”, ”Nice Terror Attack” ja ”Nizzan terrori-isku” sekä ”Attentat de Berlin”, ”Berlin Attack” ja ”Berliinin terrori-isku”. Aineistosta kaksi kolmasosaa koostuu Nizzan iskua käsittelevistä jutuista erityisesti Le Mondessa, mikä osoittaa terrorismiuutisoinnin painottuvan tapahtuneen välittömiin jälkitunnelmiin sitä varmemmin, mitä tuhoisammasta ja läheisemmästä iskusta on kyse. Aineiston rajauksessa käytetyt huolellisesti valitut hakusanayhdistelmät vihjaavat osaltaan siitä, että molemmat rekkaiskut liitettiin aineiston jutuissa osaksi Ranskassa ja muualla Euroopassa erityisesti 2010-luvulla lisääntyneitä jihadistisiksi kutsuttuja terrori-iskuja, joiden on yleisesti katsottu johtuneen ISIS-terroristijärjestön ideologiasta ja aktiivisesta internet-propagandasta. Molempien rekkaiskujen tekijät olivat yksin toimineita tunisialaismiehiä, mistä syystä kaikkialla aineistossa käytettiin useita kertoja ’yksinäisen suden’ käsitettä. Minkään kolmen lehden kirjoittelun perusteella lukijan ei kuitenkaan olisi ollut mahdollista tietää, täyttivätkö Nizzan ja Berliinin hyökkääjät todella ’yksinäisen suden’ tunnusmerkit. Aiemmasta tutkimuksesta saatujen tietojen perusteella tässä tutkielmassa yksinäisen suden tärkeimpinä määrittäjinä pidetään ainakin jonkinlaista henkilökohtaista vakaumusta, pitkäjänteisyyttä ja suunnitelmallisuutta, mitkä ”kriteerit” eivät välttämättä ole sopineet kaikkiin 2010-luvun yksittäishyökkääjiin, vaikka heitä siitä huolimatta on mediassa saatettu nimittää yksinäisiksi susiksi. Nizzan ja Berliinin rekkaiskujen lehtikirjoittelussa nostettiinkin vahvasti esiin molempien tekijöiden epävakaa yksityiselämä ja erityisesti heidän väitetyt mielenterveysongelmansa ja niihin kytkeytyvä syrjäytymiskehitys, jonka pohjalta lehdissä käsiteltiin Euroopan muslimiväestön puutteellista kotoutumista yleisemminkin. Berliinin iskun yhteydessä aineiston jutuissa käsiteltiin laajasti myös Lähi-idän kriisialueilta Eurooppaan vuonna 2015 käynnistynyttä laajamittaista turvapaikanhakijoiden saapumista, sillä erityisesti The Daily Telegraphissa uuden tilanteen nähtiin lisäävän turvattomuutta Euroopassa ja kiihdyttävän jihadistista radikalisoitumista, mistä turvapaikanhakijoita eniten vastaanottanut Saksa brittilehden mukaan toimi varoittavana esimerkkinä muulle maanosalle. Aineiston jutuissa siis käsiteltiin laajasti erityisesti Nizzan rekkaiskua, jonka kopiointiyrityksenä Berliinin joulutorihyökkäystä pidettiin. Vaikka kaikissa kolmessa lehdessä hyökkäykset liitettiin yleisesti osaksi Euroopassa 2010-luvun puolivälissä voimistunutta jihadistista radikalisoitumista ja sen tuottamia terroritekoja, ja erityisesti The Daily Telegraphissa oli nähtävissä avointa ja suoraa pohdintaa Euroopan muslimiväestön jonkinasteisesta syrjäytymisestä ympäröivistä yhteiskunnista, mikä kehitys brittilehden mukaan vain voimistuisi entisestään turvapaikanhakijakriisistä johtuvan maanosan muslimiväestön nopean kasvun vuoksi. Onkin syytä pohtia, olisiko brittilehden pitänyt käsitellä iskuja neutraalimmin vai kahden muun lehden päinvastoin suorasanaisemmin, ja mihin suuntaan jihadistista terrorismia koskeva uutisointi on menossa 2020-luvun lähestyessä. Tässä tutkielmassa päädytään sille kannalle, että valtamedian olisi suotavaa kertoa terroriteoista kaikki faktatiedot ja oikoa mahdolliset vaihtoehtomedioiden virheet, ja että kirjoittelussa olisi varottava tekijöiden korostamista ja jopa jonkinlaista idolisointia, sillä tällainen painotus saattaa jo itsessään toimia kimmokkeena mediahuomiosta haaveileville potentiaalisille jihadisteille.
  • Kankainen, Sanna (2019)
    Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att närmare granska hur personer med icke-typiska finländska drag respresenteras i finländska reklamer. Tidigare studier tyder på att etniska minoriteter oftast representeras stereotypiskt gentemot sin kultur eller som exotiska, animalistiska eller barnsliga. En annan typisk representation är att framställa etniska minoriteter som utlänningar, turister eller främlingar i ”vårt” land. Reklamer har en stor makt i vårt samhälle och hur olika etniciteter framställs och representeras i reklamer påverkar samhällets uppfattning om dem. I den här avhandlingen tar jag avstamp i tidigare studier och teorier om representation, identitet och kultur och granskar närmare hur etniska minoriteter syns och framställs i finländska reklamer idag. I studien valdes fem finländska företag ut vars reklamer granskades under en tre månaders period. Reklamerna analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Alla reklamer som innehöll en eller flera personer med icke-typiska finländska drag analyserades närmare utgående från ett kodningsschema. Företagen vars reklamer granskades är Fazer, Finnair, Elisa, Lumene och Marimekko. Reklamerna valdes ut från respektive företags Youtube-sidor. Under den tre månader långa perioden bestod 16 reklamer av totalt 80 stycken av en eller flera personer med icke-typiska finländska drag. I materialet som granskades syntes tre olika teman vad gäller framställning av personer med icke-typiska finländska drag. Dessa teman var: jämlik representation, lika men ändå olika och turisten eller den andra. Dessa teman är relativt långt i likhet med vad tidigare studier tyder på. Det fanns flera exempel på reklamer där personer med icke-typiska finländska drag till synes framställdes lika som finländare, men vid närmare granskning upptäcktes subtila stereotypiska tecken. Ännu i denna dag är det vanligt att framställningen av etniska minoriteter är i rollen som utlänning eller turist. Det finländska samhället är idag mer mångkulturellt vilket delvis även syntes i materialet som granskades. Det fanns exempel där personer med icke-typiska finländska drag framställdes som inkluderade i det finländska samhället utan att framhäva dem som exotiska eller annorlunda. Men fortfarande finns det flera exempel där personer med icke-typiska finländska drag framställs som turister eller utlänningar och på så sätt skapar en ”vi” och ”dem” framställning. Jämfört med tidigare studier verkar finländska reklamer gå mot en mer jämlik framställning vad gäller representation av etniska minoriteter i reklamer, men fortsättningsvis syns subtila stereotypiska tecken i reklamerna vilket bidrar till att de ännu inte fullt reflekterar det samhälle vi lever i.
  • Storrank, Malena (2022)
    I denna studie har mindre tvåspråkiga kommuners tillgång av socialarbetare studerats, samt hur kommunerna arbetar för att rekrytera och bibehålla personal. Studien görs i en tid var flera uppger en brist på socialarbetare och detta rapporteras om av både kommuner och i medier. Samtidigt råder det olika åsikter gällande socialarbetarbristen med uppgifter om fler legitimerade socialarbetare än antalet socialarbetartjänster. Forskningsfrågorna för studien är tre till antal och besvarar hur kommunerna rekryterar, hur kommunerna arbetar för att bibehålla personal, samt hur kommunerna ser på bristen av socialarbetare och vad deras roll i detta är. Genom att besvara frågorna ges både en aktuell bild av situationen i mindre tvåspråkiga kommuner samt spekulationer om framtiden, vad kommuner önskar att gjordes och vad de själva är beredda att göra. Syftet med studien är att lyfta fram arbetsgivarsidan och därmed få en mera nyanserad bild av den upplevda socialarbetarbristen i Finland. För studien skapades en egen teoretisk referensram inkluderande olika typer av faktorer som kan tänkas påverka rekrytering och bibehållande av socialarbetare. En orsak till rådande förhållanden antas bero på strukturella omständigheter utanför den kommunala organisationens påverkningsmöjligheter. Faktorer på den (kommunala) organisationsnivån antas vara centrala, då de fokuserar på kommunen som arbetsgivare, medan orsaker på individnivå hänvisar till enskilda socialarbetares personliga önskemål och prioriteringar när det gäller deras arbete. Materialet för avhandlingen samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem representanter för mindre tvåspråkiga kommuner. Fokuset på mindre tvåspråkiga kommuner valdes eftersom de kan antas ha en speciell situation vad gäller rekrytering som ett resultat av deras geografiska lägen och språkkraven. Respondenterna hade olika yrkestitlar beroende på kommun men de var alla bekanta med personalpolitiken i kommunerna och kunde uttala sig utgående från kommunernas arbetsgivarsynvinkel. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av teoristyrd innehållsanalys, vilket innebar att de uppställda frågeställningarna besvarades med beaktande av den på förhand uppgjorda teoretiska referensramen. Avhandlingen visar att kommunerna ifråga upplevde en brist på socialarbetare samt att respondenterna främst förklarade denna brist med att hänvisa till strukturella orsaker. Samtidigt som kommunerna tillämpade flera traditionella rekryteringsstrategier hade de ofta sett sig tvungna att också använda sig av alternativa, mindre formella strategier då de traditionella inte gav tillräckliga resultat. Vidtagna bibehållandeåtgärder var generellt sett lika i kommunerna och de beskrevs som välfungerande. Då socialarbetare bytte arbete förklarades detta främst med hänvisning till individuella orsaker, inte med den kommunala organisationen. Ansvaret för att förbättra arbetsförhållanden och medverka till en statushöjning för socialt arbete tillskrevs främst högre nivåer än den kommunala nivån som respondenterna befann sig på. Resultatet tyder på potentiella utmaningar inom de kommunala organisationerna när det gäller planeringen av åtgärder kring rekrytering och bibehållande.
  • Kangasniemi, Sini (2014)
    Rekrytointi on osa organisaation henkilöstötoimintoja ja se viittaa kaikkiin niihin toimenpiteisiin, joiden avulla organisaatio hankkivat työvoimaa palvelukseensa. Perinteisesti rekrytointiprosessissa toimijoina ovat olleet työtä tarjoavat yritykset sekä työtä hakevat yksilöt. Näiden kahden toimijan rinnalle on viime vuosina syntynyt yrityksiä, jotka tarjoajat palveluitaan rekrytointiprosessin tueksi. Ulkoistamisen lisääntymisen taustalle on organisaatioiden toimintaympäristössä tapahtuneet muutokset ja kiristynyt kansainvälinen ja kotimainen kilpailu. Tämä pro gradu -tutkimus käsittelee rekrytointiprosessin ja sen osien ulkoistamisen vaikutusta organisaatioon ja rekrytointien onnistumiseen. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu taloudellisesta, resurssiperusteisista sekä strategisista näkökulmista ulkoistamiseen. Näiden lisäksi tarkastellaan ulkoistamisesta organisaatiolle aiheutuvia riskejä sekä palveluntarjoajan merkitystä ulkoistamisen onnistumisen kannalta. Tutkimuksen empiirisen osuuden muodostavat asiantuntijahaastattelut, jotka on tehty teemahaastatteluina. Haastatteluun osallistuneet asiantuntijat vastaavat omassa organisaatiossaan rekrytointiprosessista ja sen ulkoistamiseen liittyvistä kysymyksistä ja kaikissa tutkimukseni kohdeorganisaatiossa rekrytointiprosessia on ulkoistettu osittain ulkoiselle palveluntarjoajalle. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytän aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä ja tarkempana menetelmänä teemoittelua. Kaikkien tutkimukseni kohdeorganisaatioiden rekrytoinneissa esimiehen rooli on merkittävä rekrytointiprosessin onnistumisen kannalta. Pääsyyt rekrytointiprosessin ulkoistamiselle on tarve keskittyä prosessin kehittämiseen ja koordinointiin sekä resurssien ja tietyn osa-alueen ammattiosaamisen puute. Rekrytointiprosessin rutiinitoimintojen ulkoistaminen koettiin turvalliseksi ja sillä nähtiin olevan positiivinen vaikutus myös kustannuksiin. Henkilöstötoiminnot ovat harvoin organisaation ydinosaamista, mutta henkilöstösuunnittelun, kehittämisen sekä valintojen tekemisen koettiin olevan tutkimukseni kohdeyrityksissä rekrytointiprosessin ydintoimintoja joita ei ole mahdollista ulkoistaa. Suurimmat hyödyt tutkimukseni perusteella saadaan strategisen ulkoistamisen avulla, jossa keskeisimpiä ovat ammattiosaamisen ja joustavuuden lisääntyminen sekä resursoinnin paraneminen. Toimeksiantoihin perustuva yhteistyö tekee rekrytointiprosessin ulkoistamisesta suhteellisen riskitöntä ja kannattavaa. Rekrytointiprosessin ulkoistamisella nähtiin olevan taloudellisia hyötyjä vaikka kustannussäästöt eivät olleetkaan pääsyynä ulkoistamiselle. Rekrytointiprosessin kohdalla ulkoistamisen voidaankin sanoa muuttuneen yhä strategialähtöisemmäksi toiminnaksi taloudellisten painotusten sijaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että palveluntarjoajan valinta on keskeisessä roolissa rekrytointiprosessin ulkoistamisen onnistumisen kannalta ja parhaaseen lopputulokseen rekrytoinnissa päästään yhteistyössä ulkoisen palveluntarjoajan kanssa.
  • Hämäläinen, Vilma (2024)
    This thesis investigates how a relational approach could advance degrowth, an academic discourse and movement seeking to organize economic provisioning in ways that respect the biophysical limits and well-being of all life. The study responds to calls for the degrowth discourse to explicate its underlying philosophical assumptions, which are an integral part of any research paradigm, but especially theorizing making normative claims in support of social change. The study is conducted as a theoretical review and conceptual analysis of degrowth literature. The argument for the relational approach is built by mapping the gaps in degrowth’s current theoretical framework and positioning degrowth in the global pluriverse of alternatives. This teases out the necessity for any underlying assumptions to properly decenter growth. With a focus on ontology and axiology, the thesis then pieces together dispersed studies on relationality by degrowth scholars, in particular the works of Barbara Muraca, Pasi Heikkurinen, and Timothée Parrique. The thesis identifies six foundational premises of relational degrowth theorizing. Concerning ontology, these encompass (1) the constitutive nature of relations, (2) experience as universal affective opening, and (3) technology as a transformative mode of being. As for axiology, the premises comprise (4) autonomy, (5) sufficiency, and (6) care. The study claims that these foundational premises add to the coherence of degrowth theory and could be used to further develop a relational foundation for the degrowth discourse both in terms of scholarship and other praxis. The study hereby contributes to the nascent research area of degrowth’s philosophy of science, strengthening the discourse’s theoretical standing and transdisciplinary potential.